The Best Stuffed Chicken Breast Recipe Ever | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello reference I'm gonna make an amazing chicken breast I'm gonna stuff it I'm gonna wrap it with the bacon I'm gonna serve with the mustard sauce remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring the bell stay tuned friends we're doing it right now together [Applause] okay well friend this is not exactly a one two three kind of chicken okay it's gonna take a little preparation it's gonna but we're gonna take our time we're gonna have fun doing it all right friends so it's a breast of chicken then we're gonna stuff uh with a uh uh spicy Italian sausage and and a bunch of stuff and and then we're gonna wrap it in bacon so if you like bacon you're in the right place if you don't like bacon uh uh there's a lot of out of the recipe on the channel that are fantastic my friends all right so I got uh uh about um seven ounces of two links of uh Italian sausage so you can have the chicken sausage or you can have the the pork sausage it's really up to you spicy Italian um we're very lucky because in Fort Lauderdale we got this uh whole food they make it there and I'm telling you they do a fabulous job I don't know about the other whole food if they do the same but they do a fantastic job the spice delicious spice delicious anyway I got my Mison plus as you can see right there friends this is like you gotta take your time okay you're gonna make some serious mission plus because uh you can't just be chopping and dicing when you do this it's very important Misan plus friends prepare everything in advance I got a little bit of pastity right there and we're not gonna measure too much of anything we're just gonna go like this friends okay this is cooking yeah it's natural I could science say we're not like I always say we're not sending a man in the moon okay we're just making a little stuffing for the chicken I got a little um apricot uh uh dried apricot then I cut them in little cubes okay yeah you know like don't put them in no big deal you could put fig delicious uh dry figs you can put a black Mission fig or golden face they're delicious also I like the the avocad but a little bit of sun-dried tomatoes and you see my sun-dried tomatoes are dry they're not in oil I got a little bit of uh salami de Genoa you know I like it don't put it in don't worry you know I I have like this is about an ounce and a half two ounces salami the Genoa and um and I got a little bit of uh the breadcrumb that I make the um there's probably a link right there Jack is going to put your link this is my fresh Wacom don't worry about if you have just a regular plain break one just put a regular plane break one you know and uh and then we're gonna break an egg and we're gonna put it in there and this is what we're gonna use now my sausage my friends is a very spicy sausage and so I'm not going to put any salt and pepper in there because already it's already seasoned correctly okay friends so here's what I'm gonna do because I like to do things in steps so then I can set up and make it easy instead of having a mess in a kitchen so I'm gonna mix this up really good I'm probably going to take some some gloves because I find it's easier with the with the hand there and I'm going to mix all this up and then we're gonna come back and then I'm gonna show you how to do the chicken which will be step step two all right friends so I'm gonna mix all this up and I'll be back in a couple of couple of minutes when it's all mixed up and I am all ready to show you the chicken so I'll be back in a minute okay friends so now step two we gotta get lay our bacon so then when we do it it will look professional you know we like to look professional look guys when you have a slice of bacon sometime you'll see they have a tail on it and if you're gonna wrap something with bacon and you see that there is all right there is no good so what I do is I I slide I keep it for something else see and if I don't need it if I can't use the bacon for some reason I can't use it in in what I'm doing like in this case right here I I save this I freeze it you're in freeze it chop it up in little pieces I put a little Tupperware next time I need bacon I got bacon all right so now what we're going to do here friends we're going to put the uh you're going to understand it as a as I'm going to do it I'm going to put some bacon this way and then I'm going to put some bacon lined up this way and I'm going to show you so you'll understand the whole concept of it the whole Big Slice of of bacon is right there and then I picked one then it's it's not a problem it's uh it it'll be fine meaning it doesn't have any tears got a little hole in there but I think we can handle it right so we're not going to put on it too much and we're going to go like this very simple you see and we're going to continue like this very simple okay and now if you notice I want to show you something it's very important you see right here friends if you look the outside because remember I'm gonna stuff the chicken in here so this is going to become the outside and if you notice on the outside right here let me look at the I'm going to show you so it's important you understand the concept of it you see the the outside this is what I call this is actually the inside this is the outside of the bacon this is where the skin is the outside when I wrap it when I wrap it it's going to wrap it like this and I don't want it to wrap like this you see right here those zero pieces right there friends you see right there if you wrap it this way it's gonna it's not gonna look good on the end so what you need to do easy need to take it and put it this way so then on the outside you see on the outside you got the skin I wanted to show you so you understand the difference of it you have this the the skin on the outside so you don't have this raggedy thing raggedy you see the Raggedy thing is on the inside now doesn't matter what we want to make sure is on the outside we're nice and even I hope I explained correctly sometimes I I I I I make things seems like more complicated than already they are but I don't know how it's to explain the friends so I hope you understood what I was talking about