Essen Top 10: Games We HOPE Are Good

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] all right we always have a good time checking checking out these intros are always just a funny time all righty well yesterday we did our top 10 acid games that we know we're good even though there may have been some disagreement amongst that and high jinks but we mostly Sam's fault but we struggled through the top 10 list regardless at all not true Sam I'll back you up thank you I appreciate that that's it this is the last time you got backed up on this I don't think we're gonna have a lot of crossover because I think the games I'm interested in you guys are not as interested in I think there's I think we're gonna a couple that across a couple crossovers I'm pretty sure I'm going to have at least two with no because you put that one on a different list I think yeah I wondered about that like 20 of us have a game on this list that was on the other button you guys don't have any that were on my list yeah I don't know you guys don't have any of that you would have played these are definitely not out no not not that other list other lists that you're doing oh my I heard you talking about some games I did not put on these because I'm doing a top 5 for solo gamers so yeah maybe on top 5 for large groups eight or more look mostly partying yeah yeah I'm also doing a top 10 games and unique themes but I put them on this list first mostly so if they no no what I'm saying is if they are on that list it's because they weren't good enough to make this list that what I mean is there's some games that with some unique themes actually on this list but I don't want to put them on multiple lists make sense well I really have no idea and here's the thing we talked about this we don't know these games are good every year people say hey remember he made that top ten anticipated game for whatever but I guess don't ask us about those again because sometimes no we're just speculating and sometimes it will be anticipating my list and when I get the game like and there that bad huh it's happened a few times yeah it does happen it's just goes ^ you know advertising and sometimes you see something looks really good it sounds really good you got it in your hands you read the rulebook maybe and you're just not excited by it anymore so like we were talking about before we started streaming here that I'll be very happy of half of these turn out to be really good I'll be very happy but I'll settle for 1/3 because that's pretty good again there's a total amount of speculation here except for one of these games that would buy 3 and 1/3 of another game it's pretty good after a while like now it's not so good but you know what I reach my percentage that's all I needed I just need to enjoy 33% of that your claim yeah I know don't know anything about these I've played one of these games in prequel form kind of sorta we'll talk about that let's begin number gen alright my number ten that's on the screen is it actually my number ten anymore I was thinking about it and I didn't want to include go ahead and put it up there The Walking Dead something to fear because as player elimination and I usually shy away from player in elimination but I liked the theme and I do like Skybound games so I'm interested in it it's my eleven my real ten that I've replaced the Walking Dead something to fear with is conspiracy abyss universe and there aren't pictures for that Oh as a boy I changed it a picture of it like wait a minute anyway conspiracy abyss universe is a card game within which you're going to be taking I think you can either draw one two three cards from your deck you're building a reverse pyramid so you're starting at the top but you're building the bottom of a pyramid on the top and then you're going with five cards then four then three and then two and then one and so when you do that you can either draw one two three cards from the deck or drank all of one color that's that's not been taken by another players so you're gonna take one two three of those cards you're gonna draw one it's a garden then you're gonna place them in your in your row then you're gonna discard any ones that you don't want and then ones that have a certain color on future rounds you can take that or the one two three you're building your thing you're trying to give these location cards you're trying to score the most points it sounds really interesting and on top of that the artwork which I always like for abyss I just didn't like the game very much oh this is the same universe yes that's why it says conspiracy of this universe well that doesn't mean anytime eene people use the same words in different games it's by bum pics as well although I didn't know cuz there was no picture I believe it's qatal oh yeah it's gonna be on his list which is if you don't have pictures hang on hey anyway that's my number it says conspiracy of this universe by Bombyx alright my number 10 pick is oh well you know I lied about the having played the precursor to one I played the precursor to this too this is it drizzle or Yggdrasil however you want to say chronicles I thought this was essentially the same game well it's not yeah the co-op games from the same designer or they reworked it now it's called this now it seems like a real basically a different game Tom they still cooperative but they've gone back to the drawing board you are now going through it sounds like a campaign with this how to make I'll tell you right now it's my tenth because of all those same questions I'm excited I'm also thinking this is gonna be better than the original or the things that they are adding helping or hurting because the original game was not bad was extremely punishing and I got a repetitive very quickly the repetitive thing I'm hoping is being addressed is there other stuff that's been added I don't care for I don't know that I think the campaign I mean I read up on this this may or may not be on my list but the campaign thing looks like something you can do extra sure but that's the polling right I mean that's why I'm excited about a new version of the game the tree stove it's supposed to be like really like a story game yeah story driven that campaign version of it right right right so I am excited about it we'll see this one is again my 10 because I'm real tentatively excited about it still chronicles have you ever beaten eggs yourself nope never did I got I got within one car cuz that game the original game scaled easier with fewer I don't if you remember that but like playing solitaire no the more players it's impossible yeah right right right the original printing anyway um and I got within one card once playing solitaire I was one card away from winning and I never did win that game I eventually got rid of it but no was truly tough all right my number 10 is the lowest on my list because I guess I'm the least excited about it but I'm still interested in it but because it's the third in a series now you know it's the same it's a man