Todd White - When Finances Are Stolen

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I went to a church after this and I got invited to come and I wasn't I wasn't like it wasn't the kind of church that that I would be invited to like like on the on the the pictures of people that were there the guy that was there before me was Jesse Duplantis yeah and then I was in the middle of the pictures of the week before the week I'm there and the week after me was like Perry stone and so here I am in the middle with my hair braided looking like a wrestler I gave me this picture and I'm like I walked into the church now I went oh my gosh like what is going on why am I here I really felt I'm not that I can't speak cuz I can't speak because I I spend time with Jesus and then I speak but I but I'm like kind of overwhelmed because I I know it's a youth conference so I can do this there's youth are gonna sit there look at me like this and I can do that because I'm not expecting their facial expressions to to tell me what they're thinking I have to believe that God seat is going in and hitting their heart because they youth man if you get speak to do you think you speak to anybody because they literally the kids will look at you like this the whole time they're not even you don't think they're paying attention but when they tremble and shake and so anyway I go to this church and and I and then it was a youth meeting that I was supposed to be at and so on that there was another pastor it was down in West Virginia area so I go up there and and the youth Pat or the another pastor it was there that was way more seasoned and way more amazing with the way that he speaks and he's one of my friends he's like come on we're gonna do this and we get there and none of the youth were there like that's not good to go to a youth conference at a church that you can believe that you're there and you don't even know why you're there you see people like Jesse Duplantis and Perry stone who are amazing men of God dressed up in suits and Jesse you know Jesse they're amazing like I'm talking season season season season people and then none of the people show up for your conference at the church you were invited to that you should probably be at maybe and so I'm like oh my gosh so none of that youth show up so maybe maybe 20 20 kids out of like I guess like a couple hundred kids show up and some adults and some some of the members from the church show up but it's not anything like what it was supposed to be and so I'm I'm speaking and I'm sharing my heart a little bit know but I just like this was seven years ago and it you had to be there I guess I'm laughing because I can see the peace faces the people like like what's going on so the next morning comes and a couple of more people come but it's not the youth it's not for the purpose of why we came so I'm I'm in the midst of this and and then we speak in the afternoon hardly anybody shows up and then we're gonna do Saturday night service so on Saturday night service the pastor from the church comes and when the pastor of the church comes it's a regular service time there's probably six to seven hundred people there so I'm thinking alright now we're gonna like get this conference started but none of the youth are there again so I'm like with something's really up I have no idea what the plan so we do the service and they have the most amazing some of the most amazing worship Dove Awards come out of the church the they have like full-on choir with the uniforms and and they're saying and it make you cry listening to the worship and so get done and just sharing my heart a little and then after Saturday night I go back in the back and the pastor comes I go up and meet him and I've never met him yet and he goes excuse me he goes I need I need you to talk I need you in my office and I'm thinking okay it's probably because like the conference like was a serious flop and like no one came that was supposed to come and I'm like I'm not thinking I'm not condemned not ashamed or guilty or afraid or anything like that it's not that I just didn't understand so I go in the office and he says to me this he says I I need you to hear me like okay so I'm standing there and this is my first meeting with him he said a couple of months ago we found some discrepancies in our in our finances he said so we didn't know what exactly was going on so we went and I did some searching and some and some finding out of some things and I turn and I and I I noticed that money was being moved out of this account in this account and I'm like what is going on so he did some more searching and he said and then he had like just all this stuff come up where one of his spiritual sons that he's trained and been with for like eight years like raised him from like really good and really quick on the finance and that was handling all the finances he found out that he had been embezzling from the church now no one likes to hear that but that's really what happened and he said and tomorrow morning my church is going to be here about 1,800 people and we're going to do two services and so right now I am writing a letter because I have to release the letter to the church tomorrow morning to explain about this man that took the money and I have to tell all of our congregation tomorrow and here's what he says and I need you to preach do you understand the magnitude of what's this this is like massive we're talking about seven years of taking seven years of taking from a church that's how back they've they've traced it and they found out like they got it all it's a couple of hundred thousand and then there's another there's another account that has like a million dollars in this is like a great tragedy like that is about to like blow up and so he's gonna release the letter in the morning and he's gonna tell the whole congregation and then he's going to give me the microphone to a church that doesn't have any idea who I am and I'm the last person that they're expecting