Raspberry Pi 4 Getting Started

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if you're interested in getting started with the Raspberry Pi 4 but you don't know where to begin then this is the video for you stay tuned welcome to crosstalk Solutions my name is Chris and the Raspberry Pi is absolutely one of my favorite pieces of tech in the world in this video we're gonna go over everything that you need to know to get started with the Raspberry Pi 4 including what hardware you should buy how to install the operating system and then some initial steps once the operating system has been installed first and foremost though what is a Raspberry Pi well basically Raspberry Pi is a single board computer now imagine a computer that has all the same components as a desktop PC but in a much smaller form factor the Raspberry Pi 4 is a huge step up from the previous generation Raspberry Pi 3 adding onboard dual monitor support and the option to have up to 4 gigabytes of RAM all in all this is a small silent form factor computer that starts at just 35 bucks you can use the Raspberry Pi 4 for all different kinds of projects ranging from digital signage robotics retro gaming consoles you can use it for piehole which provides ad blocking for your entire network or one of my favorite uses for these devices is network monitoring now above all though it's an amazing learning tool for Linux for prototyping new ideas or for just creating something spectacular you're pretty much only limited to your imagination if you search Raspberry Pi projects on Google or YouTube you're gonna find an endless list of fun projects to try out another great resource is magpie which is the official Raspberry Pi magazine I'll have a link down below if you want to check out magpie it's completely free and each issue details tons of really cool Raspberry Pi based projects but before you get to any of these cool projects you have to have a Raspberry Pi so the first thing we're gonna do is start off with one of my favorite Raspberry Pi kits which includes everything that you need to get started and that is the Raspberry Pi Kanak it there are all kinds of options for Raspberry Pi cases and accessories here's one that I have here this is a Raspberry Pi 4 with a PI Moroney fan shim 2 keep it cool as well as this really neat pie Marigny rainbow case so again this is just one option if you don't know where to start though a really really good place to start is with the cannikin raspberry pie starter kit now that makes it comes with everything that you see here and it's literally everything that you need to get going with raspberry pie the starter kit includes a Raspberry Pi 4 and there's 3 different versions because raspberry pi 4 has 3 different versions of RAM that it can come with the one gigabyte raspberry pi fork anacott starter kit is $79.99 the 2 gigabyte version is $89.99 and the 4 gigabyte version that's what this one is here that's $99.99 now the links to all of this equipment is down below in the description those are Amazon affiliate links you don't have to buy through our affiliate but if you do it doesn't change your price at all it just gives us a small percentage back for our effort and creating these kinds of educational videos and certainly we appreciate any affiliate sales that we receive so in the starter kit you get your choice of raspberry pi depending on how much ram you want if you're just going to be using it for testing the 1 gigabyte version is perfectly fine however if you're interested in using it for any sort of graphics or like a desktop environment I would definitely deck it out with all 4 gigabytes of RAM the starter kit also comes with a case it comes with a 32 gig this is not the exact card that it comes with but it does come with a 32 gig ebo plus class 10 micro sd card it comes with these heat sinks that you can see I have already placed onto the Raspberry Pi it comes with a power switch now this is really handy it's something that I didn't think would be such a big deal but I actually use this power switch all the time rather than taking the USBC connector and pulling it in and out all the time anytime you want to reboot the Raspberry Pi for which you're going to do a lot you can just click it on and off with this power switch it makes it much easier and there's less chance of damaging the USBC connection you also get a power supply or a power adapter a a micro SD card reader and HDMI to micro HDMI cable keep in mind that there are - micro HDMI ports on the Raspberry Pi 4 and you only get one cables if you want to run dual monitors you will have to buy a second micro HDMI to HDMI cable and finally you also get the Quick Start Guide on Raspberry Pi which includes a troubleshooting guide as well as a lot of other useful information about the device such as the various components and a reference for what each of these GPIO pins does across the top of the board there's also a link here that you can see for more projects you can go to WWE kit comm slash Pi projects so let's take a closer look at the Raspberry Pi board itself there are a number of connectors so right here we have our Ethernet connector that is a Gigabit Ethernet port we have two USB 3.0 ports we have two USB 2.0 ports on this side we have a 3.5 millimeter audio jack we have dual HDMI or micro HDMI connectors so you can run dual monitors we have our USB type-c power connector right here in between the audio and the second micro HDMI this sort of long slender piece right here is a camera connector so you can connect up a Raspberry Pi camera then we have a DSi display connector for if you want to connect it out to for instance the official Raspberry Pi touch screen you can connect that right here across the top we have our 40 pin GPIO header then we have our four pin POA header right here it's these four little pins that are sticking up next to the GPIO header and that is so that you can put on a Power over Ethernet hat in order to power the Raspberry Pi 4 through Ethernet rather than having to use the microUSB connector if you flip this over on the