Top 10 Super Villains Too Scary For The MCU - Part 2

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when i think of marvel villains my mind doesn't immediately go to scary i mean powerful absolutely threatening for sure but not necessarily scary and i think that has to do with the fact that the mcu has yet to introduce some of the most terrifying villains that marvel has to offer what is going on all you nerdy folk out there my name is jack and welcome to part two of the top 10 super villains way too scary for the mcu i've opened up this list a little bit more than i did last time just to make it a little more fun for everyone so today we'll be talking about some x-men villains some fantastic four villains and so much more so let's get right into it i can't wait any longer number 10 styx starting off the list today with a pretty terrifying mutant jacob acorn was once a homeless man who was approached on the street by a medical researcher to participate in an experiment involving some new pharmaceuticals and he obviously accepted because the pay was good and there were very few risks it was revealed that during the trial the researcher had actually lied about what he was looking into the trial was about exploring whether the human body could develop an immunity to cancer so jacob was injected with a mutated cancer compound alongside developing an immunity to the disease he also became a living cancer cell with the ability to kill organic matter just by touching him however his mind was also tainted and he took up the name styx after the river sticks jacob quickly developed an affinity for death fighting was the only thing that could bring him happiness and alongside gerald stone the two made a deadly mercenary duo now i highly doubt that marvel will ever consider bringing this baddie into the mcu because his origins are way too dark for good old disney plus he is a ruthless killer who does it for nothing more than just pleasure so for now check him out in comic book form in his first appearance in 1988's amazing spider-man number 309 number nine bullseye known as the mercenary of mystery lester in sort name last year might not have any powers but that by no means makes him any less terrifying lester has always been a master marksman and before his mercenary career he tried his hand at major league baseball but quickly grew bored with it because he was constantly pitching perfect games however he quickly found his true calling as a special operative of the united states national security agency not long after he became a freelance merc because he found too much joy in killing his targets with his signature killing method throwing things getting a reputation in new york city bullseye was hired to take down matt murdock but ultimately failed every time as he was stopped by you know daredevil later on we see him go up against the likes of the punisher and spider-man and walk away to tell the tale which is quite the feat for someone with no powers the worst thing this villain ever did in my opinion at least was kill not one but two of daredevil's girlfriends elektra and karen page this led to his demise at the hands of daredevil of course because i can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want revenge after that i doubt we'll ever see bullseye in the mcu because one we already have a master marksman in the form of hawkeye and to his methods of torture and his sadistic nature are utterly terrifying and putting that on the big screen would be too much in my opinion check out this character for yourself and let me know what you think starting with his first appearance in 1976's daredevil number 131 number 8 blackheart a slightly lesser known villain and utterly terrifying son of the demon mephisto usually depicted as an enemy of ghost rider this all-powerful demon is one of the most powerful in the marvel universe and possesses a vast array of magical powers including telekinesis telepathy the ability to travel dimensions and of course the ability to project energy blasts out of his hands under his father's tutelage blackheart explored and learned everything about being evil in nature and has attempted to corrupt many of our favorite heroes such as ghost rider spider-man and wolverine blackheart is the leader of the spirits of vengeance a group that was created to oppose the ghost rider and with their help he caused some serious damage in the marvel universe skip ahead of it and we see blackheart with some newly acquired demonic powers attempting to take over the earth by himself thankfully this was stopped by the avengers and spider-man but not before he could rip out the falcon soul and send it to hell i feel blackheart is way too scary for the mcu because not only is he the son of mephisto a demon so powerful we've only ever heard of him in the mcu he is the embodiment of evil itself with so many powers making him a ginormous threat imagine him getting introduced alongside mephisto i mean any fight against the two would be over in the blink of an eye give blackheart's origin a read for yourself starting with 1989's daredevil number 270 and let me know if you think he could ever make it on the big screen one day in the comments below number seven galactus another villain that has been off limits to the mcu for quite some time thanks to his ties to the fantastic four which has made so many fans around the world fear they would never see him on the big screen galactus is the sole survivor of the sixth incarnation of the multiverse originally galactus was a humanoid named galan born in the previous incarnation of earth 616 on the planet top a paradise-like world whose civilization is said to have been the most advanced of any known universes at the time however the sixth infinity and all its universes were in their final stages of collapse due to the multiversal renewal cycle being consumed by the abstract entity known as the black winter fast forward a bit to him becoming a cosmic entity galactus possesses almost limitless cosmic power that gives him a vast array of powers that would take me forever to list off for you guys it is actually ridiculous with his