MMORPG Tier List 2024 - The Best MMOs and the Ones To AVOID

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this is going to be a brutally honest MMO tier list let me know if you agree or disagree with my rankings I've made some big changes to this tier list based on the decisions of the developers over the last year as we head into 2024 so the first game we're going to talk about is World of Warcraft classic which has benefited from those adjustments thanks to the actions of Blizzard over the last year launched in 2019 wild classic is a relaunch of the original game despite this it's one of the largest MMOs in the world sitting behind only a few MMOs in terms of player based size it's a classic take on the MMO experience minimal cash shop gear is earned in game weapon Cosmetics can be earned in game mounts can be earned in game it's everything I could hope for in an MMO last year I put it in a tier because I was worried wild classic might be forgotten by blizzard but the opposite has happened blizzard announced Classic's next expansion they added classic hardcore as well as sell found but perhaps most importantly they added Classic Plus known as season of Discovery it's wild classic but with a Twist they are changing the classes and they're adding new content wild classic is currently the talk of the genre this year I'm going to be moving wild classic up to S tier because blizzard has tripled down on it they're putting so much work into this game so much development time and they're even adding new content to the game I mean you're going to be able to go in there and play a new raid that didn't exist before so this is going to be awesome for the wild classic community and it's going to make it definitely worth going back and revisiting if you're not still burnt out on it from the last time you played it next up we have ion released in 2009 in the East and 2010 in the west ion saw great success in Korea but just couldn't seem to retain its players here in the west it went free toplay in 2012 and with that change came pay for convenience and pay to win transactions this game was so unique when it launched it was gorgeous and gliding around the zones was just a ton of fun the game is now a shell of its former self and might be fun to play for Nostalgia but it's no longer the game that launched back in 2010 the game when it launched would have easily been B tier or possibly even a tier on those first few weeks there but today I'm going to have to go ahead and put it in C here with the monetization and everything else that's going on with it now it might be fun to revisit for a little bit and ride that Nostalgia but it's not going to be great for a lot more than that today next up we have one of the newer MMOs and a definite rising star in the MMO genre and that's going to be albian online albian online is a free-to-play MMO RPG launched in 2017 and has done a good job of growing its player base it's a classless MMO in which the gear you wear determines the abilities you use it's got a massive passive tree to work your way through this is the best full loot PVP MMO available if you're looking for one it's on a fantastic trajectory with 5 years of player growth in a row and it keeps getting better so because of all of the great progress this game has made over the last year and the fact that it's continuing to grow year overy year I'm going to be bumping this MMO up from B tier to a tier particularly for you PVP Mains out there if you're a PVE main then your mileage may vary now let me take a second to tell you about Zena Zone zero real quick if you're tired of opening up steam and looking at the same old list of games that you've been burn out on for way too long you're in luck oy overse has a brand new action role playing game for you to try zenis Zone zero is a highquality urban fantasy action role playing game coming to Beta very soon and they have kindly sponsored this video Zen Zone zero features unique characters each armed with their own set of weapons and skills allowing you to switch between different combat Styles game combines a unique stylized art Style with a fantastic soundtrack to enhance your journey as you explore this world the game keeps the combat exciting by giving it a dynamic and cinematic feel that brilliantly combines the game's exciting action and exhilarating visuals in fact that's my favorite part the way the visuals and the flow of combat come together it's smooth it's fastpaced and it's punchy simply put the combat just feels good so if you want something fun and new to try if you want to discover the hype for yourself make sure to click the link in the description and register for the beta test again be sure to use the link in the description below to check out this awesome new action role playing game for yourself thanks for listening now let's get back to the video next up we have archage and this one's pretty important archage launched in Korea in 2013 and in the West in 2014 archage is a sand Park MMO RPG that was known for featuring a massive explorable ocean a crime and punishment system a combo based tab targeting system and it launched really well but they completely