Analyzing the 2022 Top 100 Games of All Time

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody i'm tom vassell i'm mike delecio i'm chris yee and welcome back to uh the top 100 this is the final video this is the epilogue the apple where are they now yeah or as i call it one time the prologue uh in one of my videos and got made fun of very deservedly so are you called the epilogue to prologue yeah i did at one point ah you know what more movies should have epilogues you know i'm always tired that you know like this big action movie and they the bad guy gets killed and the good guy who saves the the the the innocent children or whatever and then the movie everyone's like and then the movie cuts i'm like but what happened it'd be nice to have somebody today ever build the orphanage you know some movies do it yeah you know people get on the lord of the rings case for having that long santa coda i like it because i'd like to see everything how it went back can you imagine the movie ended with like ring we're done here folks cut wrap up the set oh the ring got it i was i was i didn't catch what you were going with there yes there was a ring in lord of the rings movie makes sense now i was so confused all these years alrighty this is all this is a christmas show to some degree so just to clarify if you've never watched dice out before we do a top 100 every year i believe this year was my well you would know how many times have i done it i didn't look at every single year so i have that information tom has that information there we go this is where's mine where's my where's my life this always happens this always happens to me here you go mike here's your laptop it's a little part of the rings thing all right so i started in 2005 so that would be is that 17 or 18 i'm always guessing six seven one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. coming through though there we go oh hey everybody hello all right anyhow so for 17 years i've been doing a top 100 list and then several years ago z jumped in he started in 2014 and mike started three years ago and a few people did them in off years like roy did one in 2017 and then did one last year and so and so forth um and we also have done the people's choice now that one we've done since 2011. okay so a lot of data there yeah a lot of data here anyway chris is taking his data and mush it up and smush it up and that's uh it's your microphone now okay yeah so basically what i did what i looked at for the most part was i don't have as i don't have an analytics software per se um that's nice when you can have that so i looked at this year's data amongst us in the office and i looked at for those of you who did one did the top 100 last year did a year-over-year analysis a change analysis basically and so even though i couldn't look at all of the data from all the previous years what i did was i just gleaned the insights that we could from i need to share this with you then yeah i mean i could but once again you know there's what i what i'm working with is in excel so i could figure out some stuff to see you know long year trends and stuff but uh i think so what's up i think so no what i'm saying is the analysis tools for example last year's analysis tools was just a more robust system got it and for some reason you aren't paying for like a a big data analysis analytic software that would be i think a pretty gigantic waste of money so we did running video right so i did what i could with uh you know within excel itself and so we can cut to the screen here i'm going to show i'm going to discuss very briefly what i did in terms of the data this is just a huge mess that you're seeing and it's not very zoomed in this is everybody's top 100 from this year including the people's choice on the right-hand column so to try and glean some insights across people's lists and see what were highly rated games that everybody you know that people crossed over on and everything put all the data into here and tried to normalize it that's one thing i think hopefully will be will be more interesting than last year is that for example century spice road i went through the data and tweaked it all so it is the same entry now a century golem edition gloomhaven and gloomhaven jaws of the lion is you know it i i tweaked the data so that we have more interesting stuff to to kind of correlate does that make sense well now that i've played the uh video version of google maven they're definitely the same game they are the same they actually merged them in the video oh really yeah yeah so i mean some people might say oh you know you fudged the data we i very intentionally did that's called normalizing it um the weirdest part is with the people's choice is the people's choices the only one where gloomhaven jaws of the lion and gloomhaven both showed up okay and so i kind of in pandemic legacy and regular pandemic so z pick pandemic iberia i pick pandemic as a whole system someone else pick pandemic legacy right some people like pick their favorite season of pandemic legacy all of that is just kind of pandemic just one pandemic yeah and i've already moved to that on my own top 100 doing that sort of thing because it just makes i like looking at my own data what one thing i struggled mountain data is sometimes the second edition in the first edition cross people's choice twilight imperium four eventually took over twilight imperium three yes descent matches of madness because sometimes they're very different games they are yeah and so sometimes you want to separate so i think for the most part though anything on here that could be considered you know debatable it's not too debatable you know the crew both of the crews are just kind of mushed into one i'd like to debate on that topic chris i uh please do no i need a cheap laptop to hit mike up with [Laughter] uh and so this oh now we're getting even nervous yeah look at this so this is just a look still these first two tabs i don't know if you can see them in the stream but the first two tabs are basically just the raw data then these are the crossovers here between tom's list and then z's list and you see everybody's names across the top there and so this is just to kind of show hey i used a vlookup formula um grabbing this name here did a crossover with any you know the blue item did a crossover with anything in the red item the um you know so same thing across everybody's lists and then i went through in these next tabs like i this is where the actual like useful data is to kind of look at all right so what we're seeing here and i can zoom in more on this so people in the stream can see it better this is the number of crossovers that we had with each person so tom looking at you this uh this row straight across you cross over with z 14 times mike 26 times roy 29 times camilla 11 wendy 15 and me 21. no no keep going you didn't i mentioned that people's choices yeah yes that people's champion so what you're saying is the guard see uh not voiceovers he's not even as a matter of fact z is in second to last place right in crossing over with the people oh garcia how the mighty have fallen why do you hate the people so oh my god what do you have against the people see mike you are only third for people and we haven't gotta get caught up in the details here tom let's just focus on that i'm surprised actually and uh that roy is as high over crossover yeah i mean i i think that and people in the chat have been mentioning this roy has probably the most representation of forex and troops on a map and those confrontational type games that i think are highly represent on the people's choice list but aren't necessarily on a lot of other people's say you know me and wendy's for example right but then you know when did i have a lot of the other euro game no one else has listed brass birmingham on it so it's fun to kind of see that we all do crossover with the people's choice list on a lot of different things yeah no one is less than than 15 there 17 is the lowest which is still pretty high right um it's an interesting question from bonnie crew i don't know if we have access to this answer but uh they're asking how many different games were there altogether represented across all of our list do we have that information i think is what it was wow of just this this year right so 450 out of out of a possible 800. yeah yes okay interesting yeah seven people in the office and then the people's choice list okay so the second highest crossover is actually me and the people who is the third highest crossover looks like camilla and z with 34. 