Top 10 Omega Level Mutants

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An Omega Level Mutant is defined as a character who has the most powerful genetic potential of their mutant abilities, and is often seen as a mutant with an exceptional level of power. The term was coined in 1986’s Uncanny X-Men issue 208, but wasn’t further elaborated on until the 2001 X-Men Forever series, but even then, one could argue that the description was vague; Omega Level mutants have proven to wield a variety of abilities, from highly destructive energy projection, extreme manipulation of matter, time and space, high psionic abilities, reality warping, and even immortality, to name a few. Despite this, the comics have confirmed a handful of characters who are Omega Level mutants, all of which are compelling and awesome in their own unique ways. So today, we’re taking a more detailed look at those characters with our list of the top 10 omega level mutants. Let’s get to it. 10 Vulcan Vulcan, who was first introduced in X-Men Deadly Genesis issue 1 in 2006, is the younger brother of Cyclops and Havok, and compared to his siblings, he’s a baddie. Vulcan aka Gabrial Summers had a much more tragic origin story than his brothers. After his mother Katherine Summers was abducted by the Majestor of the Shi’ar Imperium, and was killed by him, the unborn child inside of her was removed, and then placed in an incubation-accelerator, which is normally used to breed slaves. Later, he would escape after being aged to adolescence, and was found by Moira MacTaggert with little to no memories of his past. Vulcan is capable of a whole lot; his powers include vast energy absorption, manipulation, transformation and projection, all of which he does psionically. He can also control exotic energies, like Cyclops’ optic blasts and magical energy. He has limited super power replication and repression, force field projection and manipulation, psionic resistance, and life support and limited regeneration. Vulcan became an Omega Level mutant when he absorbed a massive amount of mutant energies from M-Day. 9 Elixir Elixir is a character who first appeared on Marvel’s panels in 2003, in New Mutants volume 2 issue 5. He is capable of controlling the biological structure of any organic matter, which also includes his own body; an ability that is dependant on his proximity to said matter. Naturally, this allows him to have great healing abilities, but he can do much more than that. Elixir can boost and restore mutant abilities, he can cause welts and boils to appear on an individual, he can manipulate the life forces of others, create tumours, cure the Legacy Virus, cleanse the body of toxins like drugs, and even cause death. He’s also practically immortal, with his abilities allowing for him to resurrect himself, be reborn into a new body or just regenerate on a cellular level. And it’s not just himself he can resurrect; he was able to affect the 16 million deceased mutants on Genosha all at once, and was capable of resurrecting them (according to Magneto’s speculation). The Stepford Cuckoos also transferred Beast’s knowledge of anatomy, biology and genetics into his mind, furthering his capabilities. The one downside is that he can pass out after pushing his powers too far. 8 Legion Legion, aka David Charles Haller is the son of Professor Xavier, who is known for his severe mental illness, specifically his dissociative identity disorder, in which each of his alternate personas controls one of his super powers. Legion first appeared in New Mutants issue 25 in 1985, and his powers include reality warping, shape shifting, matter manipulation and transmutation, energy manipulation, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and time travel. But here’s where things get interesting; his multiple personality disorder is rooted in his telepathy. He absorbs other people into his mind if he is right next to them when they die via telepathy. The manifestation of his individual powers are associated with a different alter ego, which controls a different power. The culmination of all his personalities and their powers makes him one of the strongest mutants in existence. After the Age of X, Legion was given a neural switchboard wristband allows him to key in a number which stimulates cells in his thalamus and neocortex, creating a one-way link between his mind and one of his sub-selves. This lets him utilize his power sets without being overwhelmed by his other personalities. 7 Psylocke Psylocke is a mutant who has the ability to construct weapons made of psychic energy, typically in the form of a blade. But that’s not all; she has precognitive powers, and is capable of telepathy and telekinesis. But let’s back track for a sec. In her earlier appearances in Uncanny X-Men, she was capable of telepathy, reading and projecting thoughts over long distances, and capable of manipulating people’s minds, even to the point of possessing them. She could also affect people’s memories, project mental illusions, subdue and tap into other’s powers. Flash forward to her physical transformation into a Japanese ninja assassin (that’s a whole other story), she gained highly developed fighting skills, and later, in the Dark Angel Saga, her full psionic potential was unlocked by the Jean Grey who originates from the Age of Apocalypse timeline, with it being noted that she’s now a telepath on par with both Jean Grey and Charles Xavier. 6 Mister M Mister M is a character who first appeared in 2004 in District X issue 2, and is an omega level mutant who is capable of telekinesis, telepathy, energy projection and the psionic manipulation of energy and matter on a subatomic level. He has complete control over the atomic and subatomic structure of matter and energy. M has manipulated and generated lightning, fire, and explosions, he’s become intangible, has repaired machinery, created force fields, removed and augmented mutant abilities, has created and evolved lesser life forms, and even has displayed mind control. 