Todd White Testimony - Bring a Friend series

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right good morning good morning good morning okay I need you guys to stand up again so sorry I just I have a I I just had the Lord just tell me at every service we're to pray for each other so here's what I want you to do I just believe that God is the god of miracles how many of you believe that all right look you don't believe that you're about to find out because he's amazing and I've watched him heal so many people over the years so many people that even don't believe because it doesn't matter what you believe if the person beside you believes I promise put your hand on somebody's shoulder beside you please so here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna pray for one another it's only gonna take a just a minute or two are you ready who believes that God could do this all right okay so when you do this is we're gonna go from the top of the head down alright so I want you to repeat after me in the name of Jesus we command every issue in the head in the brain the ears the eyes the nose the mouth we commend complete healing now in Jesus name in the net every issue of pain discomfort discs be healed right now in Jesus name shoulders in the name of Jesus be healed right now in Jesus name back every disc spinal cord every nerve be healed in Jesus name hips every joint in the body be made whole right now that includes knees and ankles and fingers and elbows in the name of Jesus we commend every organ to be healed right now in Jesus name from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet and any disease must leave right now in Jesus name Amen now I want you to physically check your body from head to toe right now if it was your neck I want you to check it your elbows your shoulders those are shoulders just raise them up and check them your hips your knees whatever it was if there's physical change in your body right now I want you to wave both hands over your head amen one more time if there's physical change this is for every campus if there's physical change I want you to wave both hands over your head loud and proud right now in Jesus name that's awesome amen amen awesome all right go ahead and have your seat please good morning good morning good morning good morning Frisco good morning Grand Prairie good morning North Fort Worth good morning North Richland Hills good morning Dallas and good morning South Lake I am so excited Grand Prairie you're amazing to you I just I love you all I'm excited this is my home we've been here in January we'll be here two years that I've been plugged in here pester Robert is my pastor and I'm so excited to be able to share my heart with you today and the pastor Josh and pastor Todd I'm just I'm just really excited so I hope I can get through this is I've been a mess all morning I was a mess yesterday I woke up with Jesus this morning at 5:30 he woke me up and he said good morning like Lord I could have another hour I said no come on let's go no coffee I don't I don't do coffee I just do Jesus but I did I went in there and I got on my knees and started weeping and just bawling because just how good god is and how amazing he is you know I was a drug addict for a long time and I'm gonna share that with you and my testimony but but I have been alive for 13 years I mean I I've been alive I've woke up in love with Jesus for 13 years straight I haven't had one day of guilt or shame or condemnation for 13 years strength I haven't had I was depressed my whole life I was suicidal I haven't had one day of depression I've woke up in love with Jesus I wake up and he's there every morning I'm in the middle of my day he's there every day at night when I go to sleep he's there when I lay my head on my pillow I have perfect peace I go to sleep I live and rest I'm in love with Jesus I just believe the simple gospel I do I believe the simple gospel Jesus says come to me all of you who are weary and burdened down and wade down to exhaustion and I'll give you rest unfortunately sometimes people come to him and he gives them rest and they don't learn from him so they can't maintain them pastor Roberts not meant to keep you saved do you understand that your pastor is amazing and and pastors are awesome and but their job is not to keep you hooked up to the life source the Holy Spirit is the one that hooks you up to the life source Jesus is your life source you have to have relationship with him God didn't say come and fill a building and stay inside the building he said no I want you to be the building I want you to house me God didn't live inside of people then he sent Jesus to come into the world to pay the price for the sin of mankind and when we say yes to him and become a believer the Holy Spirit wants to completely possess you to make you a complete detriment to the devil every day so that you can destroy the devil's works everywhere you go it's an exciting Tristan life that's not just about getting to heaven one day it's about heaven getting into you today so that you can destroy hell every day of your life everywhere you go Christianity is exciting every day I get to cast out devils every day every day I get to see the sick healed every day every day I get to prophesy over people why because the Bible says it every day I get to hear words for people why because God is always speaking and he has good things to say he's not silent is the Word of God it's amazing God's really excited about this whether you are or not I'm like this all the time because I live with me you know what's amazing I didn't have God and he chose me I didn't choose him none of you chose God if you said guess it's because you just met his yes that he said yes a long time ago sometimes we're so just so in trouble because of different reasons like sometimes we think that my mom my dad didn't want me and that's the reason why I'm rejected but what if that's not the issue what if your mom or your dad they didn't really know who they were so they didn't know how to accept you what if we've lived our whole life to try