Why The Sinister Six Already Exist in The MCU

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why the sinister six already exists in the MCU many things are set to change in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with these changes come new villains however they're already here and ready to make their debuts want to find out how the sinister six already exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe keep watching to find out everything up to this point in the comics spider-man has always had a significant rogues gallery between his ability to make villains angry and stop their plans it's not surprising that would be 12th the case plus spider-man gets around he's been a solo hero he's teamed up with other spider based heroes worked with and been a part of the Avengers he's even worked with the x-men and my favorite a fantastic for all of those team ups lend themselves to providing even more villains who want to see spider-man put down for good of all the villains who have faced spider-man none has ever challenged spider-man as much as an entire group of villains who are we referring to none other than the sinister six up until recently Marvel fans haven't gotten to see any real team-up of that nature happened in spider-man movies we got a clunky team-up in spider-man 3 but by no means did it do justice to the concept of a villainous team but now Marvel fans can rejoice that the sinister six are coming even better they're already here and ready to make spider-man's life miserable it's true that this group has not been officially confirmed by the bigwigs at Marvel Studios but we don't make our claims lightly that's why we're going to address who the six members of the cinematic sinister six are and exactly why that is the case vulture and scorpion now let's start with the first two who are sure to be Xuan's for joining this infamous group vulture and scorpion major cinematic appearance and spider-man homecoming to a great reception by viewers Bulger was the main antagonist for this solo outing and was superb as the first test for spider-man as more than just a friendly neighborhood spider-man vulture hit hard and played dirty but ultimately was defeated due to him under estimating Peter's resolved to stop his plans scorpion was introduced simply as Mac Gargan Mac is a low-level criminal who has been reported to be crazy by other incline characters by no means does he represent the Scorpion we all remember from the comics however that is the most likely by design as will now cover fans will recall the in credit scene in which core pianist vulture if he know spider-man's identity so he can get taken out vulture replied that he did it even though he did and the only thing that we can think of is that he lied because he didn't see enough of a possibility of taking spider-man out with things as they stood hitter spider-man's identity being revealed and the introduction of jade Ronan Jameson and now there's some potential in the comic Jameson is the one who funded the means for Mac Gargan to become scorpion as we know him today this was done as a means of stopping spider-man since Jameson was convinced that he needed to be stopped because wealth he's a menace also Bulger was arrested thanks to spider-man if it got out that it was a teenager that has a negative public opinion against him that got vulture arrested we can see the public demanding his release because of unfair imprisonment with the possibilities available and the fact that we do see Gargan trying to make connections with people who want revenge on spider-man it's plain to see that a team-up is coming however that's only two villains not six fortunately for entertainment purposes the other four are around including the one most likely to lead the cinematic version of the sinister six the Mysterio factor we all know that Mysterio died due to a mishap involving a bullet at the end of the movie if that's the case though then how can he be part of the sinister six well that's easy to answer he didn't die Marvel Studios is great at putting in twists and turns but there are a couple of things they really love and cannot resist taking advantage of the main one is they love their tricksters arguably the most popular one is Loki Loki has spent his entire time in the MCU impersonating others and producing allusions to throw people off his trail the squirrels have entered into the MCU as well they are an entire race of shapeshifters which is a perfect means of being tricky and pulling off deceptions Mysterio used holographic technology this days entire battle so panic and strife not to mention all the destruction in the city there's nothing that says he couldn't have faked his own death in fact during the movie he specifically said they will see what I want them to see sounds like a recipe for a fake death to us which incidentally is the other favorite thing for Marvel executives to do so if he's alive then how does the sinister six come into play first he was a member of the comics others history at work second a video was a release that revealed spider-man's identity the most likely scenario is that Mysterio is still determined to look like a hero in everyone's eyes what better way to do that then to make fighter man the villain plus there's the whole successor to the Iron Man Thing so he's doubly motivated to win in this case the thing is he was defeated when it was just him he needs others to work with him that's where vulture and scorpion come into place now we are now up to three of the necessary six for this infamous group vulture and scorpion have the need for revenge Mysterio has a vision however we still need to look into the who will round out the final three chameleon and Kraven now we start getting into characters who aren't as known in the MCU version of spider-man chameleon and Kraven are both interesting choices to bring in but they are a package deal and one seems to have already made his appearance if that's true then the other will shortly follow so who's the one that we've already seen