Evil Batman Origins of the Dark Multiverse - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series we go into some of our older videos and create a compilation of things that we feel are related or a complete story of like two hours of content today we thought it would be fun to go back through all of the evil bat men that came out of the dark nights metal event so today we're gonna be bringing you the origin stories of those seven bat men from the original event and then we're gonna throw in the grim night one as a fun reminder just is a way to look at the dark nights metal Batman it came out of that whole thing hope you guys enjoy and you can find the full Dark Knight's metal playlist down below if you just want to watch the whole thing again [Music] stop me if you've heard this one worlds will live worlds will die but imagine if your every fear every bad decision gave birth to a malformed world of nightmares a world not shouldn't exist and desperate as it fights to survive in the world of the true multiverse far above welcome to the dark multiverse home to the stories that never should be it's all one big cosmic joke except no one is laughing on this side well almost no one listen close now this is a story of a world's end a world transformed witness the rise of the dark night on earth - 50 - the world is ending bodies are being pulled up into the dark red sky of death and the flash is running through it's shouting it's getting worse central city is coming apart we shouldn't be fighting this may make you wonder who is the flash talking to a lightning bolt hits down in front of him stopping him and as he dodges it the fire scorches the earth to his side while ice hits the other side of him he turns back to this person this is bigger than both of us we have to do something before it's too late the person he's talking to is someone desperate Batman and he has each of the Rogues tools the cold gun the weather wizard wand the heat gun and the mirror gun all at his side as usual you're late flash it's time for you to let someone else have the Speed Force Batman I told you I won't give you the Speed Force I've lost people I love - but Batman raises the cold glasses the new should understand if you don't help me willingly I'll make you flash begins to charge up his Speed Force you know the things I've done the mistakes that I've made with these powers in the past it's impossible to be everywhere at once Batman looks back at him unlike you I tried to be and it cost me my family and that's what we see a flashback of a graveyard of the bat family dead flash runs up to him so Batman the leaps out of the way going through a mirror with the mirror master gun - dodge him why do you think you're gonna succeed with the rogues weapons when they couldn't Batman and the Batmobile comes crashing to the wall your wait my toys are better it didn't have to come to this flash I asked for your help but you rejected me if our roles were flipped I would have used every tool at my disposal to get you what you needed metallic batarangs go flying through the air and the flash dodge is telling him I said no because your plans for the Speed Force are a dark path to run I can see you hurting and desperate bullets begin to fly as the flash continues to dodge after my parents are murdered I traveled the world to learn everything about science martial arts in the supernatural to become bad man but it wasn't enough not for Jason Tim dick and Damian Gotham did what it always does it takes and takes and takes I need to find a way to stay one step ahead Batman gets out of the battle appeal throwing a gas grenade at the ground and with each day I feel myself getting older and slower I need to speed force flash flash throws a lightning bolt into the gas hitting Batman with all of it hidden stands over the fallen and defeated Batman I'm sorry for what happened to your family I am but it won't end there we have to figure out how to save everyone together Batman tries to collect himself you're right you're a good friend flash I could always count on you and your compassion he turns and freezes the flash is like in place and then with one punch he knocks him out the flash wakes up with his mask torn asking where am i and then he realizes what Batman has done he has chained the flash to the front of the Batmobile and he's driving at top speed as the flash calls out what are you doing Batman explains I've studied your design for the cosmic treadmill and I repurposed its engine to let me hard as your connection to the Speed Force I'm going to race into it and steal your connection the flash looks back trying to turn his head with the chains holding him in place Bruce don't the mistake I made when I vowed to my parents that I would save Gotham as that was thinking too small Barry I should have promised to save the world he gets the gas pedal to the floor dad roars as the begin to see the wall of the Speed Force braking flash screams out you can't access the Speed Force this way you can't force it it's going to rip us both apart the Lightning courses in front of them exploding and something twisted something deranged begins to happen I know Barry no I'm sorry please Bruce but now we can save the world Bruce and their faces begin to tear apart as Bruce tells him together flash looks back and with nothing more than a skull you can't give up like this Bruce there's hope Bruce there's always with that they're both torn to pieces across Gotham City every rogue in Batman's gallery is suddenly and quickly torn apart and killed because no longer is there Batman no longer is there flash there is something else and as he kills every bill and at a speed unheard of in Gotham he tells himself and himself my name is Bruce Wayne but there's another voice in his head no Bruce don't kill i'm vengeance stop this Bruce I am justice stop this purse don't I am Batman right dead please Bruce stop before I used to spend so much time alone on the rooftops dwelling on my actions but now I don't have to think twice about the speedforce it released me aya saved Gotham and now I will save the world I finally have all the time that I need but the whole time the voice in the back of his head the voice of Barry Allen is telling him to stop this and regardless of saving Gotham Batman finally sees the larger problem as Wayne tower begins to fall at the end of the world he looks up to see the sky is torn apart the world is breaking apart and I'm not fast enough to save it but there's something deep down that hopes that I can do it that I can save everyone and another voice speaks the one of the Batman who laughs even if it means the destruction of another world would you sacrifice others to save yours Barry pulls himself free of Bruce for a second Bruce it's Barry stay away from him don't listen but Bruce shakes his head pulling Barry back inside reaffirming his connection to the Speed Force what who are you someone very much like you someone who lost his world simply because it was born down here our worlds aren't meant to last they're destined to die it's a cruel law of nature in this place you can feel it yourself can't you your time was meant to end but what if I told you that there was a world far far above that was destined to live Batman puts on his mask asking tell me more over on earth zero the first world of the multiverse the evil Batman of the multiverse have now all arrived in issues one in two of metal which we have in the channel you can watch it all link it down below each