How To Shape Every Bread | Method Mastery | Epicurious

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[Music] i'm peter endress head baker runner and stone and i'm here to show you how to shape every bread it's a really common shape you're going to see it in every bakery bull means ball in french the first step of this is going to be pulling all the sides of the dough in towards the center kind of creating like a little package or a little dumpling shape there we're going to flip that over i'm not going to flour the board too much because i do want the dough to stick to the board a little bit and you'll see why i'm going to push the dough in one direction that's going to create some tension in this direction and so the gluten is what we're working with now as i push this dough we're trying to stretch the dough in this direction i'm going to push that in all different angles we want to keep doing this motion pulling the bread so we have a nice smooth surface on the top of that bowl we're going to go ahead and proof this on this proofing board we have our bowl that has proofed for about two to three hours so a good way to check if your bread is ready to bake if it final fermentation is complete is to just give it a poke so we want that indent to stay a little bit if it was springing back entirely and erased the indent you made it might need a little more time to score breads in a professional kitchen we'll use what we call a lamb it's basically going to hold a razor blade and put this razor blade on the lawn here what we're going to do is a box score so we're going to score around the edges of this bread and that's going to allow this bread to open laterally one key thing with this you can see it here you want to make sure that those two cuts connect if not this little bridge of dough is going to pinch that dough together as it bakes in the oven the bread's going to bake out like this instead of baking in a nice round which is what we're intending for it so i'm going to go ahead and make sure that those two cross over to finish it i'm also going to just put a little decorative mark here here we have our final baked bowl a great way to test if breads are done is right when they come out of the oven you could turn them over just do a real quick tap on the bottom so it has a nice hollow drum sound to it tells me that it was baked correctly so the interior of this bread is going to be a little bit tighter than some of the other shapes that we'll see both because of the shape and because of the dough now we're going to be using a brioche dough for this so we're going to take a 100 gram piece of dough here we're going to pull all the edges towards the center making like a little dumpling shape flip that over and then just as we did with the bowl where we're going to be drawing the sides in towards the bottom of the dough to build some round surface tension we're going to be doing that but with our hand so we're going to push the dough towards the table we're going to push the dough towards the table in all different directions and while we're doing it we're kind of using this whole surface of our hand to move the dough in that circular motion if you wanted more of a hamburger bun shape you're going to flatten that dough a little bit so just going to push it down so that when it proves it doesn't turn into like a ball shape but more of that classic hamburger bun shape and then this we're going to set to proof on piece parchment paper this is our final roll once it was about double its original size when we shaped it gave it an egg wash so let's cut this open we'll see what the interior for a brioche show like this you're generally going to have a nice even crumb is what you're looking for it's going to be nice and soft [Music] so chapeau means hat in french it's literally going to be a little roll with a tiny little dough hat on top of it so we're going to start by shaping the roll pretty similar to any roll we're going to be pulling the sides in flip that over i'm pushing the dough into the board so that it draws towards the center and then we're going to take a piece of the same dough and we're going to roll that out so i pre-rolled out a piece here we're going to flour this liberally because we don't want this to stick to our roll we want this to stay clear of our roll so that it bakes up and forms like a little cracker on top of the roll we're going to cut a little disc there and then i'm going to flip this over so this is the top surface of our roll ultimately is going to be the top surface there's a little belly button that we have on the bottom of the dough and we're going to push my finger really right down to the board so what that does is lock that cap right on top of the roll and then we'll fold that over this is the final shape here's our final chapeau roll you can see that the roll underneath proofed up but the top part kind of stays as a cracker when it bakes the cracker actually peels away from the bread a little bit so you wind up having two textures in one roll [Music] it's going to be essentially round brioche shape again and the difference this time is going to be how we proof the dough so after we have our round shape nice surface tension built on that we're going to put it on the tray with the others this is going to be nice because the park house rolls when they proof they're going to proof upwards and it gives you a much different texture than a regular brioche roll would have so here's our final parker house rolls out of the oven these were egg washed before going in and then you can see that they really proofed all together so they have a really great interior really nice texture they stay fresh for a good amount of time because of the height on them and they're really delicious bread yum briochatte literally means brioche with a head and that is what it winds up being this spread