The 5 Best Host Guns for a Silencer (ft. Silencer Shop and Surefire)

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[Music] hey guys james with tfb tv i am at silencer mecca aka surefire in california i'm with two experts in the subject of silencers suppressors by the way guys let's when we kick this off real quick let's go ahead and head off some comments that we're gonna get which one is it silencer or suppressor and introduce yourselves tyler sure i am tyler from silencer shop um and as far as your question goes uh let me let barry introduce himself first yeah i'm barry duke um with surefire i'm the vice president of suppressors and weapons here i call them suppressors i call them uh whatever i feel like calling them that day yeah right yep i know that's and we get but you call it a silencer you got somebody in the comments saying it's a suppressor you've got uh you call it a suppressor people say oh you're maxim called it a silencer so it's a silencer whatever you feel like at the time is fine yeah the atf and the paperwork we fill out calls them silencers so hence the name of our shop and that's what we're talking about today we are talking about the top five guns to silence or suppress or whatever the hell you want to call it we're in barry's vault what do you call this your vault your mandate this is one of our vaults church it's it's place for meditation yeah sure oh my god i feel so peaceful in here i feel so relaxed i asked you before we got the camera rolling and i put you on the spot so i really appreciate you doing this to come up with the five best guns to suppress let's go ahead and roll right into number five what is it so sig rattler uh prefer the surefire suppressor on it but excellent little gun uh you know compact uh works well um 300 blackout obviously is the just fun you stole my line that's what i was about to say 300 blackout just as a round is a difficult one to beat when you're talking about favorite round to suppress let alone favorite gun tyler how do you feel about the rattler i think it's difficult to argue with barry in anything because he's almost always if not always right um but in this uh completely aside from that i absolutely agree it's a fantastic little gun um it's a ton of fun to shoot and 300 blackout especially subsonic out of a suppressor is a ton of fun i'm thrilled that you picked this one i'm a huge 300 blackout fan i'm a huge sig rattler fan i've got one that i asked br whenever you put those subsonic loads in there it's like a thumb snap it's incredible so that's i think that's a great pick you started us off well how does it get any better let's go to number four this is a ruger 2245 it's so nice you're teaching somebody how to shoot and you don't have to worry about the sound and you know other things uh working you know to scare them a little bit you know when somebody's brand new around firearms and this with the surefire rider 22 it's just a lot of fun and it yeah makes it sound like quieter than a pellet gun a great great base and loves to be suppressed i will say i get the question what's your favorite host gun uh day in and day out if not dozens of times a day and this is the go-to answer that is hard again to argue with but 22 round is again a great round to suppress the 22 silencers are significantly smaller and lighter without losing any performance just because 22 is obviously a smaller and slower round but the 2245 in particular takes a suppressor very well you can very easily get factory threaded barrels for it or a fancy pants aftermarket one as well i will dock barry a few points for the mark iv version of it i like the mark iii there was nothing wrong with the mark iii in my mind i spent a lot of time as a gunsmith reassembling broken mark iii's so i'm familiar with the process um so barry loses a couple of points for the mark iv in the height over bore and i should mention this is not to suppress to suppress the mark iv is fantastic it's no different for a suppressor host than the mark iii is um it's just there's that little extra gap they put in there for this fancy pants take down button that for me i didn't need that um and it just raised my bore a little bit and didn't care for that but it is still a fine firearm vis-a-vis barrel length at what point do i need to not worry about purchasing special subsonic 22 ammo because the way my understanding is like maybe a three inch three and a half inch barrels like it's going to be subsonic anyway is that right or is that a myth well let me let me go on a little bit about subsonic ammo if you go to match ammo match ammo is all subsonic and so if you buy yourself a box of la or cci green tag that that's ammo is subsonic by design because when 22 is normally run in that transonic range and there's a little bit of buffering when a bullet goes from subsonic to transonic to supersonic and it's a slightly less accurate place to be so my go-to 22 ammo is always match ammo and the cci green tag is always high on the list right now the climate is difficult to get a hold of ammo so you don't necessarily have your choice of ammos but i agree with everything barry's saying i would also point out though that we're talking subsonic ammo but we're not talking like the cv ammo or the stuff that's just a primer in there without any powder or anything crazy like that it's just barely coming out the end of the barrel most of that is not suppressor rated in any way shape or form so we're talking about subsonic ammo around the thousand feet per second ballpark for 22 what do you like tyler 22 ammo cci standard is kind of our go-to we've used it for years for testing so big shout out to cci and thanks for that um but it is a consistent ammo and has always performed well for us there are plenty of other options out there again it's a little difficult to find exactly what you want