Joe Biden's Plan For Common Sense Gun Control @Mrgunsngear Channel

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Guns should just be sold with an engraving that says "this isn't actually a gun" and then the hysterical people would calm down.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Qayden πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fuck bitcoin. Invest in high-cap mags and AR-15s.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chronus_poo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol Chud, imagine thinking you need a gun. It's 2020, not the 1800s. Only trained law enforcement officials should have guns. Get a degree :D

meanwhile, on the other side of my mouth

Cops are out of control. We can't trust the pigs. Defund all police departments.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yourderpisshowing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

does this video just repeat the words "get cockblocked by mitch mcconnell" or is it full of nonsense

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-M-o-X- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Biden wants to make standard cap mags NFA items? Good fucking luck, you've just made every actual American a felon overnight.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NoAdhesiveness416 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChuckAndVee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did it need to be a thread?

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/frankthetankepisode8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is disgusting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/centurionapollo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back everybody unfortunately today we don't have like a really fun video with lots of shooting and all those sorts of things like we typically do here but today we're going to be going over joe biden's plan for gun control should he become the president of the united states in 2021 so everything i have on this board here is taken directly from the biden harris website none of it is made up by me there will be a link down below in the video description where you guys can verify everything i'm saying now some of the language on the biden harris website doesn't really explain what it would really mean to real people so i'm somebody who is makes a living of course understanding federal gun laws i am a federal firearms licensor license holder i also have a special occupational tax for machine gun silencers etc this is what i do okay um so i will also put any uh pertinent links to the atf descriptions of items that i'm talking about down below in the video description so you guys can actually verify what i'm saying is valid okay uh so again making this video not so much for my core audience that already understands this but so that my core audience can share this with their network on facebook instagram wherever they may be so that way people have a better understanding of what these people are actually trying to do and how they're actually trying to make literally millions of americans felons overnight uh that's just that's just the starting point all right so we're going to walk you through it here point by point if you guys can't read my board don't worry about it they're notes for me they're not for you but this is our white board of knowledge for folks who are new here and we're going to walk through it point by point trying to make it as concise as possible yet still understandable okay so the first point over on their website is that they want to ban the manufacturer and sale of assault wipe weapons and high capacity magazines now the term assault weapon in high capacity are both in quotation marks um so on their site they're saying that they are going to use the 1994 what's called the clinton gun ban to as a baseline but they're going to make it harder for manufacturers to go around it so for folks that don't know a lot of what what people would classically recognize as assault rifles were made from 2004 to excuse me 1994 to 2004 during the assault weapons ban and basically the manufacturers just had to change some features uh the biden plan is saying that they're going to make that harder going forward in the future so uh two things we want to talk about here first up is assault weapons so a lot of the things that were covered during the assault weapons ban were things like a retractable stock so if it had a stock that could go forward and out then it would be an assault weapon if it had the ability to have a vertical fore grip then it would be an assault weapon if it had the ability to have a flash hider so that way your flash is mitigated and you don't find yourself in low light and those sorts of things it also makes it a little bit quieter if it had that capability then it became an assault weapon overnight if it had the ability to mount a bayonet to it then it would automatically become an assault weapon now this scary gun here looks like an assault weapon to some folks out there but it's just a basic air 15 this is literally the most popular rifle in america there are more of these in america than any other type of rifle it's semi-automatic meaning that one trigger pull is one bullet down range it's not fully automatic or anything like that um it's just your basic ar-15 there's a lot of other guns that would meet the assault weapon criteria as well that don't look black and scary but i just want to use this one as an example of what they would be trying to outlaw additionally they're talking about high capacity magazines so what they mean by that is that it holds 10 or more rounds or has the ability to hold 10 more rounds so for example this is a glock 19 again the most popular handgun in america i'm using this for a reason just like the air 15 is the most common rifle in america this is the most common pistol in america so in some states these are actually sold with 10 round mags however it has the ability to take high capacity magazines therefore it would be on their list so it comes with 15 round magazines standard from the factory but again in some states it's only sold a 10 round to make it compliant but since it can hold magazines over 10 rounds and it would still be an assault weapon according to them i should also point out that they're trying to say that high capacity magazines the manufacturer and sale of those will be banned well again our glock here comes with three magazines from the factory standard that's how it comes across the world not just in america so they're going to try to ban those now we'll get into why that becomes important here probably in the next bullet before we move on i want to go ahead and thank the sponsor of today's video because youtube will surely demonetize this video and uh the good folks over acre gold have taken it upon themselves to sponsor this video and i do appreciate that so the way acre gold works is