Paul Hollywood's GREATEST City Bakes! (Season 1 Marathon) | Tonic

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I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami the European Sheik of Paris [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] Stateside to check out the city pegs in one of the world's most iconic places one that never stands still I'm in New York if you haven't already guessed it with a Miller Time Square it's sunset this place is buzzing 24 hours a day but I'm here to check out the bags what's the next Trend that's going to leave New York and come to Europe I'm here to find out I'm going to dive into the latest flavors of the New York Donut oh yes wow I visit a bakery that has turned The Rustic Bagel into a performance Hot Bagels [Music] and after near death by cheesecake [Music] I come up with my own bit of New York cheesecake Magic I don't want something this is a city that instantly makes you feel you're in a movie everywhere you look screams New York one of the things about New York is its size I mean I know London's big and it's got the odd occasional skyscraper but New York has got more than its first year wherever you go you feel dwarfed by these colossal buildings not more so than Empire State it's a nice day and I think I've got ahead this way as you might expect eating in New York is a pleasure and in fact it's an adventure even something simple like a bagel for breakfast is a hard decision good morning hello how's it going I'm good how can I help you what are the options for the bagels then oh well we have a whole bunch of different Bagel options we have the everything bagel and of course the whole wheat everything bagel and we also have the multi-grain Bagel or if you like we have the health brand deal this is what New York is famous for thank you very much you do doing everything bigger and better even it bakes I like to think that I'm on The Cutting Edge of bacon I like to think that I invent different things but to be honest for me New York is going to be fascinating and I'm sure you're going to get a little bit of inspiration while I'm here I'm gonna produce me bagel it's delish the coffee is not bad either I'm starting my search for the best of New York with that American classic the donut the United States has long had a deep love affair with them but I'm told that this shop opened for less than a year is trying to do something new Donuts these are great looking donuts thank you they're not fattening at all are they no not fattening at all I can make loads of them it's not going to put any weight on me no no no no I'm used to a little bit of sugar on mine but the choice here is incredible lemon and Poppy chocolate cafe Olay rights I think I know what I want the toffee kimchi I've got to try the basic one as well so a plain one please and the passion fruit please okay that's my favorite actually is that your favorite yes do you think that's enough to start with well just to start but I think you have to try the Hibiscus yes I've never had anything like that I must admit this is candied Hibiscus flower wow that is an impressive array of donuts [Music] honey is the shop owner and the bakery is right behind the counter they make donuts all day long here so they're fresh for the customer which I'm happy to say is me today you've taken the humble donut and turned into something very very different now this one is with toasted almonds ah dulce de leche is a South American flavor it's basically the toffee and banoffee pie it's very Moorish that's delicious now this one is passion fruit I'm from Mexico so I didn't grow up with sweets that were extremely sweet so I crave sour Tangy flavors oh yeah wow it's a strong hit a passion fruit oh yeah I love that especially I've made a tequila on the other we we do we make we do make a margarita one do you yes so what is this one this is the hibiscus oh yeah that's delicious thank you I love that it's not a strong flavor it's a hint at the back but it looks so attractive although the flavors in the donuts are different they're out there they don't taste artificial they taste full of flavor I mean I didn't realize that Donuts could be taken to such a level because a lot of the flavors you have never heard of it's noted to see how Fanny's Donut bakery churns out so many flavors all day long the heart of the operation then yes yes it is Fanny's baking team stamped the dough out by hand brioche yeah little red nutmeg and after proving it's deep fried before getting its flavored glaze and toppings what is it about New Yorkers that allows you in particular to be able to open a shop like this New Yorkers are Foodies and you have such a Melting Pot of cultures you know and I am one of those and so is everybody else so you're always surrounded by inspiration you go see things you go try things so what you're actually doing is your culture your heritage your flavors that you have in your mind that you grew up with you're bringing to the people of New York yes in the form of a donut exactly that's what makes a difference I love it I really do this is what New York can do to a donut I can't wait to see what else awaits me much of the baking in New York originated in Europe Family Recipes brought over through the 18th and 19th century by waves of immigrants I've never actually seen the Statue of Liberty before I mean it looks small in the distance but she's a Whopper but this was actually the routine that most of the immigrants took coming into America it's incredible beautiful morning to come and see it one of the bakes that came in with the Jewish immigrants with the famous Bagels I want to take you to a place called Saddles now it's run by a girl called Melissa it's only been open nearly a year now she's turned Bagels into an Entertainment form really I'm the only one that can do that hello how are you do you mind if I take these guys in to look around no please come right in thank you very much now this place is very special this is a very different Bakery to the street bakery where I bought my breakfast this morning the waiters are all dressed up with Dickie bows the center is where Melissa makes all the bagels and all around is the entertainment seats this is the theater seats if you like and when fresh bagels are baked they're announced bagels and all the staff join in Just Like A Chorus Line I want to introduce you to Melissa who started all this and she's over there making Bagels come with me hello Melissa hi Paul nice to see you hello so this is your home this is my home my son jokes that it's the bagel tail I like that Melissa sourdough bagels are prepared in a nearby kitchen like all Bagels they are boiled for a few minutes then some are tossed in seeds and then we put them on these down after a few minutes in the rotating oven the bagels are flipped over ah so you bake them on one side flip them over onto thee and then they finished the place yeah it's fantastic I love it the British afternoon sea is served on a cake stand you've taken the scone or the biscuit they call over here out and put the bagel in we have we love the elegant presentation and we wanted to elevate it so that it wasn't considered your local Deli Bagel that you can get on any street corner I think it's a great idea it's fine the whole point of this is a celebration of the bagel celebrated that yeasted little bun that came over to New York and it's just gone boom and this is taking it to a whole new level so one of the next lot due to come out momentarily are they I know you all know me as a shy retiring Baker but when in New York be loud Hot Bagel bagel you could have started with a little bit more Gusto the next time that was quite Rowdy I think that worked Katie made the Grinch [Music] one of the great things about New York is obviously you've got these huge buildings everywhere just go vertical and then right in the heart of New York you have this Central Park Central Park is vast it runs from Midtown right up to Harlem and any time of year it's beautiful most people that live in New York come to this place there's a little bit of a respite I suppose the equivalent would be Hyde Park in the UK and London whether you fancy a horse and carriage ride rollerblade jog or a spot of rowing it's all here and one thing which is pretty poignant to me coming from the northwest of England there's a memorial over there to a guy I'm a big fan of John Lennon I was born and raised on the Beatles my mum and dad were both big fans my mum saw him in the cavern many many many times and she actually didn't think there were much which is strange and I made up the call this place Strawberry Fields after him it's a nice memorial you know [Music] to come I discover a new way of baking bread that is so easy I can hardly believe it works that looks like a true artisan bread and I bake my own tribute to the inventiveness of New York by putting its cheesecake inside my chocolate brownie get in I'm in New York exploring the inventiveness of this incredible City my next Bakery is in Hell's Kitchen on the east of Manhattan Sullivan Street Bakery is so renowned that even the New York fire department stopped by for their lunch this is a bit of a personal fact-finding mission for me because Jim Leahy is famous in the bread world for coming up with a brand new super simple way of making bread at home hello so nice to see you man welcome welcome to the shop great looking things you're known because you changed the way that we mix bread you mean you're talking about the no need that's the one method can you show me and explain what this whole thing's all about yeah I'll gladly show you if you want to come back into the basement give you a quick tour I've always Made bread at home by giving the dough a good long need that's beautiful yeah but Jim has apparently come up with a method that does away with all that elbow grease and I want to know how it works this is the technique now that you came up with so the no need process is a really really simple principle 400 grams of flour you add yeast and that's about a half a gram and this is eight grams of salt okay fine table salt sea salt yeah and then I'm just gonna mix it together this method hands down produces better bread than even the best Artisan Baker's attempts and what's really beautiful about it Paul is it requires no effort on your part my part or your viewers Parts This sounds too good to be true I've weighed actually 300 grams of water let's get really detailed in hard water or soft water tap water okay just tap regular tap water pour it in and then I'm just gonna put it together like this and it is done and that is Shaggy and that was about like six seconds yeah about six seconds normally I'd be working this dude for maybe 10 minutes until it's smooth and elastic it's a very different method because obviously you're not working there you're just leaving it alone but this is all Jim does perfect it gets covered and left alone after 24 hours this is what it would look like so it goes from that to this the dough is risen ever so slowly and despite not being needed it's now smooth what is really weird is during my baking life I've done those like that before inadvertently just mix something together and forgot about it come back it's blown up what I haven't done though is go to the point of baking it I respect the Integrity of The Blob you don't want to cut it into a bunch of little pieces you want one whole piece okay Jim is what I would call a bread head I love his energy anyone can do this and that's it done that really does take just seconds to bake it Jim has a whole new technique using preheated casserole pots or Dutch children's are known in America then we have are those that have been sitting here for a little over two hours a little bit too big for the pot but we're going to make it work anyway a little lopsided not ideal it's the principal kiddo and we're going to put this in the oven now for about 20 minutes personally I've never baked in a dutch oven before so this is going to be fascinating to see what they come out like so they baked for 20 minutes with the lid closed about 15 minutes with the lid open can pick one up now they're still hot but you could probably handle them quickly some lights yes so I'm gonna try to cut this in a way it smells fantastic yeah but look at that structure that looks like you're right a true artisan bread from the middle of France I love the way your structure structure structure structure however I say it this is a really impressive loaf tastes like think of the best homemade life you've ever made that your grandma used to make that's a huge compliment the grandmother thing I mean I like to I it makes me kind of get like ulterior do you want to tissue I do I think in Europe as Bakers we're restrained by tradition by rules and I think in New York that doesn't exist I think they've mastered the recipes that have come out from Europe I think he's changed it made something completely different that's why it had to come from New York thanks Jim I'll pause yes foreign ly discovering about New York is the quality of bacon is here they've got some fantastic recipes and what they've done with those recipes is set them up a notch I think it's revolutionary and that's the key thing that is the New York way bigger and better before I leave this city I'm on my way to visit a New York institution I want to welcome you to Brooklyn I want to welcome you to Juniors I'm told you don't know cheesecake until you've been to Juniors this New York family has been Reinventing it for the last 65 years Alan Rosen is the third generation to make this recipe for 65 years we've been on this very Street Corner making the recipe exactly the same way as when we started it is incredible and it even the signposts on the road here yeah well we were fortunate enough they renamed the street corner Harry rosenway Cheesecake Corner Harry Rosen was Alan's grandfather who created this recipe in 1950. now I've come all the way from the UK to look at your cheesecake generations of brooklynites have come to eat at Junior's Diner and on the floor above in the original 1950s kitchens thousands of cheesecakes are still being made by hand and unusually every Junior's Cheesecake has a sponge base I've gotta try some hello how are you I'm good this is Paul we're gonna introduce him to a little New York style cheesecake today okay we're going to start with uh our our classic what started us off the original the New York style plane better try this that is the one that my grandfather started with 65 years ago I like good I like it a lot it's very very creamy um you can taste the cheese in it the the sponge is beautiful and soft that was gorgeous thank you glad you enjoyed I can't finish it all though you might want to keep your fork we got some more coming okay we have a slice of strawberry please Marshall sure when Allen said he had some more coming up strawberry cheese guy he wasn't joking fresh strawberries [Music] that it's delicious that's a standard filling yeah same exactly the same thing okay bring it on whatever you have Morrison wow what's happened is over the last 65 years Juniors have elaborated on their original recipe creating more and more incredible cheesecakes I like the pineapple [Music] so I'm sitting with my dad over breakfast 20 years ago yeah and my dad says why don't you take a plain cheesecake and put it inside of a chocolate layer cake you know what it shouldn't work but it does it does it does in so many ways and then from that we came up with red velvet cheesecake okay [Music] that's quite light actually well after you've had that one this one it is I love the color on that as well how about we'll lighten you up with a little fruit now how about an apple crumb it's difficult to explain but the flavors are excellent the strawberry one I particularly like I'm going back to the flavor okay apple crumb cheesecake so we took two of America's most beloved desserts apple pie basically and cheesecake that's a great blend that one if I hadn't eaten any of those I could probably clean off one of those you haven't got any more of it yeah we do we got a few more of course he does Alan also has black forest cheesecake oh wow and carrot cake cheesecake does it get any bigger than that that's the biggest one we have a lot of people oh once once gone's gone that's all right we'll we'll work on that one later you're doing great I got attack thanks very much chocolate mousse and raspberry Swirl at the same time thank goodness these the last two is that a seriously is that a portion yes regular sized portion we didn't do anything special for you here today no offense no Jacob all these cheesecakes taste amazing I promise you they do I'm pretty full after my one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twelve spoonful of Cheesecake if the New Yorkers can innovate like this so can I before I leave Juniors I ask Alan if I can invent my own Hollywood cheesecake you'll be the only guy except for our Bakers who get to work upstairs in that Bakery so that's going to be amazing I hear you're a big deal back in the UK so we're gonna let you let you up there thanks Alan I just need to sit here and when it first rest foreign I've decided to take my own chocolate brownie recipe and somehow get Junior's Cheesecake inside it so you're gonna crack on with your cheesecake I'll crack on with my chocolate brownie and we'll try and have a bit of a mix my pleasure a mashup so to speak have a mashup yeah exactly Alan's recipe unchanged for 65 years is Philadelphia Cream Cheese which is going to slowly blend with sugar two eggs double cream and vanilla extract my brownie starts with whisking together six eggs with sugar I'm doing mine by hand you see you're cheating slightly because you're using the mixer into the eggs I pour a lukewarm mixture of dark chocolate and melted butter straight in you can see how slack that is see perfect next self-raising flour the last thing I'm going to add pieces of chocolate if you've done anything like this before a brownie with a maybe next week call the Hollywood cheesecake you'd like that wouldn't you oh yeah he thinks that's funny but I think it's gonna be a winner I think it's ready all yours my friend oh beautiful this should be quite delicious actually looks pretty interesting I'll have one more there I don't want it to change color too much I want it to be quite Stark so you see the cheesecake and the brownie together we bake it 170 degrees C in Junior's original ovens oh that's amazing thank you very much that's a great look at them yeah the cheesecake and the brownie both bake at the same rate and stay separated wow giving the brownie an incredible looking cheesecake marveling running right through it I've never had anything like this before I'm looking forward to it cheers cheers buddy foreign it's a lovely blend you still got that brownie texture as well you've got soft chocolate and the brownies all across the bottom and the cheesecakes are on its own this is good I want something this is my little Innovative nod to New York and its history of incredible Bakers I like New York it's given me back something which I think I was beginning to lose New York has given me the passion basically to go back home and try lots of different things and not be restricted by the tradition of a recipe change it why not that's what New York does and it works I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami to the European Sheik of Paris [Applause] foreign [Music] this time on City bags I've come to the capital of French baking Pari this is something else this is another level I discovered the Artistry of the Parisian patisseries the finest jewelry shop you've ever been into meets the Louvre Meats a bakery I sample the very best boulangeries in town oh superb and I created a towering City bake that you can make at home my quest to find the best of will baking has brought me to the city that sets the standard for all Bakers when they do a bakery in Paris they don't just do a normal Bakery you go in and get a donut filled with cream for a custom slice honor everything is like a work of art everything is a chef's creation often unique I've developed a huge respect for the recipes the flavors and the traditions of French baking in basic Bakery you wouldn't find that in the UK not as elaborate as that anyway so parrot believe it or not this is my first visit to Paris a place that has inspired my lover baking there's so much to take in and I don't just mean the incredible Banks look at the decoration look at the deck all around the top of the painting the architecture look at this chandelier in the middle of a bakery that's ridiculous I grew up a world away from this but I've always admired the style and the Elegance of the French this for a baker is like the Holy Grail I think it's absolutely stunning I'd love to have a shop like this probably missing a sausage roll though from almost there's so much more to Paris than its baking Heritage of course and long before I was talking into a French croissant or baguette it was a local Landmark that captured my imagination as a child love listening such a beautiful building reminds me when I was six