Top 10 STRONGEST Pokemon Feat. HoodlumScrafty

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Eryizo: Throughout the past 22 years that pokemon has been around, there have been a plethora of really really strong pokemon. So many in fact that I have decided to devise a list of what I believe to be the top 10 strongest pokemon of all the times. Callum: YOU devised a list? By yourself? Without any help? Eryizo: Working on my own video with no help? You’re right that doesn’t sound like me. Let me rephrase that. *reverse edit thing* So many in fact that Callum and I decided to devise a list of what we believe to be the Top 10 Strongest pokemon of all the times. Callum: That’s better. But before we start the video there are a couple of rules we want to lay down for you. First off No Legendaries, mythicals, ultra beasts, or megas. When we say “strongest pokémon” we don’t mean in terms of the highest attack stat. We’re looking at everything the pokémon can do overall. Looking at stats, movesets, abilities, weaknesses and how versatile it is in battle. We did this is to keep the list fresh, otherwise it’d be a list where we’re stating the obvious. Eryizo: And we would also like to minimize the amount of pokemon with the same typing, because most of them function the same in battle Such as skarmory and ferrothorn and would just be repetitive. But besides that anything goes. Callum: And if after this video you’re still hungry for another top 10 video to watch, Eryizo and I did one over on my channel where we talk about the top 10 best hackmons. If you don’t know what that is don’t worry, we explain it in the video. Eryizo: And if you want to check that out the link to it will be in the description as well as the end card. If you guys enjoy this video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with a friend and with that being said let’s get started. 10 Eryizo: Starting off this list we have one of my personal favorite pokemon to come out of generation 6 Hawlucha. At least for me I always thought Hawlucha was strong just from playing through the games. And that’s because I always had so many problems against Korrina’s gym, specifically Hawlucha and flying press. Callum: While it doesn’t have the highest attack in the game it has access to a lot of different set up moves to aid it in that department. It already has very good speed along with 2 abilities help make sure it’s never being slowed down. Eryizo: As for a moveset a typical thing to run is a fighting and flying stab move, swords dance, and roost for health recovery. In that sense it does seem a bit linear, but there’s a lot of moves you can substitute in and out to shake things up A bit. All in all Hawlucha is a very uniquely strong pokemon, which makes it a perfect fit for this list. 9 Callum: Strength comes in different shapes and sizes, just because this list is all about strong pokémon doesn’t necessarily mean it’s about raw power. While Mamoswine is destroying it with 130 base attack it does have a lot of other functions that just make it a strong Pokémon overall. Eyrizo: The thing that’s so great about Mamoswine as well as a lot of other pokémon on this list is that when you see one in battle you don’t know for sure what it’s role is going to be. You can probably count on it having Earthquake, but that’s sort of it. Callum: Mamoswine can be a strong lead against your opponents if you give it a focus sash and some stealth rocks to set up. It has access to endeavor, which if you survive with a focus sash will allow you to bring your opponent down to 1hp and finish them off with a priority ice shard. This is just one example, there’s plenty of other moves/items mamoswine can use to its advantage, and still be viable. Eryizo: Since there’s so much to talk about with Mamoswine we’ll just list a few of its quirks off rather than going into full detail. Mamoswine can make great use of Choice Scarf or Choice Band, it's bulky enough for leftovers to be effective, or just slapping a life orb on it will do wonders, it gets the thick fat ability meaning fire type moves are no longer super effective and don’t even get me started with what it can do with a Z-Move. Mamoswine is by far one of the best ice types in the game, and that’s why it takes number 9 on this list. 8 Eryizo: When it comes to Starter pokemon, I think we can all agree that there are some really strong starters. Greninja, Blaziken, Infernape, and let’s not forget the best of all of them, Charizard… no? Well I think a pokemon that both you and I did NOT expect to make this would have to be the fire starter from Unova Emboar. Callum: And no this is not Clickbait we actually believe that Emboar is a really strong pokemon. Let’s take a look at the stats. The obvious thing to point out would be its incredibly high physical attack stat, but this pokemon can also function well as a mixed attacker. It’s speed isn’t even that bad either, you can quite easily throw a choice scarf on it and it’ll be out-speeding Pokémon like Garchomp. Tag that along with a decent amount of bulk and you my friend have got yourself a pretty strong pokemon. Eryizo: But not only that, but I think it might be understated how freaking vast Emboar’s movepool is. You got stone edge, poison jab, solar beam, earthquake, wild charge, even Scald, like this thing is the definition of versatile. You can run so many different effective sets for this pokemon that it’s almost impossible for opponents to predict what your going to use. Callum: Obviously we could have gone with pokemon like blaziken or infernape, but with blaziken we felt that it was way to cookie cutter and linear of a pokemon, which makes it easy to predict. And with infernape it’s just not as versatile as emboar. Eryizo: I got to say going into this video I was not a huge believer in emboar, just look at some of my old videos for reference, but full credit to callum for changing my opinion, I am now a firm believer in Emboar. 