The War In The Webway EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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get out guys and gal the custodian God are universally recognized as the greatest fighting force in the Galaxy especially now that all GW writers seem to be on the same page about what a custodi actually is one single custodian can turn the tide of an entire War Massacre Elite space RS like their children and it really wouldn't take that many of them to kill a Primark they win so hard and often that anytime the Imperium has informed the de sizable custodian forces on route to a war zone They will automatically declare it a victory for the Imperium before the cust have even entered the fry that might sound like propaganda but since the custodies always win it's actually just efficient so it might surprise you to know that the first time the custodian guard fought as an entire unified Army supported by Titans and huge amounts of mechanic and forces they got absolutely destroyed with 90% of them dying for absolutely no gain the war in the webway was the custodian God's Darkest Hour the greatest waste of life and power all because Magnus did something very very wrong before we get started I've had a load of messages and emails regarding the latest merch drop and how Friday is payday and how few of you are holding off and I hear you so we're doing a 24-hour major kill merch restock meaning anyone who missed out has one final chance to get in on it this is our biggest most successful merch drop to date so I want to say a massive thank you for supporting the drop features four handdrawn designs including the Loyalty t-shirt in forest green the reject you t-shirt and Royal Purple and the ashamed t-shirt in Black all of these designs also come as black singlets with the design on the back so people have something dope to look at while they're following you around the drop also features the signature hoodie with a minimalist symbol for each design for this drop embroidered on the sleeve the magical signature is also embroidered on the breast because embroidery slaps there was a bathrobe however we weren't able to restock this one as the turnaround time for it was just too big for production this will be the last chance for this drop as before the designs never come back link is below today we'll go over the war in the webway and how the most powerful Army in the Galaxy got absolutely smashed or also shout out to Alex Christy for the incredible thumbnail artwork for this video featuring Ry and dimian fighting in the webway full reses version will be for free on my patreon let's get into it I need to provide some contact here since the emperor's webway project was a bit confusing while I did make a full video about it specifically I don't expect everyone to have seen it with the war in the webway as well as the webway project itself being separate things although obviously very connected basically the emperor had been searching for a way to Perman ly kick house in the balls he knew that the Galaxy was in a cycle of Peace Darkness destruction silence and then peace again and so on a lot of this was Chaos's fault with Humanity now being Chaos's fuel hence if he could access the Elder webway and convert sections of it for human use he could remove Mankind's Reliance on the warp and warp travel meaning there would be a greater separation between real space and the warp whilst the emperor could also Place Humanity's rapidly growing psychic population in the webway to be protected from chaos where they could be trained safely there's more to it than that but basically it was a genuine chance to defeat chaos the emperor saw it is so important that he literally left the great Crusade and allowed half of his son's resentment to Fester until it resulted in the Horus heresy outright Rebellion the emperor genuinely saw the Horus heresy as a side quest compared to the main importance of the webway so when Magnus breached the webway in order to warn the emperor about horus's betrayal it was pretty terrible a gaping hole into the warp had opened with demons literally being able to cross over and manifest within the webway without issue to combat this the emperor deployed almost the entire might of the adeptus custodies systems of silence and a massive Army of mechanicum forces to try defeat the chaotic hordes push them back to the breach and then close the breach saving the webway it was a massive long shot especially since the emperor refused to allow any Space Marines to enter the webway to help defend it so it was basically around 10,000 custodian guard a couple thousand sisters of silence and a few dozen thousand scari and other mechanicum assets against the literal endless sword of demons like literally millions that would later get backed up by thousands of Traitor estaris as well as traiter Titans a pretty tall order even for the custodian guard here's how the war went initially it went pretty well the chaotic forces were more of a rebel than a full-on Invasion Army as they were just happy to be there the for might of the custodes sisters and mechanic met them head on smashing through tides of demons the emperor also sat on the Golden Throne and directed almost his entire focus and energy on stabilizing the webway project preventing it from crumbling entirely or allowing the breach to get bigger basically the system was that the custodians and sisters would push forward enl lightning attacks on the demons when the mechanicum and Imperial workers behind them rebuilding the parts of the webway with the goal of slowly but surely pushing their way to the breid stabilizing it along the way at which point the emperor would then sacrifice 1,000 Pyers to leave the throne for a few hours and close the breach himself saving the project it was genuinely working at First Progress was being made which answers the question that many people have of why didn't the emperor just cop the L and seal the webway gate saving the lives of his custodies sisters of silence and massive contingent and mechanicum and it's because his plan of retaking the webway was actually working and the webway was everything worth so much more than the Horus heresy his reason for continuing to fight for it even after the situation became hopeless would change but we will get to that in a bit as the war raged on and boy did it rage for five whole years the issue became apparent even as meter by Bloody meter of ground was G the demons had an endless supply of Warriors whilst the Imperials were very very limited with 5 years of fighting the custodes could only afford to lose four Warriors per day max a pretty rough ratio since in turn they would have to kill thousands of demons a day this was okay initially as it was just lesser demons running around who were in the right place at the right time when the webway was breached but as chaos turned its attention to the webway greater demons began materializing followed up by thousands of Trader Marines suddenly chaos had tactic commanders and genuine power it also adapted to the custodes lightning attacks ambushing two out of the three custodia tribunes and killing them leaving Ry and Demian as the sole commander of the Imperial forces then finally the Imperials began getting pushed back the me as they had claimed with the Priceless blood of the 10,000 were lost very quickly the leader of the mechanic forces was also killed and a new demon had entered the battle dran the Ender of