Pastor Robert Morris – Why – Bring A Friend

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all right I want you to turn to Isaiah chapter 5 and we'll get there in a moment we're gonna go through a lot of Scripture like we always do but really what you see Isaiah 5 I think you're gonna really get excited about this and you can click to it or whatever you do by the way in the last two weeks so far this is our bringing of your friends series last four weeks but in the last two weeks we've already had 561 people accept Christ as their Savior so that's fantastic so I started the series with whosoever will and we talked about that and then last weekend I did where and how and the title of the series by the way is eternity your choice so I want to nail it down that God did not choose some people to go to heaven and some people to go to hell that it is completely your church choice where you spend eternity so we talked about who's server will where and how this weekend the message is why and what I'm going to do is take some of those tough questions and we're going to answer those for instance why would God send someone to help why would a loving God this way it's frames many times send someone else why did God even create help why did God create two trees in the garden and of course there are many trees but which I'm not referring to the tree of life the tree of knowledge of good and evil why God even why did God even give Adam and Eve a choice I mean that's a question that a lot of people have why why okay in order to answer these questions though please hear me you can never answer a difficult question about God without making sure that your answer is congruent with his nature and his character and we know his nature and his character through Scripture and the whole of Scripture it's very important to understand it's the whole of Scripture because there are some scriptures that would tend us to to believe some way of thinking that might cause us to think well God might might do that and God is just defied to do something like that but if you try to answer difficult questions about God without taking into consideration his character if you begin going down the line of thought and this is very very important to me again I'm not trying to pick a fight with someone who believes that way I'm really not but it is so difficult for me to believe that people can believe that and not believe God is good in other words I don't know how you can believe some of these things if you believe God's good God's a good God so we're going to look at some some some attributes of God today that are extremely important because here's the reason when I read something this book and I think now I don't understand that that sounds like God might be harsh or mean or cruel I always go back to well I may not understand it but I know God's good and I know God's character and I've studied the whole of scripture to know God's character so we have to answer difficult questions in light of God's character it has to be congruent any way of thinking you have has to be compatible with Scripture the whole description right so three points today number one I've already alluded to God is good he is good psalm 119 verse 68 says you are good and do good you are good and do good by the way if you told yourself that if we reminding yourself of that scripture every morning it might change your day you are good and you do good now this is a reason I really love this scripture you are good and you do good now listen carefully what I'm going to say okay God is it good because he does good God does good because he is good just you follow me let me say it again him being good is not dependent upon him doing good he does good because he is good see it's like God is truth he is true do you mean Jesus didn't say I know the truth is that I am truth I'm truth okay so because God is true he can't like he can't like this is what I have some real big problem with most people's definition of the sovereignty of God because what they think that it means is that God can do anything he wants to do no God is this what it means is I wish you'd study it sovereign means he's the supreme ruler of the universe but because he is who he is God you said well God can do anything he won't know God can't act outside of his character he can't y'all following this am I making it clear because it's not that you follow me it's me saying it clearly God is truth so he can't like he's not a man that he shall I okay in the same way God is love so everything I read in scripture I have to I have to put within does this fit in there in the the basic that God is good god is worth all that God's loving me God is good okay so let me explain something about how good god is Moses asked God to see his glory now glory is this huge word I could tell you the Hebrew and the words it comes from I can tell you the Greek in the words it comes from and explain but that wouldn't help us much okay so I'm gonna give you a practical definition glory is what you're famous for it's what you're known for for instance LeBron James when I say LeBron James what do you think about basketball okay you said not you know you might be a bigger fan than what I was but just in general basketball he is famous for basketball now he also does humanitarian things but he wouldn't have done he wouldn't be doing the humanitarian things that did if he wasn't that good at basketball and gave him the resources to do those so I think of those two but mainly we're gonna think of basketball Phil Mickelson we're going think of golf right even though he's a humanitarian - okay so that's what they're famous for if you said what what's LeBron James famous for weights a basketball what's phil mickelson famous for golf okay so Moses when he said show me your glory here's what he was saying show me what you're famous for show me what you're best at what's what what do you do best okay look at this here's what he said and we'll