Brazil Power & Love School - Todd White (Session 10)

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I feel different than I've ever felt before here we see to finish our mise missing GG that is increasing they'll start with other squeezes in I'm so increase starving turned oh I was in my bedroom today he'll talk about quiet orgy I was I was praying he stopped or seeking buscando singer saying god I know you love this nation this in the cr6 your Amazonas own you love this shirt Oh miss Amazon what what can I give this nation kick your posture dharasana so how can I help call me pastor Sudha I've never had an encounter with an angel before Luka chat you drink orange ones that I know kill Simon and as I'm I was laying there I heard this sound it will be a song and the animal testing and it came in my ear he invited me over doom that went through my head he passed away cabeza came out my other sio2 the water of it and everything in my body I don't know Corp oh I knew that it was him no Sofia Corelli because I'm praying to him but you're tougher and pray with him he was starving communion wind and then angel touched me today you wanna show me to college and I I feel really weird right now yummy see the history of all I don't know what's gonna happen I only say if I gotta say I am a mess right now yami-bakura sake he's a good man my Papa goose is in Boise so I'm not responsible for what happens internal saga but looking like what the stickiness Luka [Applause] I'm gonna share just a little bit with you know care about you now volcano seis I've been pressing into this gospel não importa do Preciado busca de magellan for 14 years poor cat was yours every day towards OGS all day total Jia every night todos annoyance I never came to God to get things from here he'll look fer deals for ahead severe quizzes daily I went to God so that I could know him if we produced by Capitol Square cell i presently have to know him yummies for selfish agape to deliver questions I have to know him LG a queer cell because when you know him everything comes with it porque cuando vas acquiesced to the visions but in the process of growing and knowing him in a process Nicolas Eric where Salem every day I've realized that God knows me towards those tears of a Masonic or the key tails between seeing a lot of Christians when I ask them if they know that God loves them whiticus tells Conover going to sell Islamic else Usama they say of course it is a cloud but when I asked them the question my school Ava's Papa Goethe are you being loved by God will say stars in Bamako produce I rarely get an answer harem Angel Tama has Faust or the answer what do you mean or has foster kicks it gets a wish I've had the privilege no chief you pretty lass you of knowing him you call yourself and knowing that he knows me he's a Becky enemy Quincy and every day is another opportunity he thought to jail my love over 3.2 get lost in him and to step into that more disappear then a DM tryna say which was sin see my whole life before Christ I I live by how I felt sorry totally Aveda Gentiles OPP Erica's Incheon so most of my Christian life in the white the Navy the concern I very rarely have felt anything so we get present event I dunno maybe the Krista alarum a treat for sentiment but I know him Mizell Quinn yes and I'm just my my body my physical body your milk no cup physicalism it's starting to become aware more than it's ever before now commence an ascetic cold magically stopped as a team we to Mai's accounts of his presence that's or presence of his person that's a pessoa to where there's a lot of times there are people that are getting prayer they witnessed a persistent history there are some early sky and I'm still standing there yo Tony that you pay like your friend Sallah ki think you have to chameleon but nothing is wrong my sustainer dejado God's protected me bill stomach rotation and kept me in this safe place Amelia PAGASA crept up knowing him decrease in his eyes are always in savage kills all these days don't simply Sabri me no one gives deep love for me can you see one more profundity / me but now things are shifting my Sakura supposes to eternal like when I when I came into the room quando entry no cuarto I felt gypsy everything to me easy to see like I don't know I'm gonna be able to speak right you need something to be able to give for quite a major key and I never want to lose the grasp for truth yo no get up a deal with possible father bear - how much otherwise because feelings don't set you free the truth does but yes say to me Luca jillybear - aver that actually then but the truth without an encounter - affair that same encontró can be religious truth but some of it that jealousy awesome rules to follow simplicity hackers Paris Achilles you can't unless he touches give us an important on sacred it's torquey it's the encounter that changes everything and we encounter Camus that others ask wisest now in the beginning of my Christian life nukem es una vida cristal I I just started to pray for everybody Yoko misawa rapper to the moon and my wife my brand new wife that we just got married yamazaki bata casa came out of all the addiction and societal species listed for men though this is torments toddler sidon we get married and everybody's against us getting married yeah it's a total there are quadrants Gaza except for us to analyse and my daughter yeah me a feeling and Dan a pastor you then a pastor I was so in love what I should not be with this woman put on someone yeah that I threatened to kill myself up and sunning for seven years you've been sovereignty Mahalo possession who selling me like I suppose I spoke a crazy cuz cuz that was alway forget a letter to the Kochi but with Jesus Kate my son Jesus veil he showed me that I live by feelings anymore stroke of Louisiana procedure vientos my whole life I'm yep eating dinner and now I'm gonna walk by faith yeah I'm gonna suck I mean I cannot fail the just shall live by faith preachers used to be the wrapping off faith that God cleans me he deals been important and he put his spirit in me here lookin for me speed it a me and what I thought was filthy and dirty and horrible you chaos avocado he viewers can don't Jenny Allah God cleaned it completely hills lean pork on black time ain't you and he chose me I didn't choose him he enemy Scalia we almost bullying and I was so in love with that he okay don't brush on that please gives off a todo mundo everybody had to know all those thinks I been well my wife we just get married we're brand new I miss Posey check out check how much the guys out cuz we can all see I realized that I was led around but devil my whole life heal me they call the chaotic yeah papilla job on everything dinner addicted to pornography MPC pornography addicted to drugs addicted to alcohol as we see how addicted to pride VCR Coolio addicted to how people saw me a vsync as missiles my visa addicted to needing to have people under me did their spaces go hard or respect me amy has made tunnel I was addicted they wanna be stopped on estrogen it's called the fear of man and somebody stuck their mojo me realized that it was all a big lie economy they called back to this side of my garage me cheater I went after Jesus with everything I was ill fuya praise Jesus go to the coochie I would come home from work and lock myself in the bedroom yeah we vote on top our leader and Cavanaugh quiet oh I never read the Bible before I couldn't read a book you know cause you can even leave unchanged the first book I could read is the pipe Oprah merely become positive people and I was so in love yo my passion I wanted to take this keep the old stomach a turn okay guys deliver and put it inside go out there come on God entry to me I was blown away he'll stuff is put Jindal that the author wanted to teach me he won't talk enemies inna Gia so I'm feeding internally and I realized that God wants me to pray for people yeah we they call to get bills can it go on as purposes for 34 years where do you think whopper on us no one ever talked to me about Jesus me gave a local media so vision Seuss no one told me he loved me Ning gave I'm walking him down mama no one told me that he had a plan for me I mean gave me from looking at you plan to put me of either absolutely nobody had a word of knowledge from absolute imagining gave me the Apollo is Gracie mantle no one had a prophetic word for me mean game damn Obama prophetic company the prophetic words that I would hear as the Pallavas prophetic Sylvia were from religious Devils antigen Tim wonders in his uses that would tell me that if I don't change my ways I'm going to hell kid you 0 silver sentiment ourselves it's my plane fare no hell is real whoo infinitely out Jesus talked about it more than anybody she has real slinky mice for watching fan of Iberian but getting out of hell my sighting family an escaping hell he's got Bobby famine it's not why people come to Jesus know a house open across Pennsylvania Zeus the goodness of God I bowled a details leads people to repentance he asked miss sauce how I have intrumental so no one brought the goodness of God to me in toning game throws his boat up on dodgy deals Baraka me so I had no reason to repent don't know Johnny pointing out someone's bad things i pwned that's what we's your game doesn't make them surrender to geez no Fossum gonna see hand on Jesus it doesn't take a mint God to point out trash in someone's life you know and it says Santa Coloma engineers are point to nation I'm gonna go game it doesn't take a woman of God to point out what's wrong Nolan is decided when agitators I punched a haggled it takes a man or woman of God to dive into the heart of the Father my Zen is inside a woman with our details medically on what I saw the pie to see what's in his heart for that person that I feel what a sonic up it's Oprah can I walk up it soaks Teleflora where you can actually look through the exterior gun was a point your lap at a stereo and see what a mess there life is on the outside goons like la Vida delicata perfora which you can tap into the father's might as well say part doc I know gotta sell the pie and know that there's so much more for them he said they coming to my squares is priceless and if we could just dive into him he says its premier giulianelli and get alone with God it did damp on those and asked him to father you he would appear a little sin also by heroin he likes to talk about people any God said if I myself a sauce and he has good things to say anything quizzes both spread easy and it's impossible for him to be silent yeah impose Singapore le purr - a silly issue he's the Word of God Ilia palavra he always has something the same is happening I were to say and he wants us to know him that way he can also query assembled as a farmer so I am diving in the scripture in thematically I'm gonna Saskatoon and I started to pray for people come and saw it happen a specialist I saw somebody get healed in the healing service veg okay said good afternoon I'm so good oh my goodness I need to pray for everybody bill doesn't think when I told somebody that had leukemia algate David Oh Samia that came up to the front to get prayer he vapor a Frenchman severe ozone was on Hospice is Domino's piece of home ready to die anytime in Casa pronto Maharaj gave up on him the tosser Chancellor hope no G spinners he's hopeless if that was a spinner just depressed that perceives dying time or him and they show up at healing she it is a Paris in cucuta and after the healing service a poison cooking school they come up front and he's named a French a tell the pasture inside of the bus to her we don't believe anything that you said today I share Nakada you did not see follows we've been taught our whole life now solution as IV that daughter that miracles are not for today just relax on so probably the only reason we're here I want to go has up in our costumes like he is one of our neighbors epic ellos nos disease claims that they were healed if I look it is in any on sacred eyes but we don't believe any of this my eyes I hate you not gonna get the analogies is that good matter he's a father and the pastor looked at them and said absolutely not your posture follow no let me pray for you this short a prophecies and I was like you're freaking Wow he prayed for them in the operators just quiet prayer more Asansol is yours in the name of Jesus no Norma Jesus and they and they said is that it sorry so like is that all you have and çiçek said thing what now yeah Bonnie he said call me and in front of me Liga and they walked out the same way they walked in and I was fascinated yellow fascinated and two weeks later you do a same one as the pre-medical report came in very hellotara match that leukemia was completely healed yeah cameras a VHS it complements karada and I said I am gonna pray for everyone you know DCL for apricot the moon because if God's doing it in the church why wouldn't he do it out their stuff as in like there's a pickle impart fazil afar so so with me in toka me go I saw this