and I got meccano for Christmas [Music] the Eiffel Tower has stood over Paris for over 120 years and the little boy in me can't wait to pay a visit but the view from the top isn't quite what I'd imagined okay so the weather's not the best today but it still feels pretty good to be up here this is the home of bacon I can't see anything because the clouds have descended but who cares Hollywood has come to Paris The View across the city might be a bit limited but all around me the parisian's love of baking is clear to see just walking up the street I've seen three bakeries already there are over a thousand bakeries in the center of Paris alone the secret is looking for the best one if you're a decent Baker in France you have a Artisan boulangerie above the door and believe me if you live in Paris next door to a bakery like that you'll shop there every day twice a day go and get your baguettes twice a day go and get your pastries and maybe your pudding or cake as well this is about pure neighborhood bacon and I'm heading to a bakery that's considered to be the best in the neighborhood of my mat it's Cafe Rafael run by Artisan Baker Sebastian Hyatts yes I do superb Sebastian won second place in a prestigious Paris white competition to find the best baguette in the city is there a certain template that you use or is it rules that you have to follow there is at least five rules to get uh to get a good baguette okay it's the color the the texture and The Taste and the smell yeah and when you push on the on the paste when it's cooked it's come back it Spring's birth yeah wow Sebastian bakes 400 baguettes a day and customers visit his award-winning boulangerie From Dawn till Dusk how many times a day did they come in two times at least in the morning and in the evening till eight o'clock what time do you start in the morning two o'clock most of the time this poor guy is working 16 hours a day yeah you need a lot of love and a lot of craziness to I feel for you I know I've done the same myself that's why I love French bakeries Sebastian is one of those guys so passionate about what he does he understands the way the parisians eat the bread I've got to try some of your baguettes can be one of your Best Buy guests let me just try a little bit no the the smell inside you've got slight sour in there as well but listen listen to this that that makes a good baguette you see that structure you see that structure if in the future you ever buy a bag it doesn't look like that take it back and come to this guy's Bakery and buy one crispy lots of flavor that's a fantastic bag yes as a baker I know what good bread is and I love that celebration of bread and Paris knows what good bread is that is worth a clap delicious I'm taking the metro across town on the trail of another signature French bait it's an iconic part of the national food identity and it's eaten all over the world for me it's the bake by which any good Baker is judged during my professional career I've made tens of thousands of croissants now I'm in Paris the home of the croissant and I want to find the very best one so I've come to the bakery at the best croissant Baker in Paris Lauren duchenne and it seems that words got out it's a hell of a queue so this must be one fantastic question what could be more French than the croissant well actually it's based on an Austrian bake introduced to Paris in the 18th century and made Popular by Queen Mary Antoinette who was homesick for her Austrian Homeland this is the fella that we're queuing up for smells amazing oh it's got a bit of tension there as well the smell is really buttery and look at my fingers see the little grease marks on it that tells you it's a good croissant straight away let's talk more eat more it's got a slight crispiness on the outside but as you bite in it it flakes in your mouth as you bite in through the layers the butter just bang bang just released onto your tongue it tastes amazing I'm fascinated to know how this guy won the best Classon in Paris bonjour hello nice meeting you Lauren duchenne is the baker responsible for all these amazing looking croissants and pastries and I'm delighted that he's invited me to join him in the kitchen I love all this so that's the place where we we make all the croissant every day so that that the dough we prepared yesterday which has proofed in the fridge overnight yes Lauren produces 800 croissants a day and he's perfected every stage of the baking process so the thickness is very important of the dough and the butter so the depth it's probably about nine mil about nine mil it's 9 10 mil now Laurent is layering dough butter dough this gives the quest on its characteristic flaky appearance now you're using a good quality french butter of course we have a special butter which coming from Puerto Charlotte it's a Countryside where we have a lot of milk a lot of coke the quality the quality of milk is very important for the butter okay that's a top tip from Laurel if you layer the dough with top-notch butter you get an incredibly light and flavoursome croissant so now we're going to fold it into and then into again I call that a book term a book lever exactly book 10 or double 10 however you want to call it to make the perfect croissant you must get those layers of dough and butter I love this I love the smells like a baker I used to work in and it actually smells like bakeries I've worked in for many many years uh It Feels Like Home to me I love it Lauren book folds and rolls is though once more before he's ready to form those distinctive Crescent shapes and then we're going to cut it as a triangle like this so this is where you have your your triangle that's the triangle fold it one time and then you reward it as even yes you can I love being in a bakery with another Baker who knows what they're doing there's something special that there's like um a camaraderie round though I used to say you know you roll it like you are swimming yes yes to create something magical from flour it's deeply satisfying and you must try it at home one of the things when you make your question like this if you put a bit of tension in there and what that does is tightens it up slightly as you roll it up so a bit of tension just tack it at the bottom and when you roll up try not to put too much pressure on there just on the side roll it up just a little tap make sure that that base stays on the tray and doesn't roll like this once LaRon and his team have hand-rolled 800 croissants they're left to prove overnight they look graceful like soldiers and lines they're then given an egg wash and finally they're ready for baking making one great croissant is an achievement but Lauren and his team achieve perfect croissants every time every day someone in Paris is going to have a good breakfast when you think of France you think of Paris when you think of Paris you think of croissant and for me as a baker coming in making croissant with the best croissant maker in Paris fantastic thank you my work here is done coming up I discover a Patisserie Masterpiece look at that look at the detail on that it's a work of art and I take inspiration from a local Landmark to create my own Parisian bake it's okay it's amazing thank you good job [Music] foreign [Music] this is a city that is inspired by love of baking I've visited the boulangeries of Paris and tasted the best they have to offer it tastes amazing it feels great in your mouth but Parisian baking isn't just about Flavor it's about style and elegance something you'll see in the windows of the patisseries that light up the city streets each one of these Tarts has had a syrup been reduced to create the topping and then they'll put a beautiful glaze on the top and they're created magic and the flavors are Exquisite these are works of art these this shop isn't just selling baked goods it's selling artwork look at it everywhere you turn Parisian patisseries set new standards in food presentation but I'm heading to a famous Parisian institution that represents the very finest in French baking Style when I was a little kid leaving school I still always goes to the local bakery and get a chocolate eclair which is basically a shoe born with cream with a little bit of chocolates on the top then I head about this place it's meant to be the best Patisserie in the whole of Paris wow think the finest jewelry shop you've ever been into in your life cross with the Louvre meets a bakery and they come up with that they look absolutely beautiful now I'm all for Style but you've got to back that up with a little bit of substance too established in 1886 by August 4shon a former street vendor Foshan has become a watchword for French style luxury Cakes and Pastries [Music] Sasha has been part of the Gourmet team at Foshan for the past three years are these all the range for Claires that you do yes they look incredible French they look French you see I think you may have something there yes could I try one of these please with the stripes the French colors yes and the British of course too they do taste amazing the straw being there is really strong it's beautiful it's light but the shoe bun is so delicate it melts in the mouth now this really is top loaded I've made a close before and I've made a lot of eclairs before not quite as French as that the French word eclair literally means lightning but there's some dispute over whether this name refers to the glistening chocolate icing or the speed at which these cakes are usually devoured oh wow okay it is delicious the flavor of the hazelnut that comes through it's gorgeous wow there is certainly a Parisian Style which is very very elaborate flamboyance yes they look amazing they taste incredible but what gets me the detail I mean they look as if they have jewels this is this is something this is something else this is another level now being in Paris the Mona Lisa I mean look at that look at the detail on that it's a work of ours but I'm going to bite into this now this pair of eyes I'm getting the Almond through in there that's delicious yes I was worried that it was all about Style no substance but to be honest they taste amazing and they are absolute works of art Mercy session is unlike any Patisserie I've visited before and represents everything I love about this city refined elegance and an artistic Heritage makes Paris a joy to explore the place we're going to now is sakuraka which just happens to be the second highest path of Paris gotta build up a sweat for it [Music] I wanted to see this place for ages sacrika the Sacred Heart it looks like a massive whip meringue sitting on top of Paris the history of this place is fascinating the First bishop of Paris was a guy called send Dennis or Denny who was beheaded by the Romans and The Story Goes when they beheaded him his body picked up his own head and it carried on saying the sermon all the way to the top of here where it eventually died and dropped and they built one of the first churches here on my mat the view for me is incredible that is Paris I've loved everything about my first visit to this great City and to Mark the occasion I want to add my own twist to a French classic and I'm taking my inspiration from a famous local landmark to make my bake I'm heading to patisserie stirrer which opened its doors in 1730 and has been wowing customers ever since now look at this little fell area these are little pearls all of them are delicious uh Jeffrey Kanye is the head Baker here at story and has offered to help me out what I'm going to do I'm going to use this tat as a template to try and make the Eiffel Tower out of shoe pastry or chocolate eclair if you like it's the same mixture so the whole thing would be like one massive chocolate eclair oh hello that should work I've never done it before so I'm just going to freehand it but I have Jeffrey is the chef of this beautiful Patisserie we're gonna make this together now to start with we need to put the pan on the heat start by mixing equal parts of milk and water with butter after warming through Jeffrey adds a couple of tablespoons of sugar so how many years Jeffrey have you been making eclairs and 10 years 10 years whipping up a good old-fashioned Choux pastry the flower goes in next it's second nature to a French pastry chef like Jeffrey oh there you go if you look inside there now it's beginning to come together into one ball and it gets softer and softer and softer the paste is transferred to a large mixing bowl before we add the eggs one egg at a time warm egg I can count you say earn egg Yoon egg enough enough time you add an egg you have you have pastry vigorously with a wooden spoon and this requires a bit of elbow grease your arm's okay yeah yeah it's okay do you want me to have a go yes okay it's okay ah it's very different yes keep adding the eggs until you get the right consistency so if you look at this mixture now how soft and glossy it is and that is what your shoe pastry should look like job done on the pastry mixture it's time to get creative I'm going to try and make the base now bear with me I've never done this before try and keep it nice and gently that's a bit basic shape of the Eiffel Tower yes and then you can crisscross as you start from the bottom go up and across so you're zigzagging all the way up to make the girders look authentic once you've got the basic shape this needs to be baked off now we're going to bake that at 200 for around 20 minutes 25 minutes be good my iPhone eclair is ready it's good Chef is it okay I think it's amazing it looks similar yes and same and same once the eclair pastry is cooled I can add some architectural touches I'm decorating with chocolate fondant icing and there's a knack to this too so as you're doing it just put a little bit of pressure on the bag Don't Force It too much and it'll find its way so don't squeeze too hard just a constant pressure and what I'm going to do is put a couple of highlights down here not all the way [Music] it's knowing when to stop decorating something like this but for me that [Music] is the Eiffel Tower made out of sheep pastry made in the oldest Patisserie Paris it's okay it's okay it's amazing good job thanks so a unique eclair to symbolize the charm and beauty of this amazing City I've waited a long time to visit the home of French baking and it's surpassed All my expectations I love Paris do you know what it is they don't know the words that'll do because that just won't do so whatever they make of pearls the bits of magic and they taste Exquisite Paris is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami European Sheik of Paris [Applause] [Music] City bakes has taken me to places that I hardly know but this time it's different we're in Britain we're in London and I know a little bit about British baking this time I'm going to show you my London by showcasing its Stellar baking Heritage that's what I'm talking about massive cake loads of layers loads of cream I'll be dropping in on a new generation of artisan Bakers now you see that is what a proper loaf is all about and visiting one of my old haunts now this place is very special to me to create the ultimate afternoon tea ladies and gentlemen Paul Hollywood which goes down a storm [Applause] in my quest to find the best of the world of baking I'm on home turf person has a reputation for being the food capital of the world it's one of the most visited cities in Europe and home to seven and a half million people I'll always be a proud northerner but for a budding Baker at the age of 23 London was the place I needed to be one of the reasons I actually came to London was because I was offered a job at the Dorchester I mean you don't turn jobs down at the daughters there that was the youngest head Baker that ever had but coming to London was also about being in the focal point of food this is the place where all the chefs want to work and it made a massive impression on me I spent all my free time exploring the history of this city from the Buzzy Market Square of cover Garden to its elegant Victorian arcade when it came to baking it was the River Thames that helped revolutionize our food in the days of the British Empire Merchant ships Laden with spices and exotic fruits made their way into the city from around the world and for those wealthy enough to buy these exotic foods there was only one place to go when I lived in London there was a lot of food places I like to visit and the place I'm going to take you to now is one of the oldest exits over 300 years old it's the Queen's grocer opulence underlined the stuff they have in there is unbelievable fortnum and Mason is London's most luxurious grocer and has been the shop of choice for high society and royalty since 1707. will famous for its picnic hampers cram with Fine Foods and preserves it's also home to one of the most glorious tea salons in London and if you're after British baking Classics this is a great place to find them [Music] ah this is what I'm talking about these represent some of my favorite bakes in the UK the gorgeous lemon drizzle then you have the Dundee cake then you have the steak kidney pie then you have a classic British pork pie we brought a lot to the table haven't we in Britain pawpaw's got to be right up there now look at these guys another favorite of mine the Scotch egg it's basically sausage meat which is the deep fried in breadcrumb and actually fought an amazing claim that they invented the Scotch egg the thing is about British bacon it tastes amazing it's all about the taste [Music] do you know what a scotch egg made well you can't beat it it's just absolutely beautiful Buzz Brits are so obsessed with our baked goods that the industry is worth a staggering 3.4 billion pounds a year oh there's a great Button as well however there is one British classic that you can't buy at fortnum's it's impossible to talk about baking in Britain without a nod to the guilty pleasure that is sliced white bread it's the perfect fit for that Great British institution the bacon body look at that fella as a lifelong Baker sliced bread should be sacrilege but I must confess I love it this is a great carrier for a sandwich as long as you buy a decent one and to be honest who doesn't like a bacon an egg sandwich needs a cup of tea though [Music] as well oh thank you British speakers revolutionized baking with the mass produced loaf back in the 50s but times have changed and today London's in the throes of a traditional bread making Renaissance in the shadow of The Shard tucked under the arches of London Bridge bura market is London's oldest and trading began here as early as the 13th century ask some food more importantly for me are some bacon is Alive and Well in this market today it's a popular stop-off for food lovers londoners popping out for lunch and wide-eyed tourists [Applause] either you can choose your Market by its breath good bread good Market bad breath I wouldn't go in I'm excited by what bora's Bakers are doing here and to getting on the action I'm on my way to meet Master Baker Matt Jones who's had a stall here for 15 years and whose Bakery is just around the corner hi I'm Matt good morning Paul how are you today good to see you welcome fantastic range of breads here well yeah we've got some bits and pieces here to show you've got a nice Brown sourdough a raisin sourdough nice um this is a hundred percent Rye that's lovely looking like that is trust that took years to develop now you see that is what a proper loaf is all about when you normally think of British breads you think of the slice stuff but oh no this is the new generation I've read in this country in fact it's the old generation come back what sets Sado apart from the mass produced bread is that it's not made with manufactured yeast but with one that's home grown giving it a unique and subtle flavor you could just eat that on its own yeah lovely I mean yeah I mean the smell of that is totally different to the ones you normally Buy in the shops where I guarantee that'll make the best toast in the world the flavor you can smell the sour in there as well I'm gonna try that that's lovely though on a busy night Matt bakes up to two tons of bread and supplies 60 restaurants and hotels as well as local markets he's still got a batch of white sourdoughs to finish so I've offered to lend him a hand the thing is about Saturday's been around for about four and a half thousand years um basically the first guys that made sourdough was ancient Egypt two and a half thousand BC and we're still doing exactly the same method now it's just that what we're doing is using a full oven rather than a pot over a charcoal piss once in the baskets the dough is popped into the prover to rise and an hour and a half later it's ready for the oven normally if you're going to bake a home 220 um get your oven nice and hot in there for about half an hour knock it down to about 200 for about 20 minutes see how about the perfect life simple as that [Music] [Applause] there's nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked bread and if it tastes half as good as it looks Matt's going to have some very happy customers what you're looking for on a good loaf is actually there's no splits on the side which