Top 15 Unreleased Pokemon That Got Rejected!

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I will soon be a Pokemon watch me I will take over the world I will be the scariest Pokemon of them all I will be considered a legendary who what what is this oh that's cuz they Lance he got rejected just just ignore him he's sort of weird III feel sort of bad for him he's just he's just like talking to himself should we do something no man no no just just walk away what is going on guys this is Dobbs here bringing you another Pokemon video and I want to ask you something have you ever asked yourself are there more Pokemon out there Pokemon that just never made it to the game Pokemon there I lost an old death and forgotten well let me tell you there are hundreds if not thousands of Pokemon designs out there that just never made it to the game and in this video I'm gonna show you 15 of them ranking for my least favorite - my favorite and keep in mind these 15 Pokemon I'm about to show you we're meant for pokemon red and blue and pokemon gold and silver except for one which was meant for pokemon ruby and sapphire so that means these unreleased pokemon are over 15 years old and no these are not fake these are confirmed on bubble pedia and i'll leave the link in the description below oh and one more thing before we start I plan to make a top 10 beta Pokemon video and if you don't know what beta means it means it's a previous version of the final thing so if this beta pikachu has an annotation on it that means it's done and release and if you're on your phone or something just look at the description below so without further ado let's get started now I'm gonna be brutally honest the first cup of Pokemon that I'm gonna show you are going to look pretty bad and I can see why they were cut but keep in mind that designs get better and better throughout this video and the top 5 Pokemon are definitely worth the weight in my opinion so for number 15 I chose this obvious creature this book 1 never got a name and our vibius pretty much means a creature that lays eggs now it literally looks like a turd coming out of an egg but it probably looks like that because of the point of view that we're looking at it at but the bowl of pedia it says this is artwork featuring early versions of read and write on inside of the cave so maybe this was supposed to be the first evolution for ride-on so with that in mind I think this Pokemon was supposed to be a rock and a Ground type 4 number 14 I chose Buki there's not a lot of information about this Pokemon other than the fact that it has the same pokedex number with jinx which is number 124 it also shares the same index number with Caterpie but after looking closely at the design and this concept art it sort of looks like it was planned to be a normal ghost Pokemon now I'm sort of glad that they didn't do this because that would be a very overpowered Pokemon but still it's interesting to see what a normal ghost Pokemon will look like designed by Nintendo for number 13 I chose Papio now this Pokemon is really weird-looking probably the weirdest out of all these pokemons but could you imagine this could have been a pokémon from pokemon red and blue and this would just be a normal looking Pokemon to us now the only thing we know about this Pokemon is that it has the same pokedex number as qwilfish which is number 211 now I think this one was supposed to be a bug poison type it has like the same idea as coughing it has like gas coming out of it you never know maybe this was the first concept for coughing but I'm glad they didn't stick with this design because this is just plain weird for number 12 I chose kurosu now this is when it starts to gets interesting because this Pokemon was actually playable during the Alpha demo of gold and silver it knew that moves growl water gun and tackle so it was a water type but this is the kicker it's said in the demo that this was the water starter Pokemon so this right here was the original water starter Pokemon for book my gold and silver but let me tell you this isn't the only original starter in this list there's one more but that's later in the video but is it that crazy Totodile wasn't originally gonna be the water started pokemon for pokemon gold and silver so let me ask you would you rather have Totodile or this kuru suit and ask for typing I think cruises final evolution was going to be a water-ice Pokemon which is pretty cool for number 11 I chose this unnamed turtle nothing is known about this turtle other than the fact that it sort of looks like tier tuga from generation 5 so maybe this unreleased Pokemon inspired the design for tier tuga and for the typing I think maybe a pure water pokemon but for some reason I think this book would have the potential to be a water dark Pokemon which would have been very unique for generation 2 for number 10 I chose this Pokemon just like a lot of other unreleased Pokemon in this list this book one doesn't have a name either but I get the feeling that this Pokemon inspired the design for hitmontop but I don't think you as part of the Thai rogue evolution line I think this was the first evolution for hitmontop but did they later decided to make him on top a third evolution for Tyrone so they just scrapped this Pokemon all together and obviously I think it's book was supposed to be a fighting type for number nine I chose the son named rabbit now this book one doesn't have a name no we're an official design it was originally gonna be a rabbit with a flower on its nose here oh no boo Yoshida is a Pokemon graphic designer who's been involved in minigames but in an interview with Miss endo life hero Naboo said he scrapped the design because it didn't make sense in this environment but I think that's unfortunate because I think a rabid Pokemon would have been a great addition to pokemon gold and silver and for the typing I think this Pokemon would have been a pure grass type now this is part of the video where the Pokemon designs start to become more interesting and so for number eight I chose this unnamed cheap Pokemon now this book one was based off the first sheet that was cloned named dolly but Junichi and Ken decided to take out this Pokemon because it was considered too controversial for Pokemon it was likely that his sheep hook was