How Batman Would Defeat Each Member Of The Justice League

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[Music] hello all of you beautiful people jules here for and you know what when you think of a hero most likely to have countless shady plans to defeat every other hero around it's likely that the first and possibly only face that pops into your mind is gonna be batman few heroes have been shown on the printed page beating up or otherwise planning to beat up their allies and friends as much as the dark knight and we've seen many times over the course of history that our boy bruce has a plan to kill maim or generally defeat every single person that he's ever encountered in his life yeah he might have a few trust issues so what we're going to do today is actually take a look at these plans and figure out how he would actually take down all of his super friends if they turned into super pains in his ass so let's take a look as i'm jules this is and this is how batman would defeat each member of the justice league number 10. cyborg while cyborg is often on the outskirts of the justice league it's worth mentioning him here at the offset for one particular dark knight plan involving him that highlights just how far bats is willing to go to make sure that he can defeat those with powers that could obliterate his human form in injustice we see that bruce has implanted cyborg with a virus that turns out to come in plenty handy when batman comes to stop him and the other members of the justice league taking gotham supervillains to superman's new max security facility however this virus becomes a much more worrying thing when victor checks the date it was installed within him and realizes that batman had placed the dominant threat inside him literally the first week they met which means that there's a very real possibility that our universe's bats has either done this or so or has similar plans to take his shiny metal pal down should the need arise 9. green arrow perhaps it's not totally fair to say that green arrow is a bit of a pushover when compared with the rest of the justice league after all he does take countless supervillain crooks down on his own and he's pretty much a prime example of peak human condition however when you stand him next to a dude who shoots laser beams out of his eyes it's hard to measure up this would explain one of the most inadvertently hilarious things that batman has ever done in deceased after bruce has passed away after being attacked by some of his zombified former proteges damien recovers a memory file that contains some of his plans for taking down various threats and green arrow is not on it that's right batman didn't even make a specific plan to take green arrow down presumably because he figured he could just go and beat him up the old school way if anything went wrong with him number eight plastic man given how silly and cartoonish the ability to be a human piece of elastic looks it's easy to write plastic man off as a bit of a joke character someone to bring a little more light-hearted banter to the table and not do much else aside from that however the fact that plastic man can take more or less any form by his plastic morphing means that he's a much more powerful threat than you might initially expect which is evidenced in dark knight metal where he turns into a goddamn plastic war machine and absolutely kicks ass it's clear that batman considers elo brian a legit threat because when he does go for him he does so with some seriously hardcore plans because tower of babel sees bruce's plan against plastic man and it is to coat him in liquid nitrogen and shatter him into a million teeny tiny pieces hilariously this is again a merciful scheme because the batman who laughs while he takes it one step further stretching him until he reached his breaking point which is a fate that we could never experience but imagining it alone feels pretty awful number seven martian man hunter although martian manhunter is usually resigned to the sidelines for a weird amount of justice league storylines he's really the dark horse of the group not only is he capable of shape-shifting into dangerous forms but his abilities are borderline boundless he can turn invisible regenerates at incredible speeds and can use telepathy and telekinesis and is resistant to most earthly poisons and diseases in short he's a bit of a secret powerhouse but not to batman it seems who had a pretty brutal plan for his green friend should he ever turn from heroism naturally martian manhunter inherited his kind's weakness for fire and thus batman's plan involved nanites that would cause the poor alien skin to permanently be set on fire not killing him but obviously distracting him from anything but the agonizing pain of being on fire this is only slightly less evil than the plan the batman who laughs uses on his version of the hero as we see him half exploded up on a wall suggesting that bats either used a substance that dissolved the martian structure into more of a liquid or sabotaged his shape-shifting ability somehow to the point where his straight-up killed the poor guy maybe permanently being set on fire isn't so bad by comparison number six green lantern with the powers of the green lantern so intrinsically linked to space politics taking one of them out poses a unique issue how to deal with them in a way that doesn't involve sabotaging the power source of any lanterns that haven't gone rogue interestingly this appears to lead to a series of solutions that are much crueler than you might expect between blinding green lanterns so that he can't make constructs with his powers and stealing the rings powers away with the sinestro core ring the schemes the dark knight has to neutralize one of his supposed allies are much more evil than many plans actual comic villains have made over the years number 5. flash while flash is by no means the best fighter of the league it's actually fair to say that he generally doesn't need to be as when you're able to be fast enough to avoid any and all hits thrown your way you could be as weak as a bowl