Crème Caramel My Favourite Dessert | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello dear friends I'm gonna share with you all of the secret to prepare the perfect creme Carmel without air bubbles but the most perfectly cooked caramel remember thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring that Bell stay tuned friends we're doing it right now [Applause] okay friends I'm telling you this dessert is amazing and it's so easy to make anybody can make it I'm going to teach you all of the tricks I promise you this is going to become like one of your 10 top desserts it really is it's a you start eating it oh let me tell you you let a melt in your mouth you close your eyes you let it melt in your mouth it's really an experience like if I'm telling you all right friends first we're going to make a caramel caramelish sugar and a little bit of water it's usually twice the amount of sugar than you have in water so if you have uh four ounces of sugar you have two ounces of water that's exactly what I'm doing I'm making it for four so you get that idea we make caramel when I will make a a a restaurant we would make like 50 of them we never really measured anything it doesn't really matter but it's a little less water than sugar so what we got here we got uh two ounces of water and we got uh a half a cup of uh of uh of sugar and what I like to do friends I like the mix I like the mixer here before I put it in the pots and I explain why in a second I like to have it melted see you know sometimes everything is in a detail friends you wonder what do you do here you can do it in a pot you can do it in a pot it's true but when you make a caramel the secret friends is uh to make sure then um we're gonna get all of the sugar in here see I got that little silicone brush in here and I want to make sure I get it all it's very important that when you start cooking the caramel you don't want to go too low otherwise it's going to crystallize you don't want to go too high otherwise it's going to burn so you want to do kind of like a medium Heat and what you want to avoid to do is to mix it because if you mix it some of the sugar is going to get on the side of it and it's going to burn on them so what I like to do in case it happens you take a little silicone brush and just kind of like do do this you see on the side of it if you see then you put a little sugar in there you take a little silicone brush and you clean the side of it but don't mix it don't mix it that's the worst thing you can do is mixing it you're living alone until it gets to Mahogany Cola mahogany that's like dark brown they're such a fine line between very dark beautiful and and to cook that has happened to me many time don't let it happen to you I'm going to show you or you can and do it and to do and the cork where it's not even mahogany in color it's like little brown Alaska color for flavor and and because it needs to have color what we're going to do we're going to bring it to boil we're going to let it do it's gonna take a while and we don't want to go too far too high remember we want to control the heat so it's not too high okay but the resist the temptation to mix it I'm gonna do it in um this is a classic uh super cup it's a six ounce soup cup you know what I do when I do 10 20 I want to measure I measure one of those and I multiply by the however many I make so we're gonna go over the the measurement exactly how I'm going to do it but this is the six ounce cup you're making uh uh four of them that's 24 ounces of of cream then you're gonna make you're gonna make a custard we're gonna do that later not gonna confuse you with it but I have my soup cup all I did with them I sprayed them with a little non-stick spray that's a secret just a little bit you have to do it I'm sorry about it it works better to remove the custard you see just a quick little spray all right so we're going to bring this to boiler and then I'm gonna come back when it's uh uh starting to be uh dark brown because when it starts it goes really really fast to get to the dark mahagadi so I want to show you that for sure so you know how to do it okay so I'll be back in a minute when this is turned a light golden brown be back okay friends so it's going to take you a good 10-12 minutes okay and and resist the temptation to mix it you can see right here on the on the right side of the bottle I don't know if you can see it but uh this is a little dark it's getting there you see when this is it you cannot do anything else you got to stay here friends okay you gotta really pay attention because it's gonna go pretty fast and and why is it here it's probably because my pot was not exactly in the middle of the burner so that side here got a little hotter so I'm moving it away a little bit you see I'm rebalancing it and now it's going to go really fast you're gonna smell it trust me friends you're going to smell it I want you to be ready with a small ladle and we're going to put about a a a a a small ounce of water to stop the cooking process so I want you to see it a lot of people stop at that point if you really want to see the color you're moving around you can see it see because the bubbles are on the top now be very careful now the whole house is going to smell Beautiful friends it's gonna smell Beautiful be very careful because it's super super hot now friends you can see they're starting to smoke now at this point you have to be very careful you have to be careful turn it off you see right there friends very dark very dark I can wait just a second more before I put the thing because I like it really really dark and and a little bit of water be careful with this you say look it's not happy make sure when you do this friends then the kids are not around okay and that's it and now the caramel is super super hot and now we're going to put it in a mold in the in the mold let me just put this over here and you're going to see the color friends you're going to see the color look look at the color see the color it looks really dark you want it to be dark my friends you want it to be dark this is going to be gorgeous yeah you don't want a light caramel then uh as no color you want it to be dark first of all because it tastes so much better and second of all and you can see the color uh in the bottom of the pot that's what it's going to be how do you clean these spots just put some water and bring it to boiler on the stove clean the side of it first hot water and it'll come out really easy and if you have some then splash it