10 RetroPie Setup Tips and Tutorial for the Raspberry Pi 4

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hello and welcome to Wagner's tech top in this video we'll cover a number of retropie tips some you may already know others you may not if you want to see if you're interested in these tips or follow along I'll place a link down below to go along with this video I also created the retropie tips page which will be expanded if you have any tips that you recommend get added please comment below many of these tips will depend on a wired or Wi-Fi connection to the Internet if you're not sure how to set up retropie or set up the network I'll put a link below and above to help you with that I hope you enjoy these tips and that you find them helpful if you find it helpful please give me a tip of your own by clicking the like button down below I also welcome you to subscribe to Wagner's tech talk if you enjoy the content and want to see more yeah with that well let's get started [Music] if I go to Super Nintendo here you'll see I have some box art for this particular console I'd like to do the same for another console that I have here the PlayStation and I'm going to show you how so essentially what you want to do is hit start on your controller press a on scraper and then move down to scrape now and by default all systems are selected which is fine that might be what you want to do but in my case I only want to select PlayStation so I'll move down to the bottom and select select none and then move up to PlayStation press a and then go back and then where it says user decides on conflicts turn that off by pressing ok move down to start and now we're gonna scrape just the PlayStation games and as you can see we're getting the artwork and additional game information and now that it's done all three are scraped I can go back and now I had the artwork when you first install retropie it comes with one thing if you go down to the UI settings and then go down to the theme set you'll see the carbon theme well we want to customize it with a new theme so we are going to go to the retro pipe menu and they go into es themes make sure the network is connected on your raspberry pi for either Ethernet or Wi-Fi will be fine and then just pick the theme you want to install and press Enter what you do that it'll go out to the Internet and download the selected theme and I'll go ahead install several of them here all right great so now just tap over to cancel press enter on your keyboard and now we're gonna hit start go to UI settings go to beam set and here we have a whole bunch of themes so we'll go ahead and pick the arcade one up five by four horizontal go back and this is what it looks like so we totally customize the look of retro pie with a new theme I think that's pretty cool this is what it looks like when you select a particular console here I'm selecting a Playstation and I'm gonna show you one more thing that I really like this is the retro Rama theme and that's how you install and activate a theme next I'm going to show you how to create a favorites list hit start move down to game collection settings I automatic game collections and then simply check the ones that you want now I'm going to go ahead and select all of them including the favorites and then we're gonna go back and then you'll see you have new options available to you last plate favorites and all games let's go ahead and add some games to our favorites so I'm going to go in arcade I'm gonna hit the select button and I'm gonna jump to G and go to one of my favorites which is Galaga and I'm just gonna pick one of the Gallagher's here to add it to your favorites list do you just press the Y button so now it's added to my favorites list and let's switch over I'll go to Atari I'll pick asteroids press Y and we'll do it one other time for the PlayStation and I'll pick Gran Turismo press Y and we'll hit back so now let's go over to our favorites list and I'll press a and then here are all the games we added if you want to remove one simply select it and then press Y and it'll be removed from your favorites list or you could just press a and go ahead and launch the game start playing it right from your favorites [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this tip I'm going to show you how to remotely connect from a PC to your Raspberry Pi for running retropie this allows you to issue commands directly using an SSH connection on the PC over to your PI this makes copying and pasting commands that you find on the retro PI tips page much easier now let's enable SSH on Retro PI so we go to the retro PI menu option here and select raspy config press the a button on the controller and then move down using your keyboard to interface options and hit enter on SSH then hit enter and yes to enable it and enter on ok once you do that hit tab to finish and hit start on your controller move down to quit and move down to restart system press a on yes and emulation station will restart next you'll want to make sure you know your IP address if you don't know your IP address go to retro PI again and scroll down until you see show IP press a on the controller and it'll show you your IP address right here be sure and write it down or remember it next let's download putty the link is in the description below so you can click that so you go here and scroll down just a little bit and download in my case I'm going to download the 64-bit installer for Windows and we'll go ahead and install putty and hit finish and once you're done here you just double click on putty and then type in the IP address that you acquired earlier in the prompt and make sure it's set for SSH and you can save your session so if you want to be able to come back to this easily you can just enter a session name and hit save and then click the session and open when you see this prompt don't worry just hit yes to log in you simply type PI P I press ENTER and raspberry as your password now you can easily copy and paste any commands that you find on the retro PI tips page in this step we're gonna change the boot image or splash image that you see when retropie boots this one on the PC type in backslash backslash and your IP address that you acquired earlier and they go to the splash screens share and copy and paste in an image I'll go ahead and drop in one for the wagner's Tech Talk logo and let's take a quick look at it that's gonna be our new splash screen ok so now let's go into the retro PI menu and we'll go down the retro pie set up and we'll scroll down until we see configuration tools and then scroll down until we see splash screen all right up there press ENTER and choose splash screen we'll choose option 2 and select the splash screen we just copied and we'll back out and exit from here we'll hit start on the controller go down to quit and restart and we should see our new splash screen and there it is you can of course use this with your own splash screen you can say John's arcade or you know whatever you want pretty cool way to customize your retropie before we dive in on how to make a backup let's first ask the question why might we want to make a backup basically there's no reinstall of all the games and tweaks and artwork that you have downloaded previously you simply make a backup copy and you can always restore it up to that point also moving from a lower capacity microSD card say a 32 gig to a 256 gig microSD is much easier just make an image copy of it and restore it down to your new microSD card also before running any major updates to the OS or retropie itself it's a good idea to have a backup so if anything goes wrong you can always put everything back the way it was