Top 10 Super Villains Too Scary For The MCU

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when you first think of marvel i doubt that your mind immediately goes to scary right dc's got that area pretty much down pat but that doesn't mean marvel hasn't put their name in that scary hat with a few truly terrifying characters of their own some of them that are even too scary to bring onto the big screen what's going on all you nerdy folk out there my name is jack and today we are going to be taking a look at some of the most terrifying super villains that marvel has to offer in terms of both methods and just straight up looks as well i tried to avoid any characters that are not owned by disney and marvel so i'm sorry if i missed some of your favorites i really tried to keep the list exclusive to characters that could end up in the mcu so let's get into it number 10 vermin edward whelan from earth 616 had a pretty average childhood aside from his abusive father which is actually what led him to the streets and crime now it's not exactly known when but at some point he got the attention of baron zemo and was subjected to many tests that gave him various rat-like traits and abilities aside from the obvious rat-like appearance his strength stamina speed and durability were boosted to superhuman levels and he also gained the ability to communicate with and command rats that are up to two miles away after gaining these powers he was sent out to end captain america however he ended up being overpowered by cap and taken back to shield for interrogation he managed to escape fairly quickly though and since then he has been a pretty big thorn in both captain america and spider-man sides however they have actually used him to their advantage sometimes as spidey once used him as bait for craving the hunter whelan since his introduction has been a part of the hood's gang and the new revengers so he has definitely been in his fair share of crazy fights and done some terrible things like the time he almost straight up murdered spider-man and would have succeeded if he wasn't interrupted the reason i think he's too scary for the mcu to bring in is because he not only looks utterly terrifying but thanks to his genetic alterations his mental capabilities are at subhuman levels meaning he pretty much works on primal instincts alone i mean sure he's still able to talk but his reasoning skills are not the best so he's pretty ruthless and let's not forget that he also likes to eat people check him out for yourself in his first appearance in 1982's captain america number 270 and let me know if you agree with me number nine one above all residing in the lowest depths of the underworld known as the below place the one below all is the dark counterpart of the one above all it is the source of the mutagenic third form of gamma energy which allows it to use gamma mutates to manifest itself whenever it feels it's necessary the one below all is actually what gave the hulk his powers in the first place as the gamma bomb test partially opened the green door that blow was kept behind fast forward through some really cool events that you should definitely check out for yourself and we see the one below i'll possess the bodies of brian banner as the devil hulk walter lonkowski of sasquatch and the absorbing man which led to the final battle of the immortal hulk arc revealing its true form a giant green cloud of crazy gamma energy the one below all torments the hulk so much that bruce banner and the hulk actually separate however absorbing man was able to reroute the gamma energy the demon was using it back into the hulk's body and with one powerful thunderclap the one below always stopped at least this time anyways one below always too terrifying for the mcu in my opinion because he's literally a god and the reason behind all the gamma radiation and the gamma power being such as the hulk and abomination you know etc i mean who knows honestly if they want to send mark ruffalo off with a great story they could finally give him his own movie trilogy and have this demon as his final battle i highly doubt it though so in the meantime check out the one below all in his first appearance in 2018's immortal hulk number five number eight nightmare this super villain is basically the freddy krueger of the marvel universe and if just knowing that isn't scary enough for you then buckle up classified as a class 3 demon able to capture a sleeping person's ash reform nightmare's whole thing is able to bring their form into his realm to torture them and the effects of that can last for hours even after they wake up nightmare has been a major pain for many heroes in the marvel universe including peter parker and the hulk and none more so than doctor strange that poor guy seems to get the biggest and baddest baddies out there but i guess that's the price you pay when you're the most powerful sorcerer strange has made it clear that he makes a regular habit of casting a protection spell before he goes to sleep so he does not have to go toe-to-toe with this villain later in this character's run we see nightmare growing stronger by the minute able to access human minds through the american dream alone and he caused these people to go on a violent rampage until he was finally stopped by captain america and shield skip ahead a little bit more and we actually see the death of this character up against loki in which the trickster god used one of iron man's automated cars who just straight up flattened nightmare so hey at least we know he can be killed right what makes him so scary to me and definitely too scared for the mcu is he's literally the boogeyman he's capable of wreaking havoc at any given time his ability to terrorize the mind and attract his victims is in a never-ending horror makes him uniquely scary and i doubt lovable disney would ever want to cause nightmares in their viewers now there is a new doctor strange coming out in 2022 though so maybe we'll get to see this villain or maybe we'll get a mention of them for now check him out in his first appearance in 1963 strange tales number 10. number seven shumagoreth older than time itself shumagorth is essentially marvel's take on a lovecraftian eldritch horror it is an unknown cosmic entity that used to run earth before we pesky humans came along so as you can imagine schuma takes offense at this and often comes back to reclaim his old stomping ground doctor strange is more often than not the only one who can actually fight this thing without completely losing his mind in the process but as cosmic