that's Azul summer pavilions yeah but so I like Azul run by and I I liked the stained glass one better I'm even more excited about this particular one because of the shapes of it again it's the drafting tiles and you're putting these thousand but then you're putting them in these I don't know the whole shape thing and putting them into flowers on the board this this kind of has me more intrigued I suppose so it's by Michael Keith Lang from plan B games it's gonna sell million copies not million but it's gonna sell a lot that's the copies I think Azul these little fervor is a little bit less than it's been so let's wait to us in to see I don't know what that I don't see people playing a stained glass when as much as the first one no okay first one is still I see it being played every once in a while so one of those those new games for new gamers that people bring our although I think the second one I like it better well things the less user-friendly technically right there's a little more going on stained glass didn't get released at a big convention though did it wasn't it released that hasn't last year oh maybe it was first one three years old then yeah because we are literally two years from that essence and that was the year I remember it sold like two thousand copies at Essen which is like mind-blowing for a game to sell that much there I think they're gonna have a new azul game at us and for the foreseeable future for 260 years which will last longer Azul target if they're still around there's gonna be a whole aisle of nothing but a Zul game that's right Thank You Luis just pick a different color I'll be like Verde great all right anyway my number 10 Azul summer pavilion [Music] all right my number 10 back to pictures this one is called Frankenstein and this is another card game where you are going to be set collecting it's the reason is on my list is because I do like this story I like this theme other games that we've played in the recent past handled that theme in a fairly dark and morbid way this one doesn't seem to do that as dark and morbidly so it handles this random games we're talking about here yeah just random game it handles the theme lightheartedly at least more light larger heartedly than others it's my hope they don't get like a seasoned assist from Universal because that's pretty close to universals Frankenstein sure don't care about that but I I'm just excited to try the game I like the theme and it's light-hearted it's a filler game which is another thing I like filler games that have a pop and they have a theme that you can grab on to so that's another thing I'm kind of looking for as well it's from in the DARS never heard about them though so who knows might be good might might not be good but the artwork looks good and it's gonna be a quick play as well so that's my number 10 Frankenstein 9 9 yes sorry alright number 9 I was saying no 9 my number 9 is a little card game called or bunters and the main thing that put this on my radar was the look of the game it's got a really cool artwork there we go yeah artwork and this is the same artwork as it's from the same artist rather yeah and it does look that does all the all those paladin's of the West Kingdom all that jazz trader having like a contest suit of that battle most prettiest Cyclops I've ever seen it's really cool it looks huh Lila is not a cyclops they call her Cyclops multiple times she is and then she kicks you in the face mutant so the gameplay the company that's putting this out by the way is a I believe they're from Spain I might be mistaken but I think at least Jonah's putting me haenyeo is from Spain and it's a little hand management game it's got great over like I said I like the iconography on the cards it has a from what I read online there's a shade of it take that group selection or you know a card selection vibe going on I'm excited to try it again I like these kinds of fillers and if the game matches what I'm getting from the artwork I'm gonna be happy I think you know it's all I need from this one that every game needs to blow my mind if this turns out to be a really pleasant little filler I'll be content so that's when there were nine pick or but hunters hmm what's up what are you guys what's moving up in my night looks pretty good all right my number 9 it's the most boring looking game on all three of our lists I'm sure of it and I notices it on your tube because of how it looks and that's Maracaibo for the new strategy game from alexander Pfister it was popping for sure though uh-oh people are going crazy I mean the board looks a lot better once I look at the board like okay no the cover is just so generic they're been there done that oh my word lets it it's set in the Caribbean during the 17th century players try to increase their influence in three nations in four rounds how many rounds for how many nations there's it's 40 minutes per player so anyway you're moving around the Caribbean and you need to sail but there's a quest mode and a little story in the game and you move your ship around the course managing it by using cards like other games he does that's his thing he's a card Alexander mr. needs to change his titling scheme for all his games to be like that's my goods you know oh my goods that's my goods here's my goods good for this one yeah that's and goods all right so oh my goods the lights went out in Tokyo right in Taurus now what's the code black it's con con I'm Hong Kong that's it I met forget what was culture all right Danny out I don't know a whole lot about this game but it's his big game of Essen all right it's getting a lot of buzz I do tend to like his games you know he's put out some solid games and so this one looks like you can see the board slightly better than last year's Hong Kong blackout it's not that's not an unattractive cover I have to say I don't like the title and where it is yeah well you said it was the most boring game on our list that's my games look interesting I was expecting my number seven managing expectations that's good that's a good move yeah I agree that's kind of what I do when I play Alexander Pfister games like Maracaibo my number nine [Music] all right my number eight now usually I don't mind role in write games but I'm really kind of not happy with how most role in write games look they look really drab it's usually like colors and shapes and you roll a six and that's this shape on you you have to mark that little shape in on your thing well this rolling right has is done in the Kingsburg universe in its called Kingsburg the dice game yeah when I saw that you might be tempted city-building rollin right game which sounds interesting to me so I don't really have much more than that Kingsburg is one of my favorite games it's a city building game which I usually like lighter city building games which is what this really is and so it made my list so I like it I think it's gonna be cool but who knows with the rollin right game it could be forgettable or it could be really cool I like that