Top 10 Magic Items For Clerics in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here and it's Tuesday at least you can tell from the calendar as of me recording this also look at that subscriber number you guys are awesome continue to drive that up I'd appreciate it but being Tuesday that means it's time for another top 10 video as we've been going through all the classes in d d 5th edition with updated top 10 lists for magic items this week we're talking about the top 10 magic items for one of my personal favorite classes the cleric so if you want to see what those are stay tuned so as always let's talk about the specifics now I realize some of you may have already heard this and feel free to look in the description as well as the chapters along the bottom you can just skip ahead if you've already heard this bit because it's pretty much going to be the same for all of these videos so what are the parameters for what we're considering a magic item for a cleric one it has to be an official magic item something published by Wizards of the Coast in some format this is not a Homebrew this is not something found in the DM's Guild or from some other third-party agency this is published by watsi either in a PDF from an official source of theirs or you know contained and bound in a physical book or again officially released under the watsi banner on DND Beyond we are not covering legendary magic items or artifacts or greater it's up to very rare qualities what we're covering in here so only things that fit in that excuse me in that area well will be covered in this so again no legendaries also no consumables because again consumables are kind of a funky thing because you like you can have a legendary consumable but then it's gone so no potions no Scrolls no sort of magic items that have a finite number of charges that when they're used they're gone forever like a chime of opening for example those are not going to be included in here as well and lastly we're also not including uh anything that is like permanently useful for everybody like the books and the tomes that raise one of your ability scores by two they're all useful and if you have the time frame and the length to do it and you can get these use these multiple times throughout the course of your character's life if your DM lets that happen so those will be excluded as well oh and one last thing that I kind of have said recently but I do want to instill here I'm trying to avoid magic items that are specific specifically useful for a subclass right so there's obviously a large number of different cleric subclasses here so some might have proficiency with martial weapons some might have proficiency with heavy armor I want to try to give you things that are generally applicable to a cleric not ones that are like hey if you happen to be this type of cleric this item is useful for you no these will be applicable and useful for all clerics regardless of what subclass you take and even again if you choose to play a subclass that's third party these will still be useful to you number 10. The Sentinel Shield this uncommon magic item that's not a tune comes to us from the DMG this is just an extension uh exceptionally useful shield for anybody but clerics more than more often than not will be a one-handed weapon and a shield clasply if you happen to be a cleric that doesn't have access to Heavy Armor that extra boost to AC would be appreciated and this is something that again even if you're not even using this Shield is generally beneficial to you so while holding this Shield so you have to be holding it to consider that but you have advantage on initiative roles which could be huge for you right depending on where you want to be in the initiative order and wisdom perception checks so it functions like a regular shield so giving you a plus two to AC advantage on initiative especially if you're playing with the play test rules and possibly take the new version of alert that allows you to swap your initiative order with somebody else that could be interesting and again the advantage on perception checks all the time now remind you it's not a specific instance not perception checks that rely on site or hearing it's all the time and a constant source of advantage on a check provides you a plus five bonus to the passive of that so this Shield not only gives you advantage on initiative the benefits of a shield advantage on your active perception checks but it also gives you a plus five to passive perception checks number nine the guardian emblem this comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything it is an uncommon Attunement magic item that can only be attuned to by a clerk or a paladin and given the fact that watsi has reverted even on their play test as far as the way Critical Hits go this now is a useful magic item again again assuming things continue to stay the same but as an action you can attach this emblem to a suit of armor or shield and it has three charges when you are a creature you can see within 30 feet of you suffers a critical hit while you are wearing said item you can use your reaction to expend a charge to turn that critical hit into a normal hit this is pretty nice it kind of gives you some of the benefits of being a grave cleric without being a grave cleric it also allows you to fulfill the role again of the sort of support character if you want to but this could also be useful if you're a damage dealing cleric the ability to pop out something to make somebody not take a huge amount of damage from a huge hit turn a critical into a normal hit is beneficial uh it can again it says when you or a creature so you can use it for self-preservation to save yourself or to save your