bottom right here is where we're gonna insert our micro SD card that contains the operating system flipping it back this way we have a few components to look out for this one in the top corner is the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module the one under this big heatsink here is the CPU and then under this smaller rectangular heatsink right here this is going to be your RAM next we're going to plug all of the different components into our Raspberry Pi for to get it ready to receive the operating system which we're gonna do next that'll end up on this little micro SD card so we're gonna put the micro sd card aside for the time being and we want to start by plugging in the keyboard and mouse now keyboard and mouse are going to plug into the USB ports I would recommend plugging them into the USB 2.0 ports that way you reserve the higher bandwidth of the USB 3.0 ports the blue ones for other devices that might be able to utilize the faster speeds such as an external hard drive flipping it to the side here we're going to plug in our micro HDMI now there are two HDMI ports if you're only going to be using one monitor you want to plug into hdmi zero which is the pork closer to power and it is actually labeled HDMI zero so that you can tell which one is which there we go so now we have keyboard and mouse and monitor plugged in next we're gonna plug in a network cable now this is optional so you don't have to plug in a network cable we're gonna plug it right into the Ethernet port right here now I say it's optional because there is Wireless you have this wireless chip on the board itself so you can technically connect to this to your wireless network and use it that way however in most cases Ethernet is going to be faster right so for at least the initial setup of a Raspberry Pi I typically try to use a hard wired Ethernet connection rather than rely on the onboard wireless finally we have our power switch this is the power switch you want to take your USB type-c power supply plug it in to the back end of the power switch what you're gonna see here is it will turn it has a red LED that is on when the power switch is on and it's off when the power switch is off so make sure that it's off and then we're gonna plug it into our Raspberry Pi power connector and now we are completely set up and ready to rock and roll the next thing that we want to do is prepare our micro SD card so you take your micro SD card you insert it into your computer in this case I'm using Windows to do all this but you can use Mac or even Linux to do all of this same sort of stuff you just have to sort of reconfigure the instructions a little bit for those forms if you're following along in Windows I have full instructions for all of this on the crosstalk solutions blog that will be linked down below so if you want to follow along and it's easier for you to read text rather than listen to me jabber on about it go to crosstalk Solutions comm click on blog and then click on the getting started with Raspberry Pi for blog post okay so in this blog post we have download noobs and flash the microSD card that's the next step now noobs is the new out-of-the-box software package for Raspberry Pi and essentially noobs allows you to install not only raspbian but a number of other operating systems that you might want to play with for Raspberry Pi as well so it just gives you a little bit of extra exposure to what is possible with Raspberry Pi versus raspbian is just the straight-up operating system and you don't get that extra exposure once you have your microSD card inserted we need to format it if you have a brand new micro SD card that you just purchased you can likely skip this step you don't need to format it but since I have a an SD card that I've used before I'm going to format it and I'm going to format it using a program called SD card formatter here we have SD card formatter I want to select my micro sd card now incredibly important caveat here make sure you select the correct Drive letter if you select for instance like a USB storage Drive you can absolutely format it and you might lose all your family photos or something okay so make sure double and then triple check that you are formatting the correct card or the correct drive with SD card for matter this is unrecoverable if you do this and mess it up with that warning stated mine is the D Drive and we can see here that it's a 32 gig card it says 29 gigs capacity but that's just sort of a little bit of overhead in there it's actually a 32 gig card we're gonna do a quick format and I'm gonna call the volume label Raz high and we're going to say format and yes there we go so now we have R as PI all set up formatting was successful the next thing that you want to do is download noobs so there's a link to noobs in my blog post but here's the page as of the recording of this video the current version is version 3.2.40 download it in torrent format once you have it downloaded you want to unzip that file and you're gonna see something like this so here is noobs so I'm in my noobs directory I have unzipped it and this is all of the these are all the files that were in that zipped archive so I just want to select all of these files we're gonna right-click we're gonna choose copy and then we're gonna go over to our newly formatted microSD card and we're gonna say paste this is now going to copy the entire noobs OS over to the microSD card once it has completed we're gonna take out the microSD card and plug it into our Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi is all plugged in we have our microSD card ready to rock and roll you basically just want to flip the Raspberry Pi over and stick the microSD card into the slot here it only fits one way so if it doesn't work one way flip it over and try it the other way and then once everything is plugged in and ready to go just hit your power button and we should pretty immediately see our screen come alive here there we go so we have Raspberry Pi now booting up on this screen I'm going to take the camera and I'm going to bring