Flash Forward "Flash Becomes a God" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome back to the full story series right here at comix Torian this is your home for narrated comic books brought to you by me Benny your narrator today we're gonna be bringing you all three parts of our flash-forward series that came out over the span of about four weeks this series is six issues and follows heroes in crisis giving us the story of what happened to Wally West Spacely he came back and rebirth went into heroes in crisis and then he went into this story redeeming himself from killing everyone around him that's right he killed a bunch of people so our story's going to open up with him in prison hope you guys enjoy [Music] throughout the great cosmos there have been beings tasked with watching and preventing calamities from spilling from one universe to the next the cosmic being known as tempest Huguenots sees something in the void a darkness one that threatens all creation as we know it this darkness is something that he has never seen before something no one has ever dared to imagine for every good thought in existence there is a dark and twisted opposite and those final moments a dark universe is created and this dark multiverse is forever destined to decay it's vile toxicity is bleeding outward onto the main 52 known DC universes tempest Huguenots remains steadfast in defending the darkness all his own but may all that ever was or all that ever will be have mercy on his soul for what he is about to do the multiverse needs a hero even if this hero might be the last person that anyone would ever expect and in a dark cell in the Blackgate supermax prison Wally West lays in his bed he lays there wearing a suppression collar not as punishment but for the safety of others Wally West's lost control of his powers and accidentally killed his best friend and many others and right now he is staring at the ceiling unable to sleep it's not even a possibility in dreams well he doesn't deserve them peace forgiveness redemption after everything that he has done all he deserves are the memories of this nightmare that he's made for himself hey guard bangs in the cell bars telling him that it's time to eat hero while he gets up leaving his cell scoffing telling himself right hero they had to put him somewhere before his trial and the only place that could contain him would be this place everyone here hates him though either he put his fellow inmates in here or he knows someone who did with that everyone is trying to make a name for themselves like double down and Wally welcomes it it's what he deserves why should he be able to walk this earth when others that he killed with his own hands can't but no it's never that easy and murmur makes sure of that murmur doesn't protect Wally out of compassion he did it so that Wally would live so that he would suffer as long as possible with his guilt Eddie does day or night they are there the memories the framing of innocent people for his own mistakes his time in sanctuary was supposed to help him heal but instead it broke him down who's ready to put his money where his mouth was killing a future version of himself to establish an alibi how crazy was he that all of that made sense at the time he tried to close his eyes and all he could see is them not just his past friends but Gurdurr trying to kill him in his sleep he quickly rolls out of his bed to avoid Gerdes attack only to be picked up by tar pit the two take turns beating into Wally punching him kicking him slamming his head into the ground but what they didn't take into account was accidentally breaking Wally suppression collar in less than a second the two bad guys are taken care of however maybe he should just give up this could be it and that's when a portal opens up and tempest fuga not steps through telling Wally that he cannot give up there is still some fight left in him while he asks who is he and tempest tells him his name and tells him that he has risked much just coming here my body grows a weak we must go there is much work the fastest man alive needs to do as the two men are pulled into the portal Wally looks around asking where is he what is this place why do they need him tempis explains of the orbs around them are pouring in from a dark world that refuses to die the darkness is seeping into other universes and corroding them and if they do nothing all will be lost well he says yeah sorry not interested even if I had the skillset to travel between universes and I don't I tried to hear a thing and a lot of people are dead because of it tempest laughs telling him that he only glimpsed into the power that he wields ever since he has become unmoored while he asks what does he mean by that and tempest tells him that there are no time for words I was not asking for help it is your destiny to serve the cosmos Wally West tempest releases a blast from his cosmic staff into Wally and before he even has a chance to react while he sees himself back in his uniform wallet because Dee yell no no no these clothes are everything I used to be I can't wear this and the light begins to shine and tempest tells him all the will be made clear good journey Wally West while he spins back to run towards a tempest but as he does a portal opens and Wally shoots straight through on the other side he stopped just before a beaten Superman and he asks who are you what is happening a Superman cost telling him my name is president Superman I cannot fall as Superman collapses Wally hurries ever catching him and Superman says you should not be here while he tells him that he certainly agrees with that um mr. president Superman why are we in the White House and why is everything destroyed Superman says I can't protect you from but just then a black