34 there i see what you're doing here you're just looking and then wendy is the highest with 56 right yeah so what's that taking people's choice out of it so we have obviously chris and wendy then camilla and z looks like the next size is [Music] mike and me and you and i with and then you so you me and roy should start our own show that's correct right get out from behind over there let's get going here chris you're out all right you know what's funny though this data does not necessarily line up in my head because i'm thinking if i have a game that i like who would probably else like it depends on the game because i'm an omni gamer yeah but i think i would cross over with camilla a lot more because there are a lot of games i'm like whoo and she says ooh and i'm like okay now i don't i don't want to speak for camilla because she's not here right now she wants to be but maybe you've heard her say this too she has mentioned that that she thinks that her crossovers are probably going to grow over time because she'll have more of a chance to play with more you know play so much together here right that's exactly it i will make the wild call that next year chris and wendy's crossovers will be less than 56. see and i wonder about that right because we you just have more exposure to more different types of games uh and and uh camilla has gotten a chance to play a lot of games with z because the timing just has worked out that way but also the same games that interest you and mike and uh do also do interest here so that would be kind of fun to see just changes over time right um yeah so agree try not to speak for camilla or anything yeah yeah but i still think i have the most crossovers i know you have 125 to 116 but then again you have 56 with wendy so what i did oh you you you anticipated that yeah i did right so this column right or so this row right here total uh is taking a look at the total of everything except for the people's choice this is just kind of within the office so tom you had 116 total crossovers with other people in the office ziad 94 so on and so forth across this row here and then this next row is is in accounting speak less colon means minus whatever thing so minus the highest crossover amount so taking out you and roy's crossover taking out z and camilla's crossover taking out mike with uh tom with you so looking here you can see that tom you still have the highest crossover eliminating the the one person that you cross over with the most taking out even wendy nice crossovers loving these numbers it's kind of fun to look at right so taking out the 56 i had with wendy i still had 69 crossovers amongst other people in the office uh and then you can see here that wendy's is the most distinct list from folks the least crossover with z yeah wendy other but also roy almost that's the lowest crossover right of any of them is with wendy and z yeah correct yeah also chris and z yeah mine is pretty low too actually oh and that's the other thing i wanted to mention so the funny thing too is that out of these 100 games that we're talking about crossovers and we're doing all this analysis that does not speak to our general tastes because our general games that we like is way bigger than a hundred a hundred sounds like a ton of games but it's still all right next year we will all do our top 500. top 500 here we go all right number 500 well i you know here's the thing and people ask us a few years and my data i have gone farther than a hundred i believe last year i went to 250 and a couple years i went to 250i it's so much work this year i got to 100 and i was like i'm done i mean actually i went to 157 but that's not because of anything other than i was just shrinking and shrinking i got to 100 added numbers in and moved them around i did so 157 was basically my pool of could be in the top 100 when i go beyond that also 87 and 88 are already kinda like ah yeah yeah once you get the two hundreds it don't matter right really very similar i think i had a pool of somewhere in 170 range that i you know was like considering into the but what do you what do you call this an accounting numerical speak the fact that i have probably so i don't know why i played like eight thousand games or something so i i have two three thousand sevens i have a lot of sevens yeah they're not going to be in the top 100 ever but they're games i like yeah what is that group called i don't i don't know what you would necessarily call it but it's it's the the general idea is that those sevens that you like could be for mike a two mike could despise every single one of those games and it's just not data that's represented in the small sample size we're looking at of the top 100. it would be interesting if we went through the top 100s and said how many of those games i dislike yeah like just just not even rating them just like i don't like that how many on each list i would dislike the games because i know when me and mike can and z did it i specifically said right i just like that game but it's not a ton of them right no i would guess my my my guess is that it would be less than 10 of games that i just actively dislike that show up on right anybody's just a guess though i have another five to ten percent of games on z's list where i would go i haven't played it yet that is awesome that is true all right so now let's look over at uh this column here is crossover values right so what i did was i signed uh or wait no this is oh yeah so you can kind of look through um i'm debating right someone asked in the chat earlier could could this become public can we post this somewhere i don't have a problem with that i mean we'll we'll talk about it but i don't see why let people have data yeah yeah and so you can see here uh any given any given game time you picked hedara uh it was also on z's list at 51 and nobody else's list but i know that for example a few people i think mike likes the game which one i don't know i like that right but it didn't make a top 100 it didn't make sense right and that's why even i wouldn't put too much faith in just all these numbers as representing the true taste between you know all of us um unless it's a number that shows up in a lot of people's top 100s in that case you can say it's fairly well liked yeah yeah so i don't know what data you have here this is all like tom and i are being exposed to this for the first time here on the street second time for you second time i mean second time for me oh you have seen it so do we have like information as far as like the game that had the most crossed over among everybody and okay so we're coming we'll get there that's what people want to hear well sure we're saving that for the yeah for the for the epilogue and so someone in the chat asked earlier and said do you have um what about crossover and unique games that aren't on anybody's list and that's what that's one of the things that you can glean from here so this is where those numbers were pulled from how many crossovers each person had with whatever other person uh and over here though is the unique value column so you look at uh raccoon tycoon and so you can see hey if this blue cell area here and maybe it's not showing up so anyway if these cells here have no value in them whatsoever then put in a value of one if not put in a zero this is a unique one for tom raccoon tycoon nobody else had it so that's a one okay and then this cell right here 39 uniques huh yeah so this cell here is summing up yeah how many unique games there were so 39 games out of your top 100 were only on your list yes and i fully and some of them i fully expect that that's interesting i want to see this for everybody and then so there's two columns there's unique and then there's with the people so this one is unique amongst just us in the office because i thought that would be kind of fun to break out too so seven of your games that nobody else had on the list who's on the people's people like a good example there's role player role play you can see it there you can see it right there my 99 is 61 for the people but no one else here had the guts to put a much superior i like role player actually i think almost everyone else likes it yeah i do it's just not it's just in the top 100 i think it the year it came out it may have made it been on my top 100 but uh it's fallen a little bit okay so here we go so this is z used to be the voice of the people look at that 42. i like that when you include the people it's still 40 22. all right so almost half of his list there's only on his list yeah oh you got our echo right there time everyone plays our echo i mean yeah uh so then going over to you mike wow mine is even higher that's right you just criticized z no it wasn't i wasn't criticizing i was surprised it was definitely a criticism it was a criticism but for me it shows a bold individualism for z not so much bold individuals when we're done with this i want to slide up and see the highest game we have that's not a crossover oh okay yeah yeah let's go through that for sure so 45 and 41. okay look at this roy 44 and 39. nice try you're not quite as individual as me 39 and 37 for camilla ho wait what's going on what oh we got all kinds of things going on i put in some extra information right this is wendy's unique games no chris no chris so ignoring me knowing where wendy and i crossed over she had 60 unique games on the list all right remember that number 60 because i want to see now how it works with you all right okay and then coming over here to me so sans wendy i had 59 unique games that were on nobody else that's interesting 51 with the people i'm feeling less individualistic yeah you're you're uh you're just a bandwagon jumper and what this is telling me no no no i'm a trend setter oh trendsetter okay well that's a different way to look at it and then over here the people's choice um you they had 18 unique games that were on nobody else's list that's interesting okay so you know what actually that's that is not surprising to me yeah i figure of the games that are most popular they're people aren't going to by very nature have a unique game that's probably not in our lives what are the games let's go through those so here's the unique games that are on the on the people's list and not and of any of ours castles of burgundy remember