Top 10 X-Men Members You've Never Heard Of | Marathon
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Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 21,488
Rating: 4.9448624 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10, top, top 10 nerd, marvel legends, villains, nerd, list, mutants, powerful, most powerful, x men, marvel, new mutants, mcu, comic books, comics, the new mutants, x force, the wolverine, logan, marvel comics, apocalypse, x-men in the mcu, wolverine, xmen, magneto, superhero, x men origins, marvel studios, top ten nerd, marvel cinematic universe, marvel phase 4, comics explained, top 10 superheroes, comicsexplained, marvel explained, marvel superheroes, marvel avengers, mcu news
Id: xNTc0k_qjS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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