of cereal left in milk overnight and still be able to win your fair share of fights as such he's a bit of a tricky one to try and plan to take down but something being tricky has never stopped the dark knight before and it sure as hell won't when it comes to taking down a potential threat as such the back craft did one or two tricks to place up his sleeve just in case he ever fell on the wrong side of any of the various speedsters who've held the mantle of the flash the most notable of these is of course that of the vibrating bullet from tower of babel which despite its silly name would stick in the flash's body due to the vibration's frequency and result in the poor hero having seizures oh and he also has a lightning rod from the future that allows him to slow the flash down too so why exactly he also had the bullet is anyone's guess number four aquaman while aquaman in most media is lauded as a bit of a dorky pushover it is worth noting that as funny as those jokes can be he is still a legitimate threat he's got some serious super strength power over the oceans and an ability to get all of those creepy sea creatures from the depth to attach themselves to your terrified face unfortunately for aquaman though what he also does happen to be is just a guy with some very exploitable weaknesses most crucially dehydration which batman has either planned to exploit or actively exploited throughout the years in tower of babel it's revealed that the bats has developed an unusual strain of scarecrow's fear toxin the batman had tampered with so that when aquaman was exposed to it it would make him afraid of water which obviously would create a pretty big problem for the lad after being shamed for having created such a terrible thing to defeat his supposed friend batman would then go on to reveal some years later that he has a custom justice buster which also came with magnesium carbonate and what does this do well it sucks all the moisture out of whatever it's shot at like perhaps i don't know aquaman which you'll note is exactly the same thing but apparently is way more moral number three wonder woman unlike with superman a nice apple pie and a friendly smile might not be enough to soften wonder woman she needs a mountain of blood and slain enemies and those are slightly harder to come by hilariously this desire for battle is exactly what batman would use against her in the now infamous tower of babel's storyline which saw him dispose of her by trapping her in a simulation where she was locked in constant combat thus making her too preoccupied to notice that she was basically stuck inside a big violent version of the sims this isn't the only route that bats would likely take in order to fell his former comrade however as justice league doom saw him choose to poison wonder woman which suggests a good old-fashioned dose of deadly substances would also be a way to fell her number two superman as may come as a surprise to a resounding well nobody superman is one of the biggest potential threats to the dc universe were he to ever go rogue which is kind of the trade-off for him usually being one of its most powerful defenders that said supes is pretty good about being prepared for a situation like this given that the guy pretty much knows that batman definitely has something made of kryptonite in that very trusty utility belt of his at any given moment not that this is the only method the dark knight has cooked up in order to destroy his technically best friend as several comics have seen batman utilize the power of a red sun to weaken the man of steel until they're finally on an equal footing failing all of this there's a good chance that one of the reasons that bats is so darn chummy with the spaceman is so that he can appeal to his good nature in order to try and snap him out of any of his evil ways in fact you'd hope that this would be his first choice of action instead of breaking out the kryptonite gun straight away calm it down mate and number one batman but you didn't see this one coming did you well unless you have batman like prediction abilities of course in which case well played my friend perhaps the member of the justice league that batman is most concerned about having plans to defeat is as strange as it might sound himself after all for any other members of the league he can be there to make sure that they get stopped in their tracks one way or another but if he's brainwashed or goes rogue there's not really an equivalent of him to do the same this is arguably one of the many reasons that he formed the justice league and crucially is likely also a reason that he has so many sidekicks that he trains and then keeps them at arm's length despite it being clear that he considers them as his own children as much as batman makes teams and alliances to take down incoming threats there's no doubt that he recognizes that he could somehow become one of them and so he's trusting them to incapacitate or kill him just as much as he trusts them to take down whatever other big bad comes their team's way in short it's likely batman doesn't actually have trust issues he's just very very aware that his closest allies and friends are also the people who he will need to take him down if the time ever calls for it and how that'll be done i don't know just make the bat hole really greasy and then he'll just fall down there by an accident or just push him down some stairs maybe get alfred to poison his toast i don't know and there we go my friends that is how batman would defeat each member of the justice league i hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below if you want to chat to me further you can do so over on twitter at retro j with a zero or you can swing by live and let's dice is my personal gaming channel where i stream every single wednesday and sunday as always i've been jules you've been awesome never forget that and i'll speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 2,522,332
Rating: 4.9160471 out of 5
Id: fwlMswd3Uwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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