Every Single Tier of Psyker EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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get a guys and gal just like most things in life there are levels a low dose of ostrin is not the same level of enhancement as a mega dose of Tren punching someone in the shoulder is not the same level of assault as a double fly kick to the face being able to magically tell when someone is feeling sad is not the same level of psychic power as being able to turn a planet inside out cuz you accidentally shed dur an especially powerful sneeze the point is there are numerous teers of psychers from people that don't even know they're a wizard to people who are literally gods and Orit all of whom have their own share of advantages and disadvantages after all the more powerful the pyer the more demons want to puppet their flesh and devour their souls before we get started my personal trick to being healthy is by figuring out ways I can put in the absolute minimum amount of effort for the absolute maximum amount of results and nothing helps me achieve this more than today's sponsor ag1 like a fair amount of sponsors on this channel I was actually a customer of ag1 before they reached out that is because it is quite literally the most comprehensive maxed out and surprisingly yummy supplement I I've ever had it basically has all the vitamins and minerals you need to maximize your nutrition some standouts to me include the zinc magnesium and ashwaganda all of these ingredients have been proven to support testosterone levels I mean I literally get my blood work done every year and my testosterone was as low as 250 in 2021 with my most recent tents now up to 480 almost double obviously that's not entirely a1's doing but I wasn't taking it in 2021 and I've been taking it regularly in 2023 sure you could argue that a completely whole food diet where you a massive variety of fruits vegetables and random roots and Bucks every day would be better than a powder but as I said maximum health minimum effort I personally find my focus energy and sleep is better on ag1 which allows me to be a lot more productive so to get started use my link below which will get you an additional year supply of vitamin D3 K2 as well as five travel packs for free when you pick up any of the ag1 bundles here's the ag1 for sponsoring this video today we'll go over each tier of Psych in warmer 40K as well as provide examples of who fits into what tier the tier system was designed by the Imperium for human psychers however we can try and slot in what tier the elder or orx would also fit into let's get into it every person is rated on the psychic scale by a system called the assignment even non psychers as they are considered to be row or Pi I mean [ __ ] the scale actually goes below normal with the sigma and Tow class being considered to be so devoid of psychic potential that they are often oblivious to it and have a degree of immunity from it going even deeper beneath that is the Upsilon tier which are people who are kind of like half blanks with various degrees of immunity to the warp before then we descend to the Omega class blanks like sisters of Silence there's actually a level beneath Omega saved for [ __ ] like high tier cxus assassins or the best of the sisters of Silence these anti-yo teers are called the negative psionic levels before we now get into the actually positive psionic tears how do they test for it do they draw blood did they stick a finger up the ass then sniff it although psychic Talent can be detected through biology it's more based on what is actually seen or said a dude shooting lightning out of his dick hole and then getting railed by a demon probably a gamma or beta class someone who wins 80% of coin flips on the other hand is closer to Omicron now not to confuse everyone there are a shitload of psycho teers with many of them being grouped into a similar level for example whilst omicon represents latent psychic ability that will often go un notice for a person's entire lifetime Z new muo Lambda and Kaa CL all exist and are pretty similar in terms of power Omicron may be more lucky than a normal person whilst the kapper may be able to sense people's feelings in detail as a basic sort of mind reading or they might be able to create a spark by flicking their fingers so to keep it simple I'll be grouping all these like subclasses and sub tiers into the one class and tier although I will mention the names of the other ones in case you ever encounter in the law and want something to reference it to so without further [ __ ] around the first tier is the one I literally just talked about represented by omy Pyers of this level will usually go their entire life without knowing that they are actually special only really finding out if they're detected by another psycha and then trained or if they are put into a super high stressful situation which then causes lowlevel psycher powers to materialize this level of PSA are never really hunted by the sisters of silence or Black Ships as they pose no real threat to the Imperium and are super hard to detect although they can become sanctioned psychas it's a bit of a copout as they can do fuckle to begin with however in saying that they often make great inquisitorial C candidates due to enhanced senses intuition and a greater capacity for willpower and mental fortitude the next the is where the term psycha actually becomes relevant that being the Iota class however the Theta and eer are also on this level of tier these are considered to be true psychers who can with a bit of elbow grease manifest psychic powers maybe no chain lightning out of the dick hole or being able to shot so hard that you can double jump but still quite solid the Imperium is actually a fan of the Iota class as they are often very stable and easy to train and control they they also aren't too difficult to take out if they go Rogue often there' been no need for a blank or sister of silence as if you just shoot them from two angles the likelihood of them being able to double kind Shield is pretty low after that we now have the Zeta tier which ranges from Zeta to Epsilon I would class this tier as the moderate psycha they have a natural Affinity with their abilities often able to tap into them prior to being found or trained and their abilities can really [ __ ] you up it's not enough for them to go crazy or become a demonic Fleshlight but in fits of anger they can hurt and kill those around them often leading to them being outcasted and becoming dangerous Exiles and Rogues that become Twisted not through the warp but because of the card's life has dealt them in these situations a blank would ideally be called in to help come kill the Rogue psycha as this is the level where they can spam fireballs and [ __ ] an example of Zeta to Epsilon class PSA would be patient kiss a telkine who was very adapt in telekinesis she would use her abilities to either create kind Shields or levitate various extremely sharp blades and then attack you with them through training she's become a very powerful and very deadly inquisitorial agent although she was able to use her abilities prior to being found in his early career Inquisitor eisenhorn was also class as a zet or Epsilon psycha perhaps even a tear below at eer due to his powerful mental psychic abilities