Ultimate Alt Powerleveling Guide for WOTLK Classic - Best Heirlooms, AoE Leveling Routes & More!

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all right guys and Welcome to My ultimate alt power leveling guide for rafalitch King Classic if you want to level like an absolute Giga Chad then this is a video that you want to be watching by the way guys if you subscribe to the channel we have a little bit of a raffle itching classic cheeky weapon progression guide that you can follow all the way on your leveling journey to make sure that your character is fully upgraded with the best gear that he can get now let's talk about how to get badges quickly if you're a Healer or a tank your best offer is doing a heroic World Tour since you can find groups so fast and remember to always pick up your daily dungeon quest for some extra badges now if you're a DPS and you haven't finished questing in icecrown then I'd recommend doing ice Crown quests which starts with the all fun and games Quest from the big flying ship whenever you're playing horde or reliance as a different name and obviously if you really try harder heroics on one day as a tank or healer or even as a DPS heroic World Tour then I would recommend going to icecrown after to get even more badges because these icecrown quests just throw badges at you sometimes you get five badges for just one Quest you also make about 500 gold per hour which would be good for you know spending on some enchanting consumes for your halts and if your DPS struggling to get groups you can do this questing route while waiting for a heroic group to invite you so let's talk about the best heirlooms that you can get for every single spec in class in the game firstly I wouldn't recommend to get the winter grass shoulder heirlooms as they are worse than the badge ones however for weapons in some cases are better or just as good so if you want to save time and you have stone keeper shards lying around might be better to buy the wintergrass weapons so let's go through other classes in alphabetical order the federal geode you want to get the leather shoulders and chest piece if you want to get the lava dredger the two-handed mace however if you want a level in Balance obviously the iron feather shoulders and the breastplate with either the badge or Shard mace but more or less just as good as each other and then obviously you want to get an off hand later on we'll talk about how you can get some good off hands death notices won't overplay gear I reforge true silver champion from the stone keeper shards that's actually better than the badge one however you can just skip getting the weapon in my humble opinion we'll talk about how to get yourself a really good weapon for the death knight much cheaper and much faster now for hunters what you want to get is the Herod shoulder but then you want to get the leather breastplate now the reason for that is because of the hit chance on the level game I'm actually going to recommend the leather gear for a number of classes because hit chance is ridiculously overpowered low level because you can't get it on gear and when you're not hitting an enemy you're not doing damage so hitchhunt very powerful low level and low level if you truly trying to min max what you want to do is actually get two daggers enchanted with fiery weapon and then use your bow later obviously that's a huge badge requirement so I don't recommend doing this if you have badges lying around or you just don't keep a shards to buy the winter grass dagger but the thing is guys low level like 1 to 20 fiery weapon is ridiculously overpowered particularly if you get enchanted on two weapons you will just melt mob so it is actually better just do that even as a hunter so your serpent sting if I'll go and smack him in the face with raptor sting and Mongoose bites Mage is pretty simple just go for dread mess gear and the staff you can also get the stone keeper one is not that much worse than the badge one for the paladini one plate shoulders and the leather chest then you want fresh blade if you go in protection Paladin which is what I would recommend or if you're leveling in red to obviously go for the arcanite Reaper of a true silver Champion that also isn't too bad for priest want to get dread missed and then the spell power mace because he can obviously equip a mace and get a good off hand for rogue you want the leather shoulders and chest obviously the thrash blade if anyone heart Seeker for the hit chance like I said before hit chance is very very good low level now you can also get the bow but that is very very sweaty in my opinion I wouldn't do it unless again you have batteries just lying around that you're not using shoulders ShadowCraft chest then you actually want Double Daggers again with fiery weapon with the heart Seeker as well because the hit rating is very good on those heart Seeker daggers warlock shoe on dread mist and the staff for worry won't plate shoulders and then leather chest again for the hit chance if anyone flash blade because you definitely want to be going protection Warrior while leveling now let's talk about the best end chance to get on these heirlooms now heirlooms in classic while act as if they are a level one item so only classic World of Warcraft enchants will work on them TVC and reflection ones will not work now for Melody PPS low level you want to get fire weapons so this is Level 1 to 20 but it might be good up until Level 30 just basically swap to the Crusader enchant when you feel like fire