it's starting off on the looks good side of it because most rolling rights don't look good very few of them do in my opinion at least so that's my number eight Kingsburg the dice game it's only missing on that cover that king should have some dice in his hand that are bursting forth and getting closer to the dough with some streaks of colors maybe how much I was rolling right moving and becoming building this yes is falling into the city yes I will say this though I like Kingsburg a lot and I like the new printing of Kingsburg but it's a little bit leaned a little towards the drab side as opposed to the bright color for one dollar yeah and I feel like there there's two coupling down on that the board came with a branding they have to the board doesn't look that good no but it's okay I never did play with a new one but anyway alright number eight pick guys is getting called Glenmore 2 chronicles this is my second game that a has the word cron in it and B is a reprint of something else and they figured the path to success with a reprint was the word Chronicles this one's going to take the base game of Glenmore which I have played many years ago and I did like it and they are adding a bunch of stuff to it so you've got that game in there but now you've got a bunch of different modules there is simply more content packed in there it's from a company called fun tales which I think this is their only thing so far from mistaken and it looks neat again this is on the list because I like the way more I know it's been out of print for a long time it's very expensive and hard to find and I'm glad to see this being becoming available you know having you know just being there for more people to not just experience the original game but those of you that have played it and liked it there hopefully will be more cool stuff for it in that box I have seen the box for this prototype and it is huge it's a really large heavy box so a lot there and this is a much more boring cover than Mark IV Bowl or whatever you see yeah yeah you're probably right but like a spective on this one no I don't think anybody's looking down in a valley I don't think anybody's picking this up because of the cover you want to play some Glenmore alright number eight my number eight is a really cool looking game actually although it has a very generic name and that's Aquatica and I believe there's other games when I was looking for this information I think there's a kwatak oh and there's some other games like this that already exist but this one I I'm hoping this is not the only game coming out it @s and that's with this deep-sea diving beakers the the one from deep blue from me blue from there which I'm not a huge fan of but this one looks oh that's that's close to abyss I don't know I just like that absolutely underwater diving thing and this is from the same company Cosmo drone who made smartphone which I really liked this is a first time designer as far as I can tell making this game and you're buying locations recruiting new characters actually when I was reading the description I thought doesn't seem that different than abyss actually so I'm hope I mean it obviously is but it's gonna be compared I think that cover it's actually the exact same perspective as deep blue yes almost the exact same cover once cartoony one is a little more creepy honestly the people on that ship should be wetting their pants because that picture is see under the water they're like oh a big shark betting that's the tip of the iceberg creature so my number eight Aquatica nice my number seven is also from cosmodrome games and this one is called sky topia yeah i thought about putting this one guy topia is where you're gonna be taking smoking golems workers and placing them in certain areas so that you can build certain buildings and add them to the landscape in this one though time matters but it's not a real time game there is a time that from the description on bgg it talks about some unique mechanic where if you use less time in other words you build the building faster you have to pay more money to do that but you can or you can use less time and spend less money I'm sorry more time and spend less money that's I say alright sure less time spend more money or you spend more time and less money to build your stuff anyway I like the look of the game I like the theme of the game where you're using these robots or rather golems to build your different buildings within the city I like that idea so I'm hoping that it looks good I'm hoping that it plays good as well so that's my number 7 from cosmodrome games sky topia I have to say there seems to be this fascination in fantasy with these floating cities this is not the only one that does that I don't know that I live in a floating city how do you get down you obviously use the the Golem elevator on my hand no that's really scary way if this guy was fixing the things that be like that's cool but we're gonna be like on a different Island why he does it's just in case it's like fumigated me you don't want to be in there you know because if I'm building something there's a chance of my orbs that's right I agree if he's holding you and then he has to sneeze or something what's these is now you're just kidding all the videos the magician who's now the magician is controlling him sneezes the robots exactly all right next up for me is my number 7 this is a game coming up from haba and this is also from Michael Keisling a game called Miya B and this one is a very attractive looking game the pictures they looked a little prototype II still this what you're looking at there looks like it's still basically a prototype but I've read in the rulebook I know a little bit more about it and it sounds neat very much like an azul type game you are you know you know an abstract manner putting out tiles creating different collections of flowers patterns and scoring those things it very again it really very much read like huh okay Azul ask concept not necessarily a one to one and there is none of that drafting concept in this like there isn't a Zul and then the follow ups but it seems neat it seems like a really good family game and and kaaba's family line of games is pretty good overall they're not all hits but their overall well thought out and well implemented games this one looks like it's gonna be an upward swing for them again I really like kuru bot that was in their first stab at family games and they've had some ups and downs this looks like another really exciting game I want to try this looks thinkI but not heavy you know Miyabi come on number 7 pick cool my number 7 is a crossover with Z Garcia - I know main difference is we played the first game and I did not and that is Glenmore you gotta get on that old plate I know that's definitely I know I'm a I'm a hack I don't pay all about this coal to the new my picture has movement messed up from the Kickstarter if I'm not sure the Kickstarter campaigns usually a good place to find pictures go man look at that look at all