Top 3 Best Raspberry Pi 4 Image Builds - 9,999+ Games

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so I get asked a lot what is the ultimate Raspberry Pi image now that we have the Raspberry Pi before there's been a lot of discussion drew what's your number one pick and all I gotta say is that's like asking somebody who their favorite child is it's really hard to do but I'm gonna attempt it in this video the Raspberry Pi also is not your only choice in emulation you have the Android devices phones you have other single board computers but the Raspberry Pi still seems to be a fan favorite it's packing a punch in that small form-factor so in this video we're gonna look at my top three Raspberry Pi 4 images and some honorable mentions I'm also gonna answer some common questions that people have and issues as well so strap in and get ready for this one so let's talk about criteria I only included images that are easily available on the Internet now I know there's dis cords there's many other ways in which communities are making images and sharing and building beautiful works of art on the Raspberry Pi there's also a ton of front-ends on there like recall box retropie there's some new desktop it base images where you can use a desktop application just run retroarch right over that but for this video it's going to be primarily retropie easily accessible images furthermore I want to talk a little bit about how I would approach this video it's like going to a restaurant as a food critic you go into a restaurant you have your specific palate you've experienced other restaurants other cuisines you have no you know any kind of ties with the chef's even though I do have many relationships with the particular images I am going to be talking about I don't let that influence my review I simply state from my experience how I've thought it tasted you know or how I experienced it myself but I also did read a lot of the comments and what people were saying in both my youtube videos on different websites and so I took all that into consideration and I looked at this from the point of view from the customer from the end-user which is the person sitting down at the restaurant who's going to try the food for themselves it's not from the perspective of the Creator the chef because the chef has this whole vision and what they want and everything else so I'm by all means saying that so AI don't hurt anyone's feeling and B I'm going to be reviewing it as if I am just an average gamer so we are gonna be talking about this big list here in the video first of all by all means this is not 1st 2nd and 3rd just out of respect to everyone I'm just making a top 3 and all three of these images made it in that area there's no gold there's no silver there's no bronze okay but I did break down my pros and cons and I did want to briefly cover in early in the video some common issues and some honorable mentions some people have written these images off just from the start like I don't like it it doesn't work I wasted my time because of these common issues here so I want to start there number one there are some times where the Usenet and I don't use u s-- net so a lot of people there might be an easy fix for this but there's definitely a way that those files compile and how to extract them especially if you like don't download one specific file it can ruin the whole thing the other thing is when you finally do download them they're usually compressed files and please use 7-zip download 7-zip it's a free application win zip and Rin rar have shown to have some issues I've never had those issues but I've heard others having them number 3 make sure you use a high quality SD card especially for the man's image you can see that in my cons the SanDisk Ultra 512 gigabyte sometimes does not have enough space to securely put this whole image on it he uses a Samsung Evo which is honestly similar in price and I know these images work as well so at the end of the day just buy a Samsung Evo select that is by far that she one of the cheaper ones easily available and as long as you buy it from a trusted source you're not going to get a fake Quine these ones did work for us and as ultra for me but if you want to be saved just get the five twelve Samsung Evo links in the description if you want to see what I'm talking about and then lastly all these images when you first boot them up they're gonna run some sort of script where they're gonna expand your SD card so for example I put this one on a 256 gigabyte it's gonna go ahead and expand my SD card and give me those extra fifty six gigabytes of empty space same thing happens with all these other images even though there's not a lot of space to be given that command still needs to be ran amongst some other commands so on the first boot you should just turn on your PI and let it sit for a couple of minutes like two three four five minutes just to be safe the faster your SD card the faster that's all gonna happen and then if you just get a black screen you know give it some time before you restart and if you're still having problems you need to really go back and check you know did you download all the files correctly did you unzip it correctly and then did you burn it correctly on the correct SD card those four things you really want to rule those out but still before you start pointing fingers at oh it's the file it's this please note some of these pros can be seen as cons and some of these cons could actually see as pros for some people so first up again not first prize but just first up we got the 512 gigabyte daemon retro bliss re-release he first released of one version of this and then about a couple weeks later he did the pre-release so if you're just