Ranking the HELL ARC Bleach Captains from WEAKEST to STRONGEST (2023)

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what does it mean to be the strongest captain of the goatee 13. strongest is after all such a nebulous term is it the character with just the most physical strength is it the one that's the most intelligent or the most experienced the one with the most versatile and Powerful zanpukto or is it a combination of all these things and more as even these individual factors themselves can't be pinned down so easily in today's video we're going to be ranking the end of series Captain so that's the goatee 13 as they appear in chapters 685 686 and the hell chapter from overall weakest to strongest based on what we know of them from the source material available to us in doing so we'll be evaluating them based on everything that makes a captain worthy of wearing that white aori their individual strength their intelligence their overall experience and maturity their personality their battle prowess as well as their zanpakuto its own powers and abilities and the character's capabilities and Feats as showcased in the story itself basically it's a coming together of all facets that make up a captain this is actually something of a follow-up to a video I made three years ago where I attempted to calculate a similar ranking but after being able to have something of a rethink well I'm back to try it again so without further delay let's get started but before we get started on the video guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now for more bleach content like this every single week and if you enjoyed the video when you're done with it make sure to give it a thumbs up as well to help show your support for me and the channel and if you want to support me that extra step further I do also have a patreon as well and as always I just want to say an enormous shout out and a huge thank you to everyone supporting me over there on patreon I really do appreciate it and of course as you might expect from a video looking at the end of series captains there will be Major Spoilers for the Thousand-Year blood War Arc of bleach to follow many of the same issues plague these captains on the lowest run a lack of genuinely meaningful screen time very little being known about their combat capabilities and an unshakable sense that they're really only here because they have to be because they're taking the place of stronger but now deceased captains originally occupying the lowest spot on this list and the dubious honor of worst captain of the gote 13 was the fourth division's e-sane kotetsu but that is not the case this time around I feel like giving her that spot was doing her something of an unfair disservice and I overlooked what skills she has actually showcased in the story a captain who has never showcased any real skills at all is tetzazime on eBay the captain of the seventh Division and my newest pick for worst captain of the lot or the overall weakest Captain poor Eva he's definitely one of the strangest characters in bleach in regards to his portrayal Kubo has no qualms implying that EBA is a perfectly capable and competent Soldier but he always stops just short of actually showing us why originally jumping ship from the 11th division because he didn't have what it took to climb the ladder there seeking a promotion in order to police his overbearing mother EBA seems to have settled forever more in the seventh division instead but even here under commemora's command Eber has to be motivated to stand and fight on two separate occasions IBA shikai is a total mystery to us oh we've seen it a few times before sure but we don't know its name nor if it has any special abilities to speak of the extent of Eva's fights have either been completely off screen or just non-existent the only enemy Eber has ever successfully hit in Bleach is actually just ikaku and at that point they were actually allies in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc Eber doesn't fight a single character and then takes up the mantle of Captain by the end sure his dedication fortitude and attitude towards training and improve giving himself are commendable and he's humble enough to realize he barely qualifies for the role but just that alone doesn't make for a good Captain the best you can really say about EBA is that he's loyal no one is going to say komamora was the strongest or best captain of the goatee 13 but his replacement is a definite step down and then up next is the aforementioned captain of the fourth division E sane kotetsu despite suffering from many of those same issues as EBA before her there's something to be admired about isane she's got gumption where Eva often runs in the opposite direction I always appreciated esane actively trying to engage with both Eisen and rudborne during their brief confrontations it's not the sort of ferocity or tenacity you'd expect from her but it's welcome all the same and adds a fiery facet to the character that's not often seen even if it does come across as a little reckless sometimes like EBA before her isane never really gets to fight anyone either the closest she really comes is being knocked out cold by Ichigo in a single hit during the soul Society Arc even when she comes face to face with a Stern Ritter in Gwen Al Lee it's yachiru who takes basically the Reigns of the entire fight but isane isn't meant to be a fighter she's Meant To Be A Healer and as a member of the medical division isane actually does get opportunities to shine in the areas that she should be excelling at her healing prowess