to gain the acceptance of people because we don't understand the acceptance that we have in Christ because if you've been accepted in the beloved you can never be rejected by man again ever there's no there's no boss there's no wife there's their mother there's no father there's no child there's no colleague there's nobody that can take away your acceptance if you realize that you've been accepted in the beloved come on okay I just want to just I want to I are you guys okay I'm really excited so I'm about to explode just just bear with me okay because all I have inside of me if I do explode Jesus and that's all you're gonna get moving Christ in us is the hope of glory but Christ's coming out of us is that hope being made manifest it's the mystery it's amazing so watch when I was born when I was born my mom and my dad they weren't thinking let's have a boy my mom and my dad were thinking different things like my dad was thinking you look good I know this sounds funny but it's true so when my mom and dad came together they weren't thinking let's have a baby they were thinking this feels good okay I'm gonna paint a picture for you I want you to bear with me are you were are you ready so you're not smiling right now look unless your name is Mary and you were the mother of Jesus every one of you that are born came in this way so on the night of my conception are you ready there were eighty million chances of me swimming up a birth canal 80 million nests that no one's smiling come on so out of eighty million chances I'm only one so there's 79 million nine hundred nine nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine other chances swimming up a birth canal headed for the egg and you know what unfortunately I'm the only one without a tool everybody else has jackhammers sledge hammers trying to get in the egg natural instinct so they're all up there at the egg trying to get in trying to get in ooh boom boom boom and Here I am I'm last slower than everybody else I'm the last one but when I get to the egg when I get there they all part like the Red Sea and I don't have any tool I don't have anything all I have is destiny and I jump right in and inside the egg Frazee and everybody else is outside and then my voice from inside the egg says sorry guys I was predestined before the foundation of the world that's what the Bible says about each and every one of you regardless of how life panned out regardless of how your mom treated you or your dad treated you regardless of that stuff regardless of how people accept you or reject you the only one that's been rejected is the devil you understand that he's a withering branch he's cut off from the source of life he has no hope and he can never be accepted he is constantly rejected and he is trying to plant that seed in your mind so that you can never ever get this thing on with God and always have attitude instead of live with gratitude I promise you the enemy is after this right here he is trying to dominate your thoughts your thinking your mind your will and emotions to keep you from ever seeing your created value and seeing the price that have been paid for you because the cross this is just the revelation of your sin but the cross is the revealing of your value if you would see the cross and you would see how valuable you are there are songs out there there's one that says I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross that's a catchy tune but it's not true I need to know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross why because when I see how much it cost then I can see how much it costs God to redeem my life and that price determines my value and if I see my value I will never look in the mirror and say worthless again I will say this you are worth the blood of Jesus it's totally changes everything this is my problem I've woke up this way for thirteen years I woke up in love with Jesus I've woke up knowing that he paid a high price knowing that God will never change his mind about me he always thinks the same thing I love you I paid a high price to redeem you when everybody else hated you I was there when everybody else thought you were a loser and a liar and a thief when you were a drug addict for 22 years I was there for you when you didn't even think about me I was thinking about you as a matter of fact odd I was thinking about you before the foundation of the world wait a minute that's weird you were thinking about yep I had my mind upon you before the foundation before I created anything I thought about you but that's not just for me that's for each individual God has more thoughts than outnumber the sands of sea of a sea more more thoughts than every grain of sand in the whole world and every thought that he has this for your welfare would have you got ahold of ten thoughts what have you got ahold of a hundred thoughts what if you got ahold of 500 thoughts that God thought about you instead of all the thoughts that people think about you see we've allowed our mind to be manipulated and dominated by what people think instead of what our father thinks see God's just not God he's just not Almighty God out there God's our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done what is the kingdom the kingdom's not meat or drink but it's righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost so the kingdom has come and Jesus has preached the kingdom a hundred more times than he preached being born again but being born again is essential to unlock your potential but if you don't understand your created value and understand what God did for you you will think that when you pray a prayer that that's it that's not it it's about a life that's fulfilled with promises by God that comes into your life that it's not about what you see here it's about what he says here and it's about what God says about you so that you can live and walk as a conduit for the glory of God to flow through to destroy hell for a living because the devil will no longer manipulate you and tell you who you're not because God has told you who you are so I was a drug addict I started