in this this day and age but yeah yeah that's a good answer and i'll add to that when we designed the rider 22 we actually use cci standard velocity is our go-to ammo to optimize it around see this is why i love having guys like you on the program because this might be mundane information everyday stuff for you guys but for our viewers like this is like holy crap you know it's kind of cool let's hit number three what do we got next barry the lmt mws i really want to hear this explanation i do too yeah uh overall uh you know shooting three gun uh yeah i really specialized in you know shooting in heavy class and one of the things i saw was having a rifle that runs helps you win matches and er in a couple of cases write that down yeah in a couple of cases i've been at matches where i may have not been shooting the very best match but you know some other shooter that was having a great match and all sudden you can't keep his equipment running with this you look at matches like the mgm iron man where there's parma idaho is full of talcum powder dust gets everywhere on all your gear inside your gun uh that match a lot of it you're shooting underneath cars they're you know stuff's getting dirty uh these lmt mws's always ran from a just a really good you know balance in the rifle and i actually like direct impingement guns historically i've just had better luck accuracy point of impact shift wise with them see barry you haven't been on the program before so i'm going to excuse you for not knowing that we saved the number four slot for our most controversial gun of the last and i think that you know putting a 308 on there especially 308 ar pretty controversial [Music] choice don't have a lot to weigh in on the ar-10 i'm not a big ar-10 guy and it's not that i have anything against them i just typically don't shoot a semi-automatic 308 in an ar platform i will however 100 agree with barry's suppressor choice on the end of that the rc2762 if you're shooting semi-auto out of um an ar platform with a 308 round i don't think you can beat it it's a fantastic suppressor for this platform direct impingement or piston and what i would say to now sell your position on this is for me for a lot of shooters shooting 308 especially out of shorter barreled rifles or semi-automatics it can be unpleasant at the range especially at a covered range and i think that maybe having a 308 can getting a nice robust 30 cal can makes that experience of shooting a hard-hitting round that'll go the distance makes it that much easier i mean is that time right yeah absolutely barry i appreciate your number three controversial pick let's see what the number two is it's a big boy m485 this happens to have the socom 762rc2 suppressor on more of a mark 13 suppressor but uh you know just you know great great rifle the socom 300 sps is a really good really good fit on this rifle as well as the 338 tie so a lot a lot of suppressor options but there's nothing a good bolt action uh this happens to be 762 by 51. uh six five creedmoor would be even you know probably even a little more uh fall in love why would the bolt action be a better choice in 308 than the semato we just looked at why is this number two and then the lmt the number it depends when uh when you're looking it's what you're doing with the gun so although it is possible i've had some real tack drivers and gas guns most gas guns you know you know if you can if you can hold a minute with them you're good uh you know with a really good bolt action i mean half minutes uh you know just a regular reality tyler show me on bolt actions if i'm a novice if i've got like a bolt action or a threaded bolt action hunting rifle i mean what are my benefits what are my upsides absolutely suppressing it and i would say bolt action is a great place to start for a suppressor host most people own a bolt action of some flavor you know a 243 deer rifle or 30 odd six or something like that laying around that's very easy to drop that action out of the stock take it to a gunsmith have them thread the end of it if it's not already and badabing but a boom you've got a suppressor host that's fantastic the big benefit of it is you don't have moving parts in your actions so there's no gas coming back at the shooter it's all going forward which makes for a much more pleasant shooting experience when suppressed um just as you start to constrict the sound on the end of the barrel that gas has to go somewhere and in a gas blowback system direct impingement or even some piston systems that gas follows a path of least resistance and comes back at the shooter with a bolt action you don't have to worry about any of that you plug the suppressor on the end of it you chamber around that round is locked up in there until you release the bolt so it makes for a fantastic suppressor hose i will also say watching barry um being the former marine that he is hold an m40 my ugly anchor tattoo is tingling a little bit yeah i absolutely agree it's a fantastic rifle and briefly explain for let's say there's somebody out there they're trying to figure out their first suppressor their first host gun what is gas blowback when uh you slowed the release of uh release of gas out the front of like a semi-auto or a full auto gun when the uh gun when the wet action's starting to unlock pressure actually comes straight down the barrel the it didn't go out all the way out the muzzle and it now comes out the back of the gun as well as suppressing it coming out the front so depending on the design of the suppressor like i said our 300 sps is optimized it's uh was focused on 300 blackouts so it's full auto no problem rated 300 blackout but you put it on a 762 or 300 win mag it's semi-auto rated and but it's really bolt guns are really where it's home is because with that on a bolt gun back pressure's not an issue it's super