has been shown to us numerous times such as when she revived the near-dead Rukia in Iran karak and when she worked tirelessly to try and stabilize the comatose Rose and kensei during the second Quincy invasion and she alongside ukitake and hanataro performed surgery and healing in the middle of the battlefield on injured Fighters like Kenpachi hisagi ikaku and more preparing them for their Journey to the Royal Palace during the war's end game isane zanpakuto at least has a name etegumo and from that name we can discern it might be an ice type but again it's never actually utilized there's definitely an immaturity to esane still and she has a lot of growing to do for example as the go taste Premier healer she needs to learn self-confidence and have pride in her abilities and skills as they are so valuable to the gote on the whole but it's likely I think that the death of her Mentor unohana will force her down that road in time if it hasn't already the vizards get a bad rap in bleach and everyone knows it the situation is so bad in fact that it gets difficult to truly determine how skilled and competent they really are characters like rose kensei and others should be a lot stronger than they appear but we can only really go off what we've seen and experienced in the story ourselves all logic dictates that these characters are powerful warriors but all of their on-screen appearances completely fly in the face of that that's why the captain of the eighth division Lisa yadamaru retains her position as third from the bottom as a former Vice Captain over a hundred years ago Lisa was already in a high ranking position even before her Hollow vacation was strong to the point where her Captain kiraku shunsui who himself is extremely wise and perceptive had great faith in her abilities that being said Lisa is definitely one of the vizard with the least amount of face time with the audience and she never really gets a proper display of her skills her son pukto hagarotonbo is for the most part a complete unknown does it just hit things really hard or is there more to it than that I like its design at least and it seems seems to relate to ultra fast and precise sword swipes and slashes but we never get any more than that that being said means she's clearly a superior fighter to the two preceding her on the list as she effortlessly wipes out menosgrande soldiers manages to survive against a horrified Ichigo and holds her own against the third Espada Harry belt though that last fight is admittedly weird in how very little of it we actually see as with Eber before her Lisa becomes a captain in the same Arc in which she does the absolute least stepping up to face Gerard Valkyrie only to be taken out of the war with a single hit yes Gerard is immeasurably powerful but almost every character who gets pummeled by him manages to keep standing or fighting to some degree so why couldn't the vizard alright now with effectively the lowest tier of captains out of the way we start to Traverse muddier Waters up next we've got the captain of the ninth division kensei muguruma and yes another visard as a captain from a hundred years ago it's reasonable to expect kensei to be stronger than Lisa but like Lisa kensei gets very little opportunity to really do much of anything despite having his position restored in the present day kensei is heavily underutilized in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc and his character suffers from being almost completely broken down to the point where it just becomes kind of sad but let's start with the good kensei's authoritative drill sergeant personality is great for whipping the recruits of his division into shape and I've always appreciated his brutal no-nonsense attitude to fighting for a series filled to the brim with battles drenched in Pomp and Circumstance kensei is refreshingly straightforward almost always immediately activating Bankai in order to get the job done as efficiently as possible that being said to me at least his barnikai doesn't impress Tekken touch Kaze seems very limited in scope to me and while he does soundly defeat the same Master masculine who put his Sagi ikaku and yumachika in the ground he then gets ruthlessly and almost embarrassingly destroyed mere moments later yes the master masculine fight is a strange one in general and I can't help but think that visaards were merely offered up as sacrificial Lambs in a fight they were never going to win just to help increase the Fanfare around renji's arrival but still the point stands you know on a slight tangent I've always wondered if the captains ever discussed the war in detail during its aftermath because comparing themselves and their output to their colleagues I'd be surprised if kensei and Rose could really show their faces around sayrete again for fear of humiliation when you have characters like Maori carrying the entire war effort on his back and kensei and Rose can't defeat a single sturmeter together only to then die and even go so far as to serve the enemy in death The Divide becomes clearer than ever with a fairly simplistic design puck toe in touch caze and a very poor track record kensei's weaknesses are clear even if like I said I think he has the right mentality for the position and his skill in vicious hand-to-hand combat is evident throughout the story acting as almost the polar opposite to can't say we have the captain of the third division rojiro Rose oh Tori Bashi whose flowery Whimsical ways might not immediately make him seem like the best choice for the role unlike kensei who is a picture of efficiency Rose is