Top 10 Worst Things That Happened To The Flash - Part 2

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the flash he's the fastest man alive so he gets into troublesome situations a little faster than your average hero still he usually finds a way to make things right even if it means sacrificing himself this is ten of the worst things that have happened to the flash part two number 10 his fiancee had a nervous breakdown barry allen has had a few love interests in his lifetime and fiona webb is a prominent one they fall in love after iris west and barry eventually asks fiona to marry him however when their special day finally comes around old professor zoom shows up and ruins everything he almost succeeds in killing fiona when barry is busy fighting zoom as the flash he fails to show up at the altar in time and fiona thinks he's a runaway groom the horror and stress of it all sends her over the edge and she has a breakdown she winds up getting committed to the hospital as her mental state deteriorates and it's made even worse when barry decides to come visit see he uses his speed powers to bypass hospital security to visit her and he doesn't show up on the hospital videotapes so they think she's crazy when she mentions that the flash came to visit her she winds up smashing herself in the face with a picture of barry and getting carded off on a stretcher presumably to a padded room and that's only number 10 folks the flash really has a rough time hey guys if you like these videos and you want to see some more make sure you take a second and hit that like button number nine he let crime run rampant in central city in 1987 dc released the flash issue number 200 in which wally has his secret identity revealed he's pretty upset with the public's newfound knowledge of him because he knows the considerable danger this poses to his friends and his loved ones he winds up taking an offer from spectre to wipe the general public's memory of the flash including his own in the final pages of this comic we see the full ramifications of this decision wally and everyone else has completely forgotten the identity of the flash or whatever happened to him this comic even explicitly states that the loss of the flash caused a significant increase in the crime rates in central city countless people suffer and possibly die without a hero patrolling the streets it's a pretty grim look at things but perhaps wally regains his memory later in time i don't really want to ruin anything for you guys let's keep on rolling number eight his brother became a super villain surely almost everybody knows barry allen but there is another malcolm allen barry has a secret twin brother who he originally thought died in birth however when these two come face to face it was far from a happy reunion malcolm was secretly given to a family of abusive con artists with superpowers and they constantly taunted him for being inferior while they raised him man that's really messed up like why would you adopt a kid and then just give him a hard time for not being good enough like this is the kid that you picked anyway by the time malcolm tracks down barry he's pretty angry and envious of barry's life as you can imagine and so he vows to kill barry and everything he holds dear his adoptive grandmother teaches him how to use the family superpowers and so he reinvents himself as the super villain cobalt blue it's not the flash's fault or anything it's just another of the many hard knocks the flash suffers throughout his life psychotic vengeful brother check number seven forced to fight his own grandson how about psychotic vengeful grandson from the future also check during the crossover called blackest night the villain necron reanimated dead dc characters with some black power rings and created a zombie army of black lanterns bart allen is barry's grandson who recently died and was resurrected barry has temporarily become a blue lantern during this event and he has to face off against his evil grandson when the two do battle in a graveyard bart shows his resentment as he cruelly taunts barry while the two of them fight barry tries to remove the black ring but is interrupted by an undead version of reverse flash barry manages to connect with the living bart beneath the surface by contacting him inside the speed force and they have a really wholesome reunion barry owns up to his neglect as he guides bart through the process of breaking free from the control of the ring it's a really heartwarming moment number six attacked by his future self now what if barry did battle against a psychotic vengeful version of himself this has also happened and just another great example of the many struggles of the flash not only does he deal with some super heavy duty villains and storylines but being a speedster he's also constantly battling against the past in the future half of the time in this storyline we're introduced to a whole new future barry after a devastating accident that basically ruins his life we meet future barry it's 20 years into the future in fact he's become really hardcore and a little bit unstable we even see him throw a dude off of a roof and leave one villain to die after a fight worse he discovers a rip in the speed force and decides the only way to set it right is to kill his younger self to repair the rip he drags our berry from his home and proceeds to beat him to death outside of the city the young barry doesn't even stand a chance against his older counterpart who has been trained by the best in the dc universe just when the future barry is about to break his neck a future version of wally west shows up and saves him with the rip and the speed force getting worse wally winds up sacrificing himself in the end and future barry is left alone having lost his nephew and sort of become evil number five he became the black flash the black flash is the representation of death for anyone connected to the speed force once the black flash catches up