Michael Jr. - Bring a Friend series

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I think they'd do anything you guys you're clapping thank you so much I love Gateway Church pastor Robert awesome let me tell you so pastor Robert is like if you've never been here before it was the white dude who was just talking like absolutely a personal friend of mine and he ministers to me even when we're just hanging out it's not like he tries not like he's opening the Bible it just flows out of him and the same thing shows up like every Sunday when he brings her word to so I'm telling you this stuff it like next week he's gonna bring it like for reals you wanna be here I'm just I'm gonna sing it but he gonna bring it so I'm excited it's gonna be so much fun Oh what's up to author other campuses yeah I would just want to say well I could see you even if you're an overflow like if you're in that little room to seem weird there's actually another room where other people are you just got there late but I can see I want everybody in all other campus if you could raise your hand at me a wave other campuses people not you okay yeah it's you wave and then try the other hand to try to yeah that's so cool the services so far I've been awesome so good last week Todd white was bringing it and then if you weren't here Nick V who's a friend of mine he was bringing it um you know he's faking right you know he's faking yeah yes anyway um if you weren't here you missed it you gotta go back and you don't know what that joke mean right now but he won't got no arms and no legs I said he was faking it so that was the joke really so there's some scripture I want you to read when you go back to the crib if you got a Bible if you don't hopefully by the end of the day maybe you'll have one anyway so there's Genesis 22 you know got read right now trust me it's there so Genesis 22 1 through 18 so we go home you should read it cuz it'll pop different as a result of what we're gonna talk about today so cuz I want people to like learn stuff you don't want just learn my daughter seven years old oh let me say this just hit me about the first responders right first responders are the first one to respond but did he a cool little catchphrase I thought of last service so if there are first responders I think us as Christians we should be the second responders let me let me let me explain so a second responder as soon as they hear a siren or hear the news we start to pray because there are signs all over that someone needs prayer there signs like a siren or their signs like a sign it says there's an accident here are you are you just gonna get upset cuz now you gonna be late or are you gonna take that as an indication to respond pray that was his extra cool I didn't the other service they had two fire department here which was awkward because I was parked in front of a hydrant so that was weird for me so my daughter I want people to learn I won't just people to laugh when I'm gonna learn - so my daughter one of my beautiful daughter for amazing daughters and his son's awesome so my daughter was just seven years old she walked up to me crying I was like what's wrong she said my brother called me ignorant I was like do you even know what that means she's like cuz you ignorant I really happened my wife would tell you this often - you can't even use the same stuff on kids that we used to use my dad would say stuff to me like listen if everybody in the world jumped off a bridge would you jump off a bridge - I tried that with my son he was like well it's a lot of pressure being the last person on earth I don't know if I want to I'll probably go with my friends I probably would that and people actually what makes me laugh Michael jr. what makes you laugh I like awkwardness awkwardness is awesome like I'll get on an elevator and I'll let the door closed behind me and I won't turn around and then I'll say hello and everyone gets off on the next floor and I just giggle my way to the top but then I'll go to the stairwell and those same people from the elevator so much fun here's something else is awkward yet fun you ever go on a job interview and partway through you realize huh I don't want to work here at that point you should just have fun you should flip the whole interview you're like so tell me a little bit about yourself like you know what you go first answer this question where do you see me in five years you know else is fine like I grew up in Michigan and it's real cold in Michigan right so recently I found some fun one of my old ski masks so I just put it on just start walking around DFW here's the thing I won't go rob anybody I just got a ski mask own right and I have my hand in my pocket and I went in the bank I went in a bank you know I'm in line like everybody else I just happen to have a ski mask Oh have you been to the bank though like what they gonna do have you seen his security guards at the bank it's always one extreme or another it's like some young dude with pimples on his face he like a in security guard or like a super old dude with six hearing aids you're like a social security guard and they never got a gun they just got a walkie-talkie you know a security guard you a tattletale that's what you are Tiger Tail woo someone say I heard this phrase somebody said you should don't judge me by she walked a mile in their shoes I haven't walked a mile in my own shoes I got a car when I'm walking around four so I have these random little thoughts like I don't drink 2% milk cuz I don't know what the rest of it is made out of it's a math joke there's 96% not accounted for some people just start praying for me I was just a second alert right there it's the second alert it's time to pray he don't know what's going on I saw this commercial recently this is just how I think I'm just trying to help you out I saw this commercial right this lady fell down was a Life Alert commercial she failed boom she's on the ground help I'm falling and I can't get up first thing I'm thinking why don't the cameraman help her was she so we run our merchandise table a little different than most places with so this is what we do first of all Otto proceeds from everything it's because there's so much stuff going on her world it goes to uh it's going to a black family in America I want to say that first well we run our table a little different because I want people to have an experience