of those Batman is now run off to handle their own affairs and in Central City iris and Wally are getting lunch when they see red comets hitting the ground then glowing red bats appear around them and red death stops in one of them he looks at them my the Flash's family the Barry Allen in his head tells him don't hurt them his love his psychic iris run red death walks over to her the last speedster to hurt my nephew ended up dead so I don't care how scary your mask is leave him alone Wally looks over at her aging in front of her eyes there's something wrong with the Speed Force I'm so slow and then iris gets hit as well and they both begin to age rapidly around them the city crumbles as they hold onto each other this world's flash he'll understand in times of crisis that there must be a sacrifice and then the heroic voice of the flash can be heard I don't know who you think you are but there won't be any sacrifices in my city Red Death because the race down the city and the flash runs right behind him running is sort of my thing so there's no use in trying to escape well it's a part of time I was jealous of yours and Clark's a little racist but now it won't matter flash quickly sees that something is off as the glowing red bats swarm around him your drift those bats he hits the ground in pain everything iris I feel old there will be no more racing Barry that voice Bruce is this what happened after you left Blackhawk Island Red Dead raises his fist into the air if there's any part of you inside of that armor Bruce then you're still my friend and I can rely on your compassion Red Death pauses what go behind flash the symbol of dr. fate appears and he grabs and pulls flash out of the fight red dental looks at the symbol go ahead and run flash it won't save you I'm gonna turn your city into the one that I lost the city begins to crumble and turn red and change and as the Barry inside of Bruce shouts no Bruce tells him it will become my Gotham so let me tell you a secret all it takes is one bad day one moment that should never have happened the ground beneath you starts to crumble and trust me I know first hand all of us do but one bad week it can kill a multiverse [Laughter] [Music] how do I feel in that moment when my whole world changed we go back to the moment when Bruce Wayne was a child standing over the bodies of his parents the moment that defined him that turned him into the Batman the moment where the gunman stood there and realized his mistake when I stood there helpless as my mom and dad's blood was running into the gutter I felt nothing this is the moment that changed Bruce in this universe but what if instead of being terrified what if instead of letting this moment define him in his goal to stop crime to find him in a different way and he chased that man he showed no fear something behind him sense that and it ran after him Bruce Wayne you have the ability to overcome great fear welcome to the Green Lantern Corps I remember I didn't overcome fear it was obliterated from me and I didn't give any thought to the word Corps or even what the hell was talking to me all I cared about was him Bruce floated on top of him you bastard and he pointed the ring at the man prepared to do the one thing that the ring would not allow Bruce wanted to kill that man instead of killing him though it charged up and it told him error first of all of the Green Lantern Corps lethal force not to permit it and Bruce wasn't stopped and he shouted kill him and again it told him no he looked to the ring I don't care do as I say and it began to read a will power at 100% will power at 117 percent Bruce remembers that day he didn't feel fear or doubt he just felt the void inside of him and he shouted that he deserved to die bizarre and strange constructs came out of the ring and it began to read ever will power exceeds and then the messages got garbled and it announced lethal force enables as it tore the flesh and bone away from the man that killed his parents he remembers his thoughts I had the most powerful weapon in the universe on my finger and he went back to the body's ring bring back my mom and dad the ring had tapped into something unholy and it began to raise the dead and Bruce remembered that he would have given up the ring to have his real parents back not these zombie versions as they stood up as he launched into the sky leaving them there he was alone at first they called him a hero and due to that Jim Gordon called him to the rooftop of the GCPD to question him about a few missing persons bruce advised him to remain polite as the last copper threatened him regretted it the issue is that Bruce is killing without remorse or boundaries why did these villains deserve to live when his parents didn't why Jim continues to ask about the people who are missing asking the lantern what he did to these crooks to scarecrow the penguin two-face we see that he flew through the building pointing his ring at them and then he initiated something that we had never seen before and he told the ring to initiate blackout all around the void exited Bruce as it was inside of him all along and everything went into the darkness except his eyes and the ring the villains did nothing would scream in terror and as Bruce said in the darkness he wasn't alone anymore as for the penguin he took him into space and he left him there to be tore apart by comets and then he looked at Jim just look up see that it's his spleen and his brains Jim stops Lantern this has to stop this isn't justice I I don't care what you do to me so what us to stand up for what's right what you did to detective Bullock god help him I know you're hurting but Bruce summons a giant Green Lantern as he tells Jim you don't know me I'm not an idiot a couple of years ago three dead in Crime Alley aren't you tired of feelings like this Bruce shut up you have a daughter right sad she'll have to grow up without a dad and Bruce turns around blasting Jim Gordon with the ring killing him and that moment he gets a warning the entire Green Lantern Corps is coming to town and he sees them and he realizes there are a lot of Green Lantern's out there and he turns to his ring and he simply says ring it responds by initializing blackout and all around the Lantern Corps creatures of darkness and terror appear they in develop and surround the Corps and he tells them I have friends too I made them in the dark the Corps is decimated instantly with most of them being killed but one guardian survived then he pulled himself towards Bruce telling him stop the darkness it destroys everything and it responds Bruce tore his head off his body and let me remember how he felt vulnerable helpless alone he missed them and he couldn't take it anymore he wanna be Bruce Wayne you didn't want to be the Green Lantern he wanted to be something more something of the darkness the dawn breaker with the darkness black I choked the light no brightest day escapes my sight I turned the dawn into midnight beware my power dodd breakers might at that moment he accepted who he was he realized his world was crumbling away he knew what was swallowing it it was the void that was inside of him but it consumed all the light and as he floated throughout the void it spoke to him nice earth you've got there how's it working out for you who called me the man who laughs and I'm recruiting this is red death and that is murder machine and he'll be fast friends I'm sure you have so many things in common revenge justice first names there's a world