Top 17 Gold Farms YOU Need to Know About in WotLK

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foreign [Music] and high-priced items available for purchase and wrath you're probably wondering what the best ways to make gold iron wrath there is an incredible amount of high priced items and wrath such as The Travelers Tundra Mammoth which costs 20 000 gold along with all the Argent tournament mounts which add up to another 2 500 gold and may Francis in dalaran has even more mounts which add up to another 3500 gold the machiner's chopper will cost anywhere from ten thousand to fifteen thousand to craft two and this is just if you're collecting mounts there's cold weather flying for a thousand gold the dalaran teleport ring is really handy and that's 8 000 gold dual spec is a thousand gold Harris pilton sells a bag called the portable hole which is a 24 slot bag for 3 000 gold and if you want to power level up your professions that's going to be super expensive so with all that said you'll need to find a few reliable ways to generate gold consistently throughout Wrath of the Lich King and my goal with this video is to give you a huge list of farming methods for you to take a look at you know listen to and choose the ones that sound the most fun to you and if you like the video don't forget to give it a like and a subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the next one first up coming in at number 17 we have skinning now anytime I make a new character and I plan on just leveling and avoiding professions I always just get skinning anyways because it's free extra gold while you level because while you're leveling you're gonna end up killing beasts at some point and skinning in Wrath like in vanilla and TBC it just integrates with what you're already doing so for that reason you know I think a lot of people know this and choose skinning as a profession even if they're just to get to max level as fast as they can but since so many people are going to go skinning that usually drives down the price of leather on the auction house it's simple supply and demand right so in some cases you know it might just be better to vendor the leather that you're getting from skinning while you're leveling but this is not always the case so you know compare the vendor price to auction house price before you make any moves now I recommend some add-ons for this I love TSM that stands for trade skill master and there's also an add-on called vendor price so you know exactly how much things are going to sell for on a fresh server you'll probably be vendoring it in my opinion but on an established High population server where there's probably some level of inflation you'll probably make more on the auction house now speaking of vendoring I also recommend the pawn add-on it'll show you item upgrades but more importantly for gold making if none of the items that that are rewarded from a quest are an upgrade it will immediately show you which item will vendor for the most gold so that actually saves you time looking at the different vendor prices mousing them over so you can just immediately pick that item that sells for the most and I also recommend the leatrix add-on it will automatically sell all vendor trash in your bags that's the gray quality items they have no purpose and it just sells them all like automatically it's really cool and in my opinion makes wow even more addicting just seeing that all Auto Sell and it gives you a summary of how much gold you made from vendor trash so it's really really cool all right coming up at number 16 is common items while leveling now if you do get leotrix there will be a bunch of items that are white Rarity which is also known officially as common Rarity in your inventory after the vendor trash Auto Sales and you just look at it and you're like what even is this thing and most people probably just vendor them right but some items like specifically Northern items like iceweb spider silk for example it drops off mobs and can actually sell for way way more than the vendor price and there are a bunch of them the Dark Water clam which you'll find will open up and yield succulent clam meat North Sea pearls even Sirens tears and these are actually super valuable for putting on the auction house you'll also inevitably find Scrolls of strength or really any stat and this is going to be more valuable on the auction house than to a vendor you'll also run into things that are quite obvious like the runic Mana or healing potions you can also list those on the auction house while you level and you're also bound to run into crystallized life or any of the other crystallized elements these are the exact same as moats back in TBC so hang on to them they're worth a lot crystallized fire earth air water Shadow and so on are all used to turn into their Eternal counterpart which is the equivalent of a primal from TBC so don't sell these common items mail them back to a bank alt and list them on the auction house to make some much better gold than if you were to vendor it okay coming up next at 15 is questing at max level which is level 80. quests will give you extra gold instead of experience points when you're at max level for fresh Realms this would be a great method for making gold some of the other methods will make you more gold faster but it might be more mind-numbing because with questing it can be more fun because you know