no fees but my wife Massa me suppose she didn't see this miracle happen and I don't view like she wasn't there Allah and a lot of us have 50 members Nimoy's you know it was before people that know us open so skin was gray I see that did they weren't here at the power in love school okay so that one can its call upon enough they didn't hear it it is no veto they didn't see it there's no vino and sometimes we go back to a church yes there's a multiplication and we're so excited yeah hey stuff don't pull that people that you talked to aren't so excited yes missus home Casey my converse on don't don't don't Bogart us so at this point in my life it don't suppose Laramie Aveda my wife is my best friend in the whole world I mean suppose I'm in our army gonna move in Peru I am gonna go after Jesus with everything I am able to go pain regardless if she's going with me don't ya la vaca me boo because I'm responsible for my own faith porque el sol has phone sample on the appropriate fare and I have to refuse you'll take nickels I will allow what people don't see pay me tickets missus invasion to influence what I do see pay me chicas fish sauce you know vein frenzy I'll kill fish you have to refuse cause I think it was a clown Demi Chi people's voices I've caused us missiles to influence you at all whatsoever influencial saying okay quizzically for even if it's the one that you love me as McStays up your circle sailor that doesn't mean tell her that you're wrong you guys are you're wrong you're absolutely wrong and I'm right no get sanam farvel said I had also said you don't tell her that you're my wife and you need to submit to me you idiot follow me suppose I was mes possibly submit the Meo Cosette wants you now you don't pull a pupper trip on her and say I'm the head of this house wicked mei-li foreigner su cabeza de caza and you will listen to me semi scoot I'm your boss that's the Nation of Islam yes are they year that's not Christianity so now Christian easy that's not the gospel it's a now boys ed know the gospel where my shadow is go after Jesus with everything you are yes go to the closet thing don't try to sell your fruit to somebody no did that mean they'll sell fruit to running game let them pick it mr. Kelly's bag don't try to sell your fruit to your wife or your family no then type in the hotel fruit but we suppose about the Familia let them pick your fruit eh Achilles begging spend less time trying to sell it Vicky men who stamped and Donovan a and walk this thing out he earned across the screen and don't let anybody in understanding game tell you what you should see gzo give us a DVD of it you allow this word to tell you what you should assess apologies if I want to think he so I pray for people we went to move to a store I prayed for I prayed for people in times it was my lingerie pasta sauce my wife was very very angry yeah me suppose of complete the winter Brava she couldn't stand it and I put in Turkey we got in the car and she said I don't know who you think you are yeah let's turn on a pastor you can't just pray for people sitting up started what's going on petals oats I didn't say you're wrong you know colleagues and I had I didn't say I'm right I don't wanna get all sad I just said I love you honey so I just you cheer one more the Bible says to pray for people I be this picture doctors pursuers she said I don't care what you think the Bible says the aleph alone we part people see our communities I'm telling you hey let's follow that you are not a pastor people saying well pastor and you're not gonna embarrass me like evil sin Oh might be bad boy yeah see I didn't say anything you know folly nada I cried not because she hurt me no breakdown at my school but because I was hurting for her Precure stop my shook out the pool and we went home that day back in the bedroom tenido quiet and I thank the Lord you're gonna be so senior for the wife that he's given me then I suppose I could achieve me doubt I thanked him that she is gonna one day see you are gonna disappear GLA div because that first day McKenna Kenny primero Jia I prayed for ten people in one apron a specialist and not one person got healed in a no faker on the next day no Proxima Jia I prayed for about 10 people it was a premised days and not one person got healed in a new home for Corrado that doesn't change the Bible my system would that be real I prayed the next day or day not idea for about 10 people but I'm on stage specialist not one person God I didn't even know what words of knowledge word they stopped he could get up on a frequency means I had no idea what prophecy well name get up receive I just saw that one guy get he'll know something can we got Africa Radha and it's over II don't couples over couple because if this is in the Bible because he's done a billion and it says these signs will follow them that Jesus is in Isaac you don't get a day that's mine it's a male that's mine Samuel I'm a believer yo creo I'm going after cheese yeah I see azuz reporter regardless independent looking for I won't tell people they're wrong and whatever society I have to buy so many people I also help Assad probably the specialist he is a presentation see when I came home I had begged a team challenge for two months Saturday pricasso Jimmy oh oh oh to be Sophia's provides bears and elders from my church paid for me to go to team challenge oh well see all the municipal cooperate protein challenge I didn't complete the program yell no complete a program so in their eyes I quit internals are dead so this cheetah team challenge they didn't wanna they didn't want I couldn't even take out the trash at church I wasn't even allowed to take out the trash I don't put your name P a guy like a Denise they agreed I was unstable already stopped him I was out of balance it'll add a foreign equilibrium and and they said that if I go to Walmart I need to have a covering he still for his falafel semi-live no mines Nick come on compared to the before how can I be covered every time I go shopping call Mega Buster we're covered Mercado I didn't tell them they're wrong no no funny get some we have I just said I have to go shopping I hate a cappella ministers they said you're opening up all these doors Anasazi stop being us emergency press report this I read the Bible I spend only a baby the Bible says that God's the one that opens door abilities a key DL secure bless parties I was just shopping he'll sort of a nipple shopping comprar it's everyday life every the Camuto Kevin so a month went by don't Macy Paso no one got healed mean Game Freak without nobody named King that's about a lot of people you separate this missile that's almost 300 people class wants to visit the special one gets you mean gay flake without two months went by noise best pasado nobody gets you mean gameplay could add three months go by today's best basa not one person NEMA that's overnight that's nine hundred people he's so knob Santos fish sauce Cody three and a half months today's resume I went to a conference in freedom a confidential I got touched if we took out the Holy Ghost Paris Hilton landed on me and he pulls one in me landed on me and they pose only me me everything changed to do it all then miracle started to happen those black is gonna static what they say it was crazy for locouna and I was telling my wife like what they say I don't want to hear it you have to no no no really you have to know no sick gossip in this person's leg grew out SMS up Bennett not gonna see him for riches oddly Oh grazie they sing Chi Minh City know my I don't care she said yeah I follow know me better want to hear this Yo no cattle BC in two weeks in cusamano's mentoring me praying Inc what else she said I will never go in public with you cannot follow you know what my same public como se so she literally wouldn't go out of the house Intel Acadia decide a costumer sciatica's it have a Kazama heart my sister broke our co-working you know in the taught rebellion I'm earning income ill to tenderly handle which was a miracle can I show me like it from him her whole family hates me total for me lay down in a job everybody hates me todo mundo Jesus and also Jesus because I hurt so many people per care my shoe came with dismissals so they are really mad if there's not a way to browse I'm link-based telling her you married a lunatic now follow chikazuku mom at school you married a psychopath who Sica's oakum sicko papa now what are you gonna do aquatic accessory I threw your life away it is our Guatavita father but my wife my Sammy Sosa couldn't point the finger no pooja point out the other at me being in sin in year we study picado she just knew that I believe the Bible and I was gonna walk it all out and I saw Sofia curry stuff an abelian logic weird what can be the father look before I came to Christ I didn't care what anybody thought sapiens daily prayers Uzi look like a pasta so careless the only government I tell anybody anything anywhere and it didn't matter if I live about you can you kill kitty and import that I'm born again I've got a Knesset you know I don't have to sell this thing I don't think you've Indian School it's already been paid for sorry pal pacify Pargo and God wants to use me he else Cabazon he wants to take out Goliath kelly kelly Hoppen scalia's he was to crush Devils le Quebec was the most generous thing any Jesus asked oh isn't that a Christian Jew Cristo would go to bed vibe recover with no blood on their sword a viper Aqaba st. agnus espada a sad thing we will leave that Bible Kieko message - Sibylla gather dust Chad puede and never open the owners menu in Okayama noir look at all good wants to answer their scares for their God wants to speak to you they'll scan for a commotion God wants to prophesize they'll skip revenge is a prophecy God wants to heal through girls calculatus listens to shave through their scuffle a device will seduce you and it gets you sad so all of a sudden I see somebody healed tilde a page of your day Corrado so I started to write down Edo Komon see I know top what I saw Jesus to kill vision source was there the first week I saw two people here a premiere a seminar because mrs. Corrales the next week I saw three now it's about every trace now it's still prayed for 70 people week you know I know are presented episodes semana yes for he does be quite far single at six he says it's seven is such everyday totals yes it was amazing if I might have an absolutely crazy I'm soaked I'm soaked una in the three and a half year period I am seeing the most ridiculous most amazing things happen you know filled upto the vehicles like what this yes I was an ice delivery guy away I got a yellow and I was seeing between 10 and 30 people saved healed every day of my job yeah every day yeah the days are three the person to solve encouragement about thought associates Muslims what's the one Hindus Hindus Sikhs Duane witches brew shop must be paid Sarah's isthmus people Minji goes associate Abbas was passed or disasters that didn't believe in healing masters cannot create a vaccarino prior G I was seeing God heal them hail Tov Annabelle's Corrales they didn't even believe matter what they believe jesus said jesus discounted joy Coach qualy clear when you face tribulation on the most coach come on a crea cantos a friend that I blossom be a good cheer they about money because I've overcome the world per Kelvin seawater so Jesus says for his messages in the book of Revelation it says to he who overcomes no leverage Apokolips it is actually convinced in a nasa television dramas overcomer echigoya todas las botanas nunca para ma t he you overcome dama Kelly convinced us as Batali's versatile you are more than four semis to keep and my zookeeper meizu convinced or an overcomer will say I'm Isaac message I will say operator one lives in chaotix time for sale it's time that fear falls to the ground at the meadow Kyosho it's time that we utilize the armour that we've been given at Temple as it's now called the possess creature it's time that we go after Jesus with everything we are at despotism special zoos Kotobuki las terrazas almost wholly surrendered simple is very nervous burning for him Noblet a came on Freddie nothing working Kannada protract going after him with everything you thought identical to the grass almost God is willing to give you their such a small sachet ah as much as you want who Cuomo's think is there I remember a praying in my room one day a meal my son will quiet is you know I just want more of you Yoji snails I've got a mais Dijon I just want more of AA girls are kind of my zg he said Todd Ella follow Todd you'd have as much as me as you want suppose they'll quantity music is that I want as much a few as I could have don't get it they're warmed up with that day it's it's hard I've given all of me - you didn't follow of what that thought did you even say it's the glory it's the glory of God to conceal the matter yeah God it circle said the old decision it's the glory of kings to search it out yeah bloody does is Cornell sacred air they are