bathed in light the people there are fools they deserve to be dragged into the dark their world will crumble like yours Lord Barbados demands it you're a warrior of the darkness and you could extinguish the light Barbados can spare you from this darkness and bring you to which you most desire your parents all my lord demands is your obedience will you kneel will you die well over to zero we see what the Dawnbreaker decided as he soars over ko City it isn't all at the light and the people living in it he simply thinks of them as idiots and he decides that it's time for their world to change forever he ever is over them calling out to ring initiate blackout but how Jordan appears telling him stop where you are he turns around or right away how recognizes the face Bruce is that you dawn brick returns to him I have to warn you I've killed Green Lantern's before and I'll do it again the creatures in the darkness of Bruce's ring begin to pour out and bite and snap at Hal Jordans feet he calls out to his ring to stop it but the ring is confused it has no idea what this even is with that it swallows up Hal Jordan into the darkness and without the light there is no Green Lantern smite until a symbol appears in the darkness what a fate and he draws Hal Jordan out of the fight leaving John breaker alone in Coast City as the blackout protocol it's the whole thing the world of light a city of hope disgusting let them feel helpless let them feel the void let them feel like me [Music] on earth zero the first world of the multiverse there's a ringing going off and Cyborg asks his father what's that ringing Silas stones cyborgs father explains that it is one of the dozens alarms going off in STAR Labs they go off every day cyborg tells his father that he has to get out of STAR Labs right now something serious is happening some kind of invasion cities are falling and Silas tells his son that's exactly why I'm staying here to figure it all out it's about that metal right the one that you found with the Black Hawks cyborg tells him that it is and they continue to talk about it for a moment and then Silas asks if he is safe cyborg tells him that he's in the watchtower floating over the earth he is very safe and then he explains that they lost Gotham to a giant mountain and now central city is changing becoming a place filled with red skies and destruction he's worried that Detroit will be next they agree to swap information and cyborg sees a pink as a beeping going off and a screen indicating that Batman has arrived at the watchtower he gets up to go check on it and he sees the familiar outline of Batman but this isn't the Batman that cyborg knows as he shocks him to the ground but this isn't the version of Batman that began this tale the murder machine didn't appear out of thin air no it began in the dark multiverse months ago on earth negative 44 on this world Alfred was captured by some of the worst villains in the DC Universe two-face asked him where Batman was an Alfred asked him who was Batman there must be another way I can be of service the villains laughed as Alfred was lifted into the air and had his back broken by babe that laughter echoed in Batman's head as he watched the video over and over because this is how Alfred died Clark walked up behind Bruce telling him watching the death of the man that was your father isn't healthy and Bruce turns to him I'll tell you what isn't healthy Clark it's not healthy to stand here knowing that the man who raised me like a father is upstairs in a casket with 36 broken bones that we couldn't even have an open casket because he was beaten to a pulp six feet from where we're standing it's not healthy to know that he'll never be here again and that it's my fault Clark Clark looks at him but now you have the responsibility of honoring him by putting him to rest what happened to alfred was horrible and the rest of us are gonna go upstairs for his wake I hope that you join us but as Victor stone of this universe was leaving Bruce stopped him a few years ago I began to scan Alfred's mind to create an artificial intelligence that might outlast him but it was never finished I called it the Alfred protocol what are you asking me Bruce I can't bring it online by myself I need your help please Vic I need him he was like a father to me back in the present day on earth to zero Silas hadn't actually hung up and he was hearing all of this go on and the Batman decided to say hello don't hurt him I can help you I'll give you whatever you want and Batman replies telling the computer mute transition your father will learn his rules batman makes a blader because a stab into cyborg and as he's about to come down to end this universe of cyborg he gets out punching him I don't know who you are or why you're pretending to be Batman but you're not getting anywhere near my father with one hand Batman blocks the blast and then he takes his other arm turning it into tentacles and he begins to hack into the watchtower then holographic versions of Alfred we can do a hero round at cyborg how may I help you he asked as he reached out with the blast hitting cyborg back on earth negative 44 a month ago those data versions of Alfred asked the same question of things how may I help you but this isn't one version this was many of them in a surrounded Bane the man that murdered him as he was begging pleading to just let him leave let him live his death it wasn't fast back at the Batcave cyborg asked Bruce what was going on and the data versions repeated in the bat computer ring the bell sir Bruce explained that the data alfred was trying to protect him it was trying to take away everything that hurt him and systematically murder every single inmate of Arkham cyborg tells him the point of this was to make an AI that would Stitch you up and make you dinner we have to turn this off I agree cyborg he's doing this to protect me if I just let him into the Batcave I could reprogram him no worse you can't this is a hungry virus looking to spread and feed Bruce looks up heard he lost him once Vick I can make a better I can keep him look Bruce I'm gonna figure out a way to break through whatever you do don't let him in do not let the Alfred protocol into the bat computer and as he walked out of the cave Bruce could hear the virus asking him let me in sir ring the bell let me help you sir back on earth zero Batman now patched into the entire watchtower system explained you were wrong Vick the best thing that I ever did was let him in I still remember my fear when they surrounded me I realized my plan wasn't going to work I would not be able to reprogram them in time they grabbed me spread throughout my body and I screamed in fear that was the first thing that my father fixed in me he took my fear away and then my sadness and then my weak human flesh he rebuilt me and using the villains monologue cyborg leaps up blasting the data Alfred in the face and as he drops data Alfred he tells Batman I've been out maneuvering every attempt you've made to enter our computers in the last few minutes you aren't getting into the watchtower I built this if anything you've opened yourself up to me and the Batman looks down on him I don't have any weaknesses to exploit cyborg my father built me that way I'm sorry your father didn't do the same for you you failed to see that I had no interest in her systems I was gaining access to the STAR Labs systems in Detroit in an instant you have crippled your nation's military and given me the truck to reshape