on your stove wait for it to be dry then you can pop them off I also want to let you know those are six ounce cup uh I used to make them at the restaurant in eight ounce cup those are wonderful too same recipe you'll see for six right you know same recipe we're going to use one egg per person we just put a little more cream that's it one egg per person all right so we're gonna go back to that in a minute now at this point I need to wait for them to be solid before I put the custard on top so I'm gonna take them and put them in my freezer for 15 minutes you can put them in a cooler for a good half hour 45 minutes in a refrigerator otherwise freezer 15 minutes you're good to go so I'm gonna set up everything to make the custard I'm gonna put those in the freezer and I'll be back when they when they're solid okay they don't have to be cold they just got to be solid okay and be careful not only on your fingers and if you get some on your fingers Mama me I got so many things to tell you if you get someone you don't try to wipe it off you take the skin out of just go into the sink and let let cold water running let cold water running running running for a good 10 minutes and then you'll have less of a chance to have a really bad burn see I'm telling you because it happened all the stuff then could go wrong in the kitchen happen to me many times be back in a minute friends okay with the top the cups that were in the freezer by feet 20 minutes I'll show you what they look like in a minute let's get the the cream ready friends so I have half cream half milk you see a lot of people doing it with just milk cream give you a better consistency you can make it with only milk uh but you want to add an extra egg if you do because you need more body but half eggs half cream is perfect do it like this way I promise you it's perfect but I'm going to put a pinch of salt remember always put a pinch of salt and then what we're doing um we're putting a I put a quarter cup of sugar and two ounces of white chocolates now this is my secret secret the normal secret now um you don't have to put the white chocolate friends if you don't want to you can just put a half a cup of sugar and it'll be perfectly fine I don't like to make it too sweet because my book got the caramel eh all right so I'm going to let that melt let it melt Let's do let's talk about the eggs I'm making four I got four eggs and um I want to break the egg with a fork but I don't want to pump too much air into this fence so be careful not too much air okay so just do it like this but don't don't put too much air okay just a little more salt don't tell anybody just a little bit a little bit you can tell them they won't know uh and then we're gonna put a a one ounce oh I'm sorry one tablespoon one tablespoon of uh pure vanilla I use Tahitian vanilla that's my favorite vanilla but use whatever vanilla you have and uh this is beautiful all right look I want to show you the mold friends you see look the caramel is hard you see look it's harder and it don't take long in the freezer I promise you it's very quick so what we're going to do now we're gonna check the the milk to make sure it's all melted away it is very simple dessert to do Francis uh anybody can do this this is not and it's amazing I cannot tell you enough I promise you you make this you're gonna go oh my mommy you're gonna love it now you promising your friends I promise you all right so now the the cream is hot the the milk mixture is hot I don't need to boil it I don't want to boil it okay I want it to get hot I don't want it to boil because I don't want bubbles I don't want bubbles you see it's 180 degrees that's good enough to do what it's going to do now which is now we're going to be tempering the egg okay and tempering the egg means then oh you know what let me just make sure all the chocolate has melted away it has now melted all away so bear with me one second I saw a couple pieces of chocolate it doesn't really matter that much I mean they'll eventually melt in the oven they're gonna melt for sure I just wanted to see I didn't mix it enough all right all right so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put this hot milk and cream mixture on top of the egg but when I'm going to do it slowly so then I don't cook them I don't want to cook them here I want to cook them inside all right so I'm doing this slowly so then I temper the egg so they don't cook they they don't even pay attention then they've been cooked you see very simple friends and we're going to do this with a spoon not with a whisk no use a whisk as much as you wanted to don't use a whisk because you'll have air bubbles some of the chocolate does not melt it completely so you should wait for that that to melt it you're not going to really do much but you should wait for it to melt I made a little bit of a mess because I'm working with my left hand so we can get the camera a better angle but I'm lousy with my left hand as you can see I can't do anything on my left hand so now what I like to do friends at this point I like to strain it to make sure that everything has got mixed up and if we have a couple pieces of chocolate we're losing but you you're not going to do that because you're not going to be a with a camera you're going to do it at home you're going to take your time to make sure your chocolate is well melted so I got a strainer right here on top of a pot and I'm going to strain it you see right there uh I guess most of it does you see look this is what I wanted to show you friends you see the the eggs right there I don't like that in the in my custard it creates a bad texture so I like to get as much out of it as possible you see I like it this is what I want I don't like that in my custard you see so we put as much through as we can and then we're done you can leave it there if you want I just don't you'll see my texture that when you see my custard the texture of it is amazing all right so we're done with this and now we have this beautiful mixture now what you want to do at this point friends is you want to test it I don't have to test because I made a six million time I'm gonna bring those cups right here um uh I made them six million times so I don't have to test it but you should test especially the first time you make it for your sugar amount because you may want a little more sugar see I don't put much sugar in my dessert and which means you may like it with more sugar and if you do then you have to adjust it now because it's now or never now never this