how he mentioned i normalized the data so i changed this title pandemic base that's because pandemic legacy was higher than pandemic on the people's choice list i called pandemic legacy the higher one i call that pandemic that's the crossover yeah all these yellow ones i'm counting as if they were on someone else's yeah that's kind of what i'm thinking okay okay so cass is a burgundy mm-hmm great western trail well man i thought chris you would have castle burgundy on your list but okay no i'm i'm very okay with that i think mike and i are in the same case it's like it's fine it's like a seven ish yeah which you play in the stone locks version you all change your mind now it's a plastic seven um all right just one could make it for me on any given sunday i love just one it's just for some reason it has not broken into that top 100 but i like that's one of the party games that i will i will say that if my kids um ruby and violet did their top 50 this year i think okay i'm almost positive just one was on it they loved that game yeah sure yeah yeah now this one would have star wars rebellion did that run in your list this one was this one was an error we talked about this so how roy did his list this year was he did the pub meeple system which he hadn't done before and by putting all of his ranked games from bgg into pubmed and then comparing them that one game didn't go through what would what do you think just in the top 20 in the top 20. yeah yeah it's like this is a game that he had all right that's uh error data in fact let's shut the video down thanks folks for coming that's an easy one caverna exists for me otherwise a greco would probably still be in my top 100 right yeah patchwork that's what i don't i've never gotten the absolute i like patchwork it's a great game people love it and i'm thinking why would you pick patchwork over baron park over all these other wildcats yeah yeah that's that's what it is it's a good game but it's not in my top 100 project i've not played it fits in a nice niche for so many people i think gaia projects um yeah it's an immense great game but i don't really love it that much and wendy and i would probably be the closest people that might have a chance of putting i'd like it i gave it a seven but it ain't making my top 100. yeah exactly right uh calico i'm calling it now next year calco is not in people's choice you think i think cascading which someone pointed out to me because when i reviewed cascadia i said i don't think people really get into this because of calico already existing yeah that was a big error well it's just yeah it's i think you know a lot of people like expansive rather than than restrictive but i still like calico a lot it's still you would definitely my top 200 there's no question it could even be my top 150. um where someone someone says star wars rebellion to the hanging chat of these it is yes correct code names i think people have played it so much they love it yeah i think it's slowly you're seeing it kind of drop over years stone age is a really huge surprise to me that it is it's even on the people's channel i like really really i think it's fine i just can't like how does it make it my thing is that there are so many worker placement games in that weight that i feel like to me have really just exceeded over what stone age does i think that there's a couple of things the theme is very appealing to a lot of people and and it was it has a lot of nostalgia i think for some people this was their kind of entry way into the hobby so i think it has a lot of good feelings behind it but i i have there are other games i'd rather play uh terra mystica we saw a guy probably higher project catan this one surprised me that it made it high up there because i know there's a lot of people who don't like it but this is i'd like to speak briefly i like our people's choice i agree on how we do it because we only allow positive voting so what that means is you put it on the list and then we add them all to whichever ones get the most votes make it so you can't bring any games down right um you can't give a negative vote sure and that's why katan if you go to board game geek katana is not in the top 100 or even close to it right because a lot of people go in there and rate it very lowly sure so and that's gonna and that also though means that games that have are very esoteric like gloomhaven and and uh twilight struggle will make it higher because the people who don't like them will never play them to begin with yeah right but a pop but popular games can also make it on this list and the people's choice has a lot of popular games this is a top 100 i love board game geek but our top 100 is vastly superior in my opinion i agree because it feels like a i think it's more competitive of what people actually play you know what i mean yeah one would hope i think if we cast a wider net as oddly as strange as that may sound yeah cartographers is a game i really enjoy but i know that people love it it is one of the most popular rolling rights out there yes it is it's got some legs for sure and i think for us so i don't think this affects the people but it affects us i think we for i don't know about y'all but like if i'm like i'm gonna put a couple royal rights in my top 100 of course i'm only gonna put a couple yeah does that happen you might say ah this game kind of replaces this one for me yes people's choice that won't happen too that's correct that is correct yeah no that's that's true i when i tend to think of my verb and verb games just to to make tom you know sweat over there because you love when i say that i definitely i don't want to have too many of them represented on my list i think inevitably if you do uh if you do a top 100 or a big ranking like this you will uh to use z's word you'll massage your list uh so roy this year did just the straight pub meeple thing just the rankings he compared two things and he just went with it z did the same thing um and so that's kind of interesting but it turns out that it's not that wildly different from if they were to just pick them you know hand pick them themselves yeah but inevitably you do some massaging yeah i did it this year but i always go back then and go wait a minute no and i move some stuff around i do okay so lahav is my biggest unique that's not with the people that's clear i'm i like it the most here in the office yeah then you'll be on the sun space based sat doesn't mean that none of you have that in your top 100 space the love for it that you do yeah it's it's neat it's great beyond the sun i think this will be the last i think it might crack the people's top 100 next year depending on how widely available it is that's a big part of it i think yeah yeah also it's not the most beautiful game so i don't know that sometimes can affect things looking at z's here his first unique game uh is both unique to the office and the people in general paper tails i do like paper towels it used to be in my top 100. yeah and that's what i mean by stuff like we it's these lists which is a no one's top 100 except disease you know stuff like this is just not you know i'm still mind boggling that that's your type that's that's amazing very in the last three or four of our events whether it's the cruise or or um retreat i've had people ask me to teach it to them and it's gone over very well so i i really think this is a game that more people than not would like it if they had a chance to play it and blue moon city blue moon city blooming city's on your list yeah so i have two games in my top 10 that are unique to my list all right going over here to roy three in his top ten minutes i'm actually surprised that that didn't make the people's choices the ring is higher oh what is this no war the ring is with us oh you're right yeah so yeah the people had it at 98. barely barely uh i like wore the ring a lot i just don't play it as much these days same thing with ti4 there's a there's a lot of reasons for that dune is another one i think not enough people play it for it to make the people's choice the original dune yeah yeah well oh gosh dude imperium look at that so sad so close oh to almost being a complete crosstalk i don't want to talk about wendy right now camilla so her highest is egos first continent that's still i mean when she told me she loved egos i was like oh wow i mean i like it but i had actually been debating on should i keep it in the library because i didn't know if anyone was playing it well yeah she likes he's staying in now and she likes that uh via magic game which is essentially augusta so i think she must really like that that kind of that bingo mechanism new york zoo huh i'm feeling sort of like a fash flash forward we're doing a uh catch-a-palooza and yeah she's got yeah she's got quite a few of you see if legends could have made mine and final girl i bet is knocking on the door of yours final girl i can tell you right now will be in my top 100 one of the funniest she's after you that's the only reason the timing difference is final girl like i'm trying to remember the timing of it had i it came out almost right after right after the top 100 i had not had really a chance to dig into it you finalize your top 100 list end of december early january we just did ours it was my number one solo game of 2021 i think you said i felt like you were still playing i wanted to play more of it yeah all right going over to wendy here uh her first unique