Batman's Most Powerful Armor Revealed

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[Music] what's up everyone over the last several months some crazy stuff has been happening in the Justice League book one of them being the reveal of Batman's final bat suit I'm talking about the end-all-be-all bat suit the last one ever and it's so powerful it makes us he'll bat armor look cute so of course I had to talk about it because Batman but also because the Justice League book is one of the best monthly books out right now but before I tell you about Batman's final bat suit I have to give you the set up from the last several issues of Justice League or none of this is gonna make any sense so this episode is more about how the final bat suit is revealed but we do learn some cool stuff about it at the same time I won't be getting in Somoza that's at the end but fear not there will be some bats to talk so back in issue 19 of Justice League the league figures out that hawkgirl's wings have a pattern that could be the key to fixing the multiverse as they think it's some kind of map to the fifth dimension and who knows the fifth dimension more than the imp mix yes spit lick as that's where he's from and yes that is the proper pronunciation of his name don't believe me here you go and Bruce Timm we trust anyway the league is able to make a device to track down mix yeah spit lick and bring him in but after messing around with the league for a bit and giving John a clown nose and making his arm into gumballs he tells them look the 5th dimension is imagination it's everywhere at once you just can't see it but ever since you idiots broke the source wall imagination is running wild us imps are wasting away running out of our lifeblood also the 5th dimension is not what your map is pointing it's pointing to the 6th dimension that's right there's apparently also a sixth dimension which he breaks down by showing the league a map of the multiverse while saying something to the effect of behold the multiverse you puny heads exist in four dimensions now add imagination which exists outside of time and tada it's everything at once existing backwards and forwards simultaneously but there's also a sixth dimension at the very tip-top of everything closed off to all but the most powerful few beans mix es p-- Italy continues to say the best way to describe it is the multiverses control room a realm for things beyond the imagination of almost all living beans a realm of the impossible where the multiverse was designed and set into motion and he knows only for beans that could exist there before this moment the brothers three who consist of the monitor the anti-monitor and the world forger and then the one who started at all their mother perpetual he then says this might be the only place you can get what you need to stop her before it's too late mix yes spit lick then says the only one who could survive the 6th dimension is Superman so he makes a portal for him to go through but shocker it's a trick and it's basically a prison of darkness for Superman at the same time the rest of the Justice League are teleported to an alternate timeline aka the 6th dimension where they see mirror or possible future versions of themselves Batman says what just happened and Superman answers it's simple Bruce we won then an issue 20 we see that this Justice League is what the perfect version of the Justice would look like having defeated Perpetua the monitors in the world forger in doom now pretty much all DC fans know who the monitors are I mean they've even made an appearance in The CW arrowverse for Perpetua and the world forager our new characters so let's get you up to speed with them first Perpetua she's a celestial or godlike beam that created the multiverse that existed before earth zero she was imprisoned many years ago by the anti-monitor the monitor in the world forger but recently has been freed she's going to be a massive part of DC's year of the villain event then we have the world forger the first son of Perpetua and brother to the anti-monitor and monitor he's an all-powerful being who creates worlds out of the world Forge he's the being responsible for the different crisis events in the DC Universe he causes them by striking his crisis anvil with his hammer to reset things for X Y & Z reasons but now that you know how these new characters are back to the story as I just said a bit ago in issue 20 we were introduced to the perfect version of the Justice League and what they would look like in the future Jon Stewart's a white Lander now Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter have a child Superman went all Gandalf the White and so on and so forth anyway by issue 21 the league senses that this Superman isn't their Superman and are finally like tell us the truth who are you really and we see that it's the world forger who says this multiverse is my masterpiece but no this Justice League it's also your only hope we then learn that back on prime earth mix yes spit lick is unimaginably the world forger basically says the only way to save it is with another crisis and he wants the Justice League to side with him to replace the multiverse he's created with the existing one no but they ask him what will happen to everyone on their earth he says this is where cosmic crisises are caused like in those times the essences of any beings will have a place will be transferred here when I strike my hammer and this reality descents Wonder Woman says and for those who have no place the world forger applies for the formation to hold those who will side with a doom must remain locked away forever meaning thereby by they will cease to exist and of course the Justice League will not have blood on their hands evil or not so they all decide not to side with them except for Batman Batman says since our battle with Barbados we keep taking one step forward two steps back we're losing we have to face it the stakes are just way too high the forger then says this is the only future possible make no mistake your choice is this save only the good or save no one but enough it's time for you to vote once again answer in your mind and your hearts and I will accept whatever you choose they answer and he says so be it you will regret this as he teleports everyone on the team except Batman to apocalypse where Lois Lane is the warden of the prison there skipping some stuff here and there we see an issue 23 Superman is still stuck in this dark galaxy prison of sorts where he's trying to break out but it's not working we also see that the league has now become prisoners at the hands of Lois Lane and her right-hand man Jimmy Olsen but this is where we finally start getting to the Batman stuff told you was gonna happen we see him talking to the world forger and the forger says I'm glad you stayed Batman you're one of the most strategic minds in existence I'm grateful that you see the inevitability of this pass Batman says I don't yet I stayed to hear you out no tricks no deceptions just facts straight to the point the world forger tells them my job is to create worlds from people's hopes and fears those that might last I uh sure towards reality those I deem unstable I return to the forge if there is anything I know it's what stands a chance and what does not Batman is like okay if I do choose to move forward with this what's my role what do I have to do he tells them that bat-mite and mix yes spit lekar currently unimaginative things right now on earth and once that happens the crisis anvil will appear before him and his hammer will light up he then will strike the anvil and this current universe he made will descend on the vanished one he also says he wants Batman to convince his friends that this is the only way forward Batman asks what about Superman the forger says he's locked away in a galaxy made to contain him but he's trying to reach us