10 Disturbing Spider-Man Villains

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[Music] as a hero who got his powers through the traumatic experience of being bitten by a radioactive spider it makes perfect sense that spider-man's enemies also require wild backstories and strange powers in order to go toe-to-toe with the beloved arachnid Prince and in this regard spider-man's rogues gallery doesn't disappoint in fact the various villains go above and beyond even the spookiest expectations creating a collection of characters who could legitimately give you nightmares if you read their comics too early or if you read his comics when you're in your 20s like me and are still terrified of everything you see although they vary from being just gross to being downright horrific it's always an interesting time to see these villains appear in any story generally because they take it from being a regular superhero comic to being a straight-up horror story I'm Joshua Cody calm and these were the 10 most disturbing spider-man villains number 10 vermin now while domesticated rats are generally quite sweet and lovable creatures a wild rat still definitely triggers all of the caveman flight-or-fight responses in our brain every single time we see one anywhere said flight-or-fight response is decidedly more powerful when the rat is human-sized and trying to kill you which is why Edward Whelan also known by the slightly cruel supervillain name of vermin is so concerning turned into a rat like creature by Nazi scientists aka the worst kind of scientists vermin would also gain the power to control other beasts although he would largely focus on controlling other rats this means that were you ever unfortunate enough to cross paths with the man while he was enraged you not only have to worry that a 200-pound rat was chasing after you but that he'd also have tens to hundreds of other smaller rats with him just to add the proverbial horrific cherry on top though Wieland's genetic splicing also give him a thirst for human flesh meaning he generally uses his powers to cannibalize people in brutal fashion at least it doesn't happen despite him and I guess I'll he'd be way way up this list number 9 lost Louis as anyone who has taken some Spanish courses at some time in their life all quickly Google translated a phrase five minutes before recording a voiceover likely knows lost Lobos translates to the wolves or in this case werewolf says the title belongs to a team of villainous lycanthropes also known as the law book arts help while a cartel wouldn't usually be unnerving after all spider-man has taken on things much worse than a couple of anthropomorphic dogs the lost lovers are largely involved in human and drug trafficking which has some absolutely nightmarish implications and that's because the idea of a kidnapper who suddenly turns into a hulking drooling monster when you try in a scare is something straight out of a horror movie only made slightly better because at least then you have a slim chance that spider-man will realize and then come to your aid number 8 doppelganger spider-man's bizarre clone doppelganger is an unnerving creature for two main reasons firstly by all means doppelgangers should be dead as not only should he have died with the other spider clones at the end of infinity war but he was also killed by the Hobgoblin and then brought back to life by the demo goblin which is exactly as complicated and exactly as weird as that chain of words suggests so not only is doppelganger kind of a zombie but he's also one that seems single-mindedly focused on doing evil things whenever he can helping summoning the symbiote equivalent of the devil remorselessly killing and doing anything else he can to maximize his villainous portfolio add to this the fact that the eight limb terror can't speak but only hiss and click and he's pretty much the poster boy for the spooky enemies as spider-man faces on the daily especially since he looks exactly like Spidey's evil twin sans the mustache number 7 rhino unlike the majority of the villains on this list rhino is actually a very well known criminal however it's well worth mentioning this more famous enemy of spider-man for one reason he's secretly a really messed-up character now with enemies like the Green Goblin or the lizard you're always aware that they're more than a little disturbing as it's generally the focus of their time on the pitch on the other hands since rhino is generally just a big dumb goon for Spidey to beat up he doesn't get this same kind of focus which means it's really easy to miss certain aspects of his character and their awful implicit patience said implications are best known in a short story known as flowers for Rhino playing off the title of a similar story found in the book flowers for algernon in this we discover that rhino desperately wants to leave his life of crime behind but he finds himself impeded by his lack of smarts after trying an experimental surgery to make him smarter however he discovers he still finds the world cruel and almost commits suicide before having the surgery reversed and his memory of these events white in essence Rhino is a disturbing villain because he doesn't want to be one and yet he finds himself forced into the role again and again and again number six Regent despite looking like the strange love child of Thanos and a toaster as always there's no king shaming here of course Regent is a legitimately scary villain partially because of his motivations and partially because any villain who looks like the offspring of a transformer and a bad goth has to be at least a little bit spooky after his family died caught in a battle between the Avengers and the Masters of evil Augustus Roman would gain a lifelong hatred of superhumans leading to him