Top 10 Strongest Iron Man Suits

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it's no secret that tony stark is iron man has gone through many iterations of his famous suit with each version being an upgraded version of the last take his appearance in the mcu for example across all these movies we've seen him in a number of iron man suits the most memorable for me at least being the scene from iron man 3 where all the suits are remotely summoned for one final big fight scene so just imagine how many iterations there are across the thousands of comic book issues what is going on all you nerdy folk out there my name is jack and today we are going to be taking a look at some of the strongest suits that tony stark has ever created so without further ado let's get into it number 10 model 13 the hulkbuster armor starting with an absolute classic the hulkbuster armor has been reworked throughout the years many times those models being model 36 and 52 however let's focus on the first iteration for today rather than a full suit of armor like most other suits tony has created the hulkbuster armor is actually an add-on to the modular armor that was introduced in 1994's iron man number 300. basically this armor had different add-ons used for a variety of situations ranging from micro-surgery equipment to the massive hulkbuster so i guess kind of think of it as the mr potato head of iron man armor this particular add-on was used when hulk confronted iron man over the production of gamma bombs while partnered with stain international and you probably guessed it but they did have a pretty big fight over it possessing these standard repulsors and unibeam that are incorporated in all base iron man suits the hulkbuster armor integrated a magno hydraulic pseudo-musculature structure which provided enhanced strength of what is assumed to be able to lift at least 175 tons sensors were also adapted to focus on detecting gamma radiation and it had impact resistant carbon composite plating and an anchoring system so he could withstand any hit that came his way although the modular armor appeared in iron man number 300 the hulkbuster armor didn't appear until a few issues later in iron man number 304 but i mean we're all pretty familiar with this one i assume since it has already appeared on the big screen in avengers age of ultron so let's move on to some stronger and maybe lesser known armors number nine model 57 3fb known officially as the fin fang fume buster this suit was designed by tony alongside starkel unlimited as a countermeasure of against his long time enemy fin fang foom before we dive more into this design i do just want to say this one is probably my favorite suit design because but i probably am a little bit biased considering i grew up on gundam and power rangers so anytime i see a blocky looking behemoth of a robot i am instantly in love but anyways let's not dive too far into this tangent let's get back to the three fb deployed by start to intercept triple f that is what i'm calling finn fangfun because my god that is a real mouthful when he attacked manhattan this suit was deployed as a set of autopiloted air repulsor cannons and in true megazord fashion they combined together to create the 20 story tall suit powerful enough to to keep triple f at bay alongside the standard iron man suit capabilities this suit can emit electrical discharges from the palms of its gauntlets now unfortunately triple f was able to land a critical hit on this armor forcing tony to eject from it and continue the fight in the model 56 armor and since then we haven't seen much of it if you want to see the suit in action for yourself check it out in 2018's tony stark iron man number one number eight model 22 thor buster similar to batman and his contingency plan for the justice league it appears that tony is ready to fight the other members of the avengers if he has to although i really doubt he wants to because some of them are literal gods in this case thor gave tony an asgardian crystal with the hopes of creating a safer and cleaner power source for earth but after an odin force powered and angry thor begins to rampage because of asgardian worshippers because some asgardian worshipers were killed tony is kind of forced to design a suit of armor powered by the crystal that is powerful enough to stop the almighty god of thunder with a similar design to the destroyer armor this dude utilizes the mystical asgardian energy for everything from flight to life support and it's basically invulnerable with thor being the only thing able to damage it unfortunately it did not stick around for too long though because once thor got tired of fighting with tony he just straight up ripped the suit in half and thankfully tony wasn't in it anymore as he had already ejected himself knowing this was a fight he could probably not win now i highly recommend you check this fight out for yourself because because it is really well done so head on over to 2003's iron man vol 3 number 64 and let me know what you think about it in the comments below coming in at number seven we have iron lads armor stepping away from tony stark for a hot second let us take a look at at the armor nathaniel richards wears as iron lad this neuro kinetic suit was actually given to him by kang the conqueror his