fleshy creature burst through the walls roaring and Wally shouts right that we should get away from that wait what's the glowing stick maybe it was a gift from a certain someone so Wally holds out the rod that he was holding and it emits a blast that rips the creature apart but before he could even guess what happened to this world's Justice League of America's Batman tells him that if he attacks one of them you must face us all Superman tells him to stand down this man is an ally and right now there's no time to point fingers you need to tell me what happened before it's too late earlier while flying home on a self piloted bird plane one he was ambushed by an unidentified threat below and the grand Canidae found the assailants creatures of a fierce and incredible corrosive power a thick dark energy that even now he struggles to explain their savagery was unspeakable and their very touch felt like the death of world's once he got back to the Oval Office of solitude he learned that this dark energy comes from an alternate universe after running a simulation he found that if they don't stop these demon creatures they will take over the earth within the hour what's more Congress has authorized the launch of the anti-life bomb if they can't fight past the Dark Matter and stop the bomb within the next 15 minutes at the Grand Canyon millions will die in the blast radius Wally blast president Superman with the cosmic rod telling him at ease I'll stop this he begins door 1 yelling to tempus that he really could use a few more details here and a projection of tempest fuga not appears telling him that his mission is to seal the darkness with the staff but right now you are too late the anti-life bomb or the Dark Matter eating this world whatever you do millions will dive regardless you need to move on to the next world this one is a lost cause West Wally leaps off the cliff telling him well that's not gonna happen I'm here and I'm gonna stop this as he lands he's confronted by the retaliate errs but they're not happy about its presence Wally calls out to them asking if there isn't any way that they were just trust that he is a good guy and let him deal with the dark matter that they're standing on and he's got a staff it's like a whole thing American Crusader tells him there is a great darkness falling on our world it trails led us here we do not have the luxury of trust at this moment Wally charges through the American Crusader but before he can get far he's struck by lightning from Thunder rider and wind rider he falls to the ground asking not really too bad that lightning strike just supercharged me so I can give it back ten times harder he throws the Lightning back knocking the two out of the year and the giant blue behemoth stomps through shouting Bruno's brush Wally jumps over the swinging arm telling him I just want to do this light shoots out of the cosmic staff and into the black goop and it's spirals in a frenzy Thunder rider tells everyone that he's received a signal from their home world their earth is beginning to heal itself Wally then asks wait you're not from this world whatever the case this portal that's opening isn't gonna stay open forever if you're thinking that this is an opportunity to get back home then this is it and the retaliate errs all run into the portal while he tells himself that he needs to think he has six seconds until the anti-life bomb lands that isn't a lot of time even for him just then a fully healed president Superman flies down holding the bomb asking were you looking for this while I yells actually yeah glad to see the staff purged you of your dark energy Superman lands telling him I want to thank you for all that you've done you really are a symbol of hope while he sais telling him that he really wishes people would stop telling him that he's just glad that everyone's okay but he has to go president is Superman that asks what could we do to help you anything at all but before he could finish Wally takes off into a portal leaving the world behind elsewhere in the cosmos tempus few cannot watch's telling him that that was nicely done soon he will learn the real reason why he was chosen but he's not ready yet more worlds are on the brink of disaster but meanwhile on the dark world that won't die statues of the Fallen are constructed gnarrk commander steel arsenal the goon boy and so on a hand reaches out to touch the statue stating that they weren't here yesterday are these statues or gravestones iris West tells her twin brothers I that it'll be okay promise and joy says that he's scared remember when Daddy made that very same promise over in the Gotham of Earth forty two hundreds of people plummet into a glowing unknown as the ground splits apart Wally begins to run through the broken city catching these people asking what the hell is going on but before Wally could get an answer he hears something in the distance whistling as it gets closer it's at that moment that there's a loud explosion as a giant cruise ship crashes its way through the streets towards the people wallet begins to relocate the people again and a man asks if he can save us from them Wally tells him okay but he's gonna need some information here before he makes any promises he needs to know who them is before anyone could answer a deep voice from behind him says I am one of the aforementioned them otherwise known as the Justice League of vampires Wally looks back to see a vampiric Superman float down and he asks how is this a thing why aren't you helping the people falling to the streets Superman tells him because my people need to feed while he's sighs ah this is gonna get real old the last Superman I met was the President of the United States I liked him a whole lot better than you Wally runs in