10 Tips You SHOULD Be Doing in WOTLK Classic

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so not gonna lie I've been playing a lot of ruffle Lich King Classic recently and I found a number of little nitty-gritty and underrated tips but I'm very surprised about many players still don't know about yet we're going to be talking about little tricks to make a little bit of extra gold vital mistakes people are making to waste gold how to power level your alt even faster and just generally how to save a lot of time now my first tip on this list is never downgrade your emblems if you have spare emblems are valid available or whatever latest raid emblem is what you want to do is buy the Boe gear at the moment we have epic risk gear available for emblem Zavala which on my server are selling in the ballpark of 3 000 gold and that's quite a lot of gold for something you just have lying around on your character screen that you're not using so don't be out downgrading your emblems of Valor to heroism to buy aliens or something like that talking about emblems of heroism what you can do is flip them to make a little bit of extra cheeky go by buying the throwing weapon called Lily hoof's winged blades and disenchant it for an abyss Crystal which are my server at a moment 150 gold alternatively if you don't have an enchanter you can just buy Frozen orbs which are about 60 Gold on my server right now now another currency that is massively underrated is stonekeeper shards which obviously dropped from heroics when you have winter grasp in your grass now you can obviously use these to buy the wintergrass token that I was 2000 honor to then buy PVP pieces but a better thing to do with these is to actually send them to an ALT right because if you look at the item it is actually bind on account this means you can buy some seriously good leveling gear for your olds with honor points because you can go to the Silver Wing or warsong vendors which are here on the map and they will drop some really good pieces all the way from level 20 up to level 60. life for instance of a law Keeper's ring which is a really good Caster spell power ring and then later on you can get stuff like the Epic leg pieces like a Sentinels play leggings which are very very good equal to raid quality stats has some good pieces like the Highlanders lizard hide boots for actually increase your movement speed but you're best off just buying the gigachad Grand Marshall gear at level 60 this will complement your heirlooms very very nicely so you can just steamroll through Outland leveling and bear in mind you don't even have to touch a barrel ground to get all of this insane gear just remember also about the alternate Valley vendor has better spell power off hands which are just slightly better than the Grand Marshall option and on the topic of juicing or pure alts for leveling remember to enchant your heirlooms just remember the heirlooms are treated in the game as a level one item therefore only classical enchants will work on them so he can get Superior sorry greater stats on your chess gear than something like the Crusader enchant on your weapon or for instance if you're a hunter get some kind of dual wielding melee weapon with your heirlooms of an enchanted with something big like an agility engine a spell power enchant even if it's a classic wow one is also very very overpowered low level because you get 30 spell power at level one now I want to talk about one of the most underrated add-ons called loon best in slot this adds a little tool tip to all items in the game to tell you whether it's Abyss piece or a previous piece or an alternative Destiny slot piece it makes tracking your best in slot gear so much easier you no longer have to scan through Atlas loot Fog Gear since it just has a big menu to show you where all the best loot drops from for every single spec in the game including best gems and enchants is absolutely godsend companion add-on by the way guys if you're already subscribed to our Channel please consider subscribing because if we get 130 000 subscribers before the end of the year I am legit going to dye my hair green you also get access to my subscriber only video which is a big add-on and week or a setup video and I also have a behemoth spreadsheet of all the best add-ons of Wii course for every class in the game so subscribe and go and check that one out so for tip number five you want to finish questing in stone Peaks and icecrown no matter what you do in no matter where you are in the game you everyone needs to be doing it it's the activity where you can get the most out of your time for playing the game this is because you will Farm Badges and a truckload of gold at the same time but goal power is better actually at level 80 because of the increased goal reward from quests when you array geared the questing is fast as hell and you don't need any request rewards so it can all be vended for either more gold and even if you don't need badges it's worth farming them since you will get in the ballpark of 150 badges by completing these two zones that's 10 lil who's winged blade that's gonna be in the you know the ballpark when you disenchant them all of 1.5 gold value so Bob's your uncle that is an insane amount of gold now a little tip while you're leveling if you don't have the winter grass buffer gives you bonus XP remember you can actually lay a hop until you get it most of us will just have it by default because you're on a big server that always wins it but I know of a low populated servers don't always have it so you that can be very easily fixed by jumping onto a different layer another quick tip for the alliance most people put the Hearthstone at the front of the yin but not many people know this there's an Innkeeper upstairs an assistant Innkeeper you can also set your Hearthstone to and he is actually closer to the portals because you can just go through this little secret Corridor jump off a ledge and you get to the portals faster I mean it only probably saves about five seconds but it is a thing now there's actually some value at the minute to farming old world materials because it can sometimes be very profitable this is happening quite a lot on broken economy servers where people are so rich they have an entire resource eradicated from the auction house like something like wall cloth at a minute light on some service walk-off is selling more than frostwave which is just nutty my friend told me that she's actually been selling Shadow gems for 1.5 k each okay so she's just been farming shut off and keep to get loads of wall cloth and Shadow gems so do you research from the auction house check what old world materials are selling for a truckload and go and find them and go and sell them unfortunately this doesn't happen on every server like for instance my server firewood EU for some reason the economy is just really great and balanced on This Server so yeah the odd World materials are just selling for a normal price remember that you should always be off spec rolling when people don't need the gear I've been doing this since launch right and I've managed to grab myself a full set of Epic tank gear on my DK so when I'm fully buffed up I have like over 30k Health which is nutty considering it's not even my main spec this came in very useful for the other night when we couldn't find attack for a next 10 room so I decided you know I'll tank it myself I got the gear which was interesting because I'd never tanked for what I have tanked before years and years ago but I haven't tongue feet absolute donkey so yeah it was quite eventful but you know a scuff run is always better than no room at all you never know when an offset is going to be useful whether it's a tank set for farming gold or maybe in the future you just get bored of playing your main specie you want to try something else oh but look you have an entire set of the previous phases gear in a different spec so I can just like respect and I'll have the gear ready for me and I don't need to farm all of that gear all over again so if you unequip the rep tab as while doing hurry dungeons you actually gain reputation with five different north-round reputations all at once not only is this a really good way to get closer to your exalted title but the silver Covenant of a summary of repetition does actually give some pretty cool rewards but I don't think many people actually know about so first of all we can get a cool tabad and a cool pet and then you can also get a pretty good ground Mount and a flying Mount the queld array Steed of a silver Covenant hippogriff or the summary of a dragonhawk and the sun Revival Hawk Strider now you will need to wait until a traveler Grand Crusader is actually out before he can get these rewards and they do also require a currency that you get during the event cover Champion seal but the point is it does actually require you to get exalted in order's rewards so get that done now in preparation you also do unlock more daily Quests for being exalted with the silver Covenant and then representing them as a champion so that will just yield you a bit more extra gold when you do this daily Quest Hub who will talk more about the Argent tournament definitely in a later video anyway guys my name is Matt Goblin to my next video ciao thank you [Music]
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 160,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk classic leveling tips, wotlk classic tips and tricks, wotlk classic gold farming, wotlk classic heirloom gear, wotlk classic enchanting guide, wotlk classic secrets, wotlk classic power leveling guide, wotlk classic best addons, wotlk classic emblems of heroism quests
Id: 0UtAh9s2tMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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