beings are known to do it can never really be truly killed it is considered to be the primal power of chaos and the greatest of the old ones and aside from immeasurable strength tsumagorth is also capable of creating powerful blasts of mystical energy that can literally wipe out planets although its presence is usually unexpected and unwelcome doctor strange did have to summon a small part of it once during thanos invasion of manhattan to wreak havoc on the city and draw attention away from themselves outside of our own reality schumacher has invaded many other earths such as earth 9411 and 99-97 however it is very rare that they come out on top because there is usually a doctor strange or a group of heroes there to put a stop to them this terrifying villain is a bit too scary for the mcu in my opinion because well i mean just take a look at it it is literally a massive eyeball and tentacles just like a real cthulhu vibe going on and i'm not really a huge fan we might end up seeing him in multiverse of madness or even in whatever the third movie will be for doctor strange a lovecraftian elder god would certainly be a badass final boss for doctor strange check out shumigorth for yourself in 1973's marvel premiere number 10 and let me know in the comments if you think an on-screen version could be on its way number six demon bear i mean from the name alone you can probably guess why this one is scary but just stay with me okay created by a villain with a cursed knife demon bear is a corrupted apache bear spirit he haunts the dreams of danielle moonstar of the new mutants because he was actually made from her parents in her nightmares he tells her he killed her parents and that she's next so in a way he's actually linked to her psyonic abilities to create illusions except his illusion is more of a demon like a regular old bear demon bear has the vicious tendencies you would expect from a wild animal however there is a lot more than meets the eye drawing his powers from negative human emotions demon bear can also teleport transform and corrupt human souls he has gone up against other marvel characters aside from the new mutants including ghost rider and warpath however it was actually psylocke who ultimately drove up the demon and saved the spirit bear within he actually hangs out by her side as a companion now so i guess he did get to redeem himself in some way i think this character is way too scared for the mcu because he is literally an all-powerful bear that is capable of tormenting people and not to mention he feeds off the negative emotions so he only grows stronger the more the person doubts their abilities around him that's just too much for one character and i really can't see marvel bringing him in anytime soon so why not check him out for yourself in his first appearance in 1983's new mutants to tide yourself over until we finally get to see him in all his furry glory number five gore the god butcher born on a planet with no name gore was taught from the very beginning to always trust the gods however they never seemed to answer his prayers stricken with grief after the loss of his parents wife and son gore completely gave up hope and renounced his faith from the gods however while wandering the desert he actually encountered the god no while he was engaged in battle with another god with confirmation that the gods are real gore was needless to say pretty mad and when the one god asked for help gore actually used a piece of null symbiote and created the all-black necrosword to kill it from then on he vowed to take vengeance on all the gods for ignoring his prayers and thus began his journey as gore the god butcher wandering around the universe gore absorbs the power of every god he comes in contact with torturing and killing along his warpath that is until he finally meets the mighty thor the godbutcher storyline ranges across eons of time as gore absorbs the ability to time travel and ends in an epic conclusion against three periods of thor's life young thor avengers aerothor and obviously old king thor now i doubt gore will ever grace the screen in the mcu because he is just way too powerful equipped with the necro sword he carries around he has the capability to literally slay anything that comes his way if he was introduced much earlier on he would have been a much bigger threat than thanos also you know just a man who's lost his faith and has nothing to lose is definitely not someone you want to mess with give a story or read for yourself starting with his first appearance in 2013's thor god of thunder number two number four annihilus known as the living death that walks or the lord of the negative zone annihilus is an insect-like creature with some truly insane power he was exposed to an object called the cosmic control rod which extended his lifespan and gave him his powers these powers include continuous rebirth superhuman levels of strength speed durability and stamina and flight of course obsessed with protecting the rod he did absolutely everything he could to keep it from everyone else until the fantastic four took it away from him annihilus has at various times been the ruler of the negative zone controlling its inhabitants via his powerful cosmic control rod he first encountered the fantastic four after reed richards discovered how to travel to the negative zone from earth over the years he clashed with the fantastic four on many occasions often with the group foiling his plan to invade earth he would later lead an enormous fleet of spaceships from the negative zone into the main universe setting off the annihilation wave by destroying a ton of planets the armada was opposed by a number of cosmic heroes such as star-lord draxler destroyer and the silver surfer and was thankfully stopped by the cosmic entity galactus with nova killing annihilus in the process he was later reborn as an infant in the aftermath of the annihilation storyline but other than that we have seen annihilus go up against the likes of many other heroes and he has been a worthy adversary to say the least now i doubt we'll see this character in the mcu anytime soon just due to their immense power and ability to literally broadcast intense fear into the others the likes of which has even been able to shake the hulk it's possible that we'll see them later on once more powerful characters such as nova and adam warlock are introduced but they are too big a threat give their story a read for yourself starting with 1968's fantastic four annual number six number three the maker now unlike his earth 616 counterpart reed