Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata) Street View Experience | 銀山温泉

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welcome to ginzan onsen welcome teh Yamagata everybody we are here at ginzan onsen we're gonna take you on a walking adventure yesterday was kanai's birthday that's why we're here to kind of celebrate that with at a traditional Japanese hot spring hot springs of Japan are the best places to go in the winter it's a chance for you to experience traditional Japanese culture staying energy olkhon allows you to eat chi secuity which is a very traditional type of japanese cuisine where there are many dishes all over the table we did that yesterday you can see that on Instagram only in Japan TV is my handle over there so let's explore into the games on onsen here we go and now you can start walking action yeah actually see the snow here that's that's not a lot of snow this is melted a lot over just the last 24 hours that we've been here and it's kind of sad yesterday was raining and not snowing and we don't want to lose the snow because it sort of loses its charm you're gonna see in about 2 or 3 minutes well we're gonna enter into the village and it's pretty unique here the other kind of making sure the ice is off of the streets but more importantly this the service staff right now is making sure that the snow does not fall onto people's heads do you see that up there on the roof those that are living in Singapore might not know but if it starts to melt underneath it will all just come crashing down and there's a potential to land on somebody's head which means yeah that could hurt can I is it your first time in Ames on onsen yes yes it's my first time Yamagata Wow okay first time in Tohoku oh no I came to Iquitos a few times oh I'll keep the canyon I keep the prefecture that's just north of here Yamagata is a little bit off of the beaten track there is a Yamagata on Shinkansen which is how we got here but not a true Shinkansen it doesn't go in excess of 300 km/h that Shinkansen is about 120 km/h and they just make the train go faster on the local gauge but but that's still better than the local train all right this is where a lot of the buses will come and a lot of the taxis will drop you off here from about this point it's very very hard to go into the town those that have been in to gain silence and probably are shaking their heads go yeah yeah I remember this I remember this it's very nostalgic here oh so we're staying at this place called Noto yeah it's a really nice traditional place it is the the center really of all the pictures you see from this area and it says they're exclusive for hotel guests this parking lot we didn't drive here but maybe we should have hey Brian Collins thanks keep up the great videos love all the content much appreciated guys we can try some street food but we're gonna have to get to 300 likes real fast this is where you also find some of the buses from the other yokan yokan is a traditional Japanese in Ryo kan is how it's spelled yokan and you if you do come to Japan you're going to want to stay at a yoke on absolutely the prices are going to be high because you're gonna you're getting two meals for typically I think you can opt out but I wouldn't oh now the onsens starting to come into view you can opt out of the meals but I wouldn't because if they're very traditional Japanese music meals served prepared by a very good chef because their reputation is staked on that on that so it's usually about 14,000 yen or about 130 dollars a night and that seems a little bit high to some people but it's so worth it you have to try it and you'll con I would say for two nights because it stinks to get kicked out at 11:00 a.m. for checkout you can see some of the snow on here um it's been raining do you see the drops coming off there it's not rain it's melting snow and last night that's all we could hear tippity tip tiffany tip as it fell onto the ground outside of our window I'd almost rather have some rain because it's just it's enough to drive you crazy like a clock ticking in the background they did some construction work over there is a vending machine kind of blending in to the to the area and down here you start to see the river this river is I won't call it a river so much as a stream but it's always warm it doesn't freeze because of the onsen water getting put into here the temperatures of the river are pretty warm mixing in with the cold water seems so clear yeah the water is very clear here there's a confection store maybe we'll take a quick look inside there but I want to tell you a little bit about games on onsen from this point here with the glorious drills in the background that's just all part of the experience folks this is the ginzan onsen experience only in Japan go this would you subscribe for amazing live streams from the middle of the countryside I think this I see yeah it's pretty icy you got to watch yourself here slippity slide so ginzan onsen here it's it's in the center of Yamagata which is actually not that far away from sendai sendai emini is like the capital of Tohoku it's the biggest city in the in the north of Tokyo and ginzan onsen means silver mined because there's a there's an abandoned silver mine that we might be able to take you to but that's what the name means Deen meaning Silver's beans on odds on meaning mine right Mountain right a mountain for mining games on silver mountain and after the silver went away because this was booming with the silver industry tourism started to take over and was featured in a Japanese series the TV series which made this popular so a lot of Japanese started to come here to gains