song about night there's a song right it's now or never like I said before you don't want to hear me to sing let me tell you my friends so look boil right on top and you see the camera is not getting mixed up because the comment is hard but by the time we're done cooking it won't be hard no more let's see so now you want to go as much as you can don't be shy now your friends are going to really love this year let me tell you something you're um your family your friends are gonna love this and there's X Y you know what I do with this I put in my coffee the extra one more trick one more trick friends one more trick um is that if there's some Bubbles and you don't like take a little paper towel especially the big ones get rid of it it really won't matter that much because those bubbles are going to be in the bottom and and when we need them we're going to flip them so don't worry too much about it I sometimes I'm a little anal about things you don't need to be like me my friends no no water hot water take a water from the top super super hot you don't need to boil water I don't like boiling water I want it to be hot but not boiling right you want about halfway with the water my friends all right be careful now and now I'm gonna go to the oven I got the oven set at 275. and they're going to go in there for about an hour all right so but then we're not going to eat them right away because when they come out my friends want to come out of the oven you want to take them out you want to leave them wait until they're not so hot obviously you know you grab them um and and and and and then you put them aside not on a hot surface you take them out of the water as soon as you can grab them um and if you're doing some canning you can use one of those canning jar thing and and take them out of there it's easy way to take them out and and then you you want to let them cool at room temperature that's very important friends at least two to three hours when you put your hand on it you should not feel any heat at all no heat whatsoever right that means all of the uh uh moisture is escaped because if you don't do that if you put them in the fridge right away you're gonna have air bubbles and we don't want to do that you don't want to do that you want it to be so when you're cutting it you want to be smooth as silk all right so I'm gonna put them in the oven and then I'm gonna refrigerate them uh it's best I mean six seven ounce is good but it's best overnight so you gotta resist okay and it's very difficult let me show you for me all right so we'll be back tomorrow when they have been refrigerated all night okay friends I wanted to show you what they look like when they come out of the oven so you don't think they they're not cook enough okay see look look they're moving you see see how no jiggling but moving it it moves you see I don't know if we can we sit there on the camera it moves yeah see like it moves it doesn't jiggle no wave okay so don't think they're not cooked so when they just come out so they're super hot right now but when they're not so hot I'm gonna take them I'm gonna put them on the counter and I'm not going to refrigerate them for at least two three hours very important okay friends so for sure we're gonna wait tomorrow and uh to take one and then we will show you they're amazing all right I see you in a little while okay friends you really have to resist it's not easy at least give it six hours okay but it's much better you do it the next day so um at this point all we have to do for you can take a knife and do it I find that if you just take your fingers and just twist it around and push it push it around I don't know if you're gonna be able to see with the camera but I'm pushing it around you see look I'm pushing it is that good okay good good good see I'm pushing it around and uh then you guys can see exactly what I'm doing right I'm kind of releasing it if you will right so now at this point we need a plate and I like to get a a plate I call it a soup plate that's not really a soup plate but I guess it could be a soup and uh and I flip it around like this so now you can go like this all you want that's not what it takes it takes ah how do you like that for teaching you guys how to do things it's got to be like a a you got to hear a slush slush and if you do this it doesn't work you got to go on the side okay so you go like this you hold it really good and I don't know if you're gonna hear it but I'm gonna try okay oh he's not doing it here you go I don't know you see that let's see if I can hear again let's see I'm telling you guys this is it Come to Papa Come to Papa look at this now this my friends this is a queen camel I'm telling you friends you're not getting any better than this this is like you see the color how beautiful it is see we we say we we eat with our eyes I am like in heaven and when I tell you this is one of my favorite dessert of all time I'm not kidding you know I I'm not kidding at all this is like oh so I want to show you so I'm gonna try to uh not eat too fast because I want to show you it's very important I'm going to show you the texture and we see first of all look look no air bubbles see no bubble no nowhere you see a nail bubble it's because of all the stuff we did so now let's look at the inside let's look at the inside friends look at this look at the texture here friends look at this you see how beautiful it is it's so smooth it's a you know remember what I tell you all the time the texture the conductor of lever the texture is the conductor of Heaven oh my God um friends I know you can all make this and I promise you when you're gonna eat it you're gonna be in heaven I'm telling you this is absolutely amazing I hope you make it remember thumbs up you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell friends we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 972,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creme caramel recipe, easy creme caramel, how to make creme caramel, custard pudding, easy creme caramel recipe, best creme caramel recipe, caramel custard recipe, caramel custard, custard pudding recipe, how to make caramel custard, creme caramel, creme caramel dessrt, caramel flan recipe, flan recipe, crème caramel, caramel pudding, flan de caramelo, Receta de flan de caramelo, easy flan recipe, caramel pudding recipe, best custard pudding recipe, the best creme caramel
Id: pv88bo9PQU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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