is good it's split where you cut with a knife which is a good it's expanded a hollow crispy it's good to go that's a nice looking loaf I like the color of that actually hot out to the oven and with customers waiting it's time for Matt to make some real dough three pound please okay thank you can help anybody you want a white sour there you go thank you very much still warm from the oven I'm really excited to see people snapping up these loaves thank you very much sometimes you have to look back to move forward and by taking inspiration from our baking Heritage Matt and other Artisan Bakers are doing British baking crowd next my city bakes takes me on a trip down memory lane this place is very special to me I get my whites back on after a 15-year break try and keep it as small as possible so it's dainty it's that attention to detail that I'm looking for but will my ultimate afternoon tea be a runaway success I can't wait to eat this myself or an absolute disaster I think these are too big just look at that [Applause] I'm back on my old stomping ground in the English Capital London so far I've Loved getting stuck into some great artisan bread making but I want to make a very personal bake to celebrate this great City I'm going to indulge myself take a trip down memory lane I'm actually on my way at the moment to a hotel that is very special to me I used to work there about 15 years ago now for me it's one of the best hotels in the country when you turn this corner you understand why it's so special look at that it's gorgeous for me it's the best of the best of British country houses Clifton house in Berkshire has played host of virtually every British monarch since George the first 1920s Clifton became London's most famous party house socialite lady Astor famously threw lavish parties for the Great and the good everyone from Charlie Chaplin to George Bennett Shaw were entertained there I spent a very happy two years his head Baker and I'm thrilled to be back [Music] good morning thank you now this place is the place that is very special to me that chair this this one here this is my seat this was my favorite place to hang out before my shift started nice to sit here about three o'clock in the morning I'd work five six days a week sometimes my coffee talking to the duty manager it's lovely being back when I got out the car they actually said welcome home it's those little things and it does now feel very special to me but one of my favorite rooms in this hotel is just over there and I want to show you this room in particular is very special because you don't have to look at The Deco you feel actually you're in a chateau rather than an English daily home and there's a reason for that it actually came from Versailles they call it Madame de pompadour's room this was moved from Versailles to this house and all the woodwork was brought with it this room again is special because the queen motherhood that she had afternoon tea in this room but also because of the view can you imagine living in a house like this I want to do justice to this magical setting so I'm going to pull out all the stops from my city bake and pay homage to the queen mum's favorite pastime afternoon tea [Music] social historian James Sherwood knows all about high society and the origins of this very British ritual the afternoon tea was an important event wasn't it it was it was originated by The Duchess of Bedford who is a great friend of Queen Victoria and she found that at 4 pm or around about that time that you start to suffer a sort of low and you sort of feel a bit limp and lifeless and what do you need you need a pot of Darjeeling and you need cucumber sandwiches what else I couldn't agree more but in just over two hours I have to serve my vision of the ultimate afternoon tea to 50 expectant guests the Bells brilliant they've no idea that I'll be making it and it's been 15 years since I stepped into this very kitchen morning Paul how you doing good to see you good to see you it's good to be back so have you been back in a professional kitchen for a while or 15 years ago 15 years have you still got what it takes no lost it years ago we're gonna be in trouble it'll be all right Chef Andre Garrett kindly lent me three members of his team to help me get ready for service but we've never worked together before so it's crucial that they know exactly what I want to achieve I want to keep it as traditional as possible I don't want to go to free-frow and French I want to keep it very basic very British but taste amazing so I'm thinking of lemon drizzle I'm thinking Strawberry barkettes sandwiches again soft as possible as fresh as possible sliced thin cucumber egg beef and a little bit of mustard on there so something just really celebrate British afternoon tea nice time is tight there's a lot at stake here and the diners don't know it's me in the kitchen today but I really want to impress I just hope the lads can help me deliver try and keep it as small as possible so it's dainty so when the top goes on it's busy a bit of jam in the middle it'll be perfect I want to try and keep it half inch so it's more of a bite two bites to be finished strawberries laying out like that on top of the Bobcat nice and neat try and keep them all the same size all the pastries have to be the same sort of size as that so when someone picks it up whether it's just gone about a lemon drizzle a Victoria's sandwich they all look the same size and that is critical it's that attention to detail that I'm looking for while the lads are busy I'm going to make one of my favorites now I'm going to be making my scones three different types I'm going to do plain fruits and walnuts again classic but all looking exactly the same a lot of five star establishments used strong white flour but you you can't overwork it that's the key thing it keeps it light keeps it moist it's easy to make scones you only need six ingredients add caster sugar to the flour some softened butter the magic ingredient baking powder and some eggs foreign fairly quickly then milk full fat milk half to begin with I'm happy with that mixture it's quite sticky that's the key thing pop that on the bench give the mixture a couple of folds until it comes together and divide into three parts I've slightly under mixed it now don't forget this is strong bread flour it's got gluten in it the more that you work it the tighter it'll be the harder it'll be on the mouth when you eat it so the whole beauty of it is just to bring it together so it breaks easily the last thing I want to do is work this like a bread dough pop that in there I've got a few sultanas going in there as well I just want to work that together into the into the dough once you've worked most of the sultanas into the mix take the second batch add walnuts and add it to the remaining sultanas bat should remain plain roll it out so it's a good inch thick put your skin cutter in a little bit of flour and just cut down and that's it place on baking parchment but leave a bit of a space around each scone as they will expand and do the same with the other varieties finely glaze with egg yolk there you have it little Beauties ready to go in the oven pop the scones into a nice hot oven at around 220 degrees for around 15 minutes while my scones bake the lads have been busy with their finishing touches the barkettes are sprinkled with ground pistachio the miniature sponges are being decorated and the sandwiches are underway so you've got your egg and crass we're getting the beef you've got the Cucumber being sliced sliced now all right fantastic I can't wait to eat this myself so far so good and look at these little stunners thank you I'm chuffed how they've turned us everything's coming together and not a moment too soon as upstairs the guests are starting to arrive we're back in the kitchen there's a problem I think these are too big I think they need to be cut in half you want them cut right in half I don't mean that well ideally yeah but I think they're gonna have to go that way okay I think they're gonna have to be cut now if they're just look at that I can't let those go upstairs that's like a Docker body though you could fill that with chips I mean the five-star hotel and so I've asked them just to cut that in half and I'm gonna invert it and put a little spread on the top make them look a bit prettier this mistake is going to cost us time and the guests are already seated and waiting I wanted all the same size as the I could get back you know think of the size of the back there [Music] fantastic they look better with the docker bodies transformed we're back on track just in time that for me is good to go so there it is my perfect afternoon tea soft bite-sized beef cucumber and egg sandwiches my wonderful Walnut raisin and plain scones and to Crown it off a selection of classic British cakes service [Music] as my afternoon tea makes its grand entrance upstairs thank you very much the diners still have no idea that I'm behind all of this I hope they like it absolutely amazing it seems to be going down well good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and a very warm welcome to Clifton house just if I can make a small announcement just to let you know that your afternoon tea today was baked by um well none other than Paul Hollywood hello everybody it's been 15 years actually since I've been back to Clifton and actually put weights on and going to the kitchen so it's been a long time the team have been fantastic downstairs a really great job but I wanted to celebrate British cakes so you have battenberg you have lemon drizzle you have a meringue with a praline cream you have a mini Victoria sandwich and you have a strawberry barquette all these were on the menu when I was doing the afternoon teas at this house 15 years ago I hope you liked it thank you very much tuck in please do it's been such a long time since I've done this I'm dying to know what they think are you enjoying your uh just now around the table as to whether we were scones or scones here it's gone it's gone enjoy your tea absolutely fantastic my afternoon tea seems to have hit this spot and it's been a real privilege to get back in the kitchen and serve up some great food in this historic and elegant house I loved actually working in the Clifton today make an afternoon tea I'm making it British again I think there's been far too many French influences on the pastry side but today I brought it back to British and it was lovely hearing the people upstairs talk to me saying oh we like the Batman oh we like this we like that I actually well a lot of people said to me was we love the Walnut scars I've had a ball if I'm perfectly honest coming back to this hotel after 15 years being away and working I put my Chef's fights on for me personally you know what I realized I really miss it that's what an afternoon tea should be a celebration of British food I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid back Sunshine Vibe of Miami to the European Sheik of Paris [Applause] [Music] today I'm in Saint Petersburg Russia [Music] nice this time I'm living the life of a czar wow that is one of the prettiest things I have ever seen where the food is as rich as the culture and this is gold leaf your Putnam amazing I follow in the footsteps of the glitterati Elton John Tina Turner Elizabeth Taylor wow they've all stayed there aren't they I recreate some petersburg's baking Heritage that is 800 years of Russian bacon and I get the VIP treatment in Russia's finest food Hall looking forward to this foreign you see I go to the ends of the Earth just to find you good bacon [Music] when they built the Magnificent city of Saint Petersburg it was all about showing off Russian culture and sophistication to the rest of the world with knobs on whatever the rest of Europe did the Russians could do it bigger and better laughs and when it comes to baking Russia's all about traditional pies sugar Laden bakes and Rich Rye breads great comfort food to keep you warm inside and boy do you need it I kid you not it must be about minus 12 minus 13 With the Wind as well probably minus 20 so I've got probably about four or five layers on the top about three on the bottom fur line boots to be honest I'm still cold it might be a bit on the chilly side but this picture book city has so much to offer and that is one hell of a view looks like a massive meringue [Music] this is one of some petersburg's most iconic buildings the Church of our savior on spill blood is so ornate it took 24 years to complete to see the Church of the spilled blood with snow hammering against it it's beautiful [Music] if I'm going to survive these temperatures I'm going to have to do as the locals do morning and get myself kitted out with a Russian ushanka hat a bit much [Music] I like The little moth hahaha it's not brilliant for my first taste of Russian flavors I'm heading to Saint petersburg's most extravagant Food Hall [Music] kubets eliseev has been a firm favorite with the Russian Elite since 1902. and the store's VIP attache Victor yavaronic is going to show me what my rubles could buy me hello Paul how are you hello I'm very good thank you what an amazing place this is it has got that opulence it's a bit like the food halls in London but I think it's another step up maybe well we're trying to keep it Imperial classy for a Royal Society and you know High [Music] societyv hasn't always looked this glamorous during the Soviet Union it was state-owned and you'd have struggled to get your hands on the luxury goods lining the shelves today from the handmade confectionaries and the fine cheeses to luxury vodkas it's all here for the taking if you've got the money brilliant but I've spied the ultimate extravagance run through some of these caviars which is a good caviar old caviar is good and good when you can buy it that's true now here that's a sturgeon Imperial and that's the best one staging caviar is is the best I want to try all of it really I could see I could sit there with some poker and try a lot of caviar if I'm brutally honest before I get too distracted there's one more Department I'd really must check out why while I'm here there's something that very close to my heart some of the bread this is the traditional bread you cannot find anything more traditional you know in Breads and Russia okay that's what I think of when I think of Russia I think of that rye bread do you think of that heavy Rye almost yeah the black rye and that's exactly the stuff I'm talking about so yeah please yeah thank you that's a great looking loaf isn't it heavy which is what a ride normally is the borodinski is one of the most popular Rye Breads in Russia and was inspired by Russia's Battle of borodino wow the deadliest day in the Napoleonic Wars that is one of the most potent rides I think I've ever eaten it tastes it's almost Caraway and the seed flavor but heavy dense that is exceptional a Russian rye in one of the best food halls in the world not a bad way to start my trip but before I leave Victor's got one last treat in store for me about to this the lavish surroundings of the store's Grand Dining Room usually play host to Russia's High Society but today I'm getting the VIP treatments with the room all to myself just grab it with a spoon okay Victor's serving up some of the best sturgeon caviar this is decadence Russian Style oh that is good I see your eyes started to spark yeah it melts in the mouth though it really does melt in the mouth that's the first Russian caviar I've ever had in Russia and that was delicious that was very very nice and I believe we need some vodka right now how do you say cheers in Russian [Laughter] start over yes that's right I'll take this one for the team [Music] I could get used to this I've seen where the glitterati shot now I'm off to see where they stay in the Heart of the City off one of some petersburg's grandest squares is the five-star hotel Astoria since it opened in 1912 it's welcomed some of the world's biggest names [Music] to schmooze I'm here to meet one of the brightest stars in Russian baking advice I'm on my way to see the executive pastry chef for this beautiful hotel Julia even over now she's Apparently one of the best pastry chefs in Saint Petersburg so I'm here to check out what real Russian bathing is all about [Music] Yulia and her Brigade are in the middle of preparing a traditional afternoon tea hi Paul hello the highlight of which is her specialty a Titan of Russian baking the medifik honey cake this is a very traditional Russian cake called medallic or haniki honey cake yeah there is a nice history it goes to beginning of 19th century and our Queen Elizabeth she didn't like honey at all somehow they had a new pastry chef and he didn't know this detail and he wanted to impress her so he created a funny cake and presented to her and she tried it and she actually loved it and that's became her favorite wow so since that it's very common in Russia the classic version of this cake consists of layered sponge but Yuli has created a more refined version by ingeniously using a mix that is part biscuit heart sponge the biscuit element is softened by the sweetened cream filling and the whole thing is finished off with a flurry of decoration and a fittingly touch this is gold leave for your partner yes we'll have golden Russian so this is a our honey cake would you like to try I think I will do look look at that so that represents to me a building there's the meringue again which when you think of the the Church of the spilled blood there's the meringue then you have these beautiful little wafers raspberry sitting on the top of that and then pure gold sitting on top of that it's not brilliant I've got to try some do you mind if I took in it's all free ah it's nice oh it's softer than I thought it would be yeah it's very fat and sweet maybe not well I'm either you just described me fat and sweet that's actually with the fruit that tartness comes from the fruit together with the whole thing is beautiful I love the fact that Julia put a Twist on an old tradition so it's more biscuit like it starts off being quite brittle and as the cream softens it it becomes more like a sponge but the texture of it is spot on producing magic in her kitchen well Julia's not the only star who's been resident at the Astoria Madonna Gary Kasparov Rasputin Elton John Tina Turner Elizabeth Taylor wow they've all stayed there haven't they in her 30 years at the hotel Lydia Lou and tuna has seen a fair share of movie stars and celebrities pass through the Astoria it's The Eclectic mix of people it's incredible wow in 1919 a certain Vladimir Lenin gave a speech from the balcony of the presidential suite thousands of supporters are gathered outside in the Square to hear the leader of the Bolshevik party make one of his many speeches that would lead to the creation of the Soviet Union this is where Lenin gave his speech I'm just gonna go after that's a great view isn't it but the history attached to it is just incredible I mean Lenin I mean Lennon was here talking to the people giving his speech yeah very poignant [Music] next tour to neat new trick a novel pastry ingredients guaranteed to knock his socks off vodka yes Russian vodka that's an excuse to have one of these in a bakery and I pay a visit to one of Russia's grandest of grand palaces wow that is one of the prettiest things I have ever seen [Music] spec the jewel in Russia's crown there's an extravagance to life here from the food to the architecture and nothing is more extravagant than the Winter Palace the most dual dropping building I think I've ever seen it's just staggering it makes booking in Palace well look like a two up two down really I would like to pick up the electric bill though massive [Music] inspired by my nighttime visit to The Winter Palace I've got the bug so today I'm off to see the tsar's summer residence with the help of a couple of trusty friends my boys need nice comfy ride no racing okay just be nice right I mean Pushkin Park which is about 25k south of Saint Petersburg these guys here are my new horsepower two horsepower Moshe and biskin I've heard that hidden away deep in this magical Park there's a little bakery that serves tasty Russian pastries now all I've got to do is find it look at that scenery it's a real magical place to be it is a bit like a fairy tale it doesn't feel real [Music] and on Route we pass one of the most stunning buildings in Russia Catherine the Great bolt hole her Summer Palace wow that is one of the prettiest things I have ever seen [Music] Catherine the first was a lady with expensive tastes 100 kilograms of real gold was used to decorate this Rococo Palace which was built to outdo evenly excess and Grandeur for Versailles it's just stunning absolutely stunning I'm not here just to look at the palace I'd come for the baking in the grounds of Catherine Park there's a modest little converted church that serves up traditional Russian cakes fit for an empress hello hello wow what a great place yes now looking down here I recognize a lot of them so eclairs quiche panarisa truffles but those on the end what what are these could I could I try a little bit yes of