game is um late well not even you are on that one that's still one that's kind of a hole in my collection i haven't played it it's one of the i have not either one of the fister ones i haven't mostly because i look at and i go that seems like a lot to learn that one seem like extra complex compared to some of the other ones there's there's a lot wendy finds it very intuitive to a degree that i don't i think it has a little bit too much in it but also it is very fun it's very good um and then over to me my first unique game that's on no one else's broom service no shock there that's a game i champion for sure yeah i even like um which is brew better than broom service like which is brew no one no one other than mike thinks that broome service kills witch and then i lost vegas royale also as a unique one of my top ten here what's the highest people's choice that's on no one's list uh the cast of burgundy oh yeah we already went through sorry okay all right so that's those ones there so now uh you were talking about like value of crossovers so before we go here to this tab called points uh what i want to show you is in the raw data here i'll zoom in a little bit on this you see that every pick that was a number one pick on somebody's list there's a there's a designated point value and so the way we did this is a number one pick on anyone's list gets 200 points 200 points number two it's 199 points and it's just a a decreasing list all the way down to the bottom until the number 100 pick on someone for someone gets 101 points this is uh something i insist on actually because i don't like the hundred to one because it makes game one 100 times better right exactly than the last one in fact when we do our point scoring for the dice our award so we're we're we're voting on dice our awards right now right now i do a very similar thing it's a four three two the points for you you can pick your top three and again it just bothers me it bothers me in euro games when they do this like you get three points i get one you just got three times as many points as me which can matter yeah is there a math term for all this um you're the math teacher yeah you're the math teacher uh yeah they they force you to teach algebra all the time i'd rather have learned more about statistics yeah i think there's some it's like normalizing it yeah yeah it's that it's that exponential right i mean if you think about it even 200 to 101 is probably not the best because i played 7 000 games so my top one should be worth 7 000 points and then the the 100 should be 6 900 right right right right but that makes sense sure yeah there's a degree to which you you could tweak with these numbers these number of points here so much i i i at first was like what if the you know what if it was 50 to 100 and there's these like all these decimal places you walked by and said do 200 to 101. and i said you're the boss done that's easier much easier yeah sorry i didn't see the positive jason dunham there's a castle at burgundy deluxe edition on game found right now you can back it yes yeah i i think that's a joke but in case no yeah it might be because loopy comes yeah i think this is a joke okay so now let's go to the point value assessing how uh how many times each game came across on everybody's list here we go this is the definitive best game for both people's choice this thing this one here is gonna include people's choice the next tab is just us within the office because i wanted to do a small little comparison here so um dune imperium dude imperium was on seven of the eight lists so there is no eight crossover no i'm not even sure we are close to that because thing number one and when he was not a fan of jen imperium i guess um and i know z is never going to put gloomhaven on his right right so and dominion mike is not gonna put that on his so i think it's a fine game it's not going to the topic right so i don't think there is a chance for an eight-way crossover unless a new game comes out now i would say this i would say this i think the reason sleeping gods is not on the three that is not there might be because i haven't played it enough yet i and i suspect that that's the case that's when he and community not really played it very much yeah i barely dabbled barely dipped my big toe into it and so i think that's the i think that has a chance so yeah i'd be curious to see what happens in this next year um dominion viticulture a feast for odin is also very high up and it helps that is number two on on two people's lists but one of the things i want to point out with this with this point system when you look at this a lot of people complain that wendy and i's picks are many of them are very similar especially the highest up ones but that's not going to skew for example a feast for rodent way higher than it really should be percent yeah right you're still looking at these you know these other games here uh and that's a high school very high because it's an amazing game it is yeah it is yeah mike is the is the low but no i'm not the low the lower the three people we can average them right and so when you look at the column over here on the right is average points all right sort it i don't want to see it so uh oh but average okay average does not work is there a way to sort it with uh two plus yeah that's actually what i'm doing right here blam so the highest average rating on games that have at least uh two that are on least two people's lists the others was number uh was this throws me off right because one did i both put um we both put brass birmingham as a number one game so i thought that it would be this highest rated up one here right the others being number two brought you down but the people yeah but the people's average yeah that the people brought down the average on it mm-hmm now this is really interesting in terms of the crew seems to be the because there's a more normalization of four votes yeah there's four votes but all four of us put it very high up tom uh wendy myself and the people all have it within the top 20. some of us have vision as to the fact this is not a flash in the pan game but it is here to stay an immensely high average right to be on that many people's lists let's look at the fours then like the ones that there's four because obviously twos if there's any twos yeah do there you go let's do four and higher uh so the first one they had the crew everdale is the next one that is one that wendy and i have not played i suspect we'd really like it but yeah that's that's one of those like strong sevens for me so it's not like i would bring it down it just didn't make my top 100. yeah i liked it pandemic if see pandemic actually might be higher if i hadn't decided to take legacy games out yeah sure because pandemic legacy zero is easily one of my favorite game experiences i just took them out because i'm not gonna keep saying every year this game is my favorite when i don't play it right okay and and you know i i kept it on because i like the general pandemics and i kind of kept that as just one little item no no i think a lot i like what you did there um let's see i mean dominion has great average i mean you look at these ones and they're you know these are solid games these are such solid picks um so let's let's see let's go back to uh let's include all the data again let's go back to really quick to total points descending yep uh this is at 190 time magnification tell you though you look at that top ten pretty solid it's actually not too far off from the top on board gaming that's a pretty solid top 10 again there is also not it's it's a little skewed towards newer games but dominion is 2008 yeah five tribes is 2012 i think or it's somewhere maybe 15 viticulture yeah i mean yeah i mean there were i mean there's nothing what's the newest game on this list it's imperative and then sleeping gods right yeah sleeping guides is actually newer than dune imperium yes and and it's funny because you look at gloomhaven and the game's several years old now you know it feels still kind of like a brand new heavy hitter but you know for marvel united it's a bit of a rising star there it's at number 12. yeah um marvel champions not as much but i think that's because does marvel champions have a higher average i think it does i bet right 175 yeah so i mean it's got a higher average than even some of the games in the highest positions right because marvel champions for me is not nearly as high so they make my top 100 so it's kind of a weird average thing because again this would be amazing data if we went all the way through every game we've ever played sure which we will never do no too much work someone is asking why didn't you assign a small amount of points to anyone who didn't put it on their list like 10 points then your averages would mean more i don't know what that means because i'm not intelligent enough you could you would average it across um eight entries rather than so like my formula here is just averaging the total number of points over the number of people whose list it was on and that's because this is the data that we have to work with this is what board game geek does they add in a bunch of dummy ratings to all their games it's a it's a hidden number we don't know we don't know what it is i'm guessing it's a couple hundred or a hundred of they i think they give a five a bunch of five ratings that normalizes a game this would actually work better i think to give