it in to zoom in on just the screen itself and talk you through the noobs installation process once your Raspberry Pi boots up with noobs installed this is the screen that you're going to come to and we can see that we have raspbian as our raspbian full as our recommended first choice now I see a bunch of different choices in here I see those because I have my network cable plugged in if you did not plug in a network cable and you're relying on Wireless then you may only see raspbian full in this list that's perfectly fine what you want to do is bring your mouse over here or hit you to get to wireless Wi-Fi networks and then you can select from a list of available Wi-Fi networks and connect your system just like any other PC that you would connect to wireless once you do that it will populate this the rest of these items because those are items that need to be downloaded so if I wanted to install for instance this one here that says data partition or I'd say this one here lack of right are PI for this one would require a download so that's why it doesn't show up until you actually enable a network or it can see the Internet I should say but we're just gonna install raspbian so I'm gonna check raspbian full and then we're gonna click install and then we're gonna say yes once the installation is completed just press ok and then the Raspberry Pi is going to reboot and you will come up with this screen here so we can see our Raspberry Pi background and then we get the start of our welcome to Raspberry Pi wizard note here that I can see an IP address in this case I got 192 168 200 201 I have that IP address because I'm plugged into Ethernet if you are connecting over Wi-Fi you may not have an IP address yet but we're going to connect to Wi-Fi in just a second or be given the option to connect to Wi-Fi in just a second so let's go ahead and say next to get started we're going to select our country in my case I am United States American English is fine and timezone is Los Angeles we're going to use us keyboard and click Next now we want to choose a strong password so the default PI user has a password of raspberry you can see that right here but we want to set our own password make sure you set it to something nice and strong but that you're gonna remember then we're gonna click Next and now it says set up screen the desktop should fill the entire screen tick the box below if your screen has a black border at the edges so mine does have a black border at the edges you can see that it doesn't quite make it all the way to the bevel around the monitor here so we're gonna check this box and we're going to say next and now we have the option to connect to our Wi-Fi Network here we can see all of the available Wi-Fi networks if you want to connect to Wi-Fi this is where you can select your network and click Next in my case though I'm already connected with Ethernet so I'm just gonna say skip now we're gonna update software so I'm going to show you how to manually update software as well because this little wizard tends to not work or at least it hasn't worked for me in the past so we'll do both mechanisms here we'll try to update the software here by just clicking next and if it gives an error then we will move on to the manual method all right looks like the updates did go perfectly fine that time so we're gonna say okay and now it says setup complete your Raspberry Pi is now set up and ready to go press restart to restart your pi now so the new settings will take effect or press later to close the wizard and restart the PI yourself so we're just gonna go ahead and restart now and then when this comes back we'll talk about how to run those updates manually just in case anyone else got an error and has to rerun updates on their own okay we are back and as you can see now also the screen extends all the way to the bevel of the monitor so it has fixed that one issue let's go ahead and open up this icon here this is sort of the black box it's labeled terminal and this is our linux command prompt so we're gonna open this up a little bit more here and let's talk about how to manually run updates now again this command that I'm about to tell you is in that blog post so if you do have to run the commands that I'm about to show you and you need a reference for how exactly they're typed go check out the blog post okay so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna say sudo apt - yet update and we're gonna say enter what this does is it goes out and sees if any new packages are available to update and then we're gonna say sudo apt - yet upgrade oops upgrade - why since we just updated there shouldn't be anything that is available to update so we are put right back to the prompt but if you did have updates to run it would have just run through all of those updates in the command line here all right so our systems completely up to date let's do a few housecleaning items though we're going to come up here to the raspberry icon we're gonna click on that we're gonna choose preferences and then we're gonna go to raspberry pie configuration now on this first screen here there are a couple things that we can do for instance if we wanted to boot to the CLI instead of to the desktop we can choose to do that here we can give our Raspberry Pi a host name if we like and we're going to uncheck this box that says login as user PI this is our auto login you can see right here so a little bit more secure if we actually have to type in the password every time we log in and not let the system automatically log us in as the PI user let's now click on the interfaces tab because you know having a raspberry pi is great but it would be also great if we could get to this remotely so we're going to enable remote SSH access so that we can get to the CLI and we're going to enable remote VNC access so that we can see the desktop here from a different computer using VNC client alright so with those both enabled we're gonna say ok and now let's flip back over to my main computer so that we can connect to this system remotely our PI is up and