failed to prevent cheaters and then often times the people that weren't cheating were multiboxing and abusing the game's labor system it was an MMO with so much wasted potential that it's part of the reason ashes of creation is being worked on today however archage 2 is also in development so that means ashes is going to have a bit of competition unless archage 2 is also pay to win in which case AOC will have pretty free reign over this genre of MMO but back to arcage 1 the game is well past its prime and it's pay to win so for me the best I'm going to be able to put it at is AC next we have Black Desert online which launched in 2015 and is still one of the most beautiful MMOs out there today it's often braised for its combat and its graphics with the primary downside of this MMO being a significant lack of group content for the players to enjoy the most recent expansion added a lot of great PVE content for players who are looking for more to do outside of the PVP side of things in recent years the game has changed Publishers and has seen a lot of things that were overtly pay to win removed from the game it's also added a lot of quality of life to the game that you previously had to pay for so because of the changes the developers making to the game and because of the great content continuing to be added to the game I'm going to go ahead and raise B from B tier to a tier next up we've got bless unleash launched in 2020 they keep remaking it and re-releasing it but it never survives is it the Pay to Win is it the lack of depth maybe it's all of the above there just seems to be a lot missing from bless Unleashed and its predecessors and it might be time to make something entirely new as a result of all of this bless unleash has shut down entirely so the best we're going to be able to do for this one is put it in the D tier here next up we have an old but important MMO to discuss and I left this one off my list last time and you guys rightfully called me out on it so here we go we're going to add it in and that's going to be Dark Age of Camelot released in 2001 this game was one of the pioneers of open world PVP done right in the MMO scene Dark Age of Camelot left a mark on the MMO genre more visible than almost any other MMO today it's triaction open world Siege Warfare system was so popular that it was the foundation for PVP and massive MMOs like Elder Scrolls Online War Hammer online and Guild Wars 2 you can still play daoc today it still boasts a small but loyal player base it's far from its prime but it could be fun to go back and play for Nostalgia sakes so I'm going to go ahead and put Dark Age of camela in the seats here next up we have DC Universe Online a superhero MMO that I never quite got into launched in 2011 I have yet to get into superhero MMOs myself I'm not sure why but they've never called me like fantasy and sci-fi MMOs have I do recognize that a good number of people did enjoy this game however and some some still continue to enjoy it today and servers are still up and running for it so we'll go ahead and put this one here at C tier it's still something that you can go and play if you never had a chance to or you can go back to and just ride that Nostalgia wave one more time next up we have Elion an absolute mess nothing has really changed for this one it launched pay to win and unfortunately for it it wasn't good enough for players to want to spend time in the world in spite of that it launched an Unreal Engine 3 while modern MMOs were releasing an Unreal Engine 5 and the graphics were at best but in most staming of all for this MMO is that no one's playing the game because it shut down entirely the cash shop was full of creative problem to sell you the solution and they didn't do a great job disguising that the combat was actually decent and as always I can't help but wonder what kind of success it might have had if it focused on creating a good experience instead of getting you to open your wallet unfortunately for Ellen they didn't do that and so the game was shut down in less than a year in the west and then it was shut down everywhere else in 2023 the MMO was a spectacular cautionary tale of what happens if your MMO is too pay to win and for all of these reasons we're going to have to go ahead and place it in the D tier and if I could I would put this one even lower than that next up we have one of today's MMO behemoths and that's going to be Elder Scrolls Online launched in 2014 Elder Scrolls Online is a solid MMO that I've got a lot of hours in it's got incredible dungeons amazing voice acting and a lot of stuff you'll love from the Elder Scrolls franchise since the last time I made an MMO tier list ESO has seen a lot of improvements in some of the critical areas over the last year ESO has seen a lot of great additions to the game it had a massive new expansion where they added a brand new class that the community has absolutely loved it has also added some significant earnable rewards to the game such as some new mounts and these were my biggest scripes about ESO leading up to this year so it's great to see them tackling them the game features an action combat system making it a