Yamagata Shinkansen & Ekiben (from Tokyo) to Ginzan Onsen

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oh look at them kissing this is the Yamagata Shinkansen and they detach in route look at that join together it's so cute isn't it almost like Halloween sorry Valentine's Day today's connives birthday we're going on a trip to ginzan onsen and Yamagata we cannot board and we have 8 minutes which is more than enough time to get a neck you been we're gonna show you the pride of Tohoku the Shinkansen will up there Tok is known for a lot of stuff but Kenai is over here she has on board of the train so let's go say hi to the birthday girl they put these railings here so you don't get onto the train yet or tangibly a mandatory because a master an unrepentant appetite London with none do we Wow okay all right I'll go get a pen to write now you okay all right I'll be back it's Kenai all right let's go get a bento right now we're live from Tokyo Station this is what you subscribe are interesting live streams from train stations where we eat ventas okay we're gonna we're gonna get a pen chill from right here this is the same shop sets this is from the same shop that's down there in the basement but today we're gonna get one from this booth here they don't have as many choices but hey when you're on the Shinkansen platform you get what you could take let's see what their options are we gonna get Kenai something really delicious here that I think I'm gonna get her that one that's like like $18 oh my gosh okay and then there's this one the Anagha one the Cudahy one looks really good too let's let's splurge okay the Tokyo assorted box lunch she's gonna like that one actually has pricier than the one down down there I think I said Tokyo bento utatsu at the poke I do my mom Ben taught he taught said I like that you could own that all that can I choose hi I'm just showing again CMOS yeah look at the cat that they used to rest the money to keep the money from flying away I much knucks amore kiddo I'll just show this guy credit demony this young dancers a master I have the same as well look at that they just put an egg in there that's the use a sukiyaki you see we told you unique event oh I should have gotten that one it's already they also have drinks and beer but it's like 9:30 in the morning we're not gonna get a beer so you can see I've been telling people this before if you are disabled the staff will help you call them in advance and there'll be somebody to really make sure that you get on there but it's also to make sure that other passengers are aren't it just makes the transition smoother so if you do come to Tokyo or Japan disabled make sure you let the staff know in advance the hotel if you call them and then there'll be a staff member to guide you and make sure that it's so smooth you get like VIP service it's kind of worth it all right so this is the Train we're getting on I wanted to show you the front of it we have four minutes I think I can do it we are going to Yamagata this one here this is the Tsubasa train 131 departing at 9:24 there she is right there and yo ho demo guys over I want to take everybody to the front okay gentle my knee you think of us okay all right let me take you to the front of the Train I live dangerously although letting people in so that means I have a very very little time I like to live dangerously on these train runs you all know that we're gonna be fine so the train breaks apart somewhere in mid journey I've only written a Yamagata Shinkansen once in my life I'm gonna show you what's on the floor - it's super interesting alright check alright here we go we're at the front of this the Yama got the Shinkansen has a different color right she's a beautiful train but she's so much different compared to the things I know she cuts in on the other side do you see that's the 700 series this so doesn't have that same duckbill but it's a pretty straight nonetheless on the ground here it tells you to wait for non-reserved it tells you where to stand the orange one is for the second train the time after the one scheduled so it even gets more complicated as you get on here the green ones you see in the distance it lets you know where to stand so everything is so orderly there the third departure I believe right I don't know it's ticket departure but it tells you which train car so this is for the Komachi so it tells you which train to stand on which line to stand on so everything is so orderly I forgot to get Kenai a drink [Music] okay I got us some green tea all right I'm gonna get on to the Train huh he's announcing the trade 15 oh my gosh all right we better just get on yeah my got the she cuts it okay okay Smythe Manta I got to the Tokyo bento yeah I got one tea but it's alright we'll get something [Music] camera equipment I intend to film on the tree I kind of hold this all right I want to show you some up here on this train okay we're now off it's exciting huh hey Ellis we're gonna poop we're gonna buy dinner and games on onsen with that buddy so thank you for that bye bye Tokyo hello other side of Japan going into the mountains baby oh there's the king toka lion in my room what a beautiful view there's thing I'm gonna do line