512gb Raspberry Pi 4 Mega Retro Build - Killer

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so here it is in all of its glory a 512 gigabyte retropie built for the Raspberry Pi 4 it is freaking amazing I've been waiting for this day ever since the Raspberry Pi 4 came out everyone wondering you know when is the goodbye when should we get in when is the emulation gonna get up - the Raspberry Pi 3b and I have to say ladies and gentlemen this is it this is freaking amazing this thing's got tons of themes bezels over twelve thousand games PSP a Nintendo 64 Dreamcast playing beautifully really nice on standard clock and you can always overclock it as well you got screen savers look I'm hitting select here look at some of these screen savers buttes beauty so much time and craftsmanship over 10 custom boot screens over 20 themes or so installed optimized games each individual game is optimized for a lot of these systems Kodi bezels all these scripts pre-installed this is just the image of images it is amazing there's so many little quirks and features I have to share with you about this one so strap in let's check it out so here's some virtual mans notes and man is this guy thorough to say the least PSP minutes have been completely optimized as I mentioned quake has been fixed he has the fix script in there he added a ton of games he added an additional Daphne game now to make him up to 10 he fixed a bunch of the emulators especially like some emulators require like multi-disc some don't and he got that all working there was an issue with the 4k TVs he fixed that he even mentioned that the adapter you need if you want to play this on a big-screen 4k TV talks about the overclocked scripts just everything here's all the things he did to get it to where it is now I mean this is now like a product like it is like a refresh refined thing and give again just like his other builds gives you all everything you want to know you know how you know how he set up his controls how you can set up your controls everything open for you know you might have to configure using a keyboard and then he shows it because he uses the SN 30 pro controller and what he uses first controls now if you used a different controller it might actually just be fine or you can easily redo your controls as well so this script will actually run go to his github and get some fixes that he's found a couple problems since he released this image like over a week ago and as he can literally send updates as things get fixed now he's not sending any roms these are only scripts files that don't have any roms on him let's go ahead and apply the fixes all right so here we are really quick let's jump into the options to start you get four folders here the top emulation tools everything from retroarch to installing an aim track gun some cool scripts free their network tools how to set your Bluetooth and Wi-Fi find out what your IP address in case you want to access your into your PI system tools the background music setup alone is really cool you can change the volume you can remove the songs USB modes this is where if you want to set up a hard drive I know a lot of you don't want to buy a 512 gigabyte SD card but that is the deferred way to do this reset all controllers to set up your own custom controls and then overclock scripts which I'll show in a later video we're actually we'll just crank this thing up and see if we can get even less frame drop than that but as you see there's a one point seven to two point one and two point one four seven and then also a really easy disabled script to just go back to normal visuals and themes this thing is like I said I didn't count it's like close to 20 themes or more and it does have the theme randomizer on so every time you and it has the bezel project and you can add more themes if you want just going to emulation season themes here and as it is like over 12 custom splash screens when you boot up your pie you get a different video every time but what I was mentioning about these is the theme randomizer so every time you boot up your own different theme music on and off rasp I'd configure dissolve pretty standard stuff all the play box toolkit stuff and then this one was the one that's just amazing where he has things go wrong he can build a custom script in a github you just hook your pie up to the internet you click this button and your pie will automatically get the updates and the fixes that people find throughout the time so for example one of the fixes that were recently done is there was an issue with like quake and so he just ran script and then now quake 1 is working just fine so really easy stuff like that so those are your options as I mentioned when I first booted up its 12,600 for games it's a bunch of collections here as well so we're gonna go ahead and look at all these games does come Cody as well and the Raspberry Pi up for is gonna run Cody a lot better than the Raspberry Pi 3 especially if you get more RAM some of the 4 gigabyte version of the Raspberry Pi for the 2 gigabyte version by the way is just fine I was actually talking to virtual man he was telling me that retropie and the menu here uses less than 1 point 5 gigabytes of RAM so if you buy the 2 gigabyte model and you're just using this for like you know this image you can easily operate this image easily with the 2 gigabyte so ports got full games here so cool and Wow even more added supermodel or you got that little port in there nice won't things name 3d co-op well I had not tried this one and then a lot of these other games work in his past 400 gigabyte image which I reviewed not too long ago but now is for the rest of pipe for so more USB 3.0 support you know faster internet all kinds of stuff we can do now Amiga 646 games Amiga cd25 CPC 114 arcade classic I know he has a good arcade set 1727 one of the ongoing jokes is you know how many games actually work and I have to say with the V man image it's it's a lot as you see here you got the JPEG video snaps you get the