future self and nate decided that instead of following in his own footsteps he would travel to the past and enlist the help of the avengers however they had already been disbanded after downloading vision's operating system and the avengers failsafe program into his suit he took of the guys of iron lad with plans to assemble the young avengers while wearing this armor nate is able to lift 10 tons create temporal divergences allowing him to travel through time fire concussive glass from his fingertips and fly this suit is also connected directly to his thoughts and emotions so it's able to manifest and transform into whatever he's thinking for example say if someone grabbed him and he felt scared the suit might create some spikes to get the attacker away during this fight with kang with conqueror nate actually removes the armor to prevent himself from being tracked and thanks to the vision operating system it becomes fully sentient allowing it to return to his own timeline knowing that there will be someone or something around to protect the people as part of the young avengers first appearing in 2005's young avengers number one why not give this whole storyline a read for yourself [Music] number six model number nine now this one doesn't really get a fancy title like the other ones for some reason but it that doesn't make it any less powerful after just one look at it you're probably really confused why i put it on this list today and rightly so because it is one of tony's earliest models tony finished this model just before the first armor wars and was very very reluctant to use it due to his high power capabilities however he was later forced to use it to stop firepower after he was previously defeated in his other suits and needless to say he kind of got a taste for it because he continued to work his iron man into suit for quite some time equipped with a battle computer that can track up to 60 enemies at once a universal translator an energy shield and so much more this suit is really not one you want to mess with however that's not why i thought it should be mentioned today this suit is unique because at one point it actually fused with the sword of legend excalibur bestowing tony with magical powers along with his already incredibly advanced technology and now with a badass new look this suit also made him invulnerable and this suit allowed tony to defeat an extra dimensional eye monster before reverting back to its original form it sucks that this form didn't last longer but hey i guess if you make iron man invisible for too long his eagle might get bigger and i don't think anyone would be able to handle that the model number 9 suit first appears in 1988's iron man number 231 but if you're only interested in seeing it fuses excalibur don't worry i got you check out iron man number 249 and 250. number five we have model 50 endosyme armor following the inversion spell that flipped his moral axis tony designed the endosyme suit a symbiotic suit made completely of a liquid smart metal that hardens when in contact with this body based off the symbiote's biology this suit is basically meant to be honest person at all times and it can even be controlled remotely going as far as to take a humanoid form that is able to take commands through a psionic link the abilities of the suit are absolutely insane it's capable of absorbing energy sustaining electrical currents like a never-ending taser and even has the ability to increase its size into a makeshift hulkbuster style suit fans have seen this armor go up against the likes of storm inspector and come out on top with little to no damage taken unfortunately or thankfully i guess i'm not really sure at this point it was destroyed during the secret war and nobody has seen anything close to it ever since making a small cameo in 2014's avengers vol 5 number 32 we are fully introduced to this beast episode in 2015 superior iron man number one so go take a look at it for yourself coming in at number four we have model 51 model prime armor with the prototype first appearing in 2015's contest of champions number one this suits full version came to life in the invincible iron man vol 3 number one and man it is a pretty dang good suit it basically combines all the aspects of tony's other suits making it adaptable to any task at hand even though it was designed solely because tony felt threatened by riri williams the 15 year old mit student who was able to reverse engineer some of his tech it's a good thing it came to be because it has been very useful comprised of small hexagonal scales this suit features upgraded versions of the standard iron iron man armor weaponry such as repulsor blasters that can cut through enemies with phasing abilities and three unibeams on his chest effectively making it a tri-beam this suit also has some new tricks up its sleeves such as a new onboard cloaking system it can work autonomously if the pilot is injured and most impressively the suit can change shape at a moment's notice into anything from a sword to a complete shift into a hulkbuster-like suit it's also immune to a number of attacks namely sonic attacks and emps and can take a serious beating from the likes of captain marvel and so many more there has also been another character in the marvel universe who actually dawned