around giving and around receiving and around noticing where you are with these things so we do is we do this thing called community community generosity this is how it works we actually walk up to the table buy whatever you want that's fine but if for any reason you can't afford something at our table what we actually do we actually to walk up to the table expert you want and we give it to you like for real if you have the means what we actually do we actually to walk up at the table buy what you want buy some more and leave it there for someone else again it's called community community generosity so I really maintenance because there's people here watching right now even have two other campuses you may not have much and you have a hard time receiving well maybe the reason you don't have much is because you have a hard time receiving so I really really really mean this I really want you to just be obedient and walk up to the table and do what are you supposed to do there's also people who got a lot of money you do an i but some of you have a hard time receiving as well so what I want you to do what we actually do is walk up to the table if that's you leave your money in your pocket act for an item and let us give it to you because if you can't receive from me and the people around you how can you receive from a god you can't see because he's gonna use people like me and the people around you here's my favorite part about community there's two things first your job is to simply be obedient meaning your job is to be obedient there's people in Phoenix Arizona who bought tickets to tonight's show they not gonna be here so your job is simply to be obedient it doesn't even matter what you you're just practicing being obedient the other part I love about this is one of my favorite sayings is how you do anything is how you do everything so if you have a hard time going to the table to give you're having a hard time giving across the board if you have a hard time going there to receive you're having a hard time receiving across the board there's one lady at an event I talked to her afterwards she said I could I wanted a children's book I just couldn't receive it I couldn't do it and I was like wow that's my stuff I said are you married she's like no so you want to be married she said yeah I said what the chances are your husband has already paid you a compliment but you couldn't receive it you just kept walking how you do anything is how you do everything some of you won't even see the merchandise table just like you didn't see the homeless guy two weeks ago who needed your help at the other campuses we're actually for with we're going to actually open this up online which is crazy which has to be God you literally can go on the website and decide if you're going to give merchandise are you gonna receive it for real I don't know what that's gonna turn out to be like God's math is different than our math he'll talk to the right people to give and the right people receive that your job is just to be obedient and when I first start doing is this stuff was scary I gotta be real with you because I was like what God huh what but I literally now as a result the human Rossi is one of my favorite parts of the event like I love what happens people were hovering or learn about themselves people are crying some of you'll be in tears cuz you'll learn about who you are and how you get down I literally had to let go of what I wanted which was the sale merchandise soccer receive what I really needed which is was to change hearts and that's literally what I'm talking about right now you have to let go of what you want to receive what you really need so another example is uh when I lived in New York there was a home some jokes I used to do there were I thought all my jokes was cool funny I met Jesus and then I make sure all the jokes were clean but you are still funny that's important the jokes were claimed before that but I just had to make sure he lino but like one of my favorite jokes is uh I should do some your momma jokes I wrote like two of my whole life because I didn't I want to buy time on my momma that's what it was but recently I wrote this when it was your mom so fat they can't even lift her up in prayer that's my favorite / favorite this is a big woman that's a big woman I'm just saying it's a big woman so I had this other joke right that I was doing it wasn't anywhere near like that joke like this joke was clean it was great it was awesome and God asked me to stop doing it there's a difference I'm not even I'm not gonna do the joke down he just asked me to stop doing it and I couldn't understand why if I told this joke to you right now you'd be like that is hysterical and there's nothing wrong I could tell this joke to the Pope and he'd be like that's funny and God said I don't want to do a joke anymore and then I'm on stage in New York and I get heckled by this guy on that same subject for that joke this is a great opportunity I'll seem like the Ninja King or something if I put his joke out right now I just had to let the opportunity go by the next day I'm in a writing session and I come up with this phrase this joke premise / saved let me explain to you about over saying over say there's some creepy Christians there's some creepy Christians out there if you O know any is you so talking about creepy Christians and how some of them are over saved like they do weird stuff like they only got sheets on the bed because Jesus is the comforter they're only pizza that's been delivered right so [Music] so listener I've come up with an entire series of over save jokes the day after I let go of this one joke through it's probably 30 seconds long this series is probably 30 minutes of jokes not only that but people are using the language of over save to initiate convert spiritual conversations with people don't say stuff like listen I'm not trying to be over saved but I think like they're actually using it as a tool I don't even know that they could use anything I would say as a tool but I am blessed by that I had to let go of what I wanted so I can receive what I really needed even though I didn't know that's what I needed so there's a movie that I'm in it's coming on next year right so I started this movie the movies called selfie dad and uh when they were first trying to get me to the film I've turned some films down before and I was like just