get to Isaiah five at the very long time from now okay just all right Exodus 33 18 and he Moses said please show me your glory then he that's God said okay I'll make my goodness pass before you I love that scripture show me what you're famous for they said oh well I'm famous for being good that's what I'm famous for I'm known for good okay so because I know that anything I read in the Bible has to line up with the goodness of God and what happens is we read something in the Bible and we think mmm man that sounds like God's being mean so let me show you one when Adam and Eve sinned God drove them out of a garden and he gave a reason why drove him out but when you understanding is good you understand why he drove him out okay let me read it Genesis 3 verse 22 then the Lord God said Behold the man has become like one of us us Father Son and Holy Spirit to know good and evil and now watch lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever and then notice the sin stop sir even though that's not a complete sentence watch and that's a very important one telling you this therefore the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken so he drove out the man and he placed cherubim that's really big dudes that's what that means in the Hebrews you really big dudes angels at the east of the Garden of Eden and a flaming sword watch this a flaming sword doesn't even say anybody was holding it a flaming sword which turned every way north-south-east-west to guard the way to the Tree of Life okay here's why I said you know I want you to us it says God said hey man has become like us now he knows good and evil we better drive him out of the garden lest he take from the tree of life and live forever and then it doesn't go on less he takes on the tree of life and live forever does another what what does that mean okay so many people have said see that just shows God was mad at Adam and Eve and in his temper he just drove him out no God's good here's why he was saying it he said they have mayor now Adam and Eve are now in a fallen state they're in a fallen state they are now separated from me and if they eat from the tree of life now they will live forever in a fallen state separated from me get them out get them out right now and put a flaming sword down there so they don't eat from that tree in a fallen state because they'll live forever separated from us you'll see that see that's God's goodness but people don't pick that out if you don't have it rooted in you God's a good god by the way three scriptures in Revelation tell us that that tree of life is in heaven and you can eat from it all you won't because you're in a redeem state and he's fine for you to eat from the tree of life in a ravine state but he doesn't want you to eat from it in a falling state doesn't want you to stay falling so God's a good gone that's the first thing I want you to know here's the second thing God is just he's just it does it's not just that he does just things he is just isaiah 45:21 there is no other God besides me this is God speak for you a just God and a savior a just God and a Savior there will never be injustice with any with God or any of his judgments never because I know that see I can't go along with this thing what God chose son to go to heaven and son go to hell cuz that's not just I saw justice and I know God I know God I don't know if y'all know this I've met him personally I'm saying hey are y'all or any of y'all saved anybody here okay so you've met him - I'm not special you met ET and don't you see I spent I talk to him every day did you talk to him every day I talk to him every day and he wrote me a love letter and I've read it multiple times so I can't believe anything that doesn't line up with this book I cannot believe it cuz I know this guy I know he's good and I know he's just so we have these questions of well would a loving God or what a how could a just God send anyone to help and I'm gonna answer that okay but here's another question would God send someone to hell who's never had a chance never heard the gospel never had a chance okay let's answer by the Bible not our opinion by the Bible Romans 1 verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because what may be known of God is manifest now let me just tell you and then I'll go a little deeper the word manifest means to make known that's what it means I know it sounds like a big word that means to make known so watch the scripture because what may be known of God is made known in other words God makes it known to every person watch in underline that word in them for God has shown it to them I want you remember in and - for since the creation of the world now watch this this is kind of tough to understand but it's it's it's good let's watch his the invisible attributes now what's the word invisible mean you can't see him right okay watch what can't be seen about him watch his invisible attributes are clearly seen kind of a play on words again in other words his character his goodness is clearly Satan his love is clearly seen being understood by the things which are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they that Stu people who live in unrighteousness and won't accept him so that they are without excuse okay so God manifests himself to every person internally and externally that's what it's saying internally and externally so so again let me give you a little moral manifest if I said to you there is a multi-billionaire in the service I just wanted everybody know that and then I just go on do you think okay big deal but if that multi-billionaire got up and begin to do what only a multi-billionaire could do and that is give every person a hundred thousand dollars are there any multimillionaires inland rgeous I just just joking just joking okay but if he did and he gave to every person what only he could do we did for them when only he could do for him he'd be manifesting his presence he wouldn't just be in our service in our