Empires and a demon with the power to kill the emperor himself dran was able to Massacre dozens of custodies in single engagements the Imperial forces withdrew to their strong point an abandoned Elder City called The Impossible City you may be wondering at this point with over half the custodians dead and all progress wiped away why did the emperor not just recall these forces well the biggie is a big fan of contingencies one of which was on his way to him via the webway Vulcan who possessed the knowledge to create the ultimate ukos device the Talisman of seven hammers this device would be linked to The Golden Throne and if the throne was to fail aka the emperor was to die then the device would trigger creating a fuckof huge death Vortex warp explosion that would completely wipe out Terror and local space meaning that a true chaos Victory would become impossible as all trade Allegiance and their primar present at The Siege would instantly die hence the emperor began holding the webway not in hopes of saving his project but giving Vulcan enough time to reach him to Aid in the defense of the impossible City a custodian named Dian who was known for having a pretty good sense of humor traveled around Terror finding reinforcements whilst raah held on to the city for as long as he could daian was able to find and recruit an imprisoned Imperial nighthouse who were suspected of treason but were actually loyal as well as petitioning the fabricator General to make him another mechanicum Army as well as the equivalent of a mechanic and primarch called the aramite he also brought along Aran land and a crippled blood Angel who would be surprisingly useful in the war to come as daian returned with his reinforcements The Impossible city was breached ra fought like a demon killing each and every enemy within three strikes regardless if they were demonic or trade a legionaire in truth he could actually kill them in one however by allowing the fight to go to three strikes he'll be able to absorb everything he needed to know about their fighting Stylin strength taking that knowledge into future battles the arrival of daian and the reinforcements gave the custodians enough breathing room for R to finally issued the order to retreat with the consent of the emperor you got to remember that the emperor loves his custodies he said he would literally sacrifice a million human lives to save a single custodian so for him to watch them die in droves in a near pointless war was really hard thus he was almost relieved when he could finally allow them to retreat The Retreat itself was an act of sheer heroism Imperial Titans taking out two or three Traer Titans before they themselves went down single custodians holding the line allowing their brothers to escape at this point Rah and his custodians have been fighting non-stop no food or water or sleep for days now one of the custodians had literally half his head torn off losing a big chunk of his brain in the process but kept fighting and was even amongst the living custodians who began retreating however this is where the retreat went wrong see the mechanic was extremely desperate to get back to Mars and retake it from the traitors there was a webway gate near The Impossible City that led to Mars hence instead of helping with the retreat the archimandrite directed her Army to push towards the gate this ended in disaster as those mechanicum forces were ambushed and slaughtered by demons with one force even accidentally going through the wrong gate that led directly to the warp killing them all instantly as the archimandrite realized her mistake dran reached her and possessed her becoming a souped up Mega Mecha demon whoopsies the emperor was fuming however the sisters of Silence finally returned with 1,000 psycho prisoners in tow they hooked him up to The Golden Throne which allowed the emperor to stand up as he instantly began sprinting into the webway to save his custodies Rah and his final survivors prepared to make their final stand they were close to the webway gate that leads back to Terror but they weren't close enough custodes sisters of Silence Knights they stood ready as the demons charged they hold the line until draan arrives a knight charges dran and is crushed Sagitarius the legendary first custodian dreadn is also severely damaged however the crippled blood Angel goes Sigma mode and jet packs onto the archimandrite dropping a bunch of grenades and blowing it up however that was just the shell the true demon comes forth and there is nothing Rah and his men can do to stop it they are all going to die but then in a sunless realm the sun rises the emperor arrives his mere Radiance banishing thousands of demons as their very essence explodes from the mere Act of gazing upon him the empress summons a tidal wave of Holy Fire before then summoning the Blazing Spirit of Ferris Manis and the Betrayed dead of isvan to charge forward demons are slaughtered in the thousands every second as the bigie charges draan to Raz horor drain impales the bigie and lifts him up however this was just as planned the Big E grabs draan and in turn turns him into a sword a sword that he then stabs into Rah the emperor has one final task for his chosen custodian runah and Rah ran he ran to get this demon as far away from the Emperor as possible for every day Rah ran would be a day that his Le Lord would live to help him on his way the emperor fired a final KEH Hami high of fire that killed the rest of the demon Army and allowed Rah free passage to run deeper into the webway with this Final Act the emperor withdraws the remaining forces back to Terror his servants stare at the webway gate and are shouting to him to ask if they can close it the emperor looks at it for a long moment hoping against hope that Vulcan would appear then he orders it to be shut down not only did his Gambit to reclaim the webway fail but he was also unable to hold it long enough for Vulcan to arrive the sad part is that Vulcan was mere minutes away with the Primark of the salamanders literally watching the Imperial forces withdraw and the webway gate shut when Dian ask the emperor what they must do next the emperor says the most chilling thing he could I don't know no thus the war in the webway ended 90% of the custodes dead most of the sisters dead dozens of loyal Titans destroyed and the emperor basically removed from the heresy as he now had to sit upon the Golden Throne to keep the webway gate sealed so demons couldn't overrun Terror however as a ratio millions of demons were banished thousands of trador estaris were massacred and many Trader Titans also fell dnan was also stopped the craziest part about this war is that no one actually really knew about it none of the loyalists were clued in as they were fighting the traders in real space Cas fortunately Vulcan would find another way to reach the emperor and the Talisman of seven hammers would be built but overall just a massive L 10,000 custodes could have made a massive difference during the heresy especially during the siege of Terror if anything though this just makes me love custodies more if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the major kill Merch this is the final 24-hour restock guys and gal last chance hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more golden content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 178,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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