to get the microphone and I'm probably in their eyes the last person that should have the microphone after they get this letter this is a huge amount of responsibility for the person that's gonna have the microphone what are you gonna say what would you say would you search your Bible to find the perfect scripture because I promise you that's not gonna work right there what scriptures good thou shalt not steal well that's obvious but I'm being really serious this is ridiculously crazy and I am under like this amazing weight of responsibility and I'm like in the office I go sir I said I don't think it's a good idea that you do this this is your church I'm trying all the natural things to do like no like I came here for a youth conference and they didn't even come you have Jesse you have Perry stone next week maybe you should maybe you should talk about it next week and let Perry do it cuz I'm sure he would do way more amazing he goes no I I he goes you know four years ago I saw I was going through the Christian channels on on on and I and I saw this man sitting Marigny and he had dreadlocks and and I said and the Lord said he's gonna become an ally on the others house and he said well Lord you would have to make this happen because I have no idea who this man even is and I've never seen anybody like this in my life in ministry you know and so here you are and I didn't even know that you were the one that I saw in the video but it all lined up and when you came into my office I remembered you're the guy that God said and I'm sitting there going what are you gonna do he goes I really need you to do this and he's actually got tears because this is one of his spiritual sons that he's been with like I'm talking taking under his wing and done everything to the family the man that that stole this knows that he's been caught so he's trying to repent with tears because he's been busted his wife never knew about any of it she's divorcing him he's at home suicidal that's the case right there so I go to walk out the door and I said sir I said I'll pray and see what what to do in the morning he goes good because we have two services he said both of them will be equally as full of people so we're talking about a church with you know about 4,000 or so members so I go to walk out of the door and as I'm walking out the Holy Spirit shakes me this is one of the first times I've been shaken in this way and I can only reckon it to a place that's called the fear of the Lord I trembled me because I have nothing I have nothing in the natural to give here I don't have anything in my own self to give to this situation and I don't want to give somebody my opinion and so I walk out the door and as I walk out the Lord shakes me and says turn around and tell him do not compromise the letter restoration will be awesome and I'm like real quick I just said it don't compromise the letter sir restoration will be awesome and he's shaking years I am at a very crucial point right now I I thank you and I walked out and I go oh my god what did I just do I really thought that my my my natural mind tried to take over and say what did you just do you just dug a deeper hole now you're in big trouble I really did I walk out and I go oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my gosh this is gonna be so much more of a worse letter like it was already bad what did I do yeah so I go to the house and I can't sleep and I'm up like all night not I'm wrestling with God on what do I say and I'm like I don't have a clue like there's nothing I don't want anything he's not like saying go here and go here and go here and go here he's saying I love you okay God but I need more than just your love right now I need direction I need a plan what's the plan I love you son you're mine but God I don't know if any of you've ever been in this place before because you've been in a situation that you need something you need some word to say but I'm in this situation and I'm overwhelmed and I'm like I don't want to cause a mess I want to see restoration like God said restoration so I get there to the Sunday morning service and there is like 1800 people in the room and the pastor comes up front on the front stage and the stage is set up like this it's a it's a huge stage with a huge choir background and then it has a huge baptismal right where that cross is up in there it's like beautiful I'm talking like amazing so the pastor comes up with his wife and they're both shaking and all the staff fans out in like an arrow right in the front of the stage and the pastor and his wife and they're both crying because this is a very this is this is all their family and this is like trust and and all that and so it's hard enough it's hard enough for people to tithe anyway like people are so stretched on tithing because they because they're like well you know I don't have enough I get it but if you hold on to what you think you don't have you'll have even less hey see we don't get this and I know and I'm talking about theft and I'm talking about tithing at the same time so but this stuff happens that guy needs help he needs help that doesn't mean that you're giving to a thief when you give you give to God you give us under the Lord God so loved the world that He gave so tithing is a big stretch for a church now bring like a total embezzlement for the last eight years from all the people that are barely getting to the place where they can tie and deliver that word to them people are like what oh my gosh it's a tough see what what happens is it gets people introspective like what am i doing like I what what what is going on here like uh and then they get this lack of trust towards God like God did something but really it was a person are you with me Steve in the world this stuff happens all the time but in the church right you guys all right some of you are not all right man all right probably because I talked about money money is a hard thing for people man don't let your money have you okay that's