presence he'd be making his presence known listen this is why I love worship because it's not just the omnipresence of God it's the manifest presence of God he gets up during our worship and he begins to walk around and give to every person what only God can give to you he's the only one that can get it for you he makes himself known all right so how does he make himself known according this internally and externally let me let me say it this way right God manifests himself to every person on the inside because we have a conscience every person has a conscience he manifests himself to every person on the outside because we have creation conscience and creation your conscience tells you there's a God and creation tells us there's a God think about this why did God create a universe this big stars as far as right now as far as our telescopes ago I was just what I've been told 300 million light years away light years speed few travel speed light 186,000 miles per second that's pretty fast 300 million why in the world would God create a universe that big except he wants us to walk out look at the Stars and say there's got to be a god there's got to be God and here's what's amazing people say that that takes a leap of faith okay here's the other one nothing collided with nothing and all of this came into being you will talk about a leap of faith huh yes it is it is crazy by the way it is still called the Big Bang Theory and even evolution is still called a theory and even the guy who started at Darwin said a hundred and fifty years ago if you can't prove this in the next few years it shows that it's not true and he said and if I think about a human eye then I can't even believe what I'm saying in this book you okay but heute why why did God do this let me take some God put eternity and every person's heart God has put eternity and every person or think about this no person can ever say no one told me here's why because God can come and say I told you I came to you and you are a child and I put it in your heart to wonder about me I'll just take a little poll every campus all right how many of you remember wondering about God when you were a child go see your hands that's because God put it in your heart and let me tell you something else so this is this may blow you away and I'm just gonna list a few of the scriptures just because of time okay just a few every person that's what the Bible says every person every every person who seeks after God will find him every person let me just show you a few of the scriptures all right proverbs 8 - 8 17 I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently will find me not my not should not hopefully will they will if they'll see you diligent they will Jeremiah 29:13 and you will seek me and find me you will find me the verb still applies to find when you search for me with all your heart Jesus himself Matthew 7 sermon in the mount seven eight and an end ask and it will be given you and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open and acts 17 this is the way Paul put it in his sermon on Lawrence Hill verse 26 and 27 and he's made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined their pre appointed times and the boundaries of the dwellings so that so that because therefore so that they should seek the Lord he's done this for every person he's putting in every person's heart to seek him in the hope that they might grope for him that's the hope and if they do grope for him and groped by the way means to make an effort it's all okay just make an effort watch and find him if that's what God put eternity in your heart so you would look for him and if you look for him you'll find him because he's not far from each one of us though he's not far from each one of us so gods are just God he's a he's good he's just and here's number three god is love first John 4:18 he who does not love God does not know God for god is love okay so this question why would a loving God sitting in hell well I want to get to it but just for a moment could we just look at that that issue from a biblical perspective okay first of all you need to know something about Hell God did not create hell for people people say well out of God lovey God even create hell for people he didn't create hell for people he created hell for the devil and his angels Jesus's own words Matthew 25:41 then he will also say to those on left hand depart from me you cursed into the everlasting fire prepared the root of the sword and the Greek means built built for the devil and his angels so he didn't prepare for hell for you he prepared heaven for you I go to prepare a place for you he didn't he didn't prepare hell for you and he built it for the devil's angels but me and became evil and so watch what happened this this may be something you've never seen you're my life by the way I'm now at Isaiah 5 I got there ok and we'll read something after this also nicely if I see you stay there verse 11 woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may follow intoxicating drink who continue until night till wine inflame them the harp and the strings the tambourine and flute and wine are in their feast but they do not regard the work of the Lord nor consider the operation of the sands therefore my people of God in the captivity because they have no knowledge their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with thirst watch 14 carefully it uses the Old Testament word for Hell which is shield therefore she Oh watch has enlarged itself hell added on the devil added on to hell therefore she O God didn't do it she'll has enlarged itself and open its mouth beyond measure their glory and their multitude in their pomp he who is jubilant shall descend into it hell was enlarged by necessity not by design and will say that again I'd love for you to never forget that hell was enlarged by necessity not by design and held enlarged itself Satan added on to it because he got a third of the Angels to