on onsen and we can blame CNN for ruining it and bringing in the foreign tourists and now I'd say it's like 50% Chinese tourists not that there's anything wrong with it it's a good thing for the economy but they come in tour buses from where we were and walk with a lady with a flag and they just start taking over the area with clicking photos and everybody dresses in weird hot pink and orange just doesn't look as pretty as you know subdued colors you know darker colors I don't know kind of dress in Japan for the part but this is the view this is part of the view it's gonna get even more impressive guys in front of you in the middle after you get into the village is a foot bath and anybody can use this even if you're on a day trip you can soak your feet in there but I gotta warn you it's extremely hot on the left here is a little Hut that belongs to the tofu shop that's right behind it that's not open yet it's a standing tofu shop and it's all is it open now so maybe we'll get some tofu then look at some tofu been avails here think you've been avail and gem defense or good morning John and can i I'm still gonna stroll with you today I want to go to games on as well definitely got to come here alright let's take a look inside here all right I guess we could bring you in here we're only gonna go inside for a very short period we're gonna wait and eat some Street food a little bit further down I want you to stay tuned until the end because we have a waterfall that I want to show you at the end of the street that's extraordinary alright so you're gonna see a waterfall you're gonna want to watch this until the end I can I show us the inside maybe a little bit we're just gonna go inside for a bit oh there's the watermelon pickles so men of assuming yesterday like watermelon pickles and these are the the edamame edamame mangia cool we ate oh yeah oh yeah cool is potato balls yeah it's bull bull style corneas but if he was here yeah my gut thought yeah maybe that's it's really good we had that for breakfast and this is the big the big o Miyagi and I'm not sure if I'm gonna put this in the daimyo box this is called Goma how do you know I didn't or looks like that but it does come in a nice box you're thinking about that for the daimyo you're always on the proud I'm your gift all right that's good let's get out of here and go towards some the river she's nice and warm in here nice and warm in here oh hey Rajeev but you are amazing thank you for the animated emoji how cool is that Maggie W hi Johnny can I enjoy your beautiful getaway thank you for your awesome videos you're very welcome Alexis Koch L hey John it's sucky hey how far is games on from Sunday I've always wanted to go to the onsen there I'm not sure we came from Tokyo but we'll try to figure that out for you now we're back here there's a couple of things I want to show you we're gonna go towards the foot baths here it's not that big the thing is ginzan onsen is not that big right it's it's manageable in a day trip I think but we're staying here because at night when everyone goes home the day trippers go home it's really peaceful it's a different kind of experience I think here's your sign welcome to jeans on hot spring hot spring in Japanese we say onsen and it's the re the mop I was the map okay it seems I'm up it's a local map it's better than keep them google maps so we are right we just crossed the bridge right no wait this is the other side where's the taxi stand we're here we're here on this side okay yeah we're here we're staying here and this is the waterfalls at the end this is what you guys are are wait that's the end right there we're gonna take you this let's go and do it we're gonna follow the river I think CNN has if you ever watch an Instagram or some of the other social media every time they showed Japan in the winter they show this place they over show it and I I remember we were talking it last night with the hotel owner yeah this is the tofu standing bar we just had tofu for breakfast mr. beard oh look at that they have Evis on the bottom you can get some freshly done tofu for 200 about $2 I see you here oh that's this is there I see you so in the tofu shop thing in summer now you can eat standing tall with the footbath yeah yes footbath is called a she you here's the rushing water it never freezes because it's warm there's some of the runoff coming from the mountain do you see that that's also hot water now there's there's a lot of abandoned silver mines here that's why it has its name as Dean's on silver mountain and the miners world would always soak in the bath so they had special secret powers they were able to mine a little bit longer because this place has always had hot water here's the foot baths you could sit here you could see it steaming right can you see that through the 720p arrow a Minecraft I can smell all that smell yeah sulfuric smell kind of like an egg that's a the mark of an oven old sin not all onsens have that smell by the way this one that this steam is piping out of the underneath the bench there see if we can look oh yeah it's like a whiff big whiff of sulfuric smoke H Alina Sanchez watching from Carson City Nevada that's really cool thumbs it the thumbs up for for Kenai hey thank you hey you know all right this is bubbling up pumps and water see here very very hot yeah I don't think you can put your hand in there for more than five seconds we can make old hello can I hold your hand there can I number one second okay I can beat that one two five five five five it's gonna get red it's gonna get red let's make our way now to some of the older buildings a lot of these old yokan go back to the Taisho era which