course are these very popular with the people that come in yes yes let me have a quick look what you can say about it tastes delicious yes it's very very good so in Britain we make a bread roll and we put cream inside it it's like an ice bun and that tastes like an ice bun with curd cheese rather than cream but actually the kid cheese adds another element to it and it just tastes beautiful this melts in the mouth so when you were growing up when you're a little girl did your family make this yes my grandmother my mother do it and me too and you do yes Bill taster Russia right there I'll finish this one now it's delicious too far I've lived the High Life taste tasting my way through some of Russia's best Sweet Treats but for my city bake I'm coming back down to earth with a good honest Russian pie I'm headed to a place now that apparently makes the best pies in Saint Petersburg a subject that is very close to my heart and indeed my stomach foreign is a chain of 13 traditional bakeries and cafes with a well-earned reputation for producing finely crafted Russian pies and with 40 mouth-watering varieties each stuffed with the delicious Savory or sweet filling from Rabbits to apricots I'm going to be spoiled for choice smelling here is incredible these pies look amazing could I try a little piece please yes thank you from palaces to pies the Russians do everything on a grand scale and if these taste half as good as they look I'm in for a real treat chicken and rice it looks amazing [Music] now you're talking it tastes amazing the pastry is designed for but one thing it gets me it's quite sweet it's a bit like a brioche but it looks like a bread but it flakes like a puff pastry I'm still unsure what it is like many winning formulas stoller's exacto recipe is a heavily guarded secret which is why it's keeping me guessing back home I normally make a pie using Shore crust or hot water crust pastry but here the pies are much more elaborate they add yeast so it's a cross between a pastry and a dough it's then sweetened and layered with butter welcome to my kitchen what a fantastic Place Master Baker Alexander vasieve finishes off the mix with a typically Russian touch [Music] vodka yes vodka look Russian vodka Russian original vodka and that's an excuse to have one of these in a bakery oh yeah we uh we need loads of vodka I'm gonna need a pool table probably a dartboard too wow that's incredible I'm obviously not gonna find out the exact dough mixture but I would love to find out how they make their pies look so good this is with mushroom potatoes and cheese wow yeah but these pieces here how are you making these just the hand work so you're rolling it out and cutting it only hand work only hand okay Paul okay you're stretching this yeah and laying it on pushing it down and then you're putting layers and layers on yes yes this is almost like doing a lattice work on the top so it is really Russian ancient tradition that's been passed down yes yes it's a Russian soul in this pie you know yes I think you're right the amount of work that's gone in there is so impressive but that gives me an idea [Music] I love Alex's passion I think the pies are fantastic but I think it's my turn now and I'm gonna do a beef version for today's City bake I'm going to make a traditional closed oblong pie called a cooliback and Alex is even letting me get my hands on some of his secret pastry dough thank you although this recipe would work just as well with shortcrust pastry first you'll need to gently roll out the dough until you have an oblong piece about 30 by 15 centimeters we have our base there we're going to put a little bit of egg around the outside just a little bit and that just helps it stick basically when it all comes together again now the filling for this is beef stock egg which has been cooked and shredded beef mince and I've got cooked onions now all those go together with some seasoning and you end up with your filling for the pie so if I try and shape this into the middle smells amazing yes okay and now pinch it yes once the center parting is stuck together fold the ends up and flip the pie over place it on a baking tray and paint with egg wash so again the egg wash going on is going to help anything that goes on top stick to it so it bonds to it and it gives it a beautiful shine and a good Rich color as well yes now normally when you take at that stage you could bake it like that and eat it like that not a problem but Russia takes it to another level these are the bits that you're going to use to decorate yeah yes Alexander's already stamped out some of the shapes with a pastry cutter and the rest are done by hand look and how long in Russia have they been making from 12th century wow yes that's all this 800 ages ago yes looks so ornate this is freestyle you know yeah this is just freestyle oh yeah we're freestyle in a pie yeah nice one last glaze and it's good to go in the oven it does look good now that's going to be baked off 200 for around half an hour yes 200. okay fantastic while we bake this off we're gonna have a little bit of a vodka well they'd be a shame not to dip into that bottle [Music] that's in lovely that's great doesn't it I love the color [Music] gorgeous flake on it look at that [Music] oh wow pastries got that little bit of sweetness in there and with that beef filling with the onion it melts in the mouth that is 800 years of Russian bacon right there stunning absolutely stunning thank you Alex thank you spot on I've absolutely fallen in love with some Petersburg it's unbelievably beautiful but the baking was fascinating modern baking in Russia is almost identical to the rest of Europe but they still hold on to their own baking tradition cooler back being the ultimate if I'd have known Saint Petersburg was going to be this pretty I would have come many many years ago this is a truly magical City the baking capitals of the world in search of the people and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami to the European sheiku Paris [Applause] [Music] foreign this time it's the sunshine and the scenery of southern Italy the beckons where else are you gonna get something like that I've heard the food isn't too bad either I immerse myself in local baking customs and save for an iconic Italian Dish in the city of its bear oh my quest to find the best of well baking is taking me to the beautiful Amalfi Coast of southern Italy it's so pretty I mean look at that but first I'm heading to Naples a City full of classical monuments and beautiful architecture but Napoli as the locals call it has a lived-in look it's curiously chaotic and if I'm honest a bit dilapidated but it's alive it's vibrant it's historic it's a little bit dirty it's busy I love it engine is the Naples and it's probably because it lies in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius that famous volcano that erupted and covered pompe and Herculaneum and the streaks are paved with the lava so there's that a part of Naples that at any minute something's about to happen Naples is acknowledged as the home of Pizza I know it best for the neapolitan pizza named after the city but I don't know much else about the food culture of this region if I want to find out about the local baking Traditions then I'm gonna need some help and I know just the man I've known generic and taldo for many years he's a successful chef and restaurateur in the UK but he grew up here on the Amalfi Coast so pleased to see you right and you welcome to Naples I knew I could rely on Gennaro to give me a warm welcome I want you to show me the best bakeries that Naples has no trouble we have to go that way now okay let me show you as soon as we live today okay okay Maple is so beautiful I'm gonna show you wow ice cream look first stop is a traditional Italian bakery which was established in 1905 and there's something familiar in the window obviously you can see that's Vesuvius yes that is exploded I love the way they even celebrate an active volcanoes inside we're greeted by an incredible selection of bakes and treats and we're not alone there's a lot of people in here that's exciting it's an indication of what you're in it's popular even for people in Naples I'm spoiled for Choice here I could happily talk into any one of these great looking bakes but one in particular has caught my eye if only I knew how to ask for it spot spots for not say spot spots you suck it ah spogliatella literally means thin Leaf layers because that's what it looks like can I can I try it's full hotel look at the layers the layers are incredible that's I've actually never tried one before I've seen them but I've never tried one wow it's filled with ricotta cream semolina and fruit fascinating the flavors with the cream with the fruits inside with the pastry the way that it's been done it's been rolled the opposite way that you normally would normally you build your layers up like this it's been done like this Gennaro's brought me to the right place and I'm getting a taste for these Italian pastries they're beautiful absolutely beautiful I'll try another one this pastry is called cannoli which means little tube delicious I'm finished off now the skills involved in making everything is awesome and this is delicious you eating well I think I'll come here thank you papa oh [Music] for me walking around the city is the best way to explore it and to be honest I need a walk after all those pastries but in Naples street food culture temptation is never far away [Music] this is the first original neapolitan pizza fried pizza really fried pizza where did this come from it is right this is truly proper fast Napoleon Pizza in the days before Ovens pizza was fried not baked back then this was a peasant food for the cash strap neapolitans who ate fried pizza on the go it's different I like the baked rather than the fried it's not for me he likes it though just don't understand frying may be the oldest way of cooking pizza but the oldest pizzeria in Naples is just around the corner Port Alba Antigua I'm gonna date on that 1738 yeah you can imagine that for how many years let me make a pizza nearly 300 years 300 years okay we need to try this mate this is weird I'm more used to eating fish and chips wrapped in paper but there's a technique apparently what closets okay turn them around and of course yeah oh I almost thought how can you eat a pizza on the move the folding technique I think is fantastic but I've got to get that tomato the tomato is delicious the sauce is excellent this is a classic margarita pizza created by a local Chef in the 19th century to Mark the visit of Queen Margherita of Savoy to Naples three colors isn't it you have the Italian flag yeah the mozzarella you have the Tomato of the basil you know what what does pizza mean to Naples Pizza is Napoli Pizza is a heart heart history territory love and passion this is what it's all about the mission of the people it boils down to a street food but what is it about the pizzas here what is it that goes into them and makes a difference well it is the water the water yeah water's water no no water you can't drink it but it's special for the pizza how does that work okay it's not good enough to drink but it's good enough to go into Pizza yes I don't know why because it is done fusions of the from the volcanic soil which is come down that go down sulfur inside so you have the water with the silver all the nutrients inside there mixing with the gluten the flour to create a very unique Pizza base and that's why the pizzas and Naples are so good I'm not sure if Gennaro is kidding me here let's face it it wouldn't be the first time it's delicious but what I do know is that this pizza dough tastes spectacular I'm getting covered from a bake that characterizes this Unique city where anything goes up that's one way across the road I did your super lazy you have to be Neapolitan Paul we're heading to patisseria Capriccio on the trail of the famous Neapolitan Baba Papa's lovely I've made Baba before the French French style I'm fascinated to see what this is going to taste like Baba is a small yeast cake which takes its name from the Slavic word for grandmother it's usually round in shape and flavored with rum and sugar syrup did I say flavored make that drenched in rum you can smell the alcohol is really strong I mean the texture is great it's delicious it's white it's like um think of them a whisk sponge soaked in a sugar syrup with a actually is quite strong in Rob um lots and lots of rum sitting on top of that you probably couldn't drive you'd be over the limit for sure specialty has won its place in the local food culture it's even celebrated in song [Laughter] this is a great tasting Baba and the baker in me is desperate to have a nose around the kitchen uh can I see how this makes is made with a rich brioche type Dough made of eggs milk and butter this is the mix this is the Baba mix self-soft it is it's an indication that's a really soft down that will look like that at the end it was brought to Naples by French Bakers working for Neapolitan families and this tradition is being continued by Brothers Raphael and salvatori basically the design the dissolving the sugar that's in there so the Sugar's in there is water there's your masses there's rum so that becomes the stock syrup thank you okay that's really unusual to soak that normally I brushed it on not soaked the whole thing okay okay ready ah this is Bravo thank you I mean look at the way it Springs back it is just like a sponge I can't believe how much stock syrup actually goes into this but the the flavor is intense I promise you foreign it's so Hands-On get your hands in there get a feel for it get stuck in that's what baking is all about grass the things I will take away from Naples when I leave they've given me a sense of a sense of passion I've always been quite a passionate man when it comes to the bacon but for me I'm going to take that back with me a little bit of Naples back to the UK with me I think my bacon is going to be better for it my journey continues without my old friend and host you take care my friend I'll see you soon as I take one of the world's classic drives along the beautiful Amalfi Coast it's times like this I pinch myself I'm just a baker from the world I take inspiration from this stunning setting it's perfect Now to create a delicious chocolate caprese cake you can bake at home I'm in Italy on the Amalfi Coast where my Whistle Stop tour of the world's best baking cities has brought me to Naples the birthplace of pizza I've been wowed by the variety and flavor of the Naples bakes and I've had my first taste of the locals fogliatella pastry that's delicious Naples claims to make the best voglia teller in Italy but 40 miles down the road the Bakers of Amalfi say this fogliatella is best origin of Italy has a history of feuds and boasting so what these Bakers need is a proper judge and only a trip to Amalfi will settle the matter this is a fantastic Road it's beautiful Hood down what could be better Life's good thank you see you know it's just awesome [Music] there's been many many movies made here including bogs you do feel slightly on like if I'm honest driving around here it's so pretty I mean look at that I want to live here [Music] it's times like this I pinch myself I'm just a baker from the world what am I doing driving a 1969 Alfa Romeo around a monthly ghost how lucky am I [Music] wow I love the sea born and raised around the sea it's always a special place to me and this Coastal setting with its washed out colors and age-old architecture really is a bit special too it's beautiful it's Italian where else are you going to get something like that I've heard the food isn't too bad either floor further into a mouthy town it's like walking through centuries of History it's gorgeous who else would build a church like that with steps like that and then the whole idea of going up the steps is like going up to heaven you're going up to see God it's stunning absolutely stunning I could spend all day taking in Amalfi's historic sites but I'm here to explore its baking Traditions too this Cafe has stood here since 1830 and owner Andrea is the fifth generation of his family to make a local delicacy it's a swaglia teller from Amalfi yes the Bakers of Amalfi consider theirs Flagler teller to be the best and what makes their version different from the one I tasted in Naples is that this one comes topped with the cream called Santa Rosa I'll do this for you guys okay it tastes delicious but the cream was like um it's a bit like knowing you're a kid instead of vanilla custard the custard is like that but better creamier if admonished I'd prefer these in a mouthy to the ones in Napoli but keep that between themselves okay in the kitchen I find katano preparing their next batch okay the dough is rolled it's brushed with melted butter put the butter in you don't get the bowls you don't get those lines stretch it to get this really tight which makes sense it's very very thin but you can see how thin it is it's thinner than a coin a lot thinner than a coin then comes the important bit as the dough is rolled into a long sausage stretch okay it's then sliced into individual portions so ready to be shaped and filled it sort of makes sense that you you open it up with your fingers I've never actually seen this technique before but this is the same as Naples at the moment just as in Naples The Filling is a mix of ricotta cheese semolina sugar and fruit seal it up [Music] I love it I can stay all day doing this I like this the bunny it feels great I've learned something today I've learned something very different [Music] live in it ah now we want to see how they make a mouthy slogle Italy okay this Santa Rosa cream filling is made with milk sugar egg flour and a mouthy lemons so he's just piping it straight in the middle oh normal still piping on the top sugar onto the top there you have it Santa Rosa now this is the thing that makes it the Amalfi it's fogliatelli Napoli or Amalfi you know what I probably agree with him too they're delicious [Music] food is some of my favorite and the bakes I've tasted on this trip haven't disappointed now I want to celebrate Italy with a bake of my own and this is the perfect spot to do it here I am in the middle of a mouthy town I've worked at some places before I reckon this one's got to be the most beautiful I'm taking inspiration from this stunning location to make a Caprese cake named after the island of Capri which sits just off the Amalfi Coast Andrea has kindly provided some local ingredients and agreed to help me out now this cake is celebrating all about Amalfi for me I'm going to use the chocolate which Andrea makes and I'm going to use almonds and lemons from Amalfi too while Andrea chopped some almonds I start the cake mix by whisking sugar and egg yolks until pale and Light I'm trying to add a little bit of texture to this so you've got lumps and pieces of almond and we're going to use ground almonds too now the almonds in Italy are some of the best you can't just go and buy ground almonds you have to do it yourself it does smell different if I'm honest get some blanched almond Blitz it in your processor and you'll end up with these beautiful freshly made ground almonds now in here I've been whisking the egg yolks and the sugar together if you look at the the texture it's lovely and thick and creamy good it's a good texture but he should be able to do an eight and it holds in the top I add the ground almonds the roughly chopped almonds straight in and the chocolate the smell of the chocolate is incredible fold that mixture together [Music] next I've whisked up the leftover egg whites okay so it holds on a whisk and there's a technique to adding it to the mix first of all you only use a little bit because if I put all of it in it lose all its air collapse back down just mix this in slacken the mix down and there can you put the rest of it in there please [Music] so there you have it [Music] it smells delicious Andrea could you put that in the oven for me that 180 for around 40 minutes while Andrea's putting that in the oven I might go and have a limoncello or two possibly three but no more than four beautifully baked like a crazy cake is ready for decorating okay Andreas baked it off and this is how it comes out the oven we've turned it upside down to give you that gorgeous shape we've got some beautiful lemons can I try some I've never never tried some of this before let me just try Andrea's kitchen makes this candied lemon peel the peel is boiled for 12 days in a sugar syrup you can imagine how great it tastes no good foreign that is absolutely delicious it's full of flavor it's just the right tartness and sweetness together the blend and it's crispy oh that's delicious absolutely that's going to go really well with this cake I asked Andrea to top off the cake with this incredible chocolate ganache icing wow oh yes look at that [Music] I think is perfect now with our lemon grass so A beautiful looking caprese cake in keeping with this stunning setting the Amalfi Coast has certainly made an impression on me but can I impress the locals [Music] they like it yes yes it's