Top 10 Recipes You Need To Learn From Chef Jean-Pierre!

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well hello there friends today special video different concept today we put a compilation of a collage if you will of my 10 favorite video on the channel since we started a couple of years ago and those are very important I want to make sure they become part of your uh repertoire if you will so we're going to start them all and they all have a good special reason for instance the first one is going to be the chicken scallopini Milanese you're going to say oh it's a big deal it is one of my favorite chicken and frowana is the most often to begin with but it's a very important technique then you need to learn how to write it correctly and also we take the chicken breast and we cut it in half I'll show you how to make a scallopini out of it and in that same video I'll show you how to make a beautiful lemon butter sauce so this is going to be the first one I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you after the chicken Milanese to introduce the next video okay friends we're gonna make chicken scallopini Milanese scallopini this is one of my favorite way to make chicken you guys gotta you have to learn to make this this is so simple you're not gonna believe it really really good first we want to get a chicken breast and when you get a chicken breast this is way too thick you see this is very too thick so we need to make it thinner all right so the first thing we're going to do because everybody's been asking me how do you get chicken so thin very simple friends okay if you look at it this is the outside of the chicken this is the inside of the chicken put the outside on your cutting board you want to make sure it's flat because if you go this way you can't see what's on the other side here you know what's on the other side it's flat all right so you can see right there right so now friends we're gonna go in we're gonna cut this out just like this you need a slicer it'll help you if you have a one of them big slices like that it helps it so what you're going to do you're gonna go up and down up and down up and down and you're going to slice okay simple look put your hand on top and don't worry it's not like the knife is gonna come and get you okay as long as you keep your fingers out of the way look it's very simple right you put it on top like that and you go up and down up and down look how simple that is see a child could do this you don't have to be Julia Child any child I promise you look look look look go up and down go up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down and look at this you got two perfect scallopini of chicken you see simple numbers okay so now what are we gonna do we're gonna put them in flour all right simple and and and do do yourself a favor please friends sanitize sanitize I have a rag right here with a little soap and I have a touch of bleach in my water you remember I always work with a little bit of bleach in my what if I'm doing any kind of protein okay any kind of fish any kind of meat any kind of poultry I make sure I have a little bit of soap and a little bit of bleach in my water like a cup full of look I'll show you I'll show you for this this big bucket right there it's about a gallon and a half of water right I put a little bit of bleach like a cup full of bleach and a little soap very little bit just enough to sanitize it doesn't smell any more than my pool water okay at least it's sanitized because if you don't sound like just soap in there you need to sanitize your cutting board a little bit of bleach is not going to hurt it as long as you don't put a gallon of bleach in there just the and barely enough to smell it okay all right so now look guys we're gonna take the chicken and uh we're gonna put them in flour we got salt and pepper in a flour okay salt and pepper and flour just a little bit you don't need a lot right and then you're gonna dredge them and the reason why you're doing this is because the the egg is not gonna stick the the egg would not stick uh um to the chicken if the chicken is wet so the flour dries it out okay if you can't put flour for some reason you're cooking for somebody you can't have any flour just dry the chicken really good with paper towels and then you can skip the flour there you see or if you know diet you cannot fly you know you never know all right so look guys we're gonna take it we're gonna put it in the egg this is just a egg then it's broken and salt and pepper okay and then we're gonna take it and we're gonna put it in a breadcrumb in a break not not a regular breakfast man this is a panko panko a Japanese breadcrumb and uh and uh a little bit of herb de Provence and a little bit of Parmigiano-Reggiano just to put it in there don't go out there measuring just a little bit of dry herbs if you don't have herb de Provence okay you want to use dry herbs a little bit don't be putting some fresh herbs in there it's a dry breadcrumb right well I'm talking well I'm talking I'm gonna get my um uh my uh fry pan ready with my olive oil and today I'm using an Orica lemon olive oil because I'm going to make a little lemon sauce for that okay temperature is 365. it's very important to get it to the right temperature if you go in the cold oil the breadcrumb is going to soak it all up and it's going to get soggy instead of nice and crispy if you don't have a digital thermometer like this just pay attention to your oil you kind of know when it's um when it's about the the it's about to to smoke which is not good we don't want that because extra virgin olive oil olive oil has a low smoke point but we're going to put some cold chicken here so we're not gonna burn the oil so just be careful make sure it's not you'll feel it and you'll see the oil is starting to Shimmer a little bit that's when it's at the right temperature okay and uh if if you don't have one of those they're easy to get it's a digital thermometer then measure the temperature of the oil like I said we want to make sure it's nice and I'm hot when we put it in so then the breadcom doesn't soak it all up and become all soggy we like it to be crispy so here we go we'll put it in here you put it in here and and remember the rules you don't touch it you just leave it in there just for a second long enough they get a nice and golden brown and it's going to take about a a minute a minute and a half we're just going to wait until it's golden brown and then we're going to flip it okay all right so a couple minutes uh don't wait too long just to double check it and see look look look see how beautiful it is I like it when it's slightly light golden brown like that just a little bit okay not too much no don't go ahead and burning it there's just enough all right and uh and then what we're gonna do friends we're gonna do it on that side just a little bit okay you can do a little bit more if you like it and then I'm gonna put them on a cookie sheet lined with the silpad silicone don't go out there cooking an aluminum now all right and we're going to take him you see right there turn the heat off and we're going to put them on that silicone and we're going to finish cooking them in the oven all right because it's a little thick to cook in uh in a fry pan the whole way if you cook it and ripen the whole way by the time you cook the inside of it the outside to be a little too cooked right so we're just going to take it and we're going to pop it in the oven and we're going to make a quick little sauce okay while we while we pop them in the oven we're gonna go make a quick little salt so you know what I do if I have um um if I'm doing this in advance if I'm doing this in advance friends uh I make the chicken in advance and I got it ready to go on a cookie sheet whenever I'm ready for dinner I pop it in the oven lunch dinner brunch whatever it is Right today I'm going to make a little sauce just to show you how make a little lemon sauce with capers but you could just squeeze lemon on it and put it on a salad it'll be delicious sometimes I serve the tomato sauce with the marinara sauce it's delicious it's really really simple think about what I just did right look how quick that was right one one two three boom all right so you can skip the sauce if you don't want to make the sauce but I'll show you how to make a quick little lemon sauce very simple right we got shallots we got lemon juice we got lemon zest we're gonna put a lemon zest in there friends um and and then we're going to put a little bit of chicken stock uh maybe just a little bit of cream what do you what do you think and and butter we're gonna put butter we're gonna put butter friends without butter now some people said to me you're putting too much butter too much butter mom mommy this is not too much butter is good for you and and everybody's always asking me about my emotional support um Butterball but I love watching my about it but it's good for you okay so here we go folk a little bit of shout out Sam you know shout out to put onion it'll be perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with onion okay let me get a spoon all right so onion will be great shallots shout outs are a little more delicate than onion but the part of the lily family same deal it's a bulb boob boob uh he said bulb so um and um all right so we saute the shallots and we're gonna put a little bit of wine a little bit of Chardonnay don't be cooking with the wine you're not willing the drink okay I'm gonna put just a little bit of wine and let it reduce yeah remember don't be cooking with the wine you're not willing to drink it doesn't get any better after you cook it I try to throw it just to people like oh I buy crappy wine it's only for cooking or then go buy crappy fish it's only for cooking I mean think about that right ah it's for crappy wine it's just for cooking I'm Mama Mia all right a little lemon juice fresh lemon juice and you want to use a lemon zest this is a microplane grater okay everybody so many Ding Dongs are there use this tool the wrong way they use it this way that is not how you use it they take the lemon and they go like this okay you see them all doing it drive me nuts look okay so you go like this yeah okay yeah it's through together now what do you do next you gotta Aim so you gotta aim right there so you don't go to the same place you don't want to get the pit the piece of the white part so this is not how you use you don't put the lemon on top of the tool you put the tool on top of the lemon and look look pay attention look at this you see her much better I never go to the same place twice and let's see how fast I go I go and guess what happened the two friends is design right there to hold all of the lemon zest or the orange or the lime or whatever Citrus you're doing you see look look how cool that is you see what it is right so now what you do boom you put it in the pot okay how simple was that put it in a pot okay so now now we got acid in there right I said we're gonna put a little bit more here hey Capers Capers Capers Capers Capers are wonderful you know what a caper is everybody thinks they're part of the olive they have nothing to do with olive the the Capers is a um is the flower Bud of the Kappa Bush which means if allowed to grow becomes a nice or white flower you know I always say what were they smoking when they come up with the idea of Capers hey before he becomes a flower let's take it let's put it in the brine so we can eat it three months from now they have to be smoking something strange they come up with that idea right but it's fabulous right little camper little lemon juice right here if you make a lot of sauce let's say you're making for like a few people you can add a little bit of chicken stock in there just a little bit of chicken if you're making a lot of volume I'm not making a lot of onion I only got two scallopini in there so what I can do is I can put a touch of cream what is the cream gonna do look you know remember the guy be our reason the cream is fat and what does the fat do fat helps you offset the acidity fat help you offset the acidity remember that right that is why we're gonna put butter in there we're gonna wait for it to get a little thicker we're gonna let it reduce and then we're gonna add butter and I'm gonna show you how to add the butter correctly okay so we're gonna wait for this to reduce all right now I'm fine I'm gonna put the batter I gotta show you the right way to do it the right way to do it for Don't Be Afraid now butter is a friend you don't have to put butter if you don't want to put butter but I I do so look thinking about it take the heat off take the heat off why do you want to turn the heat off because if you don't turn the heat off you know what happened the bottle will separate and becomes oily we don't want that remember butter fat milk salad and water that's what the butter is and if you boil it it's separate it because look look look at this look at this you know if you have a little chopped parsley put it in here I just up into Epsom look at this let me tell you something folks that sauce right there on fish on chicken you're gonna rub it on your body do whatever you want look at it that beautiful or what let me tell you friends this is a build order for lemon pepper sauce we're gonna put on top of the chicken all right let's get the chicken out of the oven and then we're going to make a nice little plate okay all right I'm gonna take it out of the oven and uh oh yeah baby it's double checking to make sure it's cooking up but look at this you look beautiful right so now we're gonna do we're gonna take it we're gonna put one in the plate just like this I'm going to make a very simple plate eh nothing fancy like I said I made a lemon sauce today because I had nothing else to do all right like I said I'm gonna put a sauce on it folks put a nice little sauce in there you can just keep putting that sausage skip it put the sauce on it and you can put it on lemon juice in there it'll be delicious I promise you I have it like that all the time okay and then we're gonna make um we're gonna put a rugula salad on top I made a little vinaigrette there's a video right there on a vinaigrette very simple vinaigrette right little oil and a little vinegar good vinaigrette now remember a little salt and pepper voila and I'll put this right on top of it arugula salad on top let me tell you something friends this is delicious this is simple one two three anybody can make this you can oh come back over here you right you can uh decorate the plate if you want with a little bit of sauce right there on the side you see very simple okay you can just do this with a couple Caper in there and make it look pretty but very simple chicken scallopini Milanese my friends look how beautiful that is okay let's test it you know it should be tender enough or layer look at it I can cut it with a fork um delicious you got to try this is my favorite chicken I love it well I hope you enjoyed that chicken Milanese so now I'm going to show you how to do a pork tenderloin to Perfection you probably have had a pork chop or a pork loin or a pork tenderloin that was dry in the past and the reason is because it's not Brian in this video I'm going to show you how to brine it correctly so it's moist and tender and also I'm going to show you how to stuff it with a spicy Italian sausage and I'm also going to show you how to tie it with a butcher twine like a professional butcher I hope you enjoyed the video and I see you at the end of it all right friends I'm going to show you how to make this pork tenderloin it's wonderful the first thing we want to do is you want to brine your pork tenderloin friends and brining it means putting it in salt water I put molasses in there I put juniper berry then I crack I crack my juniper berry in there gives a little flavor to it don't worry about too much flavoring your brine the reason why you're brining is because you want to introduce moisture see Jennifer Berry just take them out of there they give a nice little strange flavor you'll see it's really cool you don't have them don't worry about them you don't need them it's not necessary it's one of those Chef things and it's uh if you got them great if you don't have them don't worry about it it's very important to brine have you ever had a dry pork chop you know everybody say yeah I got him pork loin pork tenderloin pork is very lean no no fat than pork right and that makes it very dry I mean I've had pork chops that were so dry and you break your teeth in it it's so dry so what we want to do is we want to introduce moisture that is why you brine the purpose of brining is to introduce let me tell you after you eat a pork tenderloin or a pork chop or a pork loin then your brine you'll never not do it again I promise you you do it one time you'll never not do it again this will be as moist as tender as delicious as if tenderloin of beef promise you make sure you dry it really good now because I'm going to put a rub on it a little bit of a dryer up to give it a little flavor if you do a plain pork tenderloin you want to put a dry rub on it okay if you're doing a stuffed boat then they're on like we're gonna do right now you don't really need one but I'm gonna do another one another recipe where I put a dry rub and you want to make sure it's super super dry when you do that otherwise what's going to happen it's going to be like mud in there okay so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to cut this in half and I'm going to Butterfly okay it's very simple you see if you look at it right there this is pretty thick and it's very thin so we're going to take the thin side and we're going to cut it take the thin side and we're going to cut it in half just like this and you're going to flip it open you see look and when it's brined it's going to have that pink beautiful color in there see beautiful pink color beautiful right so now what I want to do what I need to do friends is I need to pound it so we're going to clean this up and excuse me one second