running now let's connect to it remotely we're going to show you a few ways to do this let's start by how to connect to the Linux CLI so there's two main ways that you can do this from windows from Mac basically you can just pull up a terminal window and say SSH PI at IP address much like we're about to do here with the Windows command prompt so as of windows 10 and I think there was some update I'm not sure exactly one which one but there was an update where now you can SSH natively in the windows command prompt so much like you would do from Mac terminal you can run the command prompt and say SSH PI at and then the IP address of your Raspberry Pi in my case it's one eighty one sixty eight dot 200 201 and it's gonna say are you sure this is okay to connect to we're gonna say yes it'll only ask this question the first time and now we can enter our password so there we go I am now connected remotely to the Raspberry Pi using Windows command line now we can also do the same thing with putty and putty is a great little program it's free to download there's a link in the blog post if you want to download putty and the thing that I like about putty over the windows command line is that allows you to save your session so you don't have to continuously remember what the IP address is and that's for stuff you can just save your session and be done with it so in order to connect with putty you want to first launch putty after you've downloaded and then right here in the hostname or IP address we're going to type 192 168 200 201 or in your case you'll type VI the address of your own raspberry pi now if you want to save this session you can come down here and say raspberry pi or something like that and then just click Save and now you have this available to be loaded at any time when you're in order to connect though you just click open down at the bottom and we're gonna log in as PI if it's the first time you've connected you also receive an extra pop-up that says are you sure you want to connect to this you know check out the device fingerprint etcetera and then you will get to the login so then we're gonna login as user PI and then our password and there we go so once again we are now logged in this time we're logged in with putty instead of the Windows command line but what if you want to connect to the desktop of the Raspberry Pi remotely to do that we're gonna download VNC viewer which is available at real VNC comm so here's the VNC viewer after you download it and installed it this is what you're going to see and we can either just ant it enter in our VNC server here or we can say file new connection and then enter in our IP address so 192 168 200 201 and the name we're gonna call this is Raspberry Pi and the rest say ok and then just double click on it this is available anytime that you open up VNC viewer so again checking the fingerprint are you sure you want to connect to this yes and now we can punch in our password username PI and our own password now you can click the box to remember password if you like but that's going to be less secure than if you type the password in every time so we're gonna say ok and there we go we are now connected to the desktop of our Raspberry Pi and we can go through and do all the same stuff that we were doing over on the monitor but from a remote computer instead so where do you go from here with the Raspberry Pi you're now able to connect to it remotely everything should be working great and honestly the sky's the limit write whatever you want to do whatever you want to learn you can now do with this Raspberry Pi and it is a really really excellent learning tool if you want to expand your learning quite significantly I would recommend invest something like this so this is the free nove ultimate starter kit for Raspberry Pi this has detailed tutorials for how to hook up all these cool little different components here so you but get a bunch of little servos and diodes and speakers and you know joystick buttons and this one I think has even like RFID card readers and stuff not only that but it comes with this 434 page PDF tutorial written in three different languages so if you want to learn Python C or Java you just download this the PDF comes along free and then you can start building you know cool stuff with it and this is really the best way to learn because not only do you learn the circuitry and how all this stuff fits together so that you can take that knowledge on to your own projects but it also teaches you the coding right so it teaches you how to create the Python scripts and basically you can then use those Python scripts that come as examples in order to move those into your own projects that you want to develop yourself this one was pretty interesting this was basically just how can we make an led with this little servo thing here dim from all the way off to all the way bright and every little stage in between and it's basically taking an analog controller here converting that analog controller into a digital signal that the LED understands so this was a pretty cool little project just one of the like hundred plus projects that are included in this free nove ultimate starter kit but honestly just start learning it's such a great learning tool I love Raspberry Pi fours and if there's anything that you guys would like to see is turn in terms of videos on the channel about the Raspberry Pi 4 put those down in the comments below alright I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video make sure you give me a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions thank you so much for watching you
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 1,152,123
Rating: 4.9351707 out of 5
Keywords: crosstalk solutions, crosstalk, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4 projects, raspberry pi 4 setup, raspberry pi 4 windows 10, raspberry pi 4 review, raspberry pi 4 how to, raspberry pi 4 getting started, raspberry pi projects
Id: BpJCAafw2qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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