Top 10 Bleach Bankai

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yep this is our desperate plea for another season of bleach I'm Ashley with WatchMojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 bleach bank i-tech 10 touchy kaze [Music] [Applause] but this list we're looking at the second release forms of zanpakuto used by the characters of this shown and juggernauts keep in mind will only be looking at the bank I that were revealed in the anime only so sorry manga fans but who knows maybe the ending will get adapted at some point in the next century so we can do a follow up as always you can follow me on twitter at a shape oh and while you're there let me know what your favorite bankai is number 10 susan mushi sushi key and mokoro gear [Music] remember when this thing was actually used yes zou Zhen was on the villain bandwagon for so long we actually forgot he was in possession of a burn Chi and an oddly fitting one at that first shown to us against Kenpachi this sword creates a self-contained dimension of darkness that numbs the senses of all those caught within living Tosa and free to hunt them down like rabbits at his leisure it's useless you are far too slow to come to me it's a shame that we couldn't see him dish this out during his antagonist phase but we're guessing the memory of Kenpachi breaking it still haunts him number nine konjiki ashisogi jizo konjiki ashisogi jizo leave it to the crazy scientist of soul society to take your worst nightmares blend them together and summon it as his ultimate weapon nothing says you gonna die screaming quite like the sight of a giant insect with a distorted infant's face that breathes out waves of poison [Music] whether you crushed under its many ligaments wholly devoured or infected with its numerous toxins this bunker above all else stands as a true symbol of madness and horror then again that's pretty much my arees calling card are you seeing what I'm seeing as much as I wish I wasn't seeing it number eights kokujo tengen yo kokujo tengen Muir now this is how you make an impact if you thought that komamura's a reveal as a talking bulky wolf was a shocker and just wait until he summons this colossal set of pitch-black armor nothing but a lowly maggot [Music] copying every move the furry captain makes it does come with the unfortunate side effect of reflecting all the damage it takes onto its master but the payoff is worth it when you can see just how strong this iron giant really is after getting that blade brought down on your cranium it's doubtful you're gonna be getting back up again number seven kami she Nino yari Connie she be no y well it's essentially just an upgraded form of ichimaru Shinkai the results are still devastating to the points that it nearly managed to get one over on both issue go and Eisen not only can the blade stretch itself up to 13 kilometers but it can extend and retract at 500 times the speed of sound allowing him to slice apart anyone or anything faster than they can think [Music] oh you know just cut an entire town enough when he feels like showing off then there's his ace in the hole wherein he can leave a slither of the blade inside someone creating a deadly poison capable of reducing even a self-proclaimed God to mulch Commission Nino yari king damn you you'll die with a hole through your heart isn't that what you wanted number 6 jakku ho raikou ven aqua right Corbin SOI fon may not be a fan of this bank I on account it's pretty much the antithesis of stealth but you can't argue with its raw power turning her weapon of silent assassination into a magical rocket launcher the force is great enough to devastate even the strongest of hollows as well as incinerate everything around them if the first shot doesn't leave you in pieces then all she has to do is reload and try again until her target falls victim to the nucleus stinger at her disposal [Music] number five riemann hozukimaru [Music] [Applause] [Music] out of all the non captain's we thought would end up getting their hands on Bank I ikkaku was pretty low on the list but nonetheless ended up becoming a pleasant surprise when he pulled it out of the bag against the Arrancar invaders going from a simple spear to that of three large vicious blades one of which just happens to be a guillotine that can store and unleash an explosion of potent reishi the balls ball of luck would about a much easier time if he had just used this for more often alas his determination to remain in squad 11 outshines his eagerness to bring out the big guns in a fight number four he he owes a BIMARU he he'll SAP Amaru running parallel to a she goes journey the hot-headed bad boy of the goats a 13s Bank I is no slouch when it comes to its release form going from an extendable blade all the way to a giant constructed serpent that can separate into several large fragments and form at will [Applause] not only does this afford Renji plenty of range on the battlefield but also comes with some serious firepower in the form of a giant laser that can roast any unprepared foes I'll just forget about the whole part when it got owned on its first use alright [Applause] number three tiger and horny Maru [Music] possibly the most frequently used Bank I across the entire series and wouldn't you know it it belongs to everyone's fan favorite Whitehead child prodigy hitsugaya's mastery over his son Paco not only allowed him to unlock his final form in record time but it's one of the coolest as far as designs go with icy wings and claws now attached to his body not only does he look the part of a dragon hybrid but can also conjure up a whole variety of sub-zero techniques that can put anyone on ice number two senbonzakura kageyoshi Sanka senbonzakura kageyoshi a barrage of a billion petals that are each as sharp as steel byakuya as Bank I is a beautiful death sentence if ever there was one while trying to outrun or overcome the sea of razor petals is night impossible especially if the elder Kuchiki increases her speed that's not the only form of his bank I can take transitioning into a fleet of swords that he can summon or have hone in whenever he desires but wait there's more should all else fail he can summon one less blinding sword providing an angelic guys meant to smite any foe that has managed to survive so far senbonzakura kageyoshi before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications number one tensa zangetsu tensa zangetsu so then that's it that little weapon that's your bankai what else was it gonna be while originally a hulking black blade that could still do some serious damage ichigo's intensive training and burning desire to rescue Rukia managed to unlock its ascended form while appearing as a simple katana what this Bank I loses in size it makes up for in spades with its speed granting the strawberry increased agility and movement to the point where he can even shred any enemy as though they were paper [Music] and that's to say nothing of the major upgrade it provided to the getsuga tensho do you agree with our pigs check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 532,943
Rating: 4.7106028 out of 5
Keywords: Anime, Bleach, Bleach Anime, Bleach Movie, new bleach series, bleach trailer, bleach season, bleach fight scenes, bleach battles, bleach full fight, bleach ichigo, ichigo vs, renji vs, byakuya vs, anime battles, anime fights, bleach theme song, bleach op, bleach ed, bleach amv, bleach MAD, new bleach trailer, bleach manga, bleach sequel, strongest bleach characters, strongest bankai, best bankai, bleach bankai, ichigo vs aizen, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
Id: xuYYZhOBeUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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