allies it's three uses over the course of a long rest which isn't bad you get them all back daily at dawn and again clerics don't typically in the course of their spells again opportunity tax and other things notwithstanding don't have a lot of reaction use in the game as it stands so this is a nice way to have a reliable use for your reaction if a critical hit happens to come up so again I think it's a really great item I like this kind of concept and again you can get this sort of additional survivability without having to play a grave cleric if you don't want to number eight I'll admit this is a little bit of an odd choice but I've kind of this has kind of grown on me over time the Helm of teleportation this a tumor magic item comes to us from the base rules and it's a pretty simple item right it has three charges while wearing it you can use an action to expend one of the charges to cast the teleport spell you get a D3 charges back daily at dawn there's no downside to expending all three charges if need be and it functions again like the teleport spell which again lets you transfer people over a very large distance clerics don't typically have access to this kind of large movement magic like this uh some of them may have access to teleportation Circle as like a domain spell depending on the cleric you are but the ability to cast teleport like this is huge and again it fits into that sort of I think this you could obviously theme this this is kind of a samurai themed helmet the official art but there's no reason this couldn't be more Divine based tied to a specific God maybe tied to a god of travel or something like that that I don't know it's just like I said it's an odd it's an oddball pick and the more I think about this item this could also be a great DM tool regardless of if you're giving it to the cleric or not but dropping a Helm of teleportation into your party could potentially be an amazing thing or a horrible thing for a DM right and allow your party essentially fast travel through various locations which is good unless you don't want that then obviously don't put it in the game but you also have to realize that while you your intention may be my party can have this then the clerk now can teleport them to get from one city to the other City you're like that's so cool saves down on travel time when saves on works for me that's good but then you might think like that's all you're thinking about but then when they get into combat and then if somebody decides like well we're going to leave this combat and you didn't plan for that now you have to deal with the fact that this big epic battle that your party was losing in and you're trying to figure out how you were going to rework things to happen they just teleport themselves out and they're gone number seven the staff of thunder and lightning now realistically any sort of Staff or wand that will give you more offensive capability as a cleric is useful now again certain cleric domains have access to more offensive Magics but in general you have a couple of damaging spells throughout your various spell casting levels but you don't have a lot of big boom AOE spells there are again there are some but not a lot so something that will allow you to do that consistently would be a great option even something like a wand of Fireball or wand of lightning bolt would be useful I like the staff of thunder and lightning it is a very rare Magic item it is a tune-man it comes to us from the you know the basic rules but it provides you with a lot of options and I think that that's useful and again all just extra gravy if you happen to be playing a tempest cleric so first of all it's a plus two Quarter Staff this means you can use this remember you don't need to wheel a Quarter Staff two-handed you can wield this with a one hand one-handed with a shield perhaps The Sentinel Shield from earlier on and right there that's very useful to you as as having a decent melee weapon as a cleric is never a bad idea you don't know if you're going to be mixing it up in melee or not so when you hit somebody with it you can use one of the properties where it has multiple properties once you use that specific property it's gone until the next day so you can if you hit connect add 2d6 lightning damage if you want again it's when you hit so you could potentially use this for when you crit to allow you to do 46 lightning damage you could also use the Thunder ability uh cause the staff to emit a crack of thunder Auto blot to 300 feet uh when you hit uh you must the target you hit must succeed on a DC 17 con saver becomes stunned until the end of your next turn stun is this asking anybody any DM who's played with a monk in their party uh stunned is a super powerful condition and being able to dull that out kind of at will is pretty nice lightning strike using action that cause a lightning bolt delete from the tip of the staff five feet wide 120 feet long if this is essentially the lightning bolt spell although it does 96 damage a little bit more it is a dc-17 deck save so the downside of all of these are if you potentially have a way to boost your own spellcast say you know your own spell save DC Beyond 17 then this won't be as useful as your own spell casting but especially if you get one early on or you just don't have the stats this could be pretty useful so again access to lightning bolts something clerics don't typically have access to you also have Thunderclap using action to cause a staff to issue a deafening Thunderclap out to 600 feet uh each creature within the 60 feet not including you must make a con save of dc17 not a failure they're going to take two to six Thunder damage and be deafened for a minute again that does