you're you're doing quests they give you some direction some lore and it could be a good change of pace from just mindlessly farming the same exact mob for example the calculation for wrath is experience given by the quest multiplied by six and that's how much copper you will get from the experience you would have gotten so if a quest for example would give you something like 22 000 experience instead you'll get around 13 gold so this method can yield thousands of gold if you do the quests in areas where the quests are near max level places like storm peaks or ice Crown are definitely some good choices all right coming in at number 14 we have daily quests now you can find a lot of daily quests in northrend there's a bunch in storm peaks with the sons of houdir the dailies at brunhildar Village there's also the Oracles in sholazar Basin ice crown with the Argent tournament and of course profession daily quests and so many more these will get a bit mind-numbingly boring because you know they're the same quests over and over every single day but they are a good source of consistent gold so more dailies include Battleground dailies cooking dailies fishing dailies there's also dungeon dailies and heroic dailies which by the way were in fact removed in patch 330 because of dungeon finder they actually were removed in place of dungeon finder but since we know that we will not be getting dungeon finder in classic Wrath of the Lich King you can expect that these dailies will be in the game when wrath classic launches there's also three new world PVP dailies now available at Venture Bay this is the equivalent of something like broken Hill or the Overlook in Hellfire the faction in control of venture Bay will also get access to a fourth PVP daily Quest and an NPC which you can buy gear with honor points from so there's some incentive to control Venture Bay let's also not forget the seasonal dailies like Brewfest hollow's end and mid-summer fire Festival you'll actually really want to do these in my opinion each season because if you do you'll be rewarded with the Violet Proto Drake from the achievement what a strike what a long strange trip it's been this is one of the few mounts in Wrath that moves at 310 flying speed now like in TBC wrath has a lot of dailies and you're going to get a decent amount of gold per Daily it's not the fastest method in the world but it's an easy one to check off your list each day okay coming in at number 13 we have spellweave Moon shroud and ebbenweave if you're a tailor you can craft these special cloths which are used in End Game recipes each of these will go for anywhere from 40 to 200 gold or more depending on your server's supply and demand now crafting it is on a four day cool down which is a big reason why these items are valuable they're going to be scarce however because of the cooldown this isn't a super great gold making strategy because it can't be masked it can't be farmed it's time gated right but it is another stream of gold for you every so often so if you're Taylor and you don't want to forget to craft them each chance you get since it's a good source of gold you know I recommend maybe mark your calendar put a reminder you know a timer somewhere just so you don't forget and it's also much easier to craft these in Wrath compared to the TBC version for one it's only one type of Eternal per cloth instead of multiple and you can make them all in the same Zone which is Dragon blight TBC had you running around a shadow Moon Valley then all the way to Nether storm and then you gotta go find a moon well so it was definitely not as convenient as it is now in Wrath of a Lich King so you should definitely do this if you're a tailor alright coming in at number 12 is frostwave bags so there's another tailoring gold making method but everyone needs decent bags and people will definitely have multiple characters in Wrath these 20 slot bags aren't super hard to make but they are a bit harder than the entry-level TBC bag was to make these are going to require imbued netherweave bolts which require infinite dust but with it being harder to make it will definitely go for more than the netherweave bags went for I predict somewhere between maybe 60 to maybe 80 gold a pop since it's the cheapest wrath Lich King bag to buy for the amount of slots you get now you might think wow it's a lot of gold but each expansion gold it gets inflated it becomes easier to come by so it might sound like a lot but these bags are pretty economic depending on the supply and demand of your server those prices of course will vary and more often than not they'll probably be an oversupply so the price will maybe even be on the cheaper side but still most people will be buying these so you can net some profit especially since wrath is the expansion with heirlooms so there will be a ton of incentive for players to level multiple characters and with multiple characters you're gonna have to get those bags so you can definitely capitalize that on that by supplying all their bags okay number 11 we have prospecting and cutting gems now gems are needed for putting into gear with sockets and you can make a lot of money as a jewel crafter by just buying gems off the auction house cutting them and then re-listing them and I really mean that because getting the recipes for certain gems involves doing dailies and the only way you can get those recipes for those cuts