has a pre-shape so we're going to do a round pre-shape pre-shape is going to be an intermediate shape between the cut dough and the final shape so once we have this in a round we're going to let this rest for 15-20 minutes just set this aside and then we're going to carry on to the final shape it's nice you can see that it's loosened up a little bit we're going to do the final shape with this so i'm going to take a little bit of flour i'm going to turn this roll on its side and i'm going to roll it with my finger here to kind of get like a bowling pin so i have a little top knot here i'm going to take this top knot and i'm going to push it down into the dough so that's the first stage and then we're just going to make sure that that little head part so this would be the head the tet in the briochat is going to lock in there i'm going to use my fingers and just push right down to the wood board here to really lock that dough in there the characteristic mold for this briochette is often a fluted tart mold like this we're going to oil it put a little bit of oil in there just brush that up and then we're going to go ahead and place the final shape in the tarp mold okay here we have our final briochat you can tell by the fact that the head is still on it that we proofed it the correct amount of time right before the bake i brushed it with a little bit of egg wash and finished it with pearl sugar which is pretty typical for this shape so we're going to unmold this and i can cut this in half show you what the interior is like this again is a brioche so it should have a nice even crumb nice even interior it's nice and soft and airy next we're going to be shaping the baguette which is kind of like the holy grail of french breads everyone knows it if i go to a french bakery it's going to be the bread that i'm going to try first to decide if i'm going to try anything else at that bakery up till now we've been doing exclusively round shapes so this is going to have a different pre-shape and then also a different final shape which is going to lead us to what you know to be the baguette shape pre-shape's going to be a little like a small football shape and it's going to be an intermediate shape between this piece of dough and the ultimate baguette shape so while we're pre-shaping what i'm doing is building some tension in this direction which is going to be important to help our baguette hold up both in the final proof and in the oven and i'm also kind of extending it a little bit so basically an intermediate between that piece of dough and what will be the baguetto all right so my baguette pre-shapes have rested for about 15 to 20 minutes we're going to go into the final shape first thing i'm going to do is flip it over so after i did the pre-shape there was a bit of a seam on the bottom i'm going to flip that over so the seam is on top now i'm going to give that a light stretch the first step in the baguette shaping is going to be to fold the top down folding this down and pushing back against the dough next step is going to be imagining a line right here i'm going to bring that line to the edge and form a seam so i'm catching it with the heel of my hand pulling it down and that is again giving that final burst of tension along the cross section of the baguette and bringing it closer to that final baguette shape the last thing we're going to do is extend it out here's where the extensibility of the dough is important so we're going to cross our hands over and we're going to just bring that dough out to the length that we want on the end i'm going to taper it so just push down a little bit on the board and that's basically our shape so after we're done elongating it we're going to have a seam on the bottom we're going to put that seam in some flour and then we're going to bring our koosh up it's a linen cloth that we proof bread on so it's pretty well tempered with flour so nothing really sticks to it and then as you'll see we'll put that baguette shape there seam side down and we'll use the koosh to actually support it into its baguette shape so this you can continue to shape put multiple baguettes in here this has rested for about 20 minutes ready to go in the oven we want to score along the center line of the baguette so this bread is going to open this way and have like a nice oval cross section we're gonna do five cuts on this so i'm gonna imagine the middle cut is gonna be right here the third cut so i'm gonna go ahead and just start the cuts one two three four five all right so here we have our two uh final baked baguettes you can see they have a nice golden brown crispy crust on them you see the results of our five scores here when we scored them we scored them along the center line of the baguette you can see now how those scores have opened as a result of both our good shaping and some good fermentation in that dough really great characteristic of the baguette and a sign of some good shaping is when you get a little bit of ridge here what we would call the ears of the baguette so go ahead and cut these open this is a great crumb for a baguette what you're looking for is a nice open hole structure there's a little bit of regularity to it but for the most part it's through the entire cross-section of the baguette and i would love to eat some [Music] nice perfect [Music] the epi comes from the final baguette shape so this is our final baguette shape we've already been through the pre-shape on this it's relaxed it's proofed for about 20 minutes and it's ready to be baked so right before the bake we're going to cut this baguette shape into the epi shape epi is french for shaft as in a shaft of wheat so the final shape on this ultimately should look like a shaft of wheat so we're just using our scissors at an angle being sure not to cut all the way through the bread so there's still a little bit of a