What Are Blizzard Really Doing in the War Against Gold Sellers?

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so ever since I released the fourth episode of my Strang of for vice series there have been a number of developments developments surprisingly from blizzard themselves it seems that my videos have successfully snowballed the topic of gold selling and gdkp in the community thank you by the way to everyone who has posted my videos on the wild forums one of the posts actually did blow up to about 300 posts and this really is a kick in the tee of Blizzard because it truly is an embarrassment for them that one of their most trending topics on their forums is gold selling we as a community have successfully encouraged blizzard to change and I'm not just talking about the policy on gkps there's a number of different things happening in the background that we will cover in this video which are quite interesting before we jump in guys if you want early previews of my videos I'm now posting a lot of that kind of content on my Instagram so please give me a follow I don't think people fully realize just how good remote PC software has Revolution ution IED in the past few years why am I mentioning this well imagine if you could level your wow characters and farm gold while sitting at a bus stop or waiting for the girlfriend that you don't have to put her makeup on well these days you can so easily with the app or sun remote it very easily connects to your PC you can turn your PC on remotely also with your phone with the smart plug they provide and then you can use the specially made wood Warcraft keyboard to control your character I've been doing this while I've been on a holiday literally sat on a sunlounger fishing up lot boxes on my hardcore character for go as you can see it's very easy to get the wood of Warcraft keyboard set up and it's totally customizable I was able to easily control my character and press all of my keybinds while leveling up my hardcore character there's a free trial where you can fully test the app's features and if you end up liking the app you can get the game version it works both on Android and iOS and you can find all information in the description down below about getting that free 7-Day trial so the gdkp is now a bannable offense BL have actually sent out a number of very threatening emails to people who have already participated in GD KPS to prove to players yes we are capable of tracking whether you have been in a gdkp and you will get banned now unfortunately there is already a gdkp workaround in the making that involves pre-bidding on a separate entity like Discord and then the trading of enchanting materials instead of gold or actually real money we will do a full investigation into this in a follow-up video but this isn't the only change blizzard I've implemented as I mentioned in my latest STV video gold Farmers very often purchase game time with Argentinian debit cards to reduce the cost of the sub fee this is because Argentina is experiencing a pretty severe financial crisis of inflation and blizzard have a policy to make W affordable around the world by reducing the sub fee now I exposed this in my previous video and nowz have actually totally removed this policy previously you could essentially buy game time in Argentina currency for half the price but now it looks like people who live in Argentina experiencing those financial difficulties will actually have to pay triple the usual sub fee so with this policy in mind how difficult now is it for gold sellers to make a profit well instead of paying $7 they will now pay $15 to set up an account although there probably work arounds with that anyway anyway they do make $40 per account per day so this really isn't a huge deterrent but it is a slight deterrent and the important thing to consider is when you have a number of small deterrents acting together stacked up together this does create a larger difficulty for the gold sellers but what else are blizzard doing well they tease they're developing new tech apparently to tackle gold sellers how true is that well I have heard multiple reports that they're implementing an idea that actually came up from an early strer form Vice episode and that is human verification so blizzard have actually added human verification captures on the logging screen when you were trying to log in to wow on multiple clients on the same PC this again is a small deterrent because it means goers will now have to manually type in that capture from time to time on their accounts which will slow down their gold per hour if you found the video interesting so far guys please do subscribe to the channel these videos take ages to make particularly when it comes to the research or would really appreciate it BL are also getting better at doing Hardware banss this is where they directly ban your PC's ID so that you can't just make a new account on the same PC as we know most golers do use Virtual machines to subvert this ban but nonetheless this introduces another layer of difficulty but unfortunately we still are quite far away from the ideal situation the wood Warcraft antiche software is nowhere near good enough in the f against fly hackers I mean we've even got to the point where fly hackers are so popular and prevailing that streamers like showc are shamelessly getting boosted by fly hackers while live on Twitch holy the angel start the the wings sprouted baby hell yeah the wings sprouted I mean if fly hackers are confident enough to show themselves fly hacking on a live stream it's painfully obvious that we have a serious problem recently Microsoft sacked nearly 2,000 staff employees from Activision Blizzard and according to an interview of aftermath who interviewed former employees almost all of those staff members were game Masters or within the field of customer support now we interviewed a former GM who more or less confirmed that wow GMS don't have an active role in detecting bots on live servers the truth is they really are just an hourly ticket machine who barely ever logs into the game you see Blizzard's approach is to focus on analyzing data to detect gold Farmers rather than a Hands-On approach my theory is that that they are investing into more automated systems and Tech to find Bots rather than employing a human to do this job what seems to already be happening in the gold farming world is that people are obviously doing their farms in instances and they are getting teleported underwater to obviously go and die of like fatigue or something so it won't surpris me if they're basically going to introduce a system where if people are farming too much in instances or it's bit dodgy you know about displaying suspicious data they will automatically get teleported to somewhere where they are going to die which would be a very good thing but to be honest this is a real problem in the 21st century in general so many jobs are being replaced by software and AI Etc you know why pay multiple people 30 grand a year where you can pay one person to design some software that does their job instead for around about you know £10,000 in my humble opinion humans should be working alongside these automated systems that Acquire suspicious player data there should be a combination of dedicated in-game GMS finding Bots and using data analysis to find them even if we had one GM per server skullking the known gold farming spots like how it was sfk in Phase 1 or black temple in R classic it would be an improvement the problem is you have to pay that GM in a b Park of 30 grand per year and you still have pound and pounds of customer tickets to deal with every game comp obviously has a budget and expenditure in the anti-che field really doesn't directly lead to a bonus in profits and this is why main developers they just don't spend a great amount of resources in this field across the board let's be honest because I'd rather spend it in a field that drives up Revenue like obviously paying a developer to make some new content for the game now I think there's a big butt to that statement you see if more and more irritating people like me continuously publicize the issue of rmt in World of Warcraft then the company will see a revenue drop as a consequence and therefore they will have to spend more resources into investing into antiche stuff to essentially like damage control the loss of players paying that subscription fee which is why it is important for videos like this or videos from different creators to be publicized as much as possible you know by you guys sharing it with as many people as you can you know putting in your guild Discord whatever or getting your favorite streamer to react to it by posting it on their Reddit page but anyway guys until my next video [Music] ciao
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 13,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, world of warcraft classic, wow classic, classic+, world of warcraft classic+, classic wow, wotlk, asmongold reacts, release date, announcement, trailer, season of discovery, season of discovery changes, sod class changes, sod new featues, sod new raids, sod new dungeons, sod new content, rune engraving, class changes, new spells, new abilities, warlock, mage, warrior, druid, paladin, hunter, shaman, priest, guide, overview, addon, interface, ui
Id: 1g76OjjUQ-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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