okay it works thank you it's nice to sign off with a smile but I'm sad that my Voyager and the best of Neapolitan baking has come to an end I've Loved this place the people and the pastries do you know what I love about Napoli and amalfian in fact all of Italy you can sum it all up in one word whether it's for cars buildings food bikes anything in Italy it's about bashioni fashioni at least that's what I think they say passion [Applause] I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami to the European Sheik of Paris [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] this time I'm hitting the streets of the gastronomic capital of Scandinavia this is Copenhagen home to some of the finest banks in the northern hemisphere that's impressive I get hands on with some Danish pastries and Meet My Match in a Maverick Master Baker it's too sled it's not so high honestly copenhagen's magical nightlife keeps me entertained this is the inspiration for Disneyland that gives me lunch and I get a taste of Denmark's warm welcome are you okay absolutely let's go [Music] this is my first time in Denmark's hip Capital Copenhagen and I'm really looking forward to exploring it look at those beautiful buildings coming down there it's colorful fuzzy and bike friendly with over nine centuries of history but Copenhagen is a fishing Village that's what it's based on and it's all about water so water runs through this city like veins an affinity of water I was born and bred in and around the sea just floats my boat [Music] cold that's for wimps people here embrace the outdoors wherever you go you see these rugs hanging on the back of the chairs you've got your heater you've got your rug you've got your nice warm coffee or hot chocolate just relax and watch the world go by copenhagen's home to some of my all-time favorite baking classics from its wonderfully Rich Rye breads which are hard to beat look at that full of pumpkin soup the flavor's intense it really is so one of my biggest passions Danish pastries come here come here look at this here can I try one of these please these look amazing but I'm a little bit baffled by them 30 whole meal interesting thank you yeah lovely thank you it's like eating a really soft wholemeal roll with cinnamon and it's sweet with a beautiful chocolate on the top that's impressive I'm definitely taking this idea backhand with me thank you now I'm not here just to eat Danish pastries I'm here to meet meta blomsterberg but apparently it's the goddessa bacon in Denmark meta is an international award-winning pastry chef a restaurant tour and a judge on Denmark's version of the Bake Off I think we're going to get along famously Mata hi hello nice meeting you hello how are you I'm so fine thank you for being my guide Mark Copenhagen metas promised to show me how good food and a warm welcome are an essential part of the Danish culture everywhere you go you're met with a smile and there's a real Delight in sharing and enjoying great food and Hospitality oh wow in fact they've even got their own word for it so this is the Danish hookah have you heard about the Danish no no it's just the the feeling you know the the things sitting together around the table eating good food you know the coziness uh I get that but I didn't realize it was a name for it and this is just a small taste I need to show you a place thank you very much guys thank you [Music] in the heart of Copenhagen took down a side street as the little unassuming lunchtime venue schunamins has been welcoming hungry diners through its doors since 1877. hi Cinnamon's is famous for specializing in Denmark's national dish a lavish open sandwich loaded with delicious Nordic ingredients built on top of a rich rye bread base so you have never had smurable before no how did you say that rye bread has been around for over 2 000 years thanks to a quirk of Fate when Scandinavian Farmers found Rye easy to grow than wheat originally the food of peasants the schmerble has recently been elevated to a kind of art form let's go and it's traditionally washed down with local beer and a generous shot of schnapps thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you this is the Crescent City there are 104 versions of the shmobile to choose from but we're starting with a classic combo with the finest matured pickled herrings heaped with a fresh crisp garnish [Music] the rye bread is underneath yeah and we have apple onion exactly celery exactly yeah yes Capers and some some spices you like it that's delicious with the right bed the Rye Bread's got a sweetness too to counter the vinegar of the Herring and then the creaminess of the sauce comes in for the balance of the whole dish is neutral you just got a nice flavor in your mouth yeah and actually wash it all down with a little bit of I'm so happy you wanted to join me here I'm not sure about the schnapps yes you are I'm not it's 40 percent the Danes have a great saying Lunch without snaps is breakfast but before I build up the courage to drink mine we're going to try another schmerble this time we've gone for a fried herring that's a more complex flavor yes it's fancy it's richer it's like I can feel it on my lips it actually tastes like it's doing you good and it is doing yoga the rye bread which is the basic in this kind of lunch it's healthy you digest fry bread better than you do conventional wheat it goes into the body to your body yeah of course it's good thing the flavors are here the Ambiance or the the hyuga is here you've got that I suppose it's like putting a comfortable pair of slippers on in a blanket around you and having a cup of tea with the fire on that's you know what we should go for the snaps now are you okay absolutely let's go this is hookah it will be in a minute [Music] well they've had a great day today first day in cavanhagen bit of a boozy lunch if I'm honest but I've got one more treat from Eastern right through to Christmas the city comes alive with a unique attraction that's been going strong since 1843. welcome to tiffly [Music] Denmark's oldest and best Love Theme Park is more than just the fairground it's a National Treasure hello sir hello welcome to Tivoli thank you step into Tivoli Gardens it's like you've stepped into a fairy tale what's weird is the city center is right here you're surrounded by buildings and right in the heart of Copenhagen is this place it's beautiful sometimes I wish I was seven again it's got a real magical feel to it this place in fact Walt Disney actually came here and this was the inspiration for Disneyland it's amazing a visit to Tivoli Gardens wouldn't be complete without a go on its famous wooden roller coaster built in 1914 it's the only one of its kind in the world that gives me lunch [Applause] [Music] I enjoyed that next I'm put to the test 250 grams okay when I come up against the Danish Pastry Pro oh I give public transport Copenhagen style ago I'm loving that talking on this and for my city bake I team up with the Diane of Danish baking hello Mata hello I'm on an adventure to find the heart and soul of copenhagen's baking culture and I'm lapping up the warm welcome that the Danish call Huga let's go but I couldn't come to the Danish Pastry capital of the world without rolling up my sleeves to find out how the genuine article is made [Music] it's cold it's wet I'm in the middle of Copenhagen it's baking hours and I'm here to see the best Danish Pastry Copenhagen has to make [Music] owner and Baker torben Sorensen got his first job in a bakery at the age of 16 and never looked back when he bought some pizzas in 2000 he was not only buying the oldest Bakery in Copenhagen but with it came its original recipes including one that's become a massive hit the onslade Snell or Wednesday snail to you and me takes inspiration from the Viennese pastry tradition many have tried to imitate it but this is where the Real McCoy is made I'd been warned that turban has a fearsome reputation and rarely lets anyone into this inner sanctum okay turban so I'm here to make Danish pastries yes and this is your dough yes my dough you have eggs in this yes sugar salts flour yeast yeah and then butterfolded in no no button folded it oh okay that's gonna be interesting traditional Danish Pastry is built up layer by layer with butter spread in between you put butter in the mix yes yeah you don't fold it okay so you don't do the Austrian way the Danish way I'm interested to see how this affects the texture of his Danish mix but first turbans putting me to work you don't want to see the button okay so you're up to up to there yeah secret ingredient that keeps Tobin ahead of his competition is this amazing sweet smelling paste and I'm trying to work out what's in it butter sugar cinnamon syrup and something else I don't say Tobin's playing his cards very close to his chest taste it full bike is the secretive about their recipes my dad always said to me son always hold a pocket full of aces so show people a lot of stuff but never show him everything now for the construction rolling the dough into a five meter long sausage is no mean feat especially in the presence of a fellow perfectionist to uh it's nice all right honestly so is that I make this to help you okay and I thought I was a tough Taskmaster 250 grams okay foreign if I test some of those over there what are they gonna be like yeah I love the way two of them works because for me it's like it is like a kindred spirit a fascinating Guy starts work about half five five o'clock that's a bit of a lion if I'm honest but he probably works there till about 11 o'clock at night how many of these do you make in a day then one thousand a thousand yes and you work on your own yeah why because uh I know it's uh okay every time yeah but then you must be tired no I'm fresher than where I was before there's a lot of character about it you have to be slightly quirky slightly skew you see I've been a baker for most of my life me too 12 when I started am I like that probably I think you have to be to get out of bed in the morning so actually I understand there is a lot to be saying about working on your own with the first batch of Wednesday snails prepped they're proved to give them their rise and then popped into the oven to bake they should be coming out the oven in about 10 minutes or so can't wait to try them they smell delicious the wafts of freshly cooked cinnamon are already drawing in a crowd so I'm giving Tobin a hand with the finishing touches [Music] no sooner these come out and the girls come in and start loading up the shop they've gone that's the culture of Danish pastries in Copenhagen I like the boldness of these pastries they've got a great buttery color and they're massive yet surprisingly light I'm dying to get stuck into one and see how torben's Maverick pastry mix has turned out yeah I got it okay it is different yeah um it tastes to me more like um an English Chelsea bun yeah an English Chelsea bun has a little bit of cinnamon few Sultana but though only not not layers tastes good oh yeah I'm still stumped as to that secret ingredient though but I couldn't think of a better way to start my day it's been an absolute pleasure if you're short one day and you need a help you call me yeah I like that let's go let's go [Music] there it is I love this place I love the passion I love the way turban bakes and I know if I'm ever sure to work I'm knocking on his door one of copenhagen's most familiar sights are throngs of cyclists with five bikes for every car it's no wonder it's one of Europe's least polluted cities [Music] me you're not too clever on a bicycle you can hire one of the 400 electric cars dotted around the city and it's as simple as popping into a news agent and picking up one of these cards that work then [Music] it's starting but normally when you start a car here you start this it just lights up so okay I think we're good to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm loving that turkey on this acceleration is amazing it's so quiet I'm on my way to meet up with meta the queen of Danish baking she's already introduced me to one of Denmark's classic dishes but for my city bake we're going to team up when she's not writing books or appearing on Danish TV meta can be found hard at work crafting fine pastries hello in the kitchen of a stylish Cafe blomsterbergs well I'm here in mata's beautiful Cafe and we're going to make a transaction we're going to put a modern Twist on this traditional Scandinavian celebration cake made from a tar of delicious stacked marzipan rings so to start with yes we have egg white we have icing sugar we have marzipan and we have chopped pistachios right okay what are we gonna do then first of all Mash did a little of the egg whites together with the icing sugar yeah and then when it's mashed together we put it together with the marzipan and when it's such a small portion like this is I would recommend that you just do it by hand on the table yes yes so we're slacking in this marzip pandana to make it a little bit thinner once the mix comes together pop it in a bag and chill in the fridge for three quarters of an hour which makes it easier to handle when it comes out so if you like marzipan this is the dish for you and traditionally it's eaten New Year like New Year Christmas time yeah but we also eat it all year okay we make it a smaller cakes with some cream inside or with orange or anything yeah next roll the chunks of the marzipan mix into long sausages now here's the twist so now I put it into the pistachio so this is just to coat the marzipan in there pistachio yeah so if you can't hold the pistachio not to use Haze on the choose ground almonds and again you get that same same finish or you can make it just yeah yeah another Roll Just beds those pistachios into the marzipan it's quite therapeutic this actually it's don't push down with marzipan literally it's the weight of your hand going from the tip down to the heel of your palm and roll gently all the way along it's nice and all the same width apply some pressure on the strips to flatten them slightly which will help when forming the Rings cut the strips into ever increasing lengths starting at eight centimeters two centimeters is the growth on each one so the reason why it goes up in two centimeters is basically because each ring is going to get slightly bigger and bigger and bigger so that was 18 so this is uh 20. okay strips into rings the more you make the bigger the tower how big have you made I've made it for 28 rings and of course the rings on the bottom they really need to bake a little extra because they need to carry all that way yeah and don't forget a large marble-sized ball for the top [Music] okay so you've made sure each of the Rings are nice and round flatten them down slightly so they're going to sit on top of each other nicely bait them off about 190 105 on fan for around 10 minutes and they'll come out beautiful lightly brown right indigo [Music] once the marzipan rings have cooled for that extra special touch dip the base of each ring into melted chocolate and start to stack it's beautiful Paul [Music] I think it looks amazing already but Matt has gone the extra 10K on this one and made some fancy baked marzipan swirls to decorate it and now the final touches beautiful and then some Danish flags and there you have it you don't have to put Danish flags on it no British flags on it of course and it's also very nice in just small parts you can bake small parts in the oven and dip them in chocolate it's so good for coffee and tea so that's sugar that's remember the candle lights thank you for helping me here in the kitchen make it yourself what a Monumental way to end my tour of Copenhagen I've fallen in love with Copenhagen actually it's one of those places that you feel at home straight away the food here is beautiful it's simple tastes good and it's full of flavor but it is all about hyuga is Copenhagen I love it I just love it I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami to the European sheiku Paris [Applause] [Music] I'm on my Global tour of baking and today I'm here to sample the Delights of Madrid it's time on City Banks I'm put through my Paces making a local delicacy it's like driving a bus that first all its tires I discover the secret of Pulp pastry the Madrid way [Music] look at the layers and I create a City Bank that you can bake at home I'm gonna need this recipe [Music] the British love Spain every year over 12 million others hit the beaches here in search of the sun hello hello and judging by my welcome thanks so much it looks like Madrid is a popular city destination too cheers but believe it or not I've never been here before so I'm looking forward to exploring this beautiful city I love this look at that that is beautiful the Roman chairs in the background the beautiful buildings going all the way down the perspective that lines up having went to art school I could sit here and paint that all day that's exceptional Madrid is one of Europe's sunniest capitals and when you live in a climate like this it's no surprise that eating and drinking Outdoors becomes a way of life you see tables and chairs all over the place people eating outside enjoying the outdoor life and that's what it's all about really for me there wasn't much of this Cafe culture where I grew up in Liverpool I could definitely get used to this but I don't know much about Madrid's baking culture when you think of Spanish cooking and Spanish food do you think of Tapas you think sangria you think chorizo you think paella but I'm digging around to find out a little bit more about what makes Spanish and More in particular Madrid tick in the baking world ly I know just the person my old buddy Omar alaboy is the owner of the UK chain of tapas restaurants hey there buddy but I spent most of his life in Madrid this is the the place that I used to come with my mom time and time again I've probably tried every single pastry a million times Omar's brought me to El Rio Hanna which was established in 1855 by the pastry chef to the Spanish Queen the counter is rammed full of delicious looking pastries biscuits and cakes he's gonna give us a little taste no wonder Omar spent so much time here when he was a lad I think I would have done the same from cream filled bunuelos a sort of mini donut that's beautiful to rows of sweet biscuits wow nuts coming through that sweetness from a caramel as well many of these are made with lard instead of butter beautiful that's a dunker as well all right now it's like six dunks and a cup of coffee that one these bakes are so full of flavor not very good my first taste of Madrid baking is turning into one treat after another wow I love that I'm gonna have to say to the museum I know I am religion plays an important part in Spanish baking in fact most of these bakes are made to celebrate religious festivals of one saw to another it is religion again dominating bacon again so certain times a year that produce something to celebrate all the saint or a season always and the nuns in the comments still they do the best biscuits the best pastries in the country I just pictured on the sitting there actually I mean in a black covered in flower and producing biscuits in my base for me tasting the pastries and the biscuits have been amazing well I did find fascinating though was the the religious connotations in the baking the way that seasonally certain things are baked a certain times a year then when you look at the Variety in there you know you're in a very special place something I love almost as much as baking is biking this is the perfect way to see Madrid [Music] it's a beautiful city with a stylish mix of the old and the new [Music] I could spend all day taking in the sights but I'm here to learn about the bakes so Omar is taking me to another historic Bakery with a reputation for a very special religious cake tucked away in these narrow back streets is the oldest pastry shop in Madrid pasteleria Del potho I love the look of the shop this is like a kid's toy shop it's amazing I think when you look at it for me it's about it's about the color you know sometimes you go to bakeries and they're quite pale this has got lots of color it's got that old-school feel cashier how old it is that's probably wow over a hundred years I'm guessing well it's just good and I'm down to try some of this stuff looks good muy bien fantastic looking place the bakes that you have in there I mean they look beautiful thank you what are you famous for birth pastry and roscon Los condareas which means king's ring is a religious bake typically eaten after Christmas to celebrate the arrival of the three wise men the orange blossom in there as well yes and lemon Spanish orange blossom it's been a long time it's delicious spectacular it is a cross between a cake and a bread it is yeah yes you make literally a bread dough and a cake dough combined so a sponge gets mixed with a fermented dough correct takes time to make this it tastes amazing the whole place for me is just magical I love going into a place like this and you can really taste the atmosphere as soon as you walk in this Bakery has a reputation for its puff pastry and there's something