connection here so that that stays together uh in the final bake and then this is ready to go in the oven you can see that the bread opens where we cut it a little bit which preserves the open interior that a baguette would have the end result is that it's kind of a series of pull apart rolls batard in french actually means bastard and so it was said that this was kind of between a bowl and a baguette so it was like a bastard of a shape between those two shapes so we're going to do a round pre-shape on this again we don't want this this is just a pre-shape so we don't need it to be really tight so we're going to set this aside let this rest so we have the pre-shape here the seam so to speak is on the bottom at this point i'm going to flip that over on a lightly floured surface we're going to fold down the top similar to the baguette shape push back a little bit we're building strength in this direction again to give that batard the height and lift it needs in the oven as a final step for this we're going to seal it closed and similar to the baguette shape which was just sealed in one direction this is going to be sealed all towards the center so that it gives you that football shape that's classic for a batard so i'm going to start on one end i'm going to draw that down and seal it and sealing all towards the center point here so you can see already that that has like a half moon shape to it we're going to bring that forward and just give it a little bit of a roll to bring those edges out we have a seam here the seam's going to go on the bottom as that proofs and then right before baking we're going to score this as well so a good typical score that you see a lot is right down the center line two cuts and that's going to allow the bread to open again so here is the final baked batard you can see the two scores that i did so we're going to go ahead and cut this open check out the interior [Music] there you go you can see we have um decently open similar to the bull this will be a great general all-purpose loaf [Music] so we did a round pre-shape on this earlier we're going to be shaping this round pre-shape into a batard shape this is essentially a second pre-shape so we're going to do the batard shaping again folding that all over towards the center we're going to let this batard sit in this shape for about 15-20 minutes then we're going to get a rolling pin and do the final shape of the fender we're going to put a pretty good amount of flour on the board for this one i'm going to roll the bread in the flour i'm going to use the rolling pin to pleat the center of it i'm going really firmly on this right down to the board and that's going to really lock that center dough together and essentially change the shape of the dough we're going to pinch the sides together and then this gives us our final fandue shape all right here we have our final fender shape out of the oven so you can kind of see the way that that center pleat expressed itself in the bake it holds down the bread and gives you two pieces that have some good volume to them similar to a baguette that was unscored it adds a little variation to the look of the final shape and it's pretty attractive [Music] all right so we're going to be making a few braided loaves here we're going to be doing a single strand a three strand and a six strand braided loaf we're using a brioche dough here an enriched dough so we're gonna start with a rectangular pre-shape so i'm gonna pull the dough down so that the rope will have some structure to it we're gonna do a series of those to get all of our pre-shapes ready all right so we let our strands rest so now i'm going to get them into their final pre-shape for the braids so i'm just going to elongate them a little bit more and taper the ends so now we have all our strands ready for our six three and our single strand loaf so we're going to go ahead and start with our single strand braid which is essentially a form of a knot that we're going to make with one strand so we're going to carry that over about in thirds one third one third one third i'm going to thread this one through i'm going to twist that and pull that end right through there it gives you like a nice little knot shape i'm gonna move into our three strand braid so we're gonna first start by kind of putting those three strands together and then we're gonna do a typical braid here so just one over the other not pulling too tight we don't want too much tension we might start to rip the dough and then when we get to the end we're going to pinch those ends together same thing here we're going to pinch those ends together and then what i like to do to clean this up is flip it over you could bring all those tips just pinch them in a little bit on the bottom and then when you turn the dough over you have a nice clean three strand braid now for the six strand braid this one we are going to bring them all together like we did with the three strand i'm going to pinch the tips together we're going to pull one up and over and then i'm going to pull this first strand over here bring this one down with this group don't worry about this part here we'll clean that up at the end pull this one across keeping these in two separate segments here and then pull this down pull across and down across and down you see i'm doing it pretty loose too again so we don't have any tearing across and down across ken when you get to the end you're going to just pinch together the end pieces here like we did with the other braid pinch them together again we're going to flip that over bring the pieces up pinch them on the bottom to hide all our straggly ends there give that a nice roll and then we have a six stranded braid here are our final baked loaves you can see kind of how forgiving they are and they wind up looking pretty nice even if your braiding is not perfect i finished the single