with a speedster they immediately die it's like regular death except it catches up with you a lot faster when barry allen is chasing down the evil speedster savitar he reaches out to grab him and to his surprise the villain crumbles to dust the moment he is touched later another speedster is turned to dust by barry's touch and he realizes he is to blame something is wrong with him he and wally later on discover that he's been turned into the black flash as his mind and body are slowly taken over by the black flash entity he does the only thing he can he runs back to the speed force where he was once trapped for years even superman tries to get him to stop but he fails and barry sacrifices himself to save everyone again number four he had to break out a prison in the flash number 164 we got to see the flash kind of go buck wild in a prison and kick the snot out of some guards it's not the usual scene for a superhero but it was pretty neat what's really wild is we later learned that the guards are actually only trying to imprison the flash because he is in a mirror dimension where he doesn't actually exist in this world anyone with superpowers is evil so they obviously don't trust old wally west the thing that's wild about this is wally could have maybe tried to explain himself i know the guards likely would have been having none of his crap and would have laid the beat down anyways but isn't being a hero kind of about asking questions first but kicking second i guess it depends on which superhero you ask anyways whether you find it justifiable or not wally really puts the hurt on a whole bunch of guards in this comic and i suspect he could have escaped without causing quite so much collateral damage number three he is sued for letting a woman burn this one comes from 1989 in the flash number 89. this story is focused around the limitations of the flash's speed based abilities the flash is actually in court in this issue being sued for negligence in the case of a woman who tragically lost her legs in a building fire initially readers are made to sympathize with the flash because it's presumed that he just didn't see her or something however flash later reveals that he feels like he did have enough time to look for and by focusing on other things he left an innocent woman in a situation where she likely would have died it's a pretty unique story where we see the weight and responsibility of a superhero's day-to-day decisions and we also bear witness to the potential for tragedy that lies in every choice a superhero makes number two he messed with the space-time continuum dude if there's any one take away from all this speedster stuff not to mention decades of movies and stories about time travel it's that you never mess with the time space continuum i'm not entirely sure how it works but the one thing we all understand is you're not supposed to mess with it in part one of this video we mentioned how barry's mother was murdered and his father was framed for it well barry allen once tried to go back in time and save his mother and it caused the entire flashpoint event it was an act with obviously good intentions but man the implications were seriously unsustainable you think barry would understand the potential for catastrophe in this kind of time traveling nonsense but he just gives it the old college try anyways as you can imagine it doesn't really work out the way flash wanted in the end number one trapped zoom in his worst memory leading up to the flash number 200 published in 2003 wally had been in battle against the insane speedster zoom for the past few issues enlisting every speedster who would join wally borrowed their speed to aid him in his fight against zoom despite this incredible newfound power it's all wally can do to keep up with zoom as the two of them fight in the midst of the battle zoom attacks linda wally's wife at the time releasing a sonic boom that injures her and ends the lives of babies in her womb as you can imagine wally is really overcome with motion because of this and he gets a boost of rage and finally catches zoom and finishes the battle in the heat of the moment he basically forces the villain through a rift in time trapping him in an endless loop in a moment from the past we see zoom later trapped in a tube endlessly reliving the worst moment of his life so nerd squad can you think of any extras that i left out what's the worst thing that's ever happened to the flash in your mind let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and don't forget to check out part one of this video if you haven't now let's take a look at some comments from part one damien bacca says can we take a moment to talk about how the guy narrating this is enjoying all the flash suffering oh man what can i say you know i just really love epic superhero moments it's not so much i enjoy his suffering i really enjoy sharing it with you guys jackson taylor says seriously hurt he heads to guerrilla city and gets patched up by his friend solovar leader of the super intelligent gorilla race yeah i think i'm just gonna stick with marvel damn dude you seriously just buried dc comics with that comment hey guys thanks so much for watching i'm patty d and this is top 10 nerd [Applause] so
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 160,979
Rating: 4.9301763 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10, top, top 10 nerd, the flash, nerd, flash, comics, dc comics, dceu, dc, list, dceu news, detective comics, comic books, top ten nerd, comics explained, comicsexplained, comic book, dc universe, dcu, dc rebirth, superhero, comic explained, dc multiverse, dc fandome, dc entertainment, dc extended universe, superheroes, dc movies, crisis on infinite earths, flashpoint, eobard thawne, speed force, reverse flash, flashpoint paradox, top 10 list, dc animated movies, new comics
Id: 9TgQliZhbJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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