Top 6 Most Overshadowed Pokémon

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[Music] what's going on Imperials it's a per cubone here there are hundreds of Pokemon out there some of them are pretty much universally beloved by the fans while others are not so desired however some Pokemon despite being pretty solid just spin their lives being compared to others whether fairly were not leading to many good Pokemon being lost in the shadow of others so here are the top six most overshadowed pokemons number six Tokido Maru honestly I forget about this metallic Hedgehog a lot people ask about the Magnezone line being a unique typing and I know that there's something there but I can't always place this little spike ball immediately after several generations of Pikachu clones you've got to do something to stand out and while Tokido Maru does have a good typing and some pretty good abilities and such it still doesn't set itself apart much from the rest of the electric rodents but that's not even the biggest problem Tokido Maru has to contend with something that no other Pikachu clone does competition instead of simply being the latest in a long line of largely the same the aloha region gave us our standard Pikachu clone but also gave us a pretender mimic U is rather Pikachu like on purpose but when it was revealed fans with nuts over this thing mimic you has a tragic backstory with which many fans either sympathized or identified and so its popularity skyrocketed even before release now this is good for mimicked use PR but apparently there's only so much attention to go around because mimic you effectively eclipsed Tokido Maru for many fans even the games themselves make it difficult by putting them right next to each other in the decks also you can only catch Toby - Maru rarely in an easily missed side area while prominently featuring mimic you as a totem trial now they did include totem toga damaru in the second games but that seems more like a consolation prize and being a year later was too late to make a difference since mimic use prominence was all but concrete at that point and it's even worse if you haven't been watching the anime recently like me so you aren't inundated with Sophocles partner all the time but even then you have Jesse's mimic you that's there just as often so even in other mediums it has to compete there is absolutely nothing wrong with this steel type Pikachu Cologne especially in battle but unfortunately it just gets out marketed in its chosen slot by another creature that isn't even in the running number 5 AM board in generation 3 we got an amazing trio of starters that to me is probably the most evenly distributed in terms of great design meeting capable playability notably we got a giant chicken which seems like it would be a joke but Blaziken pulls off its fire fighting type combination beautifully with lots of dual stab to fel many a foe move over to the next gen and we got Infernape who somewhat surprisingly had the same combination with fire and fighting but that was ok since the setup really benefited from the game in which it was found and despite not being a personal favorite of mine and fernette captured the hearts of many fans out there becoming a favorite but the fact that it was a good choice and competitive and one of the only practical fire types for the whole sinnoh region didn't hurt then we had 5th Jim and before the games even came out there were memes about having anything different for a fighter type starter and when we saw cute little Ted big there was hope but those were soon dashed by pig night and then in boar being the third fire fighting in as many generations was more than enough reason for some people to write off this strapping swine and I think the fact that the other two starters were pure typed in their final stages also rub some people the wrong way disrupting what otherwise could have been a mono type starter trio which so far has only occurred the johto region but just because in boards typing is a little redundant doesn't mean it's terrible in fact it can actually be just as good in battle as its predecessors it actually has the highest individual attack and HP spat of all fully evolved starters and it learns all sorts of fantastic coverage moves amor can learn scold and it is the only fire type able to do so besides volcanion who's part water type anyway that is seriously impressive for a pokemon that many disregarded as a mere ripoff of those that came before and it says to me that Inbar is far more than just another fire fighting type number 4 whiscash a common way that pokemons are analyzed is by using their types it's very easy to draw mental comparisons between pokemon that share all the same strengths and weaknesses especially if the combination is somewhat rare so that's where our buddy whiscash comes in Barbeau and whiscash were interesting little mudfish to come out in the Hoenn region and they were blessed with one of the best types in the franchise with water and ground these two elements combining lends to multiple resistances with only one tons for weakness to grass so what's the problem well this exquisite type pairing was already done before with Wooper a Quagsire and then the market got diluted a little bit in subsequent generations with the lights of gastro dawn and seismitoad let these peripheral pokemons sharing its typing is not even which caches biggest problem that distinction goes to the giant starter shaped hole in the roster Swampert being the water type starter for Hoenn region meant that the poor whiscash line never stood a chance of standing out from the crowd seriously not only a Swampert incredibly powerful in combat and useful for general gameplay but to this day it has the highest base stat total of a mean on mega starter and when it does mega it still beats the rest and raw strength I mean how could it not with all of the steroids that it's taking whiscash I'm sure wasn't even on the short list for Megas so there was no hope of a resurgence for this fish that's actually a lot tinier than you'd expect which is a real shame because it's a solid Pokemon in its own right it has great coverage moves backed by decent stats across the board even the water-based Team Aqua never bothered to touch this thing even though it would have severely helped them out while at the same time boosting whiscash is relevance overall if you've never tried to use one of these pokemon I would suggest checking out this well-built creature with only one weakness because as it stands whiscash doesn't deserve