supposed to be in generation 2 because dolly was born almost eight months after the first release a pokemon red and green according to both media some fans believe that instead of being abandoned entirely the rejected design was reworked into mareep and fluffy but with the information given I think this Pokemon would have been appear normal type 4 number 7 I chose guerrilla mo now this is the counterpart of Godzilla and the book one he saw in the intro I think these two Pokemon had arrived early sorta like knitted or you know and Gengar these two Pokemon are based off of Godzilla and King Kong now I think this is the first battle drawn out by Game Freak between two pokemons and for gorilla Mo's typing I think you would have been a pure normal type but I could definitely see him being a fighting type also for number 6 I chose cabine I know what you're thinking why would he choose his Pokemon this literally looks like a Jigglypuff with a human face well the fan art is what got me after seeing the concept art recreated into this awesome HD image I think it looks amazing it looks like a raccoon with a leaf on its head like that is just so unique and awesome it's basically a Jigglypuff that's a grass type it states on the bull pedia that this could be an early prototype of store lacks because if somewhat resembles a simplified caricature of Koji machine oh and if you didn't know Snorlax was based off of Koji and Shino and he's basically a game designer for Pokemon and so for the typing that I was used for cabine would be a pure grass type but then adopt the dark type in generation 2 all right so this one's gonna blow your mind sometimes refer to as laddies akin or Lana Kim mostly by the fans this creature shares traits with both latias and Blaziken now I'm just very curious was this originally gonna be the starter Pokemon or the legendary Pokemon with this picture of the female trainer flying on this fusion Pokemon it makes me believe that this was gonna be the starter final evolution but that makes you wonder what would fill the spot with Latios with Larios just be a single legend a Pokemon with no counterpart the latias even exists when this creature was created who knows but this is probably one of the most interesting things that I've seen in Pokemon and for the Taiping I think this program was ever going to be a fire flying Pokemon so do you remember what I said that there was another original starter in this list well here it is Hoenig Ouma the original fire starter pokemon for pokemon gold and silver this book Wan nu mber scratch and leer in the alpha version of the game we know that this was going to be a fire bear Pokemon because ho no means flame and kuma means bear and also some fans believe that this was an early version of teddiursa to me this book will looks like it make sure a Pikachu and some kind of bear and as for the typing I think there's gonna be a pure fire type all right so the final three and so for number three I chose three Pokemon because they're the only known unreleased Pokemon with an evolution chain and that is ko khana Khazana G and Cassano G's evolution now I just love the designs for these pokemons just the whole top hat fancy clothes theme to these Pokemon I just think it's very unique and so anyways khokana is actually an early version of wheedle but the rest of the evolution chain were completely replaced by Kakuna and be drill and I think it's unfortunate that they completely scrapped them out because I really like the designs so maybe in the future we'll see a recreation of these unreleased Pokemon and for the type ink I think they had the potential of being a bug fighting type all right so the final two have the coolest designs in my opinion and I think it sucks that they didn't make it to the game so for number two I chose this Pokemon it doesn't have a name but it's likely that there's originally two legendary dogs and this was a mixture of suicune and raikou and they later decided to make into two dogs but it would have been awesome having a legendary Pokemon that was water electric-type so could he imagine a world where it was this Pokemon intae I don't know man they should have just added this as a fourth dog because it's such an awesome design and for the number one spot for my favorite unreleased Pokemon is drag him forward and no you didn't hear that wrong his name is actually dragon for probably because he was the fourth design for a dragon and never really got an official name the only things we know about his unreleased Pokemon is that it has the same pokedex number as iggly puff which is 174 and that it's sort of low sight Charizard even though it's most likely a beta version of Charizard I still want to believe that this was gonna be a legendary Pokemon for pokemon red and blue and this concept art of these two dragons one being dragon four and one being his counterpart which is made up just made me think that having an exclusive dragon for each game would have been a very cool feature like the blue dragon being a water dragon type and the red dragon being a fire dragon type like that would have been amazing but that's all for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it and hopefully had your mind blown I spent a lot of time on this video so if you enjoyed it be sure to leave a like I appreciate it a ton and also be sure to subscribe for drawing the channel and if you want to follow me on Twitter for fan interactions video updates and other cool stuff follow me at Ethan Dobbs and for the question of the day which unreleased Pokemon did you like the most leave it down in the comments can't wait see you guys have in mind until next time see ya
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 3,357,341
Rating: 4.7705126 out of 5
Keywords: unused pokemon, pokemon that got rejected, unused pokemon types, unreleased pokemon, unreleased pokemon games, pokemon that never made it, pokemon that were never released, beta pokemon, alpha pokemon, unused pokemon duel types, unused pokemon cries, hidden pokemon, pokemon theory, pocket mosters, pokemon facts, secret pokemon, pokemon mysteries, unknown pokemon, pokemon theories, pokemon fun facts, pokemon mystery
Id: mhnukeOQuTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2016
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