determined to turn battle into art preferring theatrics to pragmatism much like his fellow visard Rose doesn't get too many opportunities to shine suffering almost the exact same fate as kensei himself in the Quincy blood War with both of them being severely wounded killed and later turned into slaves I actually quite like rose personally but his weaknesses are obvious despite his experience he 2 was a captain a hundred years prior though newly promoted at the time Rose's attempts to pontificate on the battlefield and his big mouth in general exposed a subtle arrogance that gets the better of him Rose is often cited as being perhaps one of the most egregious examples of a character in Bleach unnecessarily explaining their powers to their enemy and completely giving the game away resulting in their loss it's a Trope the series suffers from on mass but perhaps never quite to this degree and never with quite such immediate and devastating consequences Rose using his Bankai manages to actually put Master masculine on the ropes the same version of mask who just obliterated kensei but basically tells the stern Ritter how to disable his Bankai and so mask does just that before giving Rose a frankly well-deserved blasting so I mean yeah that's all pretty bad despite all of that though why is Rose ranked higher than kensei in my opinion it all comes down to his zanpak toe kinshada just seems to be a far superior zanpakto to the limited touch caze not only does kinshada have the element of range but it seems to have access to a variety of different techniques though we only get to see one kinshara Sonata number 11 the numbered element means it's reasonable to believe rose has a plethora of skills under his belt then there's his Bankai kinshara butodan which is actually really powerful by playing a Melody with his Sinister Dance troupe Rose produces musical illusions that are so potent the enemy believes them to exist and as soon as they believe in them those Illusions become reality so in the example we get mask believes he is on fire and so he burns as a result had Rose not told mask the secret to victory that he needs to be able to hear his Bankai for it to work it's highly possible that Rose would have pushed the sternator way Beyond where he was while I don't know if Rose could have actually won the fight the true capabilities of his barnikai are also unknown though I do think Kubo teases what he can ultimately do rose says that if his deceptions capture masks heart they can burn his body and even stop his breath before preparing to use a power called iron held and lieben or a hero's life which feels like a bespoke power designed for use against mask himself which would ultimately stop his breath and take his life if Rose's Bankai is able to create bespoke songs tailored to his enemies then that's a whole nother thing but that's all speculation on my part regardless for all of rose's failings he has a pretty impressive weapon at his disposal up next we have the captain of the second division soifon who feels like a difficult character to place in the tumultuous post Thousand-Year blood War Arc world while soifon has had a bit of what was in my opinion extremely necessary growth since the Iran car Arc particularly emotionally she's actually quite neglected in the Thousand-Year blood War when compared to the rest of her colleagues who have carried over from the days of the Soul Society Ark now I used to be of the opinion that she didn't even deserve to hold the rank of Captain at all after her embarrassingly childish display during the fake karakura Town battle where she refused to cooperate with Hachi basically just due to his association with urahara but thankfully we've almost moved past that now she's definitely changed somewhat soifon now shows a willingness to work with her Vice Captain amida during desperate situations but still routinely embarrasses herself in front of other captains with immature outbursts even if I kind of agree with her and the situation does demand an answer as it did with the zero division soifon as a captain should know better than to Simply throw a tantrum about it especially to Shinigami who are effectively her superiors on the plus side soifon has always been a very skilled combatant and after mastering her Shinko has closed some of the gap between her and her Mentor yoruichi however I mentioned she was neglected in the final Arc and it's true her Mastery of shunco is about the extent of any kind of a boost that she receives and it's rendered useless almost immediately when actively compared with characters who are receiving dedicated training from the zero Division and the like it's not hard to feel like she's been left behind plus she'll forever be saddled with a virtually useless Bankai so that's a bit of a shame those points aside soifon still has many things going for her unbelievable speed incredible hakuda prowess and the deadly Chic eye to try and make up for that Bankai plus she's something of a Bastion for staunch Soul Society traditionalism in a post-yamamoto gote and remains an Ardent defender of the law upholding the ancient truths of what it means to be an officer of the goatee 13. whether that's truly good or not I suppose is up to the individual jumping three places up the list from the previous video is the newly promoted captain of the 13th division Rukia kuchki her improved standing is well deserved and was a definite mistake on my part originally of course we've spent a ton of time with Rukia over the span of the series but that just means we've been privy to her own journey of growth