love it or hate it point of interest for a lot of players just watch out for those loot crates they're tighter than a superhero spandex so if you're looking for an amazing story-driven MMO with great voice acting and no subscription then there's not really a better option out there than Elder Scrolls online and for this Recon we're going to go ahead and put it in the a tier next up we've got another oldie but a goodie it's Eve online Eve online launched in 2003 and is a great game that's still getting tons of support from its developers two decades after its launch not too long ago they overhauled the new player experience drastically improving the first few hours of the game for new players there are a lot of people who absolutely love this game and have spent tons of time in it and while I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the game it does not check a lot of the boxes that I personally want to check when I play an MMO it lacks The Dungeons and the raids that are core to my MMO experience however what it lacks in Dungeons and raids it makes up for with large scale PVP battles in space which is amazing Evon line is a great game being supported by its developers today but it is a very Niche game and for this reason we're going to go ahead and put it here in the B TI here next up we've got one of the grandfathers of the MMO genre and that's going to be ever Quest on online launched in 1999 there's not a lot to say about EverQuest that hasn't already been said it's a classic it's one of the forefathers of the MMO genre before a while when no one knew what an MMO was EverQuest was there forging its path it still has a community although it's a small one it was the king of the genre in its prime but it's old now and has long since handed over its Crown it was great in its day but could never be my main MMO today EverQuest is a game that carries a ton of great memories for people and once upon a time it was the MMO to play today however it's a small community with small updates and it's probably best enjoyed as a little trip down Nostalgia Lane it's not going to be something that's going to be your main MMO for a long period of time and for that reason I'm going to put it in the C category all right next up we have a little bit of a sad update for this one and that's going to be Final Fantasy 11 a game that I had previously rated really well despite its age however it was announced this year that the game was going to enter maintenance mode servers will be kept up but the support moving forward will be limited the stated reason was so that the developers attached to this old game could basically move on from this aging MMO and move forward with their careers by joining some exciting other projects at Square Enix when it launched in 2002 this game was brutal if someone in the group accidentally pulled one extra caterpillar that was it they had effectively cost the group hours of experience the XP loss on death the arduous Journey back to your group's grinding spot Final Fantasy 11 was unforgiving and insanely fun back in its prime today it's a lot more forgiving and a lot more casual and really nothing like it used to be it servers are still running and it still boasts a decent player base but for the vast majority of players it's long been replaced by Final Fantasy 14 unlike many of the old MMOs that were kept active after their Prime Final Fantasy 11 did not engage in predatory and pay to win monetization it's still to this day a sub toplay MMO with no cash up absolutely amazing I wish we saw more MMOs AG thisg gracefully I previously had Final Fantasy and beats here thanks to the fact that it was still getting updates and and it wasn't horribly monetized but now with it going into maintenance mode I think it's probably time to drop this old dog down here into the C tier it's going to be a game that's fun to go back to and revisit for the Nostalgia but it's probably not going to be your main MMO anymore now that it's no longer getting significant updates next up another Titan in the genre and that's going to be Final Fantasy 14 originally launched in 2010 with a spectacular Crash and Burn before relaunching in 2013 it wasn't a spectacular Crash and Burn because it crashed but because it relaunched in 2013 with such great success Final Fantasy is one of the beacons all budding MMOs should aspire to it has one of the best story experiences of all MMOs it has exciting trials with the bosses and stages transforming during the battle all while an epic soundtrack that was made just for that fight rages on in the background but not just that Final Fantasy 14 also treats its players like people there's no predatory monetization no Loop boxes no pay to win no create a problem and sell the solution the best mounts are earned in game the best weapon Cosmetics are earned in game houses are bought with in-game guil the game doesn't even have a cash up inside of it you have to leave the game in order to open a web browser and view the cash up there Final Fantasy 14 watched as other MMOs over monetize their games and chose not to it has a new expansion coming out in 2024 with two new classes Final Fantasy 14 