metadata this thing's got lot of themes on it I'll kind of go between them Atari 2600 630 50 296 again 5200 gets forgotten a lot 1758 Eames atari lynx 83 atomiswave 7 games is pretty cool especially for the Raspberry Pi 4 runs great commerce Explorer only 64 games that's cool you know a lot of people don't use Commodore 64 Coley Co 140 Daphne up to 9 and then when you run the updates I believe you'll get one more fix on there so it will raise it up to 10 Dreamcast 86 games a lot of them are running redream and redream as I showed in a previous video an awesome Dreamcast emulator you can change your controls really easily show your frames and I'll be showing some gameplay later but really really good performance and Marvel or Capcom - you could play it here on the Dreamcast it's also on Naomi as well so you get two versions of that great game revolt I played it on in a previous video it runs great all these games are gonna run pretty well on the stock clock before you even start overclocking turn out Pro Skater to some really good games here so 86 games I mean that's that's almost 80 gigabytes right there family computer system 386 if you're running more like that 512 is coming from family computer disk system 128 super Famicon 509 it's a lot of games I guess you have some rare game some some yeah some different nice Nintendo game watch 52 Game Gear 259 gameboy 57 Game Boy Advance 1026 gameboy color and here's all the bezels on there and he has the right resolution set for those Sega Genesis 783 he has some favorites here as well so pretty cool Intellivision 135 Master System 277 MSX 224 294 and 4 on the PI 4 is running good a lot of these games will run just fine if you overclock you can get even better and he hasn't set up already so some of them are gonna run at 240 and then some of them run at the 480p he has it all you know manually set up for each game Naomi this is pretty cool right here this set right here and I'll play dead or like to a little bit later but these games are fun as heck and games you don't find on a lot of other systems a lot of other images Nintendo - yes - and 52 these are gonna run well as well on the quad core processor here the radford pipe 4 so nice set here and again he gets like the good games there's a lot in this library and he doesn't just dump you know the whole thing on there so even with the 512 I mean he's filling it up I'll get to the file size in just a moment hang on tight I want to go through that games first and also I need to get the exact measurements for you as well so just go through the Nintendo DSi Lee briefly I have to count how many systems are all right here - I mean it's cool we're getting up in there as far as tons of systems I have this on a samsung select I was able to get my sd card for around 85 or 90 dollars before tax and the SD cards are way to go it's just a lot faster you're gonna boot up every time you boot up on a hard drive it just doesn't blew it up so fast neo geo 1:40 Neo Geo CD 10 Neo Geo pocket color 40 ne s 782 Super NES 794 Super Nintendo CD so open beats of Rage open bore really cool stuff I've mentioned this in my last couple videos just really fun games that you know give you a different variation on some of the classics so you should check it out PSP 131 games so here's where you're really taking advantage of the 512 gigabyte SD card he hasn't preset up to go to 2 X if possible one exit they're really laggy and he went through him each one is optimized all ready for you so pretty freakin fantastic I'm gonna be playing Mortal Kombat in a little bit and I'll show you that perform and you can easily change it out yourself by going into the emulator settings really easily but PSP a lot of really good games they look great and they run great PSP minis 200 PlayStation 412 that's a set of games so let's just go ahead and go through this set well we're going through the set I'm gonna just talk a few different things so the image is four hundred seventy six gigabytes in the file manager and that'll be five hundred and twelve billion seventy five million bytes I rounded up so if your SD card has even close to that amount of space you're gonna be just fine as I mentioned the Samsung 500 gig light is the way to go now you're probably wondering how do I get this image I'm gonna be the link to tap a talk that's where V man's group is and he is amazing as far as tech support helping people out you know he did go ahead and join that group talk to them they'll happily help you out with image and everything all the questions you might need to know in there so that's your go-to maybe our K Punk's will have it later I'm not sure I'm not really involved in that he was nice enough to share this image with me and I have to say it is a masterpiece so far I don't know many people we were you know chatting online and I don't know as many people as thorough as he is just in general everything from his release notes to these little fixes to the you know everything has to be perfect he actually like is making a lot of those screen savers and themes and intro videos like he's making them custom so that's pretty cool I like to see that kind of detail so that's the file size and I recommend the SD card route alright so let's go back out scummvm he has a really cool sets come via and blade runners on here as well as all your classics as well a lot of fun to play those 32 X 32 sex CD a hundred games so if you're wondering why this image is so big a lot of CD based games Sega CD PSP Dreamcast these take up a lot of space so some good Sega CD action there as she 1068 turbo drive 1600 turbo graphics CD again CD based games 130 Ti 19 eine 90 games vetrix 25 Virtual Boy 25 68,000 four sharp or 100 games four sharp 68,000 CX and clear 179 and then here we go we have collections you can usually turn these off and just go into game collection settings and just uncheck the ones that you don't want easy to do he hasn't been here so he has his like arcade classics this cool little collection to get into some