out all of them a 100 or i think i think would be too low right i don't know i might debate if we want to kind of refine the formula over time but you know that i i find that that might be more fair so to speak but this is interesting that amongst these people's lists how highly regarded was it among these five people right these averages are astoundingly high i think right like dominion is ridiculously high and so it's just it's just looking at a different piece of information one thing's here it's interesting also dune imperium you could argue there's group things because we all played and param together blue maven i don't think any of us played it with each other you and i played a little bit of jaws involved that's true we did okay so there's that but but did you play with roy yeah um and you guys didn't play with it yeah that's true and i think z is mostly played solo dominion also there's not enough there's no group think on dominion no because we all this this is a game we played back in the dominion is not as far out of my top 100 as you might think i mean i have a lot of esteem for dominion i just it's not in my top 100. i like dominion a lot and sleeping gods to be fair also even though it's all it came through the office there's a lot of excitement together for the most part everyone took it home and played it separately you played a little bit together i played the whole campaign i played was a solo one and i took it home played it with my kids yeah mm-hmm so um now what the comparison point i want to just bring up here is this is the points for everybody including the people's vote keep the four plus filter on i'm guessing that means um it's not on anymore no no okay yeah i i reset it back to the standard total points that's why nothing that's below four plus will make it there right uh so let's see going and comparing to just us in the office really quick drake is saying it's interesting that none of these are anyone's favorites rather consensus really good games that's confusing no these are our favorites what are you talking about that's the whole point of this no of these top ten are any of these our number one game no absolutely not because we're all going to have such distinct tastes from each other right my favorite game brass birmingham is on nobody else's list yeah um your favorite game like top 6 000 yeah right and so uh mike your favorite game dwellings yeah is on nobody else no one else's list yeah uh and so i you know yeah yeah right and then and that is some crossover but not everybody's gonna like everything i think sure i think that shows just the general broad appeal that games like dude imperium gloomhaven dominion have right now comparing with us uh just within the office of these top 10 how many of them are crowdfunded because i think that plays into this too how widely available these games are i think only one right for people only sleeping gods i think is is the only crowdfunding game the original patterns was was crowdfunded and raiders was crowdfunded yeah a crime like wasn't chronicle's crime crap fight well no i do think that that plays into this maybe more than you might think we get that we get the games now though i don't know there's as much of a distinction anymore all right because a lot of crowdfunding games do become retail they do especially when they're this viticulture was a crowdfunded game and now i almost don't even think of it that way yeah so uh taking out the people's vote just to kind of see our scores here in the office and compare you'll notice that dominion falls to number four because a quacker comes out of nowhere wow a lot of us in the office here really uh yeah i mean it's all kind of middle and then it's very high up on roy's list but you know that's just representation on a lot of lists it's a really good game uh whereas aquatica is 13 otherwise so let's see anything different uh gizmos jumps up gizmos jumps up way out the average yeah that was only on the a teams list which is very interesting and it was on all four of ours right so then let's uh really quick jump here to uh tom mike z right this was your guys let's just comparing your numbers highest rated game dune imperium wingspan which didn't appear on any of the 18 lists yeah which by the way and i am i am getting really tired because i'm going to say this now because it will likely be a comment on this video and people go that just goes show your wingspan's overrated it's not if not i am still mind boggled that people keep saying this every time the game has sold millions of copies at this point right i still really like it and i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of use myself as a negative example here and i think i joke a bit about the crew because i think it's a fine game you know this whole forgotten in five years that's hyperbole right but but i i i do have an underlying thing that i don't think it's gonna be anyway people push back on wingspan and that's kind of what i i feel this this desire sometimes to push back against the crew because it's so popular i'm like yeah it's a good game but come on i think that's what people are doing about wingspan but i have to be honest with myself the crew is a very very very good game and wingspan is a very very good there's a kickstarter going on right now where people can buy extremely over well i guess it ended but extremely overpriced upgrade pieces for wingspan and this happens all the time if you go to and you bought seven etsy if you go to etsy yeah the number one one of the top five games of looking for upgrades is wingspan yes and which is so funny because what comes in the box is already fantastic it's incredible it's in target now it's in barnes and noble look you get over it wingspan's here to stay it's not going anywhere now that being said i'll be curious we we had a three-way crossover on unused games i'll be curious which ones stay um like specifically i'd be curious where vagrant song ends up well because it's it's a campaign game and i think that that's part of an issue but i can tell you i still haven't played through the whole thing i still hold it in very high esteem um but you're right you are right so then we look at the ones um that are not on people's lists so real quick through that may die i thought was okay five tribes i think is okay ever doubt i like more than okay but and abyss they're like strong games for me but they wouldn't make my top 100. and the only one that me and z crossover mike does in his target which i like i like target but it's not going to get anywhere near my top 100. and then it's just not i don't play a lot of two player only games speaking on z's behalf i know he likes side yes i know he likes viticulture gourmet he was not a huge fan of near and far he liked i think but not as much as we did yeah vindication he said was decent oh he played it okay yeah we did catch a palooza i'm not sure he's played and lord zaheles he would not like he wouldn't like it sure don't think oh wait there's two more for mike yeah because this is all just you already mentioned that one what's your reasoning for empires of the north i like it not enough it's a seven so it's not going in you know 100. and ninavelir we're still shocked that he did not like us this though is definitely one word z sat down we were all like this is the greatest game ever i think we blew it there because we were that not only that he was going to like that game but that was going to be in his top 10 for the year like i thought he was going to love it and so we built this thing up to him yeah and it had no chance to live up to what we built it up to we we we were from that experience now we're like z this is trash the first time we played it i was like immediately saying oh this z is going to love this game the first time we all said that so anyway yeah carlos thank you for that thank you for the super it's just when he chat love us more spreadsheets that's right how many people are watching right now watching somebody good question uh what do we got here roy look oh my word sorry i thought there would be like 100 people watching you asked for data you're getting data so now looking at the 18 lists here oh sorry i'm at 190 so let's zoom in again so look at the 18 list here gizmos is the highest represented across all four of our lists and then gloomhaven gizmos thing is just amazing to me it's just amazing to me it's like yeah it's a good game sure this is for me i just don't get the this would not make my top 300 probably not i like it yeah but wow i was surprised it's on a low seven for me our gizmos is your wingspan basically right like none of us put wingspan on our list we respect it i think it's a solid game all that stuff for whatever reason gizmos is like the engine building game that roy camilla wendy and i just nerd out about it's great uh destinies destinies i argue is one of the examples here of some group think you guys all played it together had a really great experience too and i the funny thing is i i played in at least some of those and i didn't like it very much it was okay it was okay actually i think i've gone down on my thought of it after not playing it for a while but yeah interesting i don't know i'm looking forward to playing that system in the dark quarter that would be really not bad i'm looking for but anyway uh yeah dude imperium is higher on average than uh dominions higher on average than dude imperium on our list ethno