7 Callum: I want you guys to think about the first that comes to mind when i say “strongest pokemon” Personally i think of Machamp, Rayquaza,Conkledurr. I bet you thought of a bunch of similar pokémon. Big, strong, masculine Pokemon. I brought this up because number 7 is the complete opposite of that and might catch you by surprise, especially if you’re not into the competitive side of pokemon. Sylveon. Eryizo: First off the fairy type is one of if not the best typings in the game period. And Out of all the eeveelutions Sylveon got by far the best stat distributions with base 130 special defense 110 special attack and 95 hp. And with Sylveons access to moves like heal bell and wish it can be very unpredictable. Callum: Versatility is one of the many things that can make a Pokémon powerful. That unpredictability is too valuable. With Sylveon you can never be sure if it’s a Cleric set, or if it’s an offensive set. Usually having access to multiple abilities is required to make a good versatile pokémon. But not with Sylveon. You have two choices, Cute Charm or Pixilate. Cute Charm can be useful but most of the time you’ll find Sylveon running Pixilate + Hyper Voice. Sylveon will be doing chunks to your team because of all of this and that’s why we decided it deserved the 7th spot on this list. 6 Eryizo: Continuing the trend of Pokémon you’d probably never expect to see on a strongest Pokémon list at number 6 we have one of my favorite pokemon to come out of gen 7, mimikyu. Again like sylveon a Big reason as to why this pokemon is so powerful is because of that added fairy typing. And while yes its stats on the surface don’t seem that good, what makes mimikyu stand out from the crowd is its signature ability in disguise. This AMAZING ability basically acts as a substitution allowing you a free turn to set up with a swords dance taking care of its attack stat problem. Callum: One thing I always found to be hilarious is that Mimikyu has a higher base speed than Pikachu. Base 96 is pretty respectable. But for those Pokémon you can’t out-speed, like a lot of ghost types Mimikyu gets access to Shadow Sneak. Of course since Mimikyu is a fairy type it gets access to the all powerful Play Rough. Speaking of which, did you know Mimikyu has it’s own Z Move? If Mimikyu knows Play Rough and is holding the Mimikium Z it can use “Let’s Snuggle Forever” which is a base 190 fairy type move. With a Swords Dance set up that move is gonna be doing some serious damage. That just adds to its versatility. You have no idea what you’re up against until it’s too late. 5 Callum: One of my favourite features of generation 7 was Alolan forms. Taking an old Pokémon and revamping it both visually and changing their type, ability, as well as slight stat changes can go along way. One of the biggest changes had to be with Alolan Marowak. Not only does Alolan Marowak look much cooler than Regular Marowak, but it’s also a lot better in terms of battling. Eryizo: The main changes Alolan Marowak brought to the table was it’s typing. Rather than being a pure ground type it’s now a Ghost/Fire type, which off the bat doesn’t sound too great. It had 5 weaknesses, and isn’t very fast so you wouldn’t expect it to do too great in battle. Even though it has 5 weaknesses it has DOUBLE the resistances when it has lightning rod as its ability, speaking of with its amazing abilities in Lightning rod and Rock Head in tandem with the thick club carves a great niche for Marowak as a wallbreaker. Callum: And the fact that electric types run rampant in the metagame it’s nice to have a pokemon on your team that can tame pokemon like Tapu Koko and Xurkitree. With Rock head, that basically allows you to fire off incredibly strong flare blitzes with absolutely no repercussions. The problem with this pokemon though that keeps it from getting farther up the list though is that one knock off basically ruins Marowaks life. But get past that and you got yourself a very powerful pokemon 4 Eryizo: I think everybody knows by now how powerful of a pokemon Greninja is. Barring Megas It’s the strongest starter pokemon for sure, with Greninja’s abilities, godly speed, and amazing movepool it’s become one of the most overused offensive threats in the metagame. It’s almost impossible to predict what greninja you are going to get. Hazards, all out attacker, Ash-Greninja Choice scarf, sash, expert belt the options are literally endless. And adding to it’s versatility with it’s pretty much well rounded stats you can go either way as a special or physical attacker or both. Greninja is basically the swiss army knife of Pokemon. Callum: The only thing really working against it is its poor defenses. But who needs defenses if your opponent can’t get an attack off? While greninja doesn’t really have any set-up moves it’s incredibly fast with two ridiculous abilities. One ability, Protean, allows it to become whatever type of moves it’s using that turn. The other ability, battle bond, changes its form to have stats that put most legendary pokémon to shame. Greninja has so many options, when battling against it you sorta just have to send in a pokémon that can resist it and hope it doesn’t have a coverage move for it. Gamefreak really wanted us to like this Pokémon huh? 3 Callum: Coming in at the third spot we had a tough choice narrowing it down. The contenders for number 3 are Lucario, Bisharp and Scizor. Three amazing steel type Pokemon. After a lot of thought we decided number 3 would go to Scizor, and here’s why. As great and versatile as Lucario is, it’s always outshined by its