really classic arcade games if you're new to main new to arcade I would highly recommend taking a little detour over here having some fun there with virtual man's arcade and then you got the Super Nintendo classic so you got your Star Fox 2 and everything that originally came with the SNES classic I thought he had a Nintendo classic yeah there you go Nintendo classic as well now we just need the Sega Genesis Classic now it doesn't really matter and then back to all games 12 hours for something I haven't mentioned yet also his favorite so you have 210 games and I was looking through this list of games and really good list of games if you're new to retro gaming or you're introducing people to retro gaming these are all really good games to get into because they're you know easy to play fun classics and you know a lot easier bestsellers I would say you know when you google something like top 10 games for this system a lot of times they'll be those games but then there's also some really deep cuts as well at games I you might not have heard of before or checked out so it works both ways for newbies and veterans alike you go girl once you get going you're good whoa that turning this guy get in my way fourth place doing better than I did in the past are we gonna go hot-air balloons I mean Napa oh yes I want us to follow them huh oh I'm about to get first Oh second lowest first act oh there's first sleeping it first here around the outside inside Oh splitting them up Oh dirty computer let's see if we can get him by the checkpoint now all right first baby all right cool it's running good let's minis running really good okay a little bit of sound lag I mean it's pretty good well I'm just bad all right one more punch there's mop I mean there's a little lag but I mean it's very playable I have no issue whatsoever one grabber there we go Hey just kill him grandpa over here cupcake almost got that kickin all right that's cool meant to upper cutter here we go get down there you go get over here poof nice nothing nice try I really quick let's just bump it up really quick and see what happens I'll still get her in the uppercut don't worry oh there you go nice so 3x looking a little better and still it's handling it just fine and again this is stock clock I'm not overclocking yet ooh there's some lag right here come on come on there we go and let's do another up oh he blocked that ooh I'm gonna fall off keeps getting me Oh oh we both fell but even Forex is running pretty good nice and again this is no overclock this thing turns fast can be wheelie though let's see let me get on the street here I doesn't allow you to wheelie not like road rash old way to not see that never played this map before y'all this is really really good though like really really really well I'm not surprised I imagine most PlayStation games run just fine on the pipe for all rights to get that you get the drift II that's good thanks good too easy motorcycle game kind of reminds me of Ridge Racer for motorcycles alright in conclusion I really like this theme because lucky you see the the box art the cart the screen and a video it's a cool little theme this theme is the Floyd being pretty cool theme like like a little artificial Bush as well it's nice when you're in quarantine anyways V man amazing amazing work I'll link to his channel a link to his tab talk in the description below as you saw the Raspberry Pi is just chugging along great we finally made it as I mentioned earlier to a point where this board is really kicking butt as far as performance I'll make a separate video where I overclock and we can play some of these games we can bump up those graphics but this is a great build everything if I would I would put this build in my living room I would put this build near my computer in my gaming room in a bar top anything in a second this is definitely a just kill all image again I mean I guess the only downside would be if you don't have the money I mean you have to buy a 512 gigabyte SD card or a hard drive and then you have to buy the Raspberry Pi 4 and then the controller and everything like that so you know you're talking a little bit of an investment but a lot of you already have this lying around so it's a no-brainer for all of you for those on the fence about it like I said with him having those fixes and the community being so strong and this build being like it's just there's no like it doesn't give me black screens there's no big loading issues there's no compatibility issues the controller issues like I'm having no issues whatsoever and that's what I was a little concerned with you know especially when the earlier builds of the raster pipe four were so primitive they weren't really quite ready yet but I have to say this one is ready a-plus work really liked it if I had to be you know I feel like I'm giving it too much praise you know but it's so I haven't seen anything better so until I see something better this is some amazing amazing work some people might just say oh I wish you included that game evidently there's about two point three gigabytes missing you definitely want to have some buffer space there you don't want to fill all 2.3 gigabytes but if it is just a single game you can remove a game add a game you do have some flexibility there as well and he might have missed a system that you wanted to see on here like maybe Atari 800 or something like that but come on come on people so that's what I think let me know it yeah I'll think and don't forget to Like and subscribe and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: DrewTalks
Views: 113,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drewtalks, retropie, retro gaming, 128gb, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 4 retropie, emulation, raspberry pi, pi 4, emulation station, rpi 4 emulation, retropie raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 4 gamecube e
Id: gYwlGeWeFuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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