that person would be chameleon chameleon was actually the first villain that Spiderman ever fought in the comics yet he has never been portrayed on the big screen we had up neck peel that it's time for that to change and apparently in Marvel Studios agrees and spider-man far from home we were introduced to a man named Dimitri usual furred Peters class-2 everywhere they needed to go once fury took over Peter summer vacation while it wasn't proven in the movie there's a good chance that this Dimitri is the same Dimitri who became known as the chameleon in the comics the comic version shows it was a KGB agent who fled to the United States to become a criminal who's to say that the MCU version one of God himself employed by fury after all Black Widow is former KGB until she defected the Dmitry we saw in the movie seems to just be an associate who does whatever fury says hardly the work of a villain I know however there are a few things that consider when it comes to his possible villainy Dimitri worked around Mysterio since everyone thought he was a hero in the beginning he disappeared after Prague which means he wasn't around to protect fury put these two together and we have a possible motive for him to be a bad guy in secret Plus even if Mysterio is still alive he still needed to be in hiding so who better than someone who has converted to his cause to distribute the video we also need to remember that the entirety of spider-man far from home was about nothing is what it seemed Mysterio was actually a villain fury wasn't even on earth instead it was a scroll considering the squirrel couldn't be as good as fury it makes sense that chameleon could have slipped through the cracks Plus chameleon is known by that codename because of his own shape-shifting abilities Marvel Studios could make him a scroll just to shake things up and add a dash more cosmic to the sinister six so what about Kraven good question in the comics Kraven is actually chameleons half-brother instead of shape-shifting Kraven has enhanced abilities like spider-man no he doesn't climb walls but this means that we would have a villain that is designed to fight spider-man as an equal no technology no equipment nothing but his own physical prowess truth be told we need a purely physical component added to the sinister six and thanks to his familial ties Kraven fits the bill perfectly what this means is that while we haven't seen Kraven that doesn't mean he doesn't already exist was Tom callin spider-man mentioned in an interview that he wanted Jason Momoa to play Kraven considering that Holland is terrible about keeping things a secret this could have been a way to say that Kraven is coming at some point since he didn't appear in the second spider-man movie we assumed he'll make his debut in spider-man 3 instead two half-brothers who are both dangerous in their own right and comfortable working together talk about a recipe for Destruction the brothers add the necessary teamwork needed to ban the sinister six together beyond the desire for revenge bear them with the other three and that is one powerful group however that still leaves room for a sixth member prowling potential it would be nice to see Doctor Octopus or electro but we doubt they'll make an appearance Marvel Studios has worked very hard to not use villains already shown in previous spider-man movies so this means that they need to bring in someone else as someone was introduced in spider-man homecoming and has a simpler yet stronger reason for wanting to take fighter man down that man is Aaron Davis he is also known as the Prowler she's a criminal who operates in New York City fans were introduced to him when we saw him looking to put weaponry from Adrian Toomes the vulture and spider-man stopped the deal and Davis did agree to help spider-man hit the dangerous weapons off the street however spider-man decided to leave him webbed up against his car which kept him from meeting up with his nephew spider-man claimed he deserved it but really all it did was show off that he had power and Aaron didn't factor that feeling in his own criminal history and his connection to the vulture and we have someone who may decide that the super weapons and anti-gravity equipment were perfect for him we also can't forget the resentment that he may feel once spider-man's identity was revealed plus his nephew happens to be none other than Miles Morales who also becomes spider-man if Marvel goes in this direction we could get an interesting dynamic that shows a criminal uncle and a hero nephew making for some excellent drama while the whole sinister 16 is going on final thoughts the hints the teases the fact that spider-man's villains are being set up with easel ways of still being around past the first movie all points to the facts the sinister six is happening we believe they're already here and we're just waiting for everything to develop if our guesses are right then we have two more members to officially get to know and two more that need to either come back to life or choose to want revenge regardless spider-man is in for the fight of his life in future spider-man movies we expect to get past spider-man 3 to a sinister six movies before we get to the big Oh Marvel likes to get everything set up before the big reveal it should be fun to watch and in the meantime stay tuned for more theories spoilers news and more about everything Marvel Cinematic Universe will see you with another installment
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Keywords: sinister six, guardians of the galaxy, who should play the spider-man villains in the mcu?, spider-man, mcu spider-man vs the sinister six | spider-man ps4 mcu suits gameplay, x-men and mcu the den of nerds, spiderman, spiderman vs sinister six, spider-man ps4 sinister six, the amazing spider-man 3, the spectacular spider-man movie, how to fix the dceu, behind the screen, spiderman into the multiverse
Id: s6KAnLavZZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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