cuz they don't line up with the character I just I'm cool I don't gotta do movies at first when I first started to a comedy I just wanted to do movies and then after a while I was like you know I'm cool I'm just doing this movie I read the script it's a comedy about the Bible first of all how do you even do that I think we might have pulled it off I'm not sure we're still editing when it is when a writer / director was writing a script he was writing the script with himself in mind as the character because that's how he writes and then they were going to try to get me to play the role now this is a Jewish white dude from Los Angeles so the script needed some adjustments so let me set it up for you so the name of the film is called selfie dad it's about a dad who is a little selfish he's not really taking care of his kids right now and then he starts a YouTube channel and it blows up all his YouTube videos are called how-to videos so I'm actually going to show you a clip of this but what happens is um he just got angry he got upset because he lost one of his endorsement deals so he hits a wall and his hand is really really really hurting and he's driving down the street really fast he gets pulled over by the police now in the script it says Ben which is my character when Ben gets by the police he's really angry I said um no I'm not he was like no no you understand so when you're driving down the street and the police are behind you you're mad I'm like I ain't mad bro he's like why not I was like cuz it's black people really should be mad when they get pulled over by police I just want to throw that out real quick how does just wanna throw her out there it's just not a good it's not a good move and he said hey he said well okay how about this when you get out the car I was like hold on hold on yeah now I'm not gonna get out the car that's what's not gonna happen never got the car he was like what it's just a movie I was like yeah but we want to be realistic right cuz we let him know the Bible's real let's make everything real I'm not getting out a car he was like what would you do I was like oh no I'm scared right now actually big box I'm scared big bike so the whole goal in this scene for this comedy piece the whole goal is for things to escalate and then I end up in jail so literally we're on set and we don't have a script for this part so everything that you're about to see we just kind of improv and made this thing happen but he had to let go so we can get to this place right here check it okay first thing I need to do myself down I'm getting pulled over by the police okay make video that's what I do make sure this angle and just camera so they can see both of us I got making video for two reasons one cuz I'm selfie dad coming to it to make sure things as safe when the police officer rose up make sure that you don't have more based in and try to take all the bass out your voice hello officer hello officer you me put the hands on the steering wheel or they going behind your back so we gotta work this out don't work yourself okay also no immediate eye contact eyeballs only only thing turning is your eyeball you don't even move here come here come you're not man bring you happy news sir hello officer uh-oh officer how are you good fact you're doing 81 when they see the license registration and proof of insurance I thought it was the police it's a broglie's we're gonna be I hate who you people license registration proof of insurance we're calm yourself down bro hey I got a Sophie dad mug but you want Sophie damn mug you drink coffee right trying to bribe me sir no you like doughnuts I got some coffee you stop you get amorphous okay let me get it for you real quick hey sir keep your hands on steering this thing so they're not done editing yet but that's one of her favorite scenes so far but literally the director he had to let go of what he wanted so he can get what do you actually need it which is deeper not to think about the Jewish do as hysterical anyway oh my son who's brilliant who I love right I was telling him about this message I was gonna do and he says to me says dad you know what when Peter and the disciples were in the garden right before Jesus got captured they didn't want him to die but they had to let go of what they wanted so we all could receive what we really need it Ian it is my son that's awesome so one time I was doing a show this is probably maybe almost 10 years ago I'm in Phoenix Arizona I'm doing a show like 3,500 people at the show and we're having a great time but right before I got on stage a pastor friend of mine was in the green room with me we were talking and we put up this picture online we had the tech guy pull up a picture and we're looking at the picture and we're talking about it and this is a hard picture to look at like it's a kind of a horror picture we're talking about the story behind it and all of the stuff and then I go out on stage and I go do the comedy and now on a scale of 1 to 10 the audience is probably laughing at maybe a 7 and a half which is a really good show so we're laughing we're having a good time so to help you understand how I do comedy whenever I'm doing comedy let's say I'm doing joke number one I'm presenting joke number one but at the same time I'm doing the math on joke number two and how you may respond to joke number two based off how you're currently responding to joke number one once I have that one locked and confirmed I'll move on to joke number three and then do the same math and then maybe even four I used to go as far as six jokes deep even on presenting joke number one but I met Jesus he want to talk to me while I'm on stage so he's talking to me between the gaps and I'm doing a show where out of seven and a half and I hear God say show him the picture so I'm what picture lor don't know what you talking about remember no picture I'm not gonna show him that picture I do comedy that picture is not funny still present a joke smile and we having a great time so I'll move on a few minutes later I clearly hear God say show him the picture so I show him this picture this is a picture of a vulture and a little girl then a little girl is really sick about to die and obviously the vulture is ready to eat her outside of this picture which you can't see is there's a food bank - she's trying to get - and the photographer obviously is in position as well now the