getting into the scene now go ahead and get the re-release but if you were on the old one it's honestly very similar and you're not really missing out on much now let's go ahead and talk about what was cool about this so what I really like about this is how active virtual man is currently at least we'll see how long goes for as it's you know been going for a run now for three or four months or so and I'm sure it will continue it'll be interesting to see how long that goes I do know that his community is growing and he is taking a lot of the feedback and updating it he has a whole github where he can run updates know roms but just updates to your image so as new features and as new cores and things come out you can absolutely update your own image which is pretty darn cool now the next two images do you have that option as well I just don't know how active they are at actively updating those github x' number two comprehensive as far as systems and games one of the largest system and game packs now again that could be seen as a con as it's a ton of content you will need to live a couple lifetimes to play every game and at least get decently far in each and every game but you know that's the some people like that is you know go big go home give me everything add-on packs so recently as of a few months ago and I even did a video on this you can add an external hard drive and add even more games this image is now well over one terabyte when you add in the Naomi the PlayStation the Dreamcast the atomiswave and PSP there's even now an open bore a SNES CD and more packs on the way pretty cool option there theme splashlings galore yeah so he's got ton of themes he has a theme randomizer on everything's pre-installed for you he has like 14 or 15 custom splash means he's made you know using you know some other things he's got you know a ton of custom screen savers as well but again some people might find that annoying or not like it and not like that some of it does say V mana on it and not less generic but some people love that it's just full of content yes you know to play easy hacks her steez theme as well as some other custom themes all installed on this thing so you have everything from overclock scripts to easy Bluetooth scripts it's fully loaded and that in those cases some of the biggest scummvm full game ports and open bore ports being like jazz the jackrabbit quake 1 and 2 all that stuff already on there so again it kind of goes with the comprehensive community help he has an active forum where people are asking questions and answering them sometimes it's hard with some of these other images that once the image goes out the you know if someone has a question a month later it's really hard to get that question answered one of the biggest PlayStation collections would be really like ps1 this image has one of the biggest ones I've ever seen tweaks and settings he has a lot of the core emulators set up you know he has the proper MAME emulator tag to each main game the rest the correct resolutions before you start seeing lag a lot of that has already done and then USB hard drive support as I mentioned with the add-on packs you can add a USB hard drive to this build and also run it off of that so you are expanding it above the 512 gigabytes or you can primarily put the whole build on a 512 gigabyte you know hard drive and then just run the core systems on like a 32 gigabyte hard micro sd you still need a small SD and a hard drive at this point in time they're working on an update so you can just run it solely on a hard drive now the cons 512 gigabytes and a hard drive is not cheap plus the Raspberry Pi 4 so this can be a little more costly out of the other two builds but those SD card prices are lowering as we speak security questions so a lot of people don't like that in order to get the V man image although I believe you can still get it on some other websites now you have to go to his forum and he has questions there and then you have to go to a website like backups dot me which is another you know barrier to getting some of this stuff so that's seen as a con but you know it's there for security purposes less hacks obscure so he doesn't have I've seen way bigger collections of hackings but a lot of people think those games are garbage anyways so this could be a pro or a con and then the big issue that everyone hated about this image was that you know they have ass and disk 512 gigabyte and it doesn't fit they spent all that money and all that time and it doesn't work well unfortunately you really need to get the Samsung Evo select or the Plus version move it along we got Wolff a nose with the 256 gigabyte build running on the new supreme team base the supreme team base is very similar to the virtual man base in which it has the overclock scripts it has the upgrade ability as the USB hard drive support so you're starting out on a base really good base image if you haven't noticed already all three of these images of these have very very strong base images and that's what I would be doing if I'm looking out for an image I don't want an old base image I want to run on a really current base image so the upgrade ability and the relevancy score is very high on these images because you can add or remove games and still feel good that you're on a good base image furthermore Wolff 'knows had a really cool arcade set he built some really good images for the arcade one up and so he's got a reputation for good arcade games even as Killer Instinct arcade game built in on it but don't get too excited because it's not going to run too well but there are some good tweaks and settings on some other arcade games as well as a really nice collection of both light gun and trackball