is by purchasing them from Dollar on with Dollar on jewelcrafters tokens which is either from dailies or Titan steel dust so um you know especially early on in the expansion certain Cuts will be super lucrative and not only is it lucrative but it's also pretty easy to do um so definitely check it out look for look for deals where it makes sense where you can buy low and sell high and really take advantage of your Jewel crafting skill and if the price is right you can also just buy saronite ore and Prospect it cut the gems or craft Gear with them or even trans mute the uncut gems into meta gems if your alcohol also an alchemist and make a boatload of gold this processed this process is so famous that has a name called the saronite shuffle which involves doing this process that I kind of just went went through with saronite ore so Jewel crafting is super lucrative in Wrath of a Lich King okay moving on to number 10 we have farming old dungeons this is kind of a niche one but there are quite a few items from vanilla and TBC that will definitely still be valuable in Wrath because people will be leveling professions alts Etc you can disenchant blues or epics there's tons of roon cloth to be farmed netherweaved to be farmed that cloth you can sell directly on the auction house disenchanting the blues and greens will also yield enchanting materials and enchanting materials will definitely go for a lot more than you remember because in Wrath of the Lich King Classic the disenchant button next to need and greet is not going to exist because there's no random dungeon finder and there's no uh you know that was that that addition was added with random dungeon finders so there will be way less supply of enchanting materials than before now on top of that with vellums added to the game right from from scribes inscription enchanters can Now list their enchants and that's going to increase the demand for enchanting materials even if the actual demand for an enchanting isn't as high because the enchanters are just going to keep listing you know lots of enchants and and so there's going to be a little bit of a disconnect between the actual demand for enchants and how much enchanting materials will be purchase so definitely if you're an enchanter you'll probably have a big opportunity to make a lot of gold selling enchanting materials okay coming in at number nine we have Boe epics Wrath of the Lich King added a ton of high quality craftable items most of these require the crafter to have either a Crusader's orb a ruined orb or a frozen orb which are acquired from a trial of the Crusader ulduar or heroics respectively now think of Frozen orbs as the next Primal Nethers and ruined orbs or Crusader orbs as nether vortices but changing by raid tier so in addition to these scarce reagents you'll also need to have the recipes themselves which can be learned from either the trainer their purchase or even World drops and there really are a ton like even just a few examples are like leggings of woven death leg plates of painful death belt of the Titans titanium Spike guards lunar eclipse robes Rock Steady Treads I mean I could list off so many there are also Boe epics that drop that are high value like woden's lucky necklace harbringers bone ban and or even ring of rotting sunus so biwi epics it's a different type of farming strategy you're gonna basically make a lot of money from a single purchase but you're probably not going to have as many purchases right okay coming in at number eight we have moat extractor farming now you need to be an engineer for this one but you can make a lot of gold using this method especially if you are uncontested the crystallized elements are extracted from clouds in various locations in northrend Arctic clouds which can be found in howling Fjord Dragon blight and the storm peaks will supply crystallized air and water the cinder clouds which can be found in the Savage Thicket if you remember that's on fire and show Lazar Basin the obsidian Dragon Shrine in Dragon blight and The Cauldron of flames in Winter grasp these are all going to yield a crystallized fire and there's also steam clouds these can be found around the geyser fields and scalding pools within Berean Tundra and throughout sholay Basin which produce crystallized fire and crystallized water so that's really really cool and what's really cool on top of that is that in Wrath the moat extractor now provides tracking for get for gas clouds just by being in your inventory and that was actually removed from the engineering goggles which is a nice quality of life change for those doing mode extractor farming now this farming method I wouldn't uh you know recommend unless you have an epic flying Mount and cold weather flying so if your goal is to make enough gold to buy your epic flyer then I wouldn't recommend this method for you I would recommend choosing one of the other methods but because this method is best for people with epic flying that means it's more exclusive and therefore less competitive and if you have an epic flyer definitely check this one out to make more gold okay coming in at number seven we have herbalism now lots of herbs sell for a lot and wrath Frost Lotus is one of the most valuable of the herbs it spawns along the shorelines of the lakes in Winter grasp within uldwar's Conservatory of life and it also has a small chance of dropping when you gather other