all just let Jesus have you completely okay so I get up there hour I'm up in the front seat now pastors reading a letter we regret to inform you shaking and trembling and the congregation goes and the air leaves the room it was a very very very not like everybody has been stabbed in the whole church everybody new visitors that's not good for a new visitor first day at church already having a problem with those guys that want your money on TV they think right so the pastor good he gets done and he reads the letter and everybody loves this guy like he's the son of the house the guy that did it no one would even expect it he's like an amazing guy and his wife is gone his kids there everything's done so the pastor gets done and then someone strikes up the music a little bit the pastor goes like this and today we have a special guest speaker his name was Todd white here talk talk talk talk talk here he is and he runs to his seat and sits down and goes like this what would you do if your the Mike a dreadlock man in front of a church that they don't even know who you are who was a thief for 22 years I get the Mike and I start to speak and people are getting up there leaving like the congregation like disgusted they're out and so they're getting up and the place is in an uproar and I'm like I started to speak in that I didn't even know what to say and the Holy Spirit said get the pastor and his wife washed their feet now that's all I need to do and I took him up on the stage and I sat him in the front and I washed their feet and I sat there and I cried with him and I prophesied God's heart over them in their life and people were wailing like I mean like like you know how when the little girl died and they had the mourners outside and they were wailing it was like that but congregation why because these are mom and dad of the house of it was devastating and I'm washing their feet prophesying and they're rolled over almost like it was really really crazy time and so this is only the first service there's another one coming in in like 10:40 you know what I mean so then we get done this service and that's all it was and the second service he has to read the letter again to the second set of people crazy and so the same exact thing happened the second service it was nuts like same football I tried to preach something else I tried to speak but everybody was like huh and they're getting up and leaving so I started to started to speak and didn't have anything there I talked about Redemption and the reality of God taking old things making them pass away and that all things become you I talked about what it means to truly forgive talk to a church that just thought just knows they've been stolen from and tell them how to forgive in the midst of them in horrible unforgiveness because they're betrayed they're stabbed they're man like I just got to the place where I could give free dollars instead of two and you're gonna tell me that they took it all it sounds funny but there's people the offering plate comes around and God says you know you should give your first fruit I'm not saying this for an offering it's over okay I'm telling you that this is a trouble this is a struggle we give unto the Lord and God is the one God is the one that provides he's the one that brings increase but if you sow sparingly you reap sparingly so there are people that are really angry because they've given $3 a week for four forty weeks and they are so mad because they're 120 dollars over a year is gone and that sounds crazy but people are like well you know I don't know now they feel completely betrayed so that three dollars is now disappeared does that make sense at all then you have other people that have really tides and really poured out and it's amazing the other one's amazing too if that's what you got that's what you got so this is the situation so we get done the service and and the pastor was like okay we're gonna have another service tonight Sunday night please come pastor did to his congregation so Sunday night service comes and the church it was really weird because it holds 1800 there was about 2,000 people there was really really crazy so Sunday night comes there's about two thousand people in the church and they're doing worship and I'm like up there and I'm and and they give me the microphone and and they're there singing and I start to share my heart on Redemption and there's a like a Teen Challenge place that's there and it's called Karen's place it's an amazing redemption house for women that have been prostitutes of all the twisted stuff have been in that life of stealing and that life that I came out of to write and so these these women are there and they're like talking about Redemption and then all of a sudden like it just breaks out into worship and I look and the pastor the main pastor for the church is up in the baptismal up in the wall he's up there with a white gown on and he's baptizing a couple people so there's some baptisms that were scheduled given this situation and given where we're at this is a crazy time to baptize and a crazy time to rejoice but what's going on is a couple of people are getting baptized and then we started to talk about what it means to be redeemed again what it means because see no matter what the situation no matter what you're going through no matter where the dilemma is redemption never changes restoration never changes redemption never changes there's always hope there's always hope no matter how tragic it looks no matter how demonic and how dark everything is and so he's up there baptizing people and we're talking about restoration and talking about like repentance and what does it look like to forgive like it's a hard word to bring to people that are in in this place I mean we're talking about the evening of the morning that this word was released so all of a sudden all of a sudden I love all of a sudden like people start running to the back to go upstairs to get baptized like I'm talking not like a couple