I gotta get my sanitized towel right there than I have that I use all the time a little bit of bleach water because I cannot stand working in a dirty space I'm going to move this out of the way for now and then I'm going to put a plastic film on there okay and you notice I left my cutting board a little wet and that's part of the deal we're going to take a pork tenderloin I'm going to put it right there let me get my clean rag also right and then we're going to take another piece of film a little white on top of it let's get rid of this so we don't have it in the middle and then we take a meat pounder and then we're going to pound it very simple right look a child could do this this right there folks is good if you're going to cook or any road kale possums raccoons anything you want to use this if you have to use this don't eat it okay whatever it is now make sure the end see the ends that's the end right there a thinner than the middle you're gonna understand why in a minute all right so far so good now what we're going to do I tell you what we're gonna do we're going to leave this table right here for now we got sausage right there I got some walnuts and this is a spicy Italian sausage so it's got a little kick to it it's delicious a little bit of apricot I will call dry apricot you don't have dry apricot don't worry don't put dry apricot a little bit of cilantro then we're gonna cut roughly cut just a little bit of cilantro I don't need a lot I wait the last second to chop it obviously you can see I forgot to chop it that's okay it'll be fine it'll be just fine right there see all right now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take my my magical glove and then I'm gonna mix this with my hand just like this see just like this you can certainly do it with your hand it's your food You're Gonna Eat It you're not going to eat my food so I could certainly do it because I'm gonna eat this but somehow I just think it's better if we do this right so I got salt and pepper and a sausage so I don't need salt and pepper in there okay this is perfectly seasoned already a sausage is spicy Italian it's delicious the right amount the right amount of uh you buy this in a good Italian Market all right so now we're done with this we got a sausage now we're going to take a film out of there the bottom layer all right so far so good so far easy right you'll notice a little salt and pepper on the pork tenderloin because that didn't come season so we're going to make sure we comb it like that now we're going to take that sausage let me get a spoon to put the sausage in there and we're going to put it in in the middle you see just like this all right this was about two links of the sausage you don't want to put too much in there friends because if you put too much you're not going to be able to close it so as much as you want to put a lot like you would want to put all this right I know you you want to put the whole thing and then you can't close it right so make sure we got good we did all right so let me get rid of all this garbage right there so we have a clean place to work so now this is when we do it friends and it's not complicated okay look you close the end tap tap tap close the end remember we made them thinner right right now we take the uh the plastic and we use it like we're gonna make a sushi see look look look look a child could do this you see look take the plastic out because they don't taste so good okay they're gonna plastic out right look at this look at this right make sure you get your plastic out right look at that check it out take it out take it out right look at that no go like this roll it tight tight make sure it's all out on the side tight tight and then oh look you grab it right there and you roll it see look at this a child could do this pretty easy right you see I don't do anything complicated now what do we do I'll show you this is the the idea is to to make this in advance friends see so now look you got a beautiful sausage right there look hey so let's say then um let's say then you did it and it's not perfectly closed you see we got lucky here it's perfectly close okay we got lucky but if it's not perfectly closed you you want to tie it okay you want to tie it my friends you want to tie look it's very simple to tie it okay look you take a butcher twine I'll show you if you don't have a butchered wine then don't do it put it in a white pen like that just be careful it'll be all right it'll be nothing wrong with it okay the idea with a budget wine is very simple you take a big piece of twine you put it in front of you about a foot a foot and a half right and then you go like this you go one two two and then pull if you do one two and pull it stays right look to open right there and now you go like this right okay so now look pay attention now you see a lot of people what they do they cut they do it again they cut and do it again Mama Mia three days later they're still there right look look what you gotta do is you keep your finger right there like this look look and you go over and under over and under you see you see how I do it look at that a child could do this okay I'll do it again you take it you go under like this you keep this guy straight remember that's the secret right there you keep this guy straight right there right there you go over and under you see look look look how simple that is blue look how simple see anybody can do this look look the idea is not to pick it up to go like this see tight right there tight no look you go underneath right keep it like this just like this you look you see straight remember boom boom boom boom straight right you go like this oven and the look over and under right here okay look how simple that is right okay so what do we do now we take it oh we flip it on the other side and then if it's not close good we close it right we're gonna say what do we do now look look it's simple one two boom boom boom boom I don't know about the boom boom boom but voila you see as simple that is what I do with my knife what's a good thing I got more see I got more where this one come from here you go voila and look right there you got a beautiful pork tender on how do we get to it I'm telling you when I finish you watch it's it's beautiful we're gonna take a beautiful bottle of olive oil salt and pepper right there on the outside look at this friends we're gonna pop this guy in the oven we're going to serve it with a beautiful sauce let me tell you the beautiful thing like I said if you don't have a if you don't want to tie it don't worry just be careful when you put it in it'll be all right it won't move as long as you take two thongs you put it in it won't it won't it won't fall apart I promise you I just show you that in case you didn't have a good closure in case you didn't pound it good or it's wide open you want you want to try to do this but this is pretty simple right see see everything I do is simple at the end of the day cooking is not complicated I'm telling you if I can do it you can do okay so maybe it takes you a little while to get this thing going but it's not that complicated right cut it in half get a sausage put a little apricot in there put it on nuts in there the cilantro anybody can do it I promise you it's not complicated so the first time you don't do it perfect second time a little better third time you're a pro fourth time you open up a restaurant God Bless America all right let's saute this we want to get it to 375 make sure it's beautiful golden brown okay let's see what we got friends let's see what we got we're almost there I don't want to put it in a cold oil I don't want to Stew these things I want to get a beautiful golden brown color then I'm going to pop it in the oven all right and I'm gonna make it I'm going to serve a little mashed potato and I'm gonna make a little port wine sauce really simple while it's in the oven we'll make the sauce okay so you stick with me you see it's not complicated I don't like to do complicated things now I'm gonna make another video where we take the pork tenderloin I got one right here okay I'm gonna do it though will you take the pork tenderloin you put it in a brine matter of fact that's the way I do it because I'm going to make a paella recipe and I do it like that for the paella right so I'm gonna do it we can just take the pork tenderloin put it a rub on it pop it in the oven several mashed potatoes amazing and when you take it it's supposed to be pink so it's moist so it's delicious don't cook the pork tender on 180 degrees they'll tell you cook at 180 degrees you know most of those people should be shoemakers they shouldn't be uh food critics a lot of those critics I'm telling you cook Mama me this is cook oh let's do it um most of the a lot of the food critics are there of or so-called uh people then call themselves chefs they they should become shoemakers and say they tell you to cook pork at 180 degrees you know what it would do the cook got 180 degrees it'll give you shoe later oh oh cook at 165. that's for chicken that's not for pork pork 145. 145 140 145 it should be pink you know why the cook is so high because they're afraid of trichonosis trichonosis we have another case of trichonosis in 55 years it's been eradicated even if it wasn't eradicated you know that it dies at 138 degrees so whenever somebody tell you cook pork at 180 degrees change channel go to the Playboy Channel okay so let me flip this guy right there we're gonna get a beautiful golden brown I wanted some beautiful color okay friends I want some beautiful color I want it to be golden brown and I don't want to overcook it you'll see when I take it out it's going to be beautiful well I want to I want you to see what am I creating here what is that called right there that's called the Mala reaction colonization of protein that's flavor that's the same deal that is why we grill milk oh yeah baby you watch you watch if you could be here smelling it right now you would know what I'm talking about this is why I love being a chef I love the food I love the smell I love teaching people how to do it look at this look at this look at this bring over here bring over here bring over here yeah let's see look look you like you like it's looking good right we're gonna get a brown on all sides friends remember I want the flavor on our side I'm doing this to create flavor I want it on all side I don't want to just on one side what happened to the other side if we don't get them right there they cook but then they want to have caramelization we'll have some flavor in there you see so sometimes it takes a little time to do these things folks but what are you gonna do what are you gonna do there's just the no don't know it no other way around it all right I'll tell you what I don't want to keep you here waiting for me so I'm gonna do this on my own I'm gonna get him golden brown I'm going to pop them in the oven and when we come back we'll make the sauce and we'll serve it together okay so give me a few minutes go do something and come go do something I always tell a lot of people and they go I got nothing to do okay so then stick around all right we're gonna do it let's take the pork out let's see what we got let's see what we got here friends let me just put it right here let me put it right there friends let's let her rest for a second we're gonna take its temperature then we're gonna get a plate and we're gonna prepare this beautiful my friends your watch we're gonna make a beautiful plate with this let's take a plate over there let's take its temperature right let's take his temperature to make sure we're good feels pretty good to me but again I like it uh I like it very very pink I hope you like it the same my friends because if you like it well down that's not the case that's not what you're going to get right there folks I'm pretty happy I got my 145 it's going to be pink but I like it pink I don't want her to well done you want to weld down you keep it cook it a little bit longer okay but this is not going to be well done this is not going to be well done my friends we're going to take the twine out right there except we're going to take it from the back look look here's what you do it you take it right there from the back you cut right and then you flip it around and look what you do you put it right there cut it cut pull it cut pull it cut pull it cut so now my friends here's what you got to do you gotta do me a favor you gotta wait you got to wait a few minutes my friends because if I cut it right now you know what happened we lose all the juices when you do anything when you do a roast when you do a chicken a turkey you gotta give it some time for the juices to come back out because the juicer runs away from the Heat and they go toward the middle we need the grooves to come back out so we're going to give this guy a few minutes so go do something I'm gonna turn it off for a few minutes because I want to wait I don't want to cut it out right now otherwise I lose all my juices I'm going to clean that my cutting board I'm going to get my slicer out and we're going to make a beautiful plate with a sauce I made this beautiful buttered mashed potatoes I'm going to make a beautiful serving so give me a few minutes I'll be right back okay friends we waited a few minutes to let her rest now we're going to Plate it and we're going to cook it and we already cooked it now we're gonna plate it we're gonna cut it oh yeah baby this is the one I'm talking about right there friends look at this it's a piece of art look at this get in there please look at this is that a beauty or what is that a thing of beauty I love my life okay okay so what do we do now we're gonna take a we're going to take out this beautiful sauce my friends look how beautiful that is look at this look at this look at this we made this beautiful uh mashed potatoes truffle mashed potatoes okay look how beautiful and smooth that is oh yeah look how beautiful and smooth that is right I put it in an ice cream scoop because it just makes it easier to serve it right and then look it's a perfect serving right there right and it's clean right and then you take it by there look look look look look look look at this folks oh oh yeah baby you can take her a little bit of a time very little my friends very little you know less is more right there my friend this my friend is a pork tenderloin you'll be so proud to serve and it's going to be so amazing I want you to try it I know you're going to make it you're going to love and you're gonna go oh man I did good I know well I hope you enjoyed the pork tenderon and by the way the sauce that I use the port wine production we will put the link when you click on the video we'll put the link it'll be right inside that video so you can do that sauce for the next video now we're going to do a tomato that is a must to have in your repertoire friends it's fantastic it's so easy to make you can use it to stuff a bell peppers a zucchini and it's the one we use to make a famous lasagna so you have to try this I hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see you at the end of it okay friends another fantastic recipe for you today a tomato Ragu meat sauce sauce Bolognese color whatever you want to call it it's going to be delicious you'll need it when you make a lasagna you'll need when you make a beautiful pasta you'll need it when you want to stuff a zucchini you'll need it when you just want to make beautiful spaghetti with the Tomato meat sauce beautiful very simple to make I promise you I got it going already so we didn't want to waste too much time okay let me tell you what I got going on here so I got right now some 85 15 beef ground beef then I got at Whole Food it's beautiful it's their Prime corned beef let me tell you it's amazing I don't really care for too much beef fat you want to fighter than that just get 75 30 75 25 70 30. hired the bigger number is for the lean path and the lower number is for the path I like it less fat possible I rather put a beautiful olive oil I want to put bacon I want to put other fat than the beef fat I don't really care for it what I'm doing right now I gotta go in your head so I can save some time is to caramelize the meat so we get the malao reaction we get the caramelization of the mean right here I got my onion you know the onion is always number one and then I got carrots and then I got celery and we're going to cut those very small you notice how small they are look at this look at this and right here we're so thin I'm really cooking here folks and I'm loving it you guys are amazing let me tell you I have been doing this for 50 years and I started a YouTube just recently again we had a channel but Anna was never really involved in it 10 years ago I was never really involved with it but the last four months I decided to start it again and I'm having so much fun every day we got like about a thousand uh common every day every day it's amazing you guys are just amazing I learned from what you tell me you want to do that's why I'm doing it and it's a lot of fun I'm just loving it so hello guys we're gonna get some caramelization right here we're gonna get communication right here and I just realized I've forgotten my garlic but I got it right here oh yeah yeah you can't make a tomato sauce without a garlic okay so all right we're gonna caramelize this until it's beautiful golden brown in a minute I'm going to show you what I'm talking about now right here some of you don't like mushroom then don't put them in I like mushrooms so I put them in you know that's something you like it you put them in you don't like it don't put them in it's not like oh my mommy is it making your tomato sauce with uh with a mushroom I don't like a mushroom I'm not gonna make it no don't do that make it with other mushroom it's no problem it's still going to be delicious I promise you now right here you see what I'm doing friends I am breaking it up this is something you must do and don't do induce more of a fry pan otherwise you're gonna stew the meat and you're not