shows up a lot uh forgotten waters yeah that's great and so yeah so those are our three-way crossovers there is one three-way crossover which you see here is actually underneath all of these twos because these twos are highly rated across multiple people's lists like brass and feast for rhoden uh arkham horror card game marvel champion micro macro was on three i'm actually that's another one that surprised me because i enjoy that and then i go on to the next game like you say hey i haven't even bought the sequel to it right because i was just kind of like yeah it's cool and they're done yeah i think the kids effect affects itself too yeah yeah maybe we play with it or it makes a good point yeah we played this with our kids and everything so that's yeah that helps the family that kills together stays together that's what i always say adrenaline's another one that's for me i like it but it would not make the top i have not played it i like to apply i've been told practically and boo wendy and chris for not enjoying it as much as they should another one i need to play oh okay you've not played project delete no i've always been like well okay actively i want to say i think you'll like it because i want to influence it so i know i've seen people playing i'm pretty sure i would like it all right all right so uh then i have these deprecated tabs over here which you know anyone who's worked with data like this who has extra tabs and they're like uh i need to get rid of those those are old but i'm too nervous to delete them for good all right so this uh this spreadsheet here is the year-over-year analysis and so here is the 2022 raw data here's the 2021 raw data you know it's camilla one and i do not have lists in here i didn't include wendy nye's one from four years ago we'll just over over there there is a big jump from four years yeah i mean i i have my list from four years ago and it's a huge difference because you i mean you can see what i'm under people's choice sorry so four years ago of my top ten one two three four of them were not there only six of my top ten sure so looking here at the changes uh generally speaking so because there's not perfect data and there's no way to be able to do this anything that was not on your list in 2021 i ranked at 101 right whether that would have been in your 250 or whether it was a game that didn't exist like arc nova so the highest change uh highest positive change is arc nova for you obviously the highest change ever with the exception of goom haven jumped to number one the first year that came out right those are the only two times the game jumped all the way up to number one for me and to be fair i i can tell you now that arc nova will be in my top 100 next year i don't know where yet but i had not played it enough you had played it a bunch early on i had only played it maybe once by the time that we made that list so i did not feel comfortable putting it in what else is what's my what's my biggest positive change after arc nova um probably vagrant song well that's also new to us so what's my biggest change that's not new to the list okay well let's see let's do sorry wrong thing let's do this a bunch of red they're getting flashbacks to uh elementary so your first thing that was not uh a brand new game is beyond the sun okay or one that you didn't put on the list before or something magical 68 because it had just come out i was enjoying it i mean it's my top 100 i guess i should say that more than that right so it went from 68 all the way up to 15. uh hadara rose up a lot too which hey i found a game that's on your top 100 that i actively disliked tom bubunk no on the underground oh oh i'll tell you what all those get okay so this is interesting beyond the sun hedara vibank on the underground all those went up and all those were specifically because i played them with people at both dice our retreats last year a lot sure and in fact these are magical athletes on that list for that same reason and they they went up for that that purpose what made port royal jump back on your list uh mostly because i forgot it in other years i don't know why port royal always gets forgotten the big box is coming back out it might have brought it back into your memory ah yeah but i didn't know i don't even know if i knew about the big box at that point yeah it just okay so is there a is there a negative thing yes oh no so what's the worst terrifying biggest drop is terraforming mars is actually a dual hit from aries expedition yeah yeah orleans wow really you fell a lot of places oh man look at the glenmore two and paladins are both fantastic again i like these games okay look i actually have my numbers past 100. um oh no i didn't i only went up to one-on-one tiff oh no now really quick while we're still on new time we're going to jump over here to the next tab which is the the drop-offs games that dropped off of your list um clank pandemic all these ones are your legacy decision you decided i took legacies off the list so i won't even count that okay so yeah so clank dropped off thunderstone quest does that also fit that same thing or you just kind of cooled on it it just in the top 200 it's in the top 150 dwellings of eldervale same thing they just dropped to the top 150 they they kind of settle some games come on and settle roll for the galaxy i like it a lot but it keeps getting pushed out by race i just keep wanting to play race interesting max versus minions it's just kind of it's fading off satanic grail i like it a lot but i didn't play it as much last year as i did the year before suburbia there's very few games that dropped really far um i'm looking down here root marvel i wonder what's going to happen with dream factory i bet it's going to come back because we're going to be playing that new yeah i mean it was 99 yeah yeah so yeah yeah we can just kind of go through here really quick on on other people's changes too so let's look at z's what were his some of his biggest changes marvel united jumping onto his list sleeping gods rattle and a lot of new games but cthulhu death may die went from 81 to 21. so here's the thing that jumped fair i bet you something similar is going to happen with mine too i remember playing the first couple of games of death made i or at least the first game with with zee and i he i i think this has been a grower for both he and i we both really have grown to like that game more i i i know i'm speaking for zeal well he did say when he made the list and he did not look at his last year list yeah yeah which i did do i i always don't look at it when i'm making the list but then i always compare him at the end because i want to make sure i didn't miss something and occasionally i'll be like oh no i missed that game uh something else get on board which this is part of the data normalization was let's make a bunch let's make a bus route yeah they're the same game yeah absolutely so um yinch moving on up for z mission red planet maybe he's you know playing it more recently you know there's a lot of these uh king domino is a big jump up actually that's you know origins origins is why and king domino origins was was the name on his list once again normalized to king domino because it's they're essentially the same again i want to point out here another thing too that people always forget game 101 does not suck right like how did it fall off your top 100 it might be at 101 and i can actually tell you my one-on-one game what are the biggest drops for zebra one-on-one game of thunderstone quest actually all right there you go yeah that's funny but that doesn't mean it's bad new games come out they move in the list you have to drop something out by very nature and i think people read too much into like i agree it's terrible now yeah yeah yeah because root dropped off your list tom and so that doesn't mean you hate the game now right although you're wrong uh sheep and thief sheep and thief dropped 45 spaces saint malo 40 spaces yeah so you know a lot of these are older games that just with time detect the city of angels uh i know that that one has a limited number of cases he's probably played through all of them and is now kind of uh dm'ing the jamming and running the game for the people but it's still on his top 100 yeah which is amazing yep now looking at z's drop-offs here uh his biggest drop-off was balderdash gold river uh quest for el dorado sorry mike deadline downforce just won so yeah so jess one was on his 2021 list yeah so yeah so you can see i mean these games do just let's let's let's examine the old man all right let's take a look at the uh i didn't say i was talking about you i knew i know who you're talking about i know how this works that's like when you walk down the street someone shouts hey stupid and you look people are like why are you looking do you think you should be like no i looked because you shouted hey right and i was looking at you yep right so merchants cove uh wait was that even in are those new ones these are new ones so anything with the 101 right those are new okay so i'm still sleeping so death may die you were right you called it it was was is also a huge jump for me vindication also was new to me so the loop ah and marvel united i know what happened there same thing happened to me it wasn't on my list it's because it came on cause of all that extra context for stuff and that that's one of the few times i can say kickstarter content made it made that's