weapon is no longer as op as it should be this does actually include Hunters they want to get fire weapon low level but then later you want to get the double agility and chance because ideally as a hunter you want two daggers with two plus 15 agility entrance you can put scopes on your ranged weapon but you have to keep upgrading it as you have level requirements for instance you can start with a crude scope that will become active at level five even the sniper scope later at level 40 Etc now a pharaoh Druid can also take advantage of fire weapons since weapon and chance do work with feral Druids now however the Crusader enchant is so ridiculously strong for a feral Drew because they scale more on strength and other classes I would honestly just go for a crusader because it is that strong now you can actually get a shoulder enchant if you had a character you played in classic wow that got exalted with the zandalari tribe what you do is you buy the shoulder enchant on that character then send your heirloom to that character for him to apply it to the heirloom and then obviously send it to your alt bear in mind that it will only activate though at level 55 but it is a decent 30 attack power or spell power now since you can just buy enchanting villains off your auction house is also very very easy to keep pieces that are not heirlooms Enchanted and you can do it very very cheaply so firstly definitely want movement speed and chant on your boots to move around faster the only time you don't want that is if you have a class that has some kind of movements be it Talent or something like the Retribution Paladin on your gloves you can get agility strength or spell power on your clothing get agility I don't know your wrists you can get strength agility or spell power again now level 1 to 35 you can use the classic wow enchants then at level 35 or when you get level 35 gear you can actually use TBC enchants which is very strong low level and then when you get level 60 gear you can actually use ref Lich King enchants now let's talk about this mysterious gear that you can funnel to your alts which is very very powerful so whips don't keep a shards and the winter grass marks of Honor you can buy this item called the winter grass Commendation that grants 2 000 on it and you can send this to your alt use it on your alt and it grants them insane honor points without having to even do PVP and most people I imagine have load of stonekeeper shards just lying around anyway this means you can buy low-level PVP gear for The warsong Gulch a Raffi Basin and alteric Valley vendor then eventually the level 60 and 70 PVP gate of overload of 70 PVP gear might be a little too expensive now if you don't have time to farm badges for the alien weapons this is a good choice because you can get really good upgrades as you level up very very cheaply the only downside is you have to go back to the vendor every time since it's not in a major city It's actually an ocean Vale but with so many good gear pieces not just weapons you can even get epic gear at level 40 since a reputation requirement is no longer needed and obviously when you hit Level 60 you can very easily get a full set of Grand Marshal gear alongside your heirlooms and then when you get that Juiced up with ref Lich King enchants you will just melt no friend quick tip for casters remember that the outer value offhand actually has more spell power than the Grand Marshall one plus the Arturo Valley vendor does actually give you an epic ring that's only really useful for melee though since this one has a spell penetration on it and not spell power now when you hit Level 16 get these Grand martial weapons they will be better than your alien weapons for a few levels anyway you just have to be mindful of the stats and then you can pull your heirlooms back on plus the prop Warriors and prop Holdings can pick up a grand martial Shield that is very useful for AOE farming because it does have a little bit of a counteractive damage effect which is a good segue into my next topic we're going to be talking about AOE leveling methods now the leveling methods are going to cover are AOE leveling solo dungeon leveling events solo questing so first of all let's jump into AOE leveling my advice by the way is you can do any of these methods normally with most classes and I'd recommend mixing it up a little bit you know do a bit of AOE leveling that's very very fast but it's very very boring solo leveling is less boring more challenging but a game pretty boring and then obviously questing can be fun most of the time but then sometimes it can be frustrating my point is makes up all these different leveling methods so you don't get bored and you keep leveling fresh many classes other than the Mage can now take advantage of AOE leveling like a prop held in prop Warrior warlock boomkin priest and death knight some classes can begin to AOE level early for novice because it requires certain talents in order to make it viable and obviously some classes are going to be better than others by the way the Warlock doesn't categorically do a wee leveling they run around dotted mobs up and watching them melt just FYI before someone mentions that in the comment section so when can these classes AOE level the warrior can start at 22 pound in 21 warlock at 17 but it is much easier for them to start doing big pulls at level 40 with soul link and siphon life and also the glyphs priesta level 27 boomkin at 60 even though death knight could just do it straight away out of a starter