Top 10 Scariest Marvel What If Stories

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what if those we thought of as heroes were the real monsters what if the end of the world couldn't be avoided what if technology turned against those who had most utilized it welcome back nerd squad today we're going to explore answers to questions like these and much more as we count down the top 10 scariest marvel what if stories and if you love scary stories and experiences why not check out our new gaming channel launching january 22nd viper girl will be streaming everything from your favorite horror titles to open sandbox games like minecraft and beyond oh my gosh i almost died i almost died i thought you were a cactus my friend i thought you were a cactus we've got iron baby yes okay my main goal is to blow up and then act like i don't know nobody bro no no i'm gonna fight you with a pork chop no come here come here this is awesome be sure to head on over and subscribe after this video you don't want to miss it alright now let's get back to these what-ifs and let's get counting number 10 what if mary jane had been shot instead of aunt may this is a really epic and dark story where peter ends up going on a rampage when mary jane is killed by kingpin's hired sniper assassin instead of ant-man peter manages to save anime but mary jane ends up dead and as a result pete dons his black suit and goes after the kingpin himself he is met with resistance when tony stark is iron man attempts to confront him and talk sense into him spider-man however is too far gone and is definitely not in the mood for advice from tony stark this results in an epic fight between the two heroes while wilson fisk's life hangs in the balance of who will win in the end peter ends up getting his revenge one punching fist to death before being arrested by the authorities he regrets ever trusting tony stark and ever marrying mary jane as wilson fisk would say this issue is sogoth number nine what if spider-man became the punisher this one ends up at least having a happy ending but starts off being pretty dark and pretty scary in this story we imagine what life would have been like for peter if he had become the punisher instead of beating his villains and them ending up just locked away for many their fate is much more final even the green goblin ends up being killed by spider-man punisher following the confrontation with gwen at the bridge when however lives not killed from the great height from which she was dropped i do love how they keep drilling in that it would be the fall not the impact that would kill her like in the original story which i always thought was so bizarre spider-man punisher saves gwen the green goblin ends up dead and harry swears vengeance on the man who killed his father although this story has a dark and murderous narrative it gives us a more happy ending sort of peter chooses love instead of vengeance in the end and gives up being the punisher retiring from vigilante life to go be happy with gwen as this decision is made however frank castle loses his family and miraculously survives the shootout in central park in the end becoming the punisher in this reality as was fated although i do think it's really weird in that story that like when living is the thing that like changes that for him if your like girlfriend's life was threatened wouldn't that make you more angry maybe not i've never been spider-man so i don't really know all right friends before we move on to this next spot just a quick reminder to click that thumbs up it's good for your health it's good for your heart it's good for your brain number eight what if ord resurrected jean grey instead of colossus in this story gene is brought back to life at a time where it is revealed the cassandra nova holds influence over emma frost fearing the return of the phoenix force which would join to jean grey once more emma decides to take matters into her own hands her own diamond hands it's revealed that the phoenix force has been lurking within her cuckoo's minds and she decides to take hold of it killing them in the process tragic she then plans on defeating jean the x-men band together to face her and shield and sword also conveniently joined the fray it's like we're here too in the end ord beast emma and her cuckoos and kitty lay dead and the phoenix is contained but cassandra remains undetected still out there waiting for the right moment to strike number seven what if the spider who went into the cold this story comes to us from the what if story spider-man vs wolverine and asked the question what if spider-man never came back out from the cold this story sees peter parker actually kill someone while acting as spider-man it was an accident he thought the person had armor that would protect him from the hit but it was powered down of course who should be working alongside spidey when this happens but of course wolverine who shows no remorse for what spider-man has done jokingly suggesting that they cry about it in the end this event changes peter after he and wolverine save his friend alex and this causes him to become a killing machine he receives further training and although he still has a sense of morality no longer has qualms with taking out the bad guys permanently he leaves mj and his life behind setting out to join shield working on as a hired black ops team also i love a good spider-man wolverine team-up because it's just not what you usually get i love when they team up number six what if iron man had been a traitor i personally think this one is pretty scary if you put yourself in iron man shoes for me one of my biggest fears and i think one of the most human fears out there is just a lack of control in tony stark's case he doesn't really have any control over what he does or how he acts in the story but is forced into being a traitor when a rival country gains control of his heart if he refuses to do as is demanded of him he is put through intense and unyielding chest pains and could be killed this ends up putting him on a path to attempt to kill reed richards all while leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for reed to follow so that he might be able to figure out that stark's actions are not his true intentions and that he is being manipulated into harming his compatriots and betraying his country number five what if the man the monster this is actually one of the scariest ones for me in my opinion this story was such an intense story that we didn't even get an introduction from the watcher yuata here we have a story where the roles are reversed between bruce and the hulk where bruce is the monster and the hulk or star man as he's known here is the sensitive compassionate one here bruce banner is a colonel who marries betty only to mistreat her after being traumatized from years of being mistreated by his own father and witnessing the cruelty his father doled out to his mother the gamma radiation does split banner into two beings here transforming