as I see fit and down in Detroit to the Alfred protocol is running rampant destroying everything and killing everyone cyborg screams oh no and he begins to blast more the data Alfred's in Batman looks at him I'm sorry Victor but how could you stop me here would you could stop once I became one with my father you gathered the league to fight but I killed them all until you were the last man stand and then we see back on earth negative 44 the cyborg that was trying to reason with that man tried to argue with him he told him that he knows that he doesn't want to become a murder machine and Batman told Victor and then he tore cyborgs head off of his body this should have been a great beginning but the cruel trick of the multiverse is that my world was destined to die so I learned of another world and a man who would allow me to leave the world I was on cyborgs on earth zero tries to take a swing at Batman but that's when he's grabbed from behind by a massive hand with claws then cyborg looks up to see all of the evil Batman and his father is forced to listen as they each beat into him tearing off his limb leaving nothing but lumps of flesh they leave him with broken circuitry and blood and the whole time his father is forced to listen to this and once he is beat Batman hangs up the call as another one walks out of the shadows the Batman who laughs the man telling us the tales of horror and terror he leans down a cyborg asks him why the truth is we're only here because the world is dark enough to dream us into existence because deep down it needed us to protect them from themselves we all heard it echoing through the cosmos the greater ringing and we came not with a question of how to help you but the answer [Music] the only world I've ever known sinks into the darkness below me forever as does the only love I've ever known but Sylvester died a long time before my world did I fought hard to cling on and keep it afloat after Sylvester's death but it couldn't be saved it's time to let go to accept and go up towards the light the mocking lights the damned lights the surface protecting my world was an obsession that consumed me by the end it was like trying to dread water in the numbing cold when you're exhausted better to just drown drown it all the drowned rises out of the water and MST babe Ewing water all over everyone in the area flooding it with the water the purple dark water one that intends to steal the light as the darkness consumes the bay that drowned continues to think on what happened and what is going to happen the one who laughs told me this town is called a misty BAE amnesty a clean slate a chance for a do-over a chance to wash it all away and start again my world was never a good place it was brutal and corrupt my whole life I thought to make it better even after the rogue Metis took Sylvester Kyle away from me I thought it was an achievable goal but I was wasting my time because my world could never be redeemed I know now my earth was a lower-tier world malformed and broken one of many curse to rot in sync because of the lights up there no wonder I couldn't save it despite all my sacrifices the light is where things are good in whole here life prospers and it prospers at the expense of the world's on the Lord here like mine not anymore the Drowned walks through the now waaah load up MST Bay and looking at the damage that she has done this is the place that will pay for the loss of her world one or the have-nots take from the haves because as she states my name is Brice Wayne and I'm here to take its payments in full as she walks through the Drowned city she sees the protectors of this city Aquaman and Mara she notices right away the differences in this world the fact that the rules are gender swapped meaning that her aqua woman is an aqua man here Aquaman jumps off a shark lunging at Bryce and she quickly dodges out of the way calling him slow and a weak she then throws him back as Mara approaches her and because he used her aqua telekinesis except Bryce takes control of the water reversing her abilities on herself my water my rules Aquaman comes up from behind with his trident ready to plunge into Bryce's back and as she sees the determination in his eyes she thinks back to how she got here what turned to Bryce Wayne into this monster it was on earth negative 11 18 months after Bryce had hunted down the murderer of her love and ended the rogue Menace that was when aqua woman stood with an army of Atlanteans and attacked she claimed to have come in peace but Bryce knew better they were more rogue Medes a threat to everything that they hold dear and so she attacked them she didn't trust them her gut was always correct the Atlanteans were a vicious and therefor Bryce brought the rage to them she ran aqua woman's Trident through her own gut to tear out her own innards but that didn't stop them the Atlanteans saw this as an act of war and they pushed on invading and flooding whole areas of the seaboard towns they drowned Gotham so Bryce used her knowledge and abilities to merge her DNA with al ante and DNA she needed to bring the fight to them breathe underwater grow stronger control it and then she created an army she called them dead water all so that she could win this war and thanks to me we did the price was a new way of life for the victors a drowned world so I lit a lamp to shine across the darkness of the deep a light to signal hope in victory in one night that signal fell dark when I went to repair it he was waiting for me the one who laughs you don't trust anything do you Brice nothing at all this world is done because of it he was right I never trust anyone or anything but I trusted him but it's not really your fault it's the light you see the light up there so the Batman who laughs showed Brice the upper worlds the worlds of light and how hers was just a lower tiered world in the darkness he also showed her the other rejected Batman the dark nights and then he laughed you see the light of they're right up there how it mocks us all it's an unsullied multiverse where all is bright and ascendant it's why we suffer it's why nothing can be made right that world is the perfection that you dream you are its nightmare that is how the drought found her way to MST Bay on earth zero the dead water spews out of her mouth covering Aquaman and Mara Bryce's water Bryce's rules Aquaman calls out to Mara to warn the league but Brice grabs her by the throat telling her that she's not going anywhere she didn't puts the dead water into Mara in her face because the change as she screams and once she stops screaming she isn't mara anymore she leaves back to attack Aquaman as he panicked calling out what have you done to her but before Brice can end this a symbol appears overhead a what a fate and destiny it removes alcaman from the fight and without her Aquaman to kill Bryce turns on her symbol her sight of victory Miami ste Bay begins here I light my signal my light to show this world my intent I'm going to drown it all this whole world [Music] this is earth- 12 back when it all started it was supposed to be the final battle the last battle between good and evil we fought together Dianna we thought it would be the end if only we knew the real war had just begun these are the stories from the dark multiverse that never should be witness the rise of the dark nights back on earth zero in the current day and age a giant mountain has sprouted on the middle of Gotham the being known as Barbados has invaded earth zero the