this is cool I'm gonna start picking up steam we're going north towards omiai now alright so I want to show you down here you're gonna be able to see where to put luggage if you come in with big luggage come a little bit earlier and try to put your bat here because there's not a lot of space hold on there's not a lot of space there's a extras there's some space here for big luggage behind the last row and if you get here early you can put that your luggage there and it's really more convenient because up here it's very hard to get big luggage on there there aren't any luggage racks and if you do ask this this one is closed and this is for Japan East company only so there's in Japan there's a lack of space on the Shinkansen men have a special restroom check that out it's just for guys in and out I like that and then here's a multi-purpose restroom they could house clean and spacious that is you could use that I could use that and I'm not a public restroom kind of person I could use this you know who comes the lady with the drinks I better get back to our seats get back to your seats and here's the sink area with auto soap that was pretty cool ten years ago now everywhere has that let's go Jedi mind [Music] all right we're live again so you have your choice of bento can I which one did you pick [Music] all right let's see which one do you want we're there's a lot of tongues to get after Tokyo Station going north you get to weigh No so err bestest dream and the signal will get better once we get out of the Tokyo area didn't get on to the road so this is the Tokyo Station bento the box is beautiful you pay for that by the way this was about seventeen eighteen dollars and that's the front of modernity I think in live streams you probably have seen this side of the building like a dozen times if you watch it only in Japan go this one here it's a hokusai okay okay my Mon bento here from Hokkaido yeah this one looks really good the box isn't as beautiful but it is is a nice black box look at this it's styrofoam they recycle that I hope so so as soon as we get out of this way no area oh they put all the ingredients in there how smart is that it has egg wheat crab salmon milk ingredients chicken gluten apple soy bean half the stuff picky people can't eat seafood bento we're gonna open that up and show it to you maybe try a little bit of it we're now outside finally really appreciate the support guys oh no believe me which one do you want or you want this one no I knew you would I knew you would go for the more expensive one that one is good is real good all right no no no it's okay it's your birthday okay unwrap your present then did it okay okay open this one I'm gonna put this one we have another seat here this is the Yamagata Shinkansen again this is kind of like the Tohoku Shinkansen but it separates when it goes towards Yamagata starts to become the Yamagata same concept all right do it boxing well that's such a beautiful box yeah I think it's like wood is this wood [Music] I think so yes Thank You Austin oh look yo ha she was the chopsticks are connected to the box and the shibori is in the chopsticks the OSHA booty is the wet wet tip the tissue napkin again it is really good I removed the protective coating it's like when you buy an iPhone and they put a protective coating on it okay got to remove the plastic good talk there [Music] I'm gonna big piece of salmon it looks good all the ingredients are really premium on this bento and they come from famous makers in Tokyo of course salmon doesn't come from Tokyo but it tells you where all all the shops the famous shops that each of the ingredients comes from and then is there a postcard how cocky there's no postcard they used to give a postcard well it's about the rice that they use interesting Wow Organic Akita rice that's good the Komachi is pretty good rice up there it's not a really pretty day guys if you look out the window oh there's another Shinkansen coming into Tokyo it looks pretty cloudy and that's a good sign maybe it's snowing up in the mountains where we're headed but I like how they stamp the egg they brand at that age what does it say Algy the famous shop now I'm gonna unbox this thing because I got stuck with this hokkaido one never turn your benzos upside down it's okay what he got here that's the menu so it'll tell you the ingredients again all right in Hokkaido they don't call karate karaagac they call it donkey it's weird right is cut in Hokkaido well baking with cheese alright I made the right choice you want to switch right you want to switch right admit it okay oh oh you want me to share okay we can do that yeah Marshall if you turn it upside down sometimes it gets discombobulated is that a word it'll just become detached no this is not it's not as nice as your box it does come with a nifty purple rubber band the chopsticks come with a toothpick and Asia booty all right three two one it looks good I get another protective wrapper like on the iPhone I don't love you could out they look like little teeny I don't know like explosives I don't know when you bite them they'll explode in your mouth little by little releasing a salty deliciousness its crab there and oh that's the sangee