huge of a difference yes it did make a huge huge difference i'll be honest mike when you put marvel united on your one at 100 last year okay yeah you specifically said this it's here almost as kind of like a placeholder because i think it'll get better and you're right yeah i kind of saw where it could go you know what i mean and i'm like i'm thinking it really made a big difference though because i played i was like that's pretty fun and then i got all this like this is amazing yeah you could the plug-and-play nature itself gets at a point for me 100 sure and then so uh raw also yeah jumped up so what's the things that dropped here to call is new on your list i mean i'm guessing that you know some of these are one-on-one but they're not new games right they just were dropping to the top come back up uh pax premier moved up free i'm gonna make the call oath is going to drop off next year i just don't get it's going to be hard for me to get to play it absolutely i know and i'm not saying it's a bad game i think it's for that reason it's a shame you had uh you had six games stay in their exact same position oh interesting including formula e yes that may drop next year so you're looking at your biggest drop rising rising sun yeah it's it's it's it's still barely hanging into my head it's dinosaur island because of dinosaur world okay no that's fine yeah taki noko is that because i lost the panda no takanoko is just because it's just not one that i get to play much anymore i played it with my kids a lot i'm not playing it with them anymore uh tricarion's very hard to get to the table although i still like a lot qe i'm hoping will pop up with the you know if we get a chance to play that some more i'm really surprised aquatic dropped so much of the day but i think i had it up very high before that's 16 you know yeah yeah sometimes games settle into a good place sometimes you just have you play a game a lot in one year right and it's like that game's amazing right so which games dropped off my list so going to you mike your biggest drop was charter stone legacy it's hard yeah i mean and that one is probably the most replayable of all legacy games but you also obtain it grail drop off yours same thing for the same reasoning and then uh you had a couple rolling rights there the dice game was replaced by in many ways by hadrian's wall you can see paper tails you can see it used to be on my top under 100 that fell off i still like it lords of water deep but i still like it fell off pandemic yeah well once you get to the next dream factory look same thing for me tom yeah i noticed that i don't even count the 90s when they drop off as a big deal because they're within a few so close right right right all right so then let's go over to the cool cat roy well roy's not here to tell us anything so we can basically do one this this can comes flying someone hits me in the head those are the new ones so roy likes theme sleeping god's destiny is unsettled right does one of the most new ones on his list that's an interesting question or maybe let's go through this really quick um wait i would have to do uh let's just actually just do this i have to do it this is the first time i did pub meeple too so everything because i've also been updating and ranking every single thing on board game geeks so i could do this so okay so roy has 27 brand new games uh mike has 12. z has 29. and tom you have 16. interesting now these are not brand new guaranteed new to your list right yeah because some of these are going to be games that like last aurora for z probably on there before fell off came back on maybe or maybe just over the years worked its way on yeah yeah so this is not a perfect representation but that's interesting though yeah roy's pretty close with z there all right uh so highest move up that was on his list before dice thrown marvel marvel more dice thrown adventures before marvel though yeah oh no it's not right i keep thinking this is your list right yeah roy yeah yeah because the timing difference yep uh dominion moved up for roy i thought minions amazing love letter moved up we had a few different versions come through the office actually do you think that a newest expansion would affect your my score of dominion that was such a solid expansion it was a really solid expansion here's the funny thing is dominion in previous years i've always called my my number one favorite game and this was the first year where i was making a list and i said i think i'm okay letting it not be my favorite game because it's kind it's almost earned a trophy you know what i mean you don't keep giving a trophy over and over and over to the same thing just so just because of tradition so traditionally was my favorite game so it dropped down to i think seven maybe but it stays in that top ten because they're still putting new good stuff out for it yep uh jn maguel says will you share this excel file yes we will we might clean it up a bit or whatever we'll we'll look on our facebook page and whatever we'll announce when it's up yeah uh let's see so big drops for roy he's got a few games also at the same place marvel champions no surprise wore the ring not a surprise yeah honey tom and android netrunner andrew never was clenching that 82 spot right you know i didn't know that they were making that a new company has that now i'm messing with it they saw that uk games expo so yeah it no it's a it's not called nexus the company making it it's not next is it something else okay so looking at roy's drops here he doesn't have as big a drops as other people but crossfire roy is consistent yeah oh chevron yeah he hates that game [Laughter] journey lord of the rings journeys in the middle earth right it's it's hard keep getting that game crossfire is you know we don't we haven't played as many social deduction games over the last few years right right let's see the drop-offs on roy all right so roy drop-offs so we we addressed that was a mistake yes look at that big 83 obviously i was meant to be there all right but then comes over here and nisei and i think huh all right on sukiyumi sukiyumi yeah okay epic kingdoms pandemic pitch car star trek ascendancy it's hard to keep that many of those big epic long games and roy has plenty you know he's not missing representation of yeah yeah so i've never played a star trek ascendancy though you never will yeah it's very possible yeah it's i mean you need to find people to teach it to you it's it's like a les players twilight imperium sure that's extremely lucky like extremely low extremely lucky and it's also that's what i'm looking for out of a very very long day and the last of the year of your analysis here is going to be the people's choice this to me the people's choice is the most static data because that's not affected by oh i just have to play this game a lot this year so you'll see the fewest changes in it 18. you see the fewest new ones added to it i mean there's 18 but most of them are ranked near the bottom there's very few entries in the top that just shoot up to the top because arnax shot up but even that i believe was wait until it was almost on the list until next year when you see arc nova that's going to wreck everything sure so now we'll see actually i can tell you what's going to be like the highest one on there uh the last ones of our act the year before was 248. i actually do have the people's choice all the way down yeah and that was the uh because because that's actually voted on by people during the parent was 178 the previous year oh interesting uh marvel united news not on the people's choice the previous year neither was crew well mission deepsea didn't exist that's true uh natively was also native layer did not have a very wide release initially when we played it and when we reviewed it it was not in wide release yet but hachette is working hard to get that out there and a new expansion has been really good i just was reading about that today god some giants yeah i'm looking forward to that okay that's not what it's called but there are terraforming mars areas expedition new cascadia knew uh oh calico was actually 141 shot up to uh 76 although i suspect that one will go down uh dwellings of eleven was 145 went up to 70. i'm calling it that one will also drop out and i'm not i disagree because it's being more it's going to be more people are going to get a chance to play it they are getting a second one oh they aren't really saying they're getting a second printing second printing is coming soon i stand by what i said i think it will happen i think it was cool it was neat i think it's not going to hold people's i think it'll drop places but i mean it's sitting at you yeah i don't know i i obviously think it's a really special game the thing that i think could pull from it is if people he's he's basically releasing that game in space andromeda's edge and that might pull people away if they like who's releasing it peter is i believe it's coming yeah i think uh cardboard alchemy is going to be doing it all right nemesis went from 163 to 86. that's another one that's more available now i will also well also the new nemesis came out sure and assuming we normalize next year which we probably will the nemesis uh lockdown um i'm gonna make the call that nemesis might break top 50. the people who love nemesis love it with the burning passion and and i think it has a wider appeal than a lot of people realized yeah all right so what