isn't slowing down and whether or not it's your cup of tea you have to admit that it's doing a lot right and it's treating its Community the way you would want to be treated by your favorite MMO and for that reason we're going to go ahead and put it in the S tier and on top of all that it is one of the most popular MMOs out right now next up we have Guild Wars 1 launched in 2005 Guild Wars 1 was a fantastic MMO in its day and it still has a respectable number of players playing it today it's definitely showing its age these days and is long past its prime but if you were a fan of the game way back when it might be fun to revisit for Nostalgia sake the servers are still up and running and it holds up reason well despite its age with minimal pay to win while it still has people playing it today it's probably not as many as you'd like to make the world feel alive and to make finding party members easy I'm going to go ahead and put Guild Wars 1 into the C tier for nostalgia's sake I could almost see myself putting it into the B tier just because of how well it's held up though next up we have Guild Wars 2 which launched in 2012 and is probably one of the biggest underrated MMOs out there Guild Wars 2 is free to play with purchasable expansions so it's incredibly affordable to get into unfortunately that also means a lot of the most exciting cosmetic progression is rolled into the cash shop but not all of it by any means the Legendary Weapons you can Farm in game look gorgeous it has by far the best mounts of any game I've played and it's not even close well World of Warcraft is trying to close that Gap by literally adding their mounts into it but Guild Wars 2 has mounts that can fly mounts that can jump super high mounts that can go underwater it's amazing on top of that it has some of the best Zone design of any MMO I've experienced in its newer zones the solo content experience is is fantastic and the group content is solid the main quest line is fully voice acted both for the NPCs you talk to and your character Guild Wars 2 is still adding tons of content to the game still has a massive player base so if you're looking for a buy tolay MMO that doesn't require a subscription it's going to be tough to beat Guild Wars I 2 for this reason I'm going to go ahead and put Guild Wars 2 in the a tier next up we have Lineage 2 launched in 2003 Lineage 2 was an amazing game and its prime it was a gorgeous subscription based MMO with amazing Castle sieges and raids it was one of the games that inspired ashes of creation and you can still see a lot of it in the UI of Ashes of creation today unfortunately today Lineage 2 is a Pay to Win mess a shell of its former self it could be a fun game to revisit for the Nostalgia but it's not getting massive updates anymore like it used to and so for that reason it's going to go ahead and go into the C category a game that's great for Nostalgia and probably not much else he says next up we have Lord of the Rings Online which launched in 2007 and is's another MMO that I'm going to be changing its rating in this tier list this year for being a 2007 MMO it doesn't look half bad I think the main reason it didn't do better is because it didn't seem to do anything better than all the other tab Target MMOs out there plus it was launched in the middle of Wow's Prime so I never really got into it like I did with so many of the other MMOs on this list I think if you're looking for something different to try and you're burnt out on the biggest MMOs out right now there are enough people playing this to get into it and have some fun for a while this old dog is still getting updates and it's reasonably monetized and for that reason I'm going to go ahead and move it up from C tier to B tier this year next up we have L Arc which launched in 2022 Lark is a fantastic game that I thoroughly enjoyed my time in for a while I did hit a pay wall however where you eventually are forced to buy materials from the cash shop or to create alts to do the same dailies every day which can end up feeling like a job really fast it's got housing and sailing great Zone completion activities amazing Dungeons and raids I had a lot of fun with this game this this is the game where the combat felt so good and the boss fights were so fun I could almost put it into s tier but because of the monetization and the ways that it holds the game back the best that I can do for Los Arc now is put it into a tier next up we have mortal online which launched in 2021 with full loot PVP this game doesn't have a whole lot that it makes you do as it relies on players to provide their own content which can be a lot of fun look at games like Runescape or Lineage 2 for example tons of player made content great games in their time I think if the combat wasn't so janky this MMO could prove to be a lot of fun but it's got directional Mouse swinging combat that I just can't get into if you play MMOs solely for the PVP and you enjoy full loot you should probably give this one a try if the combat looks fun to you but for me personally I'm going to have to put mortal online in the D tier the janky combat and the full loot PVP just aren't a combination