that crazy put a game away pretty fast anyhow I've never played Glenmore I've been it's one of those games that consistently people like you got to play it and I was like alright 2019 will be the year I play it and then I saw the Kickstarter is like nope I'll just wait for the new one yeah but then I heard essentially this is a sequel to the first one but it feels like when I read over and hear about it that it's more of a 1.5 sure so bigger tiles better materials the first one looked really boring honestly and then that's not a looker for sure the eight expansions alright great but I never even played the game right let me play the game before I worry about these eight expansions but uh seems interest in me so my number seven Glenmore 2 chronicles cool [Music] why mom noble six is a crossover with miss del vallès L is it a French game no wait maybe no I just threw my listen to for I don't know let me think what you might games is it the other cars maggiorin game no Aquatica no is it a zoo yes huh yeah I would have picked you for looking in a zoo next move games a frankly the only reason this is on my list this year is because I like center so much I did not like the original that much the changes that they made in Sentra I like better and I also like the shapes that you know the change in shapes here you had squares in the first one squares and the second one here we have ROM by I believe what they're called rhombuses ROM by and he said run by looks I'll get you into math yet what I said run by when we stopped no one hurt it's it's an abstract strategy game but this is the kind of abstract strategy game that I actually enjoy because once I make money no the one well that is true baby abstract strategy game stop making things that look like right an old man making it I get stack on top of each other at different levels oh that's on my list going out anyway that's my number six of Azul summer pavilion alright my number six pick is a game called dale of merchants collection they played is one this feels like a stretch to put on this one this is a new it's like saying devil merchants three okay yeah but this includes the first two i think cuz none it's just a box that where you can house the original to this is a large box like ticket to ride sized box but it has a new game in there you could call that Nayla merchants three and it's going to have new characters new abilities a bunch of different little modules in it and the box will have then an insert where you can put your deal of merchants one and two which I which I do have and so I act really got really really close to backing this on Kickstarter I didn't pull the trigger on that I backed very very few things but this looks really good and so I'm excited not just about the new content and the the the ability to mix and match with the original games but even just as a storage solution this is the way to do it I think so really excited for it it's a deck building game the only promise is what if you buy this and you don't have the other games then you got a big box with a game rattling around in it yeah how much difference is there between one and two oh it's all new cards it's like between Dominion and like one of the other stand-alones so it's the same game it's the same good sure card for well different car no it's different cards well I don't know that I want to necessarily jump down that shade spire path there what shade spire path well those are the same game with just different models and slightly different roles right and I put it on the game that I know is good I put it on that list not on well that's because you played that I'm talking you put him on two different lists before for best of the year and stuff but that wasn't uh that wasn't a whatchamacallit eirick well he is hoping that the cards in this one why am i defending you bunnies off I mean I don't know what game he puts on his list the whole thing is is that we don't know if it's gonna be good or Depa these cards might suck there's always one card in here I don't like one of the animals he always makes an attack animal and I never liked that one no one hurts other people or the dice the die animal whatever that is is random I love that it like that one I was saying I've never played any iteration of any of these games before unless you count Azul which may be very similar but that's the only one cool my number six pick gale of merchants election my number six is who's the company you made this one game Brewer game bro they're actually right by our one booth that's Fujiko row Mount Fuji is about to erupt yeah it's that's a good hot lava will soon consume two three secret sunjae sacred temples that are hidden our heroes have to explore it find relics and get back to safety it looks cool it does look cool although it's really weird I didn't put this on the thing because I don't want to do multiple pictures that's the base game board uh-huh there is the deluxe game board they are nothing alike what's game board is amazing looking that board looks fine but the deluxe one looks fantastic anyhow here's my concern this game would have been higher but Fuji Goro can be played in a competitive mode with two to six players or cooperative mode with one to six players no no no it's one of those two which one I don't know I'll have to find out why you arguing it's not both name a good game it's both cooperative and competitive there ain't many people need to stop succumbing to this idea of like we need to give you all all things in a box just make it one or the other and make it really good anyway I do like doesn't need adjustments like that you have to do everything I do like that you're fighting dragons exploring the cave getting magical gear it's like it's like a Japanese themed dungeon crawl type thing I'm all on board with that that's cool but I think it's the first time designer so I'm looking forward to it but I'm just got to figure out which mode is the right one I'm guessing cooperative I'm best thing I'm guessing competitive is we all are dungeon crawling at the other game whereas most points wins type things good yeah whatever I want to feed my opponents to the dragon alright that's my number six Fujiko row [Music] all right my number five is from a port cut games and the reason this one hit the list almost purely is because of the unique theme that's on there it's called offshore this is where you're building up different networks of offshore oil rigs and you can open up new territories for digging for oil but you can do it by yourself or you can do it with other players so the repetitive or cooperative know there is a temporary cooperation is what the designer called it there is definitely only going to be one winner at the end but sometimes it might be advantageous for you to go in with opening a new area with another player and then hopefully you'll capitalize on that area more than your other person the other person will I like that tension that's there it's again it seems like it's a on the lighter side of semi