during the Iran car Arc she overcame her own incredible emotional torment to be the first to kill an Espada and then later in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc after having received Divine training at the hands of the zero division she defeats her brother Specter and restores honor to the kuchki family rookie are becoming a captain much like her promotion to Vice Captain C in the Lost agent Arc was a simple case of when not if after the hardship she's endured the training she's undergone it was honestly a given by the series end rookia along with renji is one of ichigo's close-knit friends who actually manages to retain some relevance going into the final battle which is a feat in itself and in doing so manages to successfully outclass a number of Captain Neville characters in terms of her output during the war admittedly taking over from ukitake was always going to be a daunting task but Rukia already has the Adoration and devotion of her division a powerful zanpaktoa she has now unlocked its true strength and a vast amount of experience on the battlefield the last time we saw her use it her barnikai while dangerous still needed refining she still needed to spend time with it to get to know it and to better understand how to wield it without injuring herself but that will come with time in fact it's highly possible that by chapter 685 after the time skip that's occurred before that she's come a long way towards mastering her Bankai but we unfortunately don't know that for sure much like her brother Rukia is something of an all-rounder Shinigami while never particularly excelling at any aspect of Shinigami combat in her youth I'd argue that served her well now enabling her to be skilled in a variety of different elements including both swordplay and keto I feel like an argument could be made for rookia placing a spot below this she and soifon seem may be interchangeable to me but at the same time I feel good having rookia at the midpoint of the list she definitely deserves it and has the potential to reach even higher in the future the captain of the fifth division Shinji hirako is another tough one to pin down although the butt of a running joke on this channel about how useless he is the reality is that Shinji like his fellow visards should be an extremely powerful asset to the gote on the whole interestingly I'd argue that despite his prominence in the story and his position as the de facto leader of the vizards Shinji gets less screen time dedicated to actual battling than his counterparts which again makes this very tricky and so let's begin elsewhere instead in terms of his personality his maturity and his approach to the role Shinji is a frankly Great Captain he was there over a hundred years ago even advising kisuke urahara on how best to interact with and command his subordinates and in the present day he's forged a healthy relationship with his Vice Captain hinomori Momo to the point where she now looks up to and respects him why is this such a big deal you might ask surely that's something of a prere requisite for most decent captains well ahina Mori has suffered at the hands of her Captain more than most to the point where her mental state was severely fractured as a result of eisen's manipulations and who better to resonate with than another of eisen's victims Shinji takes hinomori under his wing fostering her growth and helping her to become who she's meant to be not only that but we see the leader in Shinji when he acts as a mediator between the goatee 13 and the vizards helping to temper hostilities between the two factions and instead unite them against a common foe so he's got the right stuff to be a captain certainly to the point where I argued he could be a potential head captain candidate it's just such a shame that his battle prowess is so shrouded in obfuscation his zanpak toe sakanare and its barnikai sakashima yokoshima HAPO fusagari are both pretty incredible to the point where his Bankai is actively banned within the sayrete due to how dangerous it can be Shinji was the first person to land an actual hit on Eisen in the story and dominated and admittedly base form and one-armed grimjoe using a combination of his zanjutsu talents and his hollow Powers so while I'm content and with keeping Shinji out of the overall top five I still think he's a very well-rounded member of the captaincy who just needs that dedicated battle to really show off what he's capable of so as we enter the top five this is where the list might become contentious though I'm still happy with it overall in fifth place we've got the captain of the 10th division toshiro hitsugaya a prodigy hitsugaya has almost everything going for him despite his age and relative inexperience in the grand scheme of things he's well liked whip smart and commands respect within his division I'd argue in fact that he and Matsumoto have one of the strongest foundations of all captain and Vice Captain relationships within the gote I've mentioned it before but hitsugaya feels like a true Force for Pure good within the sayrete and that's reflected in the division he leads much like soifon hitsugaya used to have a real problem with his temper often allowing himself to be easily manipulated with his Angus spilling over to the point where it clouded his decision making and even nearly got him killed unlike soy fun however there's no evidence of that anger or immaturity in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc and hitsugaya feels like he's completed a meaningful developmental journey in the final Arc his ice and snow type zanpak tow