home of the proper Justice League that story isn't a playlist with the main members of the Justice League now missing it is time for the u.s. government to come up with their plan and over in the Argus headquarters sits the heads of shade the de o The Suicide Squad and the head of the military as they try to go over some kind of a plan that maybe they can agree on but honestly they don't have one because it just boils down to dropping a large bomb that has been fused with sonic tech chemo particles and Kryptonian Sun stones but not everyone agrees with this plan and they begin to argue this is the heads of each of their department and they all feel that they could solve the problem themselves but they don't get to argue for much longer as the alarms blare that there's an intruder and in watch the merciless the Batman and a battle armor from the gods he looks upon this world's generals and he remembers what he lost in his world and that he is here to claim this one look at them playing war me I've lived practically my whole life in it I was only eight years old when my war began with a shot fired into a Gotham City alley it began with an oath to myself that what happened to me would never happen again an oath that I would wage my battle justly with rules with mercy unlike my enemy what a fool I was back then everyone opens fire on the merciless but it just bounces off of his armor as he cares and not for the weapons of man he continues his self-reflection now their eyes shine with fervor and fear they have a mission a duty just as I did years ago I will show them the truth and with that thought he cuts into the ground in front of them and the soldiers call out that it burns hearing their screams I cannot help but think of my old rules my code and even I haven't urged spare them like Diana urging me to stop but that moment quickly passes and I will give them valiant deaths clean deaths that only a sword can deliver deeper in the facility general Lane hits the button for the bombs and he sends them at the facility that they are all in he doesn't want to clear Gotham but he wants to clear the city that they are standing and to take out the merciless he doesn't care if he takes up the whole city with him Steve Trevor grabs him throwing him down telling him you just signed a death warrant for a whole city and Amanda Waller pulls her gun telling Steve Trevor stand down it's just math and it's the job the merciless continues thinking back on his life she loved a man before me Trevor an honorable soldier he died in the early days of war the merciless then remembers back to when he was Batman on his knees holding the now-deceased Diana it happened overnight Aerys forged a new helmet that magnified his powers a hundredfold it took us two years to get to the frontline and we found that we would kill Ares destroy the helmet we never expected to win but we did at the cost of Diana's life Batman looked at Ares in his memories without his helmet Ares you're gonna pay for what you've done and with the fire of war at his eyes Ares looks back in Batman and right in me the fields of fire are littered with dead all have fallen who are you to challenge the God of War Batman's hand reached back in the very helmet that gave Ares his power was sitting there right there on the ground Diana warns me of its power its ability to corrupt but at that moment I saw it I saw the possibility if I took the helmet I could wield this power mercifully with four straight for the first time in history war would just be fair with the codes and the rules I would reshape war back in the current date or zero they're preparing to drop the bomb Waller Trevor bones everyone in the war room is arguing over what they should do take out the whole city spare everyone kill the merciless or allow him to take them prisoner and the merciless just looks on I stare at these so-called warriors in the war room they fight like dogs because they can't protect themselves from my presence you expect too much from them Diana you would expect them to band together negotiate compromise I miss he remembers back again to his own origins after he took the helmet you would have said that I was corrupted by the helmet in the months that followed your death killing those and I showed mercy to before my enemies and heroes who stood against me I would say that I was purified that my illusions were finally rightfully stripped away with the helmet my whole life I did that afraid of doing what I needed to do afraid to give myself to the battle the helmet showed me to my cozen rules were naive that all that truly mattered was victory and now I would finally take that for myself I was storming Olympus when I heard his voice like mine but it chilled me to the bone but the merciless didn't know at the time was that this is one of the darkest versions of himself the Batman who laughed it's a losing war Bruce you're playing the game right but the rules are stacked against you trust me I've been reading up you're never going to see the end of your glorious war you'll never be able to build a fighter world from the ash or prove to Diana in the end that this scorched path was right in a matter of minutes this world will cease to exist and if not for all of the explosions you would have already felt its tremors you lie that helmet of yours let you peer into the hearts of man now I might not have a heart but you could sense Who I am can't you you know that this isn't a trick you know that I speak the truth and you know that I wouldn't be here if I didn't have an offer to make your warrior is over but a greater war is on the horizon you've lost so much Bruce to prove your way was right so let's prove it to everyone wants it for all I had nothing left to lose so I followed him a new battleground for here is the truth Diana the truth that the helmet teaches there is no war between good and evil right or wrong there is only the war for survival and it is a constant in total in the red the weakest feels the teeth in the back of its legs and in the green the hungry vine creeps towards its neighbor our worlds were weak compared to this one the one above together we would conquer it's wage war against our fate against those that would call us nightmares I kept my eyes on him when we arrived as I could not look at you meanwhile the team with the bomb dropped it onto the city and there was a massive explosion coating the whole area once everything was destroyed there stood one monument to warn new leader a throne in which the merciless set and at his feet kneeled the previous leaders of the government now they see the truth they're precious weapon only makes me stronger it feeds my hunger with this helmet I could make them fight for my amusement but that would be merciful and instead I'll make them watch as I conquer their world you warned me of its power warned me that once I put it on I'd never be able to take it off I love you Diana and I'm sorry sorry that you tried to take it away from me but what was I supposed to do when I saw that you were still alive that areas that only stuns you you reached for a Diana or the helmet and I had to strike you down I know you're scared right now you don't need to pretend I could see you trembling you don't know why I brought you here but you know the answer can't be good and you're right it's not in front of us is the Batman who left a man with the face paint of the Joker despite helmet obscuring his eyes he is clad in leather and a table full of cards lays out in front