else in the window that has caught my eye and Empanada is a stuffed pastry which dates from medieval times when the Spanish took their inspiration from the Indian samosa look at the layers there see all those beautiful layers and the filling and so thin as well that's done with the lard and and even though that is not a no butter it still looks really golden and yellow and you would think that lar will make it white her but it doesn't how delicate is that wow wow that's delicious I mean really good Sensational very pizza oh it's a shame I don't live down the road if I lived here I'd be bigger than I am that's ridiculous that is very special I've tried a lot of puff pastry in my time but one made with lard really but when you eat it you feel almost each layer as you bite into it with your teeth and then it just melts on your tongue I've got to see how they make this hola hola ah banana Angel has been working at potho for an incredible 45 years no wonder he's learned a thing or two about making puff pastry it's what he's actually doing he's put the lard on which I've never actually seen before now is this melted it's warm so it's liquids which is going on top of the pastry now this is on it's cold it's very cold when I make puff pastry I keep the pastry cold by putting it in a fridge but Angel uses a tray of ice so he's chilling it down brushing it on while it talks leaving it to set and then he's going to fold it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I'd hardly believe it and just to prove it's true Angel's got the evidence ah there's the fat this is this is the lard I mean look at it it feels like it feels like uh yeah it is it's it's proper lard Angel rolls and folds his lard filled pastry to create those all-important layers the more layers that you put into this the more it puffs up in the oven it's got no Rising agents in it at all and the flavor kid you not is spectacular the layers with large I've actually learned something I never knew that you could produce the layers almost like a proper puff pastry but just maybe laugh it's incredible but ask yourself Del potho has been in business for over 180 years and now I know why Simply Delicious I've tried a lot of bakes in my time and what I've learned today and there I am going to take that women for the rest of my life and now beginning to understand what Madrid baking is all about coming up I sample Madrid's super-sized baking tradition look at the size of the tourists seems like that and I take inspiration from the local baking culture with my own City Bakery [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm in Madrid discovering the best of Spanish baking I don't like it I love it and enjoying the sights and sounds of the city what a place to live it's my first visit to Madrid but I feel very at home here I love parts of the city that are like this I particularly love it's the it's the way the buildings are almost on top of each other very characteristic of cities around Europe we're almost joins together and then the architecture you look around the balconies are pretty the colors are amazing and what seems to be all over the place of Madrid are these tiles these painted tiles which I think are gorgeous I mean I'd have that in Milo if I'm honest but then you look at this again the same here you've got these beautiful pictures it's very artistic but then it is you really feel that you've stepped back to 300 years I love cities like that the feel of the the road cobbles lots of people and to be honest everyone I've met Madrid have been fantastic really friendly want to show you the city and they're very proud of the city it's beautiful [Music] the Spaniards have a reputation for staying up later than everyone else they've even given the early hours of the morning its own name LA madrugada and Madrid has a favorite pastry dish to eat after a night out it's called chocolate conchuros Omar's actually recommended this place this is called sanjinos and apparently it's the best chocolate in Madrid I love chocolate okay there's a bit of a cue this is a popular place and it's a pretty spot too when you look around I mean the settings I mean look at look over here look at that it's fantastic absolutely fantastic beautiful old building you really feel you're in this I'm losing me please this is amazing I mean uh it's just buzzing and everyone's really excited about getting chocolate it's like the massive Willy Wonka Factory the chocolate is served piping hot with the churros which is a deep fried dough a bit like Choux pastry the smell of chocolate is intoxicated look at the size of the jewelry seems like that nice gracias [Music] look at these fellas they're perfect the smell smell is fantastic I'm just gonna have a quick taste of it on its own quite salty and the texture is quite open inside so it's quite an open texture but it melts in the mouth it's not a bad flavor just on its own that chocolate is something else [Music] it's spectacular this silk is smooth as chocolate that you've ever had and that's all these guys selling it and it's absolutely random it's curious about a mile down the road that's spectacular I've just got to know how they make this now us Bakers are an understanding Bunch so I'm sure they won't mind me having a nose behind the scenes in the kitchens I find the Bakers pounding a simple mixture of salt water and flour and that's it no butter and no eggs for plenty of elbow grease it's a strange mix it's very very hard it is like a hot Watercress pastry very difficult to work with okay he's putting on the the paper now [Music] it's in the dough suddenly feels like the easy bit that looks difficult if I'm honest that looks really difficult geez wow okay this isn't like any Piping Bag I've ever used before it's really weird it's really weird yeah I think it's a good pattern as well I think I'm invented something it's like driving a bus that's personal it's tired I mean that's what the mints look like beautiful concentric circles going in I think mine's a new one to be honest um I think it's probably gonna sell quite well the dough was certainly mixed with perfection Sublime to the ridiculous I like to call it puzzlement foreign but now it's my turn to be judged that's good huh no offense taken but never mind how it looks how does it taste [Music] tastes beautiful you know what he's talking about he doesn't have a clue it's beautiful everybody thank you might not look good but it tastes amazing I'm gonna have some more I've loved my visit to San jines the chocolate is delicious and I'm happy to leave the churros to the experts but before I leave this wonderful City I want to mark my visit with a bake of my own I've got a recipe in mind but I'm going to need some ingredients now this is the place I've come to find this is San Miguel Market it was refurbed totally in 2009 one of the oldest iron markets still left in Madrid and apparently the food in here is fantastic it's full of the best of Spanish produce all of which you can enjoy is tapas at one of the counter bars which seem to be doing a roaring trade feels alive this place full of food the smells as well you can smell the ham I can smell frying as well great looking pastry though believe me I could eat my way around this place no problem but I'm here to find the ingredients for my city bake which I've decided is going to be my own twist on an empanada based on my list is cheese well I mean when I think of queso I mean the cheese here is beautiful manchega I've used a lot in bread and pastries and it's delicious this looks stunning I love Manchego it's a buttery cheese named after the manchega Sheep the Graze La Mancha an elevated Plateau south of Madrid aged for a full two years this cheese will be rich in flavor gracias next on my shopping list is ham and I've come to the right place Spain is the home of hamon aberico from the free-range pigs that roam Spain's Oak forests and are fed on acorns and grain I mean look at this ham it's just stunning this is what I better go Hammer's all about also known as Pata Negra this meat is matured for up to three years and is some of the best I've ever eaten that's delicious that is going in my empanada it's gonna taste amazing there's so many local Delicacies to tempt Shoppers here I love it and you might have noticed that I'm a soft touch when it comes to tasty treats I think I've broken a tube delicious though filled with mouth-watering flavors and Aromas the Mikado has a really great atmosphere it's the ideal setting for me to do my bake I'm gonna make my interpretation of an empanada now I've got Omar here and I hope he likes it the flavors that I've chosen have been influenced from what I've seen actually over the last few days the pastry is Loosely based on the technique and the empanadas we saw of Bobby Pavo El pothos pasteleria that place now I'm gonna I'm gonna make a pastry it's like a rough puff pastry my base dough is made with plain flour salt and water normally I'd just use butter to lay the dough but just as they did at Del potho this time I'm adding the best quality pork lard [Music] now I'm going to fold that over and again put the rest of the lard on now what is it about this lard that makes it so good well iberica pigs they are a different breed that roam freely and as you know most of the flavoring meat is in the fat and that's why Iberico ham is that good hence the lard is that good and it gives so much character and so much flavor to the pastry itself I mean the flavor that we had in the Empanada in the bakery was just stunning yeah I mean that's why I've used it in this I fold and rolled the dough three times then I'm ready to add the filling I've got some spinach here which I'm just going to lay it in the middle would you mind cutting up some of those Peppers yes absolutely now I've bought some Manchego the actual cheese itself is so potent it's full of flavor it's just incredible on goes that melt-in-the-mouth of berico ham now that's basically it get your lid and just fold it over the top get your egg wash loads of that on there now you know where the oven is don't you yes I'll leave that with you really take that for me thank you thanks buddy 180 20 minutes I would say 200 15 20 minutes fine thank you thank you the whole thing about empanadas now is the bake what we're looking for is that layers the rice the puff UPS the as the fat melts it pushes steam up between those very thin layers that we've achieved I just hope he likes it my Madrid inspired empanadas certainly looked the path the Iberico lard in the pastry has really worked great flakiness [Music] Pack full of flavor I'm gonna make this recipe let me tell you these empanadas really are so simple and easy but the iberica Lord has really lifted them like the pastries I've tasted in Madrid they're crunchy and Rich but still light you know the bacon in Paris is good we all know that same in Germany same in Italy same in Greece providing you nothing of Madrid they're really enthusiastic and celebrate their food the baking here is some of the best I've ever seen and I will definitely be coming back and hopefully so will you I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami to the European Sheik of Paris [Applause] [Music] I'm in Warsaw now I've never actually been to Poland before but I'm here to check out the baking culture of this former communist state I meet up with the queen of Polish Patisserie with a unique take on cake so you get big woman small woman this is Elizabeth yeah and this is a little more sleep I find a home away from home and a former communist canteen you're a good Chef will you be my mother [Music] and for my city bake oh yeah lovely look at those fellas I'm raising the bar by putting a modern spin on a Polish classic they look fantastic [Music] my journey to find the best of well baking has brought me to Poland's capital city of Warsaw I love it I love the vibe of this place it's a complex City where reminders of warsaw's communist pass Loom large alongside the pretty fairy tale streets of the Old Town this is the almost a showstopper of Warsaw this is the main marketplace although I think it's absolutely gorgeous Warsaw has withstood anything history could throw at it and during the Nazi occupation was almost brought to its knees 85 percent of Warsaw was flattened during the second world war since then it's all been rebuilt and rebuilt based on pictures and photographs of the Old Town when you look at all these old lamps looks like Victorian thing it's not it's 60 years old [Music] despite its old world charm Warsaw is a forward-looking city in fact Poland's economy has never been stronger Warsaw now is a cool funky City I said cool it is absolutely freezing it's minus seven degrees today but one thing that's always guaranteed to warm me up is sampling the Delights of the city's baking culture like this iced donuts with rose petal jam now that is unusual and quite popular in Poland can't hang around eating Donuts all day I've got an important date I'm meeting Magda Kessler a TV chef and a National Treasure who's been hailed as the queen of Warsaw Patisserie she apparently makes the most Exquisite Cakes and Pastries let's see what they're like shall we Magnus made a name for herself by putting traditional polish cakes back on the menu she's updated recipes and injected a dollop of flamboyant fun making the classics cool again hello hello how are you and just like uh Magnus cakes are big on creativity and even bigger on personality [Music] the first one is this one okay it's woman you'd say that was a woman yes it's a woman okay because it's round it's the words okay first it won't go any further everything the babka is the Grand Am of Polish cakes and translates as grandmother because of its shape that resembles the pleats of a lady's skirt there's lots of versions of the theme but this one's a classic smothered in almonds and fruit and very very fresh oh yes it is it's very regular but it's very um you know that looks great it's done lots of flavor in there oh but fried no no no fresh it's orange skin ah and you fry it up it's fried in the sugar syrup nice you've got the Citrus going through you've got the fruit Coke you've got nuts it's like it's like meat it is like you okay it's very sweet um Lots going on [Laughter] does babka just hit the spot now for her next choice we're going from the matronly to the miniature I love the way you realize all cakes to women so you get big woman small woman this is yeah and this is a little bit more slim more younger good oh totally Bonkers but I love it this little lady's looks are deceiving I thought it had a pastry crust but it's actually sponge got the yellow in that the yellow is fantastic that comes from the eggs it comes from the butter but it tastes so good it and it does melt in the mouth very different to the first bobcat I couldn't come to magdas without trying her poppy seed cake an Eastern European specialty cram with ground poppy seeds nuts and dried fruits and a world away from the pale of Western versions that I'm used to this will be a first name wow the flavor is intense very it's a strong flavor you get sweetness but not too much it's a perfect combination but then you get the poppy seed coming through I love poppy seed anyway puppies you know anything's gorgeous but poppy seed in this is soft and then there's a light crunch in there as well that is a bit like a Christmas cake wow but better that is delicious that for me encapsulates what polish baking is about Magda has built up a great business here for herself with cakes as good as you get anywhere in Europe but there was a time when it wasn't possible to set up shop in the streets of Warsaw during Poland's four Decades of communist rule if you weren't eating at home you were probably an Obama lechner or Milk Bar and a handful of these subsidized canteen style kitchens can still be found in the city today hello and for one good reason right if you know what you're ordering they offer hearty home style canteen food that's popular with everyone from pensioners to students [Music] and it all costs next to nothing and I I pay here thank you okay thank you [Music] of three pounds this is obviously the heart of the operation the Main Kitchen it reminds me of a calf I used to go to when I was a kid I like it it's got an earthiness to it it's like loads of mums feeding me food I think it's a good thing smells coming from there there are incredible my three pounds has bought me what looks like beetroot soup some dumplings a cabbage dish and a lovely cup of tea do you have any milk could tea obviously it's slightly ironic to have to ask for milk in a Milk Bar so called because of the number of dairy items on the menu although there's plenty of other traditional dishes too [Music] it is beetroot soup vegetables in there beetroot in there it's warm season beautifully I like that wow now this is the Cabbage it's fried cabbage a little bit of stock lots and lots of flavor in there quite pungent in flavor good for you but again everything now everything that's on his plate is basically functional to keep you going it's nutritional you've got the beetroot you've got the cabbage over here you've got the dumplings which I think it's got meat inside it let me have a look it's like an unbaked empanada oh there lovely if I stuck down the fryer and eat it you'd swear you're in Spain it is amazing it's it's like stepping back in time in it and you get that feeling of Communism in there and I haven't had that before since I've been in Warsaw reflective as well does make you think one of the reasons this place has stayed true to itself is thanks to owner Jemima Bakowski who for the past 27 years has been rustling up good honest polish fare like this traditional fried pancake [Music] you're a good Chef will you will she will you be my mother yes [Music] well that was my little taste of communist food it's nutritional it was warm it does the job and you need it but it's that cold outside after the Brave the elements again [Music] me next I'm time traveling through warsaw's baking past wow that's incredible though my dad used to work on something like this and into the future with Poland's most Visionary Patisserie what we have done is deconstructed a traditional polish cake a whole thing together is a work of art [Applause] [Music] the baking Adventure has brought me to Poland's Capital Warsaw a city of contrast from indulgent Rich cakes to good honest communist Staples I'm discovering A Whole New World of baking [Music] it's early evening in Warsaw and most people are heading home but for some the working day is just beginning the darkness there's always a time for a baker to go to work now this Bakery is very special it's been around for a long long time makes some of the best bread in Warsaw and apparently they've got nothing that dates back many many years and I can't wait to see it Pia Carina pavonski Bakery is as authentic as they come Robert pavonsky's father opened this family-run business in 1955. we're coming nowhere and Incredibly it's hardly been modernized since just follow me I love traditional bakeries having grown up in my dad's in the 70s but this is the real deal most of this equipment dates back to pre-World War II and for an Enthusiast like me it's geek Heaven you see this for me is the heart of the operation this is where the mixing of the dough happens the molding the shaping of the dough and the rising of the dough slowly before it goes into the oven but you can smell the flour Robert and his team Supply a hundred shops across the city with some of the finest polish breads from Hulker a braided egg loaf to the Horseshoe brioche rogalik and all with the help of these faithful machines so isn't it exactly yes the mixer the mixture is from the beginning of the 20th century wow that that's incredible there my dad my dad used to work on something like this yeah but it was uh it's artifex mixer which makes it like this this place is like a working Museum and the mother of all ovens thought to be the oldest in Warsaw is at the heart of the operation since walked in I knew that was very special I want to go and have a look at can I go and see this of course please you would like to try I would like to have a go yeah I've never seen anything quite like this before it kicks out a fearsome amount of heat but I can't wait to get stuck in these yes awesome up to you okay oh I see so why'd you put it from this oven to that oven because here the temperature is too high in this in this cave it's a good temperature for beginning you know but not for for finishing baking okay okay so basically the oven in there stings the bread kills the yeast and then it goes into the top one to dry out and finally bake how long have these ovens been here Robert of only second tenth construction you know so the construction was from the 1930s 1940s I think it was during the 40s when Poland was under German occupation that Robert's father first discovered his love of baking during the war he have to hide from Germans in the bakery because he was sentenced to death by the German authorities wow during occupation so your dad became a baker because he was hiding from the from the Germans