5 Exodus Exodus is a super villain who first appeared in X-Factor issue 92 back in 1993 who was born in 12th century France. He would become Magneto’s right hand man after the iconic villain freed him from the crypt he was locked within by Apocalypse. A previous member of the brotherhood of mutants, his abilities include telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, an accelerated and regenerative healing factor, superhuman physical attributes, and, he’s immortal. It’s speculated that his high power levels may have been a side effect of tampering done by Apocalypse. Exodus once used his mind control powers to command a dozen X-Men to instantaneously fall asleep. He has proven capable of countering reality manipulation, and his powers are too strong to be absorbed by Rogue in their entirety. In addition to that, in the presence of his Acolytes, his powers have proven to excel further. During Avengers issue 369, he simultaneously crushed Genosha via a massive force field, immobilized scarlet witch, Quicksilver, Crystal and Jean Grey in a different force field, resisted Professor X’s telepathic control, protected himself from physical attacks, and dished out psionic damage to members of both the X-Men and Avengers team. Not too shabby, eh? 4 Quentin Quire Quentin Quire, aka Kid Omega, made his debut in New x-Men issue 134 back in 2003, created by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Initially, he was a bit of a bad egg during his time at the Xavier School, starting up his own gang known aptly as the Omega Gang. But more recently, he was a member of the Fresh Start iteration of the West Coast Avengers, putting his psionic powers to good use. So what exactly do his skills entail of? He has advanced cognitive and telepathic abilities that allow him to construct and organize his thoughts at an incredibly fast rate. He can manipulate the minds of others (both overtly and covertly), resist mind probes and disable other forms of psychic manipulation. According to Charles Xavier, his powers are deep and subtle, and he’s able to influence the minds of those around him. Similar to Psylocke, he can manifest his abilities to create weapons, like a psychic shotgun or explosives, and has even created an entire universe in his mind that he calls the construct, which he can imprison others within. 3 Nate Grey Nate Grey came to be during the Age of Apocalypse story event; he’s an alternate version of Cable, who hails from Earth 295, the world in which that event occurs. He is the biological son of Scott Summers and Jean Grey, born from genetic tampering by Mr Sinister. And, unlike Cable, thanks to not being infected by a techno-organic virus, he was able to achieve his potential with his telepath and telekinetic powers, making him one of the most powerful mutants in existence. So what exactly can Nate Grey do, aside from what we’ve already mentioned? He can manipulate energy and matter, he is capable of psychometry, precognition, teleportation, astral projection, cross dimensional travel and energy projection. Sinister had originally designed him so that his powers would inevitably kill him, but after travelling through multiple dimensions, he acquired a special genetic dampener that would prevent that from occurring, and even allowed his abilities to excel further, letting him view and traverse higher planes of existence. He was once measured as having a psionic energy output that matched that of Dark Phoenix. But, after opening a portal to Sugar Man’s home reality, he gained acute nerve damage, which almost burnt out his entire power set. 2 Jean Grey Jean Grey’s presence on this list should be given. As one of the initial X-Men members, she’s been kicking around in the comics since 1963’s The X-Men issue 1, born with telekinetic and telepathic powers. Unable to cope with the full scope of her abilities, Charles Xavier would suppress her access to them, focusing on her psychokinetic abilities while training her instead. But the real reason she’s on this list is thanks to the Phoenix Force, which amplifies her powers in an astounding way. Initially, the introduction of the Phoenix was a manifestation of her true potential, but as time went on, and multiple retcons occurred pertaining to the Phoenix Saga, Jean and the Phoenix Force became separate entities from one another, with Jean acting as a host, but a unique one at that. She is the only character to ever force the Phoenix against its own cosmic will to do her bidding. According to the Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook, I quote, “while empowered by the Phoenix Force, Grey has total telekinetic control of matter at the molecular level, allowing her to manipulate atomic structures on a universal scale. She can generate any form of energy in seemingly unlimited amounts, as well as absorb energy from sources as great as a supernova or even convert her physical form to pure energy and back again. The Phoenix Force can also resurrect the dead under some conditions, and absorb the life force from other sentient beings to bolster its own.” 1 Franklin Richards Franklin Richards is perhaps one of the most impressive characters on our list, primarily due to his young age. He is the son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm from the Fantastic Four, whose powers over the years have been established as one of the strongest skill sets to appear in Marvel comics. Franklin can warp reality, to the extent that any thought or desire he has, he can bring it to fruition, even on a cosmic scale. He can rearrange the molecular structure of matter and energy at will, and can even create a pocket universe, which he did one time, subconsciously, which was a replica of Earth 616. Here’s where it gets fun though. Several cosmic entities, the likes of Eternity, Infinity and Galactus, have notes that he is on par with celestials in terms of his power levels. While it’s unknown how far his powers make take him in adulthood, we have seen an older version of him from Earth 4280, who destroyed two celestials in combat, and then rubbed shoulders with Galactus, looking out into the galaxy noting that billions of years from now, the two of them will witness the birth of a new universe. So yeah, he’s immortal. That’s fun.
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 1,116,794
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Keywords: Omega Level Mutants, Top 10 Omega Level Mutants, 10 Omega Level Mutants, psylocke, psylocke mutant, nate grey, nate grey mutant, jean grey, jean grey mutant, vulcan mutant, elixir mutant, legion, legion omega level, legion omega level mutant, legion mutant, mister m, mister m mutant, omega level mutants iceman, iceman mutant, top 10, top 10 nerd, kid omega, quentin quire, franklin richards, franklin richards powers, omega level mutants storm, mutant powers
Id: vloeNoRqHlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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