a little bit different than a lot of other gold investment companies basically you put it aside a certain amount of months say let's just hypothetically say 50 a month and then one once it gets to a certain amount of gold that you set up in your plan then a piece of gold gets sent out to you discreetly in the mail and basically it's just a way to put a little bit away a little bit away a little bit away then you have an insurance policy against uh the fiat currency that we have here in america and uh what might happen should these things go into effect within our economy okay all right so again we're going to continue on here um it also says that they are going to place an executive ban on imports now generally speaking that's not super important because in america quote-unquote assault weapons the vast majority of them are made in america there's only one ar-15 manufacturer major ar-15 manufacturer that i'm aware of that's you know located outside of america and some of the other guns out there ancillary ones are made in israel romania et cetera that said that's not the majority of quote unquote assault weapons uh within america the majority of them are made in america but they're saying that they are going to ban them by executive orders so just take that for what it's worth that also includes magazines now in this case there are a lot a ton tons i don't know the percentage but a high percentage of quote-unquote high-capacity magazines that are sold in america owned in america come from overseas predominantly korea european nations israel again and many other places around the world so they're going to ban those just by fiat executive decree so the way they want to do this and this is key to understanding it for a lay person is that they want to regulate them under the nfa so there's a two-part plan here number one they're going to have a all of these things which i'll get into here in a second or a mandatory buyback program so a buy back program for folks that don't know is the government attempting to buy back something it never owned with the money that it forcibly seizes from the united states taxpayers so that's what they're attempting to do so let's say just a total hypothetical before 2020 this particular rifle would cost you anywhere from six to eight hundred dollars depending on when you bought it um and say that they were going to put up 800 to buy it back again they're gonna steal money from taxpayers who have earned it and then they're going to buy something back that they never owned in the first place and if you don't want to go through with that as a free american then your other options are to have your items regulated under the national firearms act so the national firearms act for those who don't know is what regulates suppressors short barrel rifles short rail shotguns machine guns in some cases it depends and other items like that destructive devices like molotov cocktails incendiary devices bombs etc all file under the nfa so with the nfa comes a few things number one is going to be mandatory registration so any item that is on the nfa right now so if you own a short barrel rifle or a short barrel shotgun or whatever the case may be it's registered you have to pay a 200 tax stamp for it you have to go through an additional background check it takes anywhere from six to 12 months and um that item is publicly registered so anyone who owns these items you can go on and do a foil request and you can find out where the item is stored who owns it who it's registered to and what address that can be found at so they want to make any of these items so like i.e your glock 19 would have to be an nfa item you'd have to pay 200 just to be able to continue to own it go through the increased background check engrave it again in addition to the engraving that's already on there then register that publicly for everyone to see the same would be true for every magazine that you own which is over 10 rounds so let's just say you have three ar-15 magazines 30 rounds standard capacity magazines you'd have to do the exact same thing get a tax stamp for each of them engrave them register them publicly so that way everyone in america can find out where your magazines are and know how many you have how many guns you have and just what you have within your own home that's mandatory per the nfa and that would be again per gun and per mag so think about that you know you're an average law-abiding american gun owner who just went out bought a glock 19 for home defense you're talking 800 now so 200 for this 200 for each magazine that's not including the fingerprints that you also have to get i should point that out it's not including the additional engraving cost that you're going to have to get for each of these items depending on where you live engraving per nfa standards which is very specific costs generally between twenty and fifty dollars per item so minimum talking to eight hundred dollars for the glock 19 that you own that you're going to have to spend if you don't want to have the government quote unquote buy back your glock 19 that they never owned in the first place and they have absolutely no right to do so under the second amendment all right so additional additionally it's going to require background checks universally so right now uh they claim the buying campaign claims that one in five guns sold in america does not go through a background check i have no idea where they got that statistic it could be true it might not be true some states depending on where you live don't require background checks for private sales some do it's kind of a mix match there but that will include rather uh family members inheritance things like that so um depending on where you grow up well i know a lot of folks grew up hunting and they would take um you know their dad's rifle or their dad shotgun hunting when they were 16 or 18 depending on whatever uh state laws wherever you may live and you would go out to actually feed your family go out hunt get food for your family and that's a completely normal thing that's been going on in america since you know before america was formally adopted as america this would not allow you to do that so again with everything under the nfa we have to circle back to that right so let's just say hypothetically this particular rifle has a barrel of 16 inches let's say it had a barrel of 15 and a half inches that would put it under the nfa under the claws that we currently have under their laws in the future this would be under the nfa with the 16 inch barrel so if unless i have a trust or some other mechanism that allows multiple people to own the firearm if i were to if this gun was registered to me under the nfa and i left and this rifle was with my wife or my teenage child or whatever the case may be and they had access to this rifle technically they would be violating the national firearms act that is a penalty of 10 years in prison and or 