guarded Jose sash Alice God hides it there's this gorgeous but he doesn't hide it so that we can't find bison and I scorn to practice entering : 3 God hides rebel ish and his cordial might even die so he doesn't hide revelation to keep it from us he knew a pradesh ice launched in us he wants you to actually press them in a cable says his father shake mice beds you guys have easter here yes you do have easter say stay Pascua key yeah see do you have Easter egg hunt say stay alia caribou single house of G Pascoe do you do that says fascist in America with you this advice it's just fun to watch the kids do various careers there tries a leap across jobs when you check it Easter eggs and you're hiding them you can set up a conserves you pass is called an in our family we have younger youngest kids than middle kids and then then a little older than that I take recipe Kiran Amir family Pedro strays crazily those days old fedosya so when early teenagers are are hunting eggs maybe they like 13 14 in town cuando los Manos de dos tres gotta stop programmers are gonna stash those eggs a little higher I poke my scone G to put my de fees because they like to seek it this goes on you boost golly hide-and-seek they like to find it is buzzing Kanta so but when but when I have a little son we adopted him my yield a pic 800 feet across other terms he's gonna be three if as a trace and he's amazing he was a heroin baby yelling baby Kelly Ruggiero jima beside Irina we adopted him at birth as no other term was the mass email he's precious top resource so when we hide the eggs from Azariah my squad is going to serve espresso Raya I don't take a whole you know Cap'n would I put the egg in the bottom the whole core Locker brought round of fugu a lot of fun without put some men on top of it call luckily my crazy Seema wait for it to dry he's Paris eka Holly and C okay tough kid for a guy like it's gotta be sour shag water no no put the egg right out in the open oh boy a little gotta bear - just my boy my joy but cami Alegria as a father come on by when my son economy Ophelia finds the egg in corner over and looks at me yep I mean my joy Yami Alegria is when our eyes connect furnaces on DC connect on and he goes really far away and God is there was no match finished jisu God is no different there was my producer he likes le gusta to see you fine you've ever seen contrast him revelation of Italy I have enough so he likes when you spend time with Haley goseck once they pass attempt wedding he likes that you would actually gaze at him any gothic Pacific you old there Blondo cuz if you catch his keys okay so stepping out without daily but you catch us a big house on his daily in my face you will never look who is a new car I assume you will never look away nukem eyes are like is good gifts don't doses bozos comes vein from Dubai nostrils cable baby my yelp idea does lose I'm so excited yo totally PO garden to keep finding stuff do you go to my continent of choices here that's fine so VI it's fine Soviets not my Tiki no so meals but about their line to give away so yes Brad da but but the whole point my support we have to do is make you hungry as if as if I mean to search for you practice a bus keeper a circus a bus capacity point there's a circuit follow me thank you for watching Jabra God if I come up saying thank you for what you're doing nobody got my sister fossil pieces externally made shoes no no possum I suppose that's a jihad Here I am say or a care store and he's like a father I feel and what I saw the fire that you would know that you're not an illegitimate cybox and I'm feeling lazy to me you're not an orphan I said my waffle you're a son or daughter but some feed me my feeling of a loving father do you buy a morose what's the poorest what are some Danny will see so that you can display his heart to a loss to dying world like was it was a most out gonna sound a leaper mundo page II do so in the process of praying for all these people eternal process your apricot m1ss pesos my wife I mean suppose is getting angrier Africa they cut the base my little Severin the half year old daughter yeah and you have two dates at Jen's mail is seeing miracle after miracle I'm gonna try to be like that tries to be like that tries to be like it's amazing here my review doors open we would go home my squatting for a casa my wife didn't want to hear it I mean supposed okay dovey nada but I had to tell her anyway my checkup radical would get obese you know my knees actually our lord thank you for this buddy God to put on some of their chief me to show me the best rap in swing open up right a boss of aching twist as a father Camus by a loving by jamun months went by was most pasado everybody at church thoughts like an agent the elders who's Tom perhaps kamijo I would show up every Saturday morning upon acceptance abdomen for the elders teaching but I want you seen to those specific and they couldn't stand then I would go yeah it's not gonna die but I would show up every Saturday buddy set those habits Pro temp you see you know hey guys yeah you say it helped me keep my heart he says don't let me put ourselves in a place of not being effective no no God you know me Montel friends you know I have lived for 14 years Elfi Victorians without guilt shame and condemnation saying they're going on cause I cycle now so I have lived without being hurt by people every VC say much you can't prepare sauce it's the only way the gospel calls us to live and we can mark upon general Joffre they're not being offended no chef in there you can't carry a fence person on Portugal fencer and across at the same time yeah Cruz obvious look Tim it's impossible ain't procedure you have to see people say think Alaska so how God sees them go but there's SB but I can't see you unless I can see how he sees me you know no possible sale think even the mod camellias VIN that this world is full of wisdom and revelation yes among the sages avid or even a song in the knowledge of the quaint Sameer - barely wants to speak really careful IKONOS so nine months it'll movie be especially this process this process with my wife Kwami sposa that she couldn't understand yeah no pun intended one day she says to my daughter and I you and geologists premiere feeling I mean I am going shopping with you ill wanna make a do shopping Moses but I will not see you in the store novo bevel says on our sources you will not talk to me is there's no vote follicle an illusion I said you're really gonna go shopping with my music she said you take way too long well says then why don't you mine we need this done quicker I discuss it up advice happen I'm giving you a list don't put on my list you are getting these things since open gases courses I am getting deep see how big is the squeeze we will meet in the car yes in contra la roca you have 30 minutes for sustained 10 minutes to get everything done prepare to take fast do you understand says attending yes ma'am Cece honor my daughter and I go here yeah feet of homes like yours here yeah a brother we walked through the store lady in a scooter homily on my scooter we know that she's hurt I didn't stop got the mascara so my daughter and I walked up to her he tell you I feel at home was Perella and we say excuse me eh phallic only sensor can we pray for you eh boy you're a professor she says no no Alto bang I go honey I said you're hurting your funny kitty doesn't I'm either I'm fine pies they're a little different in America no I'd finished a thousand tickets she's with her granddaughter yeah I thought it was sunny at the granddaughters the same age as mine yes never miss another a feelin so I said to the lady until funny promenade she said listen Richard Roberts prays for me every night on the television there's no Richard Roberts and the auto proposals just annoyed she's not even Richard Roberts his Oral Roberts son and I will feel Eduardo Roberts so he has a television show where he prays for the sick in town Elliott a short-lived uncle Eri Lee posing for him many miracles have happened moods be logical to say liver that's amazing ministry and instead what I've lose but she's hurting and she's not healed Mizell optimist yukata Corrado so I said huh is there any way your faly kidney that they'll be right for you yeah promises we are members of the body of criminals member zoko particular she said I said no and I follow I didn't know this isn't working I said excuse me and folly Collison's to the granddaughter piranha I said do you want your grandma to be able to play with you again yeah I'll follow the cake up to evoke emotion of of age the grandma looked at me and shook her head vivillon oh I can't believe he's in her mind in a major dailies you're gonna get my grandma my granddaughter's hopes up save I think I'm yeah Anantha in her mind now major dalla you're giving her false hope since I've never put on a fall suspending her mind I made you dalla she does not want us to pray for it I don't know ghek you already put out its humiliation in a store but you owe me that cell physician look out but in my mind - Nami mhm faith is the substance of things hoped for a faster desert that's quiz catch it you know there substance' that squares can you cheat on me so the granddaughter said grandma let him pray and then done that the follow seen this Laura the grandma looks at us and says hurry up Alvaro follow see ancillary so my daughter was like dad yeah I'm a field full of fire let's pray girl honey from what happened so we put her hands on her back don't go as long as Casas de leur and the grandma is in the chair yeah Vitale my name in Jesus name justice we command this back to be healed nos come on disgusted you put out Jesus name no no me Jesus I said can you do me a favor your faly party first of all get out of that cart and check your backs a party level and Aisha Castle School lady said I am in pain Donna followed the kundo I am hurting Eltham Escada so much pain Moin t'adore I said please check it if Ally prefer bruschetta she said honey Alif luckily I've had four back surgeries Eric Watson regional squad one chronic pain metal doing tomorrow head further chronica it's been 27 years five eight sessions I am fused I am frozen in the seated position yellow coins you land on a post on sin tada they froze her back this is the pain kanji Alana's just gossip Casa de her back is frozen interest cost artificial eyes fused together Alitalia colada so she got out of the chair don't level to the Khedira as angry as angry could be quote I've a list a verbose he's trembling yeah I mean I said honey how do you feel I said girls let's pray again put our hands on the name of Jesus let me just see he'll say she could either back when Wow yeah Scott Stiles says pop right there Eileen Ikaruga and she stood up straight Alice levanto helped and I started crying yo commish yeah I said oh my god yeah follow me loose I thought we broke her now she can take your abuela I thought we heard her I thought we heard her but take a hinge at my shoe got accosted Ellen I thought it broke yeah say check it but I did pop loud enough that almost of my rudeness and the granddaughter looked at her grandma yeah and that up a farm who's never seen her grandma's Tennessee Avista for Japan she says grandma elephant Baba run qui-gon and they both took off down the aisle yeah it's gonna set up go ahead or go ahead or and I am bowling my head off you know toilet come here cutter is free choice yeah that's appeal I have never seen God do this yeah look it's a business Fuzzy's I didn't even know what a back fusion was this a big camera for zona de Vette was ass cause I found out after it's could be the boys I'm like oh my god Holly mildew she came back in the aisle and my wife is like this at first she didn't see us but he made Honolulu's BIA she's reaching down grabbing a jar of spaghetti sauce and I thought pink on the news pocket anything and I told the lady your family this is my lovely wife Anson yeah my disposal she's my best friend Ellen a meal or Amiga her name's Jackie below me they'll attack you can you please go tell what the Lord said you laugh a lot prattle kisses you said I sure where I follow set to meet you go when my wife were coming sees an empty car yeah l'avion car listening my wife suppose of coming to Brava destiny is hiding behind me yeah persecution in my house a pretty sick son of the cosmos way beyond air am I telling what you could know looks apart imagine unless of course you're going through it I know sake let's jump on so please because I desire to live godly I'm going to see GV did find myself don't take advantage it kills Gideon it's gonna happen he specifies he's you spike what the same miracles rattle religion those Milaca does it is magic ladies own the miraculous rattles religion any heat the hell is young it rattles religion more than anything mine's Dookie Coquette poison it causes people to fight you forgive fights against missiles ludicrous when the miraculous breaks out for kakeland Emil a Kehoe and words of knowledge and prophecy and healing