him into another creature with immense power but this creature is the side of him that actually represents the compassionate side of this trauma the side who wants to protect not hurt whereas bruce banner himself becomes the malicious monster we hear this story from betty's perspective who ends up trying to speak out on the way bruce has treated her only to have her father not even believe her and send her back to bruce when she's left and to later have her confession to doc samson manipulated by a colonel banner causing her to end up getting sent to a mental institution also i'm not sure what's happening in this last panel of this comic if it's just like she doesn't know that they're about to come get her and take her away or if she's there and she's just like i met it's fine that i'm here i'm gonna assume it's the first one because otherwise that's a really weird way to end that story number four what if legion had killed xavier and magneto just imagine how messed up age of apocalypse would be but also you don't have to because the story's gonna do it for you thank you what if as always when things get this bad we have nate to save the day nate summers believes he can band together his own team of the few heroes left alive after apocalypse's unopposed rise to take down apocalypse and even travel back to the past to make things right silly nate summers instead this only results in captain america and wolverine wolverine's hair here by the way is the real horror show of this story opposing nate's plan once it is revealed seeing nate in apocalypse's armor after nate has defeated apocalypse causes them to believe that nate is trying to kind of take the place of apocalypse and in essence become a new kind of tyrant but a tyrant all the same as nate uses the eye of egamoto and molecule man to travel back in time to what he doesn't know is an alternate reality's past captain america armed with thor's hammer sends a bolt of lightning after him that kills thousands in that past setting in motion the apocalypse once more ah number three what if danger became a bride of ultron i like how the title is abride even though in this reality danger becomes like the ultimate bride of ultron a bride as though in this reality ultron is like multiple brides i feel like that never works out for him to be honest but either way this gives ultron what he has always truly desired that sweet sweet love connection i mean completion yes completion that's what he's looking for after danger rebels against the x-men seeking revenge basically for years of being used and trapped as their danger room with no one acknowledging her sentience ultron hears her calling out senses her and leaves his creation victor destroying him in order to find her the two come together and as a wedding present ultron gives danger her father professor x helpless against the technology as his telepathic powers don't work on them ultron has him crushed and killed the story ends with danger and ultron soaring off to bring havoc to the universe flying through space on their creepy mishmashed sentinel child it's like a scary story but it's also a romance story at the same time number two what if wolverine was never deprogrammed this is a pretty scary and gruesome one i'm not gonna lie though you know still keeping in line with the pg-13 aspect of comics a lot of the gore is hidden but you can still imagine it and when you imagine what's happening to these people here is pretty insane here we get to imagine what if wolverine just kept on being a killing machine brainwashed into taking out his fellow heroes including all of those that he loved as in many of these potential scenarios it comes down to wolverine and kitty pride kitty is unable to fathom how wolverine could be so far gone that he'd kill her and yet after witnessing the death of everyone at his hands including invisible woman who is clawed through the bottom of her feet before getting claws right through her face and captain america who gets claws right up through the bottom of his jaw through his entire head she is forced to confront the reality that her mentor and friend logan is really gone like that's definitely gonna convince you once you see that you're like um okay there's no hope for you in the end she sacrifices her hand and it's implied her life in killing wolverine she faces her hand through his head turning it solid and then letting go as wolverine instinctively slices off her arm preventing his body from being unable to heal due to the hand lodged in his brain that'll definitely prevent someone from healing i don't even wanna think about how you try to do that how do you function with a hand in your brain i ask you number one what if spider-man had rejected the spider this is a pretty creepy crawly scary one it begins with peter cocoon but refusing to take the spider's path home instead he kills the giant spider that confronts him while in metamorphosis remaining lost and unable to move forward only half a being until venom escapes matt gargan and prison in order to rejoin with peter parker aware that he is stuck in this stasis mode and vulnerable venom bonds with the cocoon and after months of battling with peter inside is eventually reborn as a new being who goes by the name poison half peter half venom symbiote permanently bonded poison confronts mary jane at the avengers mansion but after horrifically attacking her aunt may wolverine and luke cage and being spurned by her disappears resurrecting his first love gwen stacy and likely planning to turn her into his monstrous bride also there's a weird thing that happens in that story where that poison basically pierces luke cage's skin and then he's like haha even i can pierce your stone skin because i'm sharp enough and i was like wait what just happened it doesn't really make a lot of sense but other than that it's all pretty good i think what do you think are some of the scariest one of stories out there what are some what-if alternate worlds that you'd love to visit more in stories let us know in the comments below or what are some what-if worlds you'd like to visit in real life maybe i don't know thank you so much for watching this has been top 10 nerd and i'm your host amanda mcknight reminding you to stay nerdy youtube [Applause] so you
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 463,244
Rating: 4.8678751 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10, top, top 10 nerd, marvel, what if, marvel what if, comics explained, marvel's avengers, mcu, comic books, comics, marvel phase 4, mcu phase 4, comic book, what if trailer, 2020, marvel comics, what if marvel, avengers, marvel cinematic universe, superhero, marvel legends, mcu news, marvel's 616, top ten nerd, marvel avengers, comic explained, multiverse, movies, marvel studios, marvel explained, marvel movies, superheroes, comicsexplained, marvel heroes, marvel news
Id: XznA6xTxHwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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