shorten Maru remains one of the series most incredible with true volley of special abilities at its beck and call and of course one of the most versatile Bankai in Bleach with daiguring hyor in Maru so where's the problem honestly there isn't really one but when you compare hitsugaya to the remaining captains on the list he nearly always falls short in one area or another whether it is experience or cunning or pure raw strength hitsugaya is extremely capable but I mean so are those yet to come and there's evidence in hitsugaya's own fights that he himself isn't quite ready for the big time just yet just look at his adult form adult hitsugaya the result of the mature daiguring hyor in Maru only exists because hitsugaya's body has to be forcibly aged to the point where Jordan Maru thinks he can handle the Newfound power so age still isn't on hits you guys side sure his current barnikai is impressive but his true strength lies just Out Of Reach if he has to wait for his icy petals to shatter before he can access that power every time then he's taking a huge Gamble not every fight will be as drawn out as the battle against Gerard for example again it's currently impossible to know if hitsugaya can access that power faster as of the hell chapter but considering unlocking his strength seemed to be really just based on age predominantly I think it's unlikely by the time hitsugaya has actually aged to the point where adult hitsugaya becomes simply hitsugaya then we'll be looking at a totally different scenario one that probably lets hitsugaya jump at least another two spaces on this list perhaps but for now this is where he sits and I'm all right with that mayori could not suit you the deranged captain of the 12th division is probably the hardest Captain to rank on this list he doesn't play by the rules it's as simple as that mayori is a genius and by far the smartest member of the current goate 13. his inventions Innovations and strategy helped the goatee 13 win the war against the Vanden Reich in more ways than one and he's often been described as the MVP of the entire battle mayory's growth has been clear to see he started out the series as a homicidal maniac without question the worst captain to serve under who gleefully experimented with the lives of everyone around him Friend or Foe it didn't matter everyone was simply material to Maori but over time he's mellowed out somewhat and actively saves the lives of numerous Captain level Shinigami throughout the battle against the Quincy in fact it's in this war that mayori seems to truly come into his own and although he's never really answered for his many crimes he certainly seems to act more altruistically than he used to now he's very much fighting for The Wider good of the Soul Society even if it's born out of the fact that he doesn't want to be wiped out along with everything else so from a personable standpoint Maori isn't what I would consider a good Captain the fact he's a captain at all is probably questionable but he's a necessary evil that the soul Society is more than willing to use as their tool but that's not what makes him difficult to rank in fact if this list were based just on that he'd probably be rock bottom but no mayory's many scientific exploits render him almost impossible to gauge alongside his comrades in terms of his actual strength and capability mayori has an answer for everything as revealed in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc he knows the Bankai of every single captain and even has samples of all their blood at his disposal considering his newly modified Bankai yes he really can upgrade his barnikai like it was a new phone allows him to counter an enemy based on preconceived information the fact he knows what everyone else is already capable of is a terrifying Prospect to the point where it feels like Miley could kind of dangle that over anyone's head if he needed some leverage and so in an almost meta way mayori perfectly suits being this high on the list and despite him being a character that I really do like I don't necessarily like him being this high up because he's a cheat essentially and he certainly doesn't deserve to be here if you take his many offenses into account but he's here nonetheless because he's made it so and he knows it he knows the Gosei 13 needs him just as he needs to be this high on the list for it to really make sense Maori is one of those characters who could feasibly be defeated by almost any of these captains but in turn could almost certainly defeat almost any of them even if Zaraki for example does have the greatest physical strength of any Captain what does it matter against a captain who can preemptively alter his very properties in under an hour to combat virtually any situation so yes Maori is a weird and tough one and he's just gonna have to go here for now as I like to think the top three picks contain elements of all these ranking factors and meet the criteria in a way that mayor e simply can't muster as the perfect all-rounder captain and a role model Shinigami for those serving in the goate 13 beneath him it only seems fitting to begin the top three with the captain of the sixth division byaki akuchki perhaps the most clear-cut candidate for the role of head captain worker represents both the steadfast traditions of the Soul Society gone by and a new age an age that's been transformed and Rewritten by their interaction with Ichigo Kurosaki of whom no Captain was quite affected like byakia after much soul-searching byakia has reforged his relationship with his Vice Captain renji into one of the