of activities that I'm looking for in my MMO next up we've got never winter online which launched in 2013 and it was a solid addition to the MMO genre when it launched even by by today's standards is still a decent game but as often times is the case with MMOs as they age the monetization has gotten quite questionable many calling it pay to win at this point it's a decent MMO it's probably fun to go back and revisit for the Nostalgia but because of the monetization it's going to be really hard to make this one my main game and for that reason I'm going to go ahead and put this in the C tier next up we've got new world which launched in 2021 but probably should have launched in 2023 this is a game that I had a lot of fun with at launch until I ran out of things to do they're just wasn't enough PVE content and there were too many recycled assets ranging from enemies to entire towns new world suffered through a pretty rough launch but it has taken the feedback from the community and is committed to doing its best to fix all the issues with the game so far they've done a good job and made great strides the game is 2 years old now and night and day better than it was at launch the completely free expansion that came out added an entire new massive Zone and a new weapon the great sword then a paid expansion came out and added mounts which perhaps should have been in the game since launch but hey progress is progress the monetization of the game is very fair as it's a buy to playay with no sub they did however add a battle pass that is optional I really enjoyed exploring the world in new world and I hope to see it continue to improve the future of this game looks promising the monetization is completely above board and the developers seem committed to making it a great game so I'm going to go ahead and put new world into the a tier next up we've got one of the most popular MOs out right now and it needs no introduction that's going to be old school RuneScape old school RuneScape is certainly one of the Titans in the industry and also one of the most unique entries RuneScape launched back in 2001 it was a browser MMO and somehow became one of the most popular MMOs in history RuneScape was the only MMO to get anywhere near Wild's player based size in its prime clearly it did a lot right but I had a computer that could run much more immersive MMOs like wow Final Fantasy Elder Scrolls and as a result I never found the time to get lost in RuneScape but as the years pass that's something I hope to change with millions of players still logging into the game with fair monetization and still receiving sizable expansions today this game is a really tough one for me to place on one hand I want to put old school RuneScape into s tier on the other hand look at it is this truly the Pinnacle of MMO immersion it's a tough decision for me but it is literally competing with World of Warcraft for the title of most played MMO in the world right now old school RuneScape also listens to the player base more than any other MMO by literally letting the players vote on what is and isn't added to the game what old school RuneScape lacks in graphics it makes up for with everything else so we're going to go ahead and raise old school RuneScape up to S tier this time next up we've got Rift which launched in 2011 it was a solid entry but it fizzled out quite quickly it was good but it wasn't great a lot of people talk fondly of the game and some of its Unique Systems but with all the other better MMOs out there I never found the time to make Rift my main MMO and today I might be able to visit it for a week but I don't think I could do much more of it than that so so the best I'm going to be able to give Rift is a c next up we have a pretty interesting one and that's going to be RuneScape 3 RuneScape 3 is the less popular RuneScape it has an odd combat system that tried to move its animations forward but held on to its Old Slow tick rate making everything feel a bit disjointed this and a host of other changes caused many players to go back to what is called old school RuneScape while this game is still quite popular the monetization of it and the Really underwhelming graphics and combat make this one hard to put any higher than a be for me it is still getting frequent updates so it's still in a lot better shape than any of the MMOs I'm putting in the C category next up we have Star Trek Online which launched in 2010 and you can still play this game today it was always decent never amazing but is definitely one of the more unique entries into the genre it's not the most thriving MMO in the world but you can still enjoy a lot of it solo if you're looking for a little journey through a Sci-Fi MMO if you're a big fan of Star Trek or you're a fan of sci-fi OS which are criminally underrepresented in the genre then Star Trek is probably worth going back and having a little fun with for a time so I'll go ahead and toss it into the Beats here next up we have a kind of sad one that's also possibly kind of happy and let me explain we're going to be talking about swor which launched in 2011 it has a fantastic single player campaign with a great story