gonna get the caramelization I'm talking about okay so be sure to do it in the right size spot so now friends what's gonna help us is to put some salt in here to get rid of the water in a mushroom eh salt salt salts pepper pepper I started a beef I wanted to be in clumps that's what I want I'm looking for clumps okay I'm looking for clumps because all about the clumps in a minute you're gonna see friends you're gonna see you're gonna see what I'm looking for you see it's a it's a time consuming process okay you do not make a sauce like this in five seconds you know the beautiful thing about it is you can make it and you can freeze it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah make extra and freeze it'll be good for 17 years I'm not sure about 17 years I can see the recipe police already oh really you can't freeze thing for 17 years you're probably right you can't do it so look look we're almost there for oh if you look at I got a recipe also online where I make it with oregiete pasta and I use a spicy Italian sausage spicy Italian sausage you should try you will love it I promise you it's also delicious [Music] all right just to wake you up look look we're getting dear friends we're getting there you see normally I got a little camera one of them osmo pockets but we cooked it this morning we forgot it we put it in the oven so I don't have it anymore we're gonna have to go close from this camera above right there I want you to see this um commodization of the meat friends you know what's gonna happen all right so look the mushroom is starting to release their water [Music] the mushrooms are starting to release the water very important here folks you see right there we're starting to look good right so far so good well you can all do this you know that's the cool part of it in these books you can all be a great Cooks all you got to do is what have you miss on Plus have a good ingredient and you're gonna make good food it's really not that complicated make sure all the water comes out please please please the mushroom we want the water out of the mushroom you see why they are stunning it's stunning folks look you see I was starting to have some caramelization you can smell it you can smell it and this right there folks is a must you must so many times you see people cooking a meat sauce or meat Ragu or bolognese whatever they want to call it and and they poach the meat they poach it no color it's like taking a steak and put it in boiling water all right fresh thyme garlic a couple of spoon of garlic this is the Garlic puree I make there is a video on me doing this somewhere it's on YouTube yeah yeah yeah yeah it's me making a garlic don't be shy how long do you cook the garlic for how long how long how long do you cook it for until it's golden brown no not golden brown until it smells that's the opposite not until it's golden brown until it smells and right now it smells smell it smells amazing so the minute it smells put your tomatoes in there put your tomatoes in there folks this is the Tomato water this is a beautiful you can use a semaksana tomato you can use another tomato it's called La Valley tomato La Valley I don't know if you've ever had lavali tomatoes they are amazing they're appealed plum tomatoes that is absolutely amazing and look at this look at this now now we're gonna put the meat on it's beautiful caramelized right there friends but right in there let me tell you let me tell you something friends it smells amazing smells amazing and we're gonna put this right there and we're gonna cook this for about 45 minutes okay and let me tell you something this is going to be an amazing meat sauce we're gonna put a little bit of tomato puree this is just tomato puree for texture folks otherwise it's going to be too liquid and I don't want it tomato sauce that is too liquid the tomatoes are going to release even more water so I like my uh tomato Ragu Bolognese they'd be thick so cookies however you want it however you want to put it in there you know you like it very liquid then don't put too much tomato puree but let me tell you this right there Friends cooking for 45 minutes and 45 minutes you're gonna adjust the consistency of it if it's make sure it's got enough salt and pepper and right there that's all you need to do how simple was that you can all make these friends this is delicious I use it when I stuff zucchinis I stuffed my zucchini I put this in the I removed the inside I put it inside and I put some of my morning sauce on top of it I baked the zucchini I do this with a vidalia onion matter of fact I got a recipe on YouTube with a vidalia on your stuffed onion stuffed onion with the with a bolognese sauce let me tell you something amazing a Bolognese like this with a meat or with a sausage whichever one you use it's going to be delicious we're gonna cook this 45 minutes and that's it well I hope you enjoyed that uh tomato recipe so now to introduce the next video very important in your repertoire friends um this is a a buttered poached salmon I promise you even if you don't like salmon you have to try this recipe you are gonna love it when I used to cook that at the restaurant people would say to me you know I don't really like salmon I said I'll tell you what if you don't like this salmon by there I'll give you anything else on the menu I never happened everybody would always say to me that is the best the most amazing salmon I've ever had the the the fish the weight of your fork is enough to cut the fish and you'll put it in your mouth and it melts amazing just make sure you get fresh salmon all right enjoy the video I'll see you at the end of it all right friends we're finally that video you've been asking about the salmon poached in butter let me show you how easy it is to make it really is this is the beautiful Norwegian salmon that I get at the fish Peddler in the fish manga then he's in four Lord that I've been buying fish for them for 20 years they're fabulous no smell whatsoever you know if you smell fish not so good fresh fish does not smell I don't care if it's summoned I don't care if it's omega-3 oil I don't care whatever you call it it's not supposed to smell fresh fish do not smell so here we go folks we're gonna cut it right there we're gonna take it out I'm gonna cut it in medallions let me explain you what I mean by medallions first I get my feeling like that all the skin has been removed all the uh the bloodline has been removed you can get the fish manga to do it for you or you can remove it yourself I like to cut it in medallions no thicker than maybe three quarter of an inch to one inch no thicker than that we're gonna cut beautiful medallions about three quarter minutes to an inch thick maximum no bigger than that friend thinner it is easier it is to cook and more control you have always check your fish to make sure there's no bones in it check it out usually the bones are right here in case there is one take a tweezer and put it in the same direction I wish it was one I could show you same direction as the bone is don't try to put it the other way or break it now everybody's always asking me and says you know you're touching your rag your hand with your Rag and and I have to demonstrate because there's a lot of you that know and there's a lot of you that don't know so you always make comment it says he touches his hand with his rag with my raggy and my friends is a water that I have in my sink and the water I have in my sink is my sanitized water I use it all the time you see I got about a gallon the gallon and a half of water with a little bit of soap and a cup full of bleach not a cup a cup food or a cup which means it's like maybe a half of an ounce it doesn't smell any more than you pulled water you see and and this water right there my friend is sanitizing my hands sanitizing my toes sanitizing everything I use you see so now when I go like this and I clean my knife my knife is clean my hands are clean and I don't have to worry about touching anything okay so it's really important a lot of you are always concerned about this oh my goodness he's touching his hand with his right well the rag is sanitizing and I'm sanitizing my hand as I go all right so for everybody who is concerned so now look friends this is the secret here we must put butter on top of the fish but if I put whole bottle like that I'm gonna have a heck of a tough time putting the butter on top of the fish brushing it on it's too hot so what I have to do is I have to slightly melt the butter and how am I going to do that it's very simple first I'm going to use fluorocell I'm going to put fluorocell if you've never used fluorocell floor cell a a flower of salt it's not really means flower so but it's a a salt and gun from the galanga area France it's an amazing Soul floral cell if you ever used fluorocell you should try for fish if you don't have fluorescent use whatever Souls make you happy okay and then what we're going to do we're gonna take a bowl and um and we're gonna put some butter in there and we're gonna slightly melt this that's just friends and I mean slightly melted you see don't be you'll say it's a lot about it don't worry it's okay it's good for you so if I melted too much I separate it if I separate the battery it's not going to stay on top of the fish the secret is the bottles stay on top of the fish while we're cooking it so I'm gonna put it in here which is just a little pot with water in it and now you have a silicone brush and I'm gonna brush the butter on top of the fish by the way one more thing you see look look how fast it's going to go friends you see I don't want to do it too long I don't want to do it too long the ball is going to get hot really really fast and then the butter is going to separate too much see I don't want it to separate too much just just for a second that's it that's it we're not leaving it in there any longer than that you see all I did so if you don't want to do the ball and the water like I just did you can do it in a microwave oven for like a minute no no never mind in a minute 10 seconds that's what you want right there cream butter can you guys see it right here you see friends I have creamed butter okay so now what we're gonna do we're gonna take the butter and we're going to rub it on top of the fish I promise you friends this is going to be one of the best salmon you've ever had and you're not going to believe at a simple it is to make I'm going to make it with asparagus but you can make it with any vegetables you want you can make it with rice you can make it with a ginger here pasta and one more thing you see when I cut the fish in scallopinis I call it scallopinis medallions color whatever you want a medium it's more mid iron right you see you're going to be eating with the grain you're cutting it against the grain so you can eat with the grain you see you eat with the grain so now when you cut it the weight of your fork is going to be enough and the secret is not to overcook it we're only going to cook it for like a few minutes to internal temperature of 125 130 so ever perfectly medium medium rare salmon if you overcook it it's dry try one time to cook it 21 25 130 you'll never overcook it again all right so remember it's very important that we do this we don't want a huge piece of salmon it'll be impossible to cook it correctly if we have a big piece of salmon you see I just got it melted just enough so I could do this so I could put it on top of the fish you see friends let me tell you everybody who has ever had my salmon poached salmon and I'm sure there's a lot of video subscribers are there than I've had it because they came to my restaurant or to my school in Fort Lauderdale and they've had it and they go yeah we know how good it is and most of them know how to make it because they came to my school already and I always thought that how to do this this is really really an amazing way to cook salmon and a child could do it I mean really it's not complicated right so a little more flow to sell friends a little more flow to sell use your kosher salt use a whatever cells make you happy we're gonna take it we're gonna put in a refrigerator now what I'm making the sauce okay because I don't want the butter to soften at all I wanted to be almost congealed when I go in the oven I want to melt very slowly so as it Cooks the fish it melts slowly but it stays on top of the fish when I tell you it's going to be one of the best salmon you've ever had I am not exaggerating I promise you you're gonna have and you're gonna say why he was right he was right okay now I'm gonna make a sauce okay my friends I'm gonna make a sauce and a very simple sauce okay this pens move around you see that how do you like that how to keep an eye on it if you've seen the uh I think it was the barbecue sauce can we see the barbecue sauce I was talking to the camera and the pen foreign friends very simple sauce I promise you it's very simple a child could do it so first we're going to take the battery out of this brush right and we're not gonna waste it I don't waste nothing we're gonna melt the butter in here right there and then put this in here so look we don't mace we don't waste nothing around here folks put a little more butter in a pan and we're gonna go easy easy easy easy easy it's got a little too fast so take it easy we're gonna put some shallots a little bit of shallots wanna cook a little shallots in here let me get myself a my wooden spoon right we're cooking in the shallots until they get license light golden brown the shallot who got those amazing shallots I don't know if I show them to you in another video but let me tell you friends look at those shallots look at this this is a shallot French Canadian I mean this is the French shots and this is a Canadian shallots I don't know what they do in Canada but man I tell you there is something so look look look if you could be here right now and smell the shallots that are cooking in butter you would say let's put it on more butter I'm the smell of shallots or leek then cooking butter is amazing you know what we're gonna add to this folks we're gonna add some fresh tagon a little bit of fresh taco and I'm gonna add if you have it if you don't have it don't worry about it I got some a little saffron so I'm gonna make a little saffron Fusion saffron and tarragon or saffron and Anisa quite special if you don't have saffron don't worry about it don't put it in there okay don't be looking for supper everywhere because you want to make that recipe exactly like that you don't need to just put a little bit if you have it if you don't have it don't worry about it okay we're gonna let that um oil saffron Fusion do we sing just a little bit maybe I put a little bit more saffron that stuff is expensive it's amazing how expensive is surprise this is Spanish supper there's great saffron all over the world I have to be careful because one day I said Spanish shop one was the best and boy did I get um no hey good stuff flying everywhere I'm becoming politically correct now otherwise I get in trouble so now the shots are good we're going to make a little white wine reduction going to make a little white wine reduction that's all we're going to do it's very simple we're going to let it reduce by itself hey you know what I should do I should keep my fish in the fridge we shouldn't have a fish right there at room temperature right there let's slip it keep it in the fridge always your poultry your fish always room in the fridge remember the danger zone of food 48 140. 