strongest bonds the gote has seen and thanks to both of them receiving Divine training in the zero division he now leads perhaps the goatee's strongest division overall is the ever reliable face of the strength of Soul society and his Mastery of all four of the Shinigami Arts only further reinforces that Kubo chose biakia to be viciously Savaged in the first Quincy Invasion for a few reasons but crucially it's because he best represents the sole Society itself in its pride in its power in its linked to Ichigo has shades of soifon stiff upper lip but without any of the immaturity in fact byakia is one of the most measured captains of all rarely losing his call under any form of pressure byakia also boasts one of the greatest track records of the entire story by my count he's defeated Ichigo renji zamari Yami tsukushima Candice Robert and nanana while lending a supporting hand in the defeats of aznot and Pepe it's a frankly nearly unmatched record saved for one of the captains left on this list although they're very similar all of this stems from byakia's own incredible skill and of course his all-encompassing zanpaktou senbonzakura and its Bankai senbon zakara kagioshi which has multiple stages to it and provides biaki with both the Ultimate Sword and the ultimate Shield which he then combines with Best in Class speed and an incredible Mastery of Keto byaki is training at the hands of the zero division has only taken him to further illustrious Heights turning the ideal Shinigami into one of the gote 13s truly Undisputed powerhouses capable of defeating multiple Captain class enemies at once without taking so much as a scratch of damage now I've long said that the paths taken by biakiyakuchi and the captain of the 11th division Kenpachi Zaraki were designed to be extremely similar despite their outward differences they're reflective of one another each one representing the purest and most powerful aspects of the gote 13 and The Wider Soul Society you see it in their interactions with Ichigo right the way through to their respective roles in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc and it's for that reason and a myriad of others that I'm content with putting them in both the third and second spots respectively on this list if this list were based on pure physical strength alone then of course Ken patchy would take the top spot as the strongest unquestionably the same is true if looking squarely at how much rare Yoku each Captain possesses Kenpachi has an unquenchable well of power to draw from that has only increased over time his combat prowess is notable enough that the Vanden Wright considered him a special war power and thanks to the ark he undergoes in the Thousand-Year blood War he now also has a shikai and a Bankai to his name too no zarashi Kenpachi definitely still has Room to Grow the last time we saw his Bankai it ruptured his body a body that clearly wasn't yet honed or prepared for such power not only that but Upon returning from his battle with unohana I thought Kenpachi had changed and would begin wielding his title with responsibility and a weight it deserved but he quickly reverted back to a swing first ask questions later mindless thoughtless lover of battle as soon as the final showdown rolled around so there is still room for growth and change here but Kenpachi ticks nearly all the other boxes from being enormously powerful to commanding the respect of his men turning a band of savages Bandits and thugs into a cohesive unit the gotek can be proud of unsurprisingly the 11th division is at the Forefront of the battle against the Quint season kimpachi himself is highly involved from the very beginning he obviously packs The Experience necessary and his zanpak toe while very simplistic in nature is one of the strongest in the series physically at least unlike Maori who clearly began to act out of concern for the wider Soul society that same bigger picture that urahara is always in pursuit of it's difficult to tell if Kenpachi ever truly made that same emotional leap I think he might have this scene in particular always made me think he was finally not just fighting for himself or his own Amusement but out of at least some burgeoning sense of Duty or at least affection towards his sole society that the enemy had so thoroughly trampled that scene is meant to be a coming together of the disparate elements and Natures that make up the goatee 13 from all walks of life and in his own way that's Ken patchy acknowledging that he's a part of it too that scene is supposed to Showcase that no matter who they are or where they come from they're all United under one cause a desire to defend their home and the people within it and that is in my eyes at least the purest form of Duty that these soldiers can find but at the end of the day Kenpachi is undeniably a monster and an asset that the gote 13 can't afford to lose where biakia is an all-rounder who is competent in a variety of different areas Kenpachi puts everything he has into being the ultimate blunt force object though that's not to say he's stupid because he's not he's actually rather intelligent he just almost prefers not to use it and to go into battles swinging wildly and with the track record just as impressive as biaki as before him if not more so considering the trail of bodies left in this Captain's wake kenpachi's Iraqi is the Paragon of pure power among the goatee 13. but for me the top spot Remains the Same as it did three years ago and it goes to none other than the captain of the first Division and Captain commander of the gote 13 kyurakushin sui which