drugs at 11 years old mom and dad got divorced when I was a kid and I flipped out I freaked out my mom couldn't handle me so she did the best thing that she knew how there was a man that she worked for that was amazing and they had a place called the Masonic homes it was sponsored by the Freemasons my mom had no idea what it was because if it was that bad she wouldn't have put me in there but she did and they took care of me by the time I was 12 I was fully addicted to drugs I was in that place for five years and I destroyed everyone's life five and a half years and a half of year later I get kicked out and I come home my mom's remarried I can't stand my stepdad so we're fighting I leave that house and I'm just hurting people and destroying people drugs and alcohol and anything I can get my hands on I was addicted to pornography from eight years old so my whole life was a twisted lie I didn't have Christians in my family I didn't have people telling me about I knew a lot of people that went to church but they didn't bother with me they were too busy going to a building and praying for Jesus to rescue them out of a big bad world instead of realizing that Jesus didn't pay a price for them to hide inside of four walls Jesus did not pay a price for us to hide inside of four walls he paid a price for you to be a conduit to destroy hell but nobody encountered me so I joined the military because my stepdad said I could never be a real man and I told him I'll show you so I joined the Marines with an attitude I didn't work out well I went to boot camp down at Parris Island and I mouthed off the whole time and they broke me pretty good how many of you are ex-marines or I guess one Semper Fi once a marine always a marine I went down there to boot camp and I came out of there and everybody thought it had changed just because I could stand it for a dress and say yes ma'am no sir yes sir that didn't change anything I was brainwashed by the wrong substance see the only thing that can really wash your brain and the reality of all those dead works that are constantly going around your mind can only be washed by the blood of Jesus see the blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from dead works you can't have peace unless Jesus Christ washes you clean from all that stress from all that trash from all that tragedy the only one that can clean you is the blood and mercy of God I didn't know that I went out of boot camp I came home for leave I went back to base I started partying with the guys because they drink a lot well I couldn't handle just one drink I had that more and more and more and more and more I'm addicted to more that's why Jesus is the perfect fit for me because you can't cuz cheat you just you can't get enough of him God has created us all to be addicted to Jesus people say you have an addictive personality I say yes I'm created to be addicted to Jesus I am old you are you just don't know yet and if you do then you're gonna be like what's wrong with you what's wrong right Jesus uh-huh guys are like that guy's putting on a show you're wrong this is everyday it doesn't stop I got issues but my lifetime subscription to the wrong issues was cancelled by the blood of Jesus so now I'm addicted to him [Music] so anyway I end up just losing it I end up I'm saying look I want to go home they said no I said see ya I went AWOL I ran away from the Marine Corps not good I ended up in Colorado hiding out there in a place called Summit County which is like 110 miles of skiing like I was up above the clouds kind of floating around stoned every day thought that I had it made and then I got arrested and then the pipe dream was over they put me in prison they actually extradited me across America put me in military prison I'm in there shaved my head down again I know people are looking at my hair like you were a Marine yes but now I'm a Fisher it's a fishing lure I'm not kidding you have no idea there I have thousands and thousands of testimonies people like what's Jude you a rock star I'm like yeah kinda I go through TSA or like you come through here you have to sing okay are you serious 7:30 in the morning I got my guitar with me yep you're apparently your musician so did you come through my line you have to sing like I don't know are you positive TSA yep you have to sing he's the boss if he tells you you do you so right but you have to promise me that when I start you can't stop me till the songs over [Laughter] I'm like are you sure yep all right so I set up on their metal table right outside of the metal detector thing that's going through all the bags are coming through they shut it down just playing whoa Jesus you are letting it rip in TSA at 7:30 in the morning you just don't know yeah I'm not ashamed of the gospel but if you don't know that you're right with God you will be ashamed of the gospel people say how do I be bold you understand that God has forgiven you if you've said yes to Jesus because today God will wash you clean and wipe away all your junk so that you can wake up completely in love with Jesus instead of being ashamed of him and if you've never said yes to Jesus it's an amazing time because God is awesome and He loves you so my life was totally twisted I get arrested extradited I get out of the brig after a while they told me I had to wait for my discharge I told him I'm not waiting I gotta go I said I got to go they said you can't I said see ya I went AWOL again I did and I went to the same place I got busted the last time I was very very very wrong upstairs I was totally wrong see the problem is allow do you think that you're okay see people think that you have a testimony like mine it's amazing and if you grow up in church you're not that bad I've got news for you that's called self righteousness and it's the more dangerous sin than anything is if you think that you're right because of your good works you're gonna stand before God and answer for your life and find out that Jesus is what you needed and he's the missing ingredient so whether you were horribly twisted for 22 years or whether you grew up