richards is about 20 years younger born into a completely normal family and uh god what was it oh yeah he's insane now i'll try not to spoil too much of the story for you because i really think it deserves a read but i will do my best to give you just the basics following an explosion that left rich was presumably dead the fantastic form of mortis loss but in reality he's actually alive and well and he actually set off the explosion himself and was responsible for a ton of other attacks around the city convinced that he knows how the world should be run from now on he is willing to do whatever he thinks is right regardless of the consequences thankfully he is stopped by a group of heroes and he has flung into the negative zone but it didn't take him too long to get back though and he easily took over most of europe fast forward a little bit and we see him form the dark ultimates but they were quickly defeated by the power of the infinity stones teaming up with cabal of earth 616 richards was able to manipulate the ultimates into prematurely attacking the earth and do i got you interested in the character good i'll leave the rest of the story for you to read for yourself what makes the maker so terrifying is that he is so intelligent that there is really no way of defeating him and since he has the ability to literally stretch his brain to make himself even smarter he is always 10 steps ahead of you no matter what you do and what you think of course we don't even have the regular mr fantastic in the mcu yet so even if they have been considering integrating this character this character's introduction is definitely far off give a story a read for yourself starting with 2004's ultimate fantastic for number one or feel free to just skip ahead to when he is the maker by taking a look at 2011's ultimate comics ultimates number one number two the skinless man if you are ever wondering why they called wolverine weapon x well here's your answer it's not an x it's actually the roman numeral for 10. now with that in mind meet weapon number three the skinless man harry pyre used to be a barrister during the cold war and he was actually very good at his job thanks to his mutant power elastic and multi-sensory skin designated weapon 3 by the weapons plus program that augmented his strength and powers piser went on to do some pretty terrible things and all of that finally caught up to him when phantom x shot him stole his skin and left them for dead now with no skin piezer took revenge on phantom x by cutting off his face and was later recruited into the new brotherhood of evil mutants while he was on the run from that once again though everything seems to catch up to him because in 2013's uncanny x-force number 34 he meets an untimely end and he's not really been seen since i could go into all the other horrific stuff this guy has done in the comic appearances but do i really need to it should be plainly obvious that there will never be an mcu version of the skinless man out there he has no skin and his whole thing is literally putting you in a similar predicament as him that just seems to me like you've got a formula for a character that will forever be stuck in the pages of a comic book i also understand that he is prominent in the x-men universe which is not necessarily the mcu but it's fine i'm definitely not far off when i say that there is no way they would use this character even if they had the rights to him check out a story for yourself in his first full appearance in 2012 uncanny x-force number 21 and finally number one we have arcade nobody really knows who or what arcade was before his life of crime he has given so many different accounts over the years with no evidence to prove any of them the one that seems the most true is that he killed his father when he was 21 in order to acquire massive amounts of money and he discovered that he really liked killing so he became an assassin however he soon got really bored with that and decided to use his wealth to construct a death-themed amusing park to kill people as a skilled killer okay arcade has been tasked with killing many heroes over the years such as spider-man ghost rider and many x-men as well but all of his attempts have ended in failure on his 29th birthday he learned that he was a huge laughingstock in the villain community and this made him realize that what he'd been doing is no longer a game and that winning from this point on is everything using his genius level intellect and his vast fortune he constructed a new murder land and trapped 16 teen heroes in it for a month toying with them and prodding them however they were eventually freed and arcade was last seen tied to the front of the shield helicarrier as a form of torture for everything that he had done what makes him terrifying to me is that he's all about mind games and toying with people which basically makes him the marvel equivalent of saw he knows exactly what to do and say to get people to gang up against each other and he has the knowledge and resources to execute any plan that is way too much power for one villain to have especially a movie villain so i feel like we won't get to see this character on the big screen anytime soon maybe one day though who knows in the meantime tide yourself over by checking him out in his first appearance in 1978's marvel team up number 65. that'll be it for this video everyone there are a ton of scary marvel villains out there so why not let us know some of your favorites in the comments below and maybe we'll talk about them in a part two don't forget to subscribe to top 10 nerd to stay up to date on all things nerdy and why not ring that notification bell so you know whenever we upload a video as always my name is jack thank you guys so much for watching and make sure to stay nerdy my friends [Music] you
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 225,535
Rating: 4.7412839 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10, top, Super Villains, supervillain, mcu villains, Vermin, One Below All, nightmare marvel, shuma gorath, Gorr the God Butcher, Annihilus, the Maker, arcade marvel vs capcom, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, marvel, red skull, dormammu, villains, marvel comics, top 10 villains, marvel studios, ego, hydra, marvel movies, comics, marvel phase 4, avengers, thanos, comic books, supervillains, marvel villains, top 10 nerd, top ten nerd, top 10 list, top ten, comicsexplained, list
Id: nKmd_Nk886I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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