of him you really thought you had it all figured out that you knew every combination in the deck and it would thrill you every time that you were right would and came down at a familiar pattern and a familiar story about an outsider who could see the good in us all about how we all have the power to fight for what's right or how we could all overcome our darkest moments but this isn't daddy of those stories there are familiar parts but they're all in the wrong places there's nothing more frightening then when all of the cards lay out on the table just right and then another card comes and changes the story there's no way to know what's going to happen next so let's tell you the story of how this twisted Rat Man came into existence and a story it begins on earth negative 22 on this world Gotham is burning with explosions going off everywhere in one demand what it's saying man is standing over Batman looking down at him as an explosion goes off yet again he speaks which one was it bats Mercy Hospital or maybe Gotham general it's harder to keep the chaos straight this late in the game Batman is on his knees bound up in bleeding he's also not replying oh come on you have to get into the spirit of this kind of a thing I made sure that the drugs wouldn't affect your mind then just paralyze your body Batman struggles to get out some words hmm look I know this must be very hard for you it's hard on both of us do you have any idea how many charts you need a court need to systematically kill an entire city well I guess you wouldn't because that's your one rule isn't it no killing you and your pals like good old Jim Gordon right at the end I heard him telling you over the radio to bring me and by-the-book Batman and when I finally got to him he understood I saw it in his face in his eyes you know before they dissolved he called for his girl in the end but it was hard to hear as his jaw was melting but I understood you see Batman you and I we need to evolve no more by the book I burned that thing I just want to find the breaking point it has to exist Bruce I know it does he kicks over Batman throwing on his coach and pulling out a pistol as a couple with a young child is presented in front of him oh look at that heading back from the theater Batman struggles George no and Joker takes aim oh I know what happens next and he shoots both of the parents in the face he then takes a knee besides the girl welcome to the brand new Gotham tears begin to flow down her face and then her eyes go wide and her frown turns upside down a grin with a pale white face and he lasts and she laughs with him and loudly as she runs off into the city we then see a line of families and children and they're all being forced to walk to the Joker so that Batman can watch this happen over and over again and that's what had happens the moment that Batman finally breaks he uses everything he has to stand up breaking his bindings in he shouts Joker the Joker grins at him never never stop Batman jumps on him forcing him to the ground as he begins to punch him repeatedly over and over with blood flying into the air but in the end Batman doesn't kill him you still don't have it in you do you Bruce hell no so Batman grabs him in a chokehold shouting stop and as he does he breaks the Joker's neck with one twisted final grin on his face he has nothing more to say except for a green gas coming out of his lungs two days passed and all of the poor children that were infected by the Joker's gas are being kept in a warehouse as Batman as Superman look over there BAM it explains that he's doing everything in his power to ensure that they find a cure well the doctors say that they are all beyond saving it's not possible Batman believes that no one is beyond saving Superman turns to him telling him I'll admit his to the cure myself this afternoon one of the psychologists tried but one of the children bit into her throat Batman thinks on that and he chuckles just a little ha Superman turns back to look at him and Batman stops himself I'm sorry that wasn't funny three more days pass and Batgirl and Nightwing Red Robin and Red Hood are in the training simulator in the cave and have been for three hours they all begin to question the fact that it's been set to the highest settings and that they're all here and that's where Batman stops it to informed them that he's been stalling hiding the truth from them when he killed the Joker who was infected by some strange strain of the Joker toxin that was locked away in his heart trapped in his cells harmless unless he died it's the most volatile dream that he's ever seen it's been rewiring his brain to make Batman more like a the Joker if the process completes his highly ordered mind his moral code will be replaced by something evil it was his last wish that whoever killed him would become him all the bat-family explains that they want to help Bruce they want to figure this out they could do something and he smiles no that won't work they continue telling him that though when the day they always do they prepared for what if Batman turned evil and he turns his back to them reaching into his cape I know that's why I brought you all here because you would be the first to notice if something went wrong with me and be able to stop it and I'm sorry but I can't allow that so I did something you weren't prepared for he turned around with two automatic weapon shooting all four of them with a twisted grooving on his face one more week passes and we go to the watchtower the entire league is dead on the ground Wonder Woman the flash Red Tornado Martian Manhunter all dead and a bloody mess with Superman being the only survivor but his eye is affected by something you know I've been thinking a lot these last few days about the man that I once was I just walked through the Justice League trophy room it has struck me how many weapons we've gathered over the years i remember how i justified bring them here you thought they should all be destroyed but i pushed i wanted to know how they worked and I do Superman how to operate doomsday machines that could level entire cities in seconds but now my mind is right and I wanted to use them I wanted to use each and every one of them on you but why Bruce why did you do this because I into Superman hell I'm disappointed that I can only do it this once do you realize how many ways I know how to kill you Superman looks at him the people they'll see you for what you are and fight back oh they better Clark because it wouldn't be fun if they didn't fight back Superman hears his family calling out to him Lois and John both there and John yelling out the same problem with his eyes why don't you pull that old Superman trick of yours tell them it'll all be alright and then it finally completes the full transformation as Batman's voice changes the good guys always win in the end I won't cheapen what I stand for I won't lie to my family oh it's okay you can lie to mine that's when we see the children that were affected running out of the shadows and Damian walking forward can i play with John now Superman sees him you did this your own son it actually only took a little push he did it to himself it gave me the idea of what I was going to do to you he holds him a black of rock you see this is a modified version of the black kryptonite and when I gave it to Supergirl she ripped her family apart before I killed her Lois looks at him Bruce you don't have to do this oh I know catch he throws it at them and that's when we