insatiable hunger for energy and his herald of galactus by his side the almighty being is an almost unstoppable force capable of pretty much anything like seriously he's not called the devourer of worlds and the god of oblivion for nothing do i really need to explain why galactus probably won't appear in the mcu i mean at least anytime soon the dude eats planets and as it stands right now there aren't many heroes in the mcu that can help take down such a big threat it would be super cool and i would honestly freak if i ever saw him in a movie one day but it is so unlikely right now just due to his sheer power and presence check out galactus for yourself in his first appearance in 1966's fantastic four number 48. number six mojo just looking at this guy gives me shivers up and down my spine mojo is a part of an alien race from a planet known as mojo world that resides in a pocket dimension known as the mojo verse he is a powerful sorcerer whose full power is unknown and outside of his homeworld of mojo world mojo possesses the ability to create anti-life energy fields that kills any natural organism he can project a concussive blast and he can even increase his own power through television ratings mojo has been seen manipulating so many characters in the marvel comics including rachel summers who he got to work for him for a while but once he broke free he took matters into his own hands and decided to create his own versions of the x-men to serve under him and thus the ex-babies were born fast forward passed a ton of attempts to get his ratings up so he could increase his power we see a desperate mojo launch in all that attack on new york city that separated the x-men and sent them into intricate recreations of key periods in their lives now i doubt mojo will make it to the big screen anytime soon because well i mean look at him i can only imagine how grotesque would look but also because of his methods mojo is so self-absorbed and wants nothing more than to be powerful and liked which for him kind of go hand in hand so he'll do anything and everything and get rid of anyone who stands in his way check out mojo for yourself starting with his first appearance in 1985's long shot number three and see if you agree with why i don't will ever see him in the mcu number five dracula a lot of you are probably looking at your screen right now like jack are you sure you know what you're talking about dracula has played a pretty decent role in a lot of batman stories but this is marvel well you might be surprised to find out that dracula has been a pretty prominent figure in the marvel universe for quite some time like most iterations vlad dracula is the supreme ruler and the world's most powerful vampire driven by lust for power companionship and blood his centuries of undead existence have brought him into a conflict with vampire hunters other immortals and more recently super power heroes born in 1430 dracula didn't become the vampiric overlord until 1459 after he was beaten in battle by the turkish warlord tarak and was taken to egypt to be healed however it was revealed that he actually turned into a vampire with newfound vampire powers such as superhuman strength speed and agility a regenerative healing factor hypnotism and weather manipulation dracula wreaked havoc for centuries with few that could oppose him fast forward many many years to modern times and we see dracula go up against the likes of blade johnny storm mephisto thor and even tried twice to make storm a vampire so she could become his bride i can't imagine that disney will ever give the green light for this character because a blood-sucking all-powerful vampiric villain doesn't really fit with disney style not to mention that they don't really like to make r-rated movies and that is the only way this character would work appearing for the first time all the way back in 1951 suspense number seven why not familiarize yourself with dracula just a bit more number four shadow king had to include the shadow king on this list because he wasn't on the last one and he is too good or i guess bad to leave out he is allegedly a multiversal manifestation of the dark side of the human consciousness that came to be after the first ever nightmare operating through amal furuku acts as his human vessel the shadow king is stated to be a true omega telepath making him the most powerful telepath on earth besides charles xavier as he has been shown to overtake some of the most strong-willed characters like black panther and gentle without them even being aware of it shadow king was actually the one responsible for the psy war when he tricked psylocke into causing a massive wave of energy that destructed psionic powers across the world however he ended up stretching himself a little bit too thin attempting to link with all the minds on earth and was defeated by psylocke in her new shadow astral form this wasn't actually the end for him though as he was around well after charles xavier's death he even possessed his body for a while shadow king has appeared over many earths in the marvel universe taking a different evil form each time such as on earth 6141 where he merged with professor x becoming shadow x or on earth 1298 where he also took over charles xavier and became onslaught i can't imagine marvel ever putting the shadow king on the big screen because he is far too big a threat it seems impossible to actually get rid of him without another being whose powers are on par with him which is actually what happened in the comics when professor x and psylocke teamed up check out this multi-universal being for yourself starting with their first appearance in 1979's x-men number 117 number three the brood the insect-like alien race that travels through space with the goal of finding hosts to infest with their spawn yuck brood societies work similar to how an average bug colony works with them living in clans or swarms that serve under the empress brood they are a truly savage race that not only enjoy the suffering that they cause others they also revel in the terror that their infections cause their hosts they don't technically have any powers