but lack of ability to manifest them as stuff like fire or lightning at least not until later in his life where he became overpowered as [ __ ] next up we have the Delta tier which ranges from Delta to gamma this is the final tier where the Imperium believes you can be a stable psycho and an asset to the emperor and higher than this and you have a high chance of mental instability and demons would be crowding around your soul like a bunch of teenagers around Sky Bri even at this level you still have a lot of risks and need to be found early to have a genuine chance of becoming a fully stable servant of the emperor a lot of primaris battle psychers are around the Delta to gamma class and use their gifts to massive effect on the battlefield creating large Shields throwing tanks around and the like this is also the tier when you can officially start shooting lightning out of your dick hole so congratulations on that one the legendary Inquisitor Gideon ravenor was considered to be a Delta to gamma class psycher however when he was severely burnt and placed into a life support hover chair that had psychic amplifiers on it his power increased to become beta or Alpha with someone even once referencing him as Alpha Plus in the law I disagree with that rating but Gideon has done some pretty dope [ __ ] with his mind including firing a psychic turbo laser possessing his allies from kilometers away and turning them into super soldiers while he does so and resisting the psychic attack of multiple chaos space rain Sorcerers at once but I'm getting ahead of myself Eisen horn was also considered to be a delta or gamma class psycho when he forged his heretical staff thus allowing him to really start manifesting devastating Powers even once perit killing a demon due to a power overload something that is incredibly hard to do orc weird boys can also be considered to be around this level although as I said the scale was only designed for humans now we get to the spicy naughty tiers first up with the beta tier which ranges from beta to Alpha this level of Psy is extremely rare after all the previous tier of Delta to gamma only happen for one in a billion births so imagine how rare this one would be as a general rule of thumb the human body is not suitable to be an alpha te pyer even beta tier is too high for most people but Alpha is really rough even if found early in trained more often than not this level of Psy will either accidentally kill themselves or go insane from the pressure of the warp on their brain however not everyone can't handle being an alpha some psychers of this level have the willpower to maintain their sanity and can end up doing pretty great things for the Imperium if you know this is of Silence don't slice their balls off and feed them to the emperor first beta is about as high as Eisen horn is right now especially after he recently managed to kill a [ __ ] C dreadnut with a sword whilst ravenol could be considered to be Alpha at most these are two very exceptional men who had to level up to reach this tier so as you can imagine the challenge of some kid who was born like this at the alpha level a PSA could cause Calamity massive earthquakes firestorms Mass psychosis you name it they are also a yummy treat for demons who will attempt to use them as living War portals in which they could invade a world from in terms of the Elder fers and warlocks they would be around this tier as their biology is significantly more suitable towards being a psycher after that now we have the alpha plus tier a leap and bound more powerful than even the alpha tier these Pyers are [ __ ] and in almost every case crazy as hell fortunately most of them manag to kill themselves due to how raar and over the top their power is but if they're able to survive long enough for cows to find them it can be pretty problematic since Alpha plus Pyers blow up Titans with a thought cause the death of entire worlds and summon Legions of demons without effort whenever an alpha plus cyer is identified Elite kill teams of sisters of Silence supported by significant inquisitorial elements are sent to go kill them if possible they will capture them as being able to study an alpha plus psycle would be nuts but most of the time that's impossible if you wonder why the law rarely ever features Alpha plus psychers it's because a they are rare as hell B if they do get born they often die very quickly due to their own power consuming him and C see even if they do survive they are super hard to train hence most of their power is locked away as they don't have the mental discipline to access it the very very very rare times there's an alpha plus psycho that's trained and can access all their power is when very problematic [ __ ] happens this may surprise you but the psychop power T lists actually go higher than this after all the emperor exists and he would squash an alpha plus psycho with a thought however the T system gets a bit confusing after Alpha plus it starts to go back down the list but gets more powerful and a beta plus pyer is stronger than an alpha plus while a gamma plus pyer is stronger than a beta plus and so on there is pretty much no reference in the law to confirmed beta plus Pyers and stronger other than people like malador who may have just been a trained Alpha plus with the added benefit of being a Perpetual or the Emperor who is the [ __ ] Emperor however it does state that a gamma plus is the highest tier ever registered maybe that being because of the emperor psychers like araman Magnus the red and miston would easily be above Alpha Plus probably around the beta Plus or gamma Plus for Magnus technically the scale goes even higher with Delta plus Epsilon plus and so on all the way to aega plus which is so retardedly powerful it's not even fathomable like I don't even think the old ones were that powerful it's theorized that Zeta plus is the highest level of a psyo that can physically exist within living tissue but at that level you'd be a vegetable that would probably just explode after being born if You Were Somehow to able to live and control your powers I'd expect you'd be able to pluck stars from the sky and thr them across the Galaxy so that's the tier list but I want to quickly brush up on Librarians and where they fit as they all seem to be very powerful easily Delta and above but is that because the legions only choose that level or does becoming a Space Marine enhance aa's power well often a PSA has to limit their own power lest they self- imilate or get railed by demons however a space Marine's body can withstand significantly more pressure with their mind being significantly more shielded from possession in the warp so a Zeta TSA who could push themselves to Delta but would probably die the attempt would suddenly be able to comfortably be a Delta if they became a space Mar due to their minds and body's new found ability to withstand more pressure if that makes sense so yes becoming a Space Marine will enhance a Psy's power and potential if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then subscribe it's free easy and tickles my pickle join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 179,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 3BsXnvwTuoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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