heard Superman and John both try to fight it telling Lois to stand back and we hear the breaking of bones and the snapping of flesh Batman turns his back to the mess that he draws with blood a smile on the wall while he laughs he goes on to tell the story of how the armies fought against him but every time he would win he would figure out how to fight back at once the world was ash under his feet it felt right like he had served his greater purpose Barbato sin stood before him offering him more the dark multiverse the light multiverse the main DC Universe where the heroes have hope and stand together Batman who last sits in front of a banged-up man explaining these stories after all of these events he's been telling him each of the dark multiverse stories and he struggles to talk through the bandages but this Batman laughs the heroes are nearly dead already their cities have fallen this whole world has begun to sunk into the infinite dark below how could it get worse what else could we have a more slaves you want to see don't you what we have planned next but you're terrified of what it might be let me show you they're coming every nightmare the multiverse has ever had their arms and ready for the invasion waiting for the door to be opened when I was Bruce Wayne I thought that with enough preparation I can always win I was trapped in an unwinnable war of refusing to see the answers right in front of my face you need to adapt and to a debt you need to be able to laugh away your restraints you see the Batman who laughs is a Batman who always wins I should have seen it from the beginning I should have seen through the bright colors the Fred the ice the Boy Scout dorinda I should have known what you were doing to me and what you were doing to all of us you told us all to love each other to Jared on the walls that kept us entrusting each other we wanted to believe you we wanted more than anything to believe that the strongest man in the world was there to save us that we can let go of our fear and hope again and then we see in the snow the Devastator a version of Batman has been injected with the doomsday virus and right now he has crushed firestorm Wally West and both Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz as the Devastator is crushing Lobo he continues to think back on his thoughts of Superman because while everyone thought Superman was hope they were wrong I remind myself that this isn't my world our world but I see the same echoes everywhere I look our baddest tasked me with a crucial mission to retrieve the cosmic tuning fork underneath the fortress of solitude and bring it to Gotham City if you're just now joining us Barbados is the being the start of the incursion of the dark multiverse into the proper DC universe he's leading the invasion and the tuning fork is a device that Batman held that allows people to go into the multiverse the heroes came here to stop Devastator treating the fortress of solitude the location of the tuning fork like it was hallowed ground but Devastator took them all down one by one now with only Lobo standing he takes a swing telling the Devastator I hate to see what your Robin looks like you don't impress me Lobo you depress me on my world you are one of the most fiercely independent and dangerous beings in the universe and here you stand what compassionate fools the Devastator throws the hook into lobos chest he begins to spin him around over his head rot goes deep in the sick sad world doesn't it I'm here to burn it out of you and he throws Lobo into the Sun hope is like a virus Clark it forces people to let their guards down it blinds them until I can't fight back anymore but this isn't the first place in the Devastator went he went to Metropolis the day before this where he ran into Lois Lane of The Daily Planet he shook her hand with the intention of spreading something something known as the doomsday virus which infects and changes people into doomsday monsters Lois looked at Bruce as he was changing into doomsday and asked him what did he do on his world he replied as Devastator telling her I made it so that she can never hurt me again I need you to listen to me Lois I wanted to do what I never could on my world I wanted to save you from him that's when we see exactly how it went down on earth negative one the world where Batman became infected with the virus he remembers it so vividly because it was one of the most frightening moments as no one knew how it even happened was it a solar storm that altered Superman's mind was a dark side or mr. mind or a new type of Kryptonite something turned him against everyone the superheroes spent two weeks trying to find the answers because they knew in their hearts that this destructive force that was killing everyone couldn't be Superman he was the best hope he was the best of them he would never tear down buildings with his bare hands for sport they tried and they tried to say Superman and it wasn't until he killed his own wife and child that Batman finally realized they had to stop Superman as he stood over Batman with the kryptonite spear laying nearby and blood coming out of his mouth he looked at him I never understood all the other leaguers would stand in the shadows talking about how you could beat me Bruce I can split you in half I can freeze you with a breath I can break every bone in your body and what do you have a spear do you understand how weak you all are to me yes dammit I - and now you ordered me again it was at that moment that Batman injected himself with a doomsday virus changing himself into the one being that could kill Superman he worried that he would stop in the end that he wouldn't kill Superman because they were friends but as the bone armor formed around him his heart hardened and it felt great to pummel the man of steel he breathed kryptonite gas into Superman's and mouth and the bone shards all jetted out of body killing him the kicker is that he could have used this virus to save the whole world give it to everyone to protect them from Superman but in the end it was too late most of the world was dead and gone and that's when a certain other evil Batman arrived the Batman who left there's something so satisfying and hearing that particular death battle isn't there I think we all know a few ways to bring the Big Blue Boy Scout down but we never really think that we'll have to use them until it's too late you're from a broken planet that was never meant to be but I want to give you a second chance this whole place it's going to crumble away and a cosmic nothing and the next few minutes what have I told you that there's a world where everyone still loves and trusts Superman where they think that he's going to save the day no matter what happens but what if I said to you the great big plan meant showing everyone what he really is back on earth zero in the current day the doomsday virus is beginning to jump from person to person in Metropolis then Supergirl superwoman and Guardian all arrived Supergirl looks at this doomsday Batman telling him I don't know what you are but you're in Superman territory he responds by throwing Supergirl into superwoman in the battle begins but Lois takes the chance to run back to her apartment that her o'clock and John all live in she has a son to think about she shows up with a hoodie to hide her face as she is changing into a doomsday Lois and she sees him watching the battle with the super family and doomsday but before he can jump in she tells him to go into the