and miracles all of it gun fires go Samantha me likey thoughts of squares a contest you force people what's the fastest pessoa to make a decision I this is all they have to fight you anything called that code ever said run with you okö Hecuba say religion will fight you aah Haley somebody talk whatever say unless they get here I don't sickness is your dad's fight you and so look backward reverse it unless God heals him I don't think there's a school which he does a lot it's awesome you kill if I boy to grab suddenly marvelous so she goes to my wife Donna presupposes she says excuse me husband I can't let my riddle she says I just and they're talking and I can't hear me to prabal is turning purple gosh she's so mad Tom Brown destiny is like that we're in so much trouble right now yeah because that's mom and Sam I'm ray it's just the one that I love with all my heart and when we don't know Karev so this is one flesh and so me Akane over gotta be go but I have covenant with and we'll never get their money Elsa till death do us part I think you might say patty my wife miss puzzle I ruined your life for nine years yeah well we need a visa therefore Northey honest now I'm scary yeah gotta toss estado cuz I believe the whole coast it will tell sister how can you never yell complaint I'm actually a shaker you sat down see coach loco loco yes awesome so the lady turns around in town Aceveda lifts her sure de la venta Scots to show sure the scar he monsters the country and my wife went like this so much I said mom they're hugging your finance to several cylinder what okay dad what's happening they'll seek the consent I still I don't know if I know say what I'm not gonna talk myself of Allah because I'll probably mess it up Kate a vegetable solitude so that granddaughter drove that scooter out of that story doc Allen idea Jimmy's yokai scooter for the last time Bella plow movies we go home as in she bought a bra Gaza I put the groceries away and went straight to the bedroom Yoko Lorca's compras a little gaudy quality that for quiet I got on my face yokai eat your horses were showing it I said Lord Jesus thank you obrigado we're letting her birthday shall I pick the fruit that's on the street pig out fruit harmony lord I thank you fire wife Oh check out this crummy sposa I thank you that you have given me the strength to endure yo Chuck I just showed me there are four separate hisses gee I miss it you saw us yes those were Santa's view and you pursued the cross you see our seek you lose we with a joy set before you were occasionally a comic identity my wife is the joy set before you a nice pause a little cottage cheese she is also the joy set before me thank you for her Oh buddy gotta put a lie praise Jesus for my lovely wife Provari mayor a snotty mess Utah Valley bakusaiga that came out of the bedroom you know say the quiet my wife is sobbing on the couch sobbing crying yeah I mean suppose it got shortened we know so far I said are you okay yeah funny start to debate she said no she said God spoke to me and I followed girls follow me go this is this season is where you need to be an orange opposed to Thank You star when God speaks to you go to this fella converse air you are bad well show me this but don't try to tell people myself it is ever wrong and you're right it is the way hard as well said I said love breaks down every barrier oh I'm all Caracol capoeira love breaks down there who Baco kept ahead Gaborik okay scuba love that doesn't seek your two who are marketable kisses bumps into this club that doesn't keep a record of wrong you know finger wide honest cause he had us love that's not boastful who I'm walking I am Ichi the love that's not full of pride can I change I would love for this patient who I was a passage love for this kind well I'm working on those patients passes it's the first attribute of love l premier attribute come on if you have no patience no sellotape a sensor you simply have not loved what's this impersonation damn work because the first thing that love is a premie request got more air this fish passage and only God he saw those can put that kind of patience particle oak a stupid person she was what kind of patients was it it capacity processor for the father to see my messy life for 34 years Dubai via vbeq Masada protein take what works and no it's a bear that he loves me killing me Imam and know that he wants me he can leave me kitty here nothing you turn him away from me he cannot I put their geology because he knew for Kenny Sami it one day kill Jia I was gonna get it burying them there because he got me perky enemies here and I gave myself to my wife says to me in Tommy's possibilities he spoke to me any fellow coming so important that you'd hear from the father and multipotent was a scooter pie he said to me here it is for me I've given you a brand new man you know today no warming a husband that you never knew existed Omari took say notice a vehicle is this year he believes me Elia can i GT me now why don't you I got a pretty boss in Oakridge it I looked at her and said what are you gonna do you feel a panic except I said she goes I'm sorry and I followed you scoopy ok and finally took the bay she said Who am I to stand in the way of God never in the way yeah but I always said this get it no sorry thing Jia I said amazing your folly Maura videos every freshly spoken word from God dada parag refresco de foie de produce comes with its own ability to fulfill itself very quietly dodgy computer plus when you seek him converse a busker in the secret place lugar secreto and he speaks to you really far como si yo buddy ninja can take that away from party chill I still say nobody mean gain so since that time don't they just steal my wife has been completely on page I mean I suppose it's time I'll mention a mr. Posner kill now my wife I got a me suppose that are better at her lifestyle Christianity University no the basis that lifestyle Christianity she always comes up and says hey I have a word and I simply they finally my palabra she gets Mike and iPad microphone on the stage know all died in front of people in Genesis it says this is what I heard the Lord's yeah I just a scarce good air surges in I just sit there go you gotta be kidding you know simple my father left up any corn restaurants I missed out ends my wife will have a word for the wait yeah me I supposed to help a lot of guys song it's amazing and might have you listen my daughter I'm here feeling destiny that's she's 22 she just got married what's Gaza amazing man of God good job each news the one that was ninety over seven and half years old now she's 22 and I count 10 sets for kids I think what feels we have the one destiny is twenty to advance it they need toys so is 12 oz I think dozy Riley is seven Riley Riley thinset and Azariah is you has arrived opposite race they're all walking with Jesus burning all the stolen them because a king will test I'm gonna I'm gonna share this with you because I gotta get to where I got to get to gotta check on yokosuka's installations that to the vein may there's a big huge point to all this we get the Impala grandiose but to do is my daughter is in a dance company I mean I feel it that my company - dancer she's she's doing so good and I think the point to me but a couple years ago myself first started our rules and sometimes called Ochoco masado I went down and I met teachers and different people that are involved if we like when it's just professors in with the special stuff we won't be the spiked heel and this one teacher he is him professor I met him in Quincy and he had been watching the videos justice to those regions and he came out of like depression and just just wrong thinking dearly Sylar the Panasonic specimens he was so excited yet I'm a Type O God o and two years ago he much meeting us man I just want to tell you something yeah and if those just by default fell out my life has been transformed i'm--yeah they see us Ramada by the reality of my new relationship with the father I had I just know mobile cement Kampai and I want to thank you so much for the videos that you do you just put the price I said man bro that's awesome you're funny Carly somebody knows yeah believe in God for healing and miracles be like this and he was just so excited Type O God O so about a month ago I went to one of dance just these dance things they do in don't raise our eyes of people much that she does I come right there Yadav Allah and he's one of the most amazing hip-hop teachers unions associate be hopping mice making is really good and then wait to meet them all and he said hey bro when you get a minute I want to share some stuff did it follow mo the circle might ask us what's this thing we note Swamp Thing yes man yeah see testimonies and all that stuff there's a moose the scores it's a ghost he's gonna share with me really bad copper chuckle me here give me so I so I said your mindset okay we'll make some time and finally okay morons out there so I pull aside downside July and if I think you mean come on man I need to talk to you god I think a lockable serve oh okay okay I'm taking he's gonna share test quiz he's like hey man you okay yo I got some friends that made this movie he'll taste some excuse and see feeling like oh and he said you know you're in it it if I never sit down any I'm not nearly I don't remember making me look man you're you're deceived no safe we got nada I said what say thank God okay he says yeah bro listen see miss couch there's some things that you share that man it's just not Jesus they wants critical point Jesus he said well he goes I've just come to - to this this learning if we press EC know that like you're deceiving the body of Christ people say thank an analyst I said what do you mean if all except cats equation then he shared the movie with me Eddie monstrovia for me he said here's a letter I kept on my card there's the guys that did the movie they gave you a letter Charis Charis key if he's had a few kicks at the fellas in is cacao and she noticed that when I looked in his eye you know take what the labels are daily it was a single novel it dimension cloudy she Avellino terrible news bro wait a minute Tommy Pelosi following happen sperm annuity console just came to my senses and if I stay present either Wow and he started to just tell me where I'm off here you come meet you and you're Tommy hard that's it bro thanks man you're finally brigade car I'm gonna go to my room if all up no come on up to my room start praying in Filipino quite open surah I was crying when we spoke what's in I love Jesus with all my heart yeah well we just oh look what a sound all my soul totally I'm on my mind all my Street told me I made to the Air Force I meet with him every day of my life you ain't called acquainted thought those tears on your vida I read the world every day of my life it'll lay up all our thoughts was just at me I want him to cut me deep you know care of killing me courts put a full image I want him to shine his spotlight in my heart yeah Caro kitty Carlisle major well guys look what I say anything that needs to go I want it to be out well quest Xiao Carrick's aya he's my father and Mo buddy father's me it ain't no pocus I like to know but I saw a woman I know he loves me you know sick of him I know that I'm loved by God you know secrets are my other pretty much is clear I'm your insatiable even put my hands are clean I'm a Z but most of you look what I saw a pool of Jesus and what was justice everything I am come to console and I'm praying your Torah and I told my wife I said listen your Felipe's was fun in school she's yours honey you can't get upset for worse than a bunch of Cabo I'm not upset Trish I'm dumbfounded I'm blown away don't tell me if I leave they'll see the concern across this how somebody that is so in love come on gang get up top Hashanah good so go to the right party put a lot and that night I went to sleep in a car annoy jeff wheeler me and this is where this thing starts to shift yeah squares comments amudha I went to bed that night God gave me a dream you know freedom in I got annoyed she doesn't don't saw him in the dream you know soil I was in a house top of my car was a house down the lane from where I grew up he had a McCarthy perdona checker seat I don't know the significance of the house yet you know sits in fact that Gaza in there but I know that I'm in the house by myself my so sacred thought I saw house I saw see you and somebody comes in the front door y'all gave in a part of the French and I looked and it was somebody that used to be burning on fire for Jesus yet okay because to mama came my possessors when I first got saved we used to hang out cuando se estaba soon and it was like I looked in their eyes never clean they were like going up to Jesus again you know all APIs are there's our system only provides just do something like throw your back your folly carnival talk bubbles laughs I'm so excited if the third bogeyman straight CNSC bunch of air bubbles are amazing mi he knows he does hey I'll be right