Batman asks can e world forger says all other versions have failed but yours is prime it's possible if he does he will fight me and we will all surely die he then reveals to Batman that he wants proof of loyalty and he wants Batman to remove the suns away from Superman meaning Supes gonna die and believe it or not by the end of the issue Batman does it and says I'm sorry Clark there's so much I wish I could tell you right now so much to say but there's no time for anything except goodbyes as Superman's only glimmer of Sun goes out how you do best bro like that so now of course in the next issue issue 24 man isn't giving up and he's still trying to escape but to no avail also at this point I'm kind of skipping over some stuff with the Justice League being on apocalypse because I really want to focus on the Batman stuff anyway and issue 24 we are brought back to the world foragers tower again where Batman and him are still talking and we see that he takes Batman to the greatest seat of power in existence where only the maker and breaker of the universe may enter to which batman says your throne room and the world forger says no Batman yours boom got him Batman not understanding opens the door and says my god the forger then explains to him look upon your work Batman the Sun box Batman asks this is the device I built to determine who would side with us with the league so we could strike first and win the war the forger says yes this chair built from element X allowed you to see people's hearts but then you took it further imagine greater you built the final bat suit around the chair for yourself not just to determine people's minds but to change them rewrite them sell buy sell that's right Batman builds a bat suit with element X that has the capability to not only change people's minds but literally rewrite them sell buy sell and not only that this bat suit is the only reason why this future Justice League thinks the way they do because Batman used it on them that's the son of a B the world forger says you are the only being alive who could do it you are the greatest Knight of the universe Bruce Wayne yet again confirming that Batman is one of the most badass beings in the multiverse powers or no powers after this we see that the Justice League is able to escape warden Lois Lane with the help of a future version of the Legion of Doom up dope is that the league then meets the world forger and is just sneaked back at the Hall of Justice where they prepared to fight for the multiverse Batman then shows up in a big blast and Barry Allen says Batman are you here to help us Batman says while wearing his final bat suit sorry Barry but it's time to imagine a different ending oh snap and that insanity brings us all the way to issue 25 where we see an all-out battle for the future between the Justice League and the world forgers alternate reality Justice League we also see that the world forgers hammer has lit up and the crisis anvil is nearly formed which we know means that the imps have succeeded in unraveling primer Batman then turns to the world for it is like yo give me one more chance to convince the league that this is the way the request is granted but let's just say that the Justice League wasn't in the mood for a discussion at that point so we get some awesome pages of Batman soloing the Justice League with his final bat suit it is glorious however this is where we learned that it was all part of Batman's plan as he tells the league I've been a detective all my life and a detective looks for answers and in this place I found the answer to how we win the only way forward I need you to look past yourselves like I'm trying to do past everything I need you to see it see it now and it's revealed that Batman's plan was trusting in Superman that Superman would find a way out of his dark prison and save the day and his trust was proven true as with hope determination and the memories of his loved ones Superman eventually finds sons and starts flying through them becoming incredibly supercharged and powerful how powerful I couldn't tell you exactly but it's up there among his most powerful moments in comics that's for sure which is saying a whole lot but I mean he's flying through Sun after Sun which is charging him up more and more the comic even says he moves faster than he ever has at a speed beyond physics beyond imagination a white-hot stylus skimming over the dark redrawing what is possible so going by that this could very well be the most powerful Superman has ever been I mean he literally flies into the sixth dimension by himself I don't even know how that works anyway Superman eventually makes his way back to where the league and Batman are and literally caio's the world for sure with all right hook just more proof that this is easily one of Superman's most powerful moments soloing a creator of universes not the universe universes go ahead and check that off your bucket list dude literally sets crisises into play changing all reality and Superman knocked him on his butt with a single punch and people wonder why I think Sabrina's the most powerful superhero ever in the end Batman's plan works and he along with Supes and the rest of the Justice League win the battle ultimately convincing the world forger to fight along their side against Perpetua and the coming doom which leads us into the year of the villain event but this six dimension storyline is awesome in fact the whole Justice League title has been great I really recommend you read it especially this particular story that starts at issue 19 because as I mentioned we see a bunch of great moments and details in the overall story so focus on the things that were most important in leading us to the final Batsuit reveal and speaking of let's do a quick recap on that shall we Batman created a bat suit that can make people do whatever the heck he wants them to do it also has enough advanced tech that it gave him the ability to solo the entire Justice League but that just adds to the cool factor because you don't even need that tech if you could see someone's heart and literally rewrite their mind cell by cell into whatever you want it's just insane but besides that we don't know much else regarding the exact specs of the final bat suit although like I said earlier it was created with the element X AKA tenth medal which was discovered in the dark knights metal arc it's basically the purest form of creation itself not to mention it could be manipulated by thought and achieved nearly anything and that my friends is the material that Batman used to make a bat suit so if that doesn't give you a bat boner I don't know what will in fact I can't wait to see this suit again because it just looks amazing and my god the possibilities of it this was like the biggest tease because we saw it but not for long I just need to see it used again in another story it's so dope but that wraps up our breakdown on this epic reveal and the story surrounding it let us know what your thoughts are on this new bat suit and even Superman's epically powerful moment in the comments below other than that that does it for today but as always be sure to follow us on social media like our Twitter our Facebook and our Instagram links for those are in the description as always and if you like our videos please subscribe now see you guys next time when I talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,585,972
Rating: 4.8790269 out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Superman, Justice League, DC, DC Comics, comics, comic books, World Forger, Perpetua, Batman Villains, DC Villains, Doom, Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Scott Snyder, Variant Comics, Variant, Batsuit, Mech Suit, Batman Armor, Dark Knight, Dark Nights Metal
Id: qPftiVfFwxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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