Top 10 Strongest Iron Man Suits - Part 2

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with at least 68 main continuity iron man suits in the marvel universe it's no surprise that there are a lot we wouldn't remember off the top of our heads the earlier iterations would likely be a little worse for wear when it comes to technological advancements but hey that doesn't mean that they're not up there in terms of strength what is going on all you nerdy folk out there my name is jack welcome back to top 10 nerd and thank you so much for tuning into part two of our top 10 strongest iron man suits list now if you haven't checked out part one i highly recommend you do so just so you can get caught up to speed on who we've already talked about it can be found on our top 10 marvel playlists or just as easily under videos on our channel you definitely already guessed it but today we're going to be taking a look at some more of the strongest suits that tony stark has ever created so without further ado let's get right into it number 10 mark 66 trapped and alone in 1 million bc we see our tony stark birth 616 forced to build a new suit from the materials around him in order to survive dub the ice armor mark 66 is powered by some vibranium batteries that he was able to salvage from the extremist armor however it isn't capable of a whole lot considering how low-tech it is the armor seemed to only have very basic offensive capabilities firing icicles from a wrist cannon it was capable of repulsor blasters as well but the more vibranium power the armor used the more it melted because you know it's made of ice as for defensive capabilities the armor actually did a decent job because it allowed tony to survive going toe-to-toe with mephisto but was quickly melted as a result of firing a massive energy blast to use the time stone take a look at this icy armor for yourself in 2020's avengers vol 8 number 31 number 9 bio armor mark 1. hailing from earth 55 921 comes a tony stark with a bit of an interesting twist maria stark got bit by a monkey when she was pregnant with tony and contracted a regenerative virus that mutated tony's body in a pretty terrible way his body grew some additional neural tissue throughout his body meaning that his entire body was treated like a brain so he was incredibly smart but in constant pain due to over stimulation upon his birth his dad coated his skin in a bacterial bio armor in order to protect his skin fast forward a little bit we see tony working on his own versions of the iron man technology and he became the tony stark that we all know and love besides the you know whole my body is a brain thing aside from just being a shield for tony's chronic pain the suit is also capable of flight repulsor blasters has a thought scrambler that can temporarily shut down all mental functions and can even cut off superpowered beings from using their powers this suit does actually have its limitations though as it feeds directly off its user which doesn't really matter too much for tony since his entire body regenerates but if anyone else use it they would be in some serious trouble check it out for yourself starting with its first appearance in 2005's ultimate iron man number one number eight overload armor appearing in the what if marvel series we have a tony stark of earth 64 894 and his overload armor after his fursuit proved to be a pretty much a success tony decided to patent his new technology and sell it off to the world but this proved to be a bit of a problem because it created this huge arms race between governments and effectively ended the age of heroes since naturally powered heroes couldn't keep up with the new tech enhanced ones because of this tony became a bit of a loner and sealed himself off because he feared that he would get hurt or even killed for the outcome of his actions but he never stopped working on new tech just to stay ahead of the game this is where the overload armor came into play a massive suit that tony used to absorb all of magneto's magnetic powers causing the suit to explode and envelop the planet in an energy wave that would render all of his tech useless sending the world back into the dark age after fighting with magneto and his acolytes tony made up for his sins by not only taking down the villains but also by forcing the world in a very nice way to use their funds for less harmful technology check out this suit for yourself starting with 1994's what if volume 2 number 64. number 7 anti-transformer armor coming to us from earth 7642 the crossover earth that gave us some great stories like hulk vs superman uncanny x-men vs teen titans and of course new avengers and transformers made out of carbonite nanotube transistors and powered by 15 amperes this armor was created when tony heard some rumors that giant alien robots iev transformers were hiding out on earth it was transformer sized and made specifically for combat with them but the armor wasn't fully combat ready at the time it saw action though it had severe energy management issues specifically it was extremely energy intensive and ran low on power very quickly additionally it was also prone to overload of power was supplied from an outside source nevertheless though it served iron man well in his confrontation with the decepticons but was ultimately beheaded by megatron and iron man then exited the oversized suit and continued combat in his extremist armor funnily enough after the battle was over tony thought about what improvements he could make for another anti-transformer suit planning to make it even bigger than the last check it out for yourself starting with its first appearance in 2007's new avengers transformers number two number six mark 45 deep space armor for a brief period of time stark traveled out into space to work with the guardians of the galaxy innovative understanding what was happening in the cosmos just a little bit better in order to do so he needed to create a suit that not only allowed him to survive the harshness of space but also allowed him to move around with ease the deep space armor that he created is absolutely incredible as it's capable of traveling at warm spree for interplanetary travel featured upgraded versions of all his normal weapons and came equipped with an armor extension similar to the hulkbuster armor known as the saturn v armor specifically designed for landing on harsher planets the suit also came equipped with the upgraded pepper ai system which was capable of taking over the suit in case of emergencies and it had the stark omniversal multitasking software installed in a meeting that tony could control all the suits on earth from light years away this suit is one of the most adaptable models tony has ever created and i highly recommend you check it out for yourself starting with its first appearance in 2013's ironman volume five number five number five mark 48 cold iron armor another suit coming from the mind of tony stark of earth 616 is the cold iron armor formerly known as mark 48. it was first used by him after a stealth mission gone wrong and stark found himself in need of some reinforcement at first glance it doesn't look all that powerful in the conventional sense but that's because it's specifically designed for the interaction with the magic realm rather than the human realm what