back I get it follows that vault all right so I'm sitting there waiting in stole a scent that is better than the French chica and he comes back in the door get involved in a party and he comes out to me he vote for me and he was Pro it if Allah must listen miss quitter you gotta you gotta change a couple of things I think what I want square is the same I go what if I don't get home till well well I can see something you're not seeing it you're possibly Alex in Havana like No no I'm I'm serious now so I said what is wrong your father kicked a hobble whose bro your deceit and it kind of funny he'll like what is happening it up with the sander walks out the door they decide apart that disappears it it's up for this so I ended up going out back in don't know Carlton and out back up the house there was this barn in a pasture we used to go sledding on sleds and the snow down in this passage yeah if we're not Cosmo pastor she wants against going on Angela you guys know what snow is sorry can Evie know I'm presume no oh it's fun it's white and Benji very cheat at Barranca anyway I'm talking farmer there's this forum and I go and look at yeah it's a little vanilla and the barn is full of sheep you silly little you're Venus and they're all so tight on each other they're all looking over each other and when I walked to the barn window he called the wintry not a turn I can say later all the Sheep at one time look at me he taught us of Arizona from young males with him and I could see fear in their eyes you know put every me atoms on his Dallas and it hit me he's Matisse you know oh my hair still camera and I woke up your party was a oh geez Felisa thirties Trejo it was like a bad dream for your swing so I went in the bathroom don't flip requiring back out went back to bed football year the pride back into the same dream again Ian train amazed no sign of a malicious never happened to me he said no got you in the house in the kitchen oxen yodhraj preserving another person that fell away from Jesus that I know young world the pursue a separation of purchases and it was like they had their fire back successful forward you-know-who repentance he stuck what that's what they say whoa yo disavow tell me what happened father get on sale so it was like they were talking like they used to yeah it's time comes tomorrow and then they said hey I gotta go outside this final thinking I fought I went don't go out there man yeah I know what's happened but don't do it you know second o'clock seen him I know back before stopped and they went outside yell don't put your PJs for them I turned around i sat back in the chair if hole taste and then I got shot the others happy he probably kicked again and they were Volta and show either they said hey listen man can you please just ieave I need to talk to you about a cup you never saw carrot expanse of my squeezes don't you believe us know what what is out there kick Tina father what's going on who kicked up Qantas and I had this weird thing out there but inside yeah something's wrong I'll be tamahagane what is happening kicked up on this animal and then they walked out of the house another one walked in yeah it don't say that guys hold that one word different times I woke up four different times he awkward a quarter is finally I'm up awake I thank you talk weird I'm very tired yeah this is crazy or follow mill doesn't go see both other meek that simply bitchiness our scores and I ended up drifting back to sleep same dream your miasma soybean this time it was that dance teacher - a very likely produce I got - the pork he walked in he goes hey man and he did some moves follow big are the time wow you're back Akiko Moto's like I never went anywhere follow no guys you cool and we're talking keep bowing she talked of her son and then he walks out in time I decide and I couldn't stop him he comes back in you know Poogie Poogie really faltered eco canola oil and it blows and you say hey listen man scooter car you you need to realize some things said thanks doc what doc what happened and he said it's it's the mark he said it's the mark the mark yeah mark it's the mark a mark I go what mark keep mark up because you can't see it said a bunch of fear I said bro I am sealed Gatos I'll sit live with the holy ghost crisp in some she'll know so sit alive though he said that's not the right one no no fillets for the phone I'm like oh my gosh and he started to walk out the back door towards the barn tentacle messing up my project I've never been in the dream and tried to run and you can't get out free course and I know that I've gotta get out there to the sheep you know say good thing she got that Sylvanus and I finally get out there tell chef a lot and I look inside the barn the affairs I need my consent head of all the sheep are dismembered and slaughtered he thought the Sylvanus don't just mean Brad there's a big bloody mess am i back gooses angered sheep parts everywhere bites your benefit double girl like you felling no no no I showed you and I couldn't you know which was in I woke up from the dream he recorded soil and the Lord spoke to you share follow Camila it's a great deceptions Grange the SIP zone protect the Sheep pretentious of anal sex she pretentious of valence protect the Sheep rapacious of video sound the alarm so hard she pretentious of haters so I called that teacher the only capercaillie professor that bro if only bro I just wanna thank you ok check out this is oh man you watch the gods ask you a few me I said no funny no he said you read the letter silly all that I said I want to thank you bro gotta check out of this in God gave me this dream deals me there's a song and I said you were in it if I said I've got a song just like I was in your movie come on I'm gonna selfie over in the trees if I'm gonna move saw you I said almost shirt with you go back jack what's it and he said well what what happens now yeah well that's a quarter I said what you've just done you're funny what was it if is you've pushed me way closer to the Father than I've ever been activists are my spare time I see you my heart is on full alert right now poor cameo could have something called rattle actor god I'm gonna go after him in such an exponential way you know what I see my new bike do my format the winds but the DIY on a wish that he never tried to touch me bric-a-brac South American Lou Caputo Tommy toka I'm gonna raise the body of Christ and LM standard to Alto generation champions there forever doc abuse watch that so anointed by God I'll go scare they don't see us where they'll to see like david's mighty mages in a viewport toggle that can is falling a liaison accompany us at us like Shama I think Osama just like David drop July I see them with a video by golly yes good a race up the process for the time also we in dispelled them are Janelle's words that have the spirit of burning on my rights can they speed not gonna kick came on ourselves me words that can't be extinguished I can scan nobody's they see the words that fires cannot be kill Fargo cemeteries cuz when you try to put water forget myself that the Kanaka fire don't Fargo that's started by oil Kiko mr. Perotti it's just spread simply Smitty spots [Applause] Jesus is gonna do something so special tonight yes that Fazio specialist ROG today when I woke up oh it's going to AA called a God started to speak to me there's cover so far emiru going to talk to me I follow coming I started to get all these names and faces no come and say if you thought this is Norma see hostess and this has never happened to him Easter nunca contest coming and I'm like I'm blown away yo splurge Italy is there a pastor Michael that's here they'll go past irksome of my Corky oh really oh I like you you have a son same feeling my God told me that your son is that Joshua veils medicinally us on this on the run and he's been running for years go ahead to put on your son is about to get so train wreck by the Holy Ghost I said no no escape again no coming out here now fight this company by yourself because you fathered him well absolutely nothing that the devil can do an addict you java ball suppose a cage the joshua has been held in ghost there is no stopping him neither by pilots he is created to transform the young adult if I saw you he is going to be a giant killer anybody Samata bungee go he's going to eat Giants for bread if I called Nancy guts gonna blow this healing your body the so-called physical Adam God says he'll stop I am so bad it's time for a new heart a new hope [Music] books believe in us and he's about to bring it all to pass the only wife our second obstacle Bears have spend not one year wasted but can any one of which may decide the world is going to do more in this year but as I said my CC on in your daughter puppy the fetus [Music] [Applause] is there a lady named Tammy or Tamara thank torch amber me Oh tomorrow key tummy tight tomorrow sir Tamara Tamara tell what America then greets very about you I need you to stand up for one second oxygen there what tomorrow's Tammy or Tamara or Tamira where second name okay what happened second name second name okay stand up to catch a pair for you - okay so I saw a picture of you Molly maizing of a grandfather Jim wafu I don't know that whether he's still alive where he's gone it'll say cities llamo hero vivo do you have grin both yep grandfather's setting of us I also saw a pop well he's not here I saw a picture of a green watch here we have far to go her loss of age it was a watch that he constantly wore it was a green walk kilos Avila Liza Vedic cell phones I was really special can't wait to see ow and I saw a swing you know view myself like a bench swing come on balanced meals and I saw him sitting on the swing Miss Piggy sat in a sink thing okay my grandma used to do it okay I saw a swing and I saw back and forth back and forth any vote early vote on the favorite ice and I saw I saw stories being told always stories she would know there just to sit on the swing unless it was a swing but it was a bench swing sadly I don't book balance Alva SEPA Kennebunk - Thomas and everything for you to listen to story he thought two dozen squares in himself he started and this is what I saw yes Kofi I saw that the grandfather had passed in Vica watch a mojito and I saw that whether the question of whether he was in heaven or not he ovum Kishan immensely Italian ozawa no wondering of whether he ever said yes to Jesus sip of coke in some cities attended see for Jesus and I saw the Lord and the Lord told me that your grandfather is with Jesus you serving gcq say our voice takuya's spending time with Jesus and I speak the words forth you need to run and run well you know deities intercepts echo hey go hopping lift your hands please let's osmosis kitty the public lift your hands that's awesome Oh father I thank you biotech ideas at the last three years that have seen like destruction for her huge mr. days everybody said oh this Teresa Briella have done nothing but build a firm foundation no fees Arenado no sage because like people have turned their back on you forget Spencer skedaddle sconces for this one turn their back on yes but it ends today mais aussi because God is your victory briquette bails out every time and I saw a grandfather cheering you on the oven I am with the king there's another TPG physician also saw I saw something having to do with with hair design yeah well wants to have it cool their signage got big I don't know if you do anything with or any kind of makeup or poisonous as artists no no you don't know it's okay to divinity you okay is there another Tammy in the in the room thing don't tell me oh tomorrow no no me if you kill you this tell Bucky Tamara that has something to do with her become Cabello with hair and Wicca Biasi nothing with what nails so it has to do with the salon okay oh yes that's it right there okay so I really really really heard the Lord say it's cause if someone does it have to do with hair or a salon yes or no Christmas alone authorized am i no no okay okay no here does not yes all right so I saw the Lord say don't user did well what you're doing in the salon who kicks the phase may accept Faisal Solomon he's going to give you your own salon if I thought they'll prop us alone he's gonna give you your own store are you already stressing you know that Allah is acceptable skinny skinny they wanted you Alex a kitty if I was in my so different branches in V whitsel with the specific insanity and I saw the Lord blessing these branches he'll feel sir I've been sir this is restless and when I saw as I saw you walking around people you know that we're getting done weather who's here or this I just saw still down to pair to the best was not short share with each of the people that you would call client cool god with us mister supposed to show a clean and I saw these people being born again and I saw the business being built by word of mouth L feel so selfish Zenda difficult not because of just the great job that you'd know a penis bell-holter of except ASEA but I saw the Lord