and the three strand with some egg wash and pearl sugar and the six strand has just some egg wash on it this again was made with a brioche dough so nice even crumb and would be perfect vehicle for some butter and some jam or to just rip off and eat does the trick we're going to be shaping the kaiser roll from a semolina dough gives it a little more extensibility which will be great for this shape because it's pretty intense so we're going to start with the piece of dough and give it a rectangular pre-shape and then that's our first pre-shape so we're going to let this rest and then i'll show you how to knot the kaiser roll rectangular pre-shape for our kaiser roll has rested it's going to allow me to extend it a little bit more we're going to give ourselves pretty good rope here and then we're essentially going to tie this into a knot but it's going to be key that we go through on both ends of this knot and then we're going to connect the ends give them a little pinch flip that over gives you that classic kaiser star on the front of it we could also finish this with poppy seed is a really nice option for this so just put a little bit of water on that dip that right into the seeds and then we're going to set this on a pan and that's going to proof here we have our final baked kaiser roll with poppy seeds on it you can see how what was originally a knot shape kind of proofed together and gave us that nice characteristic star shape on top of the roll this has a great interior you can see a little evidence of the shaping but for the most part this proof together go ahead and give this a try delicious very mild bread nice thin crust just missing a fried egg [Music] all right next we're going to be shaping an iconic new york bread the bagel i'm using a semolina dough here for ease of extensibility so we did a rectangular pre-shape on this earlier we're going to extend this out connect the ends and then we're going to roll those ends together to form that classic ring shape and there's your bagel after this final shape it's going to proof for a little bit this shape then gets boiled typically in some water with a little bit of malt syrup in it and then it gets put into an oven and baked okay here we have our final boiled and baked bagel you see a pretty typical tight crumb nice chewy interior and a light crisp on the outside which comes from that boil and then the final bake [Music] pretzel has two pre-shapes so it has starts with a round pre-shape and then we're going to go into a second pre-shape which is a rectangular pre-shape and so we're going to fold that down and then i'm going to elongate it just to start it on that shape towards pretzel and now we're going to let this pre-shape rest for another 20 minutes all right now we have the final shape we're going to roll it out to give it a little bit more length and get it closer to the strand length that we need for the pretzel we're going to take these two arms here cross them over twice and then flip them into the center connect them to the body of the dough here they usually get a score across the bottom here and there you have your classic pretzel shape all right here we have our final baked pretzels so this pretzel rested in the refrigerator for 20 to 30 minutes once it's firmed up it gets dipped in a solution of lye then it gets baked till it's got a nice golden brown color pretty typical bread shape the pullman is a reference to a pullman railroad car a box car it's where it got its shape from if you imagine wheels down here so a rectangular bread is going to be dictated by the dimensions of the pan essentially so for the rectangular pre-shape just going to fold this down i'm going to try and give a little bit of length on this i'm going to fold that down so that is our pre-shape we're going to let this rest for 15-20 minutes we're going to do the final shape on this one so i have the seam from the pre-shape is on the bottom at this point i'm going to flip it over so that we have the seam on top and i'm going to give it another fold down again introducing some more tension in this direction to give that pan loaf a nice dome on top and i'm going to seal this similar to the way we did with the baguette to lock in all that tension that i've built and then we will just roll it out once that's done seam side down i'm going to go ahead and oil the pan lightly this loaf is rather large probably going to take a bit to proof we're going to put this in seam side down give a little bit of a dusting and then just push that in there just to extend it out so that it's the whole shape of the pan right here's our baked pullman loaf perfect so a nice even crumb the interior's nice and moist still perfect for your picnic um this is what i would call a batter bread right here i have a hundred percent rye so rice has protein in it has gluten in it but not a type of gluten that's usable in building structure so 100 rye is always going to be a little bit wetter this one is basically going to be oiling a pan and scraping the batter into the pan but there's really no shaping involved and no pre-shaping so i'm going to go ahead and scrape this in so this is about two kilos of 100 percent rye dough and that'll be good for this pullman here it is yeasted it's a sourdough bread so it will rise and we do need some room for that so basically it's going to go in like that or wet my hands here and we can just pat down this batter so that it rises evenly across the dough and a nice way to finish this is with a little bit of rye flour just gives you like a nice crackly finish on the final loaf all right so here is a segment of our 100 rye pullman this spreads really nice sliced thin in my opinion it's a very full flavored bread it's got a lot of sour to it it's really great with butter because that fat kind of like works nicely with the sour on it it's also really great with smoked