cooperative where you don't always have to cooperate with everybody else I'm always interested in that to see if it's works on this on this game so I ran the theme is really what made it pop for me more than anything else I haven't seen hardly any that I recall at least oil rig platform building games so I don't know much about oil platforms today often have those windmills on them those are power generators I don't know I know I know what it is I've never seen it on an oil rig picture we put out either but I'm not saying it seems like a dichotomy of clean energy being turned into oil interesting idea you know one fan said to the other though he said what kind of music do you like and the guy said I'm a huge metal fan and the guy said yeah me too metal my number five offshore I got reporte games because the fan is made of metal correct you're gonna have to go again I hate you both I know all right where we had fives indeed my number five is a cooperative game but you can also play competitively with the trader without a trader or without any players you can actually just watch the game play itself I really I'm kidding this is from severe and it's called kata-kata I think what are those like ninja parrots sure they look cool they do look cool those are the most buff parents parents I've ever seen no kidding so this is a it's sort of a tie it's a towel laying game you're building up an island it seems like a worker placement game it seems like there's some resource management in it you're also doing some exploration a little settlement the main thing I like about the VR games I don't always like their games they are often very good by putting a big game in a small package now I don't know how big this game is and from the pictures I can tell it's about Carcassonne size if I had to guess but what I'm saying is their games tend to feel bigger than the box they come in and I it just looks really neat the towels remind me of old Kosmos two-player games those little tiles right like Helens and stuff like that I'm right you know you might not know what I'm talking about with its small exact little tiles building up the island the day now I just like the look of this a lot the cover is bizarre yes it's supposed to be like you know a tribal yeah has like a tribal vibe to it with discovering the island utilizing its resources not sure why they are buff parrots but whatever I love this art yeah they're awesome it's a really cool artwork so their beak is protected in case you hit them with a sword yeah man right above it that's correct so really excited by what this might end up being it's got my attention if nothing else I'm captivated by what I'm seeing here you attention I want to play my number five pick my number five pick is a game that they've been advertising for well over a year now and it's another dungeon crawl type game and that is sanctum this is from Philip knee tuck he's a designer of adrenaline from Caesar family coming out now yes fire it does seem like we've been talking about it for a long time no it has not been out okay thought it was this is a competitive though adventure game it's not a cooperative dungeon crawl you're building up your character you're going through but only one hero was gonna make it through and you got to pick the baddies and figure out who's the biggest baddest hero of the bunch your chance to defeat demon minions look I adrenaline was pretty good I liked it a lot I it was slightly more streamlined I'm hoping this one I don't know if this will be more streamlined it doesn't look like it looks like it's a pretty big game but my always concerned about this is the box cover doesn't inspire anyone liking it looks like let's cover more than the than the cards it looks like they're trying to get Diablo fans for sure I guess so and but the cards look like they're from adrenaline Tomica just looks really generic it's like sword magic ring some other crap from fantasy games well I'm hoping that it gets better as you go in again this is hopeful list hopeful that's my number 5 sanctum me bigger hopes number four alright number four my number four is a game coming out from loony creations and the title of the game is so you've been eaten I've had this sentence said to me multiple times my life okay so you've been eaten the whole idea here is that you are minors am i in ER us not those underneath the age of 18 - not - and you are mining in the bellies of huge beasts and you're trying to get gems that you can use but you're trying to if I understand it correctly you're trying to get out if you get all the gems that you need Joe you're gonna go jettison out the front where you came in if you don't get what you need and time runs out you you're jettison that where you don't you're not jettisoned dad anywhere you give pooped-out like what happens normally when stuff gets eaten by other big things so what's the player cat in this game that I didn't write down oh I know what it is it's zero to two players that's right I remember reading that it's zero to two players I remember reading the thing bgg doesn't allow games to have zero players listed on them so it's actually is their own two-player game but ways you can live one to two points that's a game up and let it play by itself yeah which is apparently a selling point I don't know I don't understand well I never play it that way those games over there might be playing by themselves right now we don't know it what does that mean I could obviously you stopped oh no creases you have to move the pieces out of two players that's true you should get a video camera set the game up and sit there for like doing it straight there go back liars yes no one was there and the game did not play one to two-player game it says zero to two apparently that's the truth we have disproven that right here the theme is what really kind of grabbed me onto it has an interesting funny thing it does have variable player powders dice rolling I like all of those kinds of things so I the theme is what's drawing me in here so people eaten that is a very cool I like the demon actually think the theme is interesting yeah I'm interested in it I just think the zero things were ridiculous yeah they keep having these weird titles new creations love their weird titles oh they like and then we held hands so you've been eating what's going on yeah two people got eaten so we've been in and then we held hands it's like the Toy Story thing oh we're going down into that like ratatouille now a Toy Story 3 no they all held hands it's one of the best moments of the movie I didn't see Toy Story 3 no I watched Carlos you monster I have seemed about remember it for mm-hmm my number 4 pick is a crossover y'all with pictures what the game looks like Sam yeah well there's purple cover up here yeah and the blue there's gonna be there's actually not there's no pictures here so other stuff there's very few pictures available to the artwork that's coming in the game yeah oh yeah those are all the box covers that they have