but they are incredibly resistant thanks to their exoskeletons they have tentacles that are capable of long-range attacks and they use their razor-sharp teeth and stingers inc in close combat to deliver either paralyzing or fatal poison the brood have been seen on earth many times throughout marvel history going up against the likes of carol danvers wolverine fang and a large number of the x-men as well sometime after their initial appearance on earth a mix team of x-men and the fantastic four discovered that the brood queen and her squadron were leading an attack on earth with the first of the bunch arriving in new york city but thankfully they were stopped rather quickly thanks to a cerebro enhanced emma frost they have been seen around since but i'll let you discover what happened for yourself now i really can't see marvel bringing this alien race to the mcu as they are anytime soon maybe if they weren't partnered with disney they would be willing but i can't imagine their parent company would be cool with a bunch of malicious insect-like creatures getting people pregnant predator style check out the brood's first appearance for yourself in 1982's x-men number 155. number two demma goblin jason mackindale jr had had enough of losing against spider-man and the green goblins so in their quest for the power that he craved he ended up following a bunch of demons back to their lair to confront their dark lord impressed with his efforts and will the demon lord bestowed upon him superhuman abilities through a demonic possession however the demon proved to be incompatible and ended up ripping away from his human host and began living separately as the demo goblin determined to destroy all sinners and redeem himself the demo goblin went up against the likes of spider-man ghost rider venom and even jacob mackindale jr because they were the only ones willing to stand in his way after the demogomen's initial death from a church pillar crushing him he was resurrected by carnage using shriek's body as a new vessel and dealt himself the dem ah goblin now alongside her new bf karna she traveled around with manwolf to hunt down misty knight and she would have killed missy knight if it weren't for man wolf intervening in a more recent storyline that takes place after dark carnage's death demigodlin started calling herself saint d and basically started her own religion considering that carnage is too scary for the mcu to bring in and that they play such a large role in the demigoblin story it makes sense that this character wouldn't be introduced anytime soon not to mention that they are totally fine with killing and do whatever they think is necessary take a look at this terrifying creature for yourself in their first appearance as the hobgoblin in 1989's the spectacular spider-man number 147 or feel free to skip ahead to their time as the demogoblin in 2019's absolute carnage lethal protector is number one number one no the symbiote god once an ancient malevolent deity whose existence predates the universe itself and was originally content to just drift through the endless abyss that existed before time itself when the celestial started creating the universe noah was awakened by the light of creation and was pretty pissed because his kingdom of darkness was pretty much ruined after killing one of the celestials he was cast back into the void once again and then he created a symbiotic suit of armor out of the darkness he commanded and started his journey across the universe with the goal of getting rid of the other gods for good the only weakness that null has is against the light which refers to the various powers that are wielded by the cosmic entities null is the one responsible for the creation of the symbiotes that we're all familiar with you know the ones that make up venom and carnage he's the reason we have two of the most terrifying villains in the marvel universe and that alone makes me want to go nowhere near him not to mention he's the one who gave gore the god butcher all black necro sword historically we've seen nell go up against silver surfer and so many gods coming out on top every time and then in modern times we have seen him go up against symbiote users like venom and spider-man i can't imagine we'll get to see no in the mcu for a couple of reasons the biggest being that venom isn't in the mcu but that's not my whole argument don't worry null is a literal god capable of pretty much anything that he sets his mind to and he is powerful enough to create symbiotes and beings that could overpower any of the heroes that we've seen both on and off the big screen he's too much of a threat right now but that doesn't mean that i'm not hoping he'll show up one day trust me i really want him to be there for now read all about the symbiote god for yourself starting with their first appearance in 2018's venom vol 4 number 3. that'll be it for this video everyone if i miss one of your favorite scary villains that you think will never appear in the mcu let us know in the comments below and maybe we'll throw together a part three covering them all don't forget to subscribe to top 10 nerd to stay up to date on all things nerdy and while you're at it why not ring that notification bell so you know whenever we upload a video as always my name is jack thank you guys so much for watching and make sure to stay nerdy my friends [Music] [Music] so
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 129,610
Rating: 4.7914009 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10, top, top 10 nerd, Super Villains, supervillain, mcu villains, Vermin, One Below All, nightmare marvel, shuma gorath, Gorr the God Butcher, Annihilus, the Maker, arcade marvel vs capcom, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, marvel, red skull, dormammu, villains, marvel comics, top 10 villains, marvel studios, ego, hydra, marvel movies, comics, marvel phase 4, avengers, thanos, comic books, supervillains, marvel villains, top ten nerd, top 10 list, top ten, comicsexplained, list
Id: KhqrAnGpbSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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