jumping and punching the vampires Superman over and over until he flies back into a wooden storage crate Wally then comes up with a great idea he certainly can't kill Superman but he can certainly trap him with a bunch of wooden sticks just as Wally begins to finish up at SuperSpeed the vampire flash of this world have runs up shouting soon the entire world will know the shadows belong to us Wally asks if it's no real Barry in the flash tells him I was Barry Allen and past-life the two speedsters zoomed through the city trying to fight one another but the more they run the more Wally starts to see things Barry's head changes into narcs then Roy's two of the individuals that he killed when he lost control of his powers this can't be real can it his mind his guilt it's all playing tricks on him is this the downside to being unmoored from reality as Wally snaps out of it the flash grabs him by the throat yelling it's over well before the flash could snap Wally's neck there's a thunk followed by several more thunks arrows begin to shoot into the Flash's neck and as the flash slowly begins to release his grip from Wally he tells Wally thank you and as Wally says you're welcome the Flash's body explodes into dust and a voice asks where did you come from Wally looks back to see the Arsenal of this world telling him it's a long story Roy thanks to the help but uh what's with all the vampires here arson I'll ask some what are you talking about it's been this way as long as I can remember Arsenal then Ames is crossbow at Wally asking and how did you know my name Wally tells him I'm from a different universe and our little tells him right well I only hunt the undead it says there's no more dead later as Arsenal jumps down into the alleyway wall he follows him telling him maybe I can help you Arsenal gets in his car asking is that right well the Justice League of the undead are feeling particularly sassy tonight maybe it has to do with why you're here might as well take the fight to Batman himself once ready Wally hops in and asks how did all of the heroes in your world turn into vampires could it be because of some mysterious black ooze an arsenal tells him that it's more depressing than that Batman used to be the best of the best until he decided to become a vampire in order to take down Dracula once Batman became a vampire well you can guess what happened next Wally not selling him the best sounds uncomfortably like the Batman of his world and soon the two sneak into the Batcave to find it covered in darkness leaking out of the dark world that won't die Arsenal asks if he's supposed to be scared of black lava lamps and Wally says the energy can destroy entire worlds devouring them in that's what wall-e is here to stump so Arsenal asks are you saying that these lava lamp things aren't gonna pop at the business end of my arrows while I takes out the cosmic staff and just as he gets ready to release its energy a Batarang flies by knocking it out of his hand vampire Batman plunges out of the ceiling shouting I've analyzed this material and I could use it to sustain an entire world of vampires no longer will we need to depend on human cattle for sustenance Arsenal covers wall-e yelling for him to grab the magic stick but as well he gets his hands on it Batman swipes and rips into Arsenal's chest wall-e calls out to Roy as he runs towards Batman few seconds later Batman screams and pain and Wally vibrates into his heart using his own nuclear reactor kids this is why you never play with nuclear reactors that should keep him trapped long enough to figure out how to cure you of your vampirism Batman but once they've got Batman secured while they runs back to Arsenal telling him to hang on but Arsenal asks if he's new to this or something every time they put on the mask every time it could be their last well he says no I failed you again Roy Arsenal grabs Wally's hand telling him no you didn't take away my choice live die did it all my eyes open wally west this arsenal takes his last breath well he holds him crying over his friend all over again and tempest watches from the cosmos telling himself that over the years he has done so many unsavory deeds in the name of the fuga nuts never has he had to reignite the flame within a hero like this the next incursion point while he finds himself in the middle of her thirteen and earth 32 the darkness of these worlds is trying to force the worlds to come together causing each planets heroes to fight each other thinking the other one is the threat but while the two factions are going at it Wally finds himself at the mercy of the super demon Etrigan that you're getting squeezes down but as he feels his grip slipping he says uh-huh for my grip you are vibrating while he falls out telling him that he would love to stick around and hear what he could possibly rhyme that with but he's got to run his wallet begins to head to where he drops the cosmic staff as he grabs it a white light speeds by snatching it from him while it looks up to see his wife Linda twirling the staff telling him that he's too slow no one is faster than lights ignoring everything else while he jumps up grabbing or shutting Linda Linda asks who are you while he shouts it's me the flash your husband she vibrates through him telling him well that's just creepy I don't know who you think I am but I'm not that person however given that today is all sorts of crazy I won't hold that against you but she does have a few questions to ask and if she doesn't like the answers she'll snap the stupid stick in half Wally jumps up taking Linda by the hand telling her that he can't let her do that just run with him into the Speed Force for a bit it'll all make sense so after a few moments Linda says that she doesn't know who he is but