follow him and then he got people to following that's why so we say well why would a loving God you know send anyone to hell it's normally asked very rhetorically very angrily all right let's look at it differently all right let's look at the constant inexcusable rebellious rejection of a perfect and loving God who does everything right let me say that stable again let's look at the constant inexcusable rebellious rejection of a loving God that does everything right let me just give you three the three major there are many more stories of rejection of God in the Bible will give you their three major stories of the rejection of God the first is in Isaiah 14 in Revelation 12 also is a he'll 28 Lucifer was the worship leader in heaven he led a third of the angels to rebelled against God here's what I want you to remember that about that they weren't born into a bad situation God never abused him never treated them bad and a third of them rejected God that's the first rebellious story rejection of God the second one is it found in Genesis 3 God creates Adam and Eve perfect bodies perfect health perfect garden perfect marriage perfect relationship with God and perfect relationship with each other and they rebel against God the third one's even worse than that he sent his own son to this earth who explained to them the scriptures who did nothing but good for thirty three and a half years three and a half years in public ministry killed people raised people from the dead loved own people had dinner with sinners never acted prideful and arrogant and we were ejected him so much that we tortured him to death the inexcusable rebellious rejection of a loving God okay you only to answer the question why would a loving God send anyone to help it's a simple simple answer he wouldn't he wasn't people send themselves to help this God not only got rejected over and over and over again but then he sends his own son his own son and we still reject him but he sends his son to pay for our sins that all we have to do to go to heaven instead of hell is believing Jesus not live a perfect life just believe in Jesus except yes it's a great love story say then let me let me give you one of another one of these tough questions alright why did God even create us with a free will what's simple because you can't love anybody unless you have a free will do you understand that that the first heaven the first earth are going to be destroyed it's there's a fire coming if y'all don't know it's all destroyed by fire I remember in college with it's funny we I don't know why but we just got into this thing and you know we'd see a real nice car and there was a sprint of mine and he just said this all time you said it's gonna burn then we see a nice house it's gonna burn too you know say everything was gonna burn well he says he was right so I'll gonna burn one day the only thing that God gets when everything's over it's a family but here's what you need to know everyone that seen his family chose to be in his family and everyone who's not in his family defiantly and rebellious Lee chose not to be in his family you have a choice see you know you don't love someone that has to love you that you make love you know you know strap someone to a chair with duct tape and say I'm so glad we have this time together thank you for spending time with me today let me give you another one oh here's I got a couple these funny ones alright let me give another one yet you don't celebrate when your dishwasher washes the dishes because it's a machine designed to wash dishes right so you don't celebrate when you dishwasher washes dishes but if your husband [Applause] maybe your husband lost his dishes you celebrate because he has a free will you don't celebrate when your vacuum cleaner cleans our room but if your children clean the rooms then you celebrate or you follow me so all these tough why questions are not that tough as a matter of fact you want some real tough question it's not why would a loving God send anyone to hell it's why would anyone reject a loving God that's the question I don't have an answer to all right so I say a 5 I just have to show you this you know I love the Old Testament anything you can show me in the new I'm showing the old I'll say that again because I've been trying to find something in the new I can't find the old I find all obviously the birth of Christ the Old Testament the crucifixion you know Isaiah 53 Psalm 22 it's it's in the Old Testament the marriage supper of the lamb is in Ezekiel I mean it's it's just all there and I saw the reason I say that to you it's because don't get hung up on it this one book written by the same guy so I love what I'm about to read to you Isaiah 5 verse 1 says now let me sing to my well-beloved this is the father singing to the father a song a my beloved regarding his vineyard my well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful Hill now watch because we're out to pause just for a moment to talk about this just to remind you he dug it up and cleared out its stones and planted it with the choicest vine stop just for a moment he planted it with the choicest vine do you remember anywhere where Jesus specifically told us who the vine is John 15 I am the vine I'm the vine and you're the branches we focus so much on you're the branches we forget he's the vine Jesus is why so here it is right here God planted it with the choicest vine the choicest the best one all right now watch this I put these next words so you would just be able to see he dug it up and flared stones playing with torches fine he built a tower just ran word tower in its mass and also made a winepress by the way both of those means something and I could show you in other scriptures what they mean but I'm not going to cuz I'm not gonna do your homework tower and wine press that this vineyard in Isaiah 5 has a tower and a wine press in it just remember that so he expected it to bring forth good grapes but it brought forth