at the time wow that's incredible tumbling to think what Robert's dad must have gone through but inspiring all the same to see his legacy living on [Music] believe me that's hard work there must be 500 600 lives in there bringing them all out with appeal from there to there and then out again that's hardware but worth it you end up with a great quality product at the end of it this is what baking is all about [Music] it's my last day in Warsaw and for my city bake I'm heading to the ultra Chic Cafe adet a place that's been redefining polish patisserie see what I mean look at these These are top end The Man Behind These intricate works of art is perfectionist and head chef yarick novakovsky hello you're right yarick's single-minded obsession with cake Excellence has resulted in some world-class fakes so what we have done is we have deconstructed a traditional polish cake we have a cheesecake which is baked we have poppy seed cake which is massive over Christmas so we wanted to include all the flavors that go into it but so you could get basically a better visual effect well you can the whole thing together is a work of art and taste absolutely Delight in fact they taste as good as they look for malice that poppy seed cake is gonna be itching to get to work for my city bake yarick and I are going to create baking Perfection by putting a modern Twist on a great polish classic okay so what we're going to do is basically a babka aren't we now it's just basically a sponge which we're going to bake in these little dinky tins traditionally a babka is a sweet yeast lemon cake with raisins but we're going to mix it up a bit we're starting off as you would a basic sponge firstly in goes the softened butter then add to that Caster or granulated sugar and mix together next gradually start to add the eggs so we carry on mixing this together and you can see the consistency is quite soft see now I'm happy with that now basically the next thing I'm going to add is some flour now this has got baking powder in it you want glucose glucose first now this is unusual why'd you put glucose in there it's just a little secret that I actually uh picked it up in France from an old baker it helps to maintain the moisture within the cake and also the the mixture becomes a little bit more elastic and we don't put as much sugar okay next add the plain flour and baking powder [Music] and mix together now we've got something which is a fairly interesting we've got the toasted desiccated coconut yeah no that is interesting and that goes very well with lemon and I mean that's a lot of coconut though isn't it that's a lot of coconut yeah yeah I mean it turns out like a coconut cake rather than a bobcat that is babka just with a Twist okay we give that a mix together so we end up with a mixture good looking it looks pretty nice nice shiny smooth now we've got some cream there is this double cream double cream can be whipping cream okay uh we just added last we mix this together and you end up with a beautiful dropping consistency like that now we're going to add some lemon zest and lime zest now you normally weigh this up don't you I do yeah now I used to do that many many moons ago and then people at home they could be bothered weighing obsessed because most of their measurements don't go to that small so to be honest use two the zest of two lemons and the zest of two limes in there basically basically this needs Charming mate it's a bit blunt it's a fine microblade no no to be honest we have chosen that just so you don't get to zest the pith yeah just so you get only the skin I don't want to take the pith okay [Music] so what I've got in there is the zest I'm just going to fold that in so you end up with I mean it smells lovely that coconut on that line okay go on you can get your hands dirty so what we're going to do is put this mixture in these little tins here we need scales you're gonna wait you're actually gonna weigh this up oh yeah unbelievable [Laughter] yarex being super meticulous but for mere mortals like you and me just put a thin layer of mixture into the tin and then for an authentic polish touch we're adding a layer of traditional rose petal Jam a little bit just drop it all the way yeah that's it Okay so we've got a little bit of rose jam in the middle jump so now the a little bit more Sponge on the top so it wouldn't be accurate you've got that beautiful little bit of Rose in the middle lovely so here's one more thing I would like to do okay I've got a little bit of oil and I'm just gonna score them that's a nice little touch obviously you don't have to do this at home this is just emphasizing it when it cracks it ensures that the crack actually happens in the middle and not to the side and balloons the whole cake up so we're going to pop our perfectly filled mini tins into a fan oven on about 160c for 35 minutes here we go lovely look at those fellas now all that's left is a few finishing touches paint a lemon icing glaze on the top about 200 grams of icing sugar to 25 grams of lemon juice [Music] a little bit of lemon and Grate that onto the top wow look at that and finally yarrick's Immaculate yellow macaron complements the lemon peel and that is cake perfection they look fantastic but the last thing I want to do really is try a little bit soon now look at that texture smell that coconut okay lovely it's beautiful it's got that coconut in it's got the lemon in there you can taste a little bit of lime in there as well you've got a lovely texture a nice sponge thank you Eric thank you for letting me use your kitchen thank you thanks buddy pleasure that's marvelous thank you [Music] when I came to Warsaw I was expecting dark dingy not what's going on a bit Gray repressed is that the right word but I couldn't have been more wrong it's a colorful Place big on personality steeped in history and its baking is superb it draws inspiration from its past but it's also looking ahead the future of police biking is very very bright I think it's a very very cool City and I will definitely be back I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami a European Sheik of Paris [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] cities all over the world but I think I've arrived in party central this place has got a buzz about it this place is alive this place is vibrant this place is Miami this time on City bakes I taste the local Delicacies honestly it's absolutely stunning inspired by a local classic ibaker key lime pie you can bake at home lime is one of those flavors that just floats my boat big Style and it's game day in Miami it's a real family day hours I love that where there's a typically warm welcome City Base welcome to Miami [Music] I'm starting my journey in the heart of Miami in the place it's most famous for South Beach this is Ocean Drive basically all the way down here you got past the left all the way down and then you have the sea which is all over there and over there actually is Muscle Beach which obviously I go there all the time Miami was built as the holiday Resort of the United States of America since the 1920s the Rich and Famous have flocked here to Sea and seen look at that that's the glitz and glamor of Miami everything is done for maximum effect look up those buildings up there this is Art Deco this is the 1920s 1930s this is when Miami really started to build down these drives so that's why all the building to Art Deco and the Beautiful these streets have the largest concentration of Art Deco buildings in the U.S it's a tropical sort of heat here most of the year round so the people are used to this sort of heat and they develop most of the food and the drink around the weather Miami is a city virtually built on the beach so it comes as no surprise that the seafood here is incredible Joe's Stone Crab has been a Miami institution since the early 20s and I love crab so there's no way I'm giving this a Miss look at that you don't get this stone crab in the UK at all indigenous to here honestly it's absolutely stunning with the lime is to die for I promise you that's the best crab I've ever had in my life it's worth coming to Miami just to have the crab that is stunning being an inquisitive kind of guy I ask if head chef Andre can take me into the heart of the Crab Kitchen the crabs are pre-cooked and chilled and just the clothes arrive ready to be freshly cracked open for service these guys are doing it look at the way you do it he knows exactly the pressure to put on to crack those shelves oh this may be harder than it looks it's quite a job actually because each one's slightly different but it's finding that right balance of it is you get that Rice crack I managed to crack so when they're doing this how many of these will they go through in the night they've got them about fifteen hundred two thousand pounds a night wow and it's just a rhythm it's it's a magical sound of just crack crack all night long you know the restaurant's arming really well [Music] there's more to this restaurant than the stone crab they also serve a classic local bake that's been on the menu here for Generations hi sir thank you very much indeed and general manager Brian is Keen for me to try their key lime pie fantastic I've got to try this you're gonna like it yeah it's made with Florida key limes rumored to be the sharpest of all limes do you know what it is it's when your cheeks suck in because it's that tartar that's what it should be that is absolutely delicious and a hint of Sweetness in there just to finish that palette off especially after the stone crabs yeah I agree I love key lime pie I've forgotten actually before I came to my area how much I love it that's very good I love this place thank you bro there is nothing like rediscovering a favorite bake to make you fall in love with a city [Music] Miami has many different sides to it Ocean Drive is all about Fitness rollerblading Segways chilling out on the beach but at night a whole different Miami emerges the art deco buildings light up in neon as people go out to eat there is another side I want to explore Miami's Cuban Community this part of Miami has got a little Havana there's a reason for that you only have to look around to see all the different shops the music you can hear as well as you go past some of the bars Cuba is only a hundred miles off the coast and Cubans have been settling here since the 1950s so today nearly a million and a half called Miami home Nadal Ahmad is a local and the founder of the pincho factory chain of restaurants and he has agreed to show me around so this is really the epicenter of Cuban and Hispanic culture here in South Florida I think it's amazing you know you move from one part of Miami to another and then you get a different vibe again it's like you've gone somewhere else completely nothing's Berlin yeah I know you love the baking so I know just the bakery that we need to go to we need to go check that place out is it far not that far it's right up the road all right buddy let's go I never expected my first visit to a Cuban Bay Bakery to be in Miami El brusso Fuerte has been owned and run by the same family for three generations and the baking looks colorful this is a big Bakery yeah there's a lot of things going on but for me I like to find something that is traditional to the area something that you would come and check out so the pastelito de guayawa is something you have to have at every Cuban bakery yes the rest of the Country Donuts and coffee for breakfast we have pastelite guayawa and caffecito and so that's this one right here with the bright guava in there oh wow yeah and what would you call this again it's pastelito pastelito yep okay junior is the man in charge of this family bakery we uh have a secret family recipe oh wow yeah the guava is very sweet almost strawberry sandwiched in between puff pastry the flavor is intense it's still warm it melts in the mouth it's delicious that that's that spots on there this is this is our stuff man you know what as an Englishman had that with a cup of tea [Laughter] now you're the expert here which one would you go for I would recommend the cream cheese okay and I'll tell you why we have a little secret we do in our family and when we actually roll out the dough that we're gonna use to make the pastry we put flour on the table but for the cream cheese we also like to put a little sugar so we so while we lay it out and we stretch it out the sugar goes in there and when you bake it it gives it a nice crunchy feel so it's not like our other pastries that is very different it's a bit like I suppose a bit like a croissant like a similar similar shape next got the fold yeah it has oh do you know what that reminds me of because of the sugar on it and the bake it's a bit it tastes a bit like candy floss that's delicious yeah I get you on that one thank you Paul I like that a lot it's unfussy delicious baking all the pastelitos are quite sweet even the meat fillings but Cubans clearly know their baits do you make your own pastry yes sir we have a full production in the back if you would like to see how we do it you know what I'd love to see how you make it yeah the kitchen is right behind the shop and Junior wants to show me the first bake I tried pastelito de guava this is where all the magic happens this is what the bottom of our puff pastry looks like next step is we're going to pipe some guava onto the tree okay that's a lumpy bag this is a big bag yes it's a big bag I've never used guava jam but clearly Cubans like a lot of it in their baking now the trick here when you're gonna put the top part is to make sure you don't stretch it because if you stretch it when you cook the pastry it's going to shrink yeah so we're just going to lay it lift up let it fall down on its own weight I love Junior's ingenious homemade cutter to get the right size and it gives us our shape and that's it his family make 12 000 of these pastelitos every week your grandfather was the one that sets himself up in a bakery down here my grandfather started the bakery my dad was about 11 12 years old so my grandfather taught my dad how to do everything I've been here since I was five six years old helping out so everything's been passed down generation to generation I actually relate to that because my dad was a baker so when I was a little boy my dad had a chain of Bakery so when I was a kid on a Saturday I'd go to work and a bit of money and now my son's growing up I don't want him to be a baker it's too it's too hard it's really difficult you sound like my dad I think what Junior and the rest of the family do in there is fantastic first of all they're keeping a family tradition alive which to me is a big thing I know because I come from a family at Bakers they're in a neighborhood which is predominantly Cuban so what they're doing is keeping alive the Cuban flavors that for me represents Miami and I absolutely love it thank you very much Julia thank you it was a pleasure thank you for stopping right next I enjoy the very best that Miami has to offer opulence and Beauty all wrapped together in one little bubble from the place to stay to the place to play nothing screams American football like the American football cheerleaders [Music] in my quest to uncover the baking of cities all over the world I'm exploring Miami in Florida this place is Buzzard the amount of people the music The Sounds the lights the smells the food I want to venture Beyond The Tourist Trail so I'm heading just north of Miami Beach where 65 000 people are all coming here the local Miami Dolphins are playing the Baltimore Ravens and this is my first taste of an American football game dollars are bigger than his the atmosphere is incredible yes and I'm hoping to experience a game day food custom okay you're going watch your sports event you go to the pool have something to drink have something to eat and go straight to the stadium here it's a real family day out it's like I love that the locals do something called tailgating tell me what is tailgating tailgating is family friends loved ones you get together come to the game it's kind of a pregame party before the dolphin game and the best thing is there's great food involved okay so where do we go all right this is a grill we've got going right now we've got pork ribs we've got bison Burgers we're doing some clams and a wine and garlic sauce this is a special uh here's a beer cheese batter I've just got to try this a little bit that's delicious it's really good it really works actually the beer it's got that sharpness to it which again carries through with the flavor of the meat as well and this is just the just the car park I'm tall the food inside the stadium is even better this is the restaurant where all the VIPs eat before they go in the match this place is only open on game days but it's no hot dog stand it's a lot of big places what have they got fresh sourdough bread is it it's sourdough pizza though man can I try a piece of course making that sourdough for like four months definitely doesn't taste like regular pizza dough I'm sure yeah it's got more of a kick to it you know yeah I'm glad you enjoy it brother no Seafood obviously huge amounts of prawns crab shrimp the crab meat looks unbelievable Chef in charge Mark Spooner feeds 8 000 people here before every game hello Chef Mark you're the chef nice to meet you nice to meet you with as much local Florida produce as possible we're featuring a Florida citrus salad with Florida avocado with Florida hearts of palm with Florida key lime and so this whole section right here is really kind of about the the essence of where we're at Chef Mark has laid on quite a spread here and there's something else that's caught my eye that is very much the essence of Florida [Music] nothing screams American for full like the American football cheerleaders [Music] if they had cheerleaders at Liverpool I'd probably go there more often I'll get out your way there may be a big game going on but the party Vibe of Miami extends even to here yeah I'm starting to feel like I'm fitting in [Music] Miami but I can't stay here all day while I'm in Miami I want to head across town to an area called Coral Gables to visit one of the world's most iconic hotels I've seen pictures of it but never actually seen it real live look at that that's a hotel that's impressive isn't it in its 1930s Heyday the 400 room Biltmore Hotel was the most fashionable Resort in America I I can't wait to see inside hello Ginger Rogers Judy Garland and Bing Crosby all stayed here and when it was built it had for a long time the world's largest swimming pool opulence and Beauty all wrapped together in one little bubble but I'm here to meet the biltmore's historian candy hello Hi how are you Paul I'm good because 1920s Miami had a dark underbelly that I'm fascinated by we had a lot of famous actors and actresses that used to come here in the early 20s and then of course we had very famous Mobsters that would come here and also dine because it was the place to be and of course it was during prohibition and I think they were able to drink here so when you're talking about the Mobsters which which Mobsters specifically you're talking about well we had Al Capone would come here to dine but one of his colleagues or cohorts held a illegal gambling facility up on the 13th floor his name was Thomas fatty Walsh wow Fatty's gambling Den still exists on the 13th floor although it's now the hotel's most expensive Suite this is where fatty stayed and I believe the rumor has it that he got into an argument with another mobster who then came up and shot both he and his bodyguard and the bullets remain in the fireplace is that it there yes that's uh the bullets wow one of America's most notorious Mobsters met his end right here what the hell look yes wow so ultimately this place not only has a colorful ceiling has a colorful history too a very colorful history thankfully there are other things that keep today's visitors coming back to Biltmore down in the kitchens I'm meeting executive chef David Hackett hello Chef hi Paul how you doing welcome to the Biltmore Main Kitchen great kitchen I love the building upstairs but the heart of the operation is always in here I was head Baker at London's Dorchester Hotel so I feel right at home here so this is the this is the bakery not very big as you can see the guys come in at four o'clock just like most bakeries and certainly the first ones in the kitchen and they start production I'm hoping to sniff out some of David's more unusual breads can you tell what that is it's quite Sharp just like wine correct yeah it's a red wine reduction in shallots you got a good nose well this looks like an uncut a baguette yeah that's a very unique bread it's very I guess would you say common to South Florida really yeah that is a one of our Cuban breads now the Cuban bread is very similar to a French baguette but the thing that makes the human bread so unique is its all-purpose flour versus high gluten flour and we also use lard or shortening in the dough itself all-purpose flour is more like a cake flour isn't it than a bread flour yeah well it's got a half cake and uh half bread you can tell straight away yeah it's