hurt allies so be careful of that and then thunder and lightning you can use an action to cause lightning strike and Thunderclap properties to happen at the same time doing so doesn't doing uh so doesn't expend the daily uses of those properties only this one so you could use lightning thunder lightning strikes Thunderclap and thunder and lightning all over the course of one day and still have a plus two Quarter Staff I think it's pretty useful I like the versatility of giving you the different options to fit the scenario again like I said something like a wand of fireballs or a wand of lightning bolt would be great too but I think this just provides you a lot of options I also feel like in my soul it should give you resistance to thunder and lightning damage but maybe that's a little too much of pushing you into legendary territory number six surprising nobody the staff of healing again you are playing a cleric a lot of people will Auto Typecast you as the Healer but that doesn't necessarily have to be true but even if you are more of a damage dealing cleric having a staff of healing in your back pocket is never a Bad Thing allowing you to potentially not to prepare healing spells but still have access to some pretty potent utility and healing options so this isn't a tune and Magic item it is rare typically only a tunable by a Bard Clerk or Druid from the basic rules it has 10 charges you can expend a charge to cast a variety of spells from it one of those being cure wounds where you can upcast for each additional charge up to level four lesser restoration for two charges or a mass cure wounds for five now this does have the standard rules of if you roll a one you might have to roll you have to roll again you know spend the last charge roll D20 if you roll it one it's gone forever it does get a D6 plus four extended trailer charges daily back at dawn so you can potentially use nine charges every day try to get some back and potentially never risk losing it but I guess if you're in a really tough spot and need that extra mass cure wounds for five charges you couldn't essentially use that twice back to back to just get a whole bunch of mass healing without potentially having to prepare it or just use this to supplement the already the healing that you know that your character already has number five Museum armor if you are playing in a game that your uh DM lets you use my materials and things like this again happens to be contained from Guild Master's guide to Ravnica which this does work on any medium or heavy armor that's not made out of hide which means most clerics will be able to use this as all clerics are proficient with at the very least medium armor this is the best magical material out there what a lot of people will think about is adamantine which has the benefit of a critical hit against you becomes a normal hit now adamantine is pretty powerful because it is an uncommon non-attunement magic item that gives you that mizium is a rare non-attunement Magic item that gives you that and then some so you still get the while wearing of this armor any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit however you also get in addition when you're subjected to a magical effect that allows you to make a strength or con save to take only half damage you instead sink no damage if you succeed on a saving throw uh if you succeed so this is kind of like a lesser version of evasion kind of similar to the original three five evasion but for strength and con saves as opposed to dexterity so again if you have to make a strength or con saving throw and you happen to succeed you will take no damage from whatever that is and this could be I love to think about the crazy concept of somehow getting yourself access to evasion but then also having Museum armor to get like the crazy concepts of all of those combined together I think this is one of the best magical materials you can do if you're able to get a version of armor like this so I very much have included Museum as a standard armor material in all of my games number four the devotees sensor from Tasha's cauldron of everything this is a rare weapon and happens to be a flail you can kind of see it right above my head here achievement by a cleric or Paladin first of all it counts as a it's a holy symbol for you which is nice so you've got that benefit of the weapon being the holy symbol uh when you hit with this flail it does an extra d8 radiant damage so again flails do a standard d8 this does an extra d8 radiant damage so now you're at 2d8 damage per swing and if that wasn't enough it also has a benefit of preventing a pretty potent heal as a bonus action so it causes sort of as you can see the sort of Mists coming out of the sensor head uh to extend into a cloud uh 10 feet uh around you and a 10 foot radius uh for a minute and at the start of each of your turns any other creature contained within that 10 foot area gets a D4 hit points and that's only usable once until the next Dawn now I will remind you that this does not distinguish between enemy and Ally will heal enemies as well so that's a thing to consider but it is only when they're standing within 10 feet of you at the start of your turns so there's the potential where you could hit somebody with this thing on your turn use a bonus action to activate the healing and then move away from them possibly so that you're only next to your allies at the start of your turn or potentially just use it as an out of combat heal which is a pretty potent 10d4 healing if you use this out of combat that could save people a lot of uses of potions if you don't have time for a short rest this can all be done in the course of a minute things of that nature and then again