I guess makes sense as clearly the best person to lead the Shinigami kyoraku both reveres the traditions of Soul society and rejects them with his unorthodox and Progressive style of leadership challenging the conventions that have kept the goatee 13 rigid unmoving and stale for a thousand years as arguably the second most intelligent Captain behind mayori and certainly the most perceptive and World weary kiraku has the ability to see the truth of things in a way that others simply can't a deceptively dangerous individual kyoraku joins the ranks of characters like kisuke in his dogged determination to protect the bigger picture of the sayrete through any means necessary in some respects kiraku reminds me a little bit of a superior version of biakia in terms of his capabilities he's a proven all-rounder with the added bonuses of age wisdom a wealth of experience that almost uncanny skill at perceiving the world around him and those in it for what they really are and of course a totally broken zanpak toe even before for the Thousand-Year blood War Arc which is where kioraku really came into his own and was very quickly portrayed by Kubo as leadership material where the rest were not kyoraku was a mentor to those around him assuaging both Shinji and kisuke's personal fears and concerns a hundred years ago and even identifying and trying to contain their weak Link in hit sugaya when in the midst of battle with Eisen as the surrogate son of Yamamoto himself kyoraku has always been held to a lofty standard and the burden of leadership falling on his shoulders doesn't so much just change him as it does reveal the Sinister pragmatic tactician lying in weight underneath his flowery facade and that takes me back to that idea of kyoraku being willing to win through any means necessary perhaps the single most dangerous aspect of his character which when combined with everything else we've talked about regarding kyoraku makes him truly the strongest Captain in my eyes you see where someone like Ken patchy fights to enjoy Joy himself kioraku fights to get results when someone is powerful and as dangerous as kiraku comes to the realization that war is evil and that there's nothing so foolish as honor to be found in it then he's Unshackled kyoraku doesn't get as many fights as some of the captains on this list but thanks to the combination of his willingness to fight dirty and a ridiculous zanpak toe in Katen kyokotsu and it's ban Kai katin kyokotsukaraatsu Shinju he's able to achieve incredible Feats of power and skill killing the first Espada with just his sheikhai while pushing the Godlike leader of the shutstoffel to his second and final form all while fighting him alone kyorakuzanpakuto is almost limitlessly versatile with a children's game for almost every occasion and a Bankai that leads to nearly certain death in that sense kyoraku has it all which again is why I guess he's the best choice to be head captain right now not only is kiraku incred clever but he's dangerous and unpredictable when in a pinch able to make and shoulder the hard decisions necessary of him in order to survive it's through his leadership that the soul Society adapts to and emerges victorious in the greatest war of their time after all but kiraku's dark and dower demeanor is only one half of the character and while it's that version of him that's required during the war kiraku has also proven himself to be warm kind-hearted and understanding that perception of his allowing him to appreciate Chad's drive and ambition to fight for his friends to spare him where the now would not and to even potentially question the seeming concrete truth of the matter surrounding eisen's murder and then even beyond that his otherwise colorful and easy-going personality makes him fun and likable to those serving under him while he remains respected and admired by most at the end of the series based on all of the factors involved it's clear to me that kioraku is the strongest Captain in the goatee 13 the strongest if strength here looks at what the character is capable of in full and includes everything we mention at the top of the video his intelligence maturity power skill wisdom experience and yes even hacks kyolaku really does have it all and that's it for the list apologies for the video being another lengthy one if you're interested or just need a cliff notes a version I've cooked up a little graphic to show how things have changed since the last time we made this list three years ago but that's it for the video I really hope you enjoyed it let me know what you think about my list do you agree with it at all bearing in mind when we're talking about strongest and weakest we are really taking into account an entire Litany of criteria that helps make these captains who they are and makes them worthy of being a captain in the first place but I'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below and your lists as well if you feel like writing them out make sure to hit subscribe if you haven't done already guys make sure to give the video a thumbs up as well if you enjoyed it and until next time I'll catch you later and I'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 203,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach anime, bankai, aizen, sternritter, bleach tybw, bleach bankai, yamamoto bankai, yamamoto vs ichibei, urahara bankai, bleach strongest, bleach tybw anime, bleach tybw anime trailer, ichibei vs yhwach, bleach captains, bleach ranking
Id: 7YMavifYQyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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