in church and only missed one if you miss one commandment the Bible says you've transgressed all of them not just one of them so all of us are equally as twisted and without Jesus and without repentance and without the blood of Jesus washing you clean you stand before God you will answer for your life and I'm not being mean I'm being real I promise you it's like that's a heavy-duty thing we don't think that way see we compare each other one to another and say well I'm not as bad as you oh you're you you are in for it because if you see the mercy of God you realize that God loved you so much that he washed away everything and all he's asking you to do is to give him you I mean what kind of betrayed is that you for him we give him this life so that he could give him give us his Jesus who knew no sin hung on a tree and became sin so that I might become something but if I don't understand what I've become I don't understand that I have become the righteousness of God I will still think that I'm gonna make it in by my good works and we are terribly to see because no one comes by their own good works I promise you no one nobody don't think that way recover that's a hard thing it's gonna be a terrible day to stand before God and try to think you'll get in by being good that's not how it is but he doesn't just want you to get to heaven he wants to get heaven into you to possess you he wants to take depression anxiety fear see fear is crushed with the perfect love of God see I am loved perfectly by God so I've lived for thirteen years without a day of fear I don't have for you can't give it to me fear is under the curse fear and anxiousness and all that is under the curse of the law see with Christ all that thing is crushed because Jesus hung on a tree and cursed is anyone that hangeth on a tree so God cursed everything in that tree and because of Jesus we can stand in freedom without any kind of fear and we can come boldly to the throne room because when he was on that cross and he said it was finished God tore the veil that separated man from God and he opened it up so that we could come into the presence of God not just that day but forever see the blood of Jesus he creates a way that forever I can come straight God and I could go right to him it's not about growing up as in the denomination where you just go to church no it's about being born again and even people that are backslidden they're slitting away from God it's not about sliding backslide oh don't slide away slide home don't run away from God run into him he's a good good father he's an amazing dad if people hurt you it's because if they were Christians and they hurt you it's because they didn't know who they were when they did it but if you got hurt by it it's because you didn't know who you were when it came so either way none of them are gonna be excuses that you stand before God and say well if they wouldn't have done this then maybe I could have no you're the issue you people hate that oh don't you tell me it's me there's a key right there you've got a problem with this person this person this person it's not them it's you you're the issue give up get out of the way get out of the way say god I'm done running I'm finished I just want you Jesus if you're this good and you're this real I just want you I just want you I just you he's real and he's a lover he's not angry he's not bitter he just loves you so much liyan so in the Marine Corps I went to bouts in the brig and then I got ended up getting kicked out and they kicked me out of the military I got a bad conduct discharge I came out I met a girl in a bar about a year and a half later I tricked her into thinking I was amazing and just like life goes just like it did for my mom and my dad my girl got pregnant and I had no idea what it meant to be a father and she she was very very independent woman and I thought man I'm gonna mooch off of her and steal from her and all that stuff well my baby grew up with a father that didn't have any idea who he was and then my girl was gonna leave me and I told her if she did I'd kill myself and I thought about suicide every day of my life because I didn't know why was alive I don't care how much money you have I don't care how much money you don't have suicide knows no money suicide doesn't that doesn't matter see the devil hates his life but he wants you to take yours the devil hates everything he can never repent he's hopeless depressed angry defeated and bitter and he wants you to think just like him he doesn't want you to understand that God is good and he's for you he wants you to think you've messed up and you're hopeless and it's over the devil wishes that he could kill himself he can't he's going to be chained in a pit forever he wants you to think that way and that's not you so this girl grew up this daughter of mine for seven and a half years with the dad that acted just like I'm telling you except a little while after I thought that I was gonna kill myself she told me she was gonna find somebody else and I told her if she did I would kill them kill her and kill myself and leave our daughter with nobody so she stayed with me in fear so seven and a half years down the road she ends up saying I'm out of here but I don't hear her say that I just come home and she's gone so I Drive over to her stepdads house to get a rifle because I knew that he had a bunch of guns in the cabinet when I walked through the gun cabin and I passed by a phone book and I flipped it open by chance and it opened two churches and that's the last thing that I'm looking for but it's the very thing that I need but I don't understand but I made a check at one of these churches and I drove her I said I need to talk to somebody now there's real happy guy yeah kind of like some of the pastors that I see in here but I didn't know cuz I was angry and they were happy in him and he told me he said haha he's well let me tell you about Jesus I didn't come here to hear about Jesus he said this is a church but in my life I didn't know that Jesus was at a church keep in mind I wasn't a Christian I had no idea