that's the only thing they've released yeah yeah I think that box covers putting out like Sam said it just seems like the theme of a bit but they doing five box covers again they did not learn from last time they've learned not a thing what were they supposed to learn it's such a stupid idea you're not supposed to make money I don't think it worked welcome boys had a problem with it because they want to stock all of them yeah but the thing about Bombyx is they're not a store you know it's like a weird thing tell me more Papa Z okay here you go okay when you print multiple covers nerds want to buy more ah are you saying nerds will buy the same thing with variant artwork yes oh yes have some mm-hmm-hmm I intend to buy at least two of these possibly six we can have five to display and play the sixth that's right abyss something-something conspiracy no conspiracy of this universe yeah this was originally gonna be called abyss pocket actually was the working title all my goodness thank you for not this pocket was missing your pocket I'm interested in all the games on my list but my top four I'm really interested in so here we go number four this is based on a game that I love and I'm hoping that continues that trend and that's or Leon's stories at home I really love or Leone's right it's a great game but this one here it's not a legacy game it's a storytelling game where you're gonna go through and again it's not with those campaign things right but there's two stories one of the stories is eight eras and the other is basically just a shorter story you can play over and over again also known as the base game okay the standalone game yes I do you don't need or nouns at all if you look at the picture tonight but if you had looked at the bit Y it looks different than the original game you something it might be like an extra board or something I don't know I assume it's a different game as far as I can tell because one of the two stories is an introduction to the game it looks like it's a pretty big game but it's hard to tell because it's not a ton of information I could find on it but I do like or Leon's a lot I thought altiplano was a pretty good game this one looks like it's going back I'm I hope the eight story campaign game thing can be played through at a reasonable pace I'm getting a little tired or you could pick you know play and come back to it any time and I have to remember stuff from the first one I'm a lot of folks there are a lot of these big investment games whatever happened to you know palate-cleansing it's okay to replay something again it's not a movie it will be different but everything's got to be old we expect 40 hours out of you if you want to feel like you've got your money's worth you know well that's why this one is number four instead of number one but I'm still really pumped about it so oral stories Stoli number all right my number three it's coming out from Van rider games and this is called frontier Wars frontier Wars this is basically a car driven miniatures World War two game that has variable player powers has some pretty this is a I think off of a tabletop simulator or something like that exactly correct but you're basically gonna have a bunch of little miniatures the board is rather diminutive for what it is I think has smaller miniatures so I like that it's gonna have a probably a smaller footprint it's got variable player powers already mentioned that it's a car driven so I like that as well you're playing cards out of your deck each person's gonna take on one of the four major factions of World War two this for van rider games yeah yeah it's that's who it's that's where that's what it was listed under maybe they're like doing it in conjunction like maybe that their booth and they're doing this doesn't seem like their normal kind of game they are working with Wiggin realms light on some things I just reviewed again other sort of doing that okay let's go with this company I think it's gonna be at van rider games I'm pretty sure I could have made a mistake but I'm pretty sure that's what it is but yeah looking forward to it it looks good that's my number three frontier Wars no I you alright my number three is like made your list even remotely I just did not cover that need cover what it caught my eye now my number 3 is a crossover with both of you at this point I think we we knew the azul would be on your list assume summer pavilion from next move games everything these guys said and as mr. Healy said rhombi son deal with that that's it I'm I'm good I don't even show us why are you showing this honestly I mean you 99 use just showing off I was showing off Roy I'm a candidate being like oh look all right my number three is from a brand new company never heard of them but Loy's group but it's maybe the same designer made a game called brush MD which I don't think I've played and that's Sarah's vision this one I'm pretty pumped about a lot mostly because of how the game looks it just looks really cool I like that cover and I love this looks like Jenga mixed with a board game but I don't know board game what are you trying to say Jacobs piece of garbage this looks cool this is also I'm a I'm a Z loves dystopian future I do baby I love me that's suffering I like happy futures and that's what this is so utopian utopian that's right that would be a better thing trying to help out with the old consistency in term I'm okay with dystopian future if the people are happy holdup works what's the game from there's a game that is a distant we just played Paris that's a dystopian future but the people there seemed to be pretty cheerful about our stone charter stone what did I say the one from stake Meyer yeah that's what I meant the Charter stone no no no no they die the dice driven one alternative history sorry the one with I create a better or utopia to still what does that get for you for you for drugs they just think they're happy well they're happy technically they chemically induce happiness but they are happy in a dystopian okay but I like that idea I'm always I'm not not everything has to degenerate into people killing each other in here this is the year 2163 everyone's the agency is standing in a way you are an agency operator trying to stop the singularity from taking over the world so it's a story-driven cooperative game and you're working through a set of a series of story driven events the end of each round the leading event triggers danger builds on three special citizens I don't know you have to try to keep these people safe okay it just sounds cool I hope it's cool it's a new company so there's always that risk right but that looked cool let me take the Jenga things put them on those rows and columns I have I'm really hoping this game's cool so this is one of those games that looks like it could go either way right so much this could be such a big crash and burn I'm hoping it's good to because you're right it sounds different I'm happy with different but how oh man come on pull this off yeah indeed all right