is back in the early 20th century not too many are original or have never had work done of course they have this one is a really nice one I think if we go across these little bridges you can get a better idea it is really charming place as CNN puts it unfortunately they they put it too often leave this village alone the people here don't want too many tourists there's so many tourists here it's very hard to book we had to book three months over three months in advance to get here some of these cars will Britain will make their way from there dropping off the hotel guests so when we were dropped off we were dropped off there and we had to walk all the way to the yoke on this way here's that building that I was showing you it's really hard to get a good view because it's so it's so big and this village is very very close along the Riverside you can stay here this is a ryokan what's this your con called this one yeah yeah you gotta go wrong baby I guess it could be a little bit spirited away I bet you there's some elements of here as well as from Dogo onsen and in Matsuyama Shikoku oh there's some ice making its way iceberg had to be done this is a very famous site we're gonna get a little bit closer to it but you can already see that building you see the one with the little teeny Hut on top that's what we're staying that's mostly yeah yeah that building goes back to taisho ten which is like what year is that nineteen like 1916 or something it's beautiful whaling very nice let's let's see if we can make our way over there it's just a warm front coming through let I was hoping that the rain that we had yesterday was gonna be snow but it wasn't it was rain between the buildings you can see there's still some snow but if it's melting fast again it's falling into the river so you see bits and pieces of the snow that's not normal usually the snow is accumulating we're gonna make our way now really slowly and right in front of us you can see there's a brand new yoke on so they had had some renovations going on over the last few years but this one is done this is a very very modern looking building that's made to look a little old but I know that we kind of walked halfway inside and it was really really plush I like the old style but yeah you know what a little bit of the new amenities is not bad either there's Apollo oh this one has another this one has an oak an onsen bath as well up on the top there you can they throw up in the window so you get the cold air with the hot water that air just sinks into your soul refreshing you we have an open-air bath as well at Millia and we have I'll tell you about it later but we have a secret bath stick stick to the end you know you'll hear some information from about note oh yeah which is really cool we might do a live stream inside the room as well to introduce you what what the ryokan room looks like tonight what's this real con called I can't mean it are you serious what are you serious yeah this is your country yeah I definitely can't read it yeah it's kind of hard yes just wanted you to soak this in a little bit for a few seconds the sound of the rushing water people come here to relax they come here to really reset it's not exactly you know it's not exactly a city right there's not a lot of stuff to do here besides relax which is good sound of the rushing water I guess they turn they turn this off I don't think there's any fish in the water yeah but there are fish in the streams around and quite often at the Deo con that you stay at you're going to get food that is all locally sourced or a vast percentage of it is sourced from here in Yamagata the vegetables the fish Yonezawa jus which is a very famous brand of Wagyu is also represented here and a lot of the meals it's very expensive as well but Yonezawa has a very natural habitat so the the Wagyu is extremely tasty the beef here amazing marbling again if you go onto the Instagram you'll see a picture of it Kenai and I had dinner yet last night inside the room that's our deal con that's where we're staying right now it's an older building so it's actually not that not as expensive as I thought it would be because its iconic this is the one you'll see in every picture with that that top floor there again it's about what 130 dollars a night per person because you're it's mostly about the food but it's hard to get there a portly though yeah it's very hard to get reservations as the alleys between the parts that they never show you unless you're on a live stream between the buildings yeah you seen here there's some pipes do you see that right there this takes all of the melting water from the roof and puts it into the river it's now dripping into the river and the reason for that is so that it prevents big chunks of snow from falling on people and their heads we saw some chunks of snowfall the other day yesterday and yeah it can be it can be dangerous they could fall at any time it's raining here off of the buildings we're getting wet from the water it's melting snow oh that was a steady stream that's a steady stream a lot of people taking pictures in front of our our yoke on a proud were staying here because it wasn't easy we really had to fight to get the reservation we had the fight to get a reservation here and I'll tell you a little bit about that at the end this is a beautiful building from taisho 10 the early 9th 20th century a nice drawing on the side here that's why you want to get a room if you can off of the river here because well as you sleep the sound of the rushing water is so nice all right watch your step oh they took down the board can I what they had my name up here on the board they took it down