The Day After The Election : How Gun Stores Are Preparing

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well we're here at blue steel guns in raytown missouri with maggie maggie we always appreciate you taking the time with god family and guns and sharing all your wealth of information that you have here and your expertise thank you it is such a pleasure to be here and i really appreciate all of the extra mile that you go for your uh patrons and your viewers this is so cool so thank you for putting these videos for the rest of us thank you i love hearing from you because you're you're here you're you're behind the counter selling guns every day yay store employees store employees that's right um well i have a question for you you know is the election's coming around the corner we got a couple more days um and you know you've already shared with us in a previous video that you know you guys have this great influx and we're seeing it around the country of people purchasing firearms new firearm owners what are you guys expecting or after the election like are you expecting anything are you preparing for anything what is it you see that's about to happen um i have no idea what to expect the the customers are running a very broad wide spectrum so i have people that are worried that the next four five 12 years are just going to be a terrible place to live in dystopian futures and i have the everything will be better after this election oh on the 4th the prices are going to drop back low everything will be normal and then i hear from the suppliers that we probably won't be getting a steady stream of inventory until mid-2021 so june july august of 2021 is probably when we will start to see the prices level out on guns and ammunition and everything but right now all of our manufacturers are trying to keep up with the unprecedented daily demand uh of requests for firearms and ammunition well and i've also heard like mid mid 2021 but that's assuming everything stay normal and so far 20 20 20 has not been really been anything but normal yeah this this year totally got flushed [Laughter] now what what do you think is it like what is what is your side because i do agree i've heard both those things that people are thinking it's going to go crazy that you know all sorts of people are going to be taken to the streets and i've heard oh it'll just be fine as soon as the election's over what's your thoughts well any market that goes up a steep incline and you see a vast increase at some point it will either level off or it will correct itself and go back to where it needs to be so at some point in this firearm and ammunition frenzy that we are experiencing it'll go back and it it'll correct itself the prices will be back where they need to be now i'm not entirely certain that's going to happen immediately after the election but there's plenty of firearms there's plenty of ammunition out there once everything does level off and get normal that i i it'd be back to business as normal that's very encouraging that's good it will be but you're right and that is that's been the history is things once they take off they eventually have to level off and go back to normal can we talk about gas prices for a second how high were those a few years ago and then this year it started 99 cents again 98 cents when people weren't driving anywhere i hadn't seen since probably the 80s right it was down there in the 90s and early 2000s i think late 90s early 2000s but yeah it's it's been um the prices will fluctuate and now just kind of throwing this out there uh what do you see happening here at blue steel guns in raytown uh the day after the election of trump wins do you see it getting more normal or what do you see i would say it's probably 50 50. um from this side of the counter my customers seem to be a 50 50 mix on their voting um yeah so it really doesn't it doesn't matter what your political affiliation is um it seems like it's just been more people that have said okay this is the year it's it's time and so i think that after the election it'll probably continue but this is the first time i've ever been in this industry with sales and inventory as wild as it has been it has seemed pretty wild i know back in the spring i came in and you got you guys were so busy i just turned around and walked back out the door i felt so bad i had a bunch you weren't the only one it was like i walked in i said yeah and i turned around and left i had a couple of regulars that came in the door and before i could even get out hey mark how's it going like you guys were i'm looking at the back of your head like like yeah it was great to see him too come back when you can stay longer and we aren't like buried and that was it that had to be one of the worst experiences to be that busy and not be able to answer every question and help everybody that came in that was super stressful you are incredibly helpful and i know that's part of your personality just really be dying with it yourself get a gun get a gun get a gun that's you you owe this you know and you're just throwing them out the door yeah it's like you know you have your six foot counters spaced out here and you have a person at every counter and you're like okay you're doing background checks there background checks there and then you get the next one up to the counter and you're like anything in this cabinet and we can play musical cabinets when someone else leaves and we can social distance you enough to check out another cabinet or something like that but now you guys have slowed down from that because there was that initial boom which you know we saw on the news just lines and so you know and that that's kind of what i was reflecting on how bad it is yes it has gone down a little bit since then so now we're seeing that the slow time this year which slow time for any gun store is yes summer and it picks back up right at the start of hunting season so it'll start picking back up right about now but our slow period was as busy as a normal year's christmas through tax season so it never we didn't really catch a break we're we're starting to catch up a little take a break kind of gun girl that's what i've seen nah no it's it's more fun when you stay busy because then you your days just fly by the next thing you know you're like oh i just woke up 15 minutes ago didn't i you're telling me it's time to go home already and that that actually does help too make it go fast it does um now what if there's a biden win are you kind of predicting the same thing or same thing it no matter which way it goes you're still going to have production that needs to catch up with the daily demand that is being put on these manufacturers not only do you have to realize that guns and ammo aren't just for the civilian market but we're supplying military too and not only do we supply our military but we also supply other militaries in the nato treaty so we have a bunch of other countries that are also buying our ammunition and our firearms that we have contracts with that we're getting money um to you know we're selling this for money as well to countries on much larger scales so you have these military contracts that do need to be fulfilled as well as the law enforcement contracts and the civilian contracts as well that need to be filled so you're seeing on a normal year you wouldn't notice a decrease in the amount of firearms and ammunition because you wouldn't have so many buyers it's more normalized but with this huge spike all of a sudden it's like well hang on lake city ammunition has a contract that they've got to get out first and then you can start getting some more ammunition on the shelves to the local commercial market for your standard buyers gotcha so your prediction going back to normals eventually eventually there's there's always normal there's always i mean you gotta be a little bit odd to work at a gun store anyway i guess so i don't know it's like a lot of fun here it is it's so much fun like oh maggie thank you so much i probably will not be visiting you the day after the election that's fine stay home okay we'll still we'll still be here i know you will be five days a week well i'm glad to hear of your success and i'm i love that you guys have stayed stockton and i i think you guys are very wise to not just buy all the new stuff but buy a lot of the old stuff because honestly that's what i've been looking for lately is some of the old classics so good good well thank you so much um and we'll just we'll hear from you next time thanks for having me mark enjoy bye everybody
Channel: God family and guns
Views: 381,242
Rating: 4.9011989 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 election, the day after the election, the day after election 2020, the day after 2020 election, the day after the presidential election, gun shortage, ammo shortage, ammunition shortage, protests, election day protests, election day protest, protest, post election day protests, new gun owners, gun panic buying, should i buy a gun, why should i buy a gun, preparing for the election, gun stores preparing, prepping for the election, how to prepare for the election
Id: JCndV38sR2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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