Mega Evolution. On the other hand, Scizor is one of the few Pokémon with a Mega Evolution that in some cases is better off without it. Which, like I’ve said a lot throughout this list, means you don’t quite know what you’re up against. And then we have Bisharp. Bisharp is great, but it’s kinda one dimensional. You already know what moves it has from Team Preview. Eryizo: Scizor also has almost no worries when it comes to weaknesses. Since it’s a Bug/Steel type it’s left with one weakness which is the fire types. Ability wise you’ll only ever see Scizor using Technician, an ability that boosts the power of moves that are below 60 base power, which just so happens to be very common in Scizors movepool. Callum: Scizor can make great use of Swords Dance on a turn where you force your opponent out, or if you want to be extra you could run a defensive Scizor, and have it know Tailwind, or even Defog. Have we mentioned it learns Knock Off by the way? The thing is, Scizor has a lot it can do with very little weaknesses to stop it. That’s why it’s number 3 on our list. 2 Eryizo: When talking Strong Pokemon I think everyone and their mother knows that aegislash is one of the most OP pokemon in the entire game. I mean it’s one of the very few non-legendary or mythical pokemon to carve a good niche in the Uber tier. And for all of you Smogon haters out there, that means it’s pretty damn good, but you should know that considering its also very good in VGC too. First off its typing steel and ghost is excellent because it grants 3 immunities and 9 resistances 2 of them being the very powerful fairy and dragon typing. Secondly Stance change and Kings shield can easily punish physical attackers while also playing mind games with your opponent. And thirdly those stats on both forms are just insane. Callum: One of the coolest things about Aegislash is you never know if it’s going to be a physical or a special attacker until you’ve already taken damage from it. It doesn’t even need to do damage to you directly to take you out as it has access to Toxic and rest. It can just sit there in its extremely bulky shield form and stall you forever. Of course that isn’t a very reliable set and you probably won't come across it, but just the fact it’s able to do that is beautiful. Eyrizo: Like most pokémon on this list, the unpredictability is what makes it so powerful and there is no pokemon that does it better than Aegislash, well except for 1. 1 Callum: And finally taking our number 1 spot, the whole reason you clicked this video. Who is the strongest Pokémon? …. Eryizo, you tell them. It’s your video it wouldn’t feel right if i made the reveal. Eryizo: um… ok I guess, well the number 1 entry on our top 10 Strongest Pokemon of all time, may come as a shock to you… Nah im playing it’s actually not that surprising. The strongest pokemon of all time is also the best pseudo legendary pokemon of all time Garchomp. Callum: While it may seem like a bit of a generic pick for the number 1 strongest Pokemon Garchomp has definitely earned that title. This pokémon has been a menace since it was introduced in generation 4, and even the addition of fairy typing didn’t slow it down. Hell, Regular Garchomp is better than it’s Mega Evolution. That’s when you know a Pokémon is good. I also want to add Garchomp DOESN’T even get access to Dragon Dance. If It did, I have no doubt in my mind it’d be Ubers for sure. Eryizo: Typewise it has two of the most offensive types in the game with Dragon/Ground. And with those 2 types it provides great stab combos which gives decent coverage just by itself. And speaking of coverage, It also gets access to poison jab to defend against fairy types. Callum: But every pokemon has to have its weakness, Garchomp will probably want to run at the sight of an ice type. Back to the positives though, there’s a lot it can do. Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, even Dragon Rush if you’re brave enough. And those are just the common moves, Garchomp learns plenty of other random moves you can make work, just because it’s on Garchomp. Eryizo: Look I know I said Greninja is the swiss army knife of pokemon, but Garchomp is that, but on steroids, because it’s overall balanced stats across the board there’s endless possibilities for movesets. Eryizo: Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like and let me know in the comment section below. If you haven’t already subscribe to the channel to become an Eryibro today. I also would like to thank my good friend callum for joining me today. Callum: Hey no problem man, Thanks for having me! If you like what you saw here today Eryizo did a video together on my channel where we talk about the top 10 best hacked Pokémon, so feel free to come check that out! Eryizo: Link to that will be in the I card on the top right of your screen as well as in the end card. But if already here from callum’s channel why not stick around and watch some of my other videos. On the right will be a link to my top 10 worst pokemon video, be sure to check it out. But with all that being said I will see you guys next time.
Channel: Eryizo
Views: 603,443
Rating: 4.7301154 out of 5
Keywords: Strongest Pokemon, Pokemon, Best Pokemon, Top 10 Strongest Pokemon, Top 10 Best Pokemon, the Strongest pokemon ever, the Strongest Pokemon Of all time, the Best pokemon ever, the best pokemon of all time, strongest pokemon in the pokemon games, Strongest gen 1 Pokemon, Strongest gen 2 pokemon, strongest gen 3 pokemon, strongest gen 4 pokemon, strongest gen 5 pokemon, strongest gen 6 pokemon, strongest gen 7 pokemon, Pokemon Top 10, Top 10, Eryizo, HoodlumScrafty
Id: gpdaa5z6Vec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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