if you have some other way to boost up your healing in some way this could also be even more powerful and I think flails are a really awesome weapon and the fact that it takes like a religious symbol like a sensor and turns it into a weapon I think is just that much cooler and more thematic number three necklace of prayer beads these are one of my own personal favorite magic items one that I got very early on in one of my first fifth edition campaigns so they do hold a little Nostalgia for me but I do think they have some pretty awesome options depending on what you roll so these are a rare Magic item that comes to us I think from the base rules or these players handbook base rules I've done your master Academy man but they come from the base rules they are Attunement by cleric Druid or Paladin specifically but you get a D4 plus two magic beads now in the ideal situation you roll very high on this potentially getting yourself access to the six beads and then you roll individually to see which one of the beads is on there or possibly the DM just picks and tells you but you can see that basically these beads allow you to cast a variety of spells they don't use up any spell slots that you might have they are cast specifically from the bead and they use whatever your spell save DC is so if you have ways to increase it or things like that or you know using your ability score to possibly add to things it's all based on your own the other thing that's pretty unique about it is it says let's see each bead contains a spell that you can cast from it as a bonus action so that also was interesting because it turns a lot of spells that are not bonus actions into bonus actions so for example bless which we all know is an action to cast we can if we roll a one to six on our B generation role we get a bless standard bless in every aspect except instead of casting it as an action it is a bonus action which is nice because you could bless yourself to give yourself a bonus to the attack roll and then attack with your action we get a cure wounds of second levels that's 2d8 plus the associated ability score modifier in this case wisdom which again we can do that cure wounds as a bonus action same thing with lesser restoration it's either one so the way I've read it is that if you get the curing bead you can choose when you use the bead if you're going to do the Cure wounds a second level or lesser restoration you get the opportunity to pick one or the other 13 to 16 we get greater restoration which is also wonderful because these also don't require the material components necessary I believe it states that um let's see each B contains a spelling cast from it once it beads you can't cast it until the next Dawn so however many beads you have and use that ability to cast it once per day essentially because it comes uh it comes back on a uh let's say from the next Dawn you get your castings back so greater restoration again greater restoration is an action this turns it into a bonus action branding Smite is already a bonus action so this is just kind of like a freebie thing you're possibly getting access to a spell you wouldn't normally have now planar Ally is a big one because planar Ally is a 10 minute casting time excuse me it turns that 10 minute casting time with planar Ally into a bonus action and then lastly a wind walk spell which also has a casting time of a minute which wind walk is a really good spell to move people a large distance if you don't have something like teleportation uh it's also not a you know a decent get out of jail free card if you can cast it and then get it on the party so you can exit a battle now normally this would be a problem I think we even saw this happen in one of the critical roles where someone casts windwalk and then forgot that it was a one minute casting time not a one action casting time however with the necklace prayer beads that becomes a bonus action allowing you potentially yourself and up to 10 other creatures to turn into these wind spirits to basically fly away very quickly or use it to Traverse distance over land and again there's also I think for the most part with almost all of these I wouldn't be upset if I got multiple of the same beat because that's not uncommon either you roll two sevens or something and you get two cure wounds beads which again allows you to use the beads to get bonus action heels to allow you to get that extra benefit out there and possibly reserve your spells that you prepare each day for something else number two the candle of invocation now this very rare tuna magic item comes to us from the base rules and it is tunable by anybody but it's really mostly beneficial if a cleric or a druid were to use it so first of all uh the candle has a specific alignment situation I don't really alignment doesn't really play too much of a role in 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons outside of some very specific things like for instance this candle that we're talking about here right so you uh it says the GM chooses the god an Associated alignment to be determined from the candle again I feel like if we do get these reprinted in a future you know whatever the one d d version of this is the the alignment possibly will get removed because I feel like these are just hold overs from previous Edition alignment is kind of a throwaway thing and it's basically I feel like it still exists in fifth edition because it's Legacy but anyway uh the candles magic is activated when The Candle is lit as an action it burns for up to four hours before it is destroyed uh so it technically I guess sort of falls into uh the consumable section but I don't I feel like four hours when you can use this one minute at a