that's my number three Sarah's vision number two [Music] speaking of chemically-induced happiness my number two is coming from too fat to fly and it's called shiners of the apocalypse we talked about this one in the news yeah it looks cool it's a Forex game supposed to play in 90 minutes we'll see if that happens hopefully it's either Forex or poison 90 minutes artwork I'm gonna guess neither our work theme pulls into this there's tile exploration dice rolling variable player powers all the things that really kind of hit strike a chord with me is is in this game so I'm looking forward to giving this sort of try really am excited to do it it looks really good and I gotta say that I really hate that whole this cover is worn fake look we found this game in the thrift store I think it looks fine it's at a large gentleman I'm supposed to say I don't think that guy is physically viable proportions like that the guy is essentially a slab of beef on legs I like it come on board man said I'm right there with you man I like it I like my number two moonshiners of the Apocrypha that's a fantastic title - all right my number two is a crossover with Sam once again this is sky topia sky topia in the circle really guy topia in the circle of time the old circle of time correct work replacement engine building there's not a ton of information out there for but I did find this which shows you a little bit more as to what this might look like you know and it's got a bright look it's got a good good vibe to it does so this picture sealed the deal for me I was excited already you time wheel there it is that wheel thing I don't know I this is the kind of picture those little square characters with what appears to be powers that's the kind of stuff that you know gets me going I'm like oh okay I want I want to know what that is what that does how do I get it how do I use it so cool yeah Cosmodrome is that picture what'd you find in it on the yeah somewhere suppose we could have just pulled the games out and taking pictures of them we don't have this yeah we do where it's an a storage unit I keep forgetting never get back to the main are you serious we have this game god of War's over there it came at the retreat oh dude you got a letter brother nope okay sorry looking forward to it Scott crap yeah all righty well the said are are consistent theming here of this you euphoric future okay and my next one is topia yeah no I think this one is that this one is it's a wonderful world definitely not dystopian ah no it's another happy well this is one of those ones where it's like a the good people what's that one where people lived in the Elysium Elysium this one here your it's a card drafting engine building game which is cool you get seven cards and again there's a campaign mode with expansion boxes but there's a base game you don't need to get into all that I like the way these cards look I like the whole get this turn to stuff in this company I like the way their games look the designer has made several games the one of his I think I like the most is titanium Wars and I thought that one was okay I was the same person yeah doesn't mean anything necessarily looks cool I don't like the rest of their games possibly okay anyway but I'm really looking forward to this one again I'm leaning real heavily on my games lists on theme and this kind of thing this disjunction between the rich and the poor in a movie I'm always a big fan of that like oh we're living in over here poor people like now I'm like let the poor people in that's why I like to lease him I love that whole idea that Elina battle angel was the same thing yes except we never actually saw the good the good part so we don't even know if there was a good part good part is a lie the cake is a lie all right that's my number two I'm all right okay there you just got up to go get dice but it was quite a trick how are the Himalayas I were do we have to to 20-sided so what am I supposed to you trying to roll here you roll both of them adding together if you get to 20s you win the top ten list forever and you take the next three off ever again 21 well at least you can't beat it with a single 15 yeah but that means how you roll the other works I like making up rules man 28 so the biggest difference between them is the winners 13 Martin Wallace is not in charge of this game that is correct bro it's like you know what you want man I got this Wow nothing pictures up I take them down I'll go back to the number 10 and start the whole list over let's do it backwards all right uh yeah do backwards that's good oh no I meant like from one all righty my number one is a game I'm really excited about mostly well partially because of the theme but also because of the designers and this is the Magnificent the designers Alif Steffensen and Kristian and Munson auspey they did Santa Maria which i think is a fantastic game I like their stuff a lot if these guys design a game I'm on board but I also love the idea of this game where you're putting on a show a magician or some sort of act it has drafting dice card mechanisms I mean there's like no red flags on this one for me everything about this is something I like I like to designers I like the publisher I like the theme I like the mechanisms this one is of all the games this was an easy number one for me I went through I liked the idea of it I remember when that game came out from the well the other magician in the illusion true scary creature carry on I was also really pumped I love the idea of magicians that are not actual sorcerers and stuff but like illusionist and stuff there's very few games that had that as a theme for putting on a show and usually putting on the show is kind of like what are we gonna wear today like the Shakespeare or whatever yeah but this one I'm really pumped about it's my number one that magnificent easily I cannot wait I do like a port of games - I like that company a lot and I really thought this would be on your list my number one is from a port oh but it's a different game and it's a game called trails of tucano so that one I thought that other one make your list up for sure then the movie doesn't grab me as much I don't like the cover very much it looks I don't know there's something about it that it doesn't feel final I bet you liked it though I'm under you'd like other games ooh I'll tell you Porter games is one of the companies that I absolutely a hundred percent get excited about when they make an announcement I'm surprised they're not a bigger known come I understand their games are really good the only problem I could see is those guys are a little cannibalistic when it comes to their own games it sort of produced their ideas a few too many times that's okay some of the greatest designers in the world do that but when you have a pool of designs that isn't that big it's a more apparent it's more obvious this one is a bit of an example for that this feels a little bit like their Avenue game so something of a rolling right or a flip and right flip