something tells her that he's not going to screw her over together the two of them make their stops to push the darkness back so much so that the darkness actually releases its grip on the two planets finally the two stop running and Linda shouts whew never push the limits of speed like that before it was like something was controlling the Speed Force and when we were there I got to see bits of your life in your world I may never be that Linda but you know so much about our powers maybe when this is over we could while they smiles telling her that he's sorry and all of the multiverse there's only one woman that he loves Linda kisses him before he goes telling him good luck and as he takes off to head to the next incursion point he crosses over into the next world and he sees that it isn't an earth at all it's the first incursion the statues of fallen heroes all stare at Wally and Wally shouts asking what is this why am I here why am I getting the feeling that I was the only person who could pull this off a voice from behind says daddy after hearing the familiar voice Wally races over as he takes his mask off hogging giant iris iris says daddy you have to do something for us Wally tells her of course princess anything anything to have you back and iris points off into the distance yelling one as iris points off in the distance yelling of run wally looks up at a giant wave of darkness running towards them stating I'll never leave not without you IRA shouts that he doesn't understand they have tried to leave so many times before but every time that wave of Darkness stops them Wally tells her daddy's here now and that makes all the difference in the the wave crashes down on a three begin to try and get ahead of it but hands are reaching out grabbing iris and Jai pulling the back while he stops to help his kids but the more that he struggles to free them the stronger the pull from the darkness becomes with iris yelling that it's cold but iris and Jays voices are drowned out by the darkness as it slams into Wally he closes his eyes to remember the life that he once had and as the darkness spits him back out he screams Tempest no more mysteries no more half answers what is this thing I was convinced I was doing good but now this is affecting my family why did you bring me here to this world just to lose my kids again tempest appears before him telling him you misunderstand you've made it this far because you were finally able to understand the truth about why this planet must be destroyed why out of a billion trillion life forms you alone are but before a tempest could finish Wally speeds up around him punching and yelling that is enough are you out of your celestial mind those are my kids as the cosmic staff shines in the distance Wally runs over to it to try and push back the darkness out of this world but as he uses it the darkness continues to spread this can't be it this has to work I just have to push a little bit harder because to run faster than he's ever moved before faster than light and thought running around the globe to purge the darkness of the light he could do this he is Wally West the fastest father in the multiverse and as the light begins to cover the planet something stops Wally he trips any false asking what force was able to stop him and that's when he sees it the Mobius chair the chair of infinite knowledge and it's empty the chair is supposed to know the answer to everything right right so give me the answers that tempest won't why am I here why me Wally reaches out to the chair and just as his fingers touch it he sees it there are no words but he can feel the answers he can taste them on the tip of his soul instances before the flashpoint the event that changed everything were gone they were pulled from his hands from reality at the same time he was thrown into the Speed Force where he ran forever he was always going to be trapped until until until he was no longer a part of one thing and in that instant he became unmoored he is one with nothing and everything all at once he's not a part of this timeline but he's a part of every timeline everything at the same time Wally pulls his hand back and tempest tells him that it is more than even he can decipher at once be grateful that it did not require him to sit this time Wally says that it makes no sense he could have changed this much and not remember it and tempest goes on telling him that the information has always been in his head he simply rejected it his family was taken from him his comrades died because of him he was broken while he shouts asking then what is the point of all of this some cosmic quest to put me back together and tempest yells you know why you figured it out Wally screams you want me to do your dirty work you want me to kill this world and tempest tells him it's more than that it can only be destroyed by you because you are the one that created it as soon as tempest says that Wally knows it to be true he could feel it in his art this dark world was created by Wally's greatest fear losing his kids losing Jai and iris this is all his fault and he can see that now Wally falls to his knees yelling that the price he's asking there's no way not now not ever some time passes and while it takes time to appreciate the smaller things in life when he isn't racing around saving reality from being devoured by dark fighting alongside president Superman are watching a ving Pyrrhic Barry Allen turned to dust he's sitting back enjoying lunch with his kids there have been so many alternate versions of the people that he loved and cared about but this right here right now IRA Sanjaya real his light his life he can feel it in his soul he can feel it in his heart and at long last he is no longer the fastest man alive Wally West is the