40 is the minute you take it out 140 is now what is not quite cooked especially poultry fish is okay you know you can certainly eat raw fish it's okay you can't be eating no raw chicken that's for sure so we let that reduce friends we let that reduce we're gonna go a little bit higher this is the easiest recipe in the world to make I promise you this is really really simple we're gonna let the wine reduce and then we're gonna do some asparagus and I wanted to show you some asparagus how to do the Spanish friends when you're buying asparagus you want to make sure you buy a big asparagus the little ding dong asparagus they taste like nothing by the time you peel them you can't get nothing you say what do you mean bill it surprises of course you got appeal in this but I just you don't want to otherwise you can't eat it it's too much fiber in here so you peel them how do you peeling asparagus very simple friends let me reduce this so I can talk very simple to put a pill in Spanish you put it side down take a vegetable peeler and just peel it look at this a child could do this you see my fact let the kids do it just tell them not to push too hard it's very simple friends okay peel them and you're gonna say well I heard people say then if you break the asparagus yeah I heard some chefs do that if you break them there's a Breaking Point you hear those people named uh things the chef then tell you there's a breaking point if you do that it snaps guess what if you do this it breaks here if you do this it breaks here if you do this it breaks here if it is this you bring it you will see how many Breaking Point there is there is no such thing as a breaking point for end asparagus there is not my friends you want to cut it cut it in the bias and get ready to go now you here's what you do with your spiders you don't break it they break of course they'll break they'll break no matter how you do it so I cut them at the whatever size I want right and then I'm happy I give it a an angle or I just leave it like that and I poach it in boiling water as soon as it's cooked to my liking in a boiling water I am going to take it let me push this right here and I'm let me just get rid of all this I'm gonna put it in boiling water and then I am going to uh as soon as it's cooked to my liking and whatever liking that is that's really up to you depends where you come from if you come from a certain country like in South America they like crunchy vegetables green beans conscious burgers in Europe uh we like more soft vegetables so cook however you want it I like my asparagus to be soft so what look look I got white asparagus wide asparagus and green asparagus so you know if you can get why the spiders they're wonderful you don't have to get them if you don't want to get them but you get them why you think they're white what's the deal with that why is it one green one is one white it's green because it grows it the white wine grows because it's not exposed to light matter of fact when they grow them they put a dark plastic on it and they don't see the light at all so they're not exposed to light that's why when they grow they white they test in the different I think they're very delicate but if you can get them just poach them in boiling water they take about the same amount of time as the green one to cook the minute they come out of the boiling water and they cook to the liking whatever that is me is a little soft you uh immediately put them in ice water so then you they right there they're ready to go whenever you're ready to cook them tonight we're just going to saute them with a little bit of butter and put them on a plate serve them with with the salmon when we're ready all right so let's make sure the sauce is ready to go I'm gonna put a little now that my wine has reduced you see the wine has reduced I'm gonna put a little bit of cream very little cream and then I'm gonna put some uh mustard and I'm going to use a a demote mustard Mustard Seed it's a mustard with a mustard seed in it it's called demo or country mustard you can get it just about everywhere country mustard right and we're going to mix all this up together let me get a little whisk and whisk I have plenty of whisk and we're going to make a sauce right there and then we're going to finish it up with it all butter okay friends that's it just like this and we're going to finish it up with a Roboto and we're going to put this in the bottom of the plate okay let's just finish the the asparagus let's put the sauce on the side for now we're gonna finish the asparagus and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna put my fish actually you know what I'm going to wait for a second for the fish because I don't want to overcook the fish so let me get the asparagus going I'll take a little bit of butter anybody who doesn't like butter so that's not a recipe for me no no it's not okay I'll tell you what we're ready to go I think all we got to do is finish the sauce just a little bit the chicken stock is out of the way let me take it out the water for this we don't need no more so what I gotta concentrate on Friends is the sauce and the fry pan all right so I don't need my knife here so let me take the fish and pop it in the oven all right here it is I did put the fish in the oven is at 375. and we'll check it to make sure it is yes it is and the fish is going to go in there I would say four or five minutes and let me tell you friends if you don't have a instant read thermometer I highly recommend you buy one there is many of them my dear friends there's some inexpensive there's some more expensive there's about a hundred dollar this is about twenty dollar do they do the same job yeah why would you spend more this reads in three seconds this reads in eight to ten seconds so if you got seven extra seconds you save 75 20 700 it's up to you they both I've checked them again and again and again they both read the same temperature but so important if you have never paid attention to how much temperature you cook your salmon I want you to do yourself a great favor friends I want you to cook your salmon at 125 to 135 try it one time and if you buy beautiful fresh salmon I promise you you'll never change you'll never overcook it again and you'll always check temperature we're talking about a few minutes here friends I mean four or five minutes at the most you'll see I'm going to show you what it looks like okay let's take those asparagus we're just going to take a few asparagus so we're just going to saute them I don't need all those because I'm just making a plate a single plate so we're going to do some white asparagus and we're going to do some green asparagus all right you know I could put a couple or more really there's no reason not to delicious right we're going to put asparagus right so what do we put a seasoning on the um on the asparagus just salt and we're going to put a bit of pepper that's all we're going to do okay just salt and a little bit of pepper make sure the pepper is fine grain okay go buy fine that's all we're going to do we're just going to get them warm right while the fish is cooking we're gonna get that sauce hot and finish the sauce at the same time okay friends now the sauce has a lot of flavors in there let me tell you first between the saffron and between the tarragon and between the butter that I'm going to put in and at the last minute I'm going to put some chives in there so this is going to be delicious the asparagus are good I'm not looking to Brown them just a little bit just to get them hot that's all I want especially the widest spot I guess I want them to stay White so perfectly good turn the heat off I'm good with asparagus I don't want them to Brown too much and I'm going to put them underneath the salmon you see first we're going to put the sauce then we're going to put the asparagus and then we're going to put the salmon all right so we're good with that let's turn it off just a little bit of butter to make the sauce thinner and thicker sorry and then we should be good we're going to finish it up with the Roboto but first let's check on the fish let me get my towels okay now I want to show you okay and you're not ready yet but I want to show you what's happening friends you see what's happening I'm taking it out so you can see right now the fish is probably at a 100 degrees you see the butter is starting to melt and as it's melting it's cooking the fish so it's very very important then we do not overcook that fish so you'll see by the time I'm done all the butter would have melted and the fish will be ready to go probably another two or three minutes okay make sure your fish is hot let's look at the sauce let's see if we can finish the sauce okay and the sauce all it really needs at this point friends a little bit of butter now I know I can hear you already oh look at look at him look at him look at him this is my emotional support I need these bottle friends we all need it okay let me turn this off I don't need this anymore let's take the butter in there now remember folks the heat has to be off off off you're gonna be off so the butter does not separate my friends you see I don't want the butter to separate so you're immediately immediately mix it and voila we have ourselves a beautiful sauce let's make sure asparagus did not change color too much a little bit but it's okay just a little bit I don't want him to be too Brown just a little bit of color is good just enough so they're hot that's all I want that's all I want right there beautiful all right let's check the fish one more time friends and we are ready to plate not yet not yet this oven is uh it's taking it's time to bake it but it's okay we got time we can prepare our plates so we have plenty of time put the sauce in the bottom of the plate but as much as little as the sauce that makes you happy okay and then we're going to take the asparagus and we're gonna put them on the sauce very simple and you see they cut the same size so it makes it easier to make a nice plate with them and they're going into bottles so they're very happy right and I think we're good all right very simple it's going to be a nice dish we're gonna take a fish which by now should be just about ready hopefully let's see how we go make sure you don't want it to be I don't want it to be overcooked but I certainly don't want to be in the cook my friends let's look at it together all right so I want you to see it I know you want all want to see it and look how beautiful that looks you see my dear friends now if you like a little more cook you'll go right ahead and cook a little more but I promise you this right there it's beautiful right there my friends you give it two or three scalloping it depends how much you want to feed them at the top of it you want to put just a little bit of a little bit of chopped chives and voila my friends it's simple I want to try that piece friends you see I love it look at this look at look how beautiful that is you see right there friends it's flaky it's falling apart it's exactly the way I like it right there my friends it is off oh you don't need a sauce you don't need any spiders um you don't need anything but right there it's a beautiful dinner not difficult to make a little time consuming maybe just to prepare but I promise you you're gonna love it I hope you like this segment but I hope you're going to try that summon because it's really good now to introduce the next video the next video is about making a mushroom sauce you would say no I know how to make a mushroom sauce this one friends this one is going to teach you the importance of putting the ingredient one after the next after the next which one to put first which one should put second and which one to put third and why to create an amazing layers of flavor and enhancing the the because you are going to change the texture of the sauce you're gonna enhance the flavor to a maximum it's a must for anybody interested in learning how to create a beautiful sauce I hope you enjoy the video and I'll see you at the end of it well hello there friends another fantastic recipe today we're going to make a mushroom sauce mushroom sauce you can serve with lamb you can serve with beef you can tell with chicken you can just eat it you can serve with whatever makes you happy it's a mushroom sauce on its own so I'm gonna show you how to make it's very simple um I have vinegar in there I have wine in there if you don't want wine don't worry just put a little more extra broth or extra stroke extra stock whatever it is you're using very simple friends that means we got to get things ready we got shallots if you can't find shallows put onion in there onion will be perfectly fine okay more delicate the part of the lily family it's a bulb bulb however you call it uh and uh they're a little sweeter and they're more delicate they make a sauce but you don't have shallots don't worry about it all right I use the big Canadian shallots where are they oh here they are look at this look at these babies look how gorgeous they are the Canadians it tastes delicious so I got some uh Thyme and rosemary you don't like thyme you rock Rosemary put oregano put whatever you want don't worry Sage fabulous I can make the same exact sauce with seizure to be fabulous okay Sage is delicious also Chopper very fine and we got a garlic also and I got a little chopped garlic and you can use my garlic puree okay so I got a little broth in here on the stove going a little stuck and if you have made my uh a beef stock recipe you can use it is it easy if you haven't made my beef stock recipe what are you waiting for oh all right now we're gonna start with butter we're gonna saute the uh the shallots or the onion whichever one you have until the caramelize slightly this is you know let me tell you about a sauce for this is a basics a way of making a sauce very simple nothing complicated uh nothing complicated and this goes with everything and as I explain all the time friends a sauce has to be built like like anything like any recipe one layer at a time and the secret of it and and for those of you that have not been to my channel this is not a tic-tac-toc recipe where we're better to put everything real quick we explain while I'm waiting instead of just cutting off and coming back when it's done I'll tell you all about it the secret of it folks is when you're done with a good sauce you should be able to recognize all the flavors so if I take my time right now to slowly caramelize my onion on my shallots they'll be sweeter and they'll taste better if I put all the ingredients at once that's not gonna happen so it's very important and we do that we're gonna go slowly we're not going fast and then we're gonna put some mushrooms and then we're gonna put some moves mushrooms friends you can use a regular mushrooms you can use a portobello mushroom sometimes you get them when they're very big like this so what I do I show you what I do friends I cut them in half and then I cut him like that and if they're too big you still fold them and you're like that and if the tail is too big to tell the the what do you call that the stem it's too big you cut them off so then you have little pieces when you make a sauce you don't want a big piece of mushroom right there you don't want a big piece of mushrooms so it's easy you cut them in half and then cut them up and down and they're really too big you can still fold them down and do this you see very simple right all right so we got mushrooms or like a portobello mushrooms portobello mushroom I usually remove the stem just like this see remove it boom those are baby portobello mushroom they take them cut them in half roses cut them in half and then put them up and down like that that's simple very simple you you don't want them to be big cut them in half color pieces you don't want to be too big friend because if they're too big if they're too big they're not going to make an elegant sauce and we're looking for Elegance all the time right so uh mushroom the shallots are good we're gonna put some mushrooms in there regular mushrooms those are baby portobello and also a regular white mushroom I know that's what you're gonna find you can put the fancy mushroom if you got them you can put chanterelle oyster mushrooms whatever mushroom you can find wherever you are okay trumpet mushroom there's so many wonderful mushrooms you can use so now as we all know mushrooms are full of water right so what do we do with the water we get rid of it we and the best way to do it our friends put a little salt in there you're going to put salt in the sauce anyway perfect time to do it is now because the salt will help us extract the water from those mushrooms we want all the water out of there friends water dilutes flavor so we're gonna increase the Heat if you happen to have a a a porcini mushroom salt it's actually quite delicious friends it's a salt with porcini in it I got some in here somewhere in my drawer yes right here porcini mushroom salt if you have never tried this this is fabulous I already put my salt in it so I'm not gonna do it but just in case here you go just a little bit more porcini mushroom salt all right if you could be here right now you're starting to smell I want you to see what's happening here friends so you'll understand it and this segment this video is only about sauces we're going to do a lot of those we're going to take every sauce and we're going to make a cinnamon just on that so if one day you're cooking a steak you're cooking a lamb chop you piece of chicken and you say you know I want a mushroom sauce with it go to the channel go into sauces and you'll see all of our sauces are going to be listed there so you can just make them and we're not going to go we're not going to cook a a piece of chicken or a piece of meat we're not going to cook anything we're just going to make sauces so the rest of it you can certainly come if you want to learn how to make a steak if you want to make a tenderloin you're going to make it then you go to the channel and you watch those there's a lot of Fabulous video out there I want you to watch them you know this folks how much water is coming out of there if I were to put my hand in there for a second it would be all wet because of all the Steam and then not only that you know a lot of people say I don't like mushroom let me tell you I've been in this business 50 years you know how many times people said to me can I leave the mushroom out of my sauce I said of course you can leave them out of the sauce but let me make it for you if you don't like it I'll make you another sauce without the mushroom unless they were just being polite I say a hundred percent of my customers always say you know what I like you mushroom what do you do special I get rid of the wall and look at it look at it right there food look at it in there folks you see right here that's the enemy right there water dilutes flavor and Destroy texture and I explained it better when I said have you ever had a canned mushroom have you ever had a canned mushroom the canned mushroom you put it in your mouth you have a nightmare for three days you chew on it it's like so that's what you want to do you want to get rid of the water intensifying the flavor work out on the texture this is going to be fabulous I'm telling you we're going to get rid of all that water right here so it takes a little while takes a few minutes but we want to caramelize the onion do we want to cut leonio we want to caramelize also you see in a minute when there's no more water in this pan you'll see what's going to happen so I'll tell you what we're going to do folks to make the video go a little shorter we're going to let this reduce and we're going to come back and it's going to take about two two and a half three minutes okay we're gonna come back in two or three minutes then you'll see what's gonna happen okay and another thing that I like to do friends I'm going to show you first of all that all the water is gone but I like to clean the side of the pots this is a reduction saucepan then I got there it's best to make a sauce in a reduction saucepan for so many ways but to allow reductions it's really really much better great design now look you see all of the water is gone a little bit of moisture left but very very little now let's put the rest of the ingredient and what order do we put them in okay number one we have established shallots or onion caramelizing mushroom number two to get rid of um uh to get rid of the water okay if we if we were to put wine or broth or stock on top of the mushroom when the oven released