giving you words of prophecy myself you search them perhaps professor and words of knowledge if a large question means where sometimes it's hard for you to bring up the subject of Jesus does if I see also just love I'm gonna start to reveal the smiles per se he's gonna reveal their brokenness feels are twisted only did so by Gustav and with one word that cuts right you my pal abaca completely see you steward him Holy Spirit I ask you right now dad let this chain of salons he kisses Katya solo transformed everybody that walks through them Casey solos choice transformative justice Katharina it's got a Cartier Casey Centauri considered oh so modest amen I mean oh sorry okay Allah okay lift your hands hey Vaughn sauce smells Gideon do you have somebody with you sit down Sam will feed an audience with you want a date to me to the bank it needs oh you're a really really really good but Sir my boy I'm weak to bomb ieave you Wow you have a hard drive for sit they've got more single moms but I'm playing so theaters and for moms that are doing it on their own you've done this thing with the utmost integrity give us the faces come with you today you have worked so hard that boy that you have polycythemia makes it there what a beautiful young man he's young people need to he is innocent and ain't no saint she is a soft hearted and today corner so they suavi he doesn't encourage to you all he does is encourage others to Francis also he doesn't have a mean side to him I don't think because we is nothing but joy and sorrow for such a thing God is raising your son elephant on Sophie and you're gonna be so proud even more proud than you are right now if I survived with her mind is becoming yours father by yourself he is going to further him in such a way a Levite certify that into a far he is gonna set the standard can't even stop in a Cell Father what it means look significant to really know the father dad that mage class said oh boy your son is about to come into such boldness Sophie Neveu Commerce and animals idea cuz right now he's a little sharper cowpoke teaming he's a little quiet and in a book care and he speaks it means some fun mines gonna define us anything it's a great list and elbow Beach and the reason why is because you're a great listener house opal are quite capable semi bowl beach house your son's not even gonna remember all the junk that you've been through he tells her friend of I survived Alicia focus apostle your son's gonna remember the God that brought him is daily violent but other bills to throw says so put your hands on you cause Moses over the phone father I thank you in the name of Jesus put a square associate you I thank you for this kind young man but it's a shopping GG God I ask you to bless him kiss your I feel so overwhelmed him with your good you can certify suppose word that was a little bit with your mercy and if I said was worth a cloth so he said all right thank you Oh check out this that his kind words change lives yes policy and she's daily mood own leaders your son is about to become such a scholar will still feel about sister now II don't want is already amazing and he said wait the bone he's already he's already reading books because when he asked defender I see your son actually going into the law field you know very low feeling in depriving a lawyer much more god those who come and defend the people that can't defend themself in this mr. ski no parts defending because of the brilliance that he has for cause that buddy is beyond check anything I see you pressing in a vegetable city knowing what's right and oppressor Bo Cosette house you press into this field don't be a lawyer for kids I scarce know cinemas are because of mercy and peace upon your life nice precocity quite that possible severe not gonna crack the hard rod on people will say no my so it develops something I have to do with single mom keeping a vehicle myself there's kids equally honest that's gonna actually help you with the job vital body force of an internal foe to do and these two things are gonna work yes there is some force on agendas and both of you are going to be history makers so father I thank you in the name of G note by Oh check out this was less and overwhelmed just here I've been down that I was bar that overwhelms Bertha and bore and I thank you that you would stop the nightmares you check out this care particles missile of the nightmares to try to attack this just a thought about guy solving that's a night we can't sell them you know chuckles dreams and now thought this means that tonight you sleep and provider mean completa pot in Jesus put the Rose Jesus amen amen just a couple more so my dog loose is there a tina-marie both names Tina Marie scheana Marie Tina Marie Gina Oh Mary Maria Mary Gina Oh Mary Oh Marty Oh Marty hey let's get the mighty boats name's Sheena mighty king our gate things door storm is Chinna Maddy my chin Ahmadi see both names numbers of stories Marty only Marty no no Tina Tina Marie at chena body no look this is either right or wrong oh this is yes or no it's okay Co no problemo I am Not Afraid to miss it damn they bit you huh knows each what I mean Oh what Christina Marie Christina Maude Marty they know I saw some little medicina Ahmadi out there okay okay all right I heard the name David you know if you and all be David you kitty but it has to do with it has to do with with this one can have a question or me do you have a son or a brother named Dave who feel okay prosperous eczema David Yurman David you old avi see Oh No he's a David yeah yeah okay all right it's okay to the main I had a date I've never gotten this before so okay I look affluent nice you know May 14th this may 14th mean anything to you Couture's you mind significant out professor Chinna Couture's do my own I can't see her she's over there in the back yeah every time a scooter no gauge patrons now Couture's you might tell Camille Porter separable sacred is there someone right around you tell game protocol safety efficacy Friday that may 14th is there ok fine silver circuit Raja myogi approximately will say in savvy walking pros bussiness of a million sarcasm sing-sing yes yes May 14 their most common ones Christina Cantina what help me it's happening I understand I can understand either I just want to know Jessica Savitch inna Baraka massima they all gain Couture's you my ADATA conversación oh yes okay yes there's something but they don't know they don't tell me what it is May 14th yes your birthday May 14th anniversary catracha my own evil session macchina I can't understand what's happening in the cantina yes there's your birthday May 14th anniversary anniversary of the marriage of her parents okay I'm lost right now I'm say geez I gotta masochistic a fuzzy okay thank you okay Rachel Christina and she was in the cantina and her her father's anniversary of marriage is May 14 okay okay big ad hoc he'll come to the Nazi box like this lady have someone something to do with the David so thanks a glance I won't Dave Junko no Christina from the cantina Cristiano top they have one baby which exact way a secure decoration she's they'll go baby chicks a classy degradation yes follow me right there's a deacon here that's called David that she knows okay okay okay I saw a digestion like a digestion issue if you my kids don't Jesus Shiva okay okay yes check no I said all of that oh Jesus Louise because God said all of these things need to line up those a squiz must especially ask the person that this is yes oh yeah hi that had a severe digestion problem she um problematic range and so you had a surgery on this your stomach so Janice Toma has it completely healed good I don't want to go ahead no no okay okay okay that was hard for me he's fetch fees but I mean that's amazing my semi he knows Jesus just amazed this just like I'm learning it open and Anika needs me I'm growing you know look it I said this is a totally new territory don't they it's not involved but I mean to me like it's absolutely insane crazy okay okay yeah you better get away from that speaker don't say it did you launch this thing good this is yeah money to work a kick out okay okay Wow Oh Oh me Roberta finality agar saying I have a problem my stomach chew but it's not her name okay okay just told me no son okay don't come up if you have a stomach I'm going off this exact like this is I've never done this no idea my earring videos all of a sudden all this stuff started so I'm willing to take big risks buddy I don't care if I look like a fool I'm gonna go after Jesus you guys yeah okay okay lift your hands small scale yeah all right yeah father I thank you in the name of Jesus I curse the stomach issues let her go now yes Shelly Monica in Jesus name Normandy Jesus we heal since I could add a free since you're leaving every issue do you toe the problem from the top of her head to the popliteus apprentice mess right now we command together nose that was already proclaim born Jesus more my spine mice mice film share brand new digestive system system system completely new sistema de novo complete dementia to a new complaint dementia novel Jesus Jesus you touch her belly for me I have a girl putting your hand on your belly father I thank you that you'd recreate this video the digestive system right now Oh system which is chief of them up in Jesus name right now I gotta I gotta Jesus brand-new don't let them eat you know father I thank you also for her neck this time in Scottsdale being loose right now in Jesus - I don't know me Jesus complete wholeness code complete mhm Jesus name brand new complete original father I thank you that this ends with her Jakub reveal Adela this ends is Aqaba no more following through the family line you know my my spots up on problem Familia main fatal John fatal a fatal John stop it John stuffing is there a Ryan Davis Ryan Davis high on David oh hi on Davi Ryan Davis Brian Davis Ryan or a Ryan David oh here come a Casanova kidding Ryan is David in your name teen that Vietnam Tommy just Ryan so Ryan is there a Ryan David tell goon Ryan David uh kill both contains boys mommy nice boys dorm is Ramon balances to us most photos joy stories don't know okay okay your name's Ryan so no Mia Ryan I put down here Davis or David O'Connell khaki Davis Oh David you have a mother named Pam yeah longer Tamia Pam Oh Pamela Oh alga see it's you know come come let's discus esperar Dean let's forget the you know me the paper okay from primero right go make a tsunami cream oh yeah okay hi I'm okay my name is here Ryan but what's supposed to be my name David my parents always said is your mom's so much tea no meat ever complain Pam Pamela I want Quincy no no it's none of her name they know me to me the time I know record of it away stay here is there anybody else they myzel game show me Ryan system dot V hi now okay David right now okay it's the mom I'm a I'm a perm you know well quasar know a mother's name or mother a mother or mother-in-law oh my saga sure my papa now open know anybody Oh game anybody how bad our green thing is okay okay are you married okay are you married sorry just a minute Todd yep okay I have a friend that his name is exactly this name I'm trying to check which name is his mom's name okay okay this is so you don't understand my guys know I've never done this in my whole love words of knowledge but this is way way and sit here and make you wait to like the final say spit on you at the moment if I'm on to me is weird but hey yesterday I'm of Allah God says take risks they'll follow he's kissing risk oh man okay and I just only pray for something your names rhyme it was it was supposed to be David okay okay all right okay when I looked at you have a say Oh V I saw building heirloom precio and architecture your attitude and I saw design you design what kind of work do you do Keith robotics a five-time publisher place published books public a book leaves now Grafton okay yeah I saw I saw design and I saw you coming up with design LV design design I saw you creating things everyone said creando quizzes like on a computer comminuted or like creating different different things in all of them coming together he told us to jump down I saw you doing that it doesn't have to be buildings so God giving you a new design then I love design something very creative how can we achieve I saw him actually giving it to you in a dream you just kind of working it out on a computer you will set off on an acoustical feather because I believe that you know that you're called to more than what you're doing I want premised off as an ocarina I believe that you know that you're called to more than welcome atomized upset the fog or amen I mean I want to pray that over you know Carol died so because I really believe it'll make sense to you I need you to email us your position emoji me the poison Allah so that I know but a lifestyle sharing the father I thank you in the name of Jesus I ask you to bless him Lord thank you for more she item ice but I ask you to give him creative design to share their designs connect you in Jesus