time that is could potentially be an entire campaign you could use this probably almost every combat for an entire campaign and it may not ever get burnt up so while The Candle is lit it uh and basically because you use it in one increment at a time so potentially if you only were to use this thing in combat that's what 240 10 round combats you could use this thing in again compare this to something like a time of opening which is like five uses but whatever uh the candle sheds dim light in a 30-foot radius any creature within that light whose alignment matches that of the candle makes attack rolls saving throws and ability checks at Advantage obviously this is beneficial if your party is either a good or neutral aligned party uh and the enemies are not this could be beneficial so again folks whose alignment matches it get the bone the advantage on attack roll saving throws and ability checks in addition a clerical Druid in the light whose alignment matches the candle can cast first level spells they have prepared without expanding any spell slots though the Spells affected us as their cast with a first level spell so not only does it give possibly a huge Boon of advantage on a bunch of different D I guess the new term would be the D20 tests if your alignment matches the candle but also if you're a cleric or a druid you can basically cast unlimited first level spells uh with the candle being lit which could be again obviously useful for healing um I can't even think of all the options you could do with a first level spell bless all the Cure wounds that you could think of potentially even just unlimited guiding bolts really if you wanted as long as you cast it only at first level and then also if you light the candle for the first time uh when you do you can use it to cast the gate spell destroying the candle uh gate being was it a ninth level spell yeah so you have that opportunity too I feel like most people are not going to use it for the gate ability but keep in mind that that is an opportunity that if you do give this and provide this to a player who doesn't use it immediately they could use it to cast gate which could provide all sorts of sweeping either benefits or detriments to you as the DM in your campaign number one and lastly we have the Amulet of The Devout that is a a varied Attunement uh based on what level it is from Tasha's cauldron of everything we have three variations uncommon rare and very rare uh with an Associated plus one plus two or plus three based on whatever the respective Rarity is so while you wear this holy symbol you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and saving through DC's of your spells this is huge because clerics don't typically have a lot of ways outside of you know specific possible multi-classing options or even specific uh subclass choices to boost up their um the way they cast their spells and to augment them to make them stronger so as such even an uncommon Amulet of The Devout is going to provide you a plus one to spell attack rules now you don't have too many spell attack rules as a cleric I think it's primarily reserved for guiding bolt based on you know except for maybe subclass choices um but also the plus one to the save DC's and as a cleric you do have a lot of really awesome options I mean even if you just stick with the most common very powerful spell of spirit Guardians a plus one to your saving throws to have folks take the full damage from Spirit Guardians is pretty awesome but again if your DM lets you get up to a very rare version of this it's a plus three to that saving throw again not just for this but for all cleric spells and that as someone who is a full Caster that would be a very beneficial thing for you to have again this does also work for paladins but we're talking about clerics right now in addition to that while you wear this amulet you can use your channel Divinity feature without expanding one of its features once until the next Dawn so essentially this is going to add you one additional use of your channel Divinity reminder that channel Divinity normally comes back on a short rest so you could possibly use your channel Divinity use it once using this feature even if you only had access to one and then get it back on a short rest although this ability to do so would only be once per long ass getting it back at the next Dawn that's pretty awesome and again we don't know how the sweeping changes of what clerics and paladins and things will look like when the one DND version of them comes but these this will be pretty useful I do think we'll see a heavier focus on channel Divinity in that and again this is uh I'd say the primary benefit is the bonus to the saving throws you know spell save DC of your spells but if you happen to have a cleric subclass that has a very useful Channel Divinity you'll get even more use out of this magic item so anyway folks that is my top 10 magic items for clerics updated for 2022. let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below did I miss anything are there magic items have you gotten any of these as a cleric in your game do you like them do you hate them do you think I totally screwed up this list I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and the channel I will see you all next thank you [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 26,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, best magic items 5e, D&D magic items for clerics, D&D best magic items for clerics, clerics, cleric magic items, dnd magic items for clerics, dnd cleric guide, dnd cleric build, 5e cleric magic items
Id: UmXvTcr0BiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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