fish like smoked salmon smoked trout again the fattiness of those fishes plays really well with a sour bread like this it's not really a shape on the focaccia we're gonna olive oil a pan pretty liberally so we're gonna take a very wet dough it's an 80 hydration white wheat dough you can see why we're using a lot of olive oil here we're going to just spread that on the pan i'm going to put a little bit on top also we're going to be spreading this gradually over the course of maybe an hour so it's okay if the top's a little bit oiled it'll be a lot easier to manage that way so we're going to just let this sit for about half an hour after it's got to the final shape this has sat for maybe about an hour in total i was spreading it every 15-20 minutes until it filled out the pan right before putting in the oven and go ahead and finish this with some rosemary and some malden salt would be real nice here we have our finished focaccia you can see that it got some nice golden color it's still also very soft and flexible so it has some nice moisture in it still if you overcook this it can get a little too crispy so we're going to go ahead and cut it open see what the interior looks like so you can see already the interior looks really nice here we got some nice open crumb structure perfect ciabatta is a really easy bread to shape it's also going to be a really wet dough so ciabatta actually means slipper in italian the final bread shape is kind of going to look like a very flat-footed slipper so the final shape here i'm going to dust the center a little bit and we're just going to fold the dough over once fold it over again now it's sitting on that seam i created and that's basically it right before we go ahead and bake that we're going to flip that over so what was the top side will become the bottom of the loaf and that seam that we created could open in the oven a little bit and create a little bit of ridge a little bit of texture on that bread which uh not only looks nice but also adds a nice component to the mouth feel so here we have our final baked chabata has a nice crust on it so you can see evidence of the nice open hole crumb structure here it's got some nice characteristic ciabatta crunch there really nice really light bread that goes with everything would be especially perfect dipped in some great olive oil [Music] next we're going to be shaping or maybe more accurately cutting english muffins so english muffins are a yeasted dough as well we're using a whole wheat dough here you're going to take the english muffin dough and just give it a light roll out you want it to be about i don't know half an inch thick so we're going to go ahead and let this dough rest for about 15-20 minutes this dough is nice and relaxed when we cut our circles using our ring mold they're going to stay as circles so go ahead and cut and we're going to let these rest in this final cut shape on a sheet tray with a little bit of cornmeal so the cornmeal both helps that helps that english muffin not stick to the pan and also it's going to give us a nice little texture on the bottom when we griddle them so here we have our final english muffins these have been griddled and finished in the oven so you can see a little bit of cornmeal left on here this is the surface that we proofed the english muffin it sat on that cornmeal instead of using a knife to cut them i like to split them with a fork it gives you nice little nooks and crannies there that once you toast it will hold all that butter you're gonna put on it and then you'll open that up you have a really nice open interior on that english muffin so that's what we're looking for all those little crooks and crags in there [Music] next we're going to make fugas which is a really beautiful shape we're going to be using a whole wheat dough for this we're going to start with a triangular pre-shape which is the first time we're going to see that pretty specific to this we're just going to fold in the side here we're going to fold in the other side you can see the beginning of that triangle and then real simply just fold up the bottom so we have that in a triangle now so we're going to let this rest for about 15-20 minutes and then we're going to come back and roll it out and then just really lightly roll this out we don't want to eliminate all those air bubbles that we have in there from the fermentation we want to keep this nice and light we just want to get it into what will ultimately be our final fugas shape it's nice and relaxed so we can go ahead and put this on a sheet tray [Music] so i'm going to go ahead and cut it right down the middle spread so you can see that opening it'll also give you some nice crust surfaces here and then the rest of the design is really up to you i'm just using a plastic bench scraper here you could use a credit card if you have one you could use a knife too just be careful you don't want to cut through the parchment underneath and once you have those cuts go ahead and spread those out so you can see the pattern of cuts here the dough was really nicely rested if it hadn't been rested that gluten structure kind of would have taken over and closed these holes right back up it's really great to rip apart and using dips also just eat on its own [Music] the lavash that we're going to make is a crispy lavash it's essentially going to be a cracker we're going to start with a whole wheat dough i'm going to start by just rolling it out a little bit with a rolling pin i want to keep that nice and floured once we have it about here i'm going to go ahead and put it on the back of an oiled sheet tray so this is going to be our new spreading surface for this so that we can get it nice and thin so i'm going to oil that up make sure the dough doesn't stick to it and we'll go ahead and throw that dough right on there we're going to let this rest for 15 to 20 