name Lord Jesus Jesus give it to him I thank you Father check out this part in Jesus name mommy kisses the gift of creativity don't let you be done just in you because of the Creator anyway you to bring it to the surface pastor drag a ski the blessing Lord to show up in joy in Jesus name you know me Jesus give them to him give him give him dreams now Preta soils given visions not really designs in Jesus name more Lobby just was my Jesus me mice Jesus name Jesus Thank You Lord more but it got surmise Jesus name ain't you filling ancient bore my spine Jesus more - thank you Lord but he got the ball be Jesus more miles above a warrior bunch of mark it mark you fill in Jesus he fills in a film age to shave to show you more mice more more MORE mais mais mice you're not to be like your father listen o my sake also by your to make your own footsteps well save item also possible to property like God so my second would be like your heavenly father also pisceanas Jesus name not to be like your dad so no my Sikkim so be like your heavenly tricycle so if I say let's chow mark if God is taking all that chunk out of you it deal such Alto this initiative will see it finally just be free free you know medicine be free leave me be free leave me be free they had these three guys that he had stand up yesterday standing up again there's two of you with right there's only two boys silly Montana wants a cursed race for the one thing you write there was a stray snow straights que levantar water came and there was one other one was with you come stay with them are you getting all three friends are you guys all three okay all right I heard this last night but I was gonna interrupt Sean strays can you roll tisha I know people are like wait a minute there's thousands of people why pick those guys again yes if a guy sees the age no I didn't want to interrupt Sean I'm kidding - Sean yeah Christa please cut the fallen over here come on up here thank you James all right just hang out okay you were in the middle centimeter on this side you were on that side yeah come over here oh my okay cool I don't know what the order means but oh okay it's all right okay so so here's what I heard music I saw you coming out of music in the world the Lord said that you've dropped the ball on music but it's time for you to pick it up again God wants to reveal new sounds and all the souls yucky and you can't ever ask a Shooks it and I lease it open system all that's on your life don't shout - and call that's on your life I saw the Lord say you've been looking for a recording studio yes sir most incentive christos you got myself because one of your heart crisis to record music for killing someone so what I sell Agrabah musical in scoggs gonna put you in one of the finest recording studios you've ever seen Kolkata we stood them with leg out supplies want you to make music he's gonna give you the lyrics and he catches you need to write him down he was gonna start writing them down generation and there's something having to do with recording and also an app these two guys right here I see app development I saw like an iPad iPhone Android app how would that fall into that page I saw technology and develop movies all three of you I need you to all get together I want you to lock arms with each other fuel bills browser since today's our co-sponsors of blood Lotus here cuz just like shadrach meshach independent the fiery furnace the business arena in a place where it's full your desires to raise funds for the King desires so gone is gonna overwhelm and it's gonna be transformational sir mother there's gonna be so many companies that are gonna call you in follow some salami Shack independent exact cabinet in it's because when they were told to bow epic other Prince's statue I started of the world the Moodle to idolatry idolatry to fame performance to wealth proud he came horror it purple daily stood fast that they wouldn't bow it is no God says don't bow you're nobody the other God Jesus Christ you know says Jesus Christ and the Lord's gonna fulfill this girl's life has a nice patina to it quickly in a position at me because I T you guys are brilliant in the MSA star point two eight balls you're brilliant brilliant music cultures Buddhist communities accompany died for Jesus live trance father I thank you in the name of Jesus I was I've been sorry been with the gospel let them be marked but she just thank you out of this let the flame of God come on show my cuz he normally is meant to settle in Jesus name more let the fire of heaven your father sounds mark them and Jesus more priests mice thank you in Jesus name but he got more more more more ice my spine for God always gets it right they'll say placenta God always gets it right sample things I said we need to yield I think see handy prilae because the Holy Spirit took you espíritu son wants to mark people chemica pesos wants to mark you forever catch America press simply I mean mark you forever - Micah pristine where there's nothing to go back to you frakkin terrible thing to go back to my sparrow nothing to go back to breakfast alone tomorrow nothing to go back haha revolta are you ready since no pros I want to pray that God marks us all with this scripture you care or a practices market odds class a passage the students Jesus Jesus just pray in the Holy Spirit just for a minute sorry speed it to me no to follow if you have a if you have a spirit language if you have a language speed at all I want you to pray in tongues oh no no no lift up your voice lift up your voice never stop us hey both of us lift up your voice the voice of us lift up your voice verges of us [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus God's opening this thing up deal stop buddy that's a noises in my heart in such a way no milk what I sell my farm I strongly strongly cautioned me today G helmets me pickle for teammates strongly Forge he said Todd I want to release prophecy on the body of Christ yet it is thought el carril Libya professional corporate agrees that the world has never seen you my father kamudu look of you I've watched I've watched prophecy and different things be used in the weirdest way here's our people pcs aliens others as far as my sister in specifics but the Holy Spirit spoke to me today minds destroys lives but I've been asking him for more kill Tempe get pretty minds I want the prophetic to be so intense yoke Erica prophetic says the week things he said Todd the purpose of the prophetic era follow Todd you propose to prefetch aside from encouragement and edification you say now Gingka resume the edification is in first corinthians 14 k time primera Kato's coolants capital Katona's chapter chapter 14 verse 25 copied look at those vans which want this prophecy is to reveal the secrets disc a prophecy of people's hearts prohibit all segreto on their face and worship God bracketed sky everything he owned in so soon wearing that God is certainly among you predict a distance helmet comma 6 he said I'm gonna release the prophetic on the body of Christ did you show Carol about how prophetic or decreased but I want to do this myself aziz so that when the body of Christ speaks praça quando corporatist follow in a prophetic manner to our prophet it will expose the secrets of people's heart is my support cigarette the carousel dismissal they will show tremble the eurozone forgot tamati what is that they will crumble to the ground ostraka say surely God is among you you know Santa made Elsa starvation I believe you crave that God tonight he tells Nelson wants to release that gift candy but I should go to this church try a second Asia I believe they okay let the fire of heaven you follow the cells it's going to land on people five poles I so Reba sausage but they will not use prophecy my says no bows a provision for selfish gain the prophetic comes to Jesus and says no one do these things watch for the squares what's the fuss no one can say these things part is just a squeezes nobody ninguém can't do them much was a son less I don't say God kills is among them stage enemy unless he comes from God he used to thank you Jesus says you must be born again I said you normal and Jesus says I tell you the truth is just as you said to go verdad no.1 ninguém can see what you fear jesus said have eyes to see yes those chants my head ears to hear your bits movie what the Spirit of the Lord is not following so before we pray don't arch your arms before we pray lets your arms because it's about to become mayhem forgive I've got Mitch what are those if you are here Simo sit back key and you have not evil saying that no met Jesus in control justice or given your life to cheese they also feed the prejudice and you would like to even say one studied first I want you to come to the Frog Erickson I prefer a chap damage please come to the French super saying the nougat I've gotta be the precious please come to the front a preference if you do not know him but you won't believe you know classes yes those must go steady twenty I'm up here but in say a keeper French families hurry don't wake equine risperidone please come up here very French if that's you and you're hearing you don't know it municipal civil said okay yes yes those my second sale and you want to hear his voice sokovia vos daily and you don't know how that happened well since at being born again it's just a matter decision saying yes to Jesus see persistence he's the only way anyone would come to the Father I'll PI if you're here simple sit back and you don't know him people said no way yes you would like to even sickest idea please come up your father become a fridge if you're coming up please raise your hand want you to set you back man though LaVon some Oprah conveys except I mean I mean come on if you don't know him and you want to please come up here said okay if you don't know him and you want to know him come see what said okay yes II can't make a French get it kitty-kitty disciple seven burka come on us or anybody else this is crazy they my cell gain so I would you avoid a relationship with the Living God will save you tiny little semantics oh those vivo come on hey who else came eyes must be born again sobbing something icky I might be like yo mozzie we're born we're born by our moms the first time father yeah blame eyes their position on certify you are not giving yourself to religion well say they don't seem too good the playhead is yo you are giving yourself to a relation say sees don't think of the little hair loss showing up me into a relationship with the one that created chill ni senaka kitty kitty kitty or [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus there is nothing greater no I'm neither my own than being born again looking out said you know for now there is nothing greater this is the beginning point ASL poetry nice if you're here and you don't know him come to know a rock you know oh yes be the trunk paper Frenchy please proof of wood is there anybody else is coming I want to give you time I'll get my stuff in this window keep on fetching about 70 percent honest corridors I the message field what rice oh hey kid period credence Jesus the back are left people coming anybody else why is okay anybody else spies are getting I say no shame save their koyukon this is not a shameful thing this is hey bro yeah you know this guy in the front it's got enough French hey yeah you got some people been prayed for you said dance pesos Colorado people say I feel like I need to tell you welcome home cynical things is this little baby no sarcasm this happened in my life 14 years ago tsunami evita Katherine's arise and wipe me out for anything else but Jesus but he's like a total square C so precious to me is how many believers are Jesus is there anybody else coming up oh yeah one more here Jesus I love you there's a children [Music] anybody else is coming I'll game I study the good eats it's okay to the bay hey buddy yeah yeah big to the bay he couldn't walk I need the seals here [Music] quietly oh sit down [Music] a Polynesian Shivani I love you sure Giovanni Giovanni I was a drug addict for 22 years 22 years into those hundred and fourteen years ago I got shot at by a drug dealer [Music] it's okay it's okay little me [Music] it's okay for the baby Giovanni Giovanni [Music] you stay around to him stay with him okay what she does to pray with me okay Lord Jesus can you pray with me Jesus [Music] today Oh I'm asking you I'm still treating [Music] - forgive me stole [Music] you [Music] store [Music] I don't usually [Music] [Music] in fact if you Becca for their soda you spend you spend time with him spend time with stay with him stay with him to get away at the neighbor Charles Lord Jesus right now I'm asking you to forgive me just show me there the Bible says when I ask you to forgive me of my sins because you do 0-5 today in the one I'm asking you to come to make your home be fast in my life not me I am giving you everything my life I mean either this life that you gave to me now belongs to you the Bible says anybody keep okay that would