building the covert superhuman holding facility the cellar not only did the cellar basically tortured those held there but it was also used to siphon the powers of those confined in it which will be placed within a super suit for Roman himself and if an evil and disturbed billionaire who keeps a bunch of people in his basement to power his sweet new threads isn't disturbing for you then just about nothing will be but then again I suppose fashion is a dangerous game and all that number 5 kindred Spider Man's answer to the mummy comes in the form of a villain named kindred who despite being introduced in 2006 we still actually know very little about what we do know though is that he's a scary demon who can control centipedes and resurrect people which is an unusual set of powers to say at the least we're first told about kindred we're Mysterio reveals he's been ruthlessly tortured by the man turn demon and truth be told he only gets worse from there because despite endlessly trying to kill spider-man due to an unspecified desire for revenge or something kindred is weirdly nice to the hero during these attempts calling him by pet names and even defending his girlfriend when he goes off to fight Kraven with the riddle of exactly who kindred is all was and exactly what they want he currently tops the chart of creepy spider-man villains and will likely stay there even after the mystery assault number four cadaverous when a villain has a name that has a word for a dead person in it you know they're going to be pretty legit cadaverous continued this trend by being a legitimately frightening entity despite having only this far appeared in three issues of the newest spider-man series but that hasn't impeded him and the Sully bog makes a huge impact in the short space of time as the comic repeatedly cuts to him tinkering on robots and humans alike creepier yet cadaverous may in fact be someone closer to Peter and his son that we think as the woman in suspended animation he speaks to at the end of the first issue of the 2019 spider-man appears to bear a fair resemblance to her implying that cadaverous may also be someone with links to larger Park a family give it a while and this Big Bad might end up even higher on this list number three spot the most disturbing thing about spot is that by all regular measurements he shouldn't be unnerving in any where the Polka Dot Menace has been a longtime stable of spider-man's villains Gallery and for most of that time managed to be entirely unintimidated but then spot rocks up in daredevil having suddenly transformed into the stuff of legitimate nightmares he's been harnessed into a machine straight out of saw that allows his portal spots to be used anywhere which we are explicitly shown being used for human trafficking and in a more disturbing moment being used to place drugs in the bellies of pregnant women so they can transport said goods you think this stuff couldn't get worse but you'd be decidedly rocked as when spot is finally freed from his messed-up prison his powers begin to malfunction resulting in him teleporting inside of himself several times which leaves him looking like a Silent Hill monster that was ultimately rejected for looking too scary number to swarm on its own the humble bee is a kind creature unlike those sting happy to the animal world that our wasps bees are more than happy to leave your skin alone content to instead consume a small portion of your picnic and then be on their merry where as such swarm earns extra disturbing for perverting the sanctity of the wholesome be much like Nicolas Cage's Wickham and Phil in wood years later swarm also known as fritz von Mayer was actually a Nazi scientist who specialized in deadly poisons and beekeeping having fled Germany at the end of World War two Maya would discover a rare type of nest that he had never seen before and naturally decided to mess with them after angering the hive of hyper-intelligent insects fritz will be swarmed by them and just before his death his consciousness would transfer into the bees seemingly simply to traumatize anyone that's reading this comic so yeah you've heard of Nazis you might have even heard of Nazi zombies but you're not prepared for Nazi B's oh and there's also universe where this pile of bees becomes the ruler of the universe so yeah that's pretty messed up too number one the thousand a unique focal point of trauma for any spider-man reader has to be that of the super villain known as the thousand the thousand originally went under the name of Carl King who is one of Peter Parker's vast assortment of school bullies as such is particularly unfortunate that Carl was the only person who saw Peter be bit by the spider at give him his powers as I gave the crew lad one more idea that would allow him to continue to overpower his nerdy opposition actually eating the same spider that bit Peter instead of giving king cool web-swing powers though of the spider would cause his body to break down into a bunch of similar looking arachnids leaving him little more than a bunch of spiders living in a human skin suit it showed us pretty much the grossest thing to ever happen in any spider-man franchise if not the grossest thing to ever happen in comics in general so that's always one story you guys think down in the comments below are there any more disturbing spider-man villains wackier and more brutal and horrible than this loss and while you down there gonna give us a like share subscribe and I head over to watch culture comm for more lists and news like this every single day even if you don't though I've been Josh thank you for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 526,391
Rating: 4.9045 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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