area now obviously in these early levels like 20 to 30 you won't be able to pull many mobs the point is the higher level you get the more mobs you'll be able to pull but once every single class is at well the classes that I've mentioned are at level 40 AOE leveling is definitely going to be very strong now here are the AOE leveling areas that I would recommend FY I forgot to mention that obviously the Mage can start a Wheel Leveling at level 14. so 14 to 22 you can do the defies Trapper hyperspawn or the harpies in the Barons for The Horde 22 to 26 you want to go to the Westfall null camps 26 to 30 Hillsborough mine and also the Farms quite good too 30 to 33 you can do via Rafi basin barnyards 33 to 37 we want to head up to altarak with loads of mobs there for you to farm 33 to 40 you can also do door swallow camps where the murlocs are 40 to 45 you could do murlocs at Swamper Soros 43-50 Pirates of tenaris 50 to 54. you can do the undead near to your wind Camp 52-56 do any of the cauldron areas in Western plague lands 56 to 60 do herklin especially for mine loads of mobs there safes are 70 you can actually just do cabal mobs near or condoom also the interior locations like a shadow Vault are also quite good 68 to 76 you can do the seals and Howling Ford would buy of the way recommend jumping here straight away at 68 because it is about ridiculously good 76 to 78 You Can Do ventureco cams in charl lozar Basin I was pronounced that wrong and then 78 to 80 you can do malka's hold hyperspawn where the death knight mobs are now let's talk about dungeon soloing not every class can do this extremely well but here's a little bit of a tearless I've made for you know what classes can do solo dungeons quite competently so St is going to be warrior propiled in Mage and death Knights a would be priest wall or con to Druid be a bit of Shaman C would be the Rogue and these are the level ranges that I would recommend so 15 to 20 rage fire 17 to 23 dead mines 23 to 29 stockades horde can push sfk to 27 and then they can go to normalgon 27 30 and then 30 to 44 you can just do all of these Scala Monastery dungeons then you can push 50 with zulfur rack 50-60 BRD maybe a bit of low BlackRock Spire also 1670 just do blood furnace then 70 to 70 to 8 do Botanica and then you know when you hit 70a you can do you know the AOE Farm I've mentioned or just do some questing I would recommend doing question because you can get badges also while you're questing start getting some gear ready for raids and it can also obviously do these dungeons as a duo trio or as a five-man be sure to always pick up requests as well for some extra XP get the add-on Atlas Quest what this does it shows all the quests that you can get for every dungeon if it'll also show of a precise locations of where you pick up his quest with actual coordinates and the name of the mob that you pick it up from and Atlas will also show where to complete certain quests inside the instance I often recommend getting Nova instance tracker to track when you hit lockout and how much xp you can get per room now when it comes to solo questing this is definitely the best option for the Rogue hunter or Shaman personally if I was playing either freebus classes I would just be doing questing now first recommendation when it comes to solo questing is to get codex light this is a much more Superior leveling add-on than questing add-on vanquesty because it shows precise spawn locations on the map where particular mobs or items that you have to pick up spawn and it also has an inbuilt auto Quest turning and accept if you want to save a little bit more time with that another recommendation is to obviously get wrist XP if you haven't already this is the best leveling add-on for reflection classic that you can currently get is made by the best speed levelers of a game Who literally hold world record holding records the add-on will tell you exactly what to go give you all the information of how to complete quests so you don't have to you know fumble your thumbs trying to figure out a quest and also now has a little menu where you can quickly quick quick Jesus Christ that is quite a tongue twister quickly click your quest items for ease of access handy notes and handy notes NPCs is also very very useful for when you're in those situations where you need an ammo vendor or a repair vendor or reagent vendor you can just quickly find it on your map I would also recommend getting Titan panel this tracks your experience per hour so you can see you know if you're on track and what methods are working out best while you're leveling gavinate is also very underrated because you can use gavinate with data for gathermate to get chess locations which is something quite useful when you're leveling in the open world for a little bit of extra cheeky gold and the potential to get some good green items to actually equip on your character it also means that you don't need to play dwarf you should also begin LoudTronix Maps which is a much better map add-on and you can actually zoom in really really far if you edit in the settings which can be very useful to again like find Quest mobs or items on the map alongside the skittleatrix plus it has loads of great automation features also makes The Quest log wider and easier to read and will actually make you loot faster now let's talk about some good consumes I can get for leveling FYI my recommendation here is don't be buying loads of stuff off the auction house because if an item isn't really in high demand there's