this is the karaage deep-fried chicken we call it Zanghi if you're in Hokkaido they call it what am I saying we call it is pretty nice and a little piece of salmon your Salmons paper hey hey no it's your birthday it's your birthday I like the little horn now young corn is a young I call it baby corn but young corns good yeah it's all good all right so why don't you wanted to try a little bit of it and we will stop this live stream of unboxings are good but you have to try something let's let's just try it a little bit that's right right now we have an emoji contest on the discoid server so if you have some emoji ideas from past episodes some of the ideas that people have are hilarious in their emoji contest is running for another week another tunnel yeah [Music] yeah wash your hands it's kind of a small one though I think four for $18 they should give you a full size she booty ten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten that's up to you are you gonna go for the a first cuz i stamped an alkene no no that's all you it's changed the iPhone the YouTube app stopped with the super-wide they've gone to just the main camera now so we lost super wide in the iPhone app that's new that's interesting [Music] what's what's so good about it and what makes this better than sweet okay this is a good balance in the sweetness yeah I'm very nice sharing is caring sharing is care that's for me oh wow that's very generous of you really okay [Music] saw often moist not salty a little sweet a little salty good Alan's yeah I like it okay thumbs up for the LP okay all right try one more which one do you want maybe a piece of that salmon trout maybe that's shiitake oh look at that she's talking Anke ban is a big part of the experience if you read the Shinkansen you need a Nicki Ben how does that salmon how good that good Wow ed your way Jerry Jones here happy birthday can i from doorway thank you alright my salmon doesn't look as good is it inferior salmon let me open up these chopsticks here I don't think it's inferior Fang Ava's here for the train ride made thank you that pays for the benzos thank you very much how do you eat the equal an event oh I don't know you just open it up with the rice like this I would never drop it [Music] if Vinick vinegared the rice a little bit so okay yeah some rice vinegar here's the salmon you wanna try how do you fight I'm trying tonight salmon totally different alright now that I've opened it up this is kind of hard and it's not bad this one has been marinated in in I think it's like miso or some kind of sake yes a cadastre like the remnants of sake and it's it's moisture and has a little bit of a sake taste to it which is so delicious yeah okay yeah you know so getting kanai's getting all the happy birthdays thanks guys yeah shortcuts in the house have a shortcut see have a great few days happy birthday can I can't wait for the emoji coming soon that's right so one of the reasons why we're doing the emoji contest on discord is that I'm gonna be picking some emoji to put in the live streams here too so we're gonna have live stream emojis and ones for only in Japan go starting this month I'd say it's a couple months of delayed actually but starting really certain will have emoji which will be pretty cool maybe we'll do one of kind of I will do or the bento will turn with a Shinkansen one going like this maybe I don't know but it's up to you to come up with ideas somebody put the window she wedgie picture from the first episode as an emoji yeah site IG the naked man festival how did that become an emoji I'm not sure but it's on the discord server we're now in Saitama I believe going towards Omiya so will stream until Omiya Wow do you see that sign up there is it yeah my god thank you oh my god yeah I got the steaks on them on the advertisement inside the Shinkansen Yonezawa yeah it's good have I tried your knees our beam who do you think I am how many three it's not yeah I got there's a little bit out of the way it's not someplace that's easy to get to it's it's not icky Theismann and Akita and Nakata which straddle it are more famous than Yamagata but um I got that can hold its own it's got beans on homes and it's got cherries sucker humble it's got a really beautiful nature and it's got snow and that's just one of the reasons they want to go and see some snow yeah some snow yes we are live if you have some questions for can I go ahead and a snow maker I'm gonna I'm gonna take you I'm gonna fight that lady because I want to get another drink cuz I just have this tea so from the vending machine I got this this here is from the Kyoto yeah emo missus says from Kyoto in the red label there and yeah iam oh good so this can be yours and I will just drink a sip of it maybe I didn't have time to get to but this is a hundred and sixty yen it says cha on the top here we go Oh me already that was fast I don't think that the Shinkansen will will gather full strength until we get to the past Oh Mia and then we start going really fast it's one thing to point out the Shinkansen does not go fast in Tokyo it starts to cruise after Yokohama and then man does it go fast but right now we're kind of we're kind of cruising at normal speed but it's