it's got Star Wars and lightsabers and allaround was a great addition to the genre it did ultimately end up lacking in the group gameplay department when compared to its per last year I lowered swor to a b because it felt like the developer was putting the game into maintenance mode that was eventually more or less confirmed when they later announced that they were handing SWOT tour off to another developer to maintain still Star Wars has some of the best story content in any MMO with branching pads and different endings based on your choices making it still worth trying if you haven't yet and for that reason I'll go ahead and put swor into a b category and let me go ahead and put on my tin foil half for a second maybe swart is being handed off and put into maintenance mode because there's a new Star Wars MMO on the horizon being worked on by someone somewhere behind the scenes there's definitely rumors about exactly that happening so fingers crossed next up we have Sky Forge which launched in 2015 it was pay to win and mediocre at launch and it's pay to win mediocre and dead today it was a game that simply wasn't good bad monetization pay to win and everything that you don't want to see in an MMO wrapped in an attractive bow and for that reason we're going to go ahead and put it at the D category I really probably should put an F tier on this next time because I feel like Mortal online doesn't deserve to be grouped with these MMOs down here yeah I think next time I'm going to have an F tier for MMOs that are really the worst offenders because mortal online doesn't deserve that it shouldn't be with these three MMOs they're actually trying to make a good MMO next up we have an MMO that kind of broke my heart this one had so much potential and that's going to be Terra online which launched in 2011 and was a gorgeous MMO at the time best known for its fantastic feeling combat the game was plagued with a lot of problems and ultimately was turned into a game that you could hardly recognize group content became solo content leveling became compressed monetization was cranked through the roof and updates stopped until it was finally just completely shut down in its prime it had a lot of really cool ideas and was a fun MMO to visit but what exists now is far from what it was if you can find a server to play on it might be fun to revisit for the Nostalgia and to remember what it once was but in the state the developers ended up putting it in it's never going to be an MMO I can main again and for that reason the best we can do is SE here next up we have an honorary mention and that's going to be for Ultima Online which launched in 1997 it's one of the four fathers of the MMO genre it's long past its prime now but it's definitely left its Mark there's still thousands of players logging in to play this game every day which is insanely impressive when you consider its age but it's old it's really old and it shows both in its gameplay and its Graphics it'd be fun to jump in and play play for a few days to relive The Nostalgia or to see what everyone else was talking about when they bring it up but it's not an MMO I can Main in the modern day so for that reason I'm going to go ahead and put it in the SE here something that was probably a lot of fun back in the day something that might be fun to visit for the Nostalgia but not something that holds up terribly while by today's standards next up we've got Warhammer online which launched in 2008 Warhammer was a solid entry into the genre but it was outclassed by a lot of its old school MMO peers and for that reason it shut down it tried to carry the triaction war torch previously held by Dark Age of Camelot the problem is Elder Scrolls Online did a better job of carrying that same torch when it came out you can still play it on a private server for a trip down memory lane and it's surprisingly not paid to win which means it's probably more fun to revisit than a lot of the old MMOs on this list unfortunately server performance on the private Warhammer servers isn't great and for that reason I'm going to say that it's best as a trip down Nostalgia Lane and probably not much more than that today next up we have retail wow which launched in 2004 and is the most successful MMO of all time with blizzard boasting that the game had over 10 million concurrent subscriber and over 100 million accounts created all the way back in 2014 with many many more since no MMO comes close to the success that this MMO saw in its prime while it's far from its prime today it's still one of the most polished and complete MMOs today competing for the number one spot with Final Fantasy 14 and old school RuneScape it's an old game and it's been bleeding players for a long time now as a result like the rest of them but it's hard to dispute the evidence more people have enjoyed this MMO than any other MMO in the world and it's just announced not one but three new expansions on the horizon it even brought Chris Metson back to drive this machine in other words blizzard is still investing a ton of money into this old MMO making it hard for other MMOs to put out as much content and as polished content as World