You Might Be a Drakewarden | Ranger Subclass Guide for DND 5e

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hey were you one of those kids it was too cool to own a normal animal like a dog or a cat and showed up to bring your pet to school day with a giant iguana did the Aragon book series play such a pivotal role in your upbringing that have birthed the lifelong dream of becoming a dragon rider and a ceaseless loathing for the Abomination that is the movie adaptation well congratulations you might be a drake Warden but what is a drake Warden well saddle up and settle down because there'd be dragons here dragons are everywhere nowadays you got Dragon shows dragon books Dragon shows dragon games Dragon shows dragon food and of course Dragon shows hell you can't even compliment your partner's butt without mentioning that wagon their dragon so to capitalize on this the beach witches or whatever they're called put out a book all about dragons and it's pretty good but some lunatic also took one look at a few hundred pounds of teeth and scales and said yeah I'm gonna pet that and that's how we got ourselves a drake but what is a drake well unlike this one or this one your Drake is a smallish Green Dragon like creature that still allowed within 100 yards of a school but what does it look like sometimes a drake is Dragon like sometimes more like a dog and other times just a straight up dinosaur which is nice in this case as you can flavor your Drake however you want from the classic toothless to a giant chicken and all we have to do to get this superb mountain is take a bunch of levels in Ranger oh oh no but first are you tired of your minis coming out Jagged and hard to paint wouldn't you love to learn of a company that crafts their minis with the same love and care that you craft your adventures well look no further than the master of Miniatures when searching for the perfect mini for your campaign it's easy to get lost in the sea of tiny plastic that permeates the DND landscape but I'm here to tell you that there's at least one micro Merchant who knows how to treat us right not 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classes you can compare them most to paladins being a kind of mix of cleric and fighter with Rangers being kind of a mix of Druid and fighter however in those circumstances it was actually just better to multi-class Druid and fighter so to compensate the sand Sorcerers what is their name gave the newest Ranger subclasses some pretty slick abilities however I don't think that many people have been paying attention because even the gloomstalker who I adore has had trouble shaking off that Ranger stick but what about the Drake Ward well there's a lot to talk about so let's speed past the boring part and get to the good stuff at level 1 you give favored Foe and Deft Explorer take these optional abilities because the originals are bad with favored foe being a version of Hunter's Mark that scales with your class level and depth Explorer giving you the caniness of a rogue for expertise in one skill because who knew Rangers real class feature was plagiarism you also to get two additional languages because trees second level gets us a fighting style and while I highly recommend archery I can see an argument for dueling or two weapon fighting especially at early levels but not thrown weapon fighting unfortunately it still kinda sucks somebody made me a boomerang subclass please I've always wanted to play as tie the Tasmanian Tiger but we also get spell casting while you're not the best combat spellcaster you can cast Buffs for you and your allies or summon creatures for additional support which is kind of your thing and at third level we did it we made it we get Primal awareness for one extra spell per spell level Wait no that's still bad what happens at level three oh yeah we get a whole ass Pokemon to play with and we didn't even have to restrain a wild living creature against its will to win what essentially boils down to regulated dog fighting no instead somewhere on your adventures you helped a mysterious creature or licked a Shiny Rock only to find out if bore a draconic Essence in doing so you discover you've been granted certain gifts through this new connection this gives you access to the draconic language so you can finally read that httyd fan fiction I wouldn't it's weird but you also get the thamaturgy can trip to Roar in a scary voice or do a dragon's favorite pastime slamming open all the windows but best of all we also get our very own Drake stop that and I mean come on who doesn't want a tiny dragon they can just have around your new little buddy has good stats and an intelligence of eight meaning they can speak to you in draconic and are still smarter than your average twitch streamer is that King Arthur and they can also fight by your side with a nasty 1d6 bite attack but the best thing about your new little buddy is that they scale with your proficiency bonus and grow bigger and better over time I wasn't kidding when I said this really is like having your own Pokemon you can even summon your Drake as an action once per long rest or more if you spend a first level spell slot Eat Your Heart Out Beastmaster have fun over there with your hawk or whatever I just caught a dratinian I didn't even have to fish in the Safari Zone for a week also also each time you summon your little buddy you can choose a damage tie between acid coal fire lightning or poison and your Drake becomes completely immune to that damage until you summon them again so while you might melt under a black dragon's acid breath he won't so that's a huge level for us and so far I'm pretty much sold on the Drake warden in terms of flexibility flavor and utility luckily as we level up it keeps getting better with extra attack so at fifth level we get two attacks and a