the water guess what they will never release their water okay when do we put the garlic we put the garlic whenever we're ready to put some moisture I'm gonna put some moisture in a minute okay so I got chopped garlic I got a fresh thyme fresh Rosemary you can put oregano whatever herbs you want to put in here right we're going to mix them up we're going to mix them up now what happened is the second the second the garlic releases its fragrance which will be about a few seconds maybe 30 seconds after you put it in as soon as it reaches 148 degrees the garlic releases this fragrance and uh and okay I can smell it now so next ingredient remember I'm gonna beat layer one layer on top of the next okay this is how you make a perfect sauce then as depth to it we're going to put a little bit of the balsamic vinegar you don't have balsamic vinegar then don't put it in don't worry it'll be all right I'd rather you if you don't have a sweet aged balsamic vinegar or rather you don't put it in okay if you have it this is the my famous fake balsamic vegan I put in you don't have any don't worry don't put it in we're gonna put some wine in there now okay so it's very important layers on top of layers and we're gonna let the wine reduce measure carefully okay it's about I don't know about a cup of wine I put in now I'm gonna bring it on high because I need to reduce all the alcohol let me explain it's very important and explain everything so then you know how to make it for friends okay see as simple as it is you will be amazed at how many people just don't follow the order you got to follow the order okay so like I say vinegar you know why but don't worry about it wine I use a regular red wine this is the shoe rise I like a thick full body wine people say what kind of wine do I use for cooking use the wine you're willing to drink if you're willing to drink a three dollar butter white use a three dollar bar or wine if you're not willing to drink it then don't put it in the sauce it doesn't get any better if you cook it 15 minutes I promise you wine don't get any better if you cook at 15 20 minutes require the contrary okay you start with a bad butter of wine you're gonna end up with a bad sauce don't think because it's only for cooking I'm gonna put a three dollar bottle of wine in there it's gonna be delicious no it's not I promise you buy the wine you can afford to drink use a cabaret Sauvignon whatever makes you happy that's the whole idea there's no right or wrong if it makes you happy to drink it it'll make you happy to cook with it and you know you need one cup what's the big deal right you save the other bottle for you to drink for dinner all right you don't want wine he said don't people can't have wine because of you know whatever whatever reason doesn't matter to me use extra broth or extra stock that's all it's very simple don't worry about it's just cooking no we're not sending a man on the moon while we gotta land right there all right we're making a mushroom sauce friends it doesn't matter make it your way it's your sauce okay it's no right or wrong but it's important that when you finish I want you to be able to test the shallots and the mushrooms and the herbs and the garlic and the vinegar and the wine all this in different layers the idea of a good sauce is like it comes in in layers in your mouth it's not like I'll explain it because I gotta wait for the wine to reduce right because you can't put the broth on top of it otherwise the wine won't reduce sometime you go to dinner and you eat a steak or you eat a piece of fish right and you put it in your mouth and you're having a conversation with someone right and and then I'm just kind of imagining people have never been to my channel right so I gotta wait wait and I'm still forgetting to start yourself right and you eat and and and you're having a conversation with somebody and you just keep talking and you keep talking and you're eating right and sometimes you go to the restaurant you put a bite and you put it in your mouth and you go oh my God that is a sauce with dimensions that is a sauce that I've get to it instead of like a song Excuse me and sauce you know what I'm saying you know what I'm trying to say anyway I hope you know what I'm trying to say Dimensions is everything in cooking all right reduce the wine reduce the wine reduce the wine how do we know it's reduced here's what you do my friend you take a spoon and you test it it's hot if it's good if it's good then you put your broth on it if it's no good keep reducing it my friend keep reducing it if it's no good okay if you started with The Descent butter wine you're gonna reduce it's gonna be nice and sweet I promise you okay but if you start with a bad bottle of wine I don't care how long you cook you're never going to be any good all right so look I got my broth and for those of you that have made it you know this is a beef broth okay we're gonna do it put a little beef broth in here okay I'll give you the exact measurement that was about a cup and a quarter cup and a half right of beef broth and um and I gotta adjust the seasoning and I got to put some black pepper in there and I gotta put more salt I might as well put my porcini mushroom salt okay because I was just testing it it's very important friends you gotta constantly test it all right so now remember you don't put the broth until the wine is reduced if you put the broth before the wine is reduced then guess what the wine is not going to taste very good at all for you have to get rid of that alcohol it's called reduction that's the whole purpose okay now let's look at something here friends we got a sauce then I could certainly reduce to the right consistency but now I got four six people for dinner eight people for dinner if I reduce this to the right consistency meaning enough so It Coats the back of the spoon it has nice thick consistency it stays on my steak on my chicken on my fish whatever it is that I'm using it for and we'll use this for fish but um it has to have the right consistency so you can reduce it to the right consistency but if you reduce it you got nothing left my friends you got nothing left by the time I'm done I'll be lucky that they call it the reduction for no for a good reason you got nothing left so here's what I like to do there's no reason for me to cook this any longer not always under cooking any longer the stock is cooked they're already cooked for 24 hours the wine is reduced shout outs everywhere the mushrooms are cooked everything is down so what now what I need to do I if I reduce completely like I said I'm gonna lose volume so what I do like to do I like the thicken it so there's many ways of taking it friends some people say oh you gotta have a rule You Gotta Have It not everybody has a rule at home okay you can use a cornstarch or arrowroot it's easy okay tapioca powder is another great thickener um there's so many ways to take in a sauce first I'm making the way everybody can make it everybody can have a raw cornstarch or our route you mix it up with a little water the enemy and then you uh you put it in now remember whenever you're working with cornstarch you want to make sure you make sure it's boiling okay and when you put it in put little first put little little first friends and see what happened see what happened just look at it okay look at it and say oh okay this is still two things cornstarch works right away you put it in and within a maximum a minute you know exactly what you're gonna get all right so don't put too much of it for just a little bit more see that's the way I like to do it friends I like to put a little bit at a time you see and then we're going to look at it in a minute we're going to look at it again in a minute we'll look at it together okay let's take a spoon not this one I already used it so let's get that right right there look at this look at this friends look how beautiful that is you see look at that sauce it's still a little too little too thin you see just a little too thin not not much thicker now we're gonna finish it up with a little butter but let's test it again and always hot it's delicious but it's hot all right so it needs to be a little thicker so remember mix it put it in all right so now now I think that's gonna do it all right so now friends you can certainly add butter to this right now and serve this on top of anything my friend look at this look how beautiful this is friends look at this look how gorgeous you can put this on anything friends I promise you or you can put a little cream in it why don't we do that so you see it I want you to see it I want you to see what happened when you put a little cream in there let's change the whole thing okay let's change the whole thing right there friends I promise you you put a little bit of cream in there okay pay attention your watch is going to be very little cream friends look look you know I'm not going to measure it because but I want you to see it look look like a little cream that was you see how little that was okay maybe just a little bit more now you put it see very little right put as much or as little as you want it's really really up to you just a little bit more what do you think okay I just wanted a nice color changes you see right there my friend look how beautiful that is you can pull this on anything I don't Lamb Chop but just a little bit more you think I'm gonna get it together eventually right all right so now turn the heat off because I'm going to show you the most important thing we need to do now is now we need to put a little butter in there oh yeah okay so now how do we put butter well we turn the heat off we make sure there's no heat at all okay and then we take a little butter or whatever amount you want and you put it in friends and mix it up right away you do not want to separate remember when we put the butter um uh when we clarify butter we bring it to boil it that's how you separate it you can bring it the boil well the last thing I want to do here my friend is separate my butter I want it to be creamy so I don't want it to separate now at this point you could put a little chopped parsley in here for extra flavor of no extra color in fact I think I have some I'm gonna put some in there my friend you'll see It'll really really transform if you have it don't be afraid to put it in I think I got some because I was ready for another recipe in here but I'm going to use it for here there's a little choppasity you see and right there of course you can make a little lighter if you want if you're going to serve it with pastel think you're gonna make a little lighter this is really there's no right or wrong here my friend it's whatever makes you happy okay and voila right there look how beautiful that is we're gonna take it and I'm going to put it in a goose neck I got a goose neck right here so remember I always have a little extra stock on my uh on my kitchen counter I always have a little extra stock but again and then we put it in a gooseneck look at gorgeous that is friends look how beautiful that sauce is look at this you see how beautiful that is let me tell you something friends now you know how to make a perfect sauce and the beauty is not only do you know how to make a perfect sauce but you can change the flavor you can make it your own remember change the oil put Taco in there put sage in there put whatever you want in here this is a very simple sauce to make put a chopped past city right there on top you put this on top of the table then fight for it friends an easy mushroom sauce remember you can put the wine you don't have the vinegar don't worry about it put some nice broth with it and you'll be perfectly fine enjoy beautiful mushroom sauce I hope you enjoyed the segment remember ring the bell don't forget to subscribe to the channel and give us a thumbs up if you like the video we'll see you next week with another fantastic video thanks for watching well that sauce was amazing you gotta learn to make it it teaches you how to put the ingredients in the right order friends and you can use it on pork you can use it on chicken you can use it on veal you can rub it on your body it's that good I promise you now my friends my famous beef stew this is an amazing recipe you're gonna love it and and I show you in it an interesting way to thicken the sauce in it too I know you're gonna love that stew stay tuned we're gonna do it right now together okay friends this is a fabulous beef stew you're gonna love it all right first thing we're gonna do is uh we're gonna get our pot ready and um I got some uh ground chuck I mean some ground trucks I got some chuck roast right there that I just cut up in uh in in uh in little pieces I mean little pieces they're kind of like a big big bite right you can cut them in half with a fork when they cook and and we caramelize them so I have a few of them I want to show you how to do that I got some onion and I'm gonna saute some Pearl onion I like a pearl onion so it's nice and uh and and good looking I was looking for chipolini onion today I couldn't get them chipolini cipolini is a it's a little flat onion but that big right there it's a little flatter and uh it's really really delicious but I couldn't I couldn't find any so I got the um the the onion right there the Pearl onion I'm gonna put them in my oil let me double check to make sure my pan is hot uh I wanted to beat about 365. and uh and then I'm going to saute my beef I wanted to show you by the way you see I got everything ready yeah I got everything ready uh meaning that my Nissan Plus is ready everything is chopped and ready to go I just have a few more things than the things that I I haven't down is because I want to show you how to do it all right so first we're gonna saute the onion we're gonna caramelize them the onion is always number one right always is always number one that means it's always the first ingredient you put in okay I don't care if you got a pearl onion if you got chipolini onion if you got a red onion you got you want to caramelize them right so now this is the the beef then we're gonna use this is a chuck roast uh I I find that chuck roast makes the beef stew the best stew we're gonna really really caramelize them so they look real pretty okay not only do they look pretty but we're creating this malao reaction where we have some caramelization on the protein it's very important friends really really important so salt and pepper don't be afraid to put salt and pepper right and um and we're gonna put them in there and don't touch them leave them alone let them get golden brown okay same deal with the onion leave them alone let them do their thing right I got everything ready you're gonna love this recipe it's um I got pork wine in in this recipe I'm gonna add both wine in this recipe then I got mushrooms and I got a bunch of vegetables also but I'm gonna put the vegetables still at the end remember when you do this you heard your question it says put the beef in a pan without clouding right without clowning that means don't don't do this don't put them on top of each other otherwise the moisture of this guy is going to go to this one's gonna go to this one and we're gonna stew and if we stew we don't get this caramelization right there I see it see what I'm talking about right there that's what I want right there that caramelization okay so look that's why you don't touch it you put them in leave them alone no no different than if I took a New York Swift or a filet mignon and I'm cooking it in the pan I put in the pan I leave it alone all right leave it alone right the only one are going to start caramelizing your beef is right here I got some mushrooms in here friends then we're gonna use and uh and and you know what I like to do is uh when I eat I have mushroom I do not slice them I cut them in quarters if they're too big I cut them in eight or six so they stay nice you see what I mean you don't slice them like I said if they're very big cut them in six okay if they're small just government quarters it doesn't really matter but you want you don't want to slice them okay see look because I'm in sixes all right so we got our mushroom ready to go and now let me see let me see how we're doing here okay one more thing mushrooms what are mushrooms made out of if you took my class in my school you know what I'm where I'm going right mushrooms are made out of what water 90 water what does water taste like nothing so you want to keep your water in there that's up to you I'm not interested I don't want an ingredient in this like nothing in my food okay well look can you get that you see how nice that is folks all right so the beef is down okay all we did let me just push this spot over there I like this burner better all right so now now friends now friends we're gonna get rid of the water in the mushroom okay anything with the water I don't understand people adding water to their food okay if I'm gonna add a liquid to my food or see like this band though by the way look look look at this man right there folks see where it happened that pan right there I got a little camera in here it's it's full of grease from the meat that pan right there has got some beautiful uh burnt bits right there so you know what I do after I'm done with it I take my pot wine and I deglaze the pan yeah yes sorry take that pan right there and you can deglaze it you see and then we'll take this and we'll pour it in there all right so yeah we don't want to lose an opportunity for flavor you know to me cooking is like building a building a a first story you don't put a second story until the first one is ready right and you don't put the third one until the second one is ready right okay same deal so now look look look I got the mushroom in here cooking and the mushrooms are going to be releasing their water what would help them get rid of the water put it down there let's see how many of you Nora what would help me get rid of the water on the mushroom anybody know salt yes sorry salt right there right there I got this beautiful Mediterranean Sea salt that