dropped off the people's list oh what was the the highest dixit was the highest game that moved up that is not a new game well let me see where that is what number is it it uh it is this year 57 it was 90 before what's that look at that it was 98. the year before it was 90 it was 72 and 59 and 49 and 39 and 29 and 22 25 28. so it had this slow decline it came on at 26. and it's it's stabilized for a while then slowly declined all the way to 90 and now it's at 57. i don't know that that that's a weird one that's a weird one dixit has yeah it just says you can play it on zoom or something maybe um that'd be tricky because they wouldn't have to have cards anyway but yeah but i guess it was a good year for dixon hooray yeah um oh yeah there's the there's the there's a lot of the same that's again that's going to happen more with the people's choice yeah so you can see a lot of stability especially in the higher up picks well there's not a lot of change in the people's choice number ones so like wingspan has had it now two years in a row scythe had it three years in a row before that and then one two three four four years in a row pandemic had it and then the two years before that was dominion sure and all those games are still on the list they're all still fairly high the lowest is dominion at 22. dixit was not combined with stella stella wasn't i would not be surprised if wingspan is number one again this year although a new one could break on it could i think dune and pam could hit it yeah i may be overestimating how popular i think arc nova is going to be i to me arc nova feels like oh not quite to wingspan but it feels like it was better approachable wide appeal yeah all right so the biggest drops in the people's uh teotihuacan mm-hmm dinosaur island i feel like i would understand right dennis world guys moving up the table is interesting there's a lot of tea games so yeah hard to keep up with it all cartographers at the beginning i'm gonna i'm gonna make the cartographers has a slight uptick because they're releasing lots of expansions for a lot of barriers and things like that yeah yeah i mean not a like i said there's less volatility i think you're not seeing as big of drops and stuff here but because it's more than one data point yeah so what fell off what fell off the people's choice that's over here this side uh the first one is zolkan okay gone that's pretty wild what number what number was it last year 51 50 it's yeah it was 51 last year well i'll be fine okay it's 103. yeah literally yeah dead of winner dead or winner i can understand we've kind of talked about game has a great it lasts for a while and it's great but you start a winner i got a much bigger drop i am not finding it dropped 35. it was 66 so it should be at like well with this it it dropped 35 spaces as in to 101 because that's the i had to pick a number i'm not even seeing dead of winner on here okay and this is going to 250 or something or one well no it's got to be on here because i have these in order um huh that's weird it should have showed up somewhere there well maybe i'm just not reading it what number did you say it was uh oh there it is it drops sorry dropped to 135. okay 135 okay it was 66. uh istanbul through the ages that's through the age of such a good but difficult to table game right yeah then once you go below that i'm not surprised during the 80s you know they're gonna they're gonna drop off right eldritchar is going to drop off next year i think just because it's not in print anymore and there's other things coming around not in brittany well i don't think so that would make sense all right well there you go any other interesting things you want to well we haven't done the uh did we did the games of the most crossovers i don't think we did that yeah yeah that was on the other list uh games with the most crossovers as in like the high score oh okay we did look at this okay yep okay so before we shut down here folks do you have any questions with uh mathematical things that we can make chris quick type in the formulas as fast as they can um while we're at it i'll tell you the highest people's choice that was on when we started in 2011 is seven wonders that came on at four wow and is now 17. okay pandemic came on at six and is now 18. ticket to ride came on at 8 and is now 19 and dominion came on at 1 and is now 22. those are the four highest games after that carcassonne still in the list this is funny race for the galaxy these are some um agricolo dropped from 2 to 54 but yeah still noise dixit power grid ticket to ride europe twilight struggle lahav that's right that's right that's right it's all i'm saying um stone age katan and wore the ring those are all the ones that are still on how many of the 450 games were 20 20 i knew we didn't do date information yeah that would be also someone's mentioning publishers we didn't i mean but i don't know how date is one thing i think at some point we might do date entry because i think that'd be interesting i think it'd be very publishers it's really hard because so many games have multiple publishers what game on the board game geek top 100 is on nobody's list that would you know well that project i'm going to guess is the highest one right yeah well let me pull it up here i'm going to pull up board game gig we'll browse by all board games all right so we got glue maven pandemic brass birmingham terraforming mars gloomhaven twilight imperium star wars rebellion which technologies on roy's gaia project yeah number eight and that's all the people's oh on the people oh that's a good yeah let's look for one that's not on any of the lists um through the ages i'm gonna guess did that fall off that did fall off did seven wonders duel make anyone's list yeah of course but it makes these lists for sure through the ages is the highest one that's on nobody's list you've had it on your list in the past tom it fell off from last year i wonder how much the app is affecting that how do you know three ages is the highest one here though uh on board game geek oh you pulled that up i pulled it up yeah oh it's at 11. sorry i just went and my eyes rolled right over it but let me look at the other ones in the top 100 here um great western trail was on nobody's list oh good everybody can see my writings here yeah i get great what's in trailer 4. i don't like it that surprises me actually chris that you i've tried it like three different times and i've not packed smooth mirror was that on your list okay on mars was that on yours chris it was on yeah all right probably yours kingdom that's monster maybe it's pretty high right and that was on none of our lists yeah including people's choice um i don't think even after us playing it it's ever going to make it it's not making miles on anyone's list what are the most popular word or words in game titles dune because but yeah if you take out articles well let me see i'm trying to think of another um how about i'm looking at these words end how many n's are in there there's a on zen but i mean is there any other ends ledge ends of a drift system oh legend actually legend okay marvel legendary that doesn't count western legends i was on two people's list another marvel legendary western legends legend of address system i would go with legends because we have blue moon sea of legends sea of legends yeah legends yeah but also deluxe version i don't love great western trail either bonnie i think it's just okay at best and i feel like we're kind of anomalies in that because we i i love a lot of alexander fister games right two of us are in my top ten yeah so it would be fun to do even more with this if we had the data but even the data we couldn't just pull from board game geek because i actually disagree with some of the way games are ranked like we couldn't say how many family games are in it because sometimes they say a game's family i'm like nah yeah no it's not too heavy or people argue it's too light year published is a good data point that's pretty solid even although that's not always correct too well and it also it's not only correct not always correct it's also can be have second editions and you know there's a lot of things that number of players time there's a lot of things we could do with this in the future i know you like that weight rating put the board game geek rating in there all right well thanks for chris for putting this all together like we said we'll put this up at some point to let you all mess with it if someone else wants to add in all that other data go to town you know yeah that'd be lovely i will not i'm looking a little this i noticed that my shirt here has that what's that effect called on camera where the lines yeah horizontal stripes also are not always the most flattering hypnosis this is basically the hamburglar shirt that's right um a little thinner stripes all right well that's the it's the weekend here well we got lots of stuff to do here yeah we're working on diced our east we are working on getting a library ready we are eating lunch at some point um anyway thanks for watching until next time i'm tom vassell i'm mike delicious i'm chris yeah who did all the data [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 75,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: qeUqWAgxwNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 14sec (4754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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