quiet okay [Applause] and you work the ball all the pressure's already gone from the suppressor so you aren't getting a little gas in your face makes your eyes makes your eyes burn time to change subjects number one what is it hit us barry number one mark 18 with the socom okay and so there's a later mark mark 18 with geissele handguard on it charging handle but this is the my go-to fighting rifle the mark 18 surefire socom suppressor it's just a really hard rifle to be funny though that that you would pick that because a while ago a couple of years ago you guys sent me you sent me the rc2 and i put that on a mark 18 and i did that as like a fourth of july video because i thought it was like a very american gun and i gotta say i was like this can't be that great there's gonna be blow back like we were just talking about because ars are kind of they have a negative reputation for that driving blow back when suppressed and i was surprised at not only how fun it was to shoot but how well it handled i mean i guess it's the surefire can on there this is sounding a little bit like a surefire ad but i mean truly i think i said this is two years ago i'm on record being like holy crap this is this is pretty awesome so i'm glad to to see you pick that tyler what do you think um barry and i wholeheartedly agree on the host platform mark 18 is my favorite go-to pickup i got one under my bed beside my bed in the back of my truck i've got them stashed all over this mark 18 just so mark 18 is in general yeah and you can't have kids at tyler's house i will say i prefer the quad rail over the lightweight geyser thing and just i grew up on that quad rail and it's fat and i like it but um outside of that the mark 18 is a fantastic platform the shorter 10.3 10.5 inch barrels on there in 556 you're not going to have what you know the internet deems hollywood quiet [Applause] it's a 556 round even if you're shooting a 77 grain black hills or something like that it's still going to be snappy it's still going to be supersonic um it's still going to have uh some crack to it some pop to it but i will say the delta between an unsuppressed 556 mark 18 and a suppressed 556 mark 18 is way more noticeable than a 300 blackout 16 inch regular old ar unsuppressed versus suppressed that's a great suppressed firearm and it's super quiet but the difference between unsuppressed and suppressed on a platform like mark 18 even though it isn't super quiet the difference between the two if that makes sense no no that actually not only does it make sense that's an excellent point i mean you just kind of close the book on the argument because i i was thinking you know maybe this is a top five gun but what you just said that makes total sense to me it's like okay the difference between suppressing firing that gun suppressed and unsuppressed and it's a fantastic platform it handles very well it's reasonably accurate lightweight uh when you throw a can on there though it becomes a different animal so i i actually am pleasantly surprised and you gentlemen have convinced me i will throw in one more thing and barry's going to hate me for doing it i really like the mark 18 with the surefire 556 mini 2. which i know barry doesn't like because it throws some extra flash out there no it's uh it depends on the ammo you're shooting yes i've got if you're shooting ammo with flash retardant in it the mini 2 is an excellent choice if you're shooting m193 m855 any kind of ammo that's produced for you know low price and not that the military ammo was designed for low price they had other reasons for not having flash [ __ ] in it but if you're going with premium ammo with flash retardant you need to go out you know in your environment and need to shoot it you need to see if the flash is acceptable where you're at and that just cuts another inch and a quarter off the front and you know my go-to on a 14 and a half is a is a mini my go-to on a 10.3 is a full-length six and a quarter inch suppressor from the horse's mouth and guys we're gonna go ahead with that and shut this thing down because this was already this is too much information already for everybody it's awesome however before we close down i'm going to let you even though this has been a little bit of a surefire commercial which is fine especially because we're so damn grateful to be here if you can only own one surefire can and this is for both you guys what is it it'd be the socom 556rc2 because well that was mine no yeah i could put it on 10.3 i could put it on 14 and a half i could even put it on a 24 inch barrel but it's the go-to go-to fighting suppressor just so i don't sound like a berry fan boy i will say if i could only truly have one suppressor and if i thought it long about long and hard about it i would say the 300 sps is a close second to the 556 rc2 for me just because in the future maybe i get into shooting at 280 ackley or some other crazy round that's uh bigger than a 556. um and that 300 sps as barry was saying is a fantastic host for bolt action it works semi-auto on a number of uh 30 caliber hosts um and it's super quiet gents i i can't thank you enough thank you for being on our crappy little youtube channel here thank you for having us thank you for coming barry thanks for having us tyler guys we're gonna hit the ranch [Music] you
Channel: TFB TV
Views: 71,694
Rating: 4.9579854 out of 5
Keywords: tfb, tfb tv, tfbtv, silencer, suppressor, top 5, best, quietest, Surefire, SOCOM, SIG, Rattler, MCX, .300, blackout, LMT, AR-10, AR-15, Mk18, Daniel Defense, geissele, review, top, Ruger, 22, .22lr, rimfire, 22/45, suppressed, silenced, James Reeves, Dueck, Defense, SOCOM762, SOCOM556, Remington 700, bolt action, rifle, MP5, H&K, Silencer Shop
Id: Kfh-Gu5uVvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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