I'm gonna put on there that's going to help me draw the water out of the mushroom that water the enemy the water is uh is not gonna you know what I find interesting you're probably with me too with this one when somebody uses dry mushroom you know they use this beautiful dry mushroom what's the first thing they do before they use the dry mushrooms then put them back in the water what is wrong with you people okay if you have a dry mushroom you don't want to rehydrate it in water water taste like nothing put it in wine put it in broth put it in stock put it in something else then water how great is that if you picked wine and let's say you pick the mushroom and inside the mushroom there's Madeira wine oh you can't buy those but if you buy a dry mushroom and you rehydrate them in Madeira you got a Madeira mushroom well that'll be something I should do what do you think of that idea let me know in your comment okay now if you could be here right now you would smell who's hot you would smell onion and mushrooms they're not releasing their water now what's gonna happen when they release their water friends they become nice and small and that's okay I don't need the water have you ever chew on a canned mushroom don't do it don't ever chew on a canned mushroom that'll give you a nightmare okay you think I'm kidding no I'm not kidding I'm gonna put the garlic and as soon as you smell the garlic friends the second you smell the garlic which should be about right now we're gonna put our tomatoes oh anything liquid okay our Tomatoes I got beautiful tomatoes and then you know I'm gonna put the pulled wine that I got right there then I got from the pan and earlier at the beef in it right I'm putting it in there and I'm using the whole thing right there right all right so so far I got tomatoes pulled wine mushrooms fresh thyme fresh Rosemary a little bit of tomato uh puree let me get a spoon a little bit of tomato puree all right we're gonna we're gonna bring up the Heat this looks like it's slowed down all of a sudden okay um oh oh I got tomato puree and you know what I got also is cherry tomatoes have you ever used cherry tomatoes they're fabulous cherry tomatoes are fabulous they give you a really really nice texture to begin with right nice texture cherry tomatoes look look but the problem is with the cherry tomato can they got a lot of water in there look I don't know if you guys can see that but look at that they got a lot of water see look at this so I do it take of the water out of there look all right if I'm on the water I got some we're going to put a little more pulled wine you notice everything is carefully measured right be careful then we're going to put the beef then we sauteed earlier all right so to save some time we're going to mix all this up and then we're going to put beef stock all right now I talk about beef stock in a second you want to put a beef stock okay all right now beef stock friends may be one of the ingredients that you don't necessarily have access to it you see not everybody's got access to a beef stock so what I do is we make our own beef stock of course because we have a commercial kitchen not exactly easy for people to make a beach look how beautiful that is look at this look how nice and thick that is folks look at this see how beautiful that is and the reason why it's beautiful like that is because when we make it we put tomato paste in it and we cook it for 24 hours so not exactly easy to do at home right how am I how are you going to make a beef stock you're going to cook 24 hours so see if you can find a shop then as a beautiful beef stock if not what do you do I'll tell you what you do oh you're starting to look good friends I'm telling you I'm coming back here more often the food is delicious uh let me tell you what you do friends you get yourself a um a um and you know we're gonna add to this we're gonna add some I got those baby potatoes look look I got them cooked already I'm gonna finish them up look look how cool they are little baby potatoes right little baby potatoes and and I got those baby brussels sprouts I already poached them and then I got those little baby carrots look at small deal so what I'm I sure did I already poached them so they cook right so I'm going to saute them and bottle I'm going to add them at the end because if I add them down they're gonna fall apart this guy's gonna cook this is gonna cook for two and a half hours this is ground chuck you want it to really really really be uh tender you got to cook it for two and a half hours at a very very very low heat okay that's the secret Okay so where was I oh oh yeah sometime I lose track of what I'm talking about and there's nobody here to remind me so uh to go back to the thing but I was talking about a beef stock so what do you do when you buy a good beef broth buy a good beef broth and and add some tomato paste to it if you have some extra leeks carrots celery and onion add to it and cook for a little while with a tomato paste and look it's going to give you a rich consistency like this and you can keep it in the freezer for 17 years approximately don't quote me now I can see people going 17 years you know what we got with YouTube we're good we're lucky we got recipe police I love it I got this thing where I do a recipe on what I'm I'm peeling a tomato tomato I'm showing people how to make it American can I say I'm putting it on the water and I said it should take about 10 12 seconds you know how many of them said oh it took 23 seconds it took two minutes I'm glad they got a better clock than me now they got better things to do than oh my goodness he said 12 seconds 23 seconds what's wrong with him don't you have better things to do Jesus Christ anyway so look now let's talk about thickener a little bit you know I I like my beef to build someone so I'm gonna put a little more beef stock okay okay well why am I putting more you're wondering why what's the matter with him well because I like it to be submerged and I got my beef to be also mailed you see I submerged that's you know what that means right some mail like you're submerging it all right so now flower I could have put flour that was dry right the Rye beef and you put it on there a lot of people do that I think it's okay I got a much better trick though pay attention I'm going to teach you something you want to thicken something by the way when do you put the Fry at the beginning or at the end beginning or the end beginning at the end nobody knows yeah and unless they've been to my class if you've been in my class you know beginning the flower goes in at the beginning of the dish not at the end of a dish if you put at the end of the dish it tastes like glue yeah glue you know when I was a kid we used to make stuff with flour and water glue them together we used to there was a glue the stuff I glued 50 years ago is still glued up okay so when you eat raw flour it's in there and it takes a while to to get rid of it you know I always explain people Thanksgiving dinner most people they take the dripping of the turkey right like that turkey fat crap and they add flour to it and they give it to their guests and what do they do after they eat the Thanksgiving dinner they sit on the couch and they go I can't move I can't move I I ate too much turkey there's not enough trick to Fan in 5 30 to put you to sleep it's the glue you just consumed okay you consume turkey fat and raw flour yeah good luck getting up the couch anyway so look I was going to show you a trick the flower okay look look look if you've been on my class before you're probably laughing right now because you know where I'm going but if you've never been to my class before you don't wonder so I'm gonna put the flour in here see how many of you reacted already you don't put it in here if you put in here well I have a huge mess right so pay attention look look you're taking the strainer all right think of the strainer put the flour in there take a whisk right there right there ready look look look at this see you make a paste right there right and you bring it in you bring the stock in see bring it a stock in don't be afraid to bring the stock in and look look look look look look look look look you see what happened now now you got beef stock that is lightly thickened with this flower then we're gonna bring in because you don't remember let me just use the spatula right here we're going to put it in we're going to put it in you see see see now let me tell you something friends when you have a soup a gravy a sauce then you want to thicken now remember you can't do that at the end now don't be doing that Thanksgiving deal I was just telling you about so now look we'll go back and put a little bit more maybe I put just a little bit more stock on top of it I want to get rid of it all you see look and then we're going to mix it up now eat at the end all right look see look no lumps none whatsoever it's the easy way to do it but you have to use the double mesh trainer very fine strainer right when you do this and you mix it up you say look now if at the end because the tomatoes are going to release more water you know we're not at the end right there you know so it's very possible then we need more flour because I didn't put that much flour at all okay it's very possible then we did more at the end we won't be able to add any more flour because it has to have time to cook so I could use I could fix the consistency with a little bit of cornstarch at the end but flour of course look if you're a professional cook you have a roux you have a cooked Roux you can put that in there but most people don't have a cuckoo you know trust me I know that's what I do for a living I teach people okay this is my thing okay and I'm no I know that most of you don't have a cook root at home so you need to thicken and and and and this is a perfect way to do it so we're gonna let that cook very slowly very slowly yeah that's no good bloop bloop bloop very slow anyway let it cook we don't cover it we just bring it the boil the Merit is boiling you'll reduce your lettuce cook two two and a half three hours depends depends do you meet you'll know when you take a you know how I do it I take a wooden spoon right there right and I go in and I take a piece of beef and I put on the side and if it if it start to fall apart then I'm going to test it I know it's going to be almost ready to go we'll season salt and pepper till the end and we're done and where did it go let me tell you something this with the mashed potatoes all the vegetables on it amazing Mac extra because the fridge is beautiful I'll be back when it's cooked and we're going to serve it all right friends we're two and a half hours went by it went so fast especially for you guys and uh and this is cooked and I want you to see the uh the thickness of the sauce you see it has to be covering the beef right so you you see look there's sauce on the beef it was too liquid it wouldn't be on the beef it's kind of like when I make a gravy for Thanksgiving I want it to stick on top of the Turkey saying they're here you see the sauce is on top of it so what we're gonna do we're gonna plate it and uh and all I'm going to do is I'm going to take my my serving spoon and I got myself uh I love those big big plate big serving plate like this I mean we can certainly uh use mashed potatoes and we're gonna do all that but I got those cool little vegetables then I did you know I did some uh baby Brussels sprout and and carrots and um so I'm gonna do this right there right and I got I sauteed um I sauteed some some baby carrots and and the Brussels sprouts they cooked right so we poached them already laid down and I just finished saute them in butter real quick you see just like that just this really really simple just let's not go crazy here right just like that right and we got a couple of carrots in there nice right and then I got those uh baby potatoes I was telling you about so I cooked those separately I mean you can cook them inside if you want but you know what I find I I find and if you cook them inside they lose their colors and everything and they're not that attractive anymore but but they're delicious I mean it'll be the same right it'll be almost the same so just make sure your product is nice it's looking pretty we got we got mushrooms we got potatoes we got all that stuff right there you know the caramelized onion right there look at that oh yeah baby this is it oh yeah oh yeah here we go now look look I'll put a little bit of a chopped parsley in here oh yeah baby now that's friends that is a beef stew a la la that would be very French for that that's for all of you and uh thanks I'm faking the French accent Jean Pierre you have to be French to say that okay so God Bless America I love it this is beautiful you guys gotta make that beef stew that's an amazing dish and so simple to make remember you're gonna need a two and a half three ounce to cook it very very slowly I use chuck roast use whatever makes you happy as long as it's nice and tender and this is beautiful you got to try to make that stew friends it really is the most amazing beef stew I've ever had you're gonna love it and and honey like that trick about how digging it correctly and now to enjoy these two even more the next video a phenomenal garlic bread oh you're gonna see how easy it is and it's fabulous great one to serve with the Beast to enjoy the video well hello there friends that's gonna be a quick one today I'm gonna make you my favorite garlic bread really simple to make okay we got bread and we got butter and garlic you know that's gonna be good right so um I got the a butter then it's a softer and I put it in uh in a in the oven for a minute for a minute you want it to be a really soft friends otherwise you're gonna have a heck of a time to uh to do what I'm about to do okay so if uh if you don't have a I always have some kind of an oven going in my kitchen but if you don't just put it in the microwave for like a 15 second don't don't put it too much otherwise it'll it'll completely separate on you and you don't want to do that you just want to soften it you see all right so we got uh uh chopped basil I mean this is really like a a no-brainer and uh and chop bossy okay boom boom boom boom let's look at it to see if we have enough you see I don't measure because I like to look at it and then uh but I I write recipe for you guys so we can um but this is like a I don't know I didn't really measure it so look a little bit of a black pepper a little bit of salt unless you're using a a salted butter which you know I never do because I don't like a salted butter and then we're going to put our garlic and this is a freshly chopped garlic put as much or as little as you want there's no uh recipe for this friends okay this is something like uh the technique is Mamma Mia look at this mess I made this uh the technique is more than than reading the recipe you put as much as you want you see the fact that the butter is soft make it easy right so look at this boy I can't believe it I got a piece of bread it that's the way it came while we're waiting all right so look guys we're gonna cut it in half anyway because otherwise it's too big right we're gonna cut you cut your bread like this right and then you make big uh big uh opening in your bread don't cut it all the way through because you cut it all the way through you're gonna have a you're not gonna have a a piece of size you want you can cut it all the way through later see you give it a good three-quarter right and then you open it up and you put your bottle in there see and don't worry about it you don't have to be very precise influence it's more about the technique see it's more about the technique just put it in there as much or as little as you want okay friends right there you see I want it to be a quick video today so I'm uh I'm doing it quick see right there right get in there you can put it a bit on top but don't worry about putting it on top it's not really important I'll do the other piece later Al aluminum paper let's move this aside we can do the other one later we take the piece of aluminum and don't let anybody tell you the doll side and the the this is the manufacturing deal okay first I don't like to lose aluminum paper I don't like the cooking aluminum paper but in this instance it's the best thing to do but don't let anybody tell you then they're the shiny side and the doll side that want us to be up want us to be down that's not true it's a manufacturing process it's when they roll the aluminum paper it's on the side of the roller it's more shiny that's all it is just go on the and they'll tell you about it so now don't let people tell you oh you got to put it up or down okay you know you do this boom boom pop it in at 375 degree oven uh for about 15 minutes okay I'm gonna do that I'm gonna put it in my oven my oven is hot and I come back in five minutes I I after it stayed in there five minutes we're gonna open it up we're gonna put a little more butter a little more Parmesan oregano and we'll have it ready to go so we'll be back in a few minutes all right friends I've been told by my producer that I was not very clear on my timing we're going in the oven 15 minutes then we're going to take it out and then we're gonna put it on a cookie sheet and we're gonna go back five more minutes just in case I was not very clear okay here we go friends we got the uh the uh the first 15 minutes I don't think it'll be that hot I mean it is hard but uh it's manageable when you've been in the kitchen 50 years you can manage Heat in a different fashion friends oh yeah it's probably gonna be very hot I think we can handle it yeah oh yeah oh yeah right and then we're gonna we're gonna make it even more special friends oh look at this one doesn't have that much I didn't put that much on the top you see oh that one that's the second one I did okay so now what we're gonna do friends we're gonna get more of the butter we're probably gonna brush it on oh yeah see look I'm brush it on and uh we can do it on the side as well