people I'm talking like a hundred people run and they're not even from Redemption this house Karen's place these are from people all over different spontaneous people are just running around it's crazy so I have them sing a song called you won't relent until you have it all my heart is yours and people are screaming and it is a god thing and all I'm doing is sharing the reality of what it means to have all things pass away and all things become new and it's the most ridiculous service I've ever been in and it came from simple obedience to say don't change the letter don't compromise this letter restoration will be awesome in a place where I am in a situation that I shouldn't be in but I should be in because things that God thinks that I should be in I might say oh my gosh that's way too big and way over my head but God wants us to be over our head he doesn't just want us to test our toes in the water he wants us to be so over our head that we have to have full dependency upon him where it isn't gonna work right and I have no clue about this situation like this is the first of its kind in my life and I'm in there I'm sweating people are getting baptized and pastor chuck is up there and I'm like up there over the wall like hanging over and praying for people and and they're being electrocuted in the water and they're carrying them out of the water and it's turned into like full-blown so now we have four girls from Karen's place that are going in the first one goes in and has scars all over her arm we're talking about old things passed away and all things becoming new and every scar is disappearing off of their arms one and then two and then three and then four and the fourth one comes out with absolutely no scars on their arm screaming showing their brand-new skin to the camera and people are going crazy so I'm up there and I'm just praying with Pastor and he says Todd get up here in the water with me so we get up her in the Warren you have a hand held in a baptismal which is like electrocution style if you go so we're up there and we're baptizing people and then the congregation surges the stage I'm talking like you see it looks like someone's seen an angel or Jesus has come back something's happening because everybody's like aah and they run up on they're all hanging up over the the baptismal and I'm sitting there going what's going on and pastor is in the water with me and he turns and he looks and he goes oh dear Jesus and he's streaming and I'm like what is going on he said that's the man I said what do you mean that's the man he goes that's the man that stole the money I said what and him and his wife are completely overwhelmed holding hands coming down into the baptismal watch check your heart Church where would you be because if you got attitude you're the issue listen to me our war is not against flesh and blood it's against principalities somebody gets a thought entertains that thought goes this way and the enemy capitalizes on it and all of a sudden I don't care who you are if your thoughts are not held captive to the obedience of the mind of Christ and you don't take every thought captive what happens is you will take a left turn and you will be facing this way and if you take a left turn for eight years straight you're not just like a little bit off your way over here and you're totally deceived but everything seems okay because you're only deceived when people aren't looking his own wife for eight years didn't even know what was going on so what happened was the mother-in-law called and said you need to get to the church you need to see what's going on right now and so they went and came to the church sat in the back cloaked so no one could see who he was gets convicted he was one of the runs that ran into the baptism line so now they're up there in the baptism line coming down into the tank and the congregation isn't angry the congregation is Oh God mercy oh it's so amazing and they're running up and they're streaming well I mean streaming wailing like loudest you've ever heard like it's actually eerie yet beautiful at the same time and Pastor Chuck looks at him and he says I forgive you my son and holds him like this and his wife is just completely undone and they get down and we baptize him in the water and if we wouldn't have pulled him out they too died there and we pulled him out and we laid him up on the top and then people kept coming through and kept coming through and kept coming through kept coming through it was ridiculous service and it lasted really long it was amazing so the pastor looks at me and he goes type please tell me right now that you can speak tomorrow tell me that you come here I said I have I have to be somewhere on Tuesday Monday night is when I'm supposed to fly just please talk this is my Church because my church almost got divided this is for the sake of my church I said all right and I told him I said okay what are you gonna do no I'm really sorry you Church doesn't matter I'm going to another event it's overwhelming tomorrow morning he said I want you to do my leadership meeting my staff meeting in the morning and then tomorrow night we'll do another service and everybody will come he said people praise the Lord and starts talking about tomorrow night service so so this night I go back in the office and it's like a ridiculous time about the letter not compromising the letter thank you so much because I was at a point where I was about to say this but I needed to say that I think it was so hard for me to say that but what I said was truth and truth always prevails and so it was amazing so the next morning I come in and it's the staff meeting so I get there and it's this other pastor that came with me and then there's about 43 staff members so now I have 43 staff members that are sitting in just like in the first few rows and I'm up there and this other man is sharing Isaiah 55 and the other pastor and man I'm sitting over here in like just sitting here kind of watching and listening and