not going to be selling a lot on the auction house unless it's an item that people use to level their professions so what you can do is you know go and ask an alchemist in your guild to make you loads of potions to leveling it all and just buy the raw materials because sometimes they can be quite expensive on the auction house like for instance the classic wow elixirs and stuff because people aren't using them and people aren't buying them but nonetheless what I've added on this list should be fairly cost efficient so for melodps one to twenty you can get line strength 20 to 38 ogre strength 58 you can get Giants and then 50 to 17 you get major strength seven to eighty you can get Mighty strength now the 70 to 80 elixirs and flask or whatever are really really cheap because they drop from the little boxes that you get from quests to be honest you might not even have to buy them you can just get them from actual quests so unless you are doing some alternative leveling where you're not questing another prefer agility 1 to 18 you get minor agility 18 to 27 less of agility 27 to 38 is just agility even 3855 is greater agility 55 to 70 major agility you also may just want to get a flask because they persist through death and they actually are not that expensive remember to get sharpening Stones as well you can get upgrades for this at level five well they start level 55 then 15 25 35 and 60. now Shield spikes you can get the fell steel Shield Spike right all the way level 1 to 70 which is absolutely insane you can get a level 70 Shield Spike unlike the level like five Shield if you've got the gold I mean you know go ahead and do that because that's probably quite funny panels together to Turning one level 70 onwards but obviously that is very very expensive and probably skip that and obviously you can also get armor and troll blood potions for casters 10 to 37 you can get the Elixir wisdom and then 37 onward you can get your Arcane Elixir which is the spell power one then greater Arcane 47-50 then you can quickly replace that 50 to 70 with the Adept Elixir which is the TBC one ever 70 to 80 you've also got the very cheap spell power elixir even though we don't use webinars anymore in raiding and reflection we can still use them while leveling so at level five you can get a basic weapon oil you may as well use it and a level 30 40 55 and 58. I'm not sure whether weapon I'll stop working on heirlooms when that heirloom item level is high enough for it to stop working you'll have to try that out yourself scrolls are also incredibly underrated and they're just Dirt Cheap from the auction house now but people level their obscription by making them sometimes your own class buff will like override something you get from a scroll but you will always be able to make use out of at least one scroll if you're solo leveling like for instance a warrior getting a stamina scroll or Rogue getting the agility scroll and I'm pretty sure Warriors don't get commanding shout to much higher level so having a stamina scroll is very very useful now remember you can also use Scrolls on your pets so be mindful about hunters and warlocks also obviously remember your health and Mana part so you can get cheap stamina food while leveling up also on the auction house because again people just grind up those materials to level up their cooking 60 onwards you can get better buff food like the roasted cleft hoof for strength the warp burger for agility or a black and basilisk for spell power technically can actually get better stat food lower level but again because it's not really being made by anyone because no one's you know raiding classic wild raids anymore it's very very expensive and not worth it especially as a lot of this buff food only lasts 15 minutes remember it's also worth leveling first day for your bandages if you are worried about backspace you can just send everything from your bank hold to your old that you're leveling and then just keep it in the mail and then just pick up when you need a you know a Top-Up of whatever consumes that you are using and obviously it goes without saying you should give your all you know a full stack of frostwave bags or the cheaper option never weave bags now by the way guys if you don't want to keep coming back to this video and scanning through it for all of the information I have actually made a big Google Drive spreadsheet with all the information in this video all you have to do is become a member of a channel and then from there send a DM to my admin on Discord he is called the goblin Chief with evidence how you become a member you'll see examples of what you should be screenshotting to use as supporting evidence remember my admin is actually a real person it's not a bot or anything so he's not going to respond to you like straight away anyway guys that's going to be the end of the video there my name is meta Goblin into my next video ciao thank you foreign
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 186,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk classic mage leveling guide, wotlk classic warrior leveling guide, wotlk classic rogue leveling guide, wotlk classic warlock leveling guide, wotlk classic druid leveling guide, wotlk classic hunter leveling guide, wotlk classic death knight leveling guide, wotlk classic priest leveling guide, wotlk classic shaman leveling guide, wotlk classic paladin leveling guide
Id: RrTyiLIICz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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