what do you think right all right now we have plenty on the inside but you can certainly put more on the inside if you wanted to you know but it's plenty you know if we look at the inside look at this see there's plenty in there but we can put a little more we're gonna never have to remind you we can never have too much butter right and uh and then we're gonna take a little bit of Parmesan or vagina that's just the way I like to do it but you don't have to do the parmesan that's why we we didn't do the parmesan at the beginning because they get all soggy right now so we'll put this in there and we're gonna go in there five minutes there we go be back in five minutes all right friends five minutes six minutes seven minutes whatever it takes it together really hard and you know what I like to do at the last minute I still like to brush a little bit of butter on it to make it nice and shiny you see to give it a beautiful uh restaurant look it's when you go to restaurant a good restaurant and they got garlic bread that's what that's what it looks like it you see and look all right now let me tell you something friends this here's a garlic bread okay and it's so simple to make right like look look at the inside look look at this look at this friends I hope the camera can capture this look at this look at this Vince you get a slice of garlic bread right here and you see the important thing is when you do slice it slice it almost almost three and not too much otherwise it'll fall apart on you but give it a good 75 percent of the way so then then you can really yank it out and you got yourself a slice of bread you see ha ha it's gonna be hot so I would highly recommend you weigh it oh I can't wait it's crunchy it's garlicky but not too much you know cheese on top it was very exciting I hope you make a friends really simple recipe well I hope you enjoyed that garlic bread and I hope you make it with the next recipe a pomodoro sauce one of the easiest tomato sauce in the world to make I'm going to show you the perfect technique to do it hope you enjoyed the video and I see you at the end of it Pomodoro friends that's one of my favorite pasta dish well you know I have so many of them you know I'm half Italian half French okay I'm totally more French than I'm Italian because I grew up in France but my mom is Italian my first language believe it or not was Italian but I didn't speak it very much because I think they're like four or five years old my dad said no more Italian in the house I don't speak Italian I don't want my kids to speak Italian we're speaking French from now on so I have to learn French so here I am friends in the meantime and then I came to the stage now I had to learn American American English all right pomodoro spaghetti Pomodoro I'm gonna make you this is one of the easiest tomato sauce you've ever made in your life I promise you you're gonna love it it's really really special so I got my reduction saucepan that I use on a regular basis right you've seen it before I'm exhausted with it I do everything with this perfect for this all right we're going to put a little bit of Basil olive oil if you got if you don't have a basil olive oil use a beautiful extra virgin olive oil okay you know what okay so it's an extra virgin olive oil let me take my fan off because I have a fan to keep me cool in the kitchen and then it Blow My Flames so I'm gonna put a little bit of onion we don't put much onion you know we don't have to put that much onion I love the onion but in the tomato sauce the Italian they don't put that much onion many so many italian many sauces they don't even put on you I like the sweetness of it sometimes because the tomatoes need a little sweetness we're gonna let that do its thing we're gonna put the pasta in this is so simple you're not gonna believe it friends I got the water going a lot of water we're going to put a little salt it gotta taste like this like the sea water well last time we had sea water that's why they got to test like it's got a taste like we got about three ounces of pasta per person put it in don't worry about it don't do nothing now a lot of people they put a oil in the water I don't put oil in the water but because I got a big pot some people say the reason why they put oil in the water is to avoid the water from overflowing it don't break it up just let it go in there that's what they say it does it uh stop the water from overflow I don't know I never had an issue because I got big parts so I got the onion going let's talk a little bit about the tomatoes I'm using cherry tomatoes and right now this is the time to use it my friends they sweet it's amazing you think they they grow with sugar it's amazing so you know what I do I take them and I cut them in half and look how beautiful that is look look how beautiful that is French you see look at this this and this sweet and you know what I love I love it because it Cooks in a few minutes we got a tomato sauce that is actually gonna cook in no time at all by the time the pasta are down guess what the tomato sauce gonna be done how cool is that this is like a 10 minute meal I'm telling you this is really quick not often I do this the onion are good now we're gonna put a little garlic that's another thing then my mom never did never put too much garlic I think I ended up putting more garlic when I came to America the Italian I put very little garlic just one cloves for two or three dinners that's enough so it's right there put as much as they make you happy now we're gonna take the tomatoes right there yeah we're gonna put a tomato it's easy this is the easiest the only so it's all about the tomatoes my friend you got good tomatoes you're gonna get a good pomodoro sauce okay that's all you need is good tomatoes really really simple right we're gonna put a little salt with my salt where's my sword put a little salt that's going to help us draw the moisture draws the water of the tomatoes and then you know what's gonna happen a little pepper a little black pepper and you know what's gonna happen Prince the water is going to come out of the tomatoes gonna make a liquid but then you know what we're gonna do we're going to take a potato masher and we're gonna smash it we're not gonna put the blender or the mixture or anything because that destroys the texture a tomato sauce is all about the texture you want the the chunkiness of the tomatoes but what I'm going to do is I'm going to squeeze because I want to get the pectin in the skin you see the pectin is a natural thickener and and that's thicken the tomato sauce so all the water is not going to make a water water with tomato sauce no let's talk about the basil basilica it's look at this all we're going to do so we're going to put some in there you're going to say you know what you put the basil now it's not going to be as nice as if you put it at the end all right it's not going to be so am I putting it in now I'm putting it in now friends because we want to put some now and we want to put some at the end so we got two level of of fragrance of the basil we got the basil before and we got the basil after and you think you're going to taste the same no the one after after the one you put at the end it's going to be much more fragrant but the one you're putting now you think you're just not going to test any good oh yeah it is and you know what I do I take it the stems the leaves are breaking it's very scientific the way I do this you notice hey you this is the one down there I'm not going to go it's going to be hot so look look I take the stem and I put it in here and you're gonna say well I don't want to eat the stem but I don't blame you I don't really matter you know what I do I take them off I cook them and you know what I do I squeeze them I squeeze him and you put them in there the stems you're not gonna believe it the stems actually gives a really really nice flavor okay I got enough basil what do you think I got enough later all right so we're gonna cook this you'll come back over here I'm gonna cook this my friends I'm gonna cook the pasta and when I come back we'll finish the sauce together this is gonna be amazing I promise you it's very simple my friend all about the tomatoes so you know what I do go to the store and I buy the tomatoes I buy one container okay and when I get to the car I taste it if it tastes good I go back and I buy three more containers if I don't taste good I go to another grocery store because they're not the same those were called Pomodoro sweet and they're like I'm telling you you think the sugar how they do it they're wonderful it's all about the Tomato so don't be buying the tomatoes then don't have any colors and don't have any flavors okay you got to test them all right so I'll be back when the pastas I cook and when the tomatoes are cooked okay friends the pastas are ready so it took about 10 minutes 12 minutes depends how long they take so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna take my potato masher which I don't use for potato anyway because I use the potato I say when I make a mashed potato right and I'm going to squeeze the tomatoes and then we want we want to get a better texture but we're also friends are gonna get the uh the pen in the skin and that is what's going to make that sauce so special okay I'll turn the water off because I'm done all right and then I'm gonna remove my stems of Basil and I'm squeezing them there now anyway you see I'm squeezing the whole thing it smells amazing the tomatoes smell Beautiful the basil says modify there's a little hint of garlic in the background that comes and kiss you right there oh it's beautiful it's beautiful my friend what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna put a little black pepper I already put some salt earlier so I'll give a little test they see if it needs more let me test it really quick they're gonna be hot be careful down here don't be on yourself yeah I can use more salt there you go all right wonderful so now friends we're taking the pasta oh the basil basil basil this stems there you go come to papaya over there if I forget one then I forget one you know what I tell everybody when I it ate in my house I say if you find the stems of the basil you get two desserts so I usually have a smart friends then go to the kitchen and gets the basil puts it in his plate so he said I got two I got two no he did not liar oh let me get a tongue let me get a thong here we go friends we're gonna put a beautiful spaghetti and don't worry about pasta water we don't we like a little pasta water in there okay we like the pasta water it's got a little starch in there got a little salt in there that's it voila so now turn everything off we're down now we're gonna mix this up we're gonna put a little more fresh basil this is how you're doing my friends look how beautiful that is look at this my mom would be so proud look at this is that gorgeous or what my friends so what we're gonna do now you're gonna put the cheese in here if you want I like to put the cheese at the end I'm gonna put some Parmigiano-Reggiano if you have never tried Parmigiano-Reggiano friends please try one time you know if you look a price per pound don't cost any more money than the stuff they put in a box so what I do is here look I take a big little like this and I put it right there right and then I take a passive work and then I twist it around I twist it around Silo you take like this you twist it around friends right and then you go like this in a plate you take it you twist it your your little and boom voila and don't do this take a little Basil Leaf right there friends put it right there whatever you know what I should do I should put the cheese first let me put the cheese first at the last minute you see and go close so you don't mess up your whole plate put as much as you want I'm sure some of you are going to say oh I want to put more cheese well you go ahead and put more cheese in yours I mean probably everybody in my family oh we're gonna need more cheese or your more cheese or any more cheese there you go put more cheese what's this black thing doing here get out of here let me turn this off all right we're looking good friends we're looking good right what do you think you like it oh little fresh black pepper right I'm gonna put a drizzle don't tell anybody a drizzle of Basil olive oil I could drink that stuff and then I'm gonna put a little base all the way there and look at this friends what do you think let me get a fork let me get a fork it's the best moment is that beautiful or what do you like it you like it I love it oh oh you know what we could do come back over here one more thing one more thing I love my life look at this you take a little bit of sauce right there you can put as much or as little as you want right there then put more cheese and put the thing right there and look at this beautiful all right friends that's it now I'm going to eat and then we're gonna eat and voila we're just going to take a little bite I'll make a little bite see I I like to put it in a spoon it just controls a little bit it makes it a little easier and then I don't have a huge yeah of course there's always one that's gonna give me trouble if I wasn't on television I'd be okay um um I love them more cheese though my friends I hope you make this it's a fantastic recipe really easy remember it only took like 10 minutes well I hope you enjoyed the pomodor I told you it was going to be an easy sauce and it's an amazing you must try to make it so now let's go to another video a egg Benedict eggs benedict it's like oh people think it's complicated I made it very simple show you exactly how to push your neck correctly actually mind your C is overcooked and uh and also I'll show you how to make a hollandaise three minutes and everybody can make it I know you're gonna enjoy the video hi there friends let me show you exactly how easy it is to make this fabulous egg Benedict as a matter of fact while I poached the egg it's gonna take me three minutes I'm gonna make the oil on this that quick let me tell you you want to do something special for your better half Sunday morning say stay in bed I'll be right back five minutes later bam you got the next Benedict but what you got to do is you miss on plus the night before I got a brioche toast you can do English muffin I don't like it even it's not easy to cut an English muffin on the plate you know not unless you got a steak Knife okay so I got brioche bread then I take a a cookie cutter boom boom I cut it ham you can use Canadian bacon I don't really care for it I use a beautiful black forest ham and I get it in slice a little thick not too thick and I cut it with cookie cutter so everything is same size you can use Canadian bacon with not even bacon anyway it's not even hand any ham anyway ham is from the high length bacon is from the the belly and the the Canadian bacon is from the back so you want to get some of that I don't really care for it myself but if you want a traditional additional uh Canadian bacon and go and the English muffin first thing you got to do friends you gotta get fresh eggs and I mean fresh go back to the grocery store the night before and you buy fresh eggs make sure they're super fresh look at the old date go in the back and get yourself some fresh eggs you want them Super Fresh to do this okay now what we're going to do we're going to strain because there's a white there's the yolk and there's some watery stuff we gotta get rid of it so what I do is I strain it and I want to show you something you see the strainers there is single mesh there's double mesh I figure you can see better if I put my hand on it see look double mesh single mesh see you can see my fingers right here you can't see my fingers single mesh double mesh you want double mesh because if you get single mesh you'll get rid of all the white you don't want to do that so we break it now be careful right there friends you do not want the break you egg okay so we put this right there I said I picked the wrong one and then what we're going to do you're gonna see right there see look a little bit of white that's too much we don't need that watery stuff so what we're going to do now friends we got water in the water you want to put a little bit of acid and a white vinegar it's perfect don't roll it you won't even test it white vinegar is perfect and you want to create a vortex you want to make it go around or go around go around go around you see and then what you do you take your egg and you slowly put it in and look look you see it stays all together that's all and if it doesn't let's say let's say you didn't do a Vortex that great you're taking your spoon and you put it on top of it like that but don't worry we are now going to make the hollandaise foolproof oh by the way don't put any salt in your water okay a lot of people put salt on it it makes it very difficult for the egg to coagulate so don't do it again the salt we're gonna put it right here here you go salt right there in oil and days we got three eggs we got about a stick of butter then it's about at the 220 degrees temperature 200 degrees at least you gotta have 200 degrees temperature it's not exactly at 200 I got it at 197 right now if you don't have one of those folks use your thermometer then you use your cooking with to use the same thermometer they use the cooking with and you wait until it gets to about 200 okay we're almost there you see we're almost there and now make sure you don't boil down because if you boil about it you know what's going to happen friends you're gonna boil the butter and the it is going to um the butter is going to burn the milk protein and about it's going to burn so be careful don't burn it now all right I'm almost there just wait for a second and we're gonna take it and we're gonna put it in a measuring cup now here's what we do with the egg egg yolks a little bit of water or white wine and I mean very little little lemon right we're going to take that out of the way I gotta get cleaner all right and now what we're going to