before you ran an update alright so now let's start with how to make a backup okay so now let's first download win32diskimager the links are below for this click download and go ahead and install it then click the Browse folder icon and type in a name for the image I'm going to call it retro PI for 6 128 gigabyte IMG and click open now all you have to do is just click the read button and it'll take the contents of the microSD card read it and save it to the file that you specified once it's done go ahead and click the ok button and exit let's quickly go over why you may want to restore from a backup image in the case where you are migrating from a smaller capacity microSD to a much larger one you probably want to do that so you don't have to reinstall all your games and artwork and all that kind of stuff so that's a good point you want to go from a 32 gig to a 256 gig no problem you can just go ahead and restore your old image onto your new one another reason maybe if you have any problems after an update or any strange issues that you can't resolve easily then you can always restore from your your backup so those are two of the main reasons and now we'll get into how to restore it going back to win32diskimager just click the Browse folder icon select your image and then click the Open button double check that the correct card is selected under the device and click write once the restore process is completed then boot it up in your raspberry pi 4 then go to the retro PI menu go down to recipe config and then move down to the Advanced Options option number seven and from there what you want to do is select expand file system now hit enter on ok and tab over to finish and hit enter ID yes and your raspberry pi will be rebooted and the file system expanded next I'm going to show you how to add some emulators that aren't actually on the system what you do is go to retropie setup and from there move down to manage packages and then select manage experimental packages and then pick the package that you want in this case we'll go ahead and pick redream which is a Dreamcast emulator hit enter on ok and install from precompiled binary it's gonna ask you if you're sure say yes and it will install the emulator if you need to remove it you can remove it from this prompt we'll just hit back back and back and then exit now normally you'd hit start on your controller move down to quit and you can restart emulation station and the Dreamcast will show up but I'm going to show you something different if you select quit emulation station and yes this will bring you to a command prompt so you could issue any commands here if you wish in my case I'm just gonna reboot so I'm gonna type sudo reboot press enter and your res berry pie will reboot when emulation station restarts you will then see an option for the Dreamcast so we'll move over to the right for the Dreamcast you will have to install two BIOS files and of course your games but yeah it's pretty cool in Dreamcast seems to run pretty nicely we will cover it more in a future video there's a cool experimental package called web manager that you can get for retropie as well i'll show you how to do that but basically you enter your IP and port 8000 and then once you do that you can do all kinds of things right from a nice web interface such as checking the temperature of the processors you can see all four cores you can go to roms and see a listing of all your roms you can also upload roms as well one thing I want to show you here is if you go to available systems and click on a system that you don't have on here click Add and it'll create a Dreamcast sub folder in this case so if we switch over to the PC you can see there's an empty Dreamcast folder I downloaded this Chrome extension super Auto refresh plus which is pretty handy with this tool if you enable it then you can go in here and set it for two seconds and you can easily monitor the temperature as well as the CPU utilization on all four cores if you look below you can tell I've upgraded my micro sd card from 128 gig up to a 512 gigabyte and I'm only using 3% another cool feature is that you can import the BIOS files directly using this web interface here it's telling me I've got two BIOS files that are missing so you can just simply drag and drop them if there's any problems with the file such as this one it'll show you that the md5 checksum was not a correct match pretty cool tool the only issues that I ran into is large files that you try and upload into the roms directory may be a problem such as the Dreamcast files but for most of the stuff it worked pretty good alright so let's go ahead and install the retro PI web manager we'll move down to retropie setup and the first thing we'll do is update the retro fire setup script so we'll move down to this option s and select yes and update the script everything's up to date so we'll go ahead and hit enter and enter again and then we'll move down to manage packages then we will select the X mental packages and scroll down until we see the retropie web manager and there it is we'll hit dinner and enter to install from source then select yes and press enter and after a few minutes it'll install great now there's one more step that we need to do we will go back and back again and back one more time go down to configuration tools press ENTER and scroll down until you see the retropie web manager and then you want to start it so hit enter on start and if you wanted to be enabled on boot of the Raspberry Pi go select option 3 to an able retropie manager on boot and press Enter and that's it now we can go ahead and cancel out and go back and exit for this step I highly recommend having a backup as shown in the prior tips so go ahead and make a backup before you run an update that said let's go ahead and perform an update we'll go down to retropie setup then we'll select update and say yes to update the installed packages its fetched the latest retropie setup script so we'll hit enter and then we'll hit enter once again in this case I'm gonna select no for updating the underlying OS however it's a good idea to do that at some point after you've created an image backup as shown in the previous tip so I'm going to select no and it's going to update all the installed packages at this point what's done just hit enter and everything has been updated at this point it's a good idea to reboot or if you want you could just click exit however I highly recommend rebooting at this point thank you so much for watching I hope you got a lot of useful information out of this video my goal was to try and consolidate all the best tips that I could find and figure out for retropie all in one single video so you don't have to search for dozens more thanks again if you enjoyed this video please click the like button and if you want to see more from wagner's Tech Talk please click the subscribe and with that I shall talk to you very soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Wagner's TechTalk
Views: 73,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retropie 4.6 tips, retropie tips, retropie 4.6 setup, retropie setup, retropie setup tips, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi, retro gaming, retropie tips, retropie, tutorial, retropi, retropie setup, retropie pi 4, setup, pi, pi 4 retropie, pi 4, raspberry pi retropie, retropie pi4, retropie install, advanced retropie, retro, pie, raspberry pi 4 retropie, retropie themes, retro pie, retropie 4.6 raspberry pi 4, retropie scraper, raspberry pi 4 gaming, retro pi, raspberry pi 4 setup
Id: dZQgAFroFac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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