to be buried down in the mud by the rest of the water ground globe and be particularly overshadowed just because it was unlucky enough to share its set up with a starter number three Rotom now you might be thinking how could Broughton possibly be overshadowed but by looking at the only electric and ghost-type pokémon we can see that it is in the unique position of being overshadowed by itself Rotom had its own special encounter in a haunted house which was nice but it's soon underwent big changes by adding a bunch of different forms that it could change into by merging with various appliances these forms get different Taipings made unique moves and once they came out people took to using them in the competitive scene in all sorts of manners what this was largely to the detriment of the original once people figured out these aberrations could be exploited the original Rotom form was all but ignored and even now Rotom has received other new forms such as the road of Dex that is used in Lola and even a new Rotom phone or drone in the gallery j'en but these are still just wrote on possessing other things nobody seems to want Rotom in its regular form which is too bad at least people appreciate ditto for its breeding capabilities instead of just turning into other things but Rotom is almost exclusively desired for its ability to turn into anything else including some sort of PC for the newest games but nobody seems to care about good old classic Rotom by itself anymore even though it's a pretty fine pokemon with a great unique typing and truthfully its original state is even better than some of the alternative forms it's ok Rotom I don't want you just to trick out my other technology number 2 porygon Zee usually a good way to overshadow a Pokemon is to give it in evolution mostly if that occurs later on so that everyone drops the original and paper of The Shining of toy and this might have been the case for porygon z as well I don't really remember I don't think I was able to get one until sometime after generation 5 came out but coincidentally June 5 is when things started to go downhill for a dubious leaked downloaded friend all of porygon Z's woes can be summed up in one word evo Lite evo Lite is a fantastic item that allows unevolved pokemon to get boosted in their defenses so that they can be more usable in combat this is a great for little Cup or if you just happen to like the pre of all forms better and this item is pretty much the solitary reason why shuckle will never ever get in evolution but with such power-ups some pokemons saw a massive increase in usefulness and while sometimes it can benefit both such as the case in making both Gliscor and gligar viable in battle sometimes it made things a little bit more imbalanced like with the porygon line porygon 2 was perfectly fine but once it could get a view light suddenly this cg rubber ducky was a tank that could sit in wall opponents for days porygon 2 became one of the premier stall pokemon in existence able to toxic or thunder wave everything shooting off random coverage moves and then just when you think you might get it to die it spams recover one simple item made pouring into a competitive baybridge over its evolved state but even if poor agency isn't quite as bulky it still has a scary hi special attack that it can put to good use with one of the most diverse move pools out there of course its previous evolutions also Sharon listen can use the Evo like wonder pill maybe one day they could make some kind of hold items specifically for porygon Z so that it could get back to its rightful place as the strongest one in the family number one right you you might have expected this or it may not have even occurred to you but there is no doubt that the franchise mascot Pikachu is far and above the most prominently publicized Pokemon in existence Pikachu is not only on all of the merchandise but it's also the hero of the anime further cementing it as a favorite for kids everywhere but if you were wondering about its evolution don't worry is portrayed as an outright villain with lieutenant surge in the Vermilion city gym and again in the first movie short man right shoe really needs a better publicist and it's not like it gets better since in the next generation that gave us Pichu meaning if anybody did want something different than the standard Pikachu they'd probably go for the smaller cuter baby form as their favorite over the boring adult one with the giant clown feet sorry just talking about it makes you start to put right you down when it's really not that bad right shoe has good power and speed while only having one weakness so it's not exactly a pushover in combat the only huge drawback is a somewhat limited move pool but the entire line suffers from that now they did create a new a lowland form for Raichu giving it a unique second typing and ability however this only further overshadowed the original form nowadays if most people bothered picking a right shoe then they'll use the psychic surfer and I'm guilty of this too I used in a loli right shoe before I ever even considered using the original and the salt in the wound is that the regional variant is all based entirely on other Pikachu the surfing one in the line has always been Pikachu even the psychic powers come from a Pikachu that's old enough to have wrinkles meaning that they would rather die having lower base stats than turning into a dreaded Raichu which just doesn't seem fader and it's not an isolated case because the Pokemon franchise is littered with Pikachu that can never evolve because becoming a right shoe seems to be just about the worst fate the creators of Pokemon could imagine when in actuality this is a perfectly respectable Pokemon that just so happened to have the misfortune of coming after the mascot of the entire franchise forced to live in its shadow forever hopefully one day this Pokemon can get over the poor hand it's been dealt and be able to stand with its pre evolution as equals so those are the top six overshadow - Pokemon which great Pokemon do you wish had better exposure let me know down in the comments also be sure to leave a like share this video and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today and we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 79,019
Rating: 4.9002814 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Let's Go Eevee, Pikachu, Starters, Gen 8, Pikachu Clone, Switch, Nintendo, Digimon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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