over card you you know draw paths Avenue was already that but it was based on a square grid this has hexes and you are going to be traveling through these connecting places and scoring victory points I'm also a big fan of that weird chubby cat at the top with a club oh my word what is that thing it's some sort of buff cat he's friends with the parents from the look I'm excited for it and like I said I the designers I'm are really fantastically smart dudes this also feels like there might be a little bit of the Santa Maria game in it it's the vibe idea there a little bit I know that's the same designers too so that's my pick it all right my number one is they crossover with Z no one really yeah I did well you ready did the abyss thing I'll set it that's it should be simple knobby nope the buff parrot one no hey Gazoo that's right he already told us that was on the legend I actually said that so I've never played eggs or so before so I have no expectations or anything like that going into this I've never played something I don't think so I saw the 3d board I saw the artwork and I saw the fact that it was a story driven campaign aspect to the game and I like all three of those things not only that but it also has variable player power it's a cooperative game card driven I'm on board it looks really cool and I want to play it more important and for these other things oh yeah Fenris miss been rare I hate veteran in the original one there's another one yes there's every time you turn over one of these things you're just like why am I even trying cuz you're like you think you're doing okay in this game then just like know the original one it's so hard so hard you're like if you love you click go stories right yeah did you think that was hard well yeah that's one of the reasons I don't play it ghost stories used to be called them in the inside circles kicked Raziel child edition sure he's not kidding no I think I think your cell is the hardest go up I've ever played I think this is differently knows this is different I don't have any expectations going into it I just hope it's good all right are there any games that we didn't put that you think we should have noticed or talked about and again I they could have been on our list yesterday or they could be on an upcoming list or maybe we don't care about it more maybe that is that whatever there's like when I narrowed it down the games I was interested in there was still almost 500 games possibilities I mean I've narrowed it down but what I'm saying is there's that many games coming out of Essen Wow no I am I list that I'm taking with me is a hundred and forty-four right now that's still too many yeah I would say so it's a good stuff you want so I don't know oh no you're good what about taverns of teefin Hall that company oh you know I played it at a dice Tower convened one of the diced our conventions did you like it is that the new I'm doing every game possible guy Wolfgang warsh that's the Wolfgang warsh one I don't know I don't think so it has to be the taverns of TAFE and tuff oh yeah I think that's it let me see it yes that's it that is Wolfgang wish it's basically it feels like that's pretty clever organ shun clever the board game that's basically what it is with a really boring thing it's okay you'll like it if you like this stuff ah it felt like why am I not just playing the simpler lighter more just more visceral design this is like making me jump through a bunch of Hoops for the ultimate of the same feel you know someone says being a lookout for the warp Sam might enjoyed this one the warp that's what happens when you float Ella is one I looked at interesting what flotilla looks like Waterworld from the perspective of an ordinary citizen you're the only person I know who likes Waterworld Secchia Crystal Palace looks pretty good we actually have a copy of that here we just have a mess with it yet yeah that's pretty much taverns is gonna be released from North Star Games figures they did quacks so alright well that's pretty much it we're gonna get going here alright so this is our last live video till my Q&A Monday we will have more videos going up we had some go up today tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday some of them are s in preview videos we will be at Essen come by our booth we're with rat scours alright that's in Hall to City Hall to Hall 101 anyway the link will be at the links it's in the description of the video I think isn't it no then I can just look all 2d 130 rats cowers in your book so we're gonna be there we have a ton of promos as we're doing it as Kenny's out there packing the promos into suitcases you know tons of promos all sorts of cool things but even if you don't want to get promos combined say hi to us we'll be there we're also gonna be we have a booth for playing games with people that's in Hall 4 and you might catch us wandering around we're doing a show on Friday come see us at the show you get a ticket just come by to the rats Garrett's booth Friday morning and we'll hand them out to the first 500 people come or whatever so you should be able to get it I can't imagine cool it's know there have been people who did not over the years Sam cards is a rush that's true don't come Friday like Layton's is there any tickets that there might be but they're they're very mell well in the last two years very I had them for one hour before they read right if we're going by what's happened before you've got you know popular now I've had to tell people that sorry we're out of tickets you just weren't there to have to do that's the Sam job is to say no I'm the guys like I got tickets yes well it's exciting it's it's kind of mine you know we've been focused on I let me focus on Mike now yeah and now suddenly Essen is here around the corner I'm excited about it okay we'll talk about these games afterwards when we get back from Essen we'll show them off and everything to you and we have more stuff coming in the future but until then I'm Tom Bassel I'm Zhi Garcia thanks Sam Healy C on the flip side folks take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks so much for watching another diced our video if you enjoy our videos subscribe to the channel for more fun comprehensive board game coverage also consider joining us at one of our events come to die stellar retreat a small intimate gathering where gaming is king join us or die stellar cruise the largest board game colonels attended ice tower west in las vegas for gaming fun on the west coast or diced our East in Orlando in sunny Florida diced our conventions the friendliest gaming conventions on earth I'm Eric summer and you've been watching the dice tower
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 46,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, Essen Spiel 2019, Sam Healey, Healy, Zee Garcia
Id: XvnhdEEvTRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 16sec (3976 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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