so smooth and smooth it's so smooth yeah I think it's under 200 km/h I'm not sure but once we get out of home yeah and we're out of the urban areas it starts to go Marshall says Marshall Ellis thank you thank you for the cut I right so we're gonna say goodbye to Kenai and I'm gonna take you to I'm gonna take them to the window out there [Music] my kunai okay oh look at the flower it take the job seriously with Junior what's he doing I guess a safety safety call there's an engineer driving the train meetings and they left the point at stuff with Japan rail but I learned this by studying the transit date and talking with people but can I know somebody who drives the trains they point because body language helps you remember so by pointing it it's it's a way to confirm and it's scientifically proven to help you remember stuff know this train is not very crowded and it's okay to she's looking at me it's okay to talk like talk lightly inside of there but if you're going to talk at full power and it's crowded if it's crowded you got to want to talk in the compartment so if your phone starts to ring you want to leave leave the compartment make sure it's on Manor mode silent mode it's very important to adhere to the cultural norms of Japan when you visit put your phone on silent or manner mode we call it met mana modem in Japanese but silent mode and if it starts to ring or vibrate coming out here and talk here never have your phone ringer on in public into Japanese didn't never do that there goes the Tohoku Shinkansen boy there's only a Saitama Japanese never ever use the ringer in public you'll never hear phone rings um if it does ring it's 99% of the time a foreign terrorist or some old lady who just forgot to turn her phone on man or mode I used to do something stupid okay I could explain when I got into the stations I would run to the vending machine and get one really fast to save 20 yen because the ladies selling it her drinks are always more expensive it's a stupid thing but maybe we can try it or maybe we shouldn't would it be funny if the Train took off and without me would that be funny okay if we stop all we stop right next to a bento shop oh no what if we stop next to a vending machine there's a chance all right it looks like there's no chance I'm gonna just I'm just gonna get off and then get back on I'm just gonna let's have a little bit in this kind of a situation the vending machines way over there I'll never make it in time so I'm just gonna get back a latke nice like gonna be freaking out all right I would never make it [Music] alright guys now the train is crowded now the Train is crowded okay I brought you back I don't know I wanted to go and do a vending machine run and run to that vending machine whatever I would never make it back in time I'd never make it back in time okay nice getting some more happy birthdays oh that's nice and Sony enjoy your birthday and suede Hightower happy birthday can I love the channel Thank You suede and David Q mother's in the house it's always nice to see David yeah thanks guys really appreciate it we're gonna be doing a bunch of live streams when we get to teens I don't and I don't know if you've ever been there if you have very cool but give us a thumbs up if you like these kinds of cut this kind of content and if you want to see more let's see if we can get this video to like a thousand likes okay just something crazy when we get to ginzan onsen I want to show you in three hours the Shinkansen station in the middle of nowhere Oh easy down right with you though we're gonna do an OE station of tour guess what there's nothing there and that's a story it's like the middle of nowhere hey there's Terry Terry things love from India thanks guys appreciate it and so in about three two and a half hours we're gonna do another live stream from Ishita oh sorry Oh is she done always she'd a big rock field is what it means in Japanese and I'll show you there's nothing there it's gonna be really interesting I love that and I'll put the notification in patreon and Instagram stories as well as well just look for it we'll be there in about two and a half hours but until then until then we're gonna eat our aqui been in peace it's can ice birthday shouldn't have to do it publicly as we depart on the you should see you can relax a little bit can I take a check our guy I've been to boxes right here it's on ice actually it's already cold so it doesn't really matter so there you go guys we're on our way we'll see you in about two and a half hours on the other side and Yamagata prefecture in the middle of nowhere remember these buildings remember all this life buzzing around us because we're about to go to a place with like nobody at all because it's your birthday goodbye everybody [Music]
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 30,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, shinkansen, ekiben, bento, train, tokyo, station, shopping, ticket, bullet train, yamagata, Yamabiko, kanai, kanae, john daub, inside, toilet, restroom, guide, view, cost, tohoku, north japan, onsen, ginzan, hot spring, trip, travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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