herbs in northrend it's essential for many recipes across many professions such as Alchemy and tailoring you can also find crystallized life when you gather herbs which is the equivalent of moats of life from TV C which you can combine to create eternal life which really isn't as easy to farm as the other eternals so herbalism has a leg up on everyone else there's also other herbs like ice Thorn Lich Bloom adder's tongue tilandra's Rose and tiger lilies these are all herbs that are found within northrend and you can bet they will be in high demand because of inscription the new profession in Wrath which requires herbs in order to create pigments which involves Milling the herbs actually right with like a mortar and pestle destroys them and it's basically like prospecting with Jewel crafting so if you pick up herbalism make sure to grab these herbs and list them on the auction house for some massive profits there I think that's going to do very very well all right coming in at number six we have mining like herbalism ore and bars are going to sell for a bunch in Wrath of Lich King You've Got titanium bars cyanide bars cyanide ore Titanium Ore and you got cold ball to bars and ore pretty much all of these will go for a really good price like in TVC you can also find crystallized elements when you mine which can be super valuable if you get enough of them to turn into an internal which again is the equivalent of a primal in Wrath now what's really cool about mining is you can actually find every single type of crystallized element too so mining is quite good in Wrath yet another added bonus with mining is that you can also sell the gems you find for mining such as Scarlet Ruby Autumn's glow Sky Sapphire Twilight opal Monarch topaz and Forest Emerald aren't the names of these gems just beautiful I absolutely love it just makes me want to play wrath right now these uncut gems are really valuable and even more so once again if you're a jewel crafter and you can then craft them into cut gems that can be inserted inserted into gear and what's even more great about mining is that these reagents are used for many many Prof blacksmithing engineering and Jewel crafting three whole professions so mining is definitely a fantastic profession for making gold in Wrath of Lich King okay moving on to number five we have fishing and cooking now this gold making method once again is really really overlooked often because you know the time commitment needed in order to level fishing and cooking along with the you know I would say somewhat boring nature of fishing but there's actually a ton of high value items that come from fishing and cooking you know these include the Dragon Fin angel fish for Dragon Fin filet there's the fang tooth Herring which is used for these spicy fried Herring you can even fish up crystallized water 10 of which can be combined to create an eternal water a new addition to wrath is feasts which allow you to place down a meal like a mage table or a soul well which anyone in your party or Raid can click on and then they're going to gain a well-fed buff so now you can basically cover for your lazy teammates who forgot to bring consumes one such Feast is called gigantic Feast which requires a deep sea monster belly Rock fin grouper and chunk oh Mammoth there's also the fish Feast which will be very popular since it's the best in slot Feast this offers 80 attack power 46 spell power and 40 stamina and it's made from nettle fish glacial salmon and muscle back sculpin definitely lots of options for making gold with fishing and cooking many people Overlook it don't be one of them check it out you'll be pleasantly surprised alright coming in at number four we have Arctic fur heavy Berean leather icy dragon scales Nubian chitin and jormungar scales now these materials are all super valuable for crafting best in slot leg armors and also the Arctic furs are used as currency to purchase epic recipes within dollarond dalaran also has heavy Berean leather is also used as currency to purchase the icy and polar sat which if you remember from vanilla these are the sets which have Frost resistance to help with noxramas so if you have skinning make sure sell your Arctic fur on the auction house for huge profit by the way the recipes are Bop bind on pickup so you're going to want to sell the Arctic fur rather than buying the recipes unless you're a leather worker now Arctic fur has a one percent chance to be found when you skin any beast in northrend there are of course other lathers that are still valuable so while you're skinning definitely make sure to list the north northern Leathers use skin on the auction house as always your mileage may vary depending on your server's prices all right coming in at number three we have Frost hide leg armor and Ice scale leg armor now Frost hide leg armor is the best in slot pant enchantment for tanks and Ice scale leg armor is the best in slot pant enchantment for physical damage dealing DPS classes like Rogues Hunters Warriors feral Druids and so on this leg enchantment will go for hundreds of gold on the auction house so if you are gathering icy dragon scales or an arubian chitin as a Skinner then having leather working to craft these will seamlessly tie together your professions to make the frost hide leg armor you'll need two Arctic fur two nerubian chitin and one Frozen orb now Frozen orbs will drop 100 of the time