photographer actually waited 20 minutes for the vulture to open up his wings so he could take that picture cuz he thought it would be better so didn't a photographer takes his picture you can go ahead take it down now he takes the picture and um then he smokes a cigarette gets on a plane comes back to the States and he actually wins the Pulitzer Prize it's the greatest prize you could win as a photographer and people kept asking her a question it was like what happened to the little girl what happened to the little girl so he wins this prize and six months later he commits suicide and I explained to my audience just like I'm explaining to you I said had he been of the mindset to save the little girl I believe that he himself would be alive right now and then I asked my audience the question I said I said who are you in this picture because we all know - vulture we know the little girl we know the people at the food bank even and we know the photographer who are you and what do you have to let go of so you can receive what you need so you can be in the position you need to be in your picture in your story and what I realized in that moment is what I had to do I was after the jokes I wanted the comedy but what I really wanted is I wanted to open up hearts and make a deposit but I didn't know that really into that moment when I let go and I saw the results cuz we went from laughing at a seven and a half - probably a zero - then after I segwayed out of that back to comedy we were probably out of 12 not because the people are insensitive because I opened myself up I literally had to let go of what I wanted so I could receive what I needed so there's people right now in this room and watching at the other campuses there's something that you need to let go of so you can receive what you truly need and chances are you don't really know what that is you can't even articulate it but God knows so what I'm talking about is having a real relationship with him so I have a story that always tailed it's my favorite story about having relationship with Jesus like his stories though is like my favorite sort of way I came up with this story I was writing a joke right I was trying to joke about the good room the good room is that room in your grandmother's house or your aunt's house it's that one room that's better than the rest of the house okay nobody going there is plastic on the furniture the China is in there it's really just for looks how many people know what the good room is North Fort Worth Grand Perry yeah yeah so I'm writing a joke about the good room and in the middle of writing this joke God stops me and tells me to tell this story to his people it sounds like all right so I wrote the story down I'm gonna tell you the story stories really good if we asked him he's like gonna tell your story so well I need some music or something because it's better if we have music oh there she is cool Jessica I don't mean to interrupt awesome so I want everyone watching right now everyone here in my voice I want you to imagine this is a story about having a relationship with Jesus this is a story about letting go what you wants you can receive what you really need so when everyone I want you to imagine that you are a house and outside of the house is Jesus Christ and he wants to come in but he'll never force his way in he actually wants you to invite oh man and the reason some of you the reason you haven't invited Jesus into the house is because you're cool with the way things are right now whenever you need something you just walk up to the door crack it open say what you need say a little prayer cuz something happen close the door and go back into the house but that's not a relationship at all how can you hear his voice under those circumstances and the reason will let them into the house is because your house is a mess and you think you need to clean it up first how's that been working out for you there's probably maybe drugs or pornography or maybe you just buying a bunch of stuff trying to stay busy or relationships you brought other people in the house thinking that maybe somehow they could help you clean it up but they can the only one who can truly clean the house is standing outside the door wearing an apron with a bucket in his hand waiting on you to truly open the door then there's other people in here right now you used to have Jesus in the whole house but whether you realize it or not you have moved him to just one room in the house the good room have you ever noticed how the good room most of the time is the one right up front with the big window so when people look in they think the whole house is clean but it's not it's just at one room so when they hear about you coming to church once in a while they think the whole house is clean but it's not it's just that one room they hear about you giving money but it's just that one room you got your favorite scripture but it's just that one room Jesus wants access to the whole house and I'm telling you if you will just open this door and let him in he'll show up with a contractor named the Holy Spirit and they will make sure the house is fully functioning the way was intended to but none of this happens if you don't open the door cuz he will not he will never force his way in he wants you to invite a man so if everyone if you could just close your eyes and bow your head like everyone at every campus Dallas every campus Frisco every campus Richland Hills so if so if you're in here right now and you know you need to invite Jesus into your house where there be for the first time or to give him full access to the whole house I'm actually to do something really simple on the count of three I just want you to put your hand in the air it's really really simple if you need to invite Jesus in the house for you the first time we're to give them full access the gantt on a count of three just put your hands in the air one two three nice and high nice and high praise God praise God a lot of hands praise God every campus every campus yes actually even overflow I'm talking to you too I actually am talking to you and overflow yes okay go ahead and put your hands down and then look up at me first of all let me say this I am proud of you I am proud of you listen some of you guys haven't heard this from her father's voice before so I must say it I'm gonna say this seven times and I need you to receive this