games and if you want to get even more he has another image a smaller one which has even additions added to it scripts who talked about that good base image overclocking USB modes all that stuff he does have 3do and some other obscure systems on here to boot where the V man image you were gonna have to get those add-on packs in order to get some of those but he has some pretty large collection as well and then oh the other pro I forgot to write in here is price that it is going to be much cheaper to buy a 256 gigabyte SD card and for his you can buy a Sandesh SanDisk yes or these same some evil plus cons not many themes pre-installed so there's only about two or three themes installed but you know some people see this as a pro it's less space and you can add your own and not have to worry about it the splash screen on this 256 was like a custom wolf on those one and again coming from the perspective of somebody who wants to customize it themselves they might not want somebody else's name on it although credit should be due where credit is due at the same time people like you know want to see Ryu and they want to see you know just a more generic splash screen they might be looking for that same thing with the loading videos as well some people say you need to enable SSH it wasn't enabled on first boot and to get into the system the password is supreme I believe the V Man also has a password you might have to get that from his forum issues with open bore so I just saw a lot of comments about that I didn't have she's with mine but maybe I was I didn't try all the games out but some issues and that may have been resolved already and then the next image is the 200 gigabyte retro touch supreme probe build by PI piggies now PI piggies are known in my opinion for taking good base images and then just throwing the ROM packs on there so while that's hunky-dory and great and they actually have a lot of obscure games and hack games that is a pro to it but there's not going to be as many tweaks and settings done to them now this does have the new Supreme Team based image on it so you can absolutely expand it being a 200 gigabyte you can put it on a 256 and add your own games to fill it up or some people do have a 200 gigabyte SD card lying around and this makes the perfect fit so that's a pro that you have room to expand the scripts are because of the retro the new supreme team base crew and having those USB hard drive supports you know check your overclock check your system info bezel project the themes all that stuff is available at just get your PI online and you can start downloading that stuff so cons yeah I would have just gone for the 256 especially since we're talking about pre-made images here why not max it out this is actually to me a more common microSD card well at least here in the US so less tweaks and settings for like your arcade set and things like that you're gonna have to tweak all that yourself like a Nintendo 64 games you're gonna do your controls instead of your resolutions things like that also you need to enable SSH and the PW the password is supreme the ROM pack add-on is that to me this is just a base image with ROM packs added to it like you know you see online you download a pack of roms for entire system it's like they took those packs they slammed it on the image which is fine it works right I'm just saying that it's not the same like when you tweak it out you change those settings last but not least some honorable mentions so number one is both the V man based image he makes a base image that's not pre-loaded it has no roms on it and so does the Supreme Team both these base images are in my opinion somewhat similar in what they do I know they get in very big arguments about who did what first I'm not here to get into that I think they're both good base images and I'm not gonna prioritize one or the other there are some features and specifications that some do that the others don't but again that line is becoming more and more narrower by the day now you can also just start with the new retropie beta base image if you want something clean simple no bells and whistles and then lassie why did it didn't I include the de meso 200 gigabyte build on this list honestly it's a great image it's amazing the owners I didn't include it as it is not on the newer Supreme Team build it's on the older supreme build so with that I would if it was me and I'm just citing as of you know end of May 2020 I want to get an image that is upgradable and able to kind of move forward with it now who knows a year from now this whole video could be obsolete but for now that's what I think let me know y'all think don't forget to Like and subscribe and we'll catch you on the next one and last but not least if you made it to this far in the video I do want to say this last piece which is just like the metaphor I use with the restaurant same thing that goes on with retro pie and building these images you don't always see all the behind the scenes work there's prep cooks and line cooks and the actual patrons who make this all possible so if I didn't say your name or I overlooked something I'm sorry I know there's a lot more cooks in the kitchen than are actually apparent and if you're one of those people thank you and thank you for all your hard work
Channel: DrewTalks
Views: 124,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drewtalks, Top 3 Raspberry Pi 4 Images - Gaming Masterpieces, retropie, retro gaming, 128gb, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 4 retropie, emulation, raspberry pi, pi 4, emulation station, rpi 4 emulation
Id: RfqkQZddZe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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