this specific suit for a bit but you know what i'll let you find out who it was for yourself number three model 37 bleeding edge armor dub the next step after extremists by tony himself this suit was created while he was trying to reinvent himself and his armor stark worked with reed richards to create this after getting away from running shield and being the head of the world this dude existed inside of tony stark's body literally forming around him thanks to incredibly powerful nanotech and i know it's unrealistic as a set of armor made out of nanotech may seem the bleeding edge armor is arguably one of the best suits that tony stark has ever worn not only does it bring the benefits of an improved extremist to the table the nanotech that powers it basically ensures that iron man is ready to fight whenever and wherever by creating a second layer of artificial muscle over stark's body the armor is capable of healing itself and making it effectively invulnerable and that coupled with all his normal weaponry alongside a new energy blade and deflector shields makes you wonder if it could get any better than this it also happens to be one of stark's most popular suits become the hero's default look for several years as well as the main inspiration from tony's suit in iron man 3. now considering how quickly iron man can switch out of suits three years with a single set of armor is pretty impressive and that's why it's so high on this list today check it out in action for yourself in 2010's invincible iron man vol 2 number 25. [Music] coming in at number two we have model 61 god killer armor mark ii based on the original god killer armor created by the aspiring many eons earlier tony created this celestial-sized armor and kept it hitting having an orbit mars in case one day a threat was big enough to warrant using it powered by eight nuclear reactors this suit is pretty basic when it comes to weaponry only possessing repulsor blasters however its speed and strength make up for it being able to travel between earth and mars in a matter of minutes and able to lift celestial beings off the ground when the dark celestials came to attack earth in 2018's avengers vol 8 number 5 tony felt it was finally time and deployed this behemoth of a machine allowing him to hold his own against the dark celestials for a short period of time it ended up being no match for the almighty beings after callus the void was able to rip off its left arm hoping that taking one out would cause others to retreat tony attempted to launch the suit into space to blow it up however he was stopped by an army of dead celestials reanimated by the horde with no other option tony ejected himself in the suit and caused it to self-destruct even though this armor only lasted two issues its sheer power and overall manufacturing cost of over four billion dollars is what landed it so high on today's list [Music] and finally number one we have model 63 godbuster originating from the escape a virtual reality world created by tony that allowed his mind to become unfettered from the restraints of the human brain giving him the inspiration and knowledge he needed to create the only thing capable of destroying motherboard the godbuster armor though little is known about the suit's full capabilities tony's brother arno deemed it to be his masterpiece referring to it as the ultimate weapon and even ironheart couldn't get a full read on his power level stating that the armor radiated more power than anything she had ever seen before after successfully taking down the villain tony realized this suit was far too powerful to remain in the real world and made the decision to fly the suit back into the factory was created in and caused it to self-destruct making the resources needed to recreate it and the suit completely destroyed and useless arnold does eventually recreate a version of the suit that he wears as his own but you know i think we can talk about that another time maybe in part two who knows for now though this is all we know about the best iron man suit ever made so why not check it out for yourself in 2019's tony stark iron man number 10 and number 11. that'll be it for this video everyone do you have any other stronger iron man suits in mind well let us know in the comments below and maybe we'll continue this list in a part two don't forget to subscribe to top 10 nerd stay up to date on all things nerdy and why not ring that notification bell so you know whenever we upload a video as always my name is jack thank you so much for watching and stay nerdy my friends [Music] you
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 639,386
Rating: 4.8828688 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10, top, top 10 nerd, iron man, iron man snaps his fingers, iron man suit, iron man armor, iron man alternate suits, iron man suits up, iron man suits evolution, alternate versions, iron man tony stark, iron man 1, iron man 2, iron man 3, iron man avengers, avengers, avengers endgame, mcu, marvel, mcu iron man, avengers endgame iron man, iron man arc reactor, top ten nerd, tony stark, superhero, superheroes, marvel's avengers, avengers game, marvel avengers, comics, list
Id: rgmH0-viIzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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