room in the back it's their panic room and it will seal so tight that Superman himself can't even get in and then she locks herself on the outside of it all the metropolis is turning into doomsday and so is she Superman will hurt no one again and so this brings us back to the fortress of solitude where Devastator has destroyed everyone protecting it and he's walked in he picks up the tuning for jumping into the sky moving into Gotham when the next stage of our badasses plan can begin the very foundation of reality is about to be torn asunder and be broken because of the dark nights worlds are doomed so should this world it should be broken out in the dark multiverse it's all of the Superman of our battles has conquered all pen to his device to allow the multiverse to be broken and at the end I hope you understand the truth Clark I hope you somehow you're my voice from your prison in the heart of the dark multiverse I hope you feel I hate because you did this like you did it to my world like you do it to every world you made them believe you fooled them into thinking that you would always be there for them to save them to lift them up to make them better and that belief is exactly what will drag your entire worlds in a devastation [Music] beneath the Gotham City the grim Knight pushes along James Gordon his hands tied behind his back he tries to reason with the man there's any part of Batman in him that he can't be all bad I'm your friend I'm your ally he tries but his only answer is a knife in the back as the Grim the knight orders him to keep moving they stopped Gordon knows that they are in the sewers under the streets of Gotham grim looks up staring at the manhole cover above them he knows Crime Alley where it all began the beginning is not so different his family cutting through the alleyway the man with the gun he thought that he would be trapped in that moment forever it's the origin of almost every Batman isn't it but this world this is where it grows different in this world there is a stumble in the dark and Bruce turned away from the horror on the ground in front of him hot metal clatter to the ground and a young boy reached for a gun kid you don't have to the criminal stammers as he holds up his hands trying to ward off what it's coming tears streamed down Bruce's cheeks from his eyes and the gunshot echoes the crack of the radio brings the grim neg back to reality report in your offer out I told you not to play with your food the evil voice cackles then the radio clicks off gordon turns to him he doesn't understand a Batman that uses a gun as his first answer how does that happen it happened deliberately through training and discipline he travelled the world learning of every assassin and soldier that he could he needed a way to kill evil a weapon that would make him Gotham's own Angel of Death the study was dark and quiet the wound in his side bled as he stared at the guns arranged before him the pistol was in his hand as the bat crashed through the window instinct took over and he aimed and fired at one smooth motion yes Father I shall become a bat later the crime families of Gotham set in a swirl of smoke and from the darkness the Batman emerged ladies and gentlemen you will be in well your feast is over from this moment on no one is the fire in the building raged burning the disease that infected Gotham away it was the beginning of Batman's war and they all fell one by one Gordon still tries to piece it together as the grim Knight pushes him through the sewers and another blow silent ism in his world the grim knight never faced the kind of colorful characters that this Batman did he faced something else on his world his James Gordon was the one who pushed him he didn't like the Batman's way of doing things of anything this Batman character is making our jobs easier detective Flass smiles drinking his coffee but Gordon doesn't believe that this is justice its terror that night on the roof of the GCPD Gordon waited by a bat signal the full SWAT at his command rifle shots suddenly dark into the lights and Batman was over his shoulder I thought you were smarter than this why draw me into the light but it's not just a light it's a magnet and Batman is dragged across the roof gordon smiles they finally found all of his secret caches his men are raiding them as they speak batman will have nothing at his disposal we're going to unmask you here take you into custody and put you in front of a judge Gordon smiles yet Batman simply turns to the other officers on the roof how much did Gordon pay you to stay with them you know whose city this is I know you reach by name you're bluffing I just spent the GCPD slush fund on Wayne tech to hide their identities Gordon scoffs in Batman smiles money well spent suddenly the officers vests all begin to glow red as they explode killing them instantly Batman breaks free throwing himself at Gordon and he hangs the man over the rooftops showing him the city below you have given me a good fight Jim but you're in my way the radio crackles as Batman turns to leave something has hijacked the GCPD blimps and they're dive-bombing Arkham Asylum in the Blackgate prison without a word The Dark Knight descends on the city back in our world with the hostage Gordon he sits and watches live feeds of everywhere that he and his family have lived for years the grid that explains that the one who laughs has terrible plans for him and his family took a lot of work to change his mind to make him see that my way was better go doesn't understand what does he want suddenly the grim Knight is there his pistol pointed in Jim's face to save you Jim and my world the city became my weapon taking the lives of would-be murderers rapists and the corrupt without me even lifting a finger yet Gordon was still there one day you came and confronted Bruce at the matter i disarmed you humiliated you in front of so many your life's work dismantled in front of you the grim knight remembers all of these things and he tightens his finger on the trigger to convince him that his plan was too easy the grim that explained that he wants Jim to see what they're going to do to this world you're not to Batman at all Jim tells him he can hear it in his voice he doesn't believe in Gotham the trigger pulls the hammer drops and a bony finger is there to stop it no this isn't the way the one who laughs tells him but Jim doesn't understand why would he stop this why would the Batman who laughs deny the grim Knight his revenge but the Batman just laughs this isn't about revenge the grim Knight is trying to show him mercy what I have in store for you is far worse than death and there you go a shorter full story but we wanted to try something maybe combining some videos that are related to kind of give you a different full story experience next week we'll be back to the normal full stories bringing you a full compilation of old playlists I hope you guys enjoy that and let me know what you think about this idea of just kind of grabbing older things I thought about doing like x-men origins or doing origins of Marvel Universe superheroes or all of the spider people that kind of a thing either way I want to know what you guys think and I'll see you next time right here at Comic story
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 1,181,609
Rating: 4.9241209 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Id: BSSgq1pgT40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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