minutes here we're going to go ahead and start to spread this out so i'm just going to very gently spread this i'm spreading from the center so that we don't have a thick part in the middle and thin pieces around the edge we want to get this as even as possible so keep spreading this around look like we're pretty much there don't worry about the little edge parts here we're going to go ahead and trim that so it's been about 15 to 20 minutes that this lavasho has rested in its final spreaded shape we're going to go ahead and trim the edges using a pizza cutter you could use a knife for this and this is not necessary it's just going to make it look a little bit cleaner a little nicer our final crackers and this you can really cut into any shape you want we can finish them with some seeds i have some sesames here really just sprinkle them on and finish some with poppy as well all right so here we have our final baked crispy lavage so go ahead taste these perfect great texture they're perfect for dips they're also great because they are baked crisps so if you keep them in an airtight container they'll last for weeks [Music] also pretty simple we're going to take a whole wheat dough and we're going to roll this out pretty much to the length of the breadstick that we're looking for this is all the same thickness we're gonna let this rest in place so that when we cut our breadsticks they don't spring back too much all right so we have our rested breadstick dough we're gonna go ahead and cut these get them ready for the bake i'm just going to use a pizza wheel here and we're going to cut strips we roll this out to about a quarter of inch i'm going to cut these at about a quarter of an inch as well so theoretically the cross section here is going to be like a square so we have our sheet tray here i'm going to take the breadsticks that we cut and just spread them out here if there's some thick parts you can kind of stretch those out a little bit you can finish these with whatever you'd like you can finish them with a little bit of salt i'm going to finish some with some poppy and some with sesame here we have our final breadsticks fresh out of the oven they look really good we got a nice even brown color on them it's a credit to the shaping you're going to go ahead and give them a try that's what you want to hear when you break a breadstick perfect really great flavor you can taste all the fermentation in them but you still get a really great snap really great crisp from the thin shape and the nice even bake [Music] pita is an easy bread to make we're going to start with a round pre-shape on this we're using our 80 percent hydration white wheat dough all right so we have our round pita shape that has relaxed and we've spread it a little bit it's relaxed for about 15 to 20 minutes just to make it a little easier to extend so we're going to go ahead and roll this out into its final pita shape pretty much that's what we're looking for we just want about a six inch round on that here we have our pita out of the oven you can see it's still pretty light this is a really thin bread you bake it a minute too long and you wind up having a cracker so you can see here how thin it is and also that we do have a nice little pocket in there that separates out so we're going to taste this it's got a nice pull to it again from the structure that we created in the shaping [Music] right ready for falafel [Music] the next part we're going to shape is a pizza you may have heard of it it's another type of flatbread that you will find mostly in italy and especially in new york no shade to chicago but we're going to start the pizza with a round pre-shape so i have my piece of dough i'm using about 500 grams of dough here i am using a high hydration dough here so a white wheat dough we don't need to build a lot of strength in this because we're just going to be spreading it out all right so here's our round pre-shape of the pizza dough we've let that rest for about 15 to 20 minutes so first thing i'm going to do is just pat that down a little bit get some of those larger air bubbles out and then i'm going to start working that into a circle you'll see in pizza shops a lot of times they'll pick it up this is just another way of spreading the dough in a nice even round and keeping a little rim on it there we're going to go ahead and put that right on the pizza tray here today we're just going to finish hours with a little bit of rosemary you could also brush this with some olive oil if you'd like you can finish it with some salt so once you have your toppings on the pizza this can go right into the oven all right here we have our pizza out of the oven we got some nice rise on this so that looks really great you have a nice nice open crumb structure on the crust part we have some nice color going here on the bottom shows us a really good bake we'll give you a nice little crunch on that and you'll have a nice chew on the crust and you have a delicious pizza so we looked at over 20 breads today and while it might not be every bread between the pre-shapes and final shapes you now know how shape affects the structure texture and ultimately the taste of a bread
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 1,927,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baguette recipe, bake every bread, bread, bread recipe, breads, epi, epicurious, every bread, every bread explained, every bread shape, homemade bread, homemade pita, how to make bread, how to shape bread, how to shape every bread, lavash, make baguette, make every bread, make lavash, make pita bread, make pizza dough, method mastery, method mastery bread, peter endriss, runner and stone brooklyn, shape bread, shape every bread, shape pizza dough, shape pretzel
Id: tZ8kTUZTlyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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