bonus action attack from your Drake but at sixth level we get Deft Explorer giving us five extra feet of movement to help flank with our partner and get that sweet Advantage we also get a climbing and a swimming speed but while the climbing speed is nice the swimming speed may not be that handy unless you're a dragon rider pirate oh that'd be cool no it's mine I thought of it first but it's seventh level where we wait who's that Pokemon [Music] okay so this might be my favorite part of the Drake Warden subclass as a whole your Drake actually evolves like a dingle dangle Pokemon becoming a medium creature and growing tiny wings so it can fly on top of all of that your Drake's bite becomes magical and does an extra 1d6 damage of the type chosen by its draconic Essence it gives you resistance to that type of damage and you can ride your Drake like a big scaly horsey while riding you are too heavy for the Drake to fly around but it makes mounted combat a breeze letting you really live out that Aragon dream eighth level gets us land stride so we can't get wrapped up by Audrey too tenth level gets us Nature's Veil so he can turn invisible for a turn as a bonus action and we get yet another Deft Explorer ability with tireless as an action you can give yourself 1d8 plus your wisdom modifier and temporary hit points which is a nice little boost and you can recover from exhaustion on a short rest instead of a long rest meaning the longest you ever get to sleep is one hour which just kind of sounds like how I live my life but at 11th level our Drake finally gets to be a real dragon with Drake's breath now you can pick one of the elements from your Drake's draconic Essence and shoot it at the enemy in a 30-foot cone for 8 D6 of the chosen type this ability uses your spell save DC and forces a deck save for half damage if they succeed but the best part is the damage from the breath does not have to match the type you choose when you summon the Drake meaning you can make the Drake immune to fire damage to fight a red dragon but breed lightning damage instead you only get to use this ability once per long rest but you can slap the dragon on the butt and spin to third level spell slot to do it again and oh yeah I almost forgot to mention not only do you and your Drake share one brain cell but you apparently also share one stomach because you can fire off this breath as well either way you spend your action this ability is huge even now shining the dragonborn's natural breath but that's not that hard to do 14th level gets us vanished so you can hide as a bonus action which isn't super useful because we already have Nature's Veil to let us be invisible as a but finally at 15th level our little buddy evolves into its final form your little buddy is now your big buddy as they grow into a large creature big enough to ride around on or carry all your stuff their little vestigial wings grow into big beautiful wings so you can finally fly your dragon and their teeth grow in nice and full upping their bite attack to 3d6 but wait dashboard anytime you were the big boy over here takes damage you can spend your reaction to give them resistance to that type of damage for one instance meaning your Drake can take a meteor swarm straight to the face have full Immunity on the 20 D6 fire damage and only take a quarter of the 20 D6 bludgeoning damage assuming they made the save all for the cost of just one reaction and for those at home who know about the mounted combatant feet what your Drake can basically get away with zero damage on that kind of save but wait if you can believe it there's even more because our breath attack actually also gets a buff to den D6 here making you and your Drake a defensive and offensive Powerhouse zipping around the battlefield and reigning Death from Above and that right there feels like a Capstone if I've ever seen one I mean at 18th level you can basically see any invisible creature within 30 feet and a 20th level you can add your wisdom mod to one attacker damage roll per round to add a little extra Punch or potentially turn a Miss into a hit but I mean being best friends with a flying death machine that's really hard to beat so once again I feel like I'm at a loss of words on a ranger video I really think it's wild that this poor class has had such a bad reputation for so long but after looking at the Gloom stalker in the Drake Warden I might be sold on at least these subclasses my biggest complaint is not with the Drake Warden abilities but with the ranger abilities that seem like they add little to nothing or just don't mesh as well as they could have however as a person with a real love for Dragon Rider lore and way too many pets I I think the Drake Warden melds everything you want from this kind of archetype in the best way in fact I think this may be the best thing to come out of the fsbon's book and that had the ascendant Dragon Monk and the Elder brain Dragon which I think are both sick as hell so if you've ever had a pet Steve Irwin would mess with can Belta burp so ran said it'll melt through solid steel and will constantly annoy the Party by flying overhead and blaring the Pokemon soundtrack guess what you might be a drake Warden thank you hey guys big thanks for making it this far and watching the video If you like this one make sure to share it especially if you know somebody who's playing this subclass more subs are coming up on the poll very soon so check that out and until next time have a good one and I'll see you soon
Channel: You Might Be A DND
Views: 74,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, 5e, guide, dnd one, dnd 5e, dungeons and dragons, ymba, you might be a, drake warden, ranger, dragon, drake, eragon, eragon dnd
Id: 068AuyudUBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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