so see because you don't want this to be on the outside it's what I call the waggerty you want this to be on the inside and this is going to be on the inside we're gonna put the chicken by dear friends all right so we so far so good right we're gonna wrap it we're going to give ourselves a nice little space and I couldn't find a better way to explain it to you then and for you to look at the way I did it right so now what we do now we do now we take it and we also want to make sure then the ends of it are covered so we're going to go in there like this and we're going to cover the ends and again you notice that what could be raggedy is on the inside and the outside it's the skin it's nice and neat you see friends now you understand the concept of it okay all right you don't understand the concept when I do it friends it's easier for you to understand it when I finish explaining it all all right friends so now what we're going to do we're going to line the inside of it with a ham a beautiful ham you can use a whatever whatever is your favorite ham okay this is a um what is called a bourbon Hammer I get that at the at a Publix grocery store it's beautiful okay so you get whatever happens makes you happy tavern ham is good Black Forest ham is good whatever whatever is your favorite hand my friends and they're not too thick you see they're fairly thin you can make a thing you can make however you want it all right so now my friends we're ready to put the chicken on top of it but and I'm gonna now see the whole thing has got to be ready right so now I'm gonna put this aside for a minute but we're gonna put it in the fridge and I am going to prepare everything to do the chicken I need to clean everything again so I am ready to do the chicken so I'll be back in a minute when everything is cleaned the chicken breasts those are big ones and we're gonna butterfly them and quick again I know some of you have already know that when you see a chicken you know you gotta this is this is uh uh the middle of it and this is the outside of it and you notice this is straight and this is open so when you're butterfly you're always butterfly in uh against the the straight side not the other side otherwise if you're there on the other side you'll have a big hole in between them you see so what you do is just go like this and and just butterfly it be careful watch where you're going watch where you're going right watch where you're going and uh and we're going to go in and then oh no no open and then we uh we just put a little bit of a cut in here so now at this point friends I have my wet rag then is my sanitizer rag that I'm gonna put in here and then I'm gonna take my film let me put this right here by the way for those of you that are always inquiring it friends um this is my sanitized water that I use I've got about a gallon of bleach I've gone on the beach I got on the water for about a a tablespoon or two of bleach or just a white wine vinegar white vinegar three tbsp for a gallon of bleach and that's enough to sanitize everything okay so it sanitize your hands sanitize everything you need friends okay so now what we're going to do we're going to take plastic wrap and we're gonna pound it a little bit it's easier if you're gonna pound something then your surface is wet you take the plastic wrap you put it on there you see it's easier if you're if you're see look it sticks to it now see it makes it easy right so what we do now if your chicken breast is quite thick like this one is a little thick right there where's my ride my wet rag it's right there every time you touch it you got to clean your hands and um what I do is this is my white rag I'm going to keep it right there I'm going to panel just a little bit friends just a little bit right say look I just take it gently and I put it right on there so in case you have to do it because it has to be fairly thin it can't be too thick if it's too thick then then it's going to be difficult to roll right so we take it we're gently gently this is the meat pounder don't ever use this and friends this is good if you're cooking raccoons or possums or roadkill you don't ever need that okay I don't know why anybody will ever need this but anyway so it's right there I see you want to be gentle gentle and when you pound friends don't just go from here to here to here pump on in the direction so you're pounding something see right here now it's over there see it's not moving always follow a Direction little details you know it's all in the detail friends all right so we have it right there we're looking good okay so now this is clean we're going to take it right there and we're gonna put it right there that's our best of chicken that has been pounded all right friends so now let's clean our cutting board again and let's do it let's do it let me wash my hand again probably gonna get him dirty again but that's the way it goes all right friends let's make sure we clean we take data here so I have a clean kitchen I hated dirty kitchen friends I held dirty kitchen you get out of here all right so now obviously you got it right because when I was telling you it's going to take a little while for us to um to prepare this dish where's my wet ride over there all right friends so here we go we're gonna take our chicken now a chicken breast and we're gonna put it right in here and this is the pretty one all right now one thing then we have to do friends is put salt and pepper but since I forgot to put a little salt and pepper in a container I got to do it this way because I forgot to take it out of there and I can't go with my finger in there because I keep touching everything and a little bit of salt pretty simple see right there friends all right now we're going to take some of our fast or stuffing whatever we want to call it okay now we have to be careful we don't want to put too much it's probably going to be too oh you come back over here you I'm talking to my stuffing you know when you talk to your stuffing in the third person you know you're in trouble so here we go friends this is fun I hope you guys having fun I'm loving it do a little more I always say don't put too much right don't put too much and I keep putting it on keep putting it on maybe a little