10 dollar fine um so with that you know you can't transfer it like you have with simple transfer in most states right now so if you leave the house with this item that is now an nfa item and they are in possession of it you are not there you know in possession of it then it has become an nfa violation again so that's what they're requiring here with these two steps here which is insane again getting back to the fundamental point that i made in the intro of this video millions of american law-abiding citizens will become felons overnight should their plans go into motion okay uh hate crime loopholes so they're trying to close the hate crime loophole that's what they say they're very specific about this on their website that they want to include non-felons so right now depending on the state depending on the situation typically felons cannot own firearms and because of this hate crime in certain states is not a felony per se a lot of times a hate crime can be a misdemeanor so they specifically want to apply the felon stat status for firearms to hate crimes even if they're misdemeanors so you can be a non-felon yet be prohibited from the rest of your life for owning a firearm that's what they're trying to do it's in there go ahead and look it up all right they want to close the charleston loophole so right now um when you go to purchase a firearm at a federal firearms license uh dealer they're gonna run a background check on you it's called the nyx check if that next check and this is state dependent as well it really is um but in most states if that next check doesn't come back within three days saying yes or no then it's an automatic you pass um so they're going to extend that from three days to 10 days that's their plan um again a lot of the reasons that people have issues with next check is that typically they have common names i don't know if you guys can hear my neighbors are having a party hey it is what it is but they're out here watching this video as well from the doc either way so they want to a lot of times rather people get denied for next checks or next checks don't come back in time because they have common names so john smith thomas smith thomas cooper any kind of common name out there if there's a bunch of people that have that name there's going to be some people who are prohibited with that name and some people who aren't prohibited with that name that tends to cause a delay now 98.9 percent of the time it will come back within three days for the right person but sometimes it doesn't and in that case again they're going to extend that three days to 10 days before the firearm is transferred over to that person and next up they want to end online sales of guns and ammunition so again just to make it a little bit more understandable for folks who have never purchased a firearm right now if you purchase a firearm online it doesn't actually get shipped to your house it gets shipped to your local gun store they put they conduct the background check the next check that we already talked about and then the firearm is transferred to you after you fill out your atf form 4473 um so you the same is not true with ammunition outside of california ammunition can be mailed to your house right now anywhere in the country again outside of california now this could be a huge deal it could be not a huge deal some folks where they live their local gun shops don't charge exorbitant prices and you know ammunition and guns are relatively close to what you could find online however for the vast majority of people in america right now online firearms and online ammunition is much cheaper than what you would pay at your local gun store again that's not always the case some folks like shopping and gun store doesn't matter this is going to eliminate that option for millions and millions of americans so obviously not a good thing for the industry not a good thing for really anyone outside of i guess local gun shops maybe they support it i don't know additionally next up they're going to increase the amount of people who are going to become ineligible to own so they don't really go into specifics on this because i don't think they want folks to understand how you become ineligible to own a firearm now the one thing they do cite is that they cite domestic violence so depending on where you live in america some states already do this some states don't if you are in possession of a firearm and you get charged with domestic violence your firearms can be temporarily taken um now whether or not that's constitutional or not that's a video for another day but in some states they can be taken as a safety procedure until your case is adjudicated um that's what they point to as their example however a huge one that a lot of people don't understand particularly now in 2020 is that if you use marijuana you cannot own a firearm not at all not federally and there are many states across america i know people are going to say oh well in my state it's legal it doesn't matter federally it's not if you have a marijuana card a licensed medical prescription or if you just went into your local you know dealer but legally in your state anyway and purchased it but you had to use your id as a way to check who you were and they actually filed that information if that's the case then you have just become un illegal an unlawful possessor of a firearm so if that happens then they would send of course men from the government armed with guns to come take your guns so that's what they want to do there in terms of increasing the amount of people who are ineligible to own i just picked out marijuana's example you can check out the form 4473 you will see there are a ton of other reasons why you would become a person ineligible to own a firearm again i just picked that out for brevity's sake all right so it's going to require owners to notify the federal government or law enforcement when your guns are stolen so this is onerous for many other reasons besides the one i'm going to get on but i just kind of pick this one off the top of my head because it applies to fam some of my family members so some of my family members i'm from new england for folks that don't know and uh in that case it's very common for people there to have a home in new england and then one in florida or one in texas or whatever the case may be one in arizona and they have multiple homes so they only live in each one for six months five months seven months whatever the case may be so let's say most states that have this as a law have it within 48 or 72 hours let's say that becomes federal law you have to report a firearm within 72 hours let's say you don't live at that home and somebody broke in stole that firearm and you don't find out until six months later when you actually go there for the winter or for the summer depending on whatever the case may be well guess what when you go to notify them at this point it's been longer than that 