was otherwise a regular iron man suit was altered with the help of the magician siobhan haldane who basically created something to help stark survive in the world of the dark elves the suit itself is made of cold metal so just touching it weakens the dark elves and it can also fire weapons made of that same iron allowing the armored avenger to live up to his name just a little bit more while being effective against the things that have a weakness to that material all in all this makes him deadly enough for the elves who normally for mortals are a big threat and that is why the suit is on our list today check it out for yourself in 2014's iron man volume 5 number 24. number four mark 29 extremist yep that is right i'm actually talking about the extremist armor this time in an attempt to take down the extremist-powered malin tony did the only logical thing he could think of inject himself with a modified dose of extremist tequila's injuries and allow him to pilot a suit that he'd been working on that was a bit tougher and a lot lighter than anything else he had built before the modified dose allowed the crucial undersheets of the iron man suit to be super compressed and stored in the hollows of tony's bones the undersheets became directly wired to tony's brain which allowed him to control the new iron man armor with thought and even interface with other technologies as one of tony's more famous and recognizable suits you probably already know a bit about it and what it's capable of but i'm going to give you the rundown anyways this suit was capable of regeneration for both the suit and its wearers could be piloted remotely allowed tony to access pretty much any form of technology could time travel and was pretty adaptable as the neural net would not only protect the wearer from super powered attacks but could also simulate them also can't forget that it came equipped with the standard unibeam pulse bolts and flight ability as well why not check it out for yourself starting with 2005's iron man volume four number four number three mark 38 uru armor making its debut in the fiery self story line the uru armor also known as the iron destroyer was an enchanted bleeding edge armor that was based off the destroyer enhanced with asgardian magic and covered in asgardian uru metal during the war of the serpent odin vorsen let stark have access to the forges and created an arsenal of u weapons to combat the enemy forces raising the earth in order to acquire his own enhancements tony emerged these systems lb bleeding edge armor with uru turning it into the iron destroyer until the end of the battle this specific suit's capabilities are not entirely known but since it is an improvement on the bleeding edge armor then we can only assume it still has all the capabilities of that suit such as regeneration that whole energy blade and deflector shields thing and of course the normal weaponry that you would expect now just imagine all of that coupled with the almighty power of asgardian magic and a near indestructible medal that would make for one ridiculously op suit so why not check it out for yourself in 2011's fear itself number seven and let me know what you think of it in the comments below number two mark 68. now if you're not familiar with the more recent ironman storyline don't worry i will not spoil too much of it for you but just in case you don't want to know anything about it you might want to skip ahead a little bit after tony finally realized he was the real tony stark it's weird i know but it makes sense in context trust me he started working on this specific suit using all the virtual resources available to him what sets his suit apart from his other suits is that it's not actually made of metal or any matter at all this suit is composed of solid holograms from the east escape this allows tony to create any weapon he could possibly think of including repulsor beams and unibeams the armor also augments tony's strength to the point where he could easily rip apart the armor of his brother arno now defensively the armor can protect against any standard weapons like missiles and unconventional ones like repulsor beams as well i think the best way to sum up the suit is with a quote from tony stark himself come on arnold still making armor out of metal i'll bury 20 20. i'm a futurist my new suit's made of an entire world the escape solid hologram virtual armor it's only my limit my imagination take a look at this armor for yourself starting with 2020's iron man 2020 volume 2 number five and number one zirin armor making its debut in what if newer fantastic four a new iteration of the fantastic four was introduced to us made up of iron man spider-man wolverine and the hulk this iteration goes up against thanos as they are apparently the best chance of taking them down and they do actually succeed with wolverine cutting off his arm but anyways i'm going to focus on the xeron suit now when xeron the tester of these celestials was murdered by thanos via the use of the infinity gauntlet the newer fantastic four brazilians armed through their modified negative zone portal where tony stark and bruce banner who had been permanently separated from the hulk at the time could study it properly after learning that the celestials controlled their armor via sheer willpower and thought alone tony managed to adjust the armor to respond to human thought and linked it to the negative zone using mr fantastic's technology and then took control of the armor and made it his own the actual capabilities of this suit are not fully known but with the vast cosmic powers it should possess the armor is able to withstand planet shattering impacts with ease and the armor is able to withstand strikes from nuclear warheads and is said to even be more powerful than some of the celestials out there and not to mention it's said to be even more power than the god killer mark ii if you've got any more info on the suit please let me know in the comments below i am honestly in love with it and would love to know some more for now though check it out for yourself in 2009's what if new or fantastic four that'll be it for this video everyone if i still miss one of your favorite iron man suits that you think is incredibly strong let me know in the comments below and maybe we will throw together a part 3 for y'all if you haven't already subscribe to top 10 nerd to stay up to date on all things nerdy and while you're at it why not ring that notification bell so you know whenever we upload a video as always my name is jack thank you all so much for watching and make sure to stay nerdy my friends [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 155,159
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10, top, top 10 nerd, iron man, iron man snaps his fingers, iron man suit, iron man armor, iron man alternate suits, iron man suits up, iron man suits evolution, alternate versions, iron man tony stark, iron man 1, iron man 2, iron man 3, iron man avengers, avengers, avengers endgame, mcu, marvel, mcu iron man, avengers endgame iron man, iron man arc reactor, top ten nerd, tony stark, superhero, superheroes, marvel's avengers, avengers game, marvel avengers, comics, list
Id: hV81NDpYSLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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