more what do you think so I did have a little too much oh what let me wash my hand again thanks let me uh let me grab my uh why don't I just grab my sanitize Ryan friends and then I have it with me the whole time how are you what do you think we're looking good I think we're looking fabulous all right so now let's look at our we had another one cut I'm generally going to use half of it actually I'm only going to use half of it because I have too much otherwise so I'm going to take the other half I'm gonna put it right on here boom right here friends you see all right so now this is my rag all right so now we're going to close that whole thing pretty simple we're going to go right in here and we're going to let it stick just a little bit I'm going to do the same thing here we're gonna let it stick just a little bit then we're going to close with the hammer and the ham is going to help us a little bit just to hold it together long enough then we are comfortable you see boom boom [Music] all right now we're going to close the end now you understand the whole concept my friends you see right there pretty cool in it and you see it's not complicated now like I said this is not something you're gonna do uh you're not going to do that Wednesday night the kids are hungry let's have some chicken no more this is a little more complicated so now look guys we'll go in and put it in there like this going like this go like this like this this is fun there you go thank you come back over here you see we can't rush there's certain thing for instance we don't want to rush some people say my shows are too long I gotta take that dog they're very fast over there here we take our time we have fun with the food my friends if you think it's too long then you're on the wrong Channel all right here we go so now friends this is gonna become the bottom right it's gonna become the bottom hey you come back over here this is going to become the bottom that means in this is gonna be our top and this is a beautiful chicken Woolard my friends all right so all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some black peppercorn on it and then I'm gonna pop it in the oven I got an oven going at about 400 Degrees 375 375 is good and we're gonna cook it until we have a perfect internal temperature for the chicken that we have about 160 165. so I'll be back in a few minutes when everything is ready to go in the oven we're going to make a nice sauce so I'll be back in a minute friends now okay friends I just took it out of the oven and uh Mamma Mia so Beauty I'm gonna let it rest for a minute and while I'll let it rest for a minute I'm going to make a little sauce friends okay I'm just going to leave it right there and uh we'll leave it alone and I'm gonna make a sauce the sauce very simple friends the sauce is going to be let it rest you don't want to cut it right away anyway so the sauce is going to be very simple you're gonna have butter in it yeah butter um this is the butter Channel we love butter and uh so we put a little butter in there and then we'll put more leather right now this is just uh to begin with the sauce right and then we've got some shallots we're gonna cook shallots in in butter very simple sauce friends I'm telling you a child could do this uh really uh very simple and I'm gonna put some fresh thyme in there and an animal put some some mustard Dijon mustard a little uh another little onion in there a little chives a little bit of sriracha to give us a little spiciness but you put whatever oil you want my friends and then for liquid we're gonna put a little bit of the chicken stock let me just leave it out anyway let me put it away is that good right there Jack Okay cool so remember we're gonna saute the shout out we're going to sweat them and Charlotte's not like an onion and onion you want to caramelize in it and uh you know and get some sweetness out of it the shout outs uh battery and sweet already they don't really necessarily need some caramelization like an onion you know they're softer they're more gentle so we're gonna get some flavor out of them just by sauteing them like that this is my big shallots that I get I'm telling you you know I show them all the time because people don't believe me I mean it's not that they don't believe me but they probably never seen them so big look at this look at this look at these big Shadows look at this entire grocery store Publix amazing and it the grocery store you get beautiful stuff these days it's amazing how how the grocery store have improves they get everything now they get everything you know years ago you couldn't find anything in the grocery store I mean certainly not this quality so very simple here friends all right I'm gonna swear them and uh and I'm gonna put a little fresh thyme in there now you could certainly deglaze this with white wine but I'm gonna try to be uh not to put too much alcohol because we have a lot of people that say they can't use alcohol what a shame but you can put your white wine in there if you wanted to but this is a very simple like two minute sauce okay it's no big deal and you but for certain if you don't have shallots then by all mean uh uh use onion it'll be perfectly fine this is like a one two three sauce prince it's nothing to it we're gonna finish it up with butter so it's a mustard butter sauce nothing wrong with that and and this thing is resting right there and it's going to be beautiful it's going to be delicious now I don't know if you've ever smelled uh uh of shallots then I uh melting in Barrow it's like I'm telling you friends I'm not kidding this is like a holy macaroni this is really really absolutely amazing you don't want to burn them though so be gentle be gentle went on a burn them so all we're going to do we're gonna as soon as they get some really nice color which is about now I'm going to put a little bit of chicken stock a little bit of chicken stock not much I just want to get some beautiful flavor oh this smells amazing I'm gonna take a little I'm gonna look a little more civilized with the ladle Okay so and I'm gonna put a little bit of sick of sock I'm gonna let that reduce them I'm gonna let her reduce down to almost nothing okay the flavor I get out of this already