that Jesus existed in the building I thought that it was just a place where people that wanted like this Jesus to be some kind of a crutch hung out I didn't know that he was an anchor I didn't have any idea about any of that stuff so he told me since I don't want my life while I give it to somebody that does I said who would want my life he said Jesus I said come on man I said whatever he can have it there I did it that was my prayer that's not good I went home I called my daughter and I said hey you need to tell mommy the daddy found God she said what's he like dad I said I don't know but I met somebody today there's something different in his eyes you know the eyes of the lamp of the body and if your eyes single your whole body's full of light what is in your eye and when people look in your eyes what do they see and how are you thinking are you thinking with his mind because if you're not you don't know biblically who you're created to be because you are meant to have your mind renewed so you can know how God thinks and you can have his heart and you can have his eyes for people and it's ears so mom came home as angry as could be in that first night I put my daughter to bed told her everything was gonna change I'm out on a cocaine binge same thing nothing changed except I had this confession but Jesus didn't say go make confessing Christians he said go make disciples but I couldn't read so I didn't know how to read this Bible so I never read a book before my whole life so five-and-a-half months go by and and then the same thing every day same thing and then I pick up his kid this night I'm ripping off a drug dealer and she bent my last night alive and I ripped him off and I told him I was a cop I said you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you have a right to an attorney if you can't for one the court will appoint one for you I've been read my rights so many times that I've memorized them I'm talking hardcore I'm just telling you the tip of it and I told the kid to get out of the car and put his hands on the hood when he did I hit the gas and the kid pulled out a nine-millimeter and unloaded boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and a voice shook my vehicle and that voice said I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet and I had no idea what it was I thought I got shot I said I'm going to meet this whoever this pastor's God is cuz I didn't even know him I come home that night and I look at my car and I had no bullets in my car from ten feet away and the fear of God hit me I went to the door she said get out of my life I hate you and I left I went to a place called Teen Challenge and I went into this rehab I went in there with nothing I lost my girl I lost my daughter lost everything and I'm there for two months and every morning I'd get up early and I'd open the Bible that I didn't even know how to read and then God opened my eyes and he told me that he forgave me and he told me that he washed away all my stuff he told me that I'll never revisit it again he said I've washed it away never look back only look forward and he washed it away and then I had three nights where I had encounters with Jesus and the third night he told me to go home I packed my stuff that Pastor came and picked me up I went to the house and I realized that I was a dad for the first time in my life and they helped my little daughter at seven a half years old as a father and I said I'm so sorry for what I've done and she said I know daddy you're home I said honey daddy can't live here I hurt mommy so bad and mommy comes out of the house and I told her how sorry I was and she looked at me she said I know you are when you went away ahead an encounter with Jesus and four days later we get married in between first and second service and that was 13 years ago and right now we have that little girl she's 20 then we have an eleven year old then we have a six year old and we just adopted a little boy that was born addicted heroine 14 months ago I have four kids that Jesus gave me I need everybody at every campus to stand up right now please I want everybody to do me a favor of them just bow your head please if you would be here at this is every campus if you would be here and you would say I do not have that relationship with Jesus I would like to have this relationship with Jesus I just want you to shoot your hand up please all over the place I want you to shoot your hand up right now all over every campus that do you not have that relationship and I would like it all right I need everybody right now that has their hands up I want you to all to come forward every campus I want y'all to come forward right now come on come to Jesus right now every campus right now up top I want you to come down South Lake every campus come on you guys come to Jesus I want to pray with you every campus I want you to come forward I'm gonna pray with you right now and then your local pastors are going to take up come on everybody don't be afraid there is room at the cross for everybody don't sit on the outside looking in come to Jesus give your life to Him he will change your life he will give you your family back and he will wash away your sin every campus I want everybody to come forward right now I want to pray with everybody I'm so proud of y'all so proud of y'all I'm gonna pray with you right now are you ready I just want you to say this with me every campus Lord Jesus I want everybody in here to pray just in case you didn't come down Lord Jesus I give my life to you I'm asking you to wash away my sin give me that new life make me that new creation we're old things passed away and all things become new today my life is yours and you are mine in Jesus name and everybody said amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 42,301
Rating: 4.7907324 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Pastor Robert, sermon, Dallas, Texas, Southlake, relationship, Jesus, God, Honor, love, Todd White
Id: f1Y1_FU8oA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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