do the batter is here I'm going to pour the butter into a pouring measuring cup so I am nice and clean when I pour it now here's what's gonna happen friends let me clean this up what's gonna happen now we're gonna mix it we're gonna immersion you can do with your regular blender okay if you have a smaller blender when I was in a restaurant we used to do that for lunch every day but we made like two gallon of Hollandaise we sold a lot of olden days and what we're going to do we're gonna mix it and then what we're going to do we're going to add the 200 degree batter and the batter is going to cook the egg pay attention you watch you got to do it slowly okay because remember it's like an emotion it's like when we make a mayonnaise except it's a hot mayonnaise so we're putting the the fats on the egg and the egg is going to cook and the egg is going to absorb all this and bind the whole thing the egg is a binding engine so you see do it slowly like you do the mayonnaise when you put the oil in the mind is you do exactly the same thing friends you see do exactly the same thing move it a little bit around but do it slowly okay and I forgot to put my timer for three minutes for the egg you know when the camera is on I forget everything I forget everything friends I don't know about you but one of these days I'm gonna forget my head that's what my mom used to say don't forget when they're gonna forget your head so you're lucky it's very well attached look look eventually the egg is gonna be finished I said oh I gotta look at the egg oh shoot I forgot to put the timer thank goodness I got a good team here otherwise I'd be in big trouble friends but we're looking good we're looking good we're looking good we're looking good and right there my friends you got a beautiful smooth silk all on this look at this look at this my friend okay now we can season a little bit more and you know what I like to put on mine Oh Mamma Mia I'm told and the eggs are done let's go back to the hollandaise in a minute we're gonna take it we're gonna take the egg right there and look what I'm doing I'm taking it I'm putting it in ice water and you're gonna say why are you putting in ice water because that'll make it so easy if you want to prepare in advance let's say you want to prepare this in advance the night before you can do this you can prepare everything the night before especially if you've got a special breakfast you want to prepare okay you got to prepare it in advance so you get them like that you can beat them you can put them in the fridge and you know what I like to do I'll tell you what I like to do my friends I like to actually now I know some of you are going to think I'm a Nut but what I like to do you know that's my classical training I like to try to cut the excess a little bit to make them look pretty you see look look I like to make them look a little pointy right there see you don't have to do this but right but it's more elegant I just think it's more elegant do you think I think they look gorgeous you see right there all right so now how do we serve him well we're gonna take him again want to take him again and we're going to put them in water for 30 seconds please somebody let me not forget 30 seconds foreign 30 seconds okay we got a Time on we got a timer on all right let's prepare the plate my friends let's do it real quick this is going to be a quick one let me clean up let me clean up I got 30 seconds I got all the time in the world oh yeah I got all the time in the world huh I want to make sure I don't have too much of a mess because I don't like a mess so I don't like it here but I put it over there so here we go plate plate Jean-Pierre gotta play let's see how we're looking oh yeah baby look at this look at this look how beautiful that is friends look at this this is gorgeous so you season however you want it you sit down however you want it let me take this and put it right there all right so like I said English my friend if it makes you happy I like brioche and my beautiful ham I just sauteed in butter I saw Terrace now I'm going to take my eggs out oh mama mia I almost forget when you think I'm gonna have a nickname The Forgotten Jeff he forgets everything I need a spoon with holes in it and guess what oh here it is I was gonna stay they stole my spoon there's nobody stealing anything around here oh yeah baby look at him look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this it's beautiful you see very simple right now we're going to take him we're gonna let him drain just a little bit right we'll let him drain just a little bit oh yeah baby come over here come over here you oh yeah and you and you come over here oh yeah fragile babies oh yeah come over here right there right there now we're gonna take our sauce and we get a spoon let me turn everything off here has got a spoon oh yeah baby look at this this is gorgeous now you want to put as much or as little as it makes you happy okay I don't like it too much I think I love it I love the sauce but I think it's it's more elegant if you put very little but put as much as you want and I keep putting it on all right so so now we're gonna take a couple of chives be elegant friends be elegant be elegant just put a little bit eh yeah yeah don't put too much right there and that's all you need that's all you need my friends what do you think fabulous egg Benedict I'm gonna eat it now that's the best part of the afternoon is I'm gonna eat it I gotta get myself a knife I want to cut it I want you guys to see let me get a knife right there I want you to see oh yeah baby all right which one do we cut now you see the beautiful thing is if you got an English muffin you need a steak knife here you don't need a steak Knife Canadian bacon oh look look pay attention friends pay attention look you see see if you want more or if you want less cook you leave it in there more than three minutes you see now this one might be just a little bit more cooked let's check this guy oh yeah you see this one this one is a little less cook so look look at this friends is that gorgeous look um hmm I can't speak with no mouth ful folks easy remember Mison plus you have it already in advance takes a minute well I hope you enjoyed that video I told you it was going to be easy to make a next Benedict and a holiday is right you guaranteed foolproof and now one of my favorite and the easiest dessert in the world to make is a black cherry custard pie black cherry clafuti oh you're gonna love making that you know my mom used to make that and leave the pit in the cherries watch the video I know you're gonna enjoy it okay friends I'm going to show you how to make that clafuti cherry custard pie this has got to be one of the easiest dessert in the world okay I promise you folks everybody can make this dessert exactly the same way I did it I promise you okay I did it one day on The Today Show in like four minutes so I know you can do it I'm gonna take my time today because Today Show you don't have time to explain anything you just do it and um so very simple you need a blender you need a pie mold a lasagna pan and a bunch of ingredients first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to prepare my pie pan all I'm going to do is put a little non-stick spray in there right it looks like a lot but it's not and we're gonna take it right there and we're gonna put it in a lasagna pan big enough to hold the whole thing now we're gonna make the custard pie we're getting fresh cherries because fresh cherries are in season right now you can't get fresh cherries don't worry you can get good dark pitted black cherries in syrup in a can they're delicious and I said firm you can get them Frozen not quite the same but you can if you don't have cherries you can make them with apricot cut the apricot in half remove the pizza around remove the pits and put the cut side in the bottom of the of the pie and make exactly the same custard okay uh uh blackberries no no not blackberries uh um blueberries they got to be a firm fruit you can't do with raspberry because they kind of fall apart you know so blueberry Works apricot Works pear if you have nice ripe pale those four great cut them in half remove the seeds but then cut side down also where the pointy part goes in the middle in a pan and that also is a beautiful uh pear clafuti it's called kafuti so now we got the pits you want to remove the pits I gotta tell you a story I'm always telling your story by the way you you tell you need a a cherry Peters for this you see look look you take your cherry right you put it right in here and then you boom remove the pit look like I'll do it again it's very cool it's like a gun oh this is not a very nice one so you got to go through them right so you take it right there that's not a nice one what is going on look at that's not a nice one either I got a bunch of rock and cherries so here we go look they're good right there right and bam I don't know where it went it went out there somewhere all right so you do this get all the pits out now I gotta tell you something a funny story right when we were kids my mom was a golden blue Chef so my mom was always making fabulous dessert and I live in Provence I grew up in the south of France in Provence in a small village called the toront and uh it's in it's next to example rounds next to Marseille and when it's in the side of France right and um and we had a big black cherry tree and my mom in in in in this time of the year when the big cherries would come out big black cherry juice she would make us a cherry clafuti and with five kids and and she barely had time to cook it barely had time to cool it we would swallow the whole thing and she would say your kids don't appreciate nothing you don't even eat it you swallow it that's what kids do you swallow the whole thing she said I gotta slow them down so she figured said I'm going to leave the pits and so where it is she said be careful there's Pizza in there and sure enough it was a bunch of pits in there you know what we loved eating and so much more with a pet not because the pit tastes like anything they don't taste like anything right they really don't taste like anything but you keep it in your mouth longer because remember the test buds are on the tongue and it'll worry about by the time you swallow the food it's all over you don't taste it anymore you have to keep it in your mouth that's why when you have wine or olive oil you want to test you keep it in your mouth for a while well same deer so if you have kids that need too fast that you're making this keep a few pits in there oh you know what I thought everybody do I removed a bit but every so often you miss one so you tell them no matter what be careful there's pets in there then they don't believe you so we spread right we spread them out so now we put the cherries in there right put enough to fill up the whole thing you fill up the whole bottom for sure for sure and then put a little bit extra okay not too many extra otherwise you're not gonna have room for your custard right just like that put your fruit in the bottom and now we're gonna make the custard if you cannot do this dessert you have an issue okay I don't know what it is but it is an issue so look this is very simple five eggs all right a cup and a half and a half a cup of cream if you're not often have to use milk it works with milk also it really does work with me right oh let me take those out then a a cup a cup and a quarter of sugar depends how sweet your cherries are very sweet you know cup of flour I always like to put a pinch of salt remember you beg your pizza you're not going to test it it's just going to be in there it's going to help a little bit of vanilla I like that I use to use Tahitian vanilla measure carefully about a tablespoon and a half of uh not then you're gonna measure don't take the spoon put it in there you know and uh and then you you start your machine and then you're gonna puree this let me tell you why you don't want to puree too long if you puree too long you're going to create a lot of air bubbles in there and if you create air bubble it's gonna rise and like anything that rises eventually comes down well that's what's gonna happen it is going to come down folks so here it is right there all we're gonna do is we're going to take this mixture and we're gonna pour it in here okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour this in here don't create too many air bubbles you create too many air bubbles it's gonna rise up and up and up then it's going to fall down and when it falls down it doesn't look really pretty friends so here we have it here we have it here we have it here we have it right there let's make sure it's completely submerged and then we're gonna put a water bath we're going to put them in a water bath you said okay this recipe fits perfect the hormone right there right and then what I do is I take a four or a spoon and I submerge everything and we're just going to bake it just like that friends and let me tell you this is a fabulous then I take hot water hot hot hot water hot water hot water and I pour it in here right there and about a halfway and we're going to pop it in the oven and we're going to bake them for about an hour at low low temperature 250 temperature very low temperature let me open up my oven so by the time I get there I don't have to worry about it oh man this is full a holy man it's a good thing I'm not drinking I'm going to put them in there just like this wow I did it with that well that's growing up I'm not that good with that kind of stuff here we go we're gonna bake him remember when you bake a custard you want to do it at a low temperature for a long time you don't want the custard you don't want the water to boil you certainly don't want the custard to boil otherwise it creates air bubble so we're going to take them out of the oven and we'll get you back to you in about an hour from now [Music] okay well I left it in a refrigerator overnight after all I think it's better if you leave it there four or five hours may not be quite enough unless your fridge is really really cold do it overnight you're good at this point I want to end mold it now remember we did put a little nonstick spray in here and uh if you did it enough of it you'll see then it's not really attached to the side you don't really need a knife to do it you shouldn't need a knife to do it but I tell you what I have a trick I take some hot water right there and I put it in there just for a minute what that's going to do that's going to help us and mold it okay just a little bit of hot water same lasagna pen and then we cooked it in I will cook this in in a water bath right same deal just to get that last that that pan just a little hot and it should come out pretty easy just make sure you have some really really hot water in there and what we're going to do we're gonna take it out now sometimes it comes out really easy and sometimes not so easy yeah so let's say today hopefully it's gonna be an easy one right I just take it out of there delivered in there long enough Don't Be Afraid then your your lasagna pan I mean you pie pan has to be a little warm okay when you do it dry it out so you don't have to deal with all that water right dried out and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a large plate I'm gonna put it on top and I'm gonna do one of those and hopefully it'll come out I'm gonna grab it by the ears right and I'm gonna flip it I'm not gonna flip it I'm just gonna put it upside down okay and now at this point you can do one of those or and that's not helping okay oh you can take a knife I obviously didn't live it long enough it's still cold but you know I know if you can see I don't know if you guys can see right here but you see right there right there right there look look it's it's uh it's coming loose can you see it can you see it right here and you see right here look it's coming loose you see oh look boom I didn't have to do a thing so but no otherwise here's what you do you take a knife and you give it a air pocket that's all you need is just a little air pocket in there and look right there okay so no we're looking good we're looking good so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take it like this okay to play right very simple hoop voila and voila a little bit here but no big deal now we're going to take some powdered sugar just a little bit of powdered sugar you don't need a lot now don't go out there and and put too much powdered sugar so you can't see the cherries anymore right just a little bit about sugar oh yeah baby just check it out right very simple yeah I'm saying don't put too much pot of sugar and here I am putting like a quarter pound a pot of sugar and then you got some beautiful cherries and you have it right there there's very simple friends don't make it too complicated right there uh you can put a little amount of cherries right there here you go friends we got a beautiful cherry clafuti very simple let me tell you leave a few bits for the kids so they don't eat it too fast and they appreciate it you can make this it's very simple don't forget to subscribe folks so you can get my other recipe coming up make that recipe you're gonna love it oh [Music] well I hope you try to make that beautiful clafuti easy I promise you you're gonna love it well this is the end of it I hope you enjoyed the video I hope you enjoyed this format if you did make sure you leave a comment down there and don't forget Thumbs Up And subscribe to the channel thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 1,926,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef jean pierre, chef jean pierre mushroom sauce, beef stew, eggs benedict, top 10 recipes, chef jean pierre onion, cooking show, how to cook, easy recipes, beef stew recipes, spaghetti pomodoro recipe, garlic bread, garlic bread recipe
Id: y3qJ03NR55Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 20sec (9440 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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