a little more this bed is uniquely adapted to work with the high humidity and temperatures of Cuba and Miami so obviously the temperature and humidity in Miami must be a problem to but it's it's a humid climate oh absolutely yeah the Crusty breads kind of get tougher this thing will last a little bit longer it will so you're deliberately making it quite tight and again the lard will hold the moisture as well exactly that's nice that'd be great for sandwiches oh it's fantastic with sandwiches I've never heard of a Cuban bread before yeah I guess it's kind of like a hybrid yeah hybrid right I like it nice before I leave Miami I want to mark my visit with a bake of my own and what better than a dessert that characterizes the Florida Sunshine Key Lime Pie thank you very much all right holler if you need anything Chef thank you thank you now obviously the key thing in a key lime pie is Limes now this is a key lime it's more of a shine to it than a conventional sort of Persian style lamb let me show you that is the traditional Persian lamb as you'd know in the UK that's a key lime this is much sweeter that's much tartar that's what makes the key lime pie in Florida Miami the best in Miami the base is crumb graham crackers but I use digestives in the UK into which I'm going to add some softened melted butter foil dish will help you turn it out easily later and then begin to flatten it all down get your foil in there and just press it down let's have a quick look at that it's coming together quite nicely the juice of 12 key limes is about the same as four normal limes and the big ones are much easier to zest lime is one of those flavors that just floats my boat big Style really don't go under on the line you want that flavor you want that zest you want that Zing when you hit your mouth oh and then the sweetness is because what I'm going to add to this now is condensed milk so I've got four egg yolks which are gonna go straight in the bowl it's beginning to thicken already actually that's the sort of consistency you're looking for it drops easily off the off the bloom whisk drop that into the base now what I need to do is bake that off it bakes in a moderate oven for about 25 minutes and that's it that's how you make a key lime pie when it's cool decorate with some fresh cream piped on top now is my recipe as good as the Miami original David has offered to give it a taste test [Music] there you go Chef oh fantastic I hope you enjoy it looks beautiful it's a little celebration of uh limes [Music] well fantastic it's nice and sharp do you like it though oh it's excellent thank you very much for today Chef oh it's our pleasure absolutely thank you thanks for the pie [Music] glad you like it one of my favorite ever pies what a great way to end my visit to Miami thank you very much indeed I asked actually for an orange juice I think there might be orange juice in there what my time in Miami has shown me is the city of two sides what you'll find in Miami is obviously the tourist places like Miami Beach for instance Ocean Drive with all the drinks and its vibrancy and its hype America's original party town is as good for eating in today as it was in the 1920s but then you've got Little Havana Cuba is obviously just off the coast and the influences of the food is all around us this makes it a city that is different on so many levels it's fascinating to explore and I will definitely be back if you go into a bar and ask for an orange juice and end up with that you know you're in somewhere pretty special I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people the places and the Traditions that make the very best of baking oh from the laid-back Sunshine Vibe of Miami to the European Sheik of Paris [Applause] [Music] really this time on City bakes I'm in the Bavarian region of Germany in the city of Munich so what do you think of when you think of Munich right Brad pretzels later homes beer it's a beautiful city situated in Bavaria as with most European cities this is a major tourist destination but I want to go beyond that I want to check out the baking culture from the back streets what do the people of Munich actually eat there seem to be bakeries all over Munich and I want to visit as many as I can look at that I'll saffron it's cool I've never seen one before nuts puff pastry crab simple that's delicious welcome to Mina [Music] blowing the city is easy it's quite Compact and perfect for strolling I live in a small village in Kent and actually the church is across the road and every Sunday we get woken up by the Bell ringers which is actually quite cute but in Munich Bells seem to go off all the time to celebrate Bells even the town hall tower has 43 bells in it that entertain the crowd at 11AM every day this is one of the few things I remember from my first visit to Munich when I was just 16. my dad said let's want to take you to a bakery exhibition it's my real first foray into the bacon world he said you need to get smartened up so we went out and bought me a suit a Sandy colored suit with a waistcoat with Sandy shoes I'm sure no one recognizes me Munich is what you call a foodie City amazing the people here seem to make time to enjoy the good things in life that's more like it the German sausage this is Munich's food market central part of Munich this is not necessarily a tourist area but this is where the people of Munich come to buy their food like old markets should be this appears to be the city's meeting place for a lunch in the sunshine With Friends thank you [Music] I could explore all day but I've arranged to meet a friend hi Falco hey Paul nice to see you again and welcome to Germany Falco Burkett is going to show me around the baking of Munich Falco trained in Stuttgart and actually owns a chain of bakeries in Scotland what he doesn't know about German baking he could fit on a postage stamp it was promised to show me parts of Munich bacon I would never find on my own and it's first stop donut shop the donut I didn't know that the Germans were famous for making donuts which is strange I know you wouldn't think like that but should we go try it let's go try it yeah Andreas is a donut maker and his family business has been going here since 1973 and it's a favorite pit stop for locals we call it schmitzerland it's kind of a Munich breakfast you know you should try yeah I will I mean you can see how thin that is it is like a ring donor but he's still got a bit of skin on the bottom in Munich they call it as well pulled out one as you see how he's doing it he just pulls the dough out and drops it in but taste wise what do you think it's quite um a light batter actually it does taste very very good Andreas makes several shapes of donuts this one is called a stritzel it takes me back to when I was a kid going to the carnival the fairground yeah a fresh donut and you're going on all the rides that's what they use here in carnival as well traditionally end of the year like we call it Sylvester you call it New Year's Eve and then on Carnival before lent starts this is traditionally eaten as well look like a good donut is something it's very difficult to beat delicious absolutely delicious Fired Up by deep fried dough and sugar and just as well as the weather in Munich can turn fast I'm ready for Falco's next treat so tell me about this place we're going to visit the next one is the cafe coits come it's one of the oldest Countryside High places here in Munich but it's the high end I'm looking forward to this though conditarai Cafe is something uniquely German so what are we looking at here so this is the proper condition all high quality products so what is that is that a cake guy a pastry guy you would call it a pastry chef yeah in Germany it's called a konito and a coniture is the shop where the conditioner Works in okay what's going [Music] the candida who baked these cakes would have trained for eight years to qualify as a Candida Meister just like my friend Falco so he knows what to look out for it's all regulated I mean if you look at for example the French Regent in tortoise's specialty from Munich yes it has to have seven layers it has to be Precision it's like with the cars but should look as the same as possible if you didn't follow the rules and decided to do your own thing what would have been the punishment I mean it's down how heavy your mistreat the law I mean in the old days you got jailed well these days you just end up in front of a court and possibly your place will be shut down jailed for making a cake wrong imagine this Prince Regent torter has been made exactly like this for probably a century it's so neat that it's what makes a conduita Meister this is the act to do it properly wow well let's try it each layer is baked individually mathematically measured out so they are precisely the same depth the flavors coming through delicious actually um [Music] the buttercream it's got a slight nutsy flavor in there as well yes actually I'd have that with a cup of tea any day any day the next cake is a critican torta that looks amazing though that quite thick layers there isn't it yes yes fruity apricot it's tart but it's it's delicious the final cake is like nothing I've seen before it's sliced sideways how'd you eat this just pick it up with your fingers so this instrument never had that I don't know what that is and through the lathes all that you can see individually the layers going all the way up it's so thick this is a bam cooking which translates as tree cake because of its rings what's in this the easiest to explain is like a heavy sponge mix which is nice not as soft as a traditional say Victoria sandwich for instance was invented about four or five hundred years ago and it was made really popular with the last Kaiser because he wanted about in every city he's going to visit it's not his favorite cake it's so neat so elegant it's so German it's hard to imagine how candida meisters achieve a round cake that's baked with layers so dense and so thin but of course Falco has the answer Cafe croissants Bakery is Testament to just how popular these cakes are in Germany it's a Candida Rye Factory and they ship their cakes as far away as Japan and there they are rolls and rolls of Bangkok and gently cooling these are probably the strangest cakes I've ever seen they are impressive aren't they and still all handmade they're all perfect that is the condition coming through again and the bosses can determeister Frank Murray and I can't wait to try and make one myself so can you take us through the process where does it all start it's a dough is made with fresh ingredients and you have an open fire with gas and you bake it lay a belayer I've never seen anything like this before the cake batter coats the horizontal spits and they slowly rotate as the batter is cooked by grills at the back strangely similar to a kebab machine laid on its side it's fascinating to watch thankfully I'm not on the 8K machine but a single balm cooking machine at the back so what is this mix you got flour eggs matzipan almonds sugar spices yeah that's mine so the only Rising agent in it is the egg yeah by law you're not allowed to add baking powder okay it's one of these things where otherwise you could be jailed because low as each layer roasts it caramelizes like the outside of any normal cake this gives the bound cook and its intense flavor right through it it's such a strange cake to make I mean the idea is really strange yeah what I'm trying to figure out you know the roles that you do and it sort of goes how did you do that that's busy in the next steps you want to have a go yeah basically line it and then press it on there yeah and hold it in an angle yeah that's it that's it just dip it so the drips are coming off pull it towards you strip that off perfect after baking they are cooled before being cut and glazed in a variety of ways it's beautiful perfect German Precision in a 500 year old cake A fitting end to my first day in Munich I'm gonna have to try and take one of these in with me how am I going to get that on the plane next well I get a taste of good old-fashioned Bavarian hospitality around the twist baking a local delicacy [Laughter] and I take inspiration from this warm-hearted city to create a damp noodle a delicious Munich pudding that is great baked at home my Adventures around the world's best baking cities has brought me to Munich in Germany it's a city with a gentle almost village-like feel where the only high rises of the church spiers and this the tower on the Magnificent Town Hall love the door and I've been allowed up to get a few over the rooftops now we've got to go up to the top and this is a very tight staircase here we go [Music] Wow Come With Me [Music] oh dear wow what a view that is incredible it's the center of Munich it's amazing although much of Munich was flattened in World War II it's since been Faithfully rebuilt so today I really feel like I'm looking back in time that looks quite new actually that bit of Munich as you pan around you see the old bit but what gets me is this view here foreign View of the Alps all the way along that is beautiful I've got to take a photo selfie on top of tower in Munchen can see in the distance the Alps great selfie I know there's more baking to explore down at street level German bread is famous around the world and I can't wait to try some thank you this Bakery just off the market has been owned by the same Munich family for five generations and everything is baked locally so we've got three distinctive threads here the first one soft very vanillary very brioche like this is Richard stritzel a really old Bavarian recipe baked here for four generations the almonds on it really take off it's a nice loaf it's a very very good loaf this is fascinating it's like dried flowers or fresh herbs on the top of that one as well I've never seen dry petals on bread like this before but this is a gluten cruster a new Bavarian bread it was created for a flower festival just 10 years ago great flavor to it nice lot though but it's the seeds inside the the that's the winner you can see the seeds there see that's a bit of roughage right there keep you regular this is worlib a traditional Taste of Bavaria a rye sourdough it's a tough old loaf that one perfect though it's delicately spiced with fennel Caraway coriander and star anise so that's quite an intense flavor again strong sour and stone baked heavy crust that's what I expected to see when I came to Munich and as if On Cue Bells the Bells [Music] yeah let's have another one join us as well shall we we need a third really there we go there's a third one during this isn't that marvelous celebrating the bread that's what they're doing they're celebrating the bread [Music] I'm meeting up again with my friend Falco he's invited me out for a beer to one of the most famous of all the beer halls in Munich under a magnificent vaulted ceiling an Umpire ban player's beer is drunk by the Lisa [Music] brilliant why can every Pub in Britain I love that now I know this is where they do the big pints the big liters The Masks yeah okay we need to go let's try it I love it the beer houses they used to be always in fellas but this one here because it's a egg supply to the king had the purpose-built building for that beer is delivered here not in barrels but by the tanker load and it's served by the Stein okay that's it foreign are not just about getting drunk Germans like to eat and get drunk pretzels have been baked in Bavaria since the 12th century and they have to be so fresh and salty these things globally are so popular yeah how much more bavarians you want me to get a pretzel and a beer and if you're still peckish big chunks of meat and huge sausages are the staple nothing subtle about this cuisine but there's a pudding on the menu that caught my eye it's like something I used to have at school dinners wait to try that this is what is known as a damp noodle it's a comfort food it is Big style right it's warm it's fat it's fluffy yeah it tastes good what you've got there is a steamed dough it's a plain basic dough it's great it's comfort food move me beer in Bavaria with me mate it's all good the pretzels on sale here are bigger and fresher than I've ever seen before you buy them by stopping one of the sellers how many of these would you sell in a day it can be on the diet to 200 230 230 is an impressive amount Falco tells me that Munich's pretzels have a secret they are nearly all made by a hidden bakery that supplies most of the beer houses this needs investigating okay I'm looking for the bakery matsius it's Matthew's Bakery land strap I'm on the right Road Number Four there's no Bakery in sight hello but deep underground I enter pretzel world floating in the cabin with the Beatles and his team make nothing but pretzels here 6 000 small ones and a thousand large pretzels on an average day they promised Munich's beer Halls that winning order is thrown through fresh pretzels will be delivered within two hours this is going to be interesting I need to have a go at this they're made with a death flick of the wrist [Music] apparently a bear hook okay [Music] okay so that's how pretzels are made guys make theirs in eight seconds [Music] just don't start timing me how the hell [Music] it's not doing anything it's like witchcraft oh this is why in the meal I like to be good itself straight away and I'm just not maybe my baking skills can be best used elsewhere to achieve the pretzels Rich color they are dipped in a caustic drain cleaner it's an alkaline solution known as lye thankfully it is harmless after it's baked now to get the same effect at home what you can use bicarbonate and water it's coated in the film foreign the pretzels are now ready for the oven [Music] incredible that beautiful Rich color coming from The Alkali Wunderbar nothing thank you that is how you make a proper pretzel delicious before I leave Munich I want to create my own City bake inspired by something I've experienced but with my own Hollywood twist and I know just the thing having spoken to Falco I can digitize that and we've decided to make a damp noodle this is the pudding we enjoyed in the beer hall but I want to make mine with a fruity surprise inside thanks for the Hat by the way let me just correct this you have to deliver proper there you go well on the side yeah slightly okay fair enough uh to make a damp noodle we need a basic dough is there any chance you can warm that up for me and I'll put that in there yeah quickly go to Club testing starting with melted butter and warm milk stop laughing at my hat now what I'm going to do in this bowl is put some flour we need some dried yeast and one egg and then we need to add a little bit of salt there you go ah perfect okay the next thing I'm going to add is some sugar you made The Damp for noodle before oh God yeah it's it's a childhood thing you learn it it's the first thing with your mother normally at home Falco's warm milk and butter will bring everything together to form a nice soft dough pop that back in there this needs to rise for an hour or so so this is the dough and we're going to do is just divide this into six pieces damp noodle are usually plain but I want mine to have a Hollywood twist now these are Black Morello cherries this sauce has been reduced so it's a little thicker than normal what I'm going to do is put about three cherries into each ball to cook them I'm going to follow the method Falco grew up with see that simple a bit butter now we need a bit salt and a bit sugar all right all right it's fine every salt on top of the butter salt and sugar go The Damp noodles so you end up with all the rolls in there so poor about a centimeter maximum of water in which we'll create when it's cooking steam after a short proof these go onto a moderate stove top the water will evaporate and then the butter will crisp in the base that's it that's all we need to do that'll be steamed now for about 15-20 minutes we're gonna have a little Custard with it and it should be absolutely delicious [Music] how do you like it I like the cherries too it gives a bit more interest it does I really enjoy that my first damn flugel damp noodle [Laughter] what a comforting way to end my visit to Munich [Music] I think it's an amazing City culturally I think it's one of those cities that you just have to visit it's that Precision not just in German engineering which is so famous that it's in their baking too the Italians bake from the heart the basciani the Germans have two things they do have the passion and they do have the position and you know what I've Loved Munich I've loved the people I've loved the food and I've loved the place and I will definitely be coming back [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Tonic
Views: 1,698,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul hollywood, paul hollywood's city bakes, documentary movies - topic, viral, sub, tonic, tonic channel, tonic documentary, city bakes, tv shows - topic, Recipes, health, travel
Id: oYW49UNSkuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 1sec (13741 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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