the Holy Ghost grips me and trembles my heart and he shows me all the secrets in of the staff he shows me each one what their dark spot is and where they're at he shows me this one's collaboration with this one against the pastor and this one's pornography that is with his wife and this one that's almost stepped into another adulterous affair because of that not another but adulterous affair and this one right here that is collaborated with this one and so I stood up on a chair and I said you and started to speak out the reality of the truths that were that this stuff that they were hiding and just again started wailing and it was the most intense session that's not something that's normal in my life like it doesn't take it doesn't take a man of God to point out the trash in someone's life but this is not open trash this is secret sin that's gonna devastate them and the church if it's not taken care of see what we don't understand is that we can have such a deep relationship with Jesus that there is no junk in your closet but you have to pursue God for what he pursued you for he pursued you to give you his Holy Spirit see that kind of stuff never has to happen in the end because if you mind in the beginning things that are gonna matter in the end you will never be out of whack and they'll be no foxes allowed to steal your grapes off of your vine but because we kind of let stuff go and let our conscience go and hey it's okay man I mean this isn't too bad I mean I was way worse this is not that bad the problem is is that bad is bad sin is sin darkness is darkness this isn't the condemning word this is an amazing freeing word but if you don't pay attention to the little things that are damaging and the little things that are twisting stuff then it's only a matter of time until these little things become really big things I remember this story in the Bible I was with Daniel kolenda and he was sharing it with me it was it was a word about Shama and and it's in Sam it's I think it's in first samuel and it was about this man that was one of David's men and he was standing in the midst of a valley or in the midst of a field and the Philistines it was like what would be considered like a pea patch like something really small like I've no value and he's standing in the middle of this field and he's got an ox goad which is like just a he's just got this it's like a spear it's like a sharpened end of a wooden pole he's standing there and the Philistines are like what we want the field he's like you can get the field and he's alone he's all by himself this is our field no no it's my field it's the Lord's field it's not yours yeah but this field has no value who cares about this field it's a measly field it's really nothing to it why do you care so much about this field because it belongs to the Lord and you're not happening I mean it was just a measly little tiny piece of grass like a little plot just this little place see he knew in his heart that if he if they took the field it would establish another Philistine stronghold which eventually would be bigger and they would keep taking ground but he's like no ain't happening so he's willing to take out an army of Philistines with an ox code because he says this is not yours and we as the church need to make sure that we hold on to our pea patch 'as man I'm telling you if you give Satan an inch he will take not a mile he will take your life if you give him just a little bit he'll take your everything this is not a joke this is not a place to play games it's not compromised so this little stuff this pornography this little bit of addiction this little bit of this this little bit of that it's not okay it is ruining you inside and what happens is it starts to sear your conscience and then all of a sudden you shipwrecked your faith see you don't shipwreck your faith to do miracles because I can be the most amazing miracle worker because God is the one that does the miracles the Holy Spirit lives in me he's the miracle worker so the miracles won't shut down I'll still have deadly accurate prophecies and amazing miracles the blind will see the Deaf will hear the dead will raise the poor will have the gospel preached to them but man if I don't mind the little things and make sure that I keep my conscience soft my heart pure and my hands clean these little things become big things and then all of a sudden its way out of control to where you just veered a little bit off of truth now you're way far away from truth and you call good evil and evil good and then you incorporate a word called grace in your life which is not real grace at all because grace empowers you to walk what the truth calls you to all of heaven is available to back up purity God doesn't want a generation to to run hard and be all powerful being yucky no this isn't a mean word it's an amazing word it doesn't matter what it is if there's something that's a vice in your life ask Jesus to cut that thing off before it gets way out of hand and don't counsel people with your opinion don't tell people your opinion well I feel like it's not about how you feel do you know that mock God's thoughts are higher than my thoughts and his ways are higher than my ways so me thinking with the mind of man is sensual and demonic it's full of self-seeking and envy and everything evil is there there's nothing good in that place the way that seems right to a man is not okay we need our minds renewed we need to spend time with God we need to open the word and say God make me become what this word says and when something's wrong could victory so that it changes don't let me live in this sin I do not want this in my life he paid a free for us to be 100% pure not ninety seven percent pure ninety seven percent would you go to a store and see a water in the case that said ninety seven percent pure and drink that would you ninety seven percent pure that's close no that's not a good water sale thing it's not gonna happen you want pure water well God wants pure people