Top 10 Addons You NEED for WOTLK Classic!

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all right guys so today we're gonna go through 10 add-ons we absolutely need to get in Wrath of Village King I definitely would not be playing this game without these add-ons installed they really do provide really really good quality of life improvements when playing the game no matter what you're doing leveling raiding PVP let's jump in straight away one of the very very irritating things about downloading multiple add-ons is they totally Clump your minimap as you can see I have a number of add-ons downloaded a my money map is clean AF no icons around it that's going to lead me on to my first add-on of this list it's called hiding bar look very closely I've got a little yellow bar if I hover over it's going to show all of my add-ons and a little drop down menu like this and you can put this little bar wherever you want you can have it all coming up for screen you can have it going across the screen a point being it doesn't really like make your mini map look like a cluttered mess all I've got here is tracking and the calendar and the add-on that I'm using for my map is very simply called sexy map and it has loads of inbuilt skins like this nice wooden frame one thing one I was using before is the Diablo one here's another cool one that gives me Lord of the Rings Vibes as well now the add-on that you can see up here many people can believe that this is actually Titan panel because title panel is a big ugly bar that you normally get at the bottom of the screen when you install the add-on but there is a way to make it look super clean like this all we've got to do is show it about the top or if you do one at the bottom or anywhere else when you can transparency here top bar turn it down so this is what it normally looks like type panel it is very ugly but if you just take it down you're fine and this is going to tell you any information that you want at a minute I've got gold I also actually do use this as my bag button and it's durability my performance I've also got Titan sorry another add-on here called item rack where I switch certain gear sets you know between my tank set or my farming set or totally uh butt naked if I want to if I want to die you know without incurring durability it's got other useful built-ins as well there's a thing that tracks how much ammo you got there's a little plug-in but you can also download to tracky reagents which I do like and you can actually just put any add-on on here as well so if you want quick access to something also like a little something you can just access it from there I've always got to obviously move it away from the minimap because you can't see it yeah this add-on is called item rack where you can switch sets from that menu as well but also it will be be on your character menu so I can very quickly equip my gear from here too it's very useful because it means you don't have to like navigate your bags and find things because obviously sometimes it is quite difficult to find gear in your bags and you've got a lot in your bags it's very quickly use this little menu to equip or de-equip gear or swap your trinkets or anything like that all right so next we're going to talk about name plates what I'm using is plater with a particular profile it's a Mythic Plus profile I'll leave that Linked In the description as well and I'm also using big debuffs the main reason for that is you see well we can see what debuffs that you want just slightly bigger so let me show you with my chains of eyes so I can see chains of ice just a little bit bigger that's mainly going to work on crowd control effects and actually immunities so when an enemy uses Divine Shield or anything on those lines then it will be displayed bigger above the nameplate now I want to show you two really good chat add-ons which are an absolute godsend first of all a spell checker add-on and another one that's going to copy links when you see them in the chat so you know when you have to join a Discord for a pug massively streamlines that process you'll have to manually type in letters on the Discord like a caveman so first of all this is the spell checker one let's deliberately spell something wrong as you can see it's going to be a different color you right click it and there you go there's the correct spelling and as you can see we've got Discord Link in the chat box right now you click it it's going to open this menu and from here you can just copy paste it into Discord and it'll work with any other link as well by the way guys if you subscribe to the channel we've got a little bit of a subscriber only guide that gives you more specific weak auras and add-ons for every single class in the game so be sure to check that out all you have to do is subscribe to the channel go to my subscriber video if you can't see it then YouTube is being crap or if we do is just request access for it on my Discord which is also in the description now when it comes to uniforms you've got a number of different options you don't have to be dictated by what I have personally I have pit bull I like the look of it it's nice and it's clean I definitely like the customizability of it other good options are things like Shadow did y Shadow wise not not too bad you've also got easy frames I used easy frame for quite a while actually this one's very nice and clean and it keeps the old retro look of the old UI just for the love of God don't get something like x-pol especially if you record your footage or you stream because you're yeah you're gonna get absolutely maimed on you can get an over whole add-on obviously like lvy it's all right I just don't like the uniforms that much another very customizable but I just don't like it that much A lot of people really love it and just bear in mind that it is a total overhaul add-on to it's gonna like get rid of a lot of other things with the default blizzard UI and it you definitely have absolutely no retro classic while look left when you download this I mean you can that uninstall certain features from it but yeah just just bear in mind check it out check out you know people who use it before you decide to get it because in my experience you know I've downloaded and be like yeah not for me now let's talk about map and questing add-ons I've talked about these add-ons before actually quite recently we're going to be talking about liatrix maps and the Codex light so the great thing about liatrix is mainly that first of all we can see undiscovered locations on the map in a color like this so you can see where things are rather than being them totally grayed out and you can have a little bit of Zoom so you know I can zoom in on locations and get a better look at things and it goes very very well with the add-on codex light because it shows very very precise small locations of enemies and Quest items I have to pick up from the ground if you're struggling to see them clearly you kind of click on them to change the color you can also opt for the map to not be a total full screen map but as you can see it kind of has issues with overlaying which I actually honestly do not know how to fix let me know in the comment section if you do because yeah my uniforms for some reason go over the map which is very irritating so I don't use it like that and you can also make the map with the settings actually zoom in even further to get a you know even better look or even type in slash otm any copper settings here now the next add-on is absolutely mandatory if you're leveling through dungeons or doing some kind of gold farm when you're doing dungeons it's called Nova instance tracker what it does is just tracks how many instances you've been in and leaving track like way back like it's even tracking like nine 19 days ago here so I can see what dungeon I was in 19 days ago but the main reason you get this is so you can track whether you're going to be saved or not on your hour lockout it will also show you your alts as well and it will even show you Battlegrounds too and they will also track how much rested XP you have on your characters so it's showing me that I've like maxed out my rustic speed on a number of my different characters so then you can track when obviously you are going to start capping on your rest XP as I can see there my warlock is about to cap on wrist XP and I'm leveling that or basically when I'm resting I'm only leveling that when I'm rested so that is a very useful feature that not many people know about and that's actually included with this add-on and the last cheeky add-on we're going to talk about today is Speedy Auto Loop easily does what it says on the tin it's very very good if you're doing gold farming and you've killed loads and loads of mobs because you literally just have to like spam clerk right and you will lose everything much much faster because it's going to automatically complete the dialog menu so it's even faster than using the auto loot feature in game and my last Quick fire recommendations are going to be add-ons which I just presume people already have you know we core is bad tender deadly boss modes if you're wondering what on Earth these panels are here it's called kg panels the reason why I'm not going to recommend this add-on though is because it's basically not up to date so you may have issues with it because it's only working on retail I've managed to make it work on classic somehow don't ask me how the reason why I'm not recommending is because yeah I don't want you to have issues and complain at me or anything like that but yeah it's called kg panels I like it because it just keeps things nice and neat and clean but anyway guys my name is Matt Goblin to my next video ciao [Music]
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 153,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best wotlk addons 3.3.5, wow wotlk classic best addons, wotlk classic raiding addons, wotlk classic pvp addons, wotlk classic addon guide, wotlk classic best raid addons, wotlk classic best death knight addons, wotlk classic best paladin addons
Id: eRODH_H5z_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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