happiest father alive iris says that she's sorry about dinner but they've had to scavenge for food since they got here and don't judge but she never thought she'd miss broccoli Wally wipes the sauce on the side of his mouth telling her that he would never and Wally just spends time with his children and the Mobius chair it waits along with the dying tempest fuga not tempest has seen the entire universe rise from a speck of dust he thought he'd seen it all but he was wrong nothing could have prepared him for the end of everything no not a thought that it would only take one dark world refusing to die to create such an apocalyptic Malstrom over time these worlds wither and die every dark world except this one he enlisted Wally West the singularity in all of the multiverse to prevent this one world from bringing about the destruction of every other because it was Wally West would inadvertently created this world from his own darkest fears that he would never see his children again but if he could not bear the weight of what he must do within reality itself must pay so as Wally puts his kids to bed he gives them a kiss on the forehead telling himself no not yet tempest tells him the time has come if he doesn't find a way to make things right now while he stops him I know the multiverse will be consumed by dark matter Tempest goes on telling him the Mobius chair will overwhelm all of your senses both hearts and mind with pure knowledge any capacity for emotion passion love human connection will elude you forever every part of your mind will be filled with all information that the Mobius chairs acquired until now with infinitely more to come never be no secrets to you Wally looks at the chair thinking out loud that there won't be any room in his head for anything else no thoughts of Linda his wife his children iris and joy not even room for himself in his own tempis tells him that is correct sit in the chair this world will fall the multiverse will heal itself Wally then says that before he does this he must promise him one thing when this planet Falls tempest iris and joy will be free they need to go back home tempest tells him it will be done while he holds out tempest his staff telling him thank you for giving me the strength to remember the man that I was before well before for giving me the power to save those different worlds on my way here and thank you for one last perfect day with my kids Tempest tells him that result you the staff had no power at all ever all it did was channeled the hope of a good man the hope that will always be in your heart while he puts on his mask as he gets ready to sit and Irish and I wake up calling out for their father as the to run out of the tent a giant hand from tempest fuga not stops them wally takes a hard look at the chair and as he sits down he looks back at his kids telling them I'll always love you and but before he could finish that statement everything fades as the knowledge of everything flows into Wally West the dark world begins to crumble and iris yells that they have to save her father and Tempest tells her that he is afraid that your father is saving you without his sacrificed countless realities would be devoured by the dark matter your father stopped that from happening with his dark world of blue Nevada countless other aberrations fall in its wake as Wally's dark world implodes the skies filled with dozens of worlds and galaxies all booming with light and life from his sacrifice shy asks to Daddy do that and iris says he did what he always does the right thing iris that asks what happens next in Tempest tells her that he's going to keep a promise and over in Central City Linda hears a loud foosh and runs to the window to see what's happening and that's when she realized what's outside and she begins to cry she rushes out to hug her children and somewhere so when a father watches they are Wally West no they were Wally West Wally West and something more we are the möbius chair a single perfect vessel of infinite knowledge we see the beings who have sat in this chair throughout history we see Batman Owlman Metron we see Metro on destroyed obliterated by a man by dr. Manhattan the same man who touched the chair and shared his power with this chair dr. Manhattan his creation he is doomsday he is the clock ticking on the multiverse we share his vision speeding across time and space it is impossibly alien gets so familiar we have been here before even though we have not every thought ever race --is through our mind and then another mind reaches across the void kindred spirits and in an instant we are more than wall-e more than the möbius chair more than anyone who has ever been since the creation of the Mobius chair each has been content to observe but today is a new day a new vocation a new me and there you have it the flash-forward series now we're probably gonna do a Wally West rebirth like full story six months to a year down the road where we kind of combine his rebirth appearance with heroes in crisis with this storyline but now he's dr. Manhattan and that is the storyline that is coming out well it was supposed to come out of May but with everything happening with Kovan 19 it's gotten pushed back so we don't really know what's going on with that so what's the full wally west rebirth storyline is told we'll be able to tell you that in a full story but I'll see you guys next time right here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 701,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, flash, the flash, reverse flash, the flash season 6, the flash 6x16, the flash season 6 episode 17, the flash 6x17, venom 2 trailer, avengers endgame, 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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