72 hour established gap and now you're a felon right that's again what i'm getting at in terms of how unreasonable this may be now on paper that mandating notifying that your firearms are stolen a lot of people are like well that's reasonable we'd want to know if firearms aren't in the right hands of the right people but if you actually look into the details of why these things aren't law there's reason for it right there's due process that has to be afforded to american citizens and this is depriving them of that and just assuming that they know their firearm is stolen um i people who work on you know job sites for a long period of time a lot of them will set up a trailer at their drop site what if they went home for the weekend and their trailer got robbed and then they come back and what if the lost 48 instead of 72 hours in this example well then they just became felons as soon as they go to report it and what ends up really happening then is that people don't actually report when their firearms are stolen because i don't know anyone who's ever had a firearm stolen that didn't report it i literally don't know anyone everyone reports it because we want to know that if our guns were stolen and it comes up in a crime scene somewhere that serial number will be matched we'll get our guns back right it makes no sense there's no reason not to report a firearm stolen if you are an honest person but to do this makes criminals out of honest people all right continuing on they want to eliminate ghost guns what they call ghost guns okay so right now what they will typically point to are what are called 80 firearms meaning that there are firearms that are made by a company and they're not finished so the atf has a lot of different definitions of what a firearm is sometimes it will be allowing the trigger components to be installed sometimes it will be allowing a magazine to be inserted it it varies tremendously by the type of firearm but regardless you can buy these kits right now in america that require anywhere from four to ten hours of work sometimes more sometimes like 40 depending on the actual firearm itself hours of work to complete into a working firearm now i should point out that since america has become america it has always been legal always there's never been an exception to this for americans to make their own firearms as long as they're not making them to sell right but they've always been allowed to make their own firearms for their own personal use that's always been the case it's never not been the case so what this wants to do is stop that now a couple things to point out is that again we are in 2020 right now you can go online and buy a 3d printer for 150 and you can print out a glock frame now on glocks for example or any semi-automatic handgun this portion right here which has our serial number in it that is the firearm according to the atf you can print this out in under 10 minutes right now for with a 3d printer that costs less than 200 so you're trying to tell me that the ghost guns that you're going after which are prefabricated are any different than what you could build again with a 3d printer from amazon it seems a little bit crazy but that's what they're trying to ban now of course if they really do that what are they actually doing they're banning waffle users from doing that because criminals will not be dissuaded by their law against ghost guns they're still going to go out and buy that 200 printer and 3d print their own gun same thing you can also redo magazines for folks that don't know that you absolutely can and then additionally going forward are kind of going backwards excuse me um you know there's always been the ability for americans to have forages i know a guy with a forge who lives not too far from here and if you have a forge anybody who understands what a forge is you can make firearms very very easily additionally even if you don't want to go through all the hassle of having a forge you can go literally to home depot or lowe's with some pipes some nails and some wood and easily build a shotgun for under 30 there's lots of how-to videos on youtube if you guys are on youtube right now watching this video there are literally how-to videos on this topic right now just search it in your search box and you're gonna see it for under thirty dollars you can build all kinds of firearms with pipe nails and wood from lowe's or home depot and again that's perfectly legal always has been no matter what kind of legislation they try to pass to circumvent that it's not going to change the fact that it's true there's always going to be pipes there's always going to be any house there's always going to be wood it's simply absurd remember the second amendment is not about hunting the second amendment is not about self-defense from criminals the second amendment is about self-defense of individual liberty from a tyrannical state there's no other reason that you could say that you would want these things other than to increase the balance of power between the state and the individual these are not going to cut down on crimes all they do is prohibit law-abiding ordinary americans from owning the firearms that they choose to own as they would of their own free will all right i'm sure we've gone on long enough at that point guys we're gonna wrap it up and uh that's it again if you guys already know all this stuff good on you share it with your friends this is what these people want to do so to to gun owners out there who say well obama administration means they're going to come for my guns bingo you're right if you have an assault weapon the fact of the matter is they should be illegal period and this is a choice that we have to make over the next few weeks do you want millions of people becoming felons overnight in america normal ordinary americans who own the most common firearms out there grok 19s and this is again just an example your ar-15 jk-47s semi-automatic light i add uh do you want those people to become felons overnight i don't i certainly don't i also don't want the balance of power between the state and the individual to change any worse than it already is and uh with that i suppose we'll end it if you like this type of video go ahead and hit subscribe typically we do a little bit more fun stuff but i think this message needed to get out and uh that's pretty much it thanks for watching guys thanks for subscribing look forward to seeing everybody in the next video you
Channel: Buffman - R.A.N.G.E.
Views: 121,823
Rating: 4.8362217 out of 5
Keywords: Canon Rebel T6S, Reviewing Ammo And Guns Everyday, R.A.N.G.E, #forscience, Buffman Range, Ballistic Testing, Firearms Education, Firearm Information, #bureauofpropaganda, Biden Gun Control, Gun Safety, Second Amendment, US Constitution, Gun Buy Back, Civilians into Felons
Id: 82Ppmg0abO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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