it doesn't mean that you're bad that doesn't mean that you're wicked that doesn't mean that you're evil the devil is a liar and he wants to compromise the church to get her to twist little things so that those little things become big things so Shama never gave up that field because he knew and he was willing to lay it all down and destroy an army just to keep it with a spear no matter what like david's mighty men like crazy like with one sword with one guy what happened i mean it's ridiculous his story stuck too his hand he wasn't giving it up I mean yeah that's a lot of blood that's a look at Samson man he had it he had the jawbone of a donkey would he do a jawbone oh it's over why cuz he was the Lord's man he had a lot of twisted stuff in his life man Samson was a womanizer it was awful we're in a new covenant with much better promises and when the Lord is faithful and he is yours he's our strong tower you can't afford to live sensual in this age you can't afford to live by feelings or opinions so in this meeting with all these pastors I just shared my heart and then started to point out all this stuff and their wailing and I said to the pastor I said we need to they need to wash their feet and the pastor humbly looked at me and said no Todd these are my people and he just heard all their secret junk and the pastor's not hurt or offended he's like no Todd we need to wash their feet they're my people and he went through and washes his people's feet that are conspiring against him and each person he washed as soon as he went past who who's over ridiculous went the whole way through washed all of them that was our morning meeting they locked the doors it was just staff it was the craziest Monday morning staff meeting I've ever been a part of every Monday morning what if your what if every morning God was like that with you this needs to change this needs to change grace can do it I have mercy on you if we don't get in the Bible and find out the hard things will never realize the things that need to be changed because the hard things are easy things when God reveals them because it's by his Spirit it's not by might it's not by strength it's by his spirit that's what it is the Holy Spirit empowers truth to happen he cuts you deep he cuts you clean the Word of God is a live sharpen active he judges all the thoughts and intents of your heart he cleans the heart so that your heart can be clean and beautiful and free he opens the eyes of my heart Lord so that I can actually I wanna see you that's what we need so Monday night came the church is packed it is a huge packed out house and God baptized the whole church in fire it was the biggest awesome most awesome mess ever it was here's what happened after this went on the man that took the money the account that had the whole lot in it was returned and the other that they couldn't return the church took out a personal loan and said you're gonna pay back the church none of it was taken to court nobody went to court nobody went to the authorities and in a two year period his aunt or no his mother passed away left him an inheritance and he paid back every penny that doesn't happen but with God so all the money was paid back total restaurant total restoration was made 100 percent that sounds crazy but what I just shared with you is completely biblical it says when somebody has art with somebody and there's a problem here don't go to the lawyer don't go to the law settle it amongst yourselves and that's what they did but it wouldn't have it wouldn't have it wasn't looking that way it was looking like church split everybody's divided this that near the thing now the church is thriving thriving and amazing look guys we think that we think sometimes that when I'm Sharon is almost to this to the place of legalism it's not it's just called holiness being holy is what God's called us to be doing holy is impossible but when we see what Jesus did to make us that way we live from there instead of towards there do you know that you can never bite your lip enough to be better I mean some of you have no lip why because if I'm trying to do it my own strength I will I will bite my lip off my face you can't do it that's why it takes full surrender there is no other way I don't care how long you've been in the church it doesn't matter to me you could be a church member for 80 years got born again when you were just a little kid be 80 years in the church I never open your Bible ever and be like well I'm just here pass them through you're not here to pass through every Christian has the opportunity to seek God with all their heart with all their mind with all their strength with all their mind you need to seek out with all your mind the only way that happens is not being conformed to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can prove what God's will is approved yes this is no this isn't God God God God has a plan for us your plan God's plan is for you to prosper and do amazing and he wants you to know what real grace is you guys all right sorry that's kind of intense but that's really amazing so the church is really thriving and I go there a couple times a year and their family and it was one of the most amazing times I've ever had in my life but that is where the fear of the Lord started to churn and I mean I've always had a passion for purity because I was really really really lost and hurt a lot of people and when I got saved my conscience got clear and I got completely free inside and then all of a sudden I realized that guy is dead and this clean conscience and this this like pure heart that God's given me I'm not going to do things to violate it ever and so I have been sensitive when the Holy Spirit says this is not okay I have obeyed and not stepped in it all right could you please stand I'm just going to pray
Channel: Todd White
Views: 231,781
Rating: 4.8549876 out of 5
Id: o4ZtHyJ8Cq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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