of Warcraft is and for this reason reason we're going to go ahead and keep retail World of Warcraft at s tier next up we've got Wizard 101 which launched in 2008 and was the first MMO for a lot of players today it featured a unique type of combat that revolved around collecting decks of cards and using those to fight your way through battles it has farming fishing housing and you name it it still has an active player base and it still gets tons of updates today while being reasonably monetized so for these reasons we'll go ahead and put it in the B tier it's an old MMA but it is still fairly monetized and it's still getting updates today so it might be something that you can go back and enjoy if it looks like your kind of thing next up we have an MMO light which is called wayfinder which launched in 2023 into its Early Access wayfinder has planned its full launch for 2024 this game is going to be a solid entry into the free-to-play scene it's an MMO light meaning it's part action RPG and part MMO you can do dungeons with other players and you can see them in the open world but it's it's not quite a full-fledged MMO it's a young game still in its Early Access so it's still quite light on content which means it success is going to be largely determined not by what's in the game now but what the developers choose to add to the game over the next year right now in its Early Access wayfinders is going to fall into about the B tier and if they keep adding great content it can easily see itself climbing into the a tier so if you're looking for a free-to-play game definitely check out wayfinder next up we've got Blade and Soul released in the West in 20 16 in its prime it was a great game with great combat although way too instance for my taste there were too many small zones for it to feel like a truly open world MMO the more load screens I experienced the less an MMO feels like an MMO the game was solid and it was gorgeous for its time but today it's probably best described as an almost dead pay to win MMO and so for that reason the best I can do for this one is put it into the C tier last up we have a really interesting one and that's going to be thrown in Liberty this one has the potential to make a lot of us really happy or really sad depending on if it lives up to our hopes or if it doesn't and judging by the beta well gosh that's really up in the air now roner and Liberty had a public beta in 2023 and the world hated it it was not pretty the game featured autoplay offline play and every bad idea you could imagine throwing into a full-blown MMO NC soft the developer and publisher of the game even had their stock price take a hit as a result of the beta's bad reception fortunately the story doesn't end there as the developers heard the feedback and have since said they would be removing all autoplay and offline play from the game they also improved combat to make it less stiff and I'm really throwing this game on here for fun right now because technically I haven't played the final version of it yet so we don't know where it's going to land with a scheduled Western release happening later in 20124 we still don't know how this game is going to play out is it going to be as paay to win as other NC soft games that are out right now if thrown in Liberty feels like a PC game I can see it doing well based on how the beta went I'm going to put throne and Liberty at B tier with with high hopes that NC soft doeses enough to move this one up into a tier and if the monetization is good enough then hey who knows maybe we'll see it hit s tier someday but for right now it's going to have to go into B tier all right guys that wraps up this MMO tier list let me know if you think I got something completely wrong or I forgot an important MMO MMO tier list are super subjective so if you disagree with me I won't take it personally I fully intend on you two I just rated something like 33 MMOs so it's very unlikely that we're all going to have the exact same op opion about all of those games a massive shout out to my YouTube channel members thank you so much for joining the channel and supporting it in the way that you do if you want to go above and beyond and support this channel be sure to click the join button down below for perks like access to a private Discord Channel and to have your name appear at the end of every YouTube video if you're not sure what to do next check out this great MMO video popping up on screen right [Music] now [Music] oh
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 504,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best mmorpg, best mmo 2023, mmorpg free to play, popular mmo, popular mmorpg, most popular mmorpg 2023, mmo tier list 2023, mmorpg 2023, mmo 2023, mmo 2024, mmorpg 2024, mmorpg tier list 2024, best mmo 2024, wow, wow classic, ff14, osrs, aion, albion online, eso, throne and liberty, best mmorpg 2023, best mmorpg 2024, Guild wars 2, new world, black desert online, eve online, swtor, star wars the old republic, runescape 3, most played mmos, best mmorpg games
Id: rY0zUGIoRpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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