this said John dog from Tokyo yeah yeah there's been some privacy issues where they said some people don't want and at traditional yo cons they announced who's staying there but a lot of people these days want to protect their privacy and they don't want their yo cons to put their names up on the board when I got there I was pretty happy I don't mind I'm cool with it Oh what is this can I looks like a water gun I guess in cases of fire yeah I tore fire if there's a fire something happened if there's a fire because these buildings are all made of wood for some reason they have a way to spray it's very old that does look an old style oh look at the smoky steroids you see the steam cut rising up it's amazing that we have a signal out here I hope you're getting something as good as 720p because it's just beautiful to be out here let's see if we can get to 500 likes guys we got some Street food coming up I stream the stream Ronald this is a playback alright so if you're watching this and you're not watching it live make sure the lives live chat is going so you can see what everyone is writing if you want to you can write in where you're watching from we have a very international audience from all over the world sharing this experience with us here on the other side of Japan we're like deep deep deep Japan and I'm sharing and I'm streaming the stream nice color it is really clean looking I'm sad when you see these icebergs going down that means the snow is going away how dare it do that it's not even February be funny to see like a like a little mouse on there it's the year of the rat see a rat on there floating away on the iceberg let's make our way yeah there's a lot of nice gift shops many of these buildings have been renovated this looks very new it's a good thing they have a mini Stephanie in psychics oh this is the boo shop we got to buy something yeah I should've get one of the night I love these cats going coming in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in ha mr. yeah that hum total huddle down like it it it's ha mr. little buddy night we're almost there we're getting to our goal which is the waterfall but depending on your likes you might stop for some street food we're still short 300 sorry 150 likes about all right oh there's the foot bath and now we're going towards the waterfall here we walk down we cross the bridge over now we're here oh yes now you know how quickly we went through the village it's very quick we're already here at the end but there's a place to get some street food so we're gonna do that carne now writes in happy birthday can I thank you so much yes she's getting birthday wishes all through the night people were sending her email happy bring bring bring all right this is the kokeshi yes okay she's shop kokeshi are very famous in fukushima but in this region that Yamagata Miyagi to hope good they're dolls made out of wood and you can see there's the artist right there on the right side he's sure made a lot they come in various sizes and if you ask any known artist they can make a depiction for you but I'm guessing Donnie Donnie disco scene polka see so Austin is a Japanese old drama okay what's very very popular so then it's located here they should be here so so that's the Caucasian yes yeah if some Japanese people watching this so you know or scene yeah definitely yeah Haga them no I don't get around that's snow melting and there's a silver festival how cool is that look at that Oh silver festival what is it oh it's on in November pushes a little dated so this shop is famous for curry pond Carrie pond is like a curry doughnut and yeah we tried we tried to go in here and eat it but it was it was closed early last night maybe we'll get something here but we're with 30 likes short I don't know how strict should I be no we gotta get that okay all right come on let's get that then can you get to JAL serves them on the jail flights yeah whoa a first class only well hey we're not first class but we're gonna take one all right let's get let's get one you have to get him inside the shop here's the curry doughnut that I was talking to you they have a coffee and curry says hi Colleen doughnuts let's try one pari doughnut and one daifuku edamame daifuku that's gonna be pretty cool all right we did hit the 500 like threshold now we got to go to a thousand we've only done 1,000 likes in a livestream once and by the way that live stream would viral so let's look at some of the gifts here once again this is the Goma cutting tool I'm not sure oh this is chocolate sable and I'm not sure if I'm gonna send these to also look good these are onsen Manju's so we're always looking for something interesting for the daimyo for our patreon supporters we sent packages I think there's one available there's one still left we've been sold out for a while here's that this is the you see this here they make watermelon pickles here that was fast yes you will try cutting bolt on okay oh this is a cutting tool so this is a cutting toe it's got sesame on it it's lightweight and it's made of rice interesting hey Ellis is here hey Leslie this is it this is this isn't the type of weather that we were expecting it's too warm it's blowing Goma just to me that could great with coffee or green tea they're great with coffee or green tea they even have a boot I guess in the summer people will line up for it oh wow check it out there's a sweet kadai fugu so they have these watermelon daifuku as well didn't really like daifuku here oh this one oh we got the middle one alright let's let's get let's get out of here a little bit and they have ice cream I'm not eating ice cream in the snow but yeah too cold here