wild grapes he expects to bring forth good fruit but it broke bad fruit alright so Matthew 21 now before we read it listen this is on Monday when Jesus was crucified on Friday I want you to get this because it's very hard for me to even read this without crying Jesus is talking about himself right before he dies right just a few days before he dies gee Matthew 21 33 here another parable another story there was a certain landowner who planted a vineyard set a hand hedge around it watch this dug a winepress in it and built a tower exactly what we read in Isaiah 5 and he leased it to the vine dressers and went into a far country now when the vintage time grew near in other words when he expected to get good fruit from it he sent his servants to the vine dressers that they might receive its fruit and the vine dresser took his servants so this is referring to the prophets beat one killed one and stoned another again he sent other servants more prophets more than the first and they did likewise to them now watch can you imagine Jesus saying this right before he goes to the cross and last of all he sent his own son to him he's telling them this his tell straight down saying they will respect my son and won't reject my son they'll respect him but when the vine dresser saw the sudden they said among themselves this is the heir come and let us kill him and seize his inheritance so they took him and cast him out of the vineyard I underlined out because I'm going to show you one other thing and they killed him they killed him outside the vineyard reason I'll show you that is hebrews 13 is talking about sacrifices animal sacrifices the eastern Old Testament watch this for the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priests or sin or burn outside the camp therefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered outside the gate they took him outside the vineyard and they killed him they killed his own son and Jesus is telling them right before he goes to the cross listen to me if you don't give you anything out of this message or this series have you heard it eternity is your choice you will never be able to blame God because God makes himself known in and to every person in the world and you choose whether you go to heaven or whether you go to hell I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes I'd really like to ask people here that would say pastor Robert I just don't know for sure if I'm gonna go to heaven I really do believe in God in my heart but I haven't been living like it and I'm asking you this the reason I ask you to close your eyes is because I didn't want anyone look around and the reason I did this so you could have a moment alone with God I'm the only one looking around right now and I'm not going to come to your embarrass you in any way but if that's you and you say I just don't know you've heard this message why not give your life to Jesus today right now and I want to help you just just pray a simple prayer in your heart right now but you got a mean you got a mean business with God would you just say to him dear God it's telling that in your heart right now I believe you're the son of God tell him that and I believe you died on the cross for my sins [Music] and I asked you to forgive me tell him I asked you to forgive me for all of my sins and I receive Jesus today as my Lord and is my Savior now again no one's looked around but if you prayed that prayer and you're really ambitious with God and I know it's gonna be many of you would you just put your hand up where I can see it put it way up high y'all be proud to put it up don't be embarrassed put it way up by after I gave my life to Jesus right now but it way up Isaac's here god bless you you can put your hands down I'm gonna ask you to do one more thing and it's very very important please believe me I don't have time to go through all the scriptures one scripture it's very simple jesus said if you'll confess me before someone I'll confess you before my father in heaven but if you won't confess me for someone I will not confess you before my father in heaven the Bible says if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth here's what I'm I ask you to do at every campus in just a moment we have one more worship song we're gonna have leaders at the front of every campus and other people are gonna be coming for prayer a lot of people who come for prayer during this time but I want you to come here that time you'll see other people walking welcome to the front you just come to the front just to one person and tell them I gave my life to Jesus take we're not gonna try to recruit you or get you on the mailing list or anything we want to pray with you and give you some materials that will help you in your new life with Christ all right so if you prayed that prayer no matter which campus you're attending make up your mind as soon as we start singing in just a moment you're gonna get up and you're just gonna cut in the front and you'll see other people coming and please let me say this to all the believers who are here if you need prayer for any area of your life you need to come during this time also we want to pray with you and because you're with you coming because you say you know what I do need prayer for some area in my life when you come you may encourage someone who just prayed that prayer to dump so if you need to come for any area a prayer or if you just prayed that prayer with me as soon as we stand up you just stand up step out you come Holy Spirit thank you for those who prayed that prayer and I pray you'll give every person courage to come forward now for any need of prayer or to say I gave my life to Jesus in Jesus name Amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 33,982
Rating: 4.8745875 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Love, Bring a friend, Why
Id: Jz-f3goyF_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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