confess people with that Jesus is more I believe it in his heart yeah that you would say you have welcomed me into your arms I freely give this life back to you Jamal but I'm asking you [Music] teach me [Music] [Music] you wanted to say yes to Jesus as this is good yes it's okay hey Jason stamina what's your name yeah I was an addict 22 years I hated me jobs I hated Christian is the most Oh javis cos smells incredible Oh 14 years ago after being in and out of jail my whole life yeah something like my parents gave me up when I was a kid and have mom and dad with me and I joined the Marines to try to straighten it out ran away again and again make trouble for me honey people are dead because the life that I've been [Music] literally not alive in because in all kinds of drugs or alcohol cause y'all had a girl I was with for nine years a Grover and I threatened to kill him for seven I would have done it it means if she left me because that's all I have every day I thought about suicide procedure I didn't want to live you know when I look at your eyes wonder what it says ice I've saved things at you listen you are amazing bro it was so kind of you I'm sorry for what you've seen in the church that's a negative what you've seen in life but that's not Jesus [Music] that's not Jesus he loves you bro God doesn't take people away from us doesn't kill our family members information the thief comes to steal [Music] Jesus came to give us life and God want you to know that life this isn't a scam and it's not religion now we're skimming anything I'm asking you if you want a relationship with the father by the two decisions yes I do see ya or no I don't which one which one no one can talk you into this bro not let you know that your father been down that road sometimes we think if I go to Christianity it's gonna be boring yes it's been focusing is good also shops never had a more exciting life love you though my so much what you want fix it can yes or no yes or no no devil can stop you I mean they want to put you on our buddy you've been bold your whole life about everything nobody can tell you what to do in my office now I'm not telling you I'm asking you if anything do you want by Jesus [Music] it's up to you I will not talk you into this I loved you way too much then to try to get you to make a decision and you're not ready even though those Devils are trying to kill you man like this is the more thing about you like that they're trying to take you out they're trying to make you think that you have no purpose and no better that's watch in HD nice to meet you you are valuable too I don't want nothing from you and got mad at us do you want Jesus yes or no no devil can stop do you want him yes or no yes Jesus no just give me a yes yeah come you can do it yes yes or no [Music] you're a whole lot more than me my scuse me pardon sir [Music] and say the name follow along to say the name say the name say the name bro I don't know come on bro bustard up you can do it once you say the name of Jesus follow me say the name just thinning okay to say the name say the name say the name just the name of Jesus just the name of Jesus just the name of Jesus just say the name say the name of Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus I command you I thank you for 100% healing I thank you you kicked every foul devil our friend Jesus Thank You papa thank you Lord Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus in Jesus name father I think you pervy the Shalom the mighty name the mighty name bro no devil woulda made you walk up front today not one devil woulda made you walk up front you [Music] this thing doesn't have the power to keep it does not have the power I'll break every witchcraft okay okay [Music] [Music] we're talking to Leo in the follicle elta it's a from the name of Jesus Leo they'll be free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now pray with us come on I should play a song if ice cream sundae [Applause] pray with me right now Leo no I need you to pray with me right now okay and you can say this right now I give my life I'm going up to you [Applause] say wait wait wait what did he just say what did he just say he said I'd what I'm doing here you don't even know how you got here Chico kilo hey Gav my dear boy co-op again also what a video as well [Applause] [Applause] everybody [Applause] well we have some more just hold on okay come on give Jesus a big shout [Music] [Applause] Wow it's okay they'll come it'll come [Music] Wow he said I don't even know how I got here we're gonna go back into worship and I'm gonna ask everybody to lift their hands I did not forget about what God said you know he's gets all the kiddos Jesus he said he wants to put the prophetic on people just gonna get gonna call prophetic this wants to mark people with the prophetic cosmas let's go put a fetch this is what's gonna happen yeah get out there's only the worship Sadhna and I want you to concentrate you'll get a mystical sense on the Father no bite and he is gonna start to come yeah anybody miss idea you're gonna start to feel a tingling in your hands it's gonna start to go down your hands and it's gonna go down your head so gospel succubus and when that happens all I want you to do is healed faster just yield just heal saucy hand I see God is going to touch people everywhere episode Oh blue card is missing French I am adds before before we worship each other ah before we were stage etcetera we're gonna keep our hands up I say Tomatina so small so no time and ask the Holy Spirit to come you know Pete we spin self enemy and he's coming in India and he's gonna start the brand people I want there to be just I want the piano to stop no care to solve the old age my god okay he's gonna come like water you can walk Wow and he's gonna start to land on people all over the room yeah about come and stop pulls out some pistols endure this little girl so here's what I want you to do don't I get now girl character faster I just want you to right now okay we're gonna fix your eyes on Jesus speaks it's a just get it right now I got a problem and I'm gonna ask the Holy Spirit your pgo spirits to come by killing me and to mark people if my cutie mark will be a prophetic its source code of it to baptize people care about cheesy pessoa in his presence my surprise is but that the prophetic would be to reveal the secrets my screw prophetic we have made no secret of people's hearts so when I saw the specific that man would worship you but I kill zombies cairo street dancers they would worship Zeus would fall on their face and know that God is above knows it's not overreaching on God is a mother kids who started universes just lift your hands Solomon says most spirit of Santa we invite your presence right now lost confidence Auto presence Agora we say come you know she was very we second knows Emma's vain Lord start to touch you Sayoko best dog outta poof mais [Music] holy spirit come spirit south of a fix your eyes on the father of lights for castelsardo fighters every perfect gift comes from Quito taja Calvin todos doable okay let the hunger of your heart this she are forming Segura so draw him chia mice mice [Music] it's over here more shiitake jamai more mice mice mice mice more mice color your presents come I got the presence of your presence gone suffering sensibio god of your presence doesn't go with us we don't want to go set up an additional for Carrasco nos don't care able to see we're asking you for more now suppose it was wise for the spirit come Spitzer boy buys more vice vice touch your people Jesus taco dope always as hunch your people Lord go they'll Bob will say mice mice increase increase in symmetry specimen entries oh man - you don't need anybody to touch chefs and I'm sickening agent talking he will touch you sorry right into the car gonna mice and ek much toka mice my size every devil both of them are you I command ildo I think you leave people's if I mother go ahead Jesus name Momiji Jesus Jesus name the Lord Jesus more my more mice as we worship in Qantas Pam's I thought under the presence of Jesus is gonna intensify I put in since I just lose my seat this you claim you look upon your hands say my Saint your services will jingling upon your hands also some I said yourself a suck-up is who here is feeling that right now I've seen Chinh Doan talk it is speeded to survival feasible Jesus more Jesu spice you lift up worship okay Jesus Jesus Jesus lift up your song in the spirit floods you're sucking so let the Holy Spirit help you right now just let him have you right now [Music] or more MORE borsch [Music] [Music] if you can sense God's presence on your hands what if what's a jump on your head news you should wake your head is here it was upon us as both of you all I want you to do right now go come accept my cycle let's just try out for more and [Music] [Music] just lift your voice nice [Music] mice mice mice there was this three messages losing the team our team that we keep style I need you to count start laying here so many Cubs lift your hair to start this is the father right now [Music] fill your people Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] if you're here suppose a stocky and you believe people sickening but you are cool that you're cold to still shop on to a full time and it is true Luminos adieu would you know there's a call on your life that's that can shop madness of permissions from these sites or full-time ministry you said it that we take it out I want you to get to the front no character a cappella French [Music] Jesus Jesus increase just as I'm Anthony come on the sphere basement itself we ask you for more possible very speedy to [Music] Jesus I just want you to lift up your hungry heart that's all before the Lord right now it is a sorrow sadness el corazon SEC Takasugi 11 got some come for me today Oh sweetie broccoli spinach atomize Jesus more yes whose mice mice mice mice mice Church pakka Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus increase his momentum I know about the coupons somebody's gotta catch Jesus touch Phil she said she will say she says she physician session Phil says she fell she fell city of shame [Music] felsham Jesus interesting shame Jesus [Music] process shame shame for every spirit she [Music] boy my vice [Music] my she fell she fell she fell she [Music] she'll ask you for market fill my Scottish ale [Music] Phil chair Phil Xie [Music] cheese's [Music] share share sachet my share share share [Music] see I say I said shame shame shame shame shame Jaya Jaya [Music] so shoo she shave wise wise shhh [Music] I meant I meant treat our banter spin test my sister my spice [Music] [Music] boy bye there's worth I transferred ah there's more down expels both aah [Music] [Music] wise wise [Music] [Music] my spice [Music] by [Music] movies such as ooh [Music] we sell such easily [Music] she says she [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] my spine [Music] [Music] spirit of service [Music] [Music] see she owes know reduces to shave on Jesus [Music] che che che che [Music] she says shave sushi sushi sushi sushi - shell shell [Music] xie xie [Music] the paiace [Music] see Shia [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Jesus my see say you see see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cissie's issues issues issues issues [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a button on orbit Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] you [Music] they seem easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you spirit [Music] you see me [Music] [Music] key the single [Music] see [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] scissors [Music] scissors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you for vying with Sinise Prakash H posted on Montes team we pose busyness a mayor Matt kata Todd grasses our deals really quick for happy that minute you get followed Musquin I just want to thank all of you for coming out you guys have a good week till she better watch him on a bowl I know I know you have to be quiet especially is to say hey so we're we're thinking of planning on coming next year the plan de genève you know proximo nota during carnival do Rancho carnival in Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo da did they get that yes hey we love you ciao came for cyber father loses Yugi sign ceilings hey you guys American team we're gonna be leaving in ten minutes so we have the boss right in the front of the church in ten minutes please be on the bus American team in ten minutes please be on the bus otherwise we're gonna leave anyway okay Oh mein Kyra's Dombroski Todd Salado persona 5 Otaki pro rata do sabes able to do check si Bay vamos in Silencio por favor Nasser Judeh mental silence la foreign improve on testimony in homage
Channel: Todd White
Views: 48,263
Rating: 4.9080782 out of 5
Id: eFwAIijHf6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 56sec (11636 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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