I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you you need to receive that you have to receive that from a father's voice yes regard all of that stuff you've done yep yep uh-huh I'm proud of you so now Mac should do something else this is very important this is extremely important Jesus says if you take a stand for me before man I would take a stand for you before my father in heaven so what that's gonna look like right here on earth right here at your campus right there in the overflow room but this is going to look like it's on the count of three everyone who raised their hand and even those who should have raised their hand on the count of three I'm gonna want you to stand up and come forward if you're at another location there's pastors there if you're in an overflow there's a pastor standing in front right now so again on the count of three everyone who raised their hand and even those who should have raised their hand listen to how important this is when you raised your hand the first time it was as if you were reaching for the doorknob but when you stand up and come forward and we pray together it's like you're blowing the door open so Jesus can come into the house this is extremely extremely important you can't do it in here where we're proud of you you won't be able to do this out there so again this is for everyone who raised their hand and even those who should have raised their hand on the count of three I'm going to stand up and come forward and to help with that everyone around here they're going to applaud as loud as they but it will not compare to the applause that the angels in heaven will be doing when you stand to your feet and come forward one two three just stand up and come forward just stand up and come forward just stand up to come forward raw fruits and hills Dallas Frisco come forward come forward Grand Prairie come forward I found Sam grumpy as just come forward even an overflow I know you're an overflow and God has overflowing things for you so literally get up it's okay to be able to if you're in front of the screen blocking it you need to come forward you've got to come forward this is your time there's your time this is your time I'm proud of you I'm proud of you I'm proud of you I'm proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I'm proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you and proud of these I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you and probably paying proud of you I am proud of G time and proud of you somebody is stubborn I am proud of you Bravo I am proud of you I am proud of you I am proud of you I am prominent [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mm okay so um somebody's thinking well that's enough people that's what you just thought really you should be here too whoever just had that whoever's thinking that yeah I think God caught she just now okay so here's we're gonna do you guys can squish up a little closer so people could yeah um so we're gonna pray when we're done praying you're not gonna be an angel grow wings and be perfect all of a sudden but she'll be different on the inside I am so proud of the people at Grand Prairie right now I'm so proud of you got I am so so so so proud of you I am so proud at every camp in the overflow you stood up in an overflow room but you're in a room like you're in a closet next to a room into it then you was like and that's a great story you get to tell the story girl you got Saint that Church you'd be like what kind of it was some hangers next to me but I was like okay I'm gonna get up too and it's not too late you could literally you could literally get up okay so here's we're about to do I'm I'm I'm proud of you oh okay so we're gonna pray so here's what's really important the church Park I saved that in New York they had a um they have five trees planted and in over the years for other trees were really really strong and big and 100 trees was really small this is a real story so my pastor at the time says why is this tree smaller he says that to the gardener and the gardener comes over with a big 4x4 it starts beating the base of this tree cook a black cook a bra comprised it's my sound effects completely hell right and he acts a gardener why are you beating the base of this tree and the gardener said well when you beat it like that it sends it into a trauma and its natural responses to grow so some of you guys have been heard you've been through a lot and as a result of that you're going to grow but is that as a result of this decision you're saying I'm not going to grow angry I'm not going to grow bitter I'm going to grow up towards God so but here's it here's my scheme just like what a small tree is planted if you ever seen one a small tree is planted that one's put those little steel bars next to it with the wires that attached to it just like when those small trees are planted they always have those bars you got to have other Christians who come alongside of you will come alongside of you and make sure you've grown the right direction because the wind will come and you have to be stable so your roots can get strong so your tree can grow so you can bear the fruit that God has for you to bear and in making this decision you said I'm going to let go of what I want and receive what I need and by faith you don't even know what that is but it's going to be amazing so we're gonna pray and then a didn't gonna bring up a white do make it official I always do that that was today I just in case you guys didn't understand some of the slaying just wanted I never let you know what just happened here so that is not pastor robbers voice by the way as they do coming up just right now just okay okay so we're gonna pray I need you to repeat after me nice and loud bold and clear every campus please every overflow I'm talking to you repeat after me please dear God thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to this earth to die for me I thank you Father that he rose again on the third day I believe it and I receive it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: undefined
Views: 410,882
Rating: 4.8542628 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Pastor Robert, sermon, Dallas, Texas, Southlake, relationship, Jesus, God, Honor, love, Michael Jr., Oversaved
Id: fcJmwfoY8BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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