look at how discolored do you see the roads been discolored from this steady stream of onsen water with minerals and the minerals will discolor just about anything Ellis Wrightson why stop at 500 let's go to a thousand a thousand likes for Kenai trending on YouTube Kenai 1000 likes thank you for her birthday party there's another one of these fire hydrants I guess they're hand cranked how cool is that well not when there's a fire it wouldn't be very cool but a lot of these buildings are made of wood at its core that looks like it's left over from the old silver mining days some of the old stuff you don't see a lot of that this is a park and this is our this is getting close to the end of where we of the path of where we can take you that doesn't mean the end of the stream the stream lives on forever that's a bathroom it's a nice-looking restroom alright I guess we could try it here this is a nice clearing yeah eat it in the park your picnic in the park this is hockey puck how do you say this Clark Kaku Kaku Kaku game watch it oh gee uh huh cooing a hockey ok huggy in white silver all right yeah are you seriously you want to picnic on the ice yes my word as you like oh we're gonna try Cudi found first I try the curry pond you can give me the plastic bag because that rustles and it's not audio friendly look at the crepe on how do you do is it yucky today like ray out of the oven a little bit all right go ahead Becky MA so it's the guts Oh hurry nice you're not gonna you're not gonna want lunch this is this the lunch so lunch I guess this is lunch it tastes good hmm mmm it's good but it'd be better if it was yaki tottenham it's better if it comes right out of the fryer it's okay okay they're taking pictures of me hey they're taking pictures of me hey hey guys welcome to Japan I don't think I'll be giving it any of the you found me cards here I don't think anybody watches the show [Laughter] I'm very critical today all right how was the curry more salty than spicy it's not my feet not spice yeah more salty than spicy a little bit but mom not up to my spiciness the Indian means going out come on crank up the spice when I did take a big bite Steve I think she had more than half not fair although I did have to get the hook the deal con gave her a birthday wine and she couldn't drink it so I got to drink that so makes up for all right this is the waterfall in the park and it's gushing I hope that there's a signal here let's see if we can get to a thousand likes for Kenai happy birthday it is gushing and that the thing is that's warm water that's warm water idiot yeah I don't know I'm no don't ruin it can I I'm thinking that's a big ol onsen I was gonna go in there now can I said it she didn't think so and I'm not going down I know I'm not now because you ruined it I thought it was a psyching myself up to going in my underwear but now you've ruined it can I [Music] Wow that is a gusher look at that if it was if that wasn't onsen waterfall I would I think there'd be people in there right obviously it's cold but hey it's nice to see bailout hay-bale ago bucks happy birthday hi daughter happy birthday can i my mom and i are watching from chicago awesome yeah I like that small for to like sight oh yeah canipe refers to small waterfall less violent peaceful really kind of think big can I more into the beauty I'm more into the big in the spring you can do hiking around here it's kind of a shame that I oh it's kind of a shame that because of the snow our hotel told us that we shouldn't try to go hiking up into the mountains I don't know why I guess they have no plan for rescue maybe and with all the all the melting snow it's actually more dangerous that's my excuse actually that's an excuse to do it it's more dangerous are we talking about is the water rushing past the barrier that we walked by and all going in through the village we're gonna take you back there because we have to because that's sort of yokan and we're gonna take you into the deal town a little bit but I want to tell you some information about it so we're staying at Nokia which is a very famous place here it's an old building I want I just listen to cake get this we made the reservation by telephone old school yeah no credit card information no reservation of confirmation email we gave them our name and told them when we're going to arrive that was it they didn't require anything in Japan people don't cancel once you make a reservation you don't cancel right yeah normally normally yeah so we I had no confirmation email like they could have just cancelled it I we were a little worried because it was unusual because it's an old style to do business we still have not paid for anything they don't have any credit card information we could run away and never pay and they didn't check my ID or anything this is old school I like it it's trust and of course we're gonna look good of course they're gonna pay them but it's just it's interesting that the old traditions still live on in places like this where that lady's it used to be the waterfall was to stir now we have a red jacket lady we love you red jacket lady the the yokan has an old style to it even the building itself is from Taisha 10 the walls are thin we can hear some people dumping why were they jumping jumping on the floor above us that's very interesting so I think staying in an old yokan is has a lot of character to the building but more important than that the services are like a throwback from an era where people trusted other people right and if they don't they probably if wait if this is another's era they probably have like katana and swords and if you don't pay they just do the samurai laws