off the last boss of a heroic version of a dungeon you don't always win the Frozen orb of course so getting them can be a bit tricky sometimes if you're a tank you know you can reserve these beforehand you know tanks are in high demand so keep that in mind if you want to pursue this gold making strategy okay coming in at number two is a big money maker we have flasks elixirs and transmutes now Alchemy has a bunch of flasks flasks elixirs and transmutes that people are willing to pay top gold for there's the flask of the frostworm flask of endless rage flask of pure Mojo flask of stone blood there's also elixir of Might Mighty agility or sorry Elixir yeah elixir of Mighty agility elixir of Mighty strength there's also transmute Eternal might which will be a big money maker there there's also transmuting meta gems like sky flip like Sky flare Diamond Earth Siege Diamond you can also transmute epic gems and so on there are lots and lots of alchemical flasks elixirs and transmutes that are very valuable making Alchemy a huge huge money-making profession especially when combined with Jewel crafting to provide a source of gems for transmutes alright coming in at number one we have eternals farming like primals and TBC eternals will be high value because they are used in so many different recipes across so many different professions the equivalent of the elemental plateau in TBC is winter grasp it has every Eternal available like the elemental Plateau but with that it will be the most contested too for that reason but your faction also has to own winter grasp Eternal Shadow can be found from Shadow revenance and wandering Shadows when your faction owns winter grasp these have excellent drop rates and you'll find a ton of crystallized Shadow from the Shadow revenants the wandering Shadows have a much lower drop rate but still good you could also Farm death bringer revenants which can be found in the frostmourne cavern in Dragon blight and is considered a less effective area because their drop rate is less than the wandering Shadows eternal life can best be gathered from herbalism but the next best way is from living lashers in Winter grasp or the mossy rampagers which can be which can be found around Zool Drac the drop rates aren't great for either of these mobs and if both spots are over farmed you can also go to show Lazar Basin to farm the lashers but there's not a whole lot of Lasher mob density there so you know it could be a good Farm if you're also a Skinner though and want to skin the alligators and crop and cobras which are also found there now when it comes to Eternal water it's much easier to get than life you can get these from fishing and Mining Cobalt and titanium nodes if you're not a Fisher nor a miner you can also get these from water revenants and glacial spirits and winter grasp ice Bound revenants in the center of storm peaks within the frigid tomb is another good farming spot the aqueous spirits on stormright's shelf in sholazar Basin is also great for farming crystallized air in addition to crystallized water on top of all that slaying the Elementals is actually also for daily Quests for the oracles and frenzy heart which are located in shoalazzar Basin so it's a good daily Farm to get to do and build it into your gold Gathering routine because you're basically going to be getting crystallized air and water and getting it daily done at the same time so that's a good tip for you right there internal air can be found in Winter grasp from The Tempest revenance and Whispering Winds like we mentioned just a second ago those storm revenants and Shoals are great for Eternal air and then there's also the Scions of storm in the howling Hollow within storm peaks which have a good drop rate if all other spots are contested when it comes to Eternal fire this can be found from the flame revenants and raging Flames within winter grasp storm peaks also has wailing winds within the frost flow deep and the seething revenants at fjorn's Anvil are two more spots within the same Zone if you're trying to find a spot without competition and last we have eternal earth once again you can find this within winter grasp alternatively you can find brittle revenants at frostfield Lake in storm peaks near Don Nephilim there's also a sons of ho deer daily quest which involves killing them so might as well get two birds stoned for a rock lifeblood Elementals in sholazar Basin around the lifeblood pillar is also another good farming spot but the drop rate is a bit low but there are a lot of mobs the mob density is quite high so you could AOE farm this spot if you're someone like a mage Paladin or even an Unholy death knight and that's it don't forget to like this video And subscribe thanks
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 89,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, wotlk, wotlk classic, wrath of the lich king, wrath of the lich king classic, classic wow, world of warcraft classic, wow classic, gold, wow, wow gold, wotlk gold, wow gold farm, wow gold making, wotlk gold farm, wotlk gold making, wotlk gold farming warmane, wrath gold farm, wrath gold making, wrath gold guide, gold guide, gold making wow, gold making, gold farm, farm, in, know, about, you, need, to, farms, 17, top, wrath gold making professions, wrath gold cap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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