is fabulous okay so a little salt and pepper all right I still got that spoon in there put a little salt in there all right it's very simple saucepans nothing to it doesn't always have to be complicated you know the sauce don't have to be always complicated yeah I wanna I wanna do things than you guys can do okay it's I see chefs then do things that are beautiful but the other guy's never going to do it at home I want to do things that everybody can say you know I can do this okay this is a little more involved than your regular recipe but it's not that big of a deal you know it's not that big of a deal solo guys what I'm doing now I'm gonna strain it all you see he told us it was a very simple sauce we got all the flavor out of the shallots already right we got all the flavor we need we got all the flavor we need so now we can squeeze him you see look this is the double mesh trainer so right there I just got a beautiful uh broth and it then it's flavored with shallots fresh thyme this is not complicated right nothing complicated and we're gonna finish it up with Barbara butter so we're going to bring it to boiler let me get the knife and cut this in and we are done my friends we are done we've got a little of uh let me clean this up let me clean the cutting board up a little bit and let it rest a little bit friends I just took it out so it's probably going to be very hot let me make sure I got everything in there let me move everything out of the way and uh we're gonna do we're gonna bring this up to boiler and um and as soon as it's boiling I'm gonna put a touch of cream friends I always forget my cream and the last ingredient we put in is a mustard because you don't want to boil your mustard okay unless you want to go to the bathroom all night it's best if you're on boiler mustard I'll save you the details you want to put a little bit of cream so this is a very you can probably make a little more quantity of this I'm just going to put a touch of cream here very simple you see heavy whipping cream friends heavy whipping creams very very simple take a little whisk very simple you see we're going to test it to see if it's any good save Let's test it let's see how good it is it's amazing to me how amazing this test when it was nothing to do like I said it doesn't always have to be complicated okay it doesn't have to be complicated all the time so what we're going to do here now we're going to turn the heat off we're gonna take a spoon friends I'm gonna put some mustard Dijon Master is the best emulsifier the Dijon mustard see you can all do this and then friends yeah don't be shy now now this remember you gotta have the heat off the heat offerings if you put your butter if you put your butter uh when it's boiling your butter is going to separate remember the butter is an emulsion look at this look at this friends look at this if you could be here and test this you'll fall in love with me look at it oh yeah baby it's so simple don't miss it look look oh where do I put the plate that looks good Jack how about if I put it here you're good with that good with it I want to show you the consistency I don't want to anything to be in the front of it so Jack can capture it I wanted to show you look look at the sauce the texture is amazing this is fish with with with anything my friends look at this is that a beauty I think it is look at this my friend let me put it right there you know what I like also in there a little onion flavor we're going to put a little chives in there friends okay just a little little chives little chives little chives let's be delicate boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom sound effects very important we're gonna think that's amazing I'm telling your friends that's amazing all right let's go in let's go to a nice slice ho ho ho he's hot it's hot look how beautiful that is my friends look how beautiful that is we're going to take it we're going to put it right there right there right there right here radio and this my friends let me see do I like that slice okay I like that slice I'm gonna put it right here hey you come back over here look at this friends all right so now now one more thing that we need to do we need to put a little fresh thyme fresh thyme fresh time where's fresh thyme I hope I have some fresh time let me see is this hot no it's hot I hope I have some fresh time yes I do and you find a nice break of fresh thyme friends a nice one right and you put it right there and right there my friends you have yourself I hope I'm putting it to the camera I can see it correctly what do you think Jack would like it is it good fantastic I'm gonna leave this alone so I can take a picture of it but I want to take a piece of it I want to test it and right there my friends you know where's my sauce my sauce is over there my Fork is over there it's still very hot so you know what I'm gonna do because I don't want to mess up my plates I'm going to go like this don't tell anybody there you go friends this is beautiful you're stupid then you can't speak then I can't speak for a minute um oh friends this is enough for four six people you might want to make a little more sauce huh but you see she's elegant and he didn't take that that much time I hope you enjoyed I love making videos for you guys remember thumbs up if you like it subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring that Bell thanks for watching foreign [Music] I love my life this is beautiful what do you think Jackie right gorgeous right oh yeah it's perfect see that was simple
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 254,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stuffed chicken breast recipe, how to make stuffed chicken breast, stuffed chicken breast, stuffed chicken, stuffed chicken recipe, chicken breast, chicken recipes, stuffed chicken breasts, stuffed chicken breasts recipe, easy stuffed chicken breast, Pechuga De Pollo Rellena, Receta De Pechuga De Pollo Rellena, Recette de poitrine de poulet farcie, Poitrine de poulet farcie, oven baked stuffed chicken, chicken recipe, how to make stuffed chicken, chicken breast recipe
Id: 2g5H0UimYJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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