are still intact yeah where they just couldn't be had I saw that drama Shogun on TV in the 1980s yeah I'm sure you will eat about the leave them alone right I was don't dad so can i are you sure it is okay we call for him back can you call them Hey so I think he we called them just to make sure that just make sure that the they still had my our reservation and they confirmed and that was okay it's just a little bit nervous because if you're gonna travel four hours from Tokyo to go to an onsen you want to make sure it's not canceled there's there's some something happen they probably don't even digital digital digital eyes it it's all written in a book that's once and run off very cool there you go that's the waterfall behind here is the silver mine it's not that far away up there up on the hill is another vo con with a wonderful view there's somebody in a red jacket looking down at us I'm not gonna drink it can i you want to drink that they said we can get you a thousand likes if you drink it I don't know a stupid can I is not gonna do that for likes she's she's more mature I would do it you did yeah she's very mature all right I'm curious about this look I know we haven't been this way yeah look at the wave there's always water flowing that the color of the pathway is bright orange from minerals oh no drawn here oh no the drone zone I haven't used the drone you I'll then be what B is here a lot oh there's a lot of bumble bees yeah I'll use the drone up up by the taxi place it is raining oh this is the a pathway to get to the silver mine Wow can I go in there I'll give you their dollars if you go in there okay I gotta give her five dollars now that was too easy Wow just a dollar keep going make sure there's no bears in there or bees oh wow how'd you find something I can't go in there because they're gonna lose the signal Wow what's in there describe it Oh water here a lot of water like an old sin I know if I go in there I'm gonna lose the signal but you could see the condensation up here in the room look at that I'm not sure it's not a sewer cafe log is for its and it's like a sewer maybe like a sewer it's not a sewer yeah but we can all go deeper oh you can only go up to there yeah so daughters like Go Go Go BA we got some people encouraging us to do bad things look we know pattern can I see your you're older she's wiser now she's not gonna do it last year she if it was two days ago she probably would have done it but now she's no she's not gonna do it oh thanks Jim for talking about the discord server we have an emoji contest going on right now we had some new emoji from yesterday put into there the disk wit server has some pretty freaky ones right now some of them I don't approve of I say that because what people will go oh can I wait we have the the other confection right what else did we have the bank ooh yeah the daifuku all right we can eat this go ahead is it it's good until tomorrow they expire really quickly that's why we can't send this but we can eat it what you're seeing is something that I cannot send to you Oh all right do it can I wait so that's mochi hold on it's not tight likewise this mochi brown it's good I'm I it's a different kind of life okay hmm that's not red bean Chris this is edamame it has a sweet and slightly salty this kind of like a it's like a salty caramel but natural and not caramel it's that's not what sabi it's edamame edamame who's one who wrote wasabi it's a much I either what if you say it's green it's matcha or or wasabi no it's an imam a this is so good yeah I like it I should have buy more oh we got to take some of that back oh honey I thought edamame who's riding in wasabi you know how easy that would it does look like wasabi but this faint this area Tohoku here is very famous for good yet and a mom in the edamame is seasoned here's a little bit later because the ground is colder than in Tokyo so this edamame comes at the end of summer from this area that was really good so those tuning in right now we're at ginzan onsen in Yamagata prefecture it's one of the more famous on son CN n dubs it's the most charming winter village thanks a lot CN n you've ruined the place now everyone's coming here a lot of day trippers you can come here by Shinkansen you go to OS cheetah station there was a livestream yesterday we showed you that station in a live stream yesterday go back and take a look at that it's about three hours from Tokyo to Oishi de and you have to take a bus usually by the ryokan or traditional Japanese in that you're staying at it's about a forty minute bus ride from Oyster station to ginzan onsen jr also runs some buses there's some kokeshi these are traditional Japanese wooden dolls we we showed you this about 20 minutes ago from a famous TV drama could I introduce to everybody it's like Groundhog's Day we're going back and it's about a 30 40 minute bus ride from always cheetahs station a check-in is usually around 1:30 2 p.m. 2 p.m. I would say then checkouts at 11:00 traditional Japanese Inn typically cost about 130 dollars 140 dollars fourteen thousand yen and you get two meals breakfast and dinner and they're fabulous and that's the reason why you pay for that so if you come to Japan get away from the Appa who tells in the cheap places and just splurge for two nights I would say on a traditional Japanese Inn it is so worth it we're gonna end by taking you to the end of the street here can I is gonna say goodbye cuz she's cold you can go into the hotel okay we view the take-off and again yeah I'm going after this livestream I'm going back into the onsen we're gonna heat up again and then go ahead to maybe go eat some lunch read a book and then I'm gonna have to do some filming for the main channel I came here to make an episode our deal con which is right above us where we're staying is not media friendly and I don't know they didn't really want us to film too much because they don't want too many tourists to come here as a result so I'm hopefully dangerous it's like well why not shovel this natural is good oh yeah really is she alright yeah okay sorry I'm gonna are you are you gonna go inside um yeah okay I'm just gonna shut your mic off then yeah we've been using these mics for live streaming alright I'll see you in five minutes wait hold on a second I said we'll stay goodbye from the door hold on hold on um I'm shimmying across the ice here alright let's look back look how small she is compared to this massive hotel All Right see you later I'll be back soon I'll be back no it's just us the rain starting to come down that's why I kind of wanted to also make make I was a mail truck the mail must be delivered rain snow sleet or shine Japanese mail is so fast it takes four days to go from Tokyo to New York and it takes seven days the other way just saying I think the Japanese get it out so fast I live err something at Tokyo Station it's at not eat I with by the end of the day on an airplane going to the US crazy-fast only these small little cars can drive on the paths here that old guy was had some amazing concentration so there you go everybody we're gonna leave it thank you so much for the super chats and for for being really encouraging can I is getting more comfortable with live-streaming and that that's good for all of us because she knows a lot more than I do about Japan because she's Japanese and she speaks the language fluently so I really appreciate kind of being here and making time even though it's her birthday she didn't have to do that but just she wanted to last look at the onsen here I highly recommend this place but be warned you have to make a reservation especially at notoya and some of the famous places at least three months if not more if you can manage it if if you can manage it you want to start planning for like summer now and if you if you want to come in the fall probably around February you can reserve for fall which is beautiful here because all those trees with no leaves they used to have leaves there are different colors but it's one of these places at night when all these people go home or they go into their hotel they turn on these what looks like gas powered lights that just glisten with the crystal and in them you see them up there right there and this place glows like it's a fantasy land and and just for a few moments it's it's an ideal place it's like heaven kind of cold up there you know with all the hot water you think it's more like hell but it's really heaven it's very very beautiful and I think that it's worth the trip here you feel like you're really in Japan here and you're gonna see this image now more because you watch this video probably social media will tag you and track you and then you're gonna get this image recommended to you by all the travel agencies to come here but I you know it's such an ideal spot to relax and I'm glad that we're here for two nights and I hope that you come here too someday and if you do this video will be useful you'll now know what it's really like and if it's worth it to you a slice of nature just be a be aware that in the winter there's not as much that you can do there's not a lot of hiking but there's a lot of eating there's a lot of eating and that's not a bad thing that's a great thing because Japanese food is amazing especially when it's sourced right here in this community and the watermelon pickles are crazy good it's I've never had watermelon pickles before but they've taken like baby watermelons that aren't ripe yet and they pickled them and wow it's like a Yamagata thing so there you go I know I know watermelon pickles maybe I'll buy some and show you two tonight if we do a room tour so I'll show you we have a really nice to Tommy room not a very good view cuz we got one of the last rooms available but it was a it's a nice itami room it's a lovely lovely view okon with the bath and everything oh they're delivering it looks like they're getting people they're taking them the check outs to the train station do you see so we'll have we'll have the hotel to ourselves because most people only stay a night that's why you want to stay - you get to relax a little bit alright guys this is all from ginzan onsen thanks so much for joining us for the hour if you have any questions leave a comment below in in the video if you're watching the playback definitely subscribe because you want to catch these live it's a little bit more fun watching the comments going by if you're watching it um playback on the TV I don't think you can activate it but the live chat is really cool to look at and I still have some Kit Kats so if you go to Instagram only in Japan TV on Instagram you leave a comment on my KitKat picture you still have a chance to win a bag I have four bags I'm sending out as soon as we get back so there you go have a good day have a good night everybody from ginzan onsen see a little bit later on we're going to soak